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April 2022

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Vol 58 No 4 April 2022•Introducing Congress 2023•Council Meeting Minutes•NC3Rs News•EDI News•Branch News•Diary DatesInstitute of Animal TechnologyBulletinInstitute of Animal TechnologyIAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 1IAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 1 21/04/2022 06:5221/04/2022 06:52

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From the latest innovations in animalhusbandry, to the most trusted systems forcustomer care and support, Allentown leaves nostone unturned in our mission to improve lives.Through integrity, care, and advanced productengineering we continue to set the highwatermark in convenience, cost- management,and enhanced animal welfare.Improving Life – it’s in our DNA.LEARN MORE AT WWW.ALLENTOWNINC.COMGlobal challenges requireglobal solutions. In the realm ofbiomedical research, no companyoutranks Allentown in deliveringcomplete services to the full rangeof facilities all over the world.GlobalSolutionsProviderANIMAL HOUSINGWORKSTATIONSWASHING & STERILIZATIONVIVARIUM SOLUTIONSCOLONY HEALTH MONITORINGIAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 2IAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 2 21/04/2022 06:5221/04/2022 06:52

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EDITOR*Carole EDITOR*Paul monthly by theInstitute of AnimalTechnology*Registered Office:5South ParadeSummertownOxfordOX2 7JLISSN 0263-2861For enquiries other thanBulletin related contact:IATADMINISTRATOR* 0800 085 4380BulletinFinal copy date forAugust Bulletin23rdJuneThe opinions expressed in theBulletin do not necessarily reflectthose of the Editor or theInstitute.CONTENTSDear Readers 5___________________________________CLAST information 6-7___________________________________Welcome to MySociety –8-11The IATMembershipDatabase___________________________________BING and Branch Reps –14-15first joint meeting___________________________________AS-ET News 16-18___________________________________Diary Dates 19___________________________________Vol58 No4April 2022CONTENTSFinalcopydateforMayBulletin23rdAprilDear Readers 5210thCouncil Meeting7-9GrahamCrossland Remembrance12-13AAALACInternational Fellowship15AwardEDI: Lets talk about…16-17Neurodiversity in the workplaceNC3Rs Tech Survey18Unclaimed Congress Raffle Ticket 18Introducing Congress 202319North West Branch Poster 20CompetitionNorth West Branch Enrichment 21Training DaySurrey, Hampshire and Sussex22-23Branch:AGM ReportAS-ET News 24-25ILASTW Book 26NC3Rs: Refinement News 27-28RSPCA: Focus on severe suffering29meetingSituations Vacant29-30Diary Dates 31IAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 3 21/04/2022 06:52

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Bulletin4 • April 2022IAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 4 21/04/2022 06:52

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BulletinApril 2022 • 5Dear ReadersCaroleKeep Reading!AsIwritethiiss,II aamm jjuustt bbackk ffromm tthhee fifirrsstin-personConggrreessss iinthreeyears.Itwasgreattoseesomanypeeoopplle!IassumedtheweatherwasgoingtobeggooooodddbutitwassnowwwinginHarrogateandelsewwhhhereatthetime.Anyyyway,muchmoreofthattocccooomeinJune,whenwecoverCongressinfull.HHHowever,ifyouwerethereeeandenteredtheraffle,youneedtocheckyourticketsonpage18,asoneprizewasnot claimed.InthisBulletinwehavetheeeminutesofthe210thCounciiilmeeting(pages7–9)whichcontainarepooortbyPennyHawkins.Ithouggghtshemadesomeveryinteresting points,espppecially abouttheRSPCA’sdrivetoendseveresufferingby2030andtheDutchinitiativetomoveawaaayfromtheuseofotherspeciestonon-animaaalmethods.Anothergroupvery muchfocussedonimprovingthewwweeelfaaareeeooofaaanimaaalsssinresearchistheNC3Rsannndtheyhaveproducedinformmmationonskinswabbinginsmallfish,asaaarefinementtofinclipping,hhhowtominimiseaggressioningrouphousedmiceandratplaypens–seeeepages27and28.Theyarealsorunningasurrrveyontheirnewsletter–Teccch3Rs,detailsofwhichareonpage18,pleaaasetakesometimetocompleeetethisandreturntothem.AswellastheRSPCAandNNNC3RS beingbusywith welfarerelated work,soarethe IAT Branches–two meetingscoming up,theNooorth East EnglandBBBrrrancharerunninganEnrichmentTrainingDayon30thJune,seepage22211anndddtthheeNNoorrtthhWWeessttEEnnggllaannddBBrraanncchhaarreerruunnnniinnggtthheeiirrPPPoosstteerrCCoommppeetttiiittiionon1111tthMay,seepage20–solet’ssupporttheseevents!Inthemeannttiimme,IAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 5 21/04/2022 06:52

