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The Voice Newspaper: April Issue

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APRIL 2022 ISSUE 9 THE VOICE Blizzards Digest School Newspaper of Harold M Brathwaite Secondary School Stories inside this issue THE SARI SOCIAL A PAGE MEDIA POTENTIAL AND LOVE IS THE PAGE 18 FIVE TO IN THE RECIPE ADDICTION PAGE OUT FOR LITTLE FOR AND BRAIN 10 12 TECHNOLOGICAL LOOK PHOTOGRAPH BY GAJANANDI RAJAKULENTHIRAN 6 THINGS TRENDS PAGE MANY 19 MORE My Tangled Roots WRITTEN BY DIYA SINGH I come from a place that anyone can recognize from the sizzling sound of the deep fried sweets or the honks of the cars in the jampacked streets and the calming waves of the oceans deep I come from a place of warriors who fight for what they believe in I come from an area rich with the weight of history and intricate mythology A civilization that speaks multiple languages and teaches many religions And no this isn t just cultural anthropology This is my heritage I come from a place that fills your lungs with the fragrances of delicious foods A community that feels more like a family A place of expression and colours streaked all over the walls Despite the stereotypes and the names I am proud of each and every grain I am proud of the orange the green the white and the blue I come from India READ ON PAGE 24

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Table of C The Effects of Oil Spills on Our Environment 4 Book Review None Shall Sleep by Ellie Marney Sereena Sodhi 5 The Sari Dhwani Zala 6 I AM GRATEFUL FOR Tuba Khan 7 Summer Haze Bhavleen Sandhu 8 Coloured Pencils Realistic Portrait Amy Kaile 9 Melanie Martinez Realistic Black and White Portrait Amy Kaile 9 Social Media and the Brain A Potential Recipe for Addiction Nirositha Gunaratnam 10 12 The Artist Vasanth Chockalingam 13

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Contents Growth and Letting Go How Even The Darkest Moments In Life Can Teach Us Something Tales and Lessons from The Count of Monte Cristo Jasmeet Randhawa 14 16 Pavo Cristatus Khushi Patel 17 Abstract Art with Circles Avneet Sahota 17 Love is in the Little Things Dasnoor Saini 18 Five Technological Trends To Look Out For Pranavi Kotta 19 Remember When Gajanandi Rajakulenthiran 20 21 Spoken Word When Love Lasts Vriti Dahiya My Tangled Roots Diya Singh Wintertime Umika Siva Humans Ria Sodhi 24 24 25 26

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APRIL 2022 ARTICLE PAGE 4 The Effects of Oil Spills on Our Environment Oil spills cause significant harm to wildlife They have numerous short and long term effects and can cause damage up to hundreds of kilometers away from the initial spill This article briefly illustrates the harmful effects of oil spills around aquatic ecosystems in hopes of inspiring change in our future generations to protect our planet Oil has a tendency to coat nearly everything it comes into contact with This includes the water fish birds and even the trees near land When a fish comes into contact with oil it can cause a number of health complications possibly even death If the oil manages to find itself on some fish eggs it may damage the baby fish upon birth and can cause a number of birth defects Oil on a bird is also extremely dangerous for multiple reasons One thing the oil does is it diminishes the bird s ability to fly This makes it extremely difficult for the bird to complete daily tasks necessary for its survival such as flying to search for food Oil also destroys its natural waterproofing and insulation If this is gone the bird is prone to hypothermia and overheating which can cause death If they try cleaning this oil off they will undoubtedly swallow some and the consequences of that are horrific When the oil reaches the wetlands they can sink into the fibrous soil and plants and affect the whole area Also if it is nesting or mating season this can harm the nesting grounds of various animals such as birds and turtles thus affecting an entire species for generations Overall oil spills cause a ripple effect of numerous dangerous consequences to our ecosystems It is up to us to create positive environmental change because no one else will

