The Anthony Republican: Vol. 145 - No. 15 • The Anthony Bulletin: Vol. 125 - No. 15Established October 9, 1879: Oldest continuous business in Anthony • Wednesday, April 10, 2024To advertise your business or event in our “Hot Spot”call the Anthony Republican at 620-842-5129. Courtesy PhotoNEW DIALYSIS MACHINES AT PHC: It was an exciting day last Tuesday as Patterson Health Center installed their dialysis machines thanks to the Harper County Health Foundation’s hard work raising funds for the project, a total of $150,388 was raised. Money was raised through fundraising events including the Love Lights luminaries donations, a quilt rafe, through email and website donations, grain donations, and memorials in the names of Hal Greve, Lyle Pearl, Dr. Ralph Bellar, David Hall and the Anthony High School Class of 1958. All money raised was matched by the Harper County Health Foundation. There is still a lot of behind-the scenes work and quality assurance to make sure the machines are prepared to adequately treat patients, but it’s exciting to see the progress! Pictured is Ricky Klock with Outset Medical and Lisa Apperson, RN, BSN, CCRN, Dialysis Program Coordinator for Patterson Health Center with new machines.County Holding Spring Clean-Up For Residents And BusinessesThe Harper County Spring Clean-Up will be held from Wednesday May 15th to Saturday May 18th from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.The clean-up is for all residents and businesses. Accepted items include ap-pliances, scrap metal, con-struction debris, lawn & garden debris, tires and household garbage. Tires must be 22.5" or smaller and not on rims. There is a limit of 5 per person. Trac-tor tires are not allowed.Items that are not ac-cepted are wire or fenc-ing of any kind, hazardous household waste (includes pesticides, aerosols, car bat-teries, motor oil, fluorescent tubes, paint cans, tv's with tubes, etc.) For more infor-mation contact the Harper County Public Works Ad-min Office at 620-842-5240.City Discusses Options To Provide Information On Lake DevelopementOfficial Meeting MinutesRegular MeetingSubmitted ByCity of Anthony ClerkMarch 19, 2024OPENINGWelcome / Call to Order. Invocation / Pledge of Al-legiance. Roll Call - Pres-ent: Commissioner Sherrie Eaton, Commissioner Jan Lanie, Commissioner Eric Smith, Commissioner How-ard Hatfield. City Adminis-trator Cyndra Kastens, Su-perintendent Randy Moore, Police Chief Kenny Hodson, Deputy City Clerk Sherri Miller & Ashley Twyman, Power Plant Superinten-dent Larry Berry, Mike Es-linger and other individu-als. Absent: Mayor Greg Cleveland.Approval of Agenda: A motion was made to ap-prove the agenda. Motion made by Commissioner Lanie, Seconded by Com-missioner Smith. Voting Yea: Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Com-missioner Smith, Commis-sioner Hatfield.PUBLIC COMMENTNone.CONSENT AGENDA1. Approve March 5, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes.2. Approve March 12, 2024 Special Meeting Min-utes.3. Appropriation Ordi-nance No. 3186 $159,390.33.4. Approve Payroll 03.12.2024 $63,144.75.5. Reappoint Ken Bel-lesine to the ID/Economic Devo Board for a four-year term to expire in 2028.6. Appoint Curt Miller to the ID/Economic Devo Board for a term to expire in 2027.7. Approval to Bid Indus-trial Development Farm-land Lease at Garfield for 2024-2025.8. Approve ID/Eco Devo Board Recommendation for Utility Rebate Incentive for Petunia's Eatery - 211 W Main.9. Approve Purchase of Dry Transformer from Bor-der States for $5,417.20 for Well #5 to be Paid from Wa-ter Operational Funds.10. Approve to Amend March 5th Motion Award-ing the Mag Meter Bid from Municipal Supply of $4,201.25 to Core & Main at $5,859.54 as the Munici-pal Supply Bid was not a Mag Meter. To be paid from Water Operational.Acting Mayor Lanie asked if any items should be removed from the con-sent agenda for discussion. Commissioner Hatfield asked that item 8 - Approve ID/Eco Devo Board Recom-mendation for Utility Re-bate Incentive for Petunia's Eatery 211 W Main be re-moved for further discus-sion. A motion was made to approve the consent agenda less item 8 to be moved This Way To Bug Heaven: Sculpture Project Creates Big Buzz In AnthonyIn October of 2023, An-thony PRIDE received no-tification from the Kansas Community Empowerment program their group’s grant request for the project “Bug-ging Out in Anthony” was selected to receive $2,000 from Kansas PRIDE, their fundraising partner. It did not take long for the whole town to be a “Buzz” over the project the group champi-oned to help create some-thing novel in Anthony. The goal of the project was to create recycled metal art sculptures of comical rendi-tions of bugs to help create tourism in Anthony. Many other communities have seen success by creating unique attractions to their communities – such as a large ball of twine – and it was the goal that Anthony could attract the same in-terest with a metal art sculpture park.Don Atha and Rebecca Courtesy PhotoSHERIFF’S DEPUTY GRADUATES: Last Friday, Harper County Sheriff’s Deputy Blaine Blackburn graduated with the 323rd Basic Training Class at the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center.Photo By: Don HoltCHS BASEBALL: In the bottom of the 7th, with the score tied 4-4, Chaparral’s Jay Cush-enbery (center) goes up to bat and gets a hit driving in two runs. The Roadrunners would go on to secure the win 6-5 in the rst game of a double header with the Cheney Cardinals.CITY Continued on next pageBUZZ Continued on next page
