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April 2023

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April 2023 F R E E K Ds C O V E R S P O NS O R E D B Y

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EASTER EGG HUNT GUIDE PUBLISHER GRAPHIC ARTIST Julie Vasquez Owner Limelight Design julie southernidahokids com EDITOR Kristen Francom COMMUNITY EVENT SPECIALIST Shawnee Burt shawnee southernidahokids com SCAN HERE TO VIEW THE GUIDE SouthernIdahoKids southernidahokids ON THE COVER Bilal and Khalid Noristani of Twin Falls from Afghanistan Preservations Photography by Kerrianne Burch Southern Idaho Kids is a subsidiary of Limelight Design Reproduction without written permission of the publisher is prohibited Submitted editorial content or advertisements are not necessarily endorsed by or representative of the views of Southern Idaho Kids Southern Idaho Kids is not responsible for the reliability or timeliness of any content submitted Southern Idaho Kids is printed and distributed monthly 2023 Southern Idaho Kids All rights reserved We re here Smart Mouth 1 4 Page Vertical High Quality Personalized Aeris Peds Pediatric1 4 TeamPage You Can Trust Vertical Care By An Experienced Jared Hansen MD FAAP Jimmy Roberts PA C Call today to schedule 208 391 5952 706 N College Rd Twin Falls ID 83301 2 www southernidahokids com

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COMMUNITY ARTICLE Upstream Prevention for Youth Mental Health Everyone has likely heard the story about the people who lived on a river and saved a drowning person The first day they saved one the next day they saved two but soon there were so many more Eventually they put all their focus on how to save people from drowning They were exhausted and felt defeated every time they couldn t save someone When they were about to give up someone suggested they consider what was causing people to fall into the river and drown in the first place This new perspective encouraged them to go upstream and discover how to stop people from falling in the river The solution could mean putting up a fence posting safety warnings or providing a friend at the river side We call that approach upstream prevention and that is what Communities for Youth is all about We want to go EP O X Y COATINGS FOR GARAGES PATIOS AND WALKWAYS 25 YEAR upstream on youth mental health and change the conditions that lead to these struggles for youth in our communities Youth Mental Health in Idaho There is no question that Idahoans are feeling daunted by the current youth mental health crisis We talk to parents business owners and PAT I O C OV E R S DROP SHADES PERGOLAS AW N I N G S WA R R A N T Y Armor Flooring 1 4 Page Vertical Superior Patio 1 4 Page Vertical MENTION THIS AD FOR 10 OFF MENTION THIS AD FOR 5 OFF ARMOR FLOORING IDAHO 208 585 7249 CALL TODAY FOR A FREE QUOTE W W W A R M O R F L O O R I N G I D A H O C O M 208 420 5548 SuperiorPatioCovers com April 2023 3

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COMMUNITY ARTICLE community members from Coeur d Alene to Twin Falls to Mountain Home and Boise People across Idaho want to effectively address youth mental health but it can feel overwhelming to know what to do or where to start With recent news stating teen girls are reporting the highest rates of sadness depression violence and suicidal ideation in the history of our country CDC February 2023 combined with the knowledge that Idaho s youth are experiencing these struggles at higher rates than most other states it is no surprise that some of us feel like we are doing a lot of river rescues with no end in sight What is Communities for Youth Communities for Youth is an Idaho based organization committed to working with communities to improve mental health and well being for kids and teens We hope to invite parents schools kids and other community partners into a shared conversation about what we can do together to create the best possible outcomes for our kids The way we do this is through a process of collecting information about the risk and protective factors present in a young person s life Examples of protective factors for youth mental health include having a trusted safe adult or participating in activities outside of school such as sports theater or a faith based youth group These examples provide us with something that connects us to our skills and our sense of belonging There are also risk factors that may contribute to increased depression or anxiety in youth Examples of risk factors include things like experiencing discrimination academic pressure or violence By looking at data in a specific community we can see where resources are needed and connect with the community s thoughts on how to work on these focus areas We see our role as collecting Communities for Youth 1 4 Page Vertical 4 www southernidahokids com CSI 1 4 Page Vertical