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Bulletin6 • April 2022Tel: +44 (0)1293 827940 Email: sales@lbs-biotech.comContact LBS -your trusted supplier, servingthe needs of the Biotechnology Industrywww.lbs-biotech.comLBS Bedding RangeDelivering higher standards...naturallyLBS offer the widest range of Bedding products, with carefully chosen materials to achieve the high standards expected in laboratory animal welfare. Our dedicated, PEFC accredited manufacturing sites enable a consistent and reliable supply of products made only from natural materials from sustainable sources. By-products are used in energy recovery during the production process, making our bedding range a ‘greener’ choice which provides your animals with a natural and fulfilling environment. IAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 6 21/04/2022 06:52

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BulletinApril 2022 • 7210thMeeting of the Council of the Instituteof Animal TechnologyHeld by Zoom on 16thFebruary 2022 at 13.00 hoursASRU Change ProgrammeIt was reported that Chris Sherwood, Chief Executive of the RSPCA resignedfrom the Home Office Change Programme Steering Committee, as he had lostconfidence in the direction of travel observed since the Programme began.He observed ”It appears to be heading away from the stated emphasis ofimproving the ‘protection’ of laboratory animals, while robustly scrutinisingtheir use”.The IAThas now twice written to the Minister responsible for ASRU regardingthe Change Programme. Initially to express concern about the speed ofimplementation of the Change Programme and the loss of the local HomeOffice Inspector and more recently regarding the composition of the RCCT(Regulatory Community Change Team). When set up, this team had twoNACWOs sitting on it, however both stood down and have not been replaced.These are both major concerns and to date, no formal response to the firstletter sent in July last year has been received.RSPCA UpdatePenny Hawkins, from the RSPCA Science &Research Department, an IATVicePresident was attending the Council meeting to give an update on the work ofthe RSPCA Animals in Science department.The RSPCA Animals in Science department’skey areas of work has two mainfocusses, namely ending severe suffering and achieving aglobal commitmentto phasing out animal experimentation by 2030. The Animals in Sciencedepartment does not expect animal experimentation to stop by 2030, butwants to see more countries and more organisations committing to aphasingIAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 7 21/04/2022 06:52

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Bulletin8 • April 2022out programme by 2030 –with phasing-in of non-animal technologies. TheRSPCA are looking at how other countries are progressing with this objective.The Netherlands had an ambitious plan to end all animal use in regulatorytoxicology by 2025, but have had to have are-think, as it is not achievable. Theyare now working on amore nuanced programme to transition to non-animalmethods. There is an aim to end severe suffering by 2030, which the RSPCA feelis achievable.The RSPCA are continuing work on AWERBs. The IAT, LASA, LAVA and theRSPCA have agreed to hold an AWERB-UK meeting in October,primarilylooking at training for AWERB members. There will also be an RSPCA laymembers’ forum meeting in December.Work is also taking place on refinement and the RSPCA are looking to developwork on Zebrafish welfare and aquatics in general.Animal Technology and WelfareThe Marjorie Sandiford Journal Article Prize has been awarded to CharlotteBurn and Ria Popat, RVC, for their paper ‘A tunnel is not enough: mice benefitfrom in-cage provision of acommunal shelter as well as ahandling tunnel’.The AS-ET Tech-2-Tech Prize has been awarded to Lorna Cleverley,FERAScience Ltd, for her paper: ‘Interpreting water monitoring results in laboratoryrodent facilities’.Animal Welfare GroupAn article on Green Clay has been uploaded to the Welfare section of the IATwebsite and was also published in the March issue of the Bulletin.Communications GroupThe IATCaring Career brochure has been updated and is now being printed.The Benefits postcards have also been updated and will be published shortly.Branch Rep and BINGThe Branch Reps and BING groups have now been combined into the IATBranch Liaison committee. The new committee will hold four meetings ayear,comprising of one face-to-face and three virtual meetings.IAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 8 21/04/2022 06:52