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APRIL 2022 ARTICLE PAGE 5 None Shall Sleep by Ellie Marney A BOOK REVIEW BY SEREENA SODHI Star Rating None Shall Sleep is a fun psychological thriller about two teenagers teaming up with the FBI to track down juvenile serial killers Taking place in the early 80s in Northern Virginia this story follows Emma Lewis and Travis Bell Emma a survivor of a serial killer s attack chosen to and Bell interview and whose father extract was a information US from Marshall young are serial killers who refuse to cooperate with the FBI This story slowly turns into a game of cat and mouse when Emma becomes the link between Simon Gustmusson a teenage sociopath and the FBI While Emma and Simon are talking another serial killer rises to the spotlight His targets teenagaers This story is the embodiment of a crescendo It starts off slow Emma and Travis get inducted into the FBI and they interview a couple of disturbing people It is not until Simon is introduced that the plot starts rolling And let me warn you when the action begins it does not stop not until the very last page The pacing in this book is beautiful it is something that thrillers usually miss but None Shall Sleep perfects The ending was satisfying tense and full of plot twists My favourite character has to be Simon his deranged banter with Emma always put me on edge while simultaneously leaving me wanting to know more about him which is a credit to his character being a master manipulator That being said the idea of two teenagers with no prior training being involved in an FBI open case is rather unrealistic The story rationalized this by attaching superiority to the teenage mind in that they are more capable at analyzing a serial killer than an experienced and educated FBI agent However I do not read books for the realism so I was able to digest the idea of teenage FBI agents and enjoy the book for what it is a horribly chilling tale that will leave you dumbfounded My only real issue was that I had trouble feeling connected to the main characters Emma and Bell they felt flat to me Overall if you are a fan of thrillers and mystery or if you just want to try out a new genre of literature I highly recommend this book For comparison think of it like the young adult version of The Silence of the Lambs In my opinion it is not unmanageably scary although there are disturbing aspects to it So if you are interested check out some of the content warnings for this book Happy reading or as Agent Cooper would say Happy Hunting

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APRIL 2022 PAINTING PAGE 6 The Sari by Dhwani Zala A Sari can be such a controversial garment Starting with the spelling is it saree or sari And cultural appropriation by models of third party companies Why is a Sari elegant and not a crop top they say But it is a stereotype and problem that the traditional garment is often seen as just a fashion statement now This painting is a reminder of all the beautiful things in my culture

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APRIL 2022 ARTICLE PAGE 7 I AM GRATEFUL FOR WRITTEN BY TUBA KHAN Today I woke up realizing the most na ve fact but this time reflecting upon it I realized I woke up on a comfy soft bed with a warm blanket and with the cool AC air All it took was that moment to recognize the luxuries I have compared to so many other people around the world I thought about Palestine the fear the children females and males live in every day not knowing whether they will survive tomorrow or not The people of Yemen suffer from starvation and cold Syrians live in fear of being bombed any second of their life And here I am with clean running water a kitchen full of an endless amount of food and a safe home where I am free and full of pride I wanted to share the thought so we can all be grateful for all the luxuries we have forget about the things we don t have To accept that we are in a far better situation than many around the world A lot of us tend to ask for more or say we don t have enough While people with less are the most grateful and satisfied We should all understand that having more and new cool gadgets dresses or luxuries can never satisfy a person because we will always want more While if you try to limit the unnecessary wants you will be satisfied And we should be grateful for having another day to improve and become better people to have enough food to survive the day and have clean running water to drink A place we can call a safe home a family who we can rely upon and all the luxuries of the world Also to learn to appreciate the efforts put forward by our families and find happiness in the moments and not search for them on the internet A lot of us tend to scroll through Instagram YouTube and Snapchat to find happiness while the most memorable moments come from real people Our lives have been taken over by social media to an extent where we have lost the sense of true happiness I want you to remember a recent memorable moment Was it when you were on Instagram Or was it when you actually communicated with a real human being And believe it would be from an actual real human being I will tell you about my memorable moment Yesterday I met a beautiful little girl who gave me flowers for being nice to her These bits are called memorable moments not the time we spent on Instagram or Netflix Our lives are too short to spend on Instagram Netflix or other social media platforms We should spend this time with those we love and care about So when you or they pass away you don t regret not having enough time I want to end on a note to always be grateful for the littlest things and live a life without any regrets

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APRIL 2022 DRAWINGS PAGE 9 Coloured Pencils Realistic Portrait BY Melanie Martinez Realistic Black and White Portrait BY AMY KAILE AMY KAILE