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COMMUNITY ARTICLE data listening and connecting partners and resources to communities The goal is to increase a community s awareness of potential issues and strengths to develop their sense of direction and purpose We love working together with communities to create long lasting improvement in youth mental health Let s Run Upstream for Idaho Youth When kids are the focus the impact extends to the whole community as people feel more togetherness and optimism about the future The general process for Communities for Youth starts with gathering community support and champions for the approach collecting information through focus groups or surveys and sharing that information This allows us to make a plan with the community take action and repeat the steps as needed Improving youth mental health can feel like such a difficult task that we often look the Black Dragon Games 1 4 Page Vertical other way and hope for the best When we begin to look upstream rather than only focusing on the moment kids and families reach crisis we foster resilience and hope Our kids are worth it and they re our future If you re ready to tackle these important mental health conversations with your children friends church community or schools Communities for Youth is here to help Visit www CommunitiesForYouth org to find helpful resources to get conversations going or learn more about bringing us to your town With your help we can create communities where every child can thrive Megan L Smith PhD Onyx 1 4 Page Vertical April 2023 5

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Clearwater 1 2 Page Horizontal Family Health 1 2 Page Horizontal 6 www southernidahokids com

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sponsored by SMART MONEY Teaching Kids About Loans Loans are a part of growing up Many life accomplishments go hand in hand with taking out a loan Buying your first car You may take out an auto loan Graduating high school and going to college You might need a student loan to pay for tuition Looking to buy your first home That may require you to take out a home mortgage For kids some concepts about loans may be easy to grasp while others might need to be taught over time Here are some ideas to help prepare your children for their financial future Teaching Borrowing Money Kids are pretty comfortable with the concept of borrowing They borrow toys from their friends borrow clothes from siblings and borrow books from the library The concept of borrowing is taking something that doesn t belong to you with permission and returning it at a later time The same is true with money Money can be borrowed to buy something with the understanding it will be returned with money of the same amount If your child borrows a dollar from a friend to buy a candy bar they know they need to pay their friend back Next you need to teach that banks credit unions and lenders let people borrow money to make big purchases This helps people buy important things like homes and cars But these groups don t do it just because they are friends they make money by letting people borrow from them Teaching Interest Interest might be a little trickier to teach as it typically deals with percentages You can t go up to a seven year old and ask them what is five percent APR on a 10 000 loan and expect anything more than I don t know Can I have SUPER SAVERS some ice cream Until your child is taught percentages in school keep interest to amounts they can understand Here s an example you can use they want to borrow 20 but you need the money back in four weeks You should get something for loaning out the money You require that in order to borrow the 20 they have to pay you back 24 The extra 4 is the interest Practice Paying for Loans Borrowing money is a very serious part of adult life Messing up can lead to many headaches down the road Teaching your kids this principle is very important Rather than having them learn painful mistakes as a young adult let them learn in a safe enviroment with you A great way to give hands on experience for borrowing money is for you to lend it to your children For example let s say your child really wants to buy an expensive toy that costs 50 but they lack the money to buy it Rather than buying it for them you loan them the money Write up a contract that they sign and agree to including paying a small amount of interest Then you loan the money they make the purchase and they are responsible for paying off the 50 Each week or month you collect the payment plus interest You give them five months to pay off the 50 plus an additional 10 in interest They have to pay 12 each month or you take away the toy At the end of the five months you can show they actually paid a total of 60 for the toy because of the interest Repeating this exercise a few more times will help your child understand how interest works and they will see how borrowing money makes them pay more for items in the long run Federally Insured by NCUA Membership required xxx Sponsor Page Horizontal At the end of a Rainbow is a healthy financial future for your child Federally Insured by NCUA April 2023 7

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COMMUNITY ARTICLE April Showers We ve all heard the phrase April showers bring May flowers right While rain showers are much needed for our growing earth sometimes we don t want to get wet in the rain Umbrellas were created to protect us from the rain But what if there was a better design out there Can you come up with a new design for an umbrella Let s use our creativity and engineering brains to do just that First grab a paper and pencil and draw your design ideas based on common items you have in your kitchen Some items you could use are paper plates coffee filters cupcake holders or cooking utensils Grab 4 5 items and see which ones could create an umbrella design Second grab your supplies 1 Items you will use for experimenting your design 2 A cup of water 3 A bucket to catch the water in 4 Small toys to stay dry under the umbrella Finally let your imagination and engineering go wild What items worked best to keep your small toys dry Could you redesign it to work better Are you ready to become the next umbrella designer Visit Southern Idaho 1 4 Page Vertical Kool Minds 1 4 Page Vertical www koolminds com 8 www southernidahokids com

