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THE CASA CHRONICLEIssue No.15| April 2024CYBERARTS STUDIO ACADEMY “Together wecan preservethe forest,securing thisimmensetreasure forthe future ofall these ourchildren.” — Chico Mendes

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CYBERARTS STUDIO ACADEMY Dear Families:Dear Families:Happy Spring! I truly hope thisHappy Spring! I truly hope thisgreeting finds you and your lovedgreeting finds you and your lovedones well.ones well. Spring is a time when natureSpring is a time when natureawakens from its winter slumber,awakens from its winter slumber,symbolizing growth, renewal, andsymbolizing growth, renewal, andtransformation. As we celebratetransformation. As we celebratethe season of new beginnings, Ithe season of new beginnings, Iwanted to remind you that we havewanted to remind you that we haveeight weeks remaining in the schooleight weeks remaining in the schoolyear. It's a crucial time for ouryear. It's a crucial time for ourstudents to reflect on theirstudents to reflect on theirprogress and set goals for success.progress and set goals for success.Encouraging your child to attendEncouraging your child to attendschool daily and work hard in theirschool daily and work hard in theirstudies can make a significantstudies can make a significantimpact on their learning andimpact on their learning andoverall success. By setting theseoverall success. By setting thesegoals, your child can finish thegoals, your child can finish theschool year strong and be proud ofschool year strong and be proud oftheir accomplishments.their accomplishments.Thank you for your ongoingThank you for your ongoingpartnership and support in yourpartnership and support in yourchild's education. If you have anychild's education. If you have anyquestions or need assistance inquestions or need assistance inhelping your child set and achievehelping your child set and achievetheir goals, please feel free to reachtheir goals, please feel free to reachout to us.out to us.Warm regards,Warm regards,Principal WauchopePrincipal WauchopeFROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK “START WHERE YOU ARE, WITH WHAT YOUHAVE. MAKE SOMETHING OF IT AND NEVER BESATISFIED.” — GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER

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THE CASACHRONICLEApril 2024Our LearningUpcoming EventsRegents Prep: 2:35-3:35pmU.S. History: Tuesdays, Room G38BLiving Environment: Wednesdays, Room G4AGlobal History: Thursdays, Room G3AMath: Thursdays, Room G1AMonday, April 2, 2024April Fools DayAutism Acceptance MonthAPRIL MONTHLY OBSERVANCESNational Poetry MonthStress Awareness MonthJazz Appreciation MonthInternational Guitar MonthEarth Day - April 22After School ClubsWednesday and Thursdays (Check the CASA Event Calendarfor details.)SAT AdministrationApril 4Monthly SLT MeetingApril 8, 5:00-7:00pm (Rm. G22A &Zoom)Schools closed: Eid al-FitrApril 10Overnight College Trip forJuniorsApril 15 - April 16SAT Make-upsApril 17“Be at Home” by CityHall -Family WorkshopApril 17, 6:00-7:30pm (Rm. G22A)Time Management ParentWorkshopApril 18, 6:00-7:30pm (Virtual)Schools closed: Spring RecessApril 22 - April 30

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C Y B E R A R T S S T U D I O A C A D E M Y ’ SCONGRATULATIONS!!!G R A D E 1 2 - J I N R O U J A N G G R A D E 1 1 - L E O C A B R E R A G R A D E 1 1 - V A L E N T I N A G U I T I E R R E Z G R A D E 1 0 - M D M A S R U K H A S A N M I H A D G R A D E 9 - Y I N G C H E N

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During Arab American HeritageMonth, let's celebrate the significantcultural impact and contributions thatArab Americans have made to oursociety! Through art, science, andvarious fields, Arab Americans haveenhanced our communities and left alasting mark on our nation's history.Let's work towards unity andinclusivity. Explore these sixexceptional Arab Americans who areinfluencing the future!