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BulletinApril 2022 • 9Registration and Accreditation BoardThe Registration and Accreditation Board have been reviewing the IntroductoryNACWO course syllabus and the NACWO Guidelines are currently under review.Provider feedback has been extensive and it now looks like the May deadlinefor publication will not be achievable.Equality,Diversity and Inclusion GroupThe group have been very active in the background. Anumber of zoommeetings have been held with Animal Technicians across the industry on aone-to-one basis regarding health and wellbeing issues.Articles have been prepared for Mental Health Awareness Week (11th–15thMay),which will focus on loneliness this year.An article on neurodiversity and the acceptance of it in the workplace hasbeen published in the March Bulletin and also in this issue on pages 16-17.The next IATCouncil meeting will take place in May 2022. This will be aface-to-face meeting.IAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 9 21/04/2022 06:52

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BulletinApril 2022 • 11IAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 11 21/04/2022 06:52

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Bulletin12 • April 2022GrahamCrossland   Thisissuchsadnews,Ihadnoideahewassopoorly.Irememberseeinghimatthelastin-personLASAmeetingandasusual,wechattedatlengthoverlunchbutofcoursethatwas2019.Heseemedhappywithhisretirementpending.IfirstcrossedpathswithGrahamwhenIwasattheAHT(AnimalHealthTrust)–nowsadlygone,whenwewereplanningsomeinfluenzastudieswithanewHeadofVirology.Thismusthavebeen2009.WewenttoNIBSCandthatwaswhenIfirstmethim,whenheshowedusaroundtheirfacility.ThatinitialmeetingledtosharedtechniquesandfurthermeetingsinSouthMimms.Itrainedhisstafftoperformferretjugularbleedingandheandhisstafftrainedmineinmicenasalwashes.ItwasafabulousandneverforgottenshareoftalentandonethatIrecallregularly.InowlecturetoprospectivePILsonModule7andalwaysrefertonasalwashingasafantastictechniqueofvirusorbacterialinformation!ImetupwithGrahamatleastannuallyatonemeetingoranother,especiallyatLASAandwealwayshadabondfromthosetimesandspentafewhoursineachother’scompany.Iamupsetandsadandsosorryhehadsuchapainfuldisease.Heseemedsuchagentleman,Icannotthinkthatheshoulddeservethatburden,butcancerissuchabeast,itdoesnotchoosebadovergoodpeople.DebsFlack,UniversityofCambridgeIAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 12 21/04/2022 06:52

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BulletinApril 2022 • 13IhadthegreatpleasureofworkingwithGrahambothatmyplaceofworkandontheInstituteofAnimalTechnology’sBoardofEducation.Atwork,GrahamjoinedtheNationalInstituteofBiologicalStandardsandControlin1990,workingintheBiologicalServicesDepartment.Anintelligentfellowhequicklybecameanimportantpartofthetechnicalmanagementteam.Amongsthismanyresponsibilitieswereseveralcrucialareasincludingthedevelopmentoftestsforpolio,liaisonwithTheRoyalVeterinaryCollegeandlatertooverseetheadministrationassociatedwithHomeOfficelicencingissues.HeeventuallytookoverfrommeasHeadofDepartmentonmyretirement.IwouldliketotakecreditforpersuadingGrahamtojoinTheBoardofEducation,whichhedidintheearly1990sandservedtheInstituteformanyyears.Hisintellectwasquicklyrecognised,whichsawhimactasanexaminerandalsoasSecretarytotheBoardofFellowshipExaminers.IwasveryluckytohaveGrahamworkingwithme,hemademyjobsomucheasier,especiallyasIreachedmydotage.Beinghighlyefficient,bright,wittyandcleverhehelpedprogressthedepartmentandenhanceditsreputationbyhisexcellentwork.Ifinditdifficulttoacceptthathehasnotbeenabletoenjoyalongandwell-deservedretirementduetothisterribleillness.Mythoughtsgotohisfriendsandfamily,hewillbemuchmissed.PeterGersonHowsad.Irememberwhatalovelypersonhewasandsohardworking.Hedidsomuchfortheexamboards.Takentooearlybyfar.SueMcHugh,BoardofEducationImetGrahamwhenweworkedontheBoardofEducation.Irememberhimasalovelyguy,likedhiscarsanddedicatedtothetrainingandeducationoftechnicians.Somanywillhavebenefitedfromhishardworkandthatishislegacy.AdeleKitchingThisisso,soverysadnewsandsuchasurprise–surely,hewastooyoungtobetaken?IknewhimthroughtheEducationBoards,niceguy.TrishHayesIAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 13 21/04/2022 06:52