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s p on s or ed b y HEALTH WELLNESS HEALTHYHABITS Recharge your Emotional Battery Throughout the day parents and caregivers experience situations that deplete their emotional and psychological strength Day after day this can lead to increased likelihood of depression under or over eating sleep problems anxiety increased frustration and lack of energy However there is strong scientific evidence that attending to our individual needs allows us to be available and more effective in our other responsibilities Think of it as charging your battery If you are like most you charge your phone daily to make sure the battery is sufficient Regular self care acts as a battery charger As a parent or caregiver it is important to charge your physical and emotional battery daily in order to give the most to your children Self care can be broken into two primary categories and both are important Below are a few self care practices to help get started 1 Basic needs Pick an area to work on a little at a time Maintaining basic needs helps to keep balanced mood anxiety energy and emotional and psychological resilience Incorporate daily physical activity or purposeful movement Eat nutritious foods consistently throughout the day Establish a relaxing bedtime routine and limit exposure to bright light in the evenings 2 Emotional or psychological self care People who regularly practice and engage in the selfcare activities below report more fulfilling lives These activities help us be more effective in our relationships our physical and psychological health how we see ourselves self esteem and our mental and physical resilience 10 www southernidahokids com Start a gratitude journal or commit to other purposeful time devoted to gratitude Implement deliberate time to practice being mindful and present in the moment Take breaks to regulate your breath when feeling unsettled or distressed Engage in regular enjoyable activities and thoughts to improve psychological and physical well being Shorter and more frequent activities such as reading a book for 15 minutes multiple times each week will likely have a greater impact than infrequent and more involved activities taking a vacation at the end of the year or day trip once per month Brian Olsen PhD Psychologist Kelsie Hendrickson PhD ABPP Paula Griffith MD Sponsored by

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Gemstone 1 2 Page Horizontal SMILE DID YOU KNOW nasa wiring The nickel titanium in some braces wire was developed by NASA with shape memory properties meaning it keeps its shape that are activated by body heat and or pressure Ward Ortho 1728 you re kidding The first braces were designed in 1728 consisting of a flat piece of metal connected to the 1 2 Page teeth by thread Orthodontic brackets were invented in 1915 Horizontal wardortho wardorthoidaho WARD ORT H OD ONT I C S April 2023 TM 11

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sponsored by CALENDAR OF EVENTS STORYTIMES Children s clear vision M O N D AY S pediatric eyecare vision therapy STEM Make It Monday Toddler Time 3 45 PM Jerome Public Library Twin Falls Public Library Mondays Thursdays 10 30 AM S AT U R D AY S Movie Matinee Join the library for a free STEM activity each week Storytime at Duck Donuts Duck Donuts in Twin Falls Tuesday April 4 18 10 30 AM T U E S D AY S Baby Lapsit Storytime Twin Falls Public Library Tuesdays 11 00 AM Elementary Club S AT U R D AY 4 00 PM 6 00 PM Twin Falls Public Library Easter EGGstravaganza April 1 10 30 AM 11 30 AM Hands On April 4 Lego Club April 11 Art Studio April 18 Minecraft Club April 25 Free Build Storytime Buhl Public Library Wednesdays 10 00 AM Ready Set Kindergarten Each painter will be painting two ceramic eggs taking pictures with the Easter Bunny and receiving a small Easter basket from the bunny Reservation required 20 person 10 30 AM 11 30 AM Twin Falls Public Library S U N D AY W E D N E S D AY S Storytime Jerome Public Library Wednesdays Fridays 10 00 AM A program for kids who are entering kindergarten in Fall 2023 Little Reader Storytime Filer City Public Library Thursdays 10 30 AM LEGO Build Time 2 00 PM 4 00 PM Filer Public Library Twin Falls Public Library Fridays 10 30 AM The library will supply the space the LEGOs and the build sheet All you need to do is come build your masterpiece Free to the public Twin Falls Public Library Bookmobile Schedule is available on our website April 2 AGF EGGstravaganza 11 00 AM Amazing Grace Fellowship TF S AT U R D AY S Preschool Storytime 3 00 PM 5 00 PM Twin Falls Public Library Children s clear vision They will have Kid s Worship a 10 000 egg hunt after 2nd Service free food and so much more Pre register now to have your name entered in the drawings go to https agf ccbchurch com goto forms 173 responses new Children s Clear Vision HUNDREDS 1 4 OF Page Sponsorship CALL T O DAY FU N FRAMES Horizontal pediatric eyecare vision therapy F L E X I B L E S P O RT S F R A M ES I N FA N T A D U LT C H I L D 5 6 8 F a l l s A v e Tw i n F a l l s 2 0 8 2 9 3 8 5 8 0 w w w c h i l d r e n s c l e a r v i s i o n c o m 12 www southernidahokids com S I Z E S