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Record producer, DJ, andmedia personality known forhis hip-hop and electronicdance music productions, aswell as his motivationalspeeches and catchphrases.rDJ Khaled Singer, songwriter, dancer, andtelevision personality knownfor hits like "Straight Up" and"Opposites Attract," as well asher role as a judge on AmericanIdol. consectetur adipiscing elitquisque efficitur. ConsecteturPaulaAbdul Nobel Prize-winning chemistknown for his work infemtochemistry, the study ofchemical reactions on extremelyshort timescales., consecteturadipiscing elit quisque efficitur.ConsecteturDr. AhmedZewail

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Television host and journalist,known for her work on NBC'sToday show and as the co-hostof the fourth hour with KathieLee Gifford. NBC's Today showand as the co-host of the fourthhour with Kathie Lee Gifford.Hoda KotbPhysician, scientist, andformer director of theNational Institutes of Health(NIH), known for hiscontributions to medicalimaging and research.D r . E l i a sZ e r h o u ni Consumer advocate, lawyer,and author known for hisinvolvement in consumerprotection, environmentalism,and government reform.rRalphNader

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As April 10, 2024 approaches,millions of Muslims around the worldeagerly anticipate the arrival ofRamadan, one of the holiest monthsin Islam. Ramadan, the ninth monthof the Islamic lunar calendar, holdsprofound significance as it marksthe period when the Quran, the holybook of Islam, was revealed toProphet Muhammad. This month-long observance ischaracterized by fasting, prayer,reflection, and acts of charity,serving as a time for spiritual growthand renewal for Muslims worldwide. Central to Ramadan observance isthe daily fast from dawn untilsunset, during which Muslimsabstain from food, drink, smoking,and other physical needs.This fasting is not only an act ofobedience to Allah (God) but also ameans of developing self-discipline,empathy for the less fortunate, anda deeper connection with one's faith.Each day's fast is broken with acommunal meal known as iftar,where families and communities

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come togeth er to share in the blessings offood and fellowship, reinforcing bonds ofkinship and community spirit.Beyond fasting, Ramadan is also a time forincreased prayer and spiritual reflection.Muslims engage in extra prayers, such asTaraweeh, performed at night incongregation, and devote more time toreciting and studying the Quran. The focus on spirituality and self-improvement during Ramadan extends toacts of charity and compassion towardsthose in need. Muslims are encouraged togive generously to the less fortunate throughacts of charity, known as Zakat al-Fitr,ensuring that everyone can partake in thejoyous festivities of Eid al-Fitr, which marksthe end of Ramadan.As April 10, 2024, heralds the beginning ofRamadan, Muslims worldwide will embark onthis month-long journey of self-reflection,devotion, and community. Despite the diversecultures and geographical locations ofMuslims, the essence of Ramadan remainsconsistent – a time of spiritual rejuvenation,self-discipline, and communal solidarity. As the faithful engage in fasting, prayer, andacts of charity, Ramadan serves as areminder of the values of compassion,empathy, and gratitude, uniting Muslims in ashared commitment to faith andrighteousness.

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VERSE AND VISION:CELEBRATINGNATIONAL POETRYMONTHVERSE AND VISION:CELEBRATINGNATIONAL POETRYMONTH“Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of thedictionary.” ~ Khalil GibranNational Poetry Month,National Poetry Month,celebrated annually in April, is atime dedicated to honoring andappreciating the art of poetry in allits forms. Established in 1996 bythe Academy of American Poets,Poetry Month has since growninto a global celebration,highlighting the diverse voices andrich traditions of poets fromaround the world. This month-long observance serves topromote the reading, writing, andsharing of poetry, fostering adeeper appreciation for the powerof language and the beauty ofexpression.The origins of National PoetryMonth can be traced back to theefforts of the Academy ofAmerican Poets, a nonprofitorganization dedicated tosupporting poets and poetry.Inspired by the success of BlackHistory Month and Women'sHistory Month, the Academysought to create a similar initiativeto celebrate poetry and its impacton society. In collaboration withpublishers, booksellers, educators,and poets, National Poetry Monthwas established as a way toencourage the public to engagewith poetry and to recognize itsimportance in cultural and literarydiscourse.