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Bulletin14 • April 2022WASTEANAESTHETICGASEXPOSURE?GetActive.UPDATE YOUR SYSTEM WITH ACTIVE UPDATE YOUR SYSTEM WITH ACTIVE SCAVENGING, EASILY ADDED TO YOUR SCAVENGING, EASILY ADDED TO YOUR CURRENT SYSTEM.SOMNI EPS-3Active Induction ChamberActive Uni-FlowNosecone(T) 0800 0129101(D) 01872 248890 (M) 07798 Scientific provides service,safety and productsolutions forallyour inhalant anesthetic needs.SOMNI PROVIDES UNPARALLELED CUSTOMER SERVICE, CLINICAL AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT.IAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 14 21/04/2022 06:52

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BulletinApril 2022 • 15Call for nominations now open for the2022 AAALAC International Fellowship AwardThe AAALAC International Fellowship recognises two outstanding individuals—one IAT RAnTech and one AALAS Registered—who have made (or have the potential to make) significant contributions to the field of laboratory animal care and use.This fellowship is valued at more than £3000. The IAT RAnTech winner will receive a week-long guest visit to prestigious biomedical research facilities in the U.S. this autumn, plus complimentary attendance at the National AALAS Meeting, the U.S.’s largest laboratory animal science and technology meeting. All registration, travel, lodging, meals, and out-of-pocket expenses are covered (receipts are required). Apply online! The online application will ask for information on your professional background, training and meeting participation, along with other supporting information. In addition you will be asked to attach/upload the following:1. A brief letter nominating yourself (or have someone write this letter on your behalf)2. A copy of your CV3. At least one (no more than three) letter(s) of supportAwardees are expected to share their experiences briefly by preparing a written report for AAALAC International. Awardees are also expected to communicate their experiences to peers by presenting at a local or national conference.ONLINE APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 1JUNE2022: complete details and a list of selection criteria, visit Receipt of application will be confirmed by email to candidates. If you have not received confirmation or have any questions about this award, please call +1 301.696.9626 or email The AAALAC International Fellowship Award is presented by AAALAC International through a grant by Priority One Services, Inc. and Datesand Group Ltd, in cooperation with AALAS, IAT, the Medical Research Council, and the National Institutes of Health. Individuals interested in applying for the Fellowship Award are expected to consider both real (i.e., financial orother personal or professional considerations, such as employment at AAALAC International, Priority One Services,Inc. or Datesand Group Ltd) and perceived (i.e., an appearance of being at an advantage) conflicts of interestbefore submitting their applications. Questions regarding apotential conflict of interest may be directed to theAAALAC international Chief Executive Officer,Dr. Kathryn Bayne (©2022 AAALAC International | |fellow@aaalac.orgIf you are IATRAnTechapply by 1June2022IAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 15 21/04/2022 06:52