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS M O N D AY S AT U R D AY Synergy Superstars April 8 Family STEM Program get pictures of their sleepover adventure and make a fun frame to display your picture 4 00 PM 6 00 PM Canyon Ridge High School 10 30 AM 11 30 AM Twin Falls Public Library M O N D AY Register for Synergy Superstars Practice with Synergy on Monday April 3rd from 4 00 pm 6 00 pm and then perform at the Saturday April 8th matinee show at 2 00pm Register at https crhssynergy com Participants get a free shirt Families can have fun together while learning core STEM skills This month we are talking about chemistry and learning about acids and bases April 3 Reptile Revue 6 00 PM 7 00 PM Herrett Center CSI Campus Burley Straw Maze 845 E 500 S Burley T H U R S D AY Come see and pet tons of animals There will also be a jump pad tractor display zipline fish catching a dog herding show and more Admission required Come learn about and see reptiles F R I D AY S AT U R D AY April 7 8 F R I D AY Frozen KIDS April 14 2 00 PM 3 00 PM Saturday only 7 00 PM 8 00 PM The Orpheum Theatre TF Stuffed Animal Sleepover Twin Falls Public Library This production of Frozen KIDS features young performers aged 7 10 and is sure to prove that some people are worth melting for Kids drop off your favorite stuffed animal at the library anytime on April 14 and they will spend the night at the library Then pick them up by 4pm on April 15 You ll Garbage Bin Cleaning Bin Bath 1 8 Page Horizontal Commercial Residential Pressure Washing locally owned operated 5 00 PM Twin Falls Public Library Baby Animal Days April 13 15 April 4 18 Read to a Therapy Dog Kids come read to a therapy dog from the Pets Helping People Therapy Team Sign up for a 10 minute slot when you arrive Spots are first come first served T H U R S D AY S AT U R D AY T U E S D AY S April 17 One Time Monthly or Quarterly Cleanings thebinbath com 208 731 0601 April 20 Magic Valley Kid Market Business Tour 4 30 PM 6 00 PM Summit Dental Care 285 Canyon Crest Dr TF Learn all about the ins and outs of a dental office at this business tour in partnership with the Magic Valley Kid Market Talking with your family about quitting can be hard Project Filter is here to start the conversation Project Filter 1 8 Page Horizontal Call 1 800 QUIT NOW or visit ProjectFilter org for more information on quitting smoking chewing or vaping for you or a loved one September 2022 Yo u d e c i d e w h e n P r o j e c t F i l t e r w i l l s h o w y o u h o w April 2023 13

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS T H U R S D AY April 20 conservation and more Plus play some fun games and make a craft https visitsouthidaho com shoshone falls after dark S AT U R D AY S AT U R D AY Feet Stomping Hearts Pounding Hands Flying 5K Junior JIVE Kids in the Kitchen 5 30 PM 7 30 PM Zoom A free virtual kids cooking class for kids of all ages You ll master food safety cooking and nutrition all while having fun Registration is required https bit ly 3hqC766 April 22 9 00 AM 10 00 AM Taylor Building CSI Campus Earth Day Celebration 4 00 PM 5 30 PM Twin Falls Public Library Join us to celebrate Earth Day We ll have organizations from the community to teach you about gardening native plants April 27 30 9 00 AM 1 00 PM Twin Falls High School A great way for your child to learn to sing and dance from local high school students and have their chance at the spotlight on stage A 5K fundraiser to support IESDB Deaf Mentor Program F R I D AY April 21 April 29 Shoshone Falls After Dark S AT U R D AY 9 00 PM 11 00 PM Shoshone Falls Park Falls2Falls Race TF See Shoshone Falls colorfully lit on cue to the beat of music Pre purchased vehicle passes are required to enter the event April 29 9 00 AM 1 00 PM Run walk a 5K 10k or half marathon https runsignup com Race ID TwinFalls Falls2Falls12Marathon 40th Anniversary Summer Show Jump 1 4 Page Vertical Show June 27 July 1 Auditions April 20 22 Ages 6th 12th Grade audition info jumpcompanytwinfalls jumpcompanytwinfalls jumpcompany weebly com 14 www southernidahokids com Summit NO DENTAL INSURANCE 1 4 Page Vertical We now have a savings plan for the whole family call us for details 208 733 9999 285 Canyon Crest Drive Twin Falls ID www summitdentalsmiles com