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Photo Credit:The LIFE Picture Collection/GettyImagesThroughout history, poetry hasserved as a vehicle forexpressing the humanexperience across diversecultures and traditions. Fromthe ancient epics of Homer tothe haiku of Japanese masterslike Matsuo Basho, poetry hastranscended boundaries oftime and place, offeringinsights into the complexitiesof existence. Consider thetimeless verses of Persian poetRumi, whose mystical poetrycontinues to inspire readerswith its profound wisdom andspiritual insight:"Out beyond ideas ofwrongdoing and rightdoing,there is a field. I'll meet youthere. When the soul lies down inthat grass, the world is too full to talkabout. Ideas, language, even thephrase 'each other' doesn'tmake any sense."Similarly, the works of AfricanAmerican poet Langston Hughesresonate with themes of identity,resilience, and social justice, asseen in his iconic poem "Harlem":"What happens to a dreamdeferred? Does it dry up like a raisin inthe sun? Or fester like a sore— Andthen run? Does it stink like rottenmeat? Or crust and sugarover— like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like aheavy load. Or does it explode?"As National Poetry Month unfoldseach April, it serves as a reminderof the enduring power of poetry toinspire, provoke, and illuminate.Whether through the explorationof personal emotions, socialcommentary, or cultural heritage,poetry continues to enrich ourlives and deepen ourunderstanding of the world aroundus. Through the celebration ofPoetry Month, we honor the legacyof poets past and present, whilealso fostering a new generation ofvoices to carry on this timelesstradition of artistic expression.Illustration of poet, Jalal ad-DinMuhammad RumiWikimediaCommons

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RHYME AND REASON: TOP 5 READS FOR NATIONAL POETRY MONTH"THE POET X" BYELIZABETH ACEVEDO:As National Poetry Monthapproaches, it's the perfecttime to explore the world ofverse. Whether you're aseasoned poetry enthusiastor just beginning, there's atreasure trove of poeticworks waiting to bediscovered. Join us as wedelve into five captivatingreads that celebrate thebeauty, depth, and diversityof poetry, offering a glimpseinto the myriad ways inwhich poets illuminate theworld around us.This novel in versefollows the story ofXiomara, a teenagegirl in Harlem whodiscovers slampoetry as a way toexpress herself andnavigate thechallenges of herlife.

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A memoir told in verse, this bookexplores Woodson's childhood asan African American girl growingup in the 1960s and 1970s,touching on themes of identity,family, and history.BROWN GIRL DREAMING BY JACQUELINE WOODSONLONG WAY DOWNBY JASON REYNOLDS: Written in verse, this grippingnovel follows Will, a teenage boyseeking to avenge his brother'smurder, as he grapples with thecycle of violence and the impactof his decisions.A collection of empowering poemsthat explore love, loss, resilience,and the journey to self-acceptance,particularly resonant for youngwomen.This novel in verse tells the story of twogirls, Camino and Yahaira, who discoverthey are half-sisters after their fatherdies in a plane crash, exploring grief,family, and identity across theDominican Republic and New York City.THE PRINCESS SAVES HERSELF INTHIS ONEBY AMANDA LOVELACECLAP WHEN YOU LANDBY ELIZABETH ACEVEDO

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Every April, Jazz Appreciation Month (JAM) and International JazzDay celebrate the rich history and cultural impact of jazz. JAM,established in 2001 by the Smithsonian Institution's National Museumof American History, honors jazz's heritage with global events.UNESCO's International Jazz Day on April 30th unites communitiesworldwide to celebrate jazz's roots, future, and impact, fosteringintercultural dialogue through the universal language of music.APRIL IS JAZZ MUSICAPPRECIATION MONTHAPRIL IS JAZZ MUSICAPPRECIATION MONTH