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APRIL 2022 ARTICLE PAGE 10 Social Media and the Brain A Potential Recipe for Addiction WRITTEN BY NIROSITHA GUNARATNAM Over these past few years our use of social media has significantly augmented as we try to connect with our friends family peers and teachers given the unpredictability tied with this pandemic The benefits of social media are undeniable as we can connect with others expand our knowledge on worldly affairs explore new interests and more But there is a possibility of social media harming our lives when an innocent 5 minute break on Instagram becomes 40 minutes or the exhaustion that creeps in after spending the entire day on social media without any sense of fulfillment Thus this article will explore social media and addiction by first defining social media answering if a person can get addicted to social media and how it impacts the brain and lastly how social media platforms employ techniques to encourage hours of scrolling What is social media Social media is any digital platform that allows you to share ideas thoughts and information with a greater community Instagram Snapchat Youtube and even Gmail are examples of social media platforms where you can build a network of friends family colleagues and professionals to share receive and interact with information Currently there are 4 5 billion social media users globally and this number continues to expand as more of our lives become integrated with technology

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APRIL 2022 ARTICLE PAGE 11 Social Media an Addiction The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health CAMH defines addiction as the problematic use of a substance a substance can include alcohol nicotine marijuana painkillers and inhalants such as paint thinners Additionally CAMH proposes the 4Cs technique to describe an addiction Craving loss of Control of amount or frequency of use Compulsion Consequences Thus addiction can be described as an uncontrollable to use use despite of desire to engage in an activity or substance despite awareness of its harmful effects According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM it does not consider social media addiction as a diagnosable disease However individuals can display behaviours commonly associated with substance related addictions These include mood changes during social media usage the uncontrollable urge to log on or use social media withdrawal symptoms and devoting an excessive time that impedes other essential aspects of their life People who are the most vulnerable to these unhealthy behaviours are individuals who use social media as a coping mechanism to relieve stress loneliness or depression Social media s effect on the brain is immense and can explain why it can become addictive MRI scans and monitoring activity showcases that the nucleus accumbens is activated when an individual receives positive feedback such as likes similar to drug use The nucleus accumbens is known as the brain s reward system due to its connection with the ventral tegmental area VTA where most of the dopamine in the brain gets produced Likes shares and retweets associated with social media use trigger the release of dopamine this hormone causes us to feel happy The nucleus accumbens is thought to learn about the stimuli which cause us to feel elated and influence our desire and actions to attain this reward again IMAGE OF OF THE A CROSSSECTION NUCLEUS OF ACCUMBENS THE AND BRAIN THE DEMONSTRATING VENTRAL THE TEGMENTAL LOCATION AREA VTA

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APRIL 2022 ARTICLE PAGE 12 How is social media designed to be addictive Creators of social media platforms employ specific features to ensure we spend the greatest time cruising through their applications A few of these techniques will be discussed below 1 Pull to Refresh This feature is similar to the levers found on slot machines in casinos It exploits the attraction of unpredictability a phenomenon that psychologists call intermittent reinforcements This term describes the jolt of excitement we experience knowing that something exciting is waiting for us such as the expectation our favourite influencer will post something new if we only refresh for the next 10 minutes 2 The Non existent Deadend Social media feeds are designed to be endless perfectly aligned squares of information as we scroll through for the next few minutes or hours Since the feeds are continuous the cues which would naturally encourage us to take breaks when we reach the end are gone This feature is similar to how casinos typically lack windows or clocks to remind us to take a break and work on other activities Additionally platforms like Youtube and Netflix automatically play the subsequent video which increases our chances of watching the next episode or video 3 FOMO The chat features in social media that allow us to see when our friends have seen our message permits them to see when we have seen their text or the dots while someone is typing all pressure us to stay on the platform for longer so we do not miss out on what the other person has to say Conclusion Social media has a profound effect on our lives from our neural pathways to how we expand our social network across continents It can impact our brains and lead to unhealthy relationships with it and interestingly social media companies can steal our maximum attention through special tactics Does this mean that any social media use will lead to addiction or the benefits of social media are unworthy compared to its possible dangers Absolutely not Understanding its potential consequences allows us to practice greater control over social media use Additionally it permits professionals to assist people who have an unhealthy relationship with social media So when the next time the 5 minutes becomes 40 minutes at least you can understand why that is the case and find methods to establish a more fulfilling social media experience Works Cited W 2 Minute Neuroscience Nucleus Accumbens Youtube uploaded by Neuroscientifically Challenged 2017 https youtu be 3_zgB19TE M Addiction CAMH https www camh ca en health info mental illness and addiction index addiction Diagram of a Cross Section of the Brain Locating the Nucleus Accumbens and the Ventral Tegmental Area The Brain from Top to Bottom McGill University https thebrain mcgill ca flash d d_03 d_03_cr d_03_cr_que d_03_cr_que html Accessed 24 Jan 2022 Dollarhide Maya Social Media Sharing Ideas and Thoughts Investopedia Investopedia 30 Dec 2021 https www investopedia com terms s social media asp Mental Health CMHA Ontario https ontario cmha ca documents addictions and problematic internet use Price Catherine Trapped the Secret Ways Social Media Is Built to Be Addictive and What You Can Do to Fight Back BBC Science Focus Magazine 15 Apr 2020 https www sciencefocus com future technology trapped the secret ways social media is built to be a ddictive and what you can do to fight back Social Media Addiction Addiction Center 17 Dec 2021 https www addictioncenter com drugs social media addiction