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HA HA FUNNY JOKES Because he s always spotted What did the mama cow say to the calf Why can t a leopard hide It s pasture bedtime What does a cow call an earthquake A milkshake What does the ocean do when it sees its friends Why do hummingbirds hum Because they don t know the words It waves What do you call a fake noodle An impasta NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Orange Leaf 1 4 Page Vertical Children s Dentistry 1 4 Page Vertical Children s Dentistry of Twin Falls 1 OFF YOUR FROYO PURCHASE Offer valid until 04 30 23 Single use coupon Card must be surrendered to receive 1 00 OFF Limit one coupon per guest per transaction per visit Cannot be combined with any other offer Good for in store sales only Void if copied transferred purchased or sold or prohibited by law No cash value Guest is responsible for any taxes Toppings may vary by store and may be limited Valid at participating stores only 725 Blue Lakes Boulevard North Twin Falls ID 83301 1186 Eastland Dr N B Twin Falls 208 733 9331 April 2023 15

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YOUR LOCALLY OWNED STORE GAMES TRENDY FLYING OR UNIQUE TOYS FOR ALL AGES Toy Town 1 4 Page Vertical Float Magic 1 4 Page Vertical 2 FLOORS OF TOYS HOBBIES NEW ITEMS ARRIVING DAILY 1 2 3 6 B L U E L A K E S B LV D N T W I N F A L L S CANYON FOOT ANKLE FEBRUARY 2021 DIGITAL ADS 02 08 21 Acton 1 4 Page Vertical 16 www southernidahokids com Canyon Foot 1 4 Page Vertical

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TEACHER OF THE MONTH Special Education Preschool Harrison Elementary Twin Falls Stephanie Rose 6 Years in Education What is your favorite part about being a teacher I love teaching preschool because I get to be present at the foundational level when everything is still new and students are at their most curious Every day I get to explore with my students how they learn best and what they are interested in while watching them grow and make tremendous progress I enjoy celebrating student accomplishments with them no matter how big or small they are all wins I am so fortunate to learn as much from my students as they do from me Something your students might not know about you I love to walk for miles and go for hikes and I think about my students and how to do better for them all of the time A word of advice Play with your children Talk to your children Take a break from the stresses of life for a few moments and enjoy the natural wonder curiosity and creativity your children have to share You may be surprised how much they have to teach you Nominated by Mike Stradley Ms Rose is a rockstar when it comes to teaching and spreads herself thin doing IEP meetings training paras and subs because of limited staff She works outside of her contracted hours to make sure that her kids have everything they need She is so good at her job that she has received multiple donations from parents for her class ONLY upwards of 5 000 that speaks volumes She is an asset to our school district The Teacher of the Month will receive a Sodamix gift card and a cookie party for their class To nominate a teacher visit www southernidahokids com nominate your teacher xxx BUY ONE GET ONE FREE SponsorKids Page16 oz drink Horizontal Expires April 30 2023 1553 Washington St North Suite 100 Twin Falls 208 613 1771 April 2023 17