Page 2 the Anthony Republican • April 10, 2024to item 15 in the regular agenda for discussion. Mo-tion made by Commissioner Smith, Seconded by Com-missioner Hatfield. Voting Yea: Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Com-missioner Smith, Commis-sioner Hatfield.PUBLIC HEARINGSNone.REGULAR BUSINESS11. Permission to Burn: Mike Eslinger was pres-ent to request permission to burn brush in the Lot North of 463 S LL&G. No action was taken due to lack of motion.12. Request to Approve WIFI Connection at An-thony Lake - Anthony Lake Board. Removed from the agenda.13. Untable Bid Open-ing: A motion was made to Tarnow introduced the idea to the group and became the designated ‘Bug Masters.’ Their first project was the creation of a “Cat- a-pillar” made from connecting met-al dryer drums for the body and a whimsical cat face painted on the end. Brian Campbell was the welder for this project. You can see their creation on their 301 N. Jennings corner lot.Some of their other cre-ations placed on their lot in-clude “Daddy Long Legs’ – a comical rendition of a spider and the Cosmic Cyclops Bug. They teamed up with Shei-la from Country at Heart and welder, Howard Hat-field, to create, “Creech- the Love Bug.” Creech landed in the alcove of Country at Heart. Howard helped with installation on many of the projects in addition to using his welding skills. Tammy & Mike Potter helped with painting and welding. The project received donations of metal supplies from Dal-las Seachris and Jeff Bag-nell. With the project “roll-ing”, a Ladybug found a home in front of Bluestone Building at 601 E. Main St. Don & Rebecca then rolled onto North LL &G with Butter-Bug-Fly landing at Jeff Cullop’s building.One of the goals of the project was to involve oth-er community members in making creations. Jordan Hostetler enthusiastically created a raw metal Scor-pion shown at Grene Vision outside their entryway. Lo-gan Oliphant is at work on a sculpture for his Eagle Scout project to be unveiled once the project is complete. Don & Rebecca’s last project for Anthony Pride is three Bumble Bees – watch for them to land soon.The grant has provided for more than the original goal of 5 metal art sculp-tures. As Anthony PRIDE ends their involvement with this project, Don has found a new passion as a sculptor of metal art carrying on his work with a recently pur-chased welder. His motto is “This way to Bug Heaven.” Anthony Pride wants to thank and recognize Don and Rebecca for their time, hard work, and dedica-tion to this project. With-out them, whimsical bugs would never have appeared in Anthony. We also want to thank those that supported the project whether with their welding skills or do-nating supplies or sharing their other talents. Anthony PRIDE thanks the Anthony Republican for helping An-thony Pride publicize the project.The next project Antho-ny Pride will be working on is signage. Our group received a $1,000 match-ing grant from the Kansas Community Empowerment program’s partnership with the Kansas Masons, repre-sented by Kansas PRIDE, Inc. The group had identi-fied this as a need, and it was reinforced by the “First Impressions” visitors to An-thony. We know the project will require more funding than Anthony PRIDE cur-rently has, and we are work-ing to increase our funds for this project. Volunteers and ideas are always a need. We appreciate our commu-nity’s past support and ask for your help to continue to work toward keeping Antho-ny – Active and Attractive.BUZZ Continued from previous pageCITY Continued from previous pageuntable the bid opening for Lake Boat Ramp Repair or Replacement. Motion made by Commissioner Lanie, Seconded by Commissioner Hatfield. Voting Yea: Com-missioner Eaton, Commis-sioner Lanie, Commissioner Smith, Commissioner Hat-field. Two bids were received for the Lake Boat Ramp Repair or Replacement. SSM (Silver Star Manage-ment) for $73,910.00 and Big Dig Demolition LLC for $81,540.00. After discus-sion, a motion was made to approve the bid from SSM for $73,910.00 as amended to meet the city codes and to be paid from the Lake Maintenance Improve-ment fund. Motion made by Commissioner Hatfield, Seconded by Commissioner Smith. Voting Yea: Commis-sioner Eaton, Commission-er Lanie, Commissioner Smith, Commissioner Hat-field14. Anthony Lake De-velopment Proposal: The Commission discussed the proposal and the options to provide information to the community including a let-ter to the editor and town hall meeting. 8. Approve ID/Eco Devo Board Recommendation for Utility Rebate Incentive for Petunia's Eatery 211 W Main: After clarification of the details of utility re-bates, a motion was made to approve the ID/Eco Devo Board Recommendation for a Utility Rebate Incen-tive for Petunia’s Eatery at 211 W. Main. Motion made by Commissioner Lanie and Seconded by Commis-sioner Eaton. Voting Yea: Commissioner Lanie, Com-missioner Eaton, Commis-sioner Smith and Commis-sioner Hatfield.15. Anthony Lake De-velopment Proposal - Te-resa Cullop: Removed from agenda, citizen was unable to attend.16. Approve Lake Lease: A motion was made to ap-prove Lake Lease 5 E Cat-tail Cove Circle to Earl Nelan. Motion made by Commissioner Eaton, Sec-onded by Commissioner Smith. Voting Yea: Commis-sioner Eaton, Commission-er Lanie, Commissioner Smith, Commissioner Hat-field.17. Approve CMB Appli-cation: A motion was made to approve the Municipal Hall CMB Application for Chris Cox. Motion made by Commissioner Eaton, Seconded by Commissioner Smith. Voting Yea: Commis-sioner Eaton, Commission-er Lanie, Commissioner Smith, Commissioner Hat-field.18. Ordinance S-317: A motion was made to ap-prove Ordinance S-317 for a Dangerous Structure at the Southwest Corner of Grant and S Massachusetts - Rathgeber. Motion made by Commissioner Smith and Seconded by Commissioner Lanie. A roll call vote was then taken. Commissioner Lanie-Yea, Commissioner Smith-Yea, Commissioner Eaton- Yea and Commis-sioner Hatfield-Yea.19. 2024 KDOT Cost-Share Grant: Administra-tor Kastens informed the Commission that the 20% match commitment calcula-tion was incorrect as report-ed at the last commission meeting. After discussion, the Commission was split CITY Continued on next page