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APRIL 2022 ARTICLE PAGE 14 Growth and Letting Go How Even The Darkest Moments In Life Can Teach Us Something Tales and Lessons from The Count of Monte Cristo WRITTEN BY JASMEET RANDHAWA If you asked me why I love reading so much I couldn t tell you honestly I don t know maybe it was the fact that I was good at it maybe it was because I got to learn or maybe it was because I just liked it Either way I am reminded of its value every time I finish a book with a smile on my face and even when I can t express it I know I ve learned something A similar feeling was brought on when I read The Count of Monte Cristo this summer I ve never had a book I d so thoroughly enjoyed and completely fell in love with The book was a masterful exploration of the human psyche of revenge and the ramifications of it The themes of hubris growth learning and how they mirror the ideas of the collective unconscious are amazing The book is absolutely magical I couldn t put it down I genuinely was completely encapsulated by the charisma and adventure of the book After I finished it took me a while to digest what I had just read to process the sheer enormity of the novel It read honestly like a sophisticated children s book It reminded me of how I used to read when I was a kid peering into books like Percy Jackson with wonder and audible real life laughter There was a feeling of sadness when it was over simply because there was no more to read The book is about a man named Edmond Dantes a ship hand in line for a big promotion to captain of a ship for a rich shipping company merchant Altogether his life was near perfect and very much had the vibe of a happy peasant in the Mediterranean coast of France in the 1800s living through one of the most revolutionary times in the history of the French people A loving father a kind boss with a well paying job about to get a promotion and most of all a loving fiance who were fated soulmates for each other He is genuinely kind and good hearted a bit naive maybe but positive and optimistic in a way that even makes the sourest old soul smile All this however to put it lightly goes to hell as his life is flipped upside down Three men initially hatch a plot one a jealous neighbour envious of his success another a man who loves his fiancee wanting to get him out of the picture and marry him instead and a third another sailor wanting him gone to take the promotion to captain for himself They plant a fake political letter which leads him to the office of the crown prosecutor who then sentences him to prison due to the nature of the political letter pins the blame on Dantes to avoid incriminating the real criminal his own father Because of these four men Dantes is sentenced to life in prison in one of the worst prisons in all of France La Chateau d If Here he spends his days until after 6 years on the verge of suicide cursing god for condemning him for a crime he did not commit Through discovering a tunnel he meets Abbe Faria a priest who was trying to escape A Sherlock Holmes type know itall figure he and Dantes spend the next few years figuring out a way to escape while at the same time Faria imparts his vast knowledge of languages mathematics science history art culture to Dantes Faria an old man eventually dies before they can escape leaving Dantes with a secret map to find a long lost treasure He eventually escapes this prison finding the treasure and renaming himself The Count of Monte Cristo He goes about enacting his revenge on who put him there in the first place learning lessons about love patience and time along the way