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s p on s or ed b y s p on s or ed b y HEALTH WELLNESS SPOTLIGHT Seasonal Allergies Rinse your sinuses It s springtime and with the blooming flowers comes seasonal allergies Seasonal allergies usually manifest with sneezing congestion and a clear runny nose Rinsing your nasal passages with a sterile saline solution is a quick inexpensive way to relieve nasal congestion Kids do well with a squeeze bottle you can find at your local pharmacy Try giving it to your child in the shower to use while they are already wet Keep irrigation device clean after each use to avoid infections Sometimes allergy symptoms become so bothersome they require medical attention We are open 7 days a week from 8 00 a m to 7 00 p m and would love to help you with your allergy needs Here are some quick and easy things you can try at home to alleviate allergy symptoms Reduce your exposure to allergy triggers Stay indoors on windy days Take advantage of going outside after a good rain The rain helps clear the air of pollens Remove clothes you ve worn outside and shower to remove pollen from your skin and hair Don t hang laundry outside Pollen can stick to sheets and towels Sources https www mayoclinic org diseases conditions hay fever in depth seasonal allergies art 20048343 Take extra care when pollen counts are high Check pollen counts for current pollen levels Magic Valley pollen counts are listed on the Asthma and Allergy of Idaho Facebook page If pollen counts are high and you have been instructed to take allergy medication take your medication before symptoms begin Avoid outdoor activity in the early morning when pollen counts are highest Katie Wyatt NP completed her associate s and bachelor s at BYU Idaho She completed graduate school at Idaho State University and was awarded a Master of Science in Nursing with a Family Nurse Practitioner emphasis Katie worked in a family practice before joining Physicians Immediate Care Center in April 2013 OPEN 8AM TO 7PM SEVEN DAYS A WEEK 208 736 7422 18 www picctf com We ve moved across from Walmart in Twin Falls www southernidahokids com

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BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS Looking for something new to read Check out these great books at the Twin Falls Public Library If you or your child would like more suggestions come see us at the library Recommending titles and connecting the right book with the right reader is our favorite thing to do Preschool Hurry Kate or You ll Be Late by Janice N Harrington Kate isn t late for preschool because she has her daddy stop along the way so she can say hello to neighbors or look at all the vehicles at a construction site she s late because once they get there her daddy gives her a great big hug 4th 6th grade The Lion of Mars by Jennifer Holm Bell has spent his whole life all eleven years of it on Mars But he s still just a regular kid he loves cats any kind of cake and is curious about the secrets the adults in the US colony are keeping Like why don t they have contact with anyone on the other Mars colonies Why are they so isolated When a virus breaks out and the grown ups all fall ill Bell and the other children are the only ones who can help It s up to Bell a regular kid in a very different world to uncover the truth and save his family and possibly unite an entire planet K 3rd grade Cinderella with Dogs by Linda Bailey When Cinderella wishes for a fairy godmother she s not expecting one that barks And this fairy dogmother has a different agenda Yes Cinderella will have a new dress but made of a cozy dog blanket Yes they will go to the ball but they will run there and chase squirrels along the way There s nothing like a canine companion to get a girl out of the house and her mind off her troubles 7TH GRADE Pride and Premeditation by Tirzah Price This book is a clever retelling of Pride and Prejudice that reimagines the iconic settings characters and romances in a thrilling and high stakes whodunit When a scandalous murder shocks London high society seventeen year old aspiring lawyer Lizzie Bennet seizes the opportunity to prove herself despite the interference of Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy the stern young heir to the prestigious firm Pemberley Associates SCAN CODE TO GET 3 FREE DAYS AT GOLD S GYM THEIR KIDS KLUB Golds Gym 1 4 Page Vertical 2 4 H O U R FA C I L I T Y POOL SAUNA HOT TUB GROUP EXERCISE CLASSES RACQUETBALL LARGEST EQUIPMENT S E L E C T I O N I N T W I N FA L L S Frontier 1 4 Page Vertical GOLDS GYM 1471 FILLMORE ST IN TWIN FALLS 208 7 3 3 4 6 5 3 April 2023 19

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Cottage Dance 1 2 Page Horizontal Se Ha bla Esp a o Smiles 4 Kids 1 2 Page Horizontal 208 734 7415 1411 Falls Ave E 1000C Twin Falls www smiles4kidsidaho com A l l i n s u r a n c e s w e l c o m e i n cl u d i n g M e d i c a i d N o r e f e r r a l s n e e d e d Diplomates of the American Board of Pediatric Dentists 20 www southernidahokids com l