the Anthony Republican • April 10, 2024 Page 32-2 whether the city should continue with the applica-tion and directed the Ad-ministrator to consult with Mayor Cleveland as the 5th commission member tie-breaker vote when he re-turned from out of town.STAFF REPORTS20. Administrator Re-port: No report.21. Superintendent Re-port: The Superintendent reported on permits, re-search mobile home regu-lations, met with KONE elevator mechanic at the hall, will be attending the Harper County Board of Zoning Appeals meeting for hearing on the city's sign variance application and other department activities.22. Chief of Police Re-port: We arrested Wynema Campbell on a warrant, and she was in possession of meth at the time of her arrest so was charged with possession of Meth. We in-vestigated a domestic dis-turbance in the 700 block of N Bluff and turned the case over to the C.A. for possible charges. We arrested Crys-tal Cummings on a warrant for Battery. We investigated one minor traffic accident. We wrote 10 warning cita-tions and 3 citations.EXECUTIVE SESSION None.ADJOURNMENTA motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Mo-tion made by Commissioner Hatfield, Seconded by Com-missioner Smith. Voting Yea: Commissioner Eaton, Commissioner Lanie, Com-missioner Smith, Commis-sioner Hatfield.Gregory Cleveland, MayorCyndra Kastens, City Clerk/AdministratorCITY Continued from previous pagePhoto By: Ross Downing/Anthony RepublicanLATEST BUG SCULPTURE: The scorpion sculpture sits in front of the Grene Vision building and was designed and created by Jordan Hostetler.Harper Co. Dept. On Aging: Final Days For Homestead Property Tax RefundBy Jennifer WolffReminder Harper Coun-ty senior residents who own property & whose house-hold gross income is $40,500 or less, you may qualify for up to $700 back in property tax thru the Kansas Home-stead Refund. This annual program is not automatic & you must file for a refund by April 15th. There are also refunds available for veter-ans, permanently disabled & low income seniors. More information is available at or call Jennifer in the Aging Office to schedule an appointment 620-842-5104.Join us 4/16 for “Tues-days Together” where guest speaker Danielle Saunders will be discussing how to avoid probate. Learn steps you can take now to transfer assets & bank accounts to your heirs upon your death. Planning now will make life easier for your heir(s) later. Join us at 11:30 am in Patterson Health Center’s meeting room. Danielle will be available after her pre-sentation to answer ques-tions & set appointments as needed.The Public Transporta-tion Service assists ALL Harper Co residents of any age to stay indepen-dent with transportation to work, medical appoint-ments, shopping, errands, Patterson Health Center & locations less than 70 miles. Hours of operation: 8:30am– 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday. Every Harper Co resident can ride with public transit regardless of age or mobility. Equal access is provided to the public. Although we are available to make trips M-F out of county, rides need to be scheduled 24 hours in ad-vance & the bus returns for Harper Co by 3pm. CALL 620-842-5104 for ride res-ervations & rates. 1st come, 1st served. We currently have an opening for a full time driver which will af-fect our availability until a driver is hired. Advance res-ervations are recommended for in-county as well as out of county rides.Out of County Transit Schedule: Mon 4/15: WichitaTues 4/16: No out of countyWed 4/17: Wichita Thurs 4/18: WichitaFri 4/19: Wichita All routes are subject to change without notice. BANNERS • SIGNS • PRINTINGLD’S Printing • 842-5129 • Anthony, KansasCourtesy PhotoKRAZY QUILTERS MEET: Dollie Mathes is pictured with her chenille Sun Bonnet Sue block.By LeAnn HodsonApril is a time for Tea Parties, right? It was for the Krazy Quilter’s anyway. The group met on April 6th for their monthly meeting and a time to share tea and snacks. To go along with the tea theme, they also had a tea dying demonstration from LeAnn Hodson. She brewed several bags in a bowl and then dipped in lace and fabric pieces. They came out a lovely shade of TEA. The group also shared their chenille inspired proj-ects in keeping with the Krazy Quilters Meet For Tea Partyyearly Grandma’s Attic Rescue along with many other fun finished creations. Mary Lou Misak, Jean Ly-man, Pauletta Hinkle, Twi-la Strong, Dollie Mathes, Connie Troyer, Teresa Brixey, Inga Alldritt, Sher-ry Rishell, Pauline Oliver, DeAnna Stevens and LeAnn Hodson were able to attend this month’s meeting. They always look forward to their times together. Next month the group will be sharing blocks and items that are to include rescued dollies or items with crocheted trim.VA Rep To Visit Harper CountyNicholas McCammon, a Veteran Service Repre-sentative for the Kansas Commission on Veterans’ Affairs, will be in Harper County one day a month to assist Veterans and their family members file claims for various veteran ben-efits. On Tuesday, April 16 , 2024 from 1:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. the Veteran Service Representative will be at the Harper County Health Department, 123 N. Jen-nings, Anthony, KS 67003. The Kansas Commission on Veterans’ Affairs is a State Agency that provides free assistance to veterans and their families with veterans’ benefits. If you are or any of family members are in need of assistance with vet-eran benefits, please call the Harper County Health De-partment at 620-842-5132 to schedule an appointment. KDOT Announces Approved BidsThe Kansas Department of Transportation announc-es approved bids for state highway construction and maintenance projects. District Five — South Central: Harper County - 160-39 KA-5725-01 - U.S.160, bridge #016 over Sand Creek located 2.0 miles east of the of the K-2/U.S.160 north junction, bridge replacement, King Construction Company Inc. & Subsidiaries, Hesston, Kansas, $2,183,167.47.GOT NEWS OR PICTURES YOU WANT TO SHARE? ANTHONYREPUBLICAN@ATT.NET
