Wednesday Bulletin April 11 2018 Coming Events At A Glance Thursday April 12th Hot Lunch Sausage Pizza 2 00 Extra Slice 1 00 Pop Sale 6th 8th Grades 1 00 Sports Game Schedule Wednesday April 18th Non conference Track Meet Chicago Christian 3 30 pm Friday April 13th Chapel 8 45 am Haphazardly Ever After rehearsal 3 5pm Dollar Drive Ends Candy Sale Begins Picture of the Week Monday April 16th Haphazardly Ever After rehearsal 3 5 30 pm Tuesday April 17th Achievement Testing Wednesday April 18th April and June Birthdays Jeans Day Achievement Testing Peyton Ronald and Cameron enjoying their time in class DOLLAR DRIVE This is our last week for the student council dollar drive for the organization Feed My Starving Children Every dollar donated provides 4 meals for a child in danger of starvation or malnutrition Donations can be given at the school office or to your child s homeroom teacher The dollar drive ends this Friday April 13th OLYMPIC DAY If you have not paid for your child s Olympic Day shirt please do so as soon as possible Thank you SPRING FUNDRAISER WORLD S FINEST CHOCOLATE Our candy fundraiser will begin on Friday April 13th each student will be given 2 boxes of candy bars to sell Candy bars are sold for 1 00 each and there are 60 bars 60 00 in each box Unless you paid for the buyout before this Friday Students will have two weeks to sell their candy All money will be due on Monday April 30th Students who turn in the money for their two boxes by Tuesday April 17th will earn a Jeans Day and be entered into a drawing for a 1 pound chocolate bar Jeans Day to be announced Any questions contact Mrs Bachelder at 333 5471 AR WITH BOOKS CHOCOLATE PICK UP Candy will be sent in on Friday however if you would like to pick it up early feel free to contact the school office Next Page
Prayer Corner Focus On The Road Scripture Luke 24 13 32 Do you ever feel alone Or abandon in your situation Do you ever feel no one cares or understands just what you are going through You may feel your situation is way past redeeming and you believe it s even too late for Jesus to correct This is the feelings of two disciples of Jesus It s after the resurrection They had already been sightings of Jesus but these two were walking to a village of Emma s discussing the past two events with long faces like they had lost their best friend Along walks Jesus beside them and ask What has happened They stare at Him like He is crazy But they didn t recognize it was Jesus They replied you must be the only person on the earth who hasn t heard what has happened They then proceed to explain to Jesus about the high priest and leaders betraying the One got him sentenced to death and crucified And we had our hopes up that he was the One the One about to deliver Israel And it is now the third day since it happened Early this morning they were women at the tomb and couldn t find his body They came back with the story that they had seen a vision of angels who said he was alive Some of our friends went off to the tomb to check and found it empty just as the women said but they didn t see Jesus Then Jesus started at the beginning with the Books of Moses and went through all the Prophets pointing out everything in the Scriptures that referred to him They asked Jesus to stay for dinner He did Taking the bread Jesus blessed and broke and gave it to them At that moment open eyed wide eyed they recognized who Jesus was Then Jesus disappeared What a story A few points to ponder 1 Don t focus on the problem They were sad after the resurrection One would assume after the resurrection His disciples would rejoice Sometimes we focus intently on the problem that we miss when God has provided the solution 2 Jesus always walks with us Jesus was walking with them but they didn t recognize Their hearts were sad that they missed Jesus had been there all the time 3 Our eyes aren t open until we spend time with Jesus in His presence Their eyes were open after fellowshipping with Jesus They stated Didn t we feel on fire as he conversed with us on the road as He opened up the Scriptures for us Sometimes it appears that Jesus has abandoned us That is never the case Sometimes Jesus is waiting for us Where In His Word Mrs Veronica Boyd There is a prayer box in the office for prayer requests Calvary Academy is a private Christian school with the mission of challenging its students to know Christ as Lord teaching them to know and apply biblical truth and training them to pursue academic excellence in order that they may engage and transform their world for Jesus Christ