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Bulletin16 • April 2022This time, the EDI Group is focussing its “Let’sTalk” article onanother protected characteristic, NeurodiversityLet’stalk about …Neurodiversity in the workplace“Youprobably can’ttellbylooking at me, but my brain works very differently to yours.If you were to meet me, you’d probably notice that I’m tall and Ihave blonde hair.Youmight notice that Idon’toften make eye contact. But you won’tsee that I’m also extremelysensitive to bright lights and loud noises. Iamhopeless at reading body language and Imissconversational cues. Ilove coding and enjoy solving problems. Istruggle with changingenvironments, having to hot desk has ahuge impact on me’ Iamnot aneurotypicalperson, Iamwhatisknown as ‘neurodivergent’”What is Neurodiversity?Neurodiversity refers to the different ways the brain can work and interpret information. It highlightsthat people naturally think about things differently.Wehave different interests and motivations, andare naturally better at some things and poorer at others.Most people are neurotypical, meaning that the brain functions and processes information in theway society expects.However,itisestimated that around 1in7people (more than 15% of people in the UK) areneurodivergent,meaning that the brain functions, learns and processes information differently.Neurodivergence includes Attention Deficit Disorders, Autism, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. These bringstrengths as well as difficulties.What does Neurodiversity mean?When we describe people as ‘neurodivergent’, then, we are talking about people who in one orseveral respects have athinking style at the edges of one or more of these continuums, with –inthe words of autistic author,speaker and educator Nick Walker –abrain ‘that functions in ways thatdiverge significantly from the dominant societal standards of “normal’. We needtounderstand thatthere is no standard brain.Neurodiversity is, ultimately,abiological fact of the infinite variety of human neurocognition.Now,the same term ‘neurodiversity’ is also being used to represent afast-growing sub-category oforganisational diversity and inclusion that seeks to embrace and maximise the talents of people whothink differently.(CIPD 2018)Let’s talk about ... NeurodiversityIAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 16 21/04/2022 06:52

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17Mental can we embrace Neurodiversity in the workplace?Neurodivergence is fairly common, so most workplaces are already neurodiverse. Yet, there is still alack of understanding around most forms of neurodivergence, and misperceptions persist. It thereforemakes sense for organisations to take steps that make their neurodivergent stafffeel valued, part ofthe team and supported to contribute fully towards achieving the goals of the organisation.Creating amoreinclusive workplace can:lhighlight the employer’scommitment to diversity and inclusionlreduce the stigma around neurodivergencelmake stafffeel safe and empowered to disclose aneurodivergencelmake it more likely that neurodivergent staffwillbetreated fairly by their managers andcolleagueslopen the organisation up to apooloftalent that may otherwise have been overlookedlhelp retain skilled staffand reduce recruitment costs.Further Support and Training can be found at:lADHD Foundation -Adults sectionlBritish Dyslexic Association -Employer sectionlDyspraxia Foundation -Adults sectionlNational Autistic Society -Support for employerslTourettes Action -Employers sectionlNHS website and search for the specific form of neurodivergenceReferences:CIPD Guide Neurodiversity at work ,Feb 2018 ofAnimal TechnologyCOUNCILEquality and Diversity GroupIAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 17IAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 17 21/04/2022 06:5221/04/2022 06:52

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Bulletin18 • April 2022The NC3Rsisrunningasurvey on its newsletter foranimal technicians, Tech3Rs.Ifyou readTech3Rs, pleasetake this opportunity to providefeedbackonthe contentanddesign by visiting surveyisestimatedtotake10minutes to completeandcloseson Friday 29 April.IS THIS YOUR CONGRESS RAFFLE TICKET?Please claim your prize by e-mailing the Bulletin editor – BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 18 21/04/2022 06:52

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19Enquiries to Congress Committee via and join us atCongress202321st -24th MarchWEST UK VENUEDelivering aFull ScientificProgramme addressing current themesAttend thewiderange of Scientific Papers andPoster DisplaysVisit one of the largest Trade Exhibitions in the UKThe event will takeplace in atriedand tested conference venueDetailsfor Congress 2023 will be available on the and published in themonthly BulletinBookings will open September 2022The largest UK event run entirely forAnimal Technologists and TechniciansCongress2023CONGRESSIAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 19IAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 19 21/04/2022 06:5221/04/2022 06:52

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Bulletin20 • April 2022POSTERCOMPETITIONFor more details email AN EXPENSESPAID TRIP TOAALAS 2022THE BIG RE-LAUNCHWEDNESDAY 11TH MAY2022IAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 20 21/04/2022 06:52

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BulletinApril 2022 • 21Please Save theDate forourEnrichment Training Day@DurhamUniversityJune 30th2022With tradestands, enrichmentworkshop, andinvited speakersNorthEastEngland BranchFurther informationtofollow, BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 21 21/04/2022 06:52