Page 4 the Anthony Republican • April 10, 2024HARPER COUNTYDISTRICT COURT REPORTIndividuals listed below are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.PAID TRAFFIC CITATIONS2/27: Martinus Rothner: 1) Speeding - 83/65; $201.00. 24-TR-47.3/28: Bernardino Rodriguez Urueta: 1) Speeding - 96/20; $318.00. 24-TR-62.CIVIL CASE FILINGSAnthony Farmers Cooperative Elevator Co. vs. Bobby Francis, debt collection; 24-CV-9.CRIMINAL CASE FILINGSState of Kansas vs. Robert F. Henry: 1) Disorderly conduct. 24-CR-20.COUNTY COURT DOCKETJUDGE SCOTT E. McPHERSONMonday, April 8, 20241:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. James D. Landreth, status conference; 21-CR-29.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Justin R. Sanpaka, status conference; 24-CR-19.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Crystal Cummings, status conference; 24-CR-19.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Robert F. Henry, rst appearance; 24-CR-20.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Bethany L. Graves, status conference; 24-TR-6.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Robert J. Black, status conference; 24-TR-24.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Christopher D. Kirkpatrick, rst appearance; 24-TR-55.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Brodan R. Salsberry, rst appearance; 24-TR-59.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. James Rouse, rst appearance; 24-TR-60.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Gricelda Castaneda Tapia, rst appearance; 24-TR-61.2:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Alan Fleming, evidentiary; 24-CR-15.Thursday, April 11, 20249:00 a.m. Dustin Stansbury vs. Chad Hacker, show cause hearing; 23-SC-300001.9:00 a.m. Synchrony Bank vs. Kaye Clifton, answer hearing; 24-LM-27.HARPER COUNTY JAILARRESTS & BOOKINGSBraeden R. Bell, 23: Arrested: 4-4-24; Released: N/A. Arrested By: BCSO. Charges: 1) Housing for Barber County Sheriff’s Ofce.Maynor A. Ubico, 22: Arrested: 4-7-24; Released: N/A. Arrested By: HPD. Charges: 1) Criminal damage to property - value <$1,000. 2) Duty of driver to report upon damaging unattended vehicle/property. 3) Driving under the inuence - 2nd conviction. 4) Transporting an open container. 5) Driving while suspended - 1st conviction.HARPER COUNTY DEEDSBOOK D108#1203 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Carolyn Sharp to C&C Property Investments LLC, a tract in the SE corner of the NE/4 of Sect. 12, Twp. 34 S, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#1204 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Justin Wohlschlegel and Valerie Wohlschlegel to CWM Outdoor Properties LLC, the SE/4 of Sect. 9, Twp. 32 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M., less a 5 acre tract in the NE corner, Harper County, Kansas.#1205 - Trustee’s Deed: Shawn L. Nelson, Trustee of the Aunt Franie Overlees Trust, to Edmund A. Garcia and Shawn L. Nelson, Trusees of the EASB Revocable Trust, the SW/4 and the W/2 of the SE/4 in Sect. 9 of Twp. 33 S, Range 6 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#1206 - General Warranty Deed: Rachel Denton to Carson Denton and Brittni Denton, a tract in the SW/4 of Sect. 24, Twp. 32 S, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M.; and 3 tracts of land located in the SW/4 of Sect. 24, TWp. 32 S, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M.; and a tract in the SW corner of the SW/4 of Sect. 24, Twp. 32 S, Range 7 W of the 6th P.M.; all in Harper County, Kansas.#1207 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Kelby J. Connell to Wendelen Sprong, Lot 7 in Blk. 18 in the Original Townsite of the City of Harper, Harper County, Kansas.#1208 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Ruby Florence LLC to Jody Foster, the NE/4 of the NW/4 of Sect. 18, Twp. 35 S, Range 8 W of the 6th P.M., Harper County, Kansas.#1209 - Rejected - Not Filed.#1210 - Quit Claim Deed: Douglas W. Oliver and Pauline Oliver, Frances K. Ward, and Judith A. Fisher, to Oliver Farms LLC, the NE/4 of Sect. 34, Twp. 32 S, Range 9 W of the 6th P.M.; and the E/2 of the SE/4 of Sect. 34, Twp. 32 S, Range 9 W of the 6th P.M.; and the SE/4 of Sect. 36, Twp. 32 S, Range 9 W of the 6th P.M.; and Lots 3, 4 and the E/2 of the SW/4 of Sect. 31, Twp. 32, Range 8 W of the 6th P.M. (less a 7.5 acre tract); all in Harper County, Kansas.#1211 - Quit Claim Deed: Kristina Morin and Travis Morin to Douglas W. Oliver, Frances K. Ward, and Judith A. Fisher, Lot 1 and the N/40’ of Lot 2 in Blk. 25 in the City of Attica, Harper County, Kansas.#1212 - Quit Claim Deed: Douglas W. Oliver and Pauline Oliver, Frances K. Ward, and Judith A. Fisher to Douglas L. Ward, Lot 1 and the N/40’ of Lot 2 in Blk. 25 in the City of Attica, Harper County, Kansas.#1213 - Executor’s Deed: Joshua J.N. Budd, executor of the estate of Eric J. Budd, to Craig Denton and Angela Denton, Lots 4, 5 and 6 in BLk. 5 of Martin’s Second Addition to the City of Harper, Harper County, Kansas.#1214 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Morgan Conaway to Brookwood Capital Group LLC, Lot 13 and the S/2 of Lot 14 in Blk. 21 in the City of Attica, Harper County, Kansas.#1215 - Quit Claim Deed: Charles Conaway to Brookwood Capital Group LLC, Lot 13 and the S/2 of Lot 14 in Blk. 21 in the City of Attica, Harper County, Kansas.#1216 - Trustee’s Deed: Marla M. Layman, Trustee fo the Marla M. Layman Revocable Trust, to Richard J. Layman, Trustee of the RIchard J. Layman Revocalble Living Trust, and Marla M. Layman and Richard J. Layman, Co-Trustee’s of the Richard and Marla Layman Trust, Lot 4 and the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Sect. 4, Twp. 34 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M. (less a 1.889 acre tract) in Harper County, Kansas.Obituary...James F. Drouhard1949 ~ 2024James Francis Drouhard, also known as Jimmie, was born on September 2, 1949 in Harper, Kan-sas to Edward Francis and Helen Leona (Wedman) Drouhard. He grew up on the family farm near Danville, Kansas along with his six siblings. Jim attended grade school at the Immaculate Concep-tion Catholic School in Danville and then Harper High School, gradu-ating with the class of 1967. He was a kind and caring person and a dedicated, hard worker. Jim was fond of farming and loved helping his parents with plowing and plant-ing the elds. He showed up every summer at harvest to cut the wheat.Enlisting in the United States Navy on November 12, 1968, the adventure began as Jim spent al-most four years on the USS Kretch-mer exploring many countries. He was awarded the National Defense Service Medal and with the rank of Engineman Third Class, Jim was Honorably Discharged on October 26, 1972 into the