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Billie Holiday, born on April 7, 1915, was a pioneering jazz singer known for herunique voice and emotive style. Despite facing racial discrimination andpersonal challenges, she revolutionized jazz singing, becoming one of the mostinfluential vocalists in history. Her iconic songs like "Strange Fruit" and "GodBless the Child" continue to resonate with audiences, solidifying her legacy as ajazz legendPHOTO: AP IMAGES

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In honor of International Guitar Month, we celebrate the legendary JimiHendrix, whose innovative spirit and unparalleled talent revolutionized theelectric guitar. His groundbreaking approach continues to inspire musiciansworldwide, reminding us of the transformative power of music.Jimi HendrixPhoto by The Associated Press, 1970

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MR. J’S MOVIE REVIEW MONKEMANIAGodzilla x Kong: The New Empire(2024) * * * *, Monster enthusiasts have been eating realgood. From Shin Godzilla in 2016, to King ofthe Monsters in 2019, to the first Godzilla vs.Kong in 2021, and last year’s Oscar-winningGodzilla Minus One, it’s been a great fewyears for fans of big monsters wreakinghavoc. That all continues with this year’s Monster enthusiasts have beeneating real good. From ShinGodzilla in 2016, to King of theMonsters in 2019, to the firstGodzilla vs. Kong in 2021, and lastyear’s Oscar-winning GodzillaMinus One, it’s been a great fewyears for fans of big monsterswreaking havoc. That all continueswith this year’s latest installmentinto Universal’s “Monsterverse”,Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.Now, along with loving historicalepics, musicals, and some goodanimation, I also love watchinggiant monsters fight and destroystuff, especially giant monkeys. Ifthat is all you are seeking, thenThe New Empire will be right upyour alley. The film picks up a few years after2021’s film. Kong is king of theHollow Earth (some fullyfunctioning world that exists inthe center of the earth. Think ofthat Ice Age movie where they findthe dinosaurs), Godzilla has beenkeeping titan threats at bay, andhumans have just been figuringout how to coexist with thesemassive titans.

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The human element in the film is largelyinoffensive, which is the biggest complimentyou can give to the human stories in AmericanGodzilla films. They exist solely to handhold youthrough exposition and, in the case of NewEmpire, A LOT of lore dropping. This loredropping ranges all the way from an ancient warbetween titans and kongs in the Hollow Earth, ahighly advanced mystical ancient civilizationthat lives within the center of the earth,deciphering ancient texts about an evilorangutan king, Godzilla hyper charging for aworld war, etc. Again, we’re not here for thestory. However, I do have to give a shout out tothe performances and the bromance betweenBrian Tyree Henry and Dan Stevens’ characters. While Godzilla is featured in the title, this feelsmore like a Kong/SkullI Island movie with just aspecial appearance from Godzilla. Here, we seea worn, aging Kong. Kong is graying,experiencing fatigue, loneliness, toothaches, depression, and taking showers. He’s literallyme frfr. Grappling with the reality of being thelast of his kind, Kong searches the Hollow Earthfor more of his kind. Godzilla spends a little bit of time protecting the world fromother titans, but mostly spends hisscreen time sleeping, swimming, andcharging up his radioactive powers(again, just like me fr but without theradiation). Again, the reason we’re all here is justfor the monster action, and NewEmpire massively delivers. The fightscenes are glorious, and thankfully wehave moved away from having monsterfights only during night scenes whereyou can’t see anything. The fights spanacross the Earth and Hollow Earth withthe destruction reaching Rome (RIP tothe destruction of Rome. Again), Spain,France, Brazil, and Egypt. The fights areas ridiculous as we come to expect.Some highlights include the use of ababy kong as a baseball bat to beat upa bunch of bad guys (he deserved itthough,trust me), Kong basicallybecoming part transformer, a zerogravity fight in the Hollow Earth, and afull on WWE-style superplex off the topof pyramid in Egypt. The action createssome truly awesome shots too, withsome images going exceptionally hard. This film is not going to win any Oscarslike Minus One, but it delivers on a funtime of giant monsters beating thedaylights out of each other. The“Monsterverse” movies are gettingcrazier and crazier, and I’m fullyexpecting to see giant monster fights inspace sooner rather than later.