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APRIL 2022 ARTICLE PAGE 15 That is but a brief summary of the monster of a novel that is The Count of Monte Cristo and truly to instinctively understand what makes its childish plot a work of mastery you have to read it for yourself Reading it for the first time I recognized and discovered a lot of key life lessons in the work and it truly changed my perspective on the way lived and oriented myself in the world around me but for the sake of your time and my sanity today I will be discussing the most potent of these lessons The Count of Monte Cristo at first seems like a story of revenge but it is much deeper than that While the Count emerges from prison with the express purpose of enacting revenge on those who wronged him that s not exactly right they didn t wrong him they wronged Edmond Dantes The idea is complex and simple at the same time While the man who goes into prison is the soul crushed broken Edmond Dantes the man who comes out is someone entirely different 14 years later he is The Count of Monte Cristo or well not quite The time period between his escape from prison and a few years later after he discovers the treasure there is a time skip in between psychologically and following the archetypal method I am applying here I would argue that the form before the time skip is an intermediary form what a cocoon is to a butterfly if you will But for the sake of simplicity I will be disregarding this entirely and treating him as two different personas instead of some strange two and a half The man who swears revenge is not the same happy optimistic sailor who fell in love who had a family and a community He is very much isolated rich handsome but alone The acts of conspiracy and deceit against which he swears revenge weren t enacted on him they were enacted on the man he used to be and while those personas are connected one being the direct predecessor of the other they are still very different There is an air of innocence of child like joy wonder and most importantly potential in Edmond Dantes a man who has his whole life in front of him He can be anything he wants to be he has key skills in sailing that he can use to make both a living and create a respectful reputation for himself as a sailor He has a wife he can marry and spend the rest of his life with who he loves He has a home a father a nice boss everything he could ever want He basically has the idyllic simple life think of the American Dream but in France in the 1800s This Edmond Dantes is almost the most mythical most unrealistic part of the book as life this perfect cannot be sustained for it is a lie a myth a dream It is also horribly normal with a complete lack of adventure and the fortune of the pain and suffering that teaches and helps us grow Though it seems that Dantes is not only happy with this but loves it Maybe that s why he has to lose it The life Dantes leads is akin to childhood Happy perfect and blind If I could use one word to describe it it would be ignorance This leads directly into possibly why the downfall is inevitable for the end of childhood and the consequences of ignorance is a given The loss of innocence that Dantes experiences is akin to the loss of innocence that children experience from childhood to adulthood the discovery of evil the discovery that the hearts of people can be blackened with hate and souls rotted with envy Evil is an element that shows up throughout the book It is fluid and dynamic in its many forms taking a darker form in those driven by envy who ve done bad to the world It acts in partnership with greed deceit anger jealousy even love A child s introduction to the hate that can manifest itself is a given For some it happens early in life in the form of bullying or an abusive guardian For others it is something that is discovered later and for some too late Again won t go too deep into this subject but if you would want a more informative view on the matter I would recommend Jung s work in terms of psychoanalysis and Piaget s work in terms of childhood development for a preliminary understanding though be warned for a more comprehensive