Naval Reserves.Jim was blessed with four daughters: Jennifer, Amy, Anne, and Julie. Working as an aircraft machinist, he spent many years working for Cessna, Boeing, and Spirit. He was a dedicated mem-ber of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church and was a mem-ber of the Knights of Columbus.Keeping busy with work and the family farm, Jim still found time to enjoy shing. His favorite holiday was Fourth of July as he would become a kid again setting off re-works. He also had a passion for Fords and his prized possession, a 1964 Ford Mustang.Jim had become a resident of Homestead of Crestview Assisted Living in Wichita, Kansas. This is where he passed away at the age of 74 on March 21, 2024. He was preceded in death by his parents, Edward and Helen Drouhard and two sisters, Barbara Jean Drouhard and Janice Klein. Jim is survived by his daughters: Jennifer Lardie (Chad) of Athens, Alabama, Amy Rogers (Kevin) of Mt. Hope, Kan-sas, Anne Black of Haysville, Kan-sas, and Julie Rogers of Harper; siblings: Ron Drouhard (Judy) of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, Nancy Galbraith (Mike) of Augusta, Kan-sas, Ruth Ann Newsum (Jeff) of Hutchinson, Kansas, and Roger Drouhard (Jill) of Danville; nine grandchildren and sixteen great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews; other relatives and many friends.Rosary is 10:00 a.m. and Mass of Christian Burial is 10:30 a.m. Saturday, April 13, 2024 at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Danville, of the St. Joan of Arc Parish Community with Father Bob Pinninti ofciating. A private family inurnment will take place at the Fairview Cemetery, Danville.In lieu of owers, memorials may be made to the Gary Sinise Foundation and can be sent in care of Prairie Rose Funeral Homes, 613 W 14th ~ Harper, Kansas 67058.Online condolences can be left at www.prairierosefuneralhomes.comGOT NEWS YOU WANT TO SHARE?Email us at:• PRINTING •• SIGNS •• SHIRTS •• BANNERS •• STICKERS • • STAMPS •LD’S PRINTING620-842-5129
the Anthony Republican • April 10, 2024 Page 5Secure Wi-Fi On The Go from SCTelcomfromSCTelcom is now offering SmartTown Wi-Fi, a safe, secure Wi-Fi connection that allows SCTelcom customers to access a secure network around the community!✓ SmartTown Wi-Fi has better range and is more secure than other public Wi-Fi networks.✓ No more capping out your data plan or experiencing throttled speeds. Use SmartTown around town and save your data for back-up.✓ You can save your mobile data for when you really need it.✓ No need to log in and out of multiple Wi-Fi networks around town. Log in once to SmartTown and have access around town.What to know about SmartTownSmartTown is a service available exclusively to SCTelcom customers! Have questions about SmartTown? Give us a call at County Real Estate ValuationsIncrease In The 8%-10% Range Since 2022Official Meeting MinutesRegular MeetingSubmitted By HarperCounty Clerk’s OfficeMarch 11, 2024The Harper County Board of County Commis-sioners met in regular ses-sion, with Chairman Stru-ble calling the meeting to order with Commissioner Waldschmidt and Commis-sioner Vornauf. Shonda Lar-son, Assistant to the Board, and Ami DeLacerda, Coun-ty Clerk, were present. Commissioner Wald-schmidt moved that the Board approve the 3/1/2024 payroll benefits accounts payable, in the amount of $61,092.11. The motion passed unanimously.Commissioner Struble motioned to enter execu-tive session at 8:38am. The justification for clos-ing the meeting is to dis-cuss personnel matters of nonelected personnel. The open meeting will resume at 8:50am in this room; ap-proved unanimously. The motion was approved unan-imously. The meeting re-sumed at 8:50am, no bind-ing action taken. At 8:52, Christina Cin-tron, Dispatch Director, joined the meeting via con-ference call. Discussion was held on updated road signs, to be purchased with funds from the Capital Equipment fund. She will continue to research the project and up-date the Board as more in-formation is available.Mike Bennett and Janet Slankard with Public Works gave a department update. There is a State-mandat-ed Meeting scheduled on 4/10/2024 from 1:00 – 4:00. It is not open to the public, however, at least one Com-missioner must be present. Also discussed the depart-ment switching to a four, ten hour day schedule effec-tive 4/1/2024. The schedule will be flexible, with staff scheduled to work Monday – Friday. Commissioner Waldschmidt volunteered to drive a road grader, sched-uling was discussed.Commissioner Wald-schmidt moved that the Board approve Accounts Payable for 3/11/2024 in the amount of $133,691.64. The motion passed unanimously.Nathan Cruzen, PB Hoi-dale Company, met with the Board to discuss purchasing fuel tanks and tracking sys-tems. He will return with estimates.Jennifer Wolff, Depart-ment on Aging/Public Transportation Director, gave a department update. She reviewed a transporta-tion report with the Board and explained that rider-ship numbers are up com-pared to this time last year. She gave an update on funding received to aid low income residents, and discussed the current part-nerships with PHC on pro-grams for aging county residents, and with the Red Cross for purchasing smoke detectors for residents. Mr. David Black, An-thony resident, entered the meeting and spoke to the Commissioners about the increase in value on his home. Josh Teel, IT/Building & Grounds Director, gave a department update. An Inordinate Spending Re-quest was submitted for $25,375.00 for upgrades to the IT/Computer equipment needed for the Dispatch center relocation project. Commissioner Waldschmidt moved that the Board ap-prove the request. The mo-tion passed unanimously. An Inordinate Spending Request was submitted for $1,4427.00 for fire extin-guisher service and addi-tions. Commissioner Vor-nauf moved that the Board approve the request. The motion passed unanimous-ly. An Inordinate Spending Request was submitted for $4,600 for the service con-tract for clocktower main-tenance. Commissioner Vornauf moved that the Board approve the request. The motion passed unani-mously. A recent article