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April Newsletter

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...UL LAFAYETTEA P R I L 6 , 2 0 2 2P A R E N T & F A M I L Y N E W S L E T T E RTHIS NEWSLETTER IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE OFFICE OF ORIENTATION AND THE OFFICE OF FIRST-YEAR EXPERIENCE.FIRST-YEAR RESILIENCECompliment your student on the positive changesthat you’ve observed so far.Reinforce that completing the first year is a bigaccomplishment.The first year of college can be a year of tumultuouschange, uncertainty, and anxiety. It can also be a yearof unparalleled intellectual, social, and emotionalgrowth. While there were likely challenges along theway, we hope that you and your student take time inthe coming weeks to celebrate their successes andaccomplishments thus far. As this first year of college comes to a close, taketime to recognize what your student hasaccomplished. Here are some of the topics you maywish to discuss with your student as they wrap upthe first year and prepare for the second:

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...2Talk with your student about the classes they havetaken this year. What were their favorite courses?What classes gave them trouble? How certain are they about their choice of major?Changing majors after the first year can often bedone without substantially increasing the length oftime they will be in school. Ask your student how they feel about their level ofengagement and involvement with UL Lafayette.Have they found student organizations or activitiesin which they feel comfortable? Are they makingfriends and participating in clubs that will help tobuild their resume? If not, encourage them tocheck out ENGAGE (the student organizationportal) on the Campus Services tab in ULink.(Subject to change) April 15-24Spring Break April 27 - May 1Dead Days April 29Last Day of Classes May 2-6Final Exams May 6 Semester Ends SPRING 2022ACADEMIC CALENDARSOPHOMORE YEARRESOURCESWe hope your student has a relaxing and rejuvenatingsummer break! Come August, encourage your studentto reconnect and re-engage with campus right awayby utilizing these campus resources:FO R ST UDE N TSMajor & Career Exploration Center and If your student remains uncertain about theirmajor, there are plenty of resources available tohelp them explore and decide. For those who have made the decision, CareerServices can help identify internships or part-timejob opportunities in your student’s field of study. Career Services ... August 22Tuition & Fees Deadline August 22Classes Begin August 26Last Day to Add/Drop Classes September 5Labor Day Holiday October 6-7Fall Holiday October 17-28Advising Session for Spring Begins November 3Last Day to Drop Class with "W" November 24-25Thanksgiving Holiday Nov 30 - Dec 4Dead Days December 2Last Day of Classes December 5-9Final Exams December 9Semester Ends FALL 2022ACADEMIC CALENDAR(Subject to change)

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This is the year to start attending on-campus career fairs and networking events.Joining student organizations, especially those related to a field of study, isanother great way to network!3This may be your last Parent & Family Newsletter, but we will continue to be here for youthroughout your student’s UL Lafayette journey!...The Learning CenterThe need for tutoring certainly does not end with freshman year. Encourageyour student to ask for help when needed. Students with strong GPA’s might consider looking here for a paid position as atutor. Office of Student Engagement & Leadership It’s never too late to get involved! Sophomore year is the time to take an activerole in leadership and service opportunities. Involvement, leadership, andservice lead to greater satisfaction while in college and help to enhance yourstudent’s resume.FO R PA REN T S & FAM ILYStay connected through the official UL Lafayette Parents & Family Facebook group.Email your questions to Family Weekend in the Fall (2022 dates and schedule TBA).FINAL EXAMSWhen students return from spring break, there is often a tendency to “check out” untilsummer comes around. Passing finals though, is an important step towards crossing thefinish line of summer!One of the best things you can do to help your student prepare for final exams is to simplyask them when their exams are. The last few weeks of class are filled with projects anddeadlines, often leaving studying for finals pushed to the back burner. Asking your studentabout their final exam schedule helps them to begin thinking about and planning for finals. Some professors hold final exams outside of their regularly scheduled class time to allotfor extended test time—this is normal. View the Spring 2022 Examination Schedule here,and remind your student to check their syllabi for class-specific exam information.

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4END OF YEAR CHECKLISTIt is important to finish the semester off strong! Share this checklist with your studentto help them wrap up the Spring 2022 semester.Make a to-do list (including due dates)with everything that needs to be done.Study hard for final exams.Finish final exams and submit any finalprojects.Pack up your residence hall (clothes,books, your personal furniture, etc.)Clear out your room.Thoroughly clean your entire room.Follow all housing move-out and check-out instructions (Housing recentlyemailed these details to students).Finalize your class schedule for nextsemester.Return rented textbooks and/or librarybooks.Look for summer jobs or internships.Make sure summer housing is in order(if applicable).Enjoy your summer!

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5THE APRIL & MAY STUDENTDuring the month of April, students begin to feel the pressure and stress of final exams andprojects. Final exams week is May 2-6, 2022, with the Spring semester concluding onFriday, May 6. Summer plans, summer jobs, housing arrangements for Fall, and dealingwith course scheduling issues are all things that your student will be thinking about duringthe last weeks of school. As parents, here are a few things that you can do to help:Remind them to take care of themselves by eating healthy, making time forexercise, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep.Respect and appreciate who your student has become. They will likely return homemore independent, self-reliant, and mature after their first year of college.If your student is moving home for the summer months, be sure tocommunicate your expectations of them ahead of time. This will allow them tobe respectful of your expectations when scheduling vacations, social activities,and summer jobs.Encourage your student to manage their time wisely as the summer months goby more quickly than expected! Fall classes will be here before they know it.In this brief survey, we ask you to share your student’s challenges and successes, as well asadvice for future parents. This information will help the Office of Orientation and theOffice of First-Year Experience as we prepare to welcome a new group a first-year parentsand family this summer and develop next year’s newsletters. We value your feedback!CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE 2021-2022FRESHMAN PARENT & FAMILY SURVEY!Counseling & Testing CenterSaucier Wellness CenterO.K. Allen Hall337-482-6480counseling@louisiana.eduThe Writing CenterH.L. Griffin Hall 107-108337-482-5224writingcenter@louisiana.eduStudent Health ServicesSaucier Wellness CenterO.K. Allen Hall337-482-1293shs@louisiana.eduOffice of Disability Services (ODS)Agnes Edwards 126337-482-5252ods@louisiana.eduDean of StudentsStudent Union, 168337-482-6276deanofstudents@louisiana.eduAcademic Success CenterLee Hall