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APRIL 2022 ARTICLE PAGE 16 and modern mode of thinking to check out more modern authors as work from the early to mid 20th century while good foundation can still be a bit iffy in terms of biases and abstractions Dantes experience is very characteristic of many of the questions we ask ourselves when bad things happen to us as the question he repeats over and over again with his hands folded in prayer to God is a simple one Why or rather more specifically Why ME One exchange in the book that I found particularly telling is this conversation that Dantes has with a Warden type figure in his jail The man a kind natured soul is checking on the health and well being of his prisoners and he stops by and asks Dantes if there is anything he could do for him Dantes asks simply if he could know why he was here He had been told by the crown prosecutor who had lied to him that he wouldn t be charged for these made up accusations but he was still left to rot in this jail cell with other political prisoners somewhere where he thought he had no place being This warden obliges him feeling pity after speaking to the young soul coherent and sane seemingly an outlier in the prison only to find a note written on his file calling him a political prisoner of the most dangerous degree His insistence is seen as a ploy by the warden who sighs and moves on Such are the answers we receive to life when we ask questions so meaningless and fleeting as Why me because there exists no answer for such a silly question Why you Because the wheels of providence said so because the proverbial roll of the dice went against you There is but no life with suffering the author seems to be telling us for the fantasy of perfection is but a fantasy that cannot survive we cannot see into the future even if it is horrifying We ve all dealt with many demons over the years but the last two have been definitely hard and no one saw it coming The pandemic like our own personal sentencing has sent many aspects of our lives into disarray and while we may not have been deemed political prisoners many families still faced economic issues many people were still separated from their loved ones I make no attempt to believe that I have the ability to truly understand the feelings of those who are hit the worst by this pandemic I can empathize but I would feel silly moralizing and preaching to look on the bright side or even a things will get better What I will say is that in life the only thing that can be certain is death the rest is a game of luck and work of our actions and the actions upon us Even as we delve into our own Chateau d Ifs one thing to carry with us is that to weather a storm makes us a better person and like Dantes the wounds of the past are the medals of tomorrow Dantes journey mirrors the Hero Journey Archetype The plunge into the abyss at the prison the mentoring of the Abbe are all classic elements of a Hero s Journey right down to his learning at the prison What s unique about Dumas rendition of it is the sheer adventure and upheaval which is present in some form in all Hero Myths but Dumas take on it is special There is a line that is particularly striking that draws out the true view of the story Live then and be happy beloved children of my heart and never forget that until the day God will deign to reveal the future to man all human wisdom is contained in these two words Wait and Hope That is the lesson of the Count of Monte Cristo for The Count sees his revenge fall apart in the final pages as his penchant for hate dies he finds a new kind of life and the idea Wait and Hope is what he leaves the reader with The biggest thing that the Count can teach us is to let go to grow and thrive despite the past to live with hate with evil to terminate questions of why and imbue with questions of what now Truly I would ve wished to have explored even more of the lessons present in the book but over the course of this paragraph my computer has crashed twice which I take as a sign to close off I guess you ll just have to read it for yourself So dear reader if you have made it through this rigmarole I close you off with this As lockdown lifts the days get longer and our nights shorter our opportunities grow and our horizons expand for we have waited and hoped and now we just need to hope some more

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APRIL 2022 PAINTINGS PAGE 17 Pavo Cristatus by Khushi Patel Abstract Art with Circles by Avneet Sahota

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APRIL 2022 PHOTOGRAPHY PAGE 18 Love is in the Little Things BY DASNOOR SAINI Do not pity the dead Harry Pity the living and above all those who live without love Albus Dumbledore Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

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APRIL 2022 ARTICLE PAGE 19 Five Technological Trends To Look Out For BY The increasingly rapid acceleration of PRANAVI technological advancement and convergence propels humanity one step closer to making imagination the reality There is no doubt that innovations the future will truly that promises awe inspiring transfigure lifestyles and industries Outlined below are several transformative KOTTA 3 Quantum Computing Quantum computing an innovative method of information processing through quantum states such as superposition entanglement and interference By employing quantum mechanics to resolve computational issues corporations can swiftly search unstructured technological trends to be on the watch for is databases simulate molecular processes and model large quantities of data cost 1 The Metaverse efficiently The metaverse has been publicized as a trend that will define a new era of technological advancement akin to the Internet Defined as a digital environment it will utilize innovations augmented network such reality with the as to blockchain forge intent of a or virtual and three dimensional offering a platform for realistic social interactions and connections This digital universe would completely transform daily life and the execution remains of time actuality basic activities before the multinational and although metaverse corporations there becomes including an Meta Microsoft and Epic Games are already competing for amongst computers current are potentially artificial cybersecurity functions capable intelligence and authorizing of Quantum amplifying reconstructing the simulation of complex systems 4 Digital Twins Digital twins are virtual replications of physical assets or processes designed lifespan performance product By making to accurately and suitability use of depict of artificial a the new intelligence simulation and real time data digital twins can be applied in manufacturing and engineering to enhance productivity slices of this emerging market other by visualizing products creating real world scenarios to monitor efficacy and examining 2 Decision Intelligence Decision intelligence is the complexities of systems rapidly eradicating the a relatively new framework which amalgamates data science theories of social and managerial sciences and a broad range of decision making disciplines Essentially it functions as a commercial application of artificial intelligence and augmented analytics with the purpose of supporting the human decision making process The evolution of this process can ensure optimal business activity as this framework utilizes quantitative data and decision need to physically construct them 5 Carbon Capture With climate may change possibly crisis be looming the most carbon important technological trend of all In essence carbon capture is quite literally the process of entrapping carbon dioxide emissions transporting them underseas or to an underground storage location to prevent release into sciences the capture the atmosphere This clean technology either employed pre or post combustion of fossil fuels is Resources anticipated Book Adrien Tech s Next Big Thing 20 Technologies and Innovations to Know about from 2022 to 2030 Cult 19 July 2020 to diminish the greenhouse gas effect accelerated by extensive human activity https cult honeypot io reads 20 technologies and innovations2022 2030 Marr Bernard These 25 Technology Trends Will Define the Next Decade Forbes Forbes Magazine 10 Dec 2021 https www forbes com sites bernardmarr 2020 04 20 these 25technology trends will define the next decade sh e59fca29e3b9 The Top Trends in Tech McKinsey technology positively change the clearly world has and the potential improve to existing Company https www mckinsey com business functions mckinsey digital ourinsights the top trends in tech Futuristic systems and enhance current lifestyles The time has come to usher in a new era of technological progress