in the Harper Advocate re-garding the Attica daycare center was discussed, and Josh clarified his statement about the match portion of the expense.Commissioner Struble moved that the meeting take a 5 minute recess at 10:11am, the motion passed unanimously. The meeting resumed at 10:16am. Kari O’Riley, Commu-nity Development, gave a department update. The Ad Valorem tax rebate pro-gram, and potential over-sights made during its cre-ation was discussed. Kari is working with the County Counselor to identify the appropriate steps necessary to take in order for the pro-gram to become compliant with State regulations. At this time, applications are still being accepted, how-ever, decisions will not be made until the program be-comes compliance.Shonda Larson, Finance Director and Assistant to the Board, gave a depart-ment update. They re-viewed real estate valua-tions since 2022, most are in the 8%-10% increase range. Transfers for February were reviewed, and Commission-er Waldschmidt moved that the Board approve them in the amount of $202,604.05. The motion passed unani-mously. Financials & cash balances to date were also reviewed. Ami DeLacerda, Coun-ty Clerk, gave a depart-ment update. Commis-sioner Waldschmidt moved that the Board approve -$8,355.32 in Real Estate Abatements. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Struble motioned to enter execu-tive session at 11:00am. The justification for clos-ing the meeting is to dis-cuss personnel matters of nonelected personnel. The open meeting will resume at 11:15am in this room; approved unanimously. The motion was approved unanimously. The meet-ing resumed at 11:15am, no binding action taken. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:25am. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, March 18, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner Room at the Harper County Courthouse. Approved: Darrin Stru-ble, ChairmanAttest: Ami DeLacerda, County ClerkPRINTING • SIGNS • SHIRTSLD’s PRINTING • ANTHONY • 620-842-5129GOT NEWS OR PICS YOU WANT TO SHARE? SEND IT TO US
Page 6 the Anthony Republican • April 10, 2024(First Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, April 10, 2024) 3t In the Matter of the Trust Estate of )CAROL LYNN BASSFORD, deceased ) ) NOTICE TO CREDITORSYou are hereby noti ed that Carol Lynn Bassford died on March 3, 2024, a resident of Harper County, Kansas. At the time of death, Carol Lynn Bassford had a Revocable Trust dated October 25, 2001, and restated September 15, 2011, and amendments thereto. All creditors are noti ed to exhibit their demands against the estate within four months from the date of rst publication of this Notice, as provided by law, and if their demands are not thus exhibited, they shall be forever barred. Demands are to be submitted in writing to the Co-Trustees at the address below. Julie Blunk Amy Duncan Debra Augustyn Co-Trusteesc/o Alan C. GoeringGoering & SlinkardPO Box 366Medicine Lodge, KS 67104LEGAL NOTICE(First Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, April 10, 2024) 3t IN THE THIRTIETH JUDICIAL DISTRICTDISTRICT COURT, HARPER COUNTY, KANSASPROBATE DEPARTMENTIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: ) )BERNARD J. HAMMERSMITH ) Case No: HP-2024-PR-08 ) NOTICE OF HEARING AND NOTICE TO CREDITORSAND HEIR SANDRA THOMASTHE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby noti ed that on 4th the day of April, 2024, a Petition for Probate of Will and Issuance of Letters of Administration C.T.A., under the Kansas Simpli ed Estates Act was led in this Court by Bran-don J. Coon, devisee and legatee, and administrator appointed by the Court for the “Last Will and Testament of Bernard J. Hammersmith”, deceased, dated April 5, 2007. You are required to le your written defenses to the Petition on or before April 25, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. in the District Court, Harper County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail to le your written defenses, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition.All creditors and Sandra Thomas are noti ed to exhibit their demands against the Estate within the latter of four months from the date of rst publication of notice under K.S.A. 59-2236 and amendments thereto, or if the identity of the creditor is known or reasonably ascertainable, 30 days after actual notice was given as provided by law, and if their demands are not thus exhibited, they shall be forever barred. BRANDON J. COON PetitionerPETER C. HAGAN, S.C.I.D #12105HAGAN LAW OFFICE310 West Central, Suite 106Wichita, Kansas 67202(316) 267-2407Attorney for PetitionerLEGAL NOTICE• • • LETTER TO THE EDITOR • • •Dear Editor & Readers,Rapture and or fly away is a lie, fly away is a term used when teaching in the church. Fly away is mentioned in the bible, King James that is, in Ezekiel 13:17 read paragraph 23 - go to Ezekial 13:20 - Wherefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly.Ezekiel 13:17 Daughters - own heart, :18 Woman - trap coverings, :19 Pastures, Reve, etc., :20 Written, :21 Ye shall know I am the Lord.2 Thessalonian 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering unto him. :2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. :3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; :4, 5, 6, :7 For the Mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. :8 And then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the LORD shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.Rev. 20: 2, 3, 7, 12, 13, 14 :11 And I saw a great white throne, and him… :6 Last Sentence 1,000 years (millennium). :7 Satan shall be loosed out of his prison. :8 Gog (Israel) and Magog (NW Alaska). :9 And Fire came down from God out of Heaven.Keith CarberryAnthony, KansasPatterson Health Center Is One OfThe Top 100 Hospitals In The CountryHD#6 Hospital Board Regular MeetingOfficial MinutesFebruary 22, 2024PresentBoard of Directors – Jan Lanie, Kara Bello, Pam Falis, Kristen Stoughton, and Tim Penner. PHC – Sarah Teaff, CEO; Lori Allen, COO; San-dra Owen, CFO; Jonathan Kolarik, Risk Management; Amber Speer, Risk Manage-ment; Paige