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Earth Day: Celebrating Our Planet andPromoting Conservation

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scraps. By reducing the amount ofwaste we produce, we can helpreduce the strain on our landfillsand lessen our impact on theenvironment.Conserving energy is anotherimportant way to protect ourplanet. Turning off lights when notin use, unplugging electronics, andusing energy-efficient appliancescan all help reduce our carbonfootprint. Additionally, usingpublic transportation, carpooling,or biking to school can helpreduce emissions and improve airquality.Advocating for environmentalpolicies is another powerful way toprotect our planet. Whether it'ssupporting renewable energyinitiatives, participating inenvironmental clean-up efforts, orraising awareness about theimportance of conservation, ourvoices can make a difference. Byworking together, we can ensure amore sustainable future for all.As we celebrate Earth Day this year,let's commit to protecting our planet,one step at a time. By making smallchanges in our daily lives andadvocating for environmentalstewardship, we can create a greener,healthier world for ourselves andfuture generations.EARTH DAYEARTH DAYEarth Day is a reminder of theimportance of environmentalconservation and our responsibilityto protect our planet. As high schoolstudents, we can make a differenceby taking small steps towardssustainability in our daily lives.Whether it's reducing waste,conserving energy, or advocating forenvironmental policies, each action,no matter how small, contributes to ahealthier planet for futuregenerations.One of the simplest ways to make apositive impact on the environmentis by reducing our waste. This can beas easy as using reusable waterbottles and bags, recycling paper andplastics, and composting food

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3. Use energy wisely: Turn offlights and appliances when notin use, switch to energy-efficientbulbs, and consider renewableenergy sources.4. Minimize car use: Walk, bike,carpool, or use publictransportation to reduceemissions.5. Support sustainable practices:Purchase products with minimalpackaging, buy locally grownfoods, and choose eco-friendlybrands.6. Plant trees: Trees absorbcarbon dioxide and provideoxygen, helping to combatclimate change.7. Educate and advocate: Raiseawareness about environmentalissues and support policies thatpromote sustainability.Earth Day serves as a globalreminder of our responsibility toprotect and preserve the planetfor future generations. By takingproactive steps to care for theEarth, we can all contribute to ahealthier, more sustainablefuture for our planet.PROTECTING OURPLANET, ONE STEPAT A TIMEPROTECTING OURPLANET, ONE STEPAT A TIMEIn light of the solar eclipse and theupcoming Earth Day, it is moreimportant than ever for individuals totake proactive steps to care for theplanet. There are many simple yetimpactful actions that people cantake to reduce their environmentalfootprint and contribute to ahealthier planet. Some suggestionsinclude:Reduce, reuse, recycle: Opt forreusable products, recycle paper,plastic, glass, and metal, andcompost organic waste.1.Conserve water: Fix leaks, takeshorter showers, and use water-saving appliances.2.

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EXPLORING THEIMPACT OF ASOLAR ECLIPSE As Earth Day approaches on April22nd, people around the world aregearing up to celebrate and advocatefor environmental protection. Thisyear, the significance of Earth Day isheightened by a rare celestial event –a partial solar eclipse on April 8th.While the eclipse is a stunningastronomical event, it also serves as apoignant reminder of theinterconnectedness of our planet andthe delicate balance of nature.Solar eclipses occur when the moonpasses between the Earth and the sun,casting a shadow on the Earth. Whilethis event is awe-inspiring to witness,it also has a tangible impact on theEarth's environment. During a solareclipse, there is a temporary drop intemperature as the sun's rays areblocked, affecting weather patternsand animal behavior. Thisphenomenon underscores theimportance of the sun to Earth'secosystem and serves as a reminderof the fragility of our planet's naturalsystems.In light of the solar eclipse and theupcoming Earth Day, it is moreimportant than ever for individuals totake proactive steps to care for theplanet. There are many simple yetimpactful actions that people can taketo reduce their environmentalfootprint and contribute to a healthierplanet.