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COMMUNITY ARTICLE sponsored by The Dreaded Molluscum What is a molluscum It sounds like some sort of sea creature Those of you with small children have likely seen them crop up near the knees belly or arms of little children especially after a fun summer spent at the swimming pool or playing with friends If you have no idea what I m talking about read on It is a common young childhood rash that appear as little clear to skin colored bumps that look similar to pimples with a central tiny indentation Often they don t bother the child and you may never know they have them unless you re looking closely or see a lot of them crop up Other times they become inflamed surrounded by a rash or look like a big zit When they are looking like that then everyone in the family knows because they re sore This is usually the time when parents panic and wonder what strange thing is happening with their child s skin and schedule with their local pediatrician or dermatology office This is when I instruct parents not to panic and that molluscum contagiosum is a very common viral rash we regularly see in young kids Being a virus it is contagious and spreads around the body and easily to other young kids thus the contagiosum part of the word And as viruses go our own body s immune system will eventually find it and fight it This virus comes from the pox line of viruses but it is not dangerous like smallpox As you will see in the picture there are stages of healing and then it goes away sometimes leaving a little pink round and slightly indented scar In those with darker pigmented skin it can leave behind darker scars Molluscum are dreaded because they can take up to 2 years to go away They go away in one area and then pop up in another I know from personal experience as my son is going on 1 5 years with them There are treatments to speed up TFD_Article pdf the process so if you re worried and1want1 6 23 them gone1 54 PM sooner than later your local dermatology provider has a few options and more options on the way If you want to try an over the counter treatment first you can find Zymaderm on Amazon It is basically iodine which causes an irritation to the spots When the spots get irritated the immune system will take notice quicker and start fighting the virus How do you know the body has taken notice and is fighting it It turns red around the bump it gets a white head like a pimple and can become painful to the touch Don t pop it Just cover it with a bandaid and try to leave it alone If it s really bothersome you can try hydrocortisone cream or schedule with your dermatology provider Laurel Krupski PA C MSW Twin Falls Dermatology Aesthetics LLC Twinfallsderm com TF Derm Sponsor Page Horizontal April 2023 21

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PHOTO CORNER DO YOU WANT TO BE FEATURED IN OUR PHOTO CORNER Submit your photo online at www southernidahokids com submit photo NOW OFFERING A DOCTOR SUPERVISED WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM IDOT 1 4 Page Vertical https shift idaho org child passenger safety Lose 20 35lbs in 6 weeks with no drugs exercise injections pre packaged food or shakes More energy less pain less inflammation and less weight in 2023 We are here to support you Dr Jill 1 4 Page Vertical Call to schedule your no cost no obligation consultation today 788 Eastland Drive Ste B Twin Falls Idaho 208 734 3030 www drjillfamilychiro com 22 www southernidahokids com

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RESTAURANT GUIDE Great Harvest 1 8 Page Horizontal BUY ONE GET ONE 50 OFF OFFER EXPIRES 4 30 23 1778 HARRISON ST TWIN FALLS 208 734 2977 BUY A CLOWN SUNDAE GET ONE 1886 Addison Ave E Twin Falls 208 733 7171 www daisystwinfalls com 1 2 OFF xxxBOGO ENTREE 1 8 50 PageOFF Horizontal 1520 Fillmore St Tw i n F a l l s I d a h o 208 733 5194 Expires 4 30 2023 w w w k b s b u r r i t o c o m FREE Great Harvest GIANT COOKIE 1 8 Page Horizontal Expires 4 30 23 Limit one per customer Valid at Great Harvest Twin Falls ID www twinfallsid greatharvestbread com 727 Blue Lakes Blvd N Twin Falls ID 208 329 6253 Best place to hangout in Twin Falls BOOK YOUR T Time FREE PARTY 1 8ROOM PageTODAY B O B A T EHorizontal A S S P E C I A LT Y D R I N K S 822 BLUE LAKES BLVD N TWIN FALLS 208 933 2777 Bread The way it ought to be xxx 1 8 Page Horizontal best part of the workout is the recovery firsstt boo FREE orange c booster smoothie 330 cal O P E N F O R D I N E I N TA K E O U T 2 0 9 6 K I M B E R LY R D T W I N FA L L S BUY ANY SMOOTHIE OR BOWL AND GET A KIDS SMOOTHIE FREE At Jamba Twin Falls only no other discounts apply EXPIRES 4 30 2023 2 0 8 7 3 3 3 8 5 5 Download the Jamba app to order ahead or for delivery 2020 Jamba Juice Franchisor SPV LLC All Rights Reserved April 2023 23

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MV Ped Cancer Full Bleed