Wise, Executive Assistant; Kim Barwick, HR Director; Lisa Apperson, Dialysis Manager(zoom). Guests – none. Call To OrderLanie called the meeting to order at 5:15 pm. Board Education OrPresentationsDialysis – Lisa Apperson zoomed into to the meeting to meet the board and in-troduce herself to everyone. Lisa went over the dialysis program and what she has been able to get done since she has started and an-swered any questions the board members have. Tim Penner asked for a timeline of the program. Lisa went over some starting logis-tics of getting the program started. Lisa starts with making policies and getting equipment/room ready be-fore anything is officially up and running. Hybrid model of outpatient dialysis with training patients to be in hospital and in home dialy-sis. Public CommentsNone.Approval Of MinutesMinutes of the Janu-ary 25, 2024, regular board meeting was presented for approval. Motion to approve by Lanie; seconded Stough-ton by to approve minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously.Department Reports, Policy Review &ApprovalHospital Spending Ap-proval Policy – Sarah Te-aff would like to adjust the policy that is currently in action. This revision to the policy will decrease the amount that staff will be able to send before needing approval when purchas-ing equipment. Approval of policy with adding $10,00 spending limit for CEO be-fore needing board approval. HR – Kim Barwick re-ports there are 171 employ-ees with 125 fulltime em-ployees. The turnover rate in 2023 was 14%; 2022 was 17.6%; 24.9% in 2021. The learning management tool was put in place last year and is fully in place and em-ployees’ training is out on it currently. This will make the process of getting phy-sicians and nurses ACLS, BLS, and PALS done online. Staffing challenges that HR is seeing are in the rehab de-partment. Currently looking for a physical therapist for the program to fill gaps as of now we only have one in the position and would like to have two in the position. There has been a candidate found to fill the IT Director position that will hopefully be able to start next week. Last week there was an em-ployee who fell victim to an online scam through her em-ployee email. Once our new IT Director is on board there HOSPITAL Continued on Page 8will be some education/training for employees. • Risk Management – Johnathan Kolarik gave a monthly report. Survey from KDHE in January. They came back with some correc-tive actions for us to make, which have been submit-ted. We will be waiting to hear back on the approval of those actions. The motion by Penner, seconded by Bello to approve documents as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Medical Staff AndCredentialing ReportThere were no medical staff and credentialing re-ports this month. Operations ReportCOO - Quarterly news-letter is getting sent out in English and Spanish this time around. The newslet-ter is going to the printer this week to go out next week. Mobile clinic update. The mobile clinic is in Nor-wich on the first and third Monday of every month. 8 patients this past Monday 2/19 in Norwich, with 2 new patients. We are working on getting some marketing ini-tiatives to get more work out there about the mobile clinic in Norwich. Dialysis have finalized Dr. Short as being our medical director for the program. The contracts have been sent out to be signed. Photo By: Don HoltCHAPARRAL SOFTBALL: Nackenzie Macias catches this pop up in the ineld during the second game of a double header against the Cheney Cardinals this past Friday.
the Anthony Republican • April 10, 2024 Page 7FOR RENT - Low income housing for people age 55 and older. Mainte-nance lives on site. Water, sewer and trash paid. Storm shelters. Contact Meadowlark Housing, 924 E. Spring in Anthony, KS 67003. Phone: 620-842-5331. 32-4-5-tfcFOR RENTKCAN ADSHELP WANTED KCAN ADSHELP WANTED: Erickson & Gill Dentistry is looking for an enthusias-tic dental assistant for our Anthony/Wellington ofces. Experience is not required but is a plus. Please send resumes to 28-3-27-4tcKCAN ADSFor SalePlace your 25-word classied in the Kansas Press Association and 135 more newspapers for only $300/ week. Find employees, sell your home or your car. Call the Kansas Press Association @ 785-271-5304 today! kpa-4-10Misc.VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 50 Pills SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW! 844-887-7963. kpa-4-10Misc.PROFESSIONAL LAWN SER-VICE: Fertilization, weed control, seeding, aeration and mosquito con-trol. Call now for a free quote. Ask about our rst application special! 855-288-8649. kpa-4-10Misc.TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUI-TARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins / Banjos. 855-454-6658. kpa-4-10Misc.PAYING TOP CA$H FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Day-tona, GMT, Submariner and Speed-master. Call 844-575-0691. kpa-4-10Misc.BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little asONE DAY!Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Life-time warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts avail-able. Call: 855-219-8849. kpa-4-10Misc.WATER DAMAGE CLEANUP & RES-TORATION: A small amount of water can lead to major damage and mold growth in your home. Our trusted professionals do complete repairs to protect your family and your home’s value! Call 24/7: 1-877-586-6688. Have zip code of service location ready when you call! kpa-4-10Misc.STOP OVERPAYING FOR HEALTH INSURANCE! A recent study shows that a majority of people struggle to pay for health coverage. Let us show you how much you can save. Call Now for a no-obligation quote: 1-888-519-3376 You will need to have your zip code to connect to the right provider. kpa-4-10Misc.INJURED IN AN ACCIDENT? Don’t Accept the insurance company’s rst offer. Many injured parties are entitled to cash settlements in the $10,000’s. Get a free evaluation to see what your case is really worth. 