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The axolotl, a Mexican salamander, can regenerate lost body parts like limbs, jaws, and evenparts of its brain! This unique ability has made it a subject of scientific interest and haspotential applications in regenerative medicine. Despite this, the axolotl is criticallyendangered due to habitat loss and pollution, highlighting the importance of conservationefforts.How We Can Protect Endangered SpeciesAmur Leopard:Giant PandaSumatran ElephantAmur Leopard: There are only about 100 ofthese leopards left in the wild. To help them,we can support organizations that protecttheir homes and raise awareness about theirsituation.While pandas have made acomeback, they still need our help.By supporting groups that protectpanda habitats and promote eco-friendly practices, we can ensuretheir survival.These elephants are losing theirhomes to deforestation. We canhelp by supporting sustainableforestry and conservation projectsthat protect their habitats.In a world facing more environmental challenges, protecting endangered species hasbecome a big deal. When a species is endangered, it means there are very few of them left,and they're at risk of disappearing forever. But there are ways we can all help! Here are tenendangered species that need our support, along with some cool ideas on how to help them.

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These majestic creaturesare endangered due towhaling and ship strikes.Supporting efforts to reduceship strikes and protectthem from harm can makea big difference..Blue WhaleThese sea turtles are introuble due to poachingand pollution. Supportinggroups that protectnesting beaches andreduce plastic waste canhelp save them.LThis small porpoise iscritically endangered dueto illegal fishing. Bysupporting efforts to banharmful fishing practicesand protect marine areas,we can save the vaquita.Vaquita Hawksbill Sea TurtleWith fewer than 80 left, theserhinos need urgent help.Supporting organizationsthat protect their habitatsand fight poaching canmake a big difference.Javan RhinoMountain GorillaMountain gorillas areendangered due to habitatloss and conflict with humans.By supporting eco-tourismand conservation projects, wecan protect their homes andhelp them thrive.Tigers are endangereddue to habitat loss andpoaching. Supportingorganizations thatprotect tiger habitatsand raise awareness canhelp save them.Bengal TigerSumatran OrangutanThese orangutans are at riskfrom habitat loss and the pettrade. By supportingorganizations that protect theirhabitats and rescue orangutans,we can help them survive.Top 5 Reads for Celebrating Earth DayThe Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History" by Elizabeth Kolbert: This Pulitzer Prize-winning book explores the history of mass extinctionsand the current crisis facing Earth's biodiversity.1.Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer: This book blendsindigenous wisdom with scientific knowledge, offering insights into our relationship with the natural world.2.Silent Spring by Rachel Carson: A classic environmental book that examines the impact of pesticides on the environment and inspiredthe modern environmental movement.3.The Overstory by Richard Powers: This novel tells the story of nine Americans whose unique life experiences with trees bring themtogether to address the destruction of forests.4.The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate – Discoveries from a Secret World" by Peter Wohlleben: This bookexplores the complex world of trees and forests, revealing their interconnectedness and intelligence.5.By supporting thesecauses and making eco-friendly choices in ourdaily lives, we can all playa part in protecting theseamazing animals forfuture generations. Let'swork together to make adifference!