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Bulletin22 • April 2022Surrey Hampshire and Sussex AGM Reportfor 2ndFebruary 2022The SHS Branch AGM took place at the Sychem offices in Eastleigh. Boththe company and our host, Dan Harding, were due to celebrate a40-yearanniversary! With our first ‘proper’ meeting in over two years it was verygratifying to have nearly 20 members and Sychem staffinattendance. Aspecialthank you to Lesley Lawes and Jas Barley for encouraging attendance fromUniversity of Southampton members.The meeting started with atalk from John Prendergast on decontaminationof medical devices in healthcare. The talk looked to compare standards andguidance in abiomedical setting to that in the animal research industry.Johnhas worked as an advisor for the NHS for several years and gave us an outlineof changes in the attitude to infection control from the 1990s to the regulationsthat exist today.This change was driven by factors including criminalconsequence, suing and the overuse of antibiotics. He discussed training,storage, regulation and validation as areas with potential for upgrading andstandardisation within the research sector.As well as the talk being informative it was also engaging and interactive withJohn drawing the audience to participate and encouraging atwo-way debate.After the talk we turned to AGM business.The first order of business was apologies from Jas Barley and Sue Applebee.The minutes of the previous AGM and matters arising were then covered.Fran presented her secretary’sreport which covered our committee meetings –both Zoom and face-to-face. Due to Covid we could not organise ageneralmeeting, but the report also included correspondence and attendance at theBing and Branch Reps meetings.Stuart Stevenson, out Treasurer joined us from Kent via Zoom, his reportshowed that the Branch has £2,284 in its account, with an excess of income overexpenditure of £271.IAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 22 21/04/2022 06:52

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BulletinApril 2022 • 23The election of Officers resulted in the following appointment:Chairman: Stuart MackrellSecretary: Fran WhitmoreTreasurer: Marc LindAmassive thank you to Stuart who stood down as Treasurer,apost he has heldsince 2013. Iamglad to report Stuart has agreed to continue participatingon the committee. Other committee members continuing are Lesley Hughesand Sue Applebee and we are waiting for confirmation from Sammie Luptonand Melissa Vaughan. Dan Harding and Lorraine House are new committeemembers and Caroline Mercer hopes to join later in the year.After the meeting, refreshments were provided by Sychem and we had anopportunity to chat more about committee life to the Sychem staffand catchup with some colleagues after along break from face-face meetings. We hadagood turn-out of young people from Southampton, two of whom joined thecommittee. It was nice to chat to them and ask about the sorts of Branch eventsthey would like to attend. We were also very pleased to have Dan re-join thecommittee.Many thanks to our speaker,John Prendergast.Lastly abig thank you to Dan and Sychem for sponsoring the meeting and forAnais for her assistance in setting up the meeting.Branch Reporter: Lesley HughesIAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 23 21/04/2022 06:52

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Bulletin24 • April 2022WaProPatercoloovidedPETour paiframedAllForwendTPOntingfd.Dimelprofitrmoredy.steeORTrom yoensions£120sgoingedetaiel1@oTRAour chosapprogto AS-ls contutlookAITosenphox. BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 24 21/04/2022 06:52

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BulletinApril 2022 • 25AS-ET is acharity to advance education and promote excellenceinthe careandwelfare of animals used in science.Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to findout more please visit thewebsite BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 25 21/04/2022 06:52

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BulletinApril 2022 • 27Learn more aboutrat playpens with anew online resourceConventional cageslimit theability of ratstoexplore, exerciseand engage inspecies-specificbehaviours, such as climbing,burrowing,and upright stretching.Theseconstraintsonrat behaviour cannegatively impact on their physicalandpsychological health,leading to unhealthyanimals andpotentiallyunreliable data.Ratplaypensprovide an opportunity to address thewelfare issues associated withstandard caging,and canalsocreatepositivechange foranimal technicians,researchers, and facilities.To find outmore about thebenefits of providingratswithplaypen access visittheNC3Rsonline ratplaypen resource,which alsoincludes:▪ Answers to your common rat playpen questions.▪ Practicaltipsfor setting up arat playpen in your facility.▪ Video content,including arat playpen thanks to UniversityCollege London, University of Leicester, and University ofBristolfor images.If youhaveset up arat playpen and would like to share your experiences, we wouldlovetohear from you: BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 27 21/04/2022 06:52

