MOST PRECIOUS COMMODITY 7:24 PM April 30, 2022 כ‘‘ב״פשת ןסינ ט תומ ירחא תשרפ May1 – 40th Anniversary Gala Dear Parents, The possuk in this week’s Parsha reads: םתרמשו םהב יחו םדאה םתא השעי רשא יטפשמ תאו יתקוח תא׳ה ינא. Hashem tells us: You should guard my laws and my judgements that a person should perform and live by them. Chazal in ד״ע ןירדהנס derive from the words םהב יחו the injunction אלוםהב תומיש. Performance of mitzvos should engender life and not cause death. Except for the three cardinal aveiros ( תכיפש ,הרז הדובע םימד and תוירע יוליג) one is obligated to transgress a mitzvah rather than forfeit one’s life. At first glance, the gemara seems to be implying that life has a higher value than the fulfillment of תווצמו הרות. How can it be understood that a life devoid of mitzvos is so precious? Rav Moshe Feinstein ל״צז invites us to learn the סולקנוא םוגרת of this possuk. A new definition of םהב יחו emerges. Onkelos translates םהב יחו as אמלע ייחל ןוהב יחיו– “ he will live eternally in the world to come”. Rashi also employs this translation when explaining the possuk. Accordingly, the Gemara, explains Rav Moshe, is telling us something totally different. The most precious thing in life are Mitzvos, because through performing Mitzvos we achieve eternity. Thus, in a case of danger to life, it is appropriate to violate a Torah prohibition if by doing so one will ultimately be able to fulfill many more Mitzvos in the future. This aligns with the Gemara in הפ אמוי which states that a person may desecrate Shabbos in order to observe subsequent Shabbosim. The Gerrer Rebbe adds: םהב יחו– the Mitzvos should be a source of תויח– passion and zest. Particularly with chinuch where we contend with so many alternative lures for our children’s neshamos. The Torah is directing us to live our Yiddishkeit with life and enthusiasm. I look forward to meeting everyone at the dinner this Sunday! !תבש טוג Rabbi Ochs Mazel Tov to 6G on completing Parshas Shlach. Thank you Mrs. Reifman. Mazel Tov to 3G on completing Parshas Vayeitzei. Thank you Miss C. G. Yudkowsky. Learning to read is a game in K1. Morah Rika and the children play games to reinforce their learning. On the first day back, from Pesach break, Morah Rika played kriah land with the class. After the children spun the spinner, there was a nekudah trail they had to read. Once the nekudah trail was read properly, the children were able to move their piece forward. They also had a game where they sucked up a word with a straw to make a collection of words. Spring has sprung: K1 planted onion and flower seeds with Morah Malka Faiga. Students in 4G have each chosen a state, and are busy researching and putting together a large tourist brochure for their State Fair projects. On Wednesday, 5th grade girls celebrated the completion of םיטפשמ תשרפ with an exciting Slurpee siyum and a trip to the Ostashinsky home. The girls enjoyed refreshments and played different engaging games to review their תויללכ תועידי knowledge. Thank you Miss Ostashinsky and the Ostashinsky family. Continued on page 2
MAZEL TOV TO Ezzie & Cheli (’12) (Fireman) Rosenbloom on the birth of their son, and to grandparents Rabbi Eliezer and Mrs. Rivky Fireman, and great-grandparents, Mrs. Edie Dovek, and Rabbi Avrohom (former TA menahel) & Mrs. Karen Fireman. Yehoshua Millman (‘13) & Rachelli Garfinkle on their recent engagement and to parents, Rabbi Shmuel & Mrs. Devorah Millman. Mark and Camille Bressler on the engagement of their daughter. Yitzchak (‘95) & Rachela Goldman on the birth of their son, and to grandparents, Rabbi Baruch & Mrs. Miriam Goldman. Rabbi Avrohom & Mrs. Luna Bukiet on the birth of their daughter, and to grandparents, Rabbi Alter & Mrs. Sarah Bukiet. Moshe & Sara (‘14) (Hamaoui) Baddouch on the birth of their daughter, and to grandparents Rabbi Aaron and Mrs. Ruti Hamaoui. CONDOLENCES TO Mrs. Edie Dovek, Rabbi Chaim Naftali Dovek, Mrs. Esther Leah Levine, Mrs. Rivky Fireman, and Mrs. Fraidy Kaufman, and their families on the passing of their husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, Eliyahu ben Avrohom z”l - Rabbi Eli Dovek. Mrs. Judy Fine and family on the passing her grandson, haBachur Yonah Tzvi ben Tzemach Dovid a”h. BULLETIN BOARD םילשוריו ןויצ ילבא ראש ךותב םכתא םחני םוקמה DAY OF LEARNING 10 Nissan — sponsored by Aliza Basso for a complete refuah sheleimah for Moshe ben Aliza. 25 Nissan — sponsored as a refuah sheleimah for Levy ben Rose. 27 Nissan — sponsored by Rabbi Ira & Mrs. Ellen Millman in memory of קחצי םייח תב העשר לערפ,a"h