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Jamilet Ramirez, Amber Santiago, and Cruz Sandovalwhose artwork has been accepted into the 2024 Brooklyn Borough Arts Visual Arts Exhibitionat the Brooklyn Children's Museum from The exhibit willbe on display from May 22, 2024 - June 9, 2024.W E L C O M E T O C A S A A R T SAND THE WINNERS ARE...“Reflection”Amber Santiago“New Place ”Jamilet Ramirez and Cruz Sandoval24

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CASA CREATESCASA ARTS INACTIONCASA ARTS INACTIONIN THIS ISSUE: APRIL 2024Juan Avila“Metamorphosis”Digital Photography, 11th Grade“ART IS ABOUT CHANGING WHATWE SEE IN OUR EVERYDAY LIVESAND REPRESENTING IT IN SUCH AWAY THAT IT GIVES US HOPE.”KEHINDE WILEYWelcome to this month's CASA Arts feature!This edition showcases the creativeendeavors of our talented students,highlighting their innovative projects andartistic expressions. In the 9th and 10thgrades, students are exploring the world ofdigital advertising, learning to createcompelling ads that captivate audiences.Meanwhile, our 11th-grade students areembarking on a collaborative journey tocreate a community photo book thatcaptures the essence of Park Slope,Brooklyn. Join us as we dive into thecreative process and witness the remarkabletalent of our budding artists.Xihara Galan9th GradeMiley Peters9th GradeSyed Farhan9th Grade

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Hidalma Perez12th Grade

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Altagracia Acosta10th Grade

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Gabriela Mejia10th Grade

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Yaritza Fasano10th Grade

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“PARK SLOPE”COMMUNITY PHOTOJOURNALISM UNIT -GRADE 11 Arianna Collazo OrtegaPeriod 1Ryan LinPeriod 1

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“PARK SLOPE”COMMUNITY PHOTOJOURNALISM UNIT -GRADE 11 Valentina GuitirrrezPeriod 1Leo CabreraPeriod 1

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“PARK SLOPE”COMMUNITY PHOTOJOURNALISM UNIT -GRADE 11 Brayan LuceroPeriod 7Evelyn Dishu PaucarPeriod 7

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Alex AlarconJinrou JiangRaziya HowardWilliam Branch JrSisa Yaina Gualan AguagalloJerry Torres JrGissel Rodriguez MoralesDonald StewartBayan MousaAryelle Bojorquez

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Chanel SuberroNikoloz Goguadze Rhamel Edwards Avery EspinosaKazi HossanLydia MulrainBriana Cacpata Molina

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Ashley ColemanNicole HadadPer Hoffman

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SUMMER IN THE CITY: NYC'S YOUTH EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIESAs summer approaches, many highschool teens in New York City areeager to find summer employmentopportunities. Whether you'relooking to earn some extra cash,gain valuable work experience, orsimply stay busy during the break,there are plenty of optionsavailable. Here are some tips tohelp you navigate the world ofsummer jobs in NYC:6. Attend Job Fairs: Job fairs can be agreat way to meet potential employersand learn about job opportunities inyour area. Check with local communitycenters or schools for job fair events.7.Prepare for Interviews: Practicecommon interview questions and beprepared to discuss your availability,strengths, and why you're interested inthe position.8.Follow Up: After submittingapplications or attending interviews,follow up with employers to expressyour continued interest in theposition.EMPLOYMENTEMPLOYMENTStart Early: Begin your job search early tohave more options available. Manybusinesses start hiring for summerpositions in the spring.1.Update Your Resume: Create or updateyour resume to highlight any relevantskills, experiences, or volunteer work.Even if you don't have previous workexperience, include any extracurricularactivities or academic achievements.2.Network: Let friends, family, teachers,and neighbors know you're looking for asummer job. They may have connectionsor know of job openings.3.Use Online Resources: Check online jobboards, company websites, and socialmedia platforms for job postings.Websites like Indeed, Snagajob, andCraigslist often list summer jobopportunities for teens.4.Visit Local Businesses: Take the initiativeto visit local businesses in person andinquire about summer job openings.Dress professionally and bring copies ofyour resume.5.If you're under the age of 18, there areadditional requirements you'll need to keepin mind. In New York, minors under the ageof 18 are required to have a validemployment certificate, also known as a"working papers." These can be obtainedfrom your school's guidance office or fromthe New York State Department of Labor.For more information on summer jobopportunities in New York City, you canvisit the NYC Department of Youth &Community Development's website or theNew York State Department of Labor'sYouth Portal.Be sure to check with yourschool or the Department of Labor forspecific requirements and instructions.

