IN PEACE 7:00 PM April 8, 2022 ז ‘ב״פשת ןסינ ערוצמ תשרפ April 12-24, Pesach break – no school all classes April 25– regular classes resume, May 1– 40th Anniversary Gala Dear Parents, We read in the Haggadah at the end of Maggid: םילגרלו םידעומל וניקולא ׳ה ונעיגי ןכםולשל םירחא. We daven to Hashem that just as we merited eating Matzah and Maror and fulfilling the Mitzvos of the Seder, Hashem should give us the opportunity to fulfill these Mitzvos in peace and in their entirety with the הדובע of the שדקמה תיב. Rabeinu Yehudah ben Yakar explains that the word םולשל is understood based on the ארמג in ןירדהנס that states that Mashiach will either come התעב, at a time when the world arrives at its final Tikkun, or הנשיחא, before the appointed time as merited by our Teshuva and Mitzvos. When we ask םילגרלו םידעומלםולשל םירחא we are requesting that Mashiach arrive הנשיחא and we should not be required to wait. HaRav Avrohom Gurwitz shlita, the Rosh Yeshiva of Gateshead, explains this idea through a pshat of the Vilna Gaon. The Gaon writes that if Mashiach comes at the expected time, Klal Yisrael will experience חישמ ילבח. However, if Mashiach arrives הנשיחא, we will be spared these Yissurim. Thus, we daven םולשל, we should merit that Mashiach arrive early so our celebration will be free of םירוסי. The order employed by the הדגה לעב, seems incorrect. If םילגר refer to תוכוס, חספ, and תועובש, then םידעומ must refer to הנשה שאר and רופיכ םוי. If so, םילגר should be mentioned prior to םידעומ in the phrase. Why is it second? The Meforshim answer that םידעומ here actually refer to ינש חספ which is also called a דעומ. On Seder night, we acknowledge that we were unable to celebrate Pesach in the Beis HaMikdash, yet we hope that we will be zoche to שדקמה תיב ןינב speedily and merit offering the Korban Pesach on ינש חספ. I wish all families and friends a חמשו רשכ גח and we should be zoche to תואלפנו םיסינ. !תבש טוג Rabbi Ochs The students in all the classes have been preparing for Pesach. In preschool, the students made beautiful Pesach projects along with their hagaddahs. They are all ready to sing the Mah Nishtanah. The elementary and middle school classes are preparing hagaddahs and other projects to share at the Pesach sedarim. Whether you are at home or going away, we know you will enjoy the results of their efforts. Mazel Tov to K2 on finishing learning the English Alphabet. On Thursday, they celebrated with cookies that had words written on them with icing. The kinderlach had to read the word before they could eat the cookie. Grades 1-8 enjoyed a pizza lunch in honor of ןסינ שדוח שאר. 2B had a party in honor of the birth of Rabbi Bork’s son and completion of their hagaddahs. In the afternoon, the boys read in News on the Run about the Eiffel Tower and built one of their own out of Lego. Boys in grades 2, 3, and 4 enjoyed an outing to Dean Park. Students in 4G learned about Newton's Laws of Motion and investigated them with various activities to prove the three laws. Mazel Tov to 5G on being misayem Parshas Terumah. 5G studied the building of the Mishkan in depth. Thank you Miss Ostashinsky. Continued on page 2
The 5G built the Mishkan out of Lego and covered it with 3 layers of yirios. They also watched a beautiful Artscroll presentation, showing 3-D images of the kelim.5G reviewed the Pesukim in the Hagaddah that describe the story of Yeridos Mitzrayim and the Geulah by creating paper chains with each link being a stage of the Pesach story. 1G had an exciting week! The girls completed their first math book, and finished the unit on long vowels. MAZEL TOV TO Mordechai (‘04) & Samantha Rynderman on the birth of their son and to grandparents, Mr. Michel & Mrs. Sima Rynderman. Josh (‘06) & Chana Rynderman on the birth of their twin daughters and to grandparents, Mr. Michel & Mrs. Sima Rynderman. Dr. Vladimir and Mrs. Yelena Davydov on the marriage of their daughter Ruth to Velvel Fishman. Rabbi Shimon (2B Kodesh) and Mrs. Hadassa Bracha (Business Office) Bork on the birth of their son. Shalom Zochor will be tonight at their home, 29 Priscilla Rd. at 9:30 PM. Bris will be in Lakewood. DAY OF LEARNING 3 Nissan - sponsored by Dr. Sandra Weinreb in loving memory of her grandmother Simi bat Amram, a”h. BULLETIN BOARD SHNAYIM MIKRAH Mazel Tov to learners of Parshas Shmini (S) and Parshas Tazria (T)! 4B Nechamia Berzansky (T)Zelig Bier (S,T) Avrohom Halpern (S,T) Levi Yitzchok Horowitz (S,T) Shlomo Rodkin (T) Tuvya Sternfield (T) 5B Natanel Atar (S,T) Moshe Bark (S,T) Eli Benmergui (S,T) Yosef Hoffman (T) Shua Kashnow (S,T) 6B Dovid Menachem Feldman (S,T) David Kamoun (S) Ezra Klompas (S,T) Aron David Luria (T) Moshe Aryeh Riesel (T) Yaakov Septimus (S,T) Moshe Uminer (S,T) Mendel Zaklos (S,T) 7B Mordy Bier (S,T) Shlomo Hirsch Feldman (S) Eliezer Feuerstein (S,T) Naftoli Ochs (S,T) Tzvi Posy (S,T) Tuvia Schonberg (S,T) Yonatan Zazula (S) 8B Yehuda Feuerstein (S,T) Eliyahu Meyers (S) Shlomo Rosmarin (S,T) Aaron Sanieoff (S,T) continued