100% Free Evaluation. Call Now: 1-888-920-1883. kpa-4-10Misc.AGING ROOF? NEW HOMEOWN-ER? STORM DAMAGE? You need a local expert provider that proudly stands behind their work. Fast, free estimate. Financing available. Call 1-877-589-0093 Have zip code of property ready when calling! kpa-4-10Misc.NEED NEW WINDOWS? Drafty rooms? Chipped or damaged frames? Need outside noise reduc-tion? New, energy efcient windows may be the answer! Call for a consul-tation & FREE quote today. 1-866-766-5558 You will need to have your zip code to connect to the right pro-vider. kpa-4-10Misc.GOT AN UNWANTED CAR??? DO-NATE IT TO PATRIOTIC HEARTS. Fast free pick up. All 50 States. Pa-triotic Hearts’ programs help veter-ans nd work or start their own busi-ness. Call 24/7: 855-612-3543. kpa-4-10(First Published in The Anthony Republican on April 10, 2024) 1t(First Published in The Anthony Republican on Wednesday, April 10, 2024) 1tPUBLIC NOTICEPUBLIC NOTICEGOT NEWS OR PICS TO SHARE?Send It To Us Atanthonyrepublican@att.netHARPER COUNTY’S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPERTHE ANTHONY REPUBLICAN620-842-5129 • 121 E. Main, AnthonyWebsite: www.anthonyrepublicannews.comEmail:
Page 8 the Anthony Republican • April 10, 2024CEO - One of the top 100 hospitals in the country. One of 12 Kansas critical access hospitals. This is the second year in a row that we have been on this list. Cerner con-tract is coming due at the end of the year. At the end of January, a Cerner team came to our campus to dis-cuss our contract and what it would take for them to keep us on and sign anoth-er contract with them. Our whole IT team as well as the CEO, CCO, CFO to dis-cuss our options and to get into what could be improved if we were to sign another with Cerner. Financial Statements Owen reported on the January 2024 Financials. January’s activity in cash accounts was reviewed that included payments received and expenses paid out. Revenue included property tax revenue from Harper and Kingman counties. Payments received from insurance and patients were $1,036,846.52. Janu-ary included two payrolls. Days Cash on Hand re-mains strong at 207 days: well above the average of other Kansas Critical Ac-cess Hospitals. Patient Ac-counts Receivable increased with a total AR balance of $2,604,775.00 and AR Days at 30. Gross Patient Revenue for January was $1,923,586; a YTD decrease of $46,608 compared to January 2023. Inpatient Revenue increased for the month of January compared to December with patient days of 37. Swing-bed revenue decreased in January with 51 patient days. Outpatient revenue increased in January over December 2023 and has a YTD increase of $94,415 or 8.12%. Total Operating Rev-enue has a YTD increase of $199,108 or 6.88% over Jan-uary 2023. Total Operating Expenses were $2,041,575; a YTD decrease of $14,696. Nonoperating Revenues in-cluded grants and contribu-tions of $3,720. A Net Loss of $58,008 was reported for the month of January with a YTD Loss of $58,008.Accounts payable for Jan-uary were $1,533,748.50. Motion by Bello seconded by Lanie to approve accounts payable. Motion carried unanimously.Harper County Health Foundation (HCHF)Discussed the dialysis update. Up to $146,000 in their fundraising for the program. Are still look-ing for some new members. Elected some new officers at their last meeting. Jason wolf is the new President. Project manager position has been filled by Lori Wil-son. The foundation went over their strategic plan for 2024 and edited what they will be doing for the year. They removed EMS from their plan and have decided that they are no longer go-ing to investigate helping with the program. Unfinished BusinessNone.New BusinessAnnual Meeting Date - The annual meeting was dis-cussed and the board chose May 20th to be the date for the 2024 annual meeting. Executive SessionAt 7:05 p.m. members en-HOSPITAL Continued from Page 6tered executive session un-til 7:30p.m. to discuss non-elected personnel. Motion made by Lanie; seconded by Penner. Motion carried unanimously. The open ses-sion resumed at 7:30p.m.AdjournmentThere was no further business, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm. Motion made by Bello; sec-onded by Fallis. Motion car-ried unanimously.Approved by the BoardKara Bello, SecretaryCHAPARRAL JV TENNIS - ZACHARY WELCHPhoto By: Don HoltPhoto By: Don HoltJR. RUNNERS TRACK - KASLYNN SCHURLEPhoto By: Don HoltPhoto By: Don Holt60 YEARS AGO - 1964 Nine Anthony seniors left to take part in the one-week Kansas State Tour to Washington, D.C. and New York City. Among the 400 students and sponsors throughout Kansas were: Linda Watkins, Janet Duffy, Janie Coon, Pat Roach, Myr-na Frank, Eldon Younce, Dennis Hendershot, James Gates and Dana Dial.A wiener roast was the center of attraction for the celebration of Diana Mc-Courtney’s 13th birthday at the home of her parents. Attending in addition to her brother, Gary, were Janell Patterson, Glenda Williams, Janiece Mize, Susan Warner, Patricia Major, Diana Ham-ilton, Toni Dautel, Elaine Truitt, Karen Wharton of Harper and Kathy Robinson. 50 YEARS AGO - 1974Jerry Turner, member of the Board of Directors of the Anthony Chamber of Commerce announced that the committee had contact-ed Chaparral concerning a speaker for the Athletic Banquet. Mr. Jack Hartman, coach at Kansas State Uni-versity had been suggested as a speaker and the invita-tion issued, but not yet con-firmed.Park Hill Lanes Singles winners receiving awards at the Junior Bowlers Banquet were Roger Downing, Teena Underwood, Sonya Goucher, Bryan Shaw, Tim Ash, Lloyd Murrow, Jo LaPlant and Sherri Connell. 40 YEARS GO - 1984Four Chaparral High School varsity basketball players were honored by be-ing selected to the Chisholm Trail all-league teams. Deb-bie Wilkinson was one of nine unanimous choices to the league’s first team. An-other Lady Roadrunner, Me-lissa Burnet, was selected to the honorable mention list. Two Roadrunner boys, Jon Howie and Mike Moore, were also named to the hon-orable mention list by the CTL coaches.30 YEARS AGO - 1994Part of the rear of the corner building at Main and Kansas had fallen with the help of Father Time. Old issues of the Anthony Re-publican indicate that the building (next to the An-thony Theatre) was occupied upstairs by Anthony