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NYSELAT SPEAKING EXAM ENL STUDENTS ONLY TEST DATE WINDOW: APRIL 15TH - MAY 24TH MAKE-UP DATE: If student missed scheduled appointment, they will be pulled to take it within the window. AP EXAMS AP Human Geography Tuesday, May 7th ,9AM AP Literature and Composition Wednesday, May 8th , 9AM AP Art and Design Friday, May 10TH (8 p.m. deadline) AP Spanish Language and Culture Thursday, May 16th , 9am PSAT (IN SCHOOL EXAM) 10th Graders ONLY TEST DATE: March 20, 2024 MAKE-UP DATE: March 27, 2024 ALGEBRA REGENT EXAM JUNE 4TH , 9:15 am SAT (IN SCHOOL EXAM) 11th Graders Only TEST DATE: April 4, 2024MAKE-UP DATE: April 17, 2024 NYSELAT LISTENING, READING, & WRITING EXAM ENL STUDENTS ONLY TEST DATE WINDOW: MAY 13TH – 24TH MAKE-UP DATE: If student missed scheduled appointment, they will be pulled to take it within the window. REGENT MOCK EXAMS MAY 2ND & 3RD END OF YEAR MAP GROWTH EXAM MAY 2ND & 3RD IMPORTANTIMPORTANTASSESSMENTSASSESSMENTSPREPARE NOW!!! PREPARE NOW!!!

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Cyberarts Studio Academy Valrie Wauchope, Principal,cDawood Abdul-Hameed, Assistant Principal Alyson Forde, Assistant Principal 237 7th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11215 Tel # (718) 832-4201Fax #: (718) 832-0273 Our community of learners will think and act critically, ethically and responsibly in order to ensure that they are college and career ready. STUDENT OFF CAMPUS LUNCH 90% Attendance criteria - What You Should Know Off Campus lunch is a privilege granted to students whose cumulative dailyattendance is 90% or better and have 5 or less subject class period cuts permonth. Month/Semester Number of Days in Month September 16 October 21 November 19 December 16 January 16 FALL SEMESTER February 16 March 20 April 13 May 22 June 14 SPRING SEMESTER Number ofAbsencesPermitted 2 2 2 2 2 9 2 2 2 2 0 18 Number ofCumulativeAbsencesPermitted 2 4 6 8 9 9 9 11 13 15 18 18 Number ofSubject PeriodsCuts Permitted 5 5 5 5 5 25 5 5 5 5 5 25 Number ofCumulative CutsPer Monthpermitted 5 10 15 20 25 25 5 10 15 20 20 20 1. Students must have their parents sign the Off Campus Lunch Permission form. 2. Students must have daily attendance of 90% or better and have 5 or less subject class period cuts per month. 3. Off Campus lunch is scheduled during period 5 between 11:25am – 12:10pm. 4. Each student that is eligible for Off Campus lunch will have a sticker placed on the back of their student ID. 5. Students must return to the campus at 12:10pm or earlier. Failure to return to school on time can result in termination of privileges. 6. Students must provide documentation for excused absences such as medical notes, court notes, funerals if their attendances falls below 90% for consideration to restore Off Campus Lunch.

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@ C Y B E R A R T S H S B K

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ReadingWe would especially like tothank Ms. Wauchope, Ms.Forde, Ms. G. Harris, Mr. J, Ms. Monroe, Mr. Morton, Ms. Rogers, andMs. Stein for theircontributions to this issue ofthe Chronicle. EDITOR-IN-CHIEFMS. K. HARRIS