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APRIL 2022 PHOTOG Remember When Rajakulent

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APRIL 2022 SPOKEN WORD PAGE 24 When Love Lasts BY VRITI DAHIYA The golden hours of the afternoon fade away Like the ebbs and flows of some unseen ocean and in their place The meeting of your gaze with mine As well as the beauty that emerges from such Periods of bereavement since the stars are the only ones who shine As vividly as the chasm that separates them I m only as brilliant as your eyes catch my attention I love you this way because I don t know any other way of loving than this Where there is no I nor you where your hand on my shoulder is my hand Where your eyelids close when I go asleep Then there were the recollections And the past s stories are flashing in front of my eyes oh so quickly The moments we had meeting you was not in my hands If only I had a magic wand to resurrect those memories My Tangled Roots BY DIYA SINGH I come from a place that anyone can recognize from the sizzling sound of the deep fried sweets or the honks of the cars in the jam packed streets and the calming waves of the oceans deep I come from a place of warriors who fight for what they believe in I come from an area rich with the weight of history and intricate mythology A civilization that speaks multiple languages and teaches many religions And no this isn t just cultural anthropology This is my heritage I come from a place that fills your lungs with the fragrances of delicious foods A community that feels more like a family A place of expression and colours streaked all over the walls Despite the stereotypes and the names I am proud of each and every grain I am proud of the orange the green the white and the blue I come from India

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APRIL 2022 SPOKEN WORD Wintertime BY UMIKA SIVA In Canada there are four seasons They all bring great times But only one is better for some reason That is wintertime At this time of the year The snowflakes seem so gentle That now it seems so clear To know how we are so sentimental As the snow becomes heavier The houses become more and more white As if they are a vanilla cupcake that is way healthier Than any actual cupcake especially during the night Snow icicles all feel the same All very damp Like a puddle that can burn out a flame On top of a ramp As you can see Winter is about cheer Either while making a snowman on your knee Or seeing a deer Winter is filled with jolliness and many holidays Not allowing anyone to have tears Especially on Christmas day In the end winter allows you to have a great year PAGE 25

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APRIL 2022 SPOKEN WORD PAGE 26 Humans By Ria Sodhi Humans how vulnerable we must be Without food or water we cannot survive We value love in order to thrive Too hot or too cold our insides fall apart Too sad or to too mad we can lose our minds Words so hurtful they can lose our shine Humans need four walls in order to make their own throne then we put materialistic items and call it our home We need all of these needs because we cannot fulfil on our own Surgeries medicines and diseases All so fatal because without we would not be alive So sensitive to touch like biodiversities inner chime Even a plant can harm us the wind or a dime A piece of dirt then we re infected one snake bite and our bodies re elected how we program One fall all of our bones break One hit the brain goes unconscious One wrong move we may never live again One small cut causes a disease With No to little air we struggle to breathe Sensitive to substances Sensitive to grieve Oh humans how vulnerable we must be