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Bulletin28 • April 2022Skinswabbing:refining genotyping ofsmall-bodiedfishesTheNC3Rs hascollaborated with expertstocreatearesource aimedatresearchersand technicians whowant to learn more aboutthe practicaland welfareaspects ofswitching from finclipping to skin swabbing. Theresource includes:▪ Commonlyasked questionsanswered in detail by experts in skin swabbingand laboratory fish welfare.▪ Atable comparingthe practicalaspects of finclipping and skin swabbing.▪ Askinswabbing protocol, peer-reviewedliterature,and videos to help youdevelop and implementaswabbing protocol in your ownfacility.▪ Adviceonrefininggenotyping procedures if youfacility is not yetreadytomake aggressionin group-housed miceTheNC3Rs hascreated anew resource providing recommendationsfor preventingand managing aggression between group-housedmice. Therecommendations focuson male mice and arebased on publishedliterature.Sources includethe NC3Rsmouseaggressionstudy,which analysed data from 137,580male mice that wascollectedbyanimaltechniciansacross44facilities.The resource also includesgeneralinformation that canbeapplied to both sexes, such as guidance on understandingsudden behaviouralchanges and monitoring aggression in BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 28 21/04/2022 06:52

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BulletinApril 2022 • 29SITUATIONS VACANTVisittheCareerspagesontheIATWebsiteforthelatestvacancies advertising details from“Holidays are coming…”IAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 29 21/04/2022 06:53

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Bulletin30 • April 2022T2-AnimalTechnicianSalary £18,623 -£19,637Wyton, Cambridge andGrimston, East Yorkshire SitesAbout UsAt Marshall UK we breedanimals forbiomedicalresearch andour animalshavebeenusedinbothhuman andanimalmedical breakthroughs.Key Dutiesand ResponsibilitiesAnimalHusbandry: including feeding,watering and cleaning.AnimalProduction:including birthing,weaning,sexing,weighing,countinganimals and labelling pens. Promotingaculture of high standardofcareand welfare. Mentoringtraineemembers of staff.Ensuringall work iscarried out as per the Establishment and Project licences.Reportingconcerns andrecommending improvedwaysofworking.OpportunitiesCompany inductionprogrammethatincludesmanual handling, fire safety,COSHH and biosecurity training. On thejob traininginall aspects ofanimalcare, welfare andbreeding. Career progression programmethatmayincludeIAT Levels 2&3, personal licencetraining, NACWO training,RAnTech,fire marshal, first aid. Networking opportunities. Sectorspecifictrainingand workshops.Basic RequirementsFive GCSEs including Maths, Englishand aSciencesubject or equivalent.Level 2inAnimalManagement.Adesiretowork with animals. Empathyand compassionfor animals, whilst understanding theiruse tosupportbiomedical research. Experienceinanimalhusbandry. Experience in alaboratoryanimalunitisdesirable. Excellent communication skills with theconfidenceand diplomacy to interactwithall levels of staff.ITliterateandfamiliar with standardPCsoftware.Think andact proactivelyand be willingto respond positivelytochange.Things to Consider37.5hours perweekMonday -Friday. Some outofhours work mayberequiredoverweekends, eveningsand holiday periods.Transport to thesite isessential. Life assurance,Health Scheme, Cycletowork scheme,Occupational Health, annual flu vaccines,25dayspaidannual leave,companypension. Areasonableamount of physical work is required. Youmayberequiredtoworkinashower in unit. Youmay be requiredtoworkin units otherthanyourusual place of work. You will be requiredtowearpersonal protective equipment.To apply, contact recruitmentuk@marshallbio.comIAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 30 21/04/2022 06:53

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BulletinApril 2022 • 31Front cover: The Lambs Courtesy: Linda HoranDIARY DatesTo View NowEfficient management ofgenetically altered mouse coloniesNC3Rs/Mary Lyons CentreTo view: View NowProcedures with CareTo view: May 2022University of CambridgeTrain the TrainerOnlineDetails: 2022The Learning CurveNIO WorkshopOnlineDetails: May 2022University of CambridgeNominated Assessors CourseOnlineDetails: May 2022North West Poster CompetitionManchesterSee page 2026 May 2022West Midlands Social EventSee page 3213-16 June 2022FELASAMarseilleDetails:http://www.felasa2022.eu28-29 June 2022UFAW –Advancing Animal WelfareScienceEdinburghDetails: June 2022North-East England BranchEnrichment Training DayDurhamSee page 21IAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 31 21/04/2022 06:53

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Bulletin32 • April 2022IAT BULLETIN APRIL22.indd 32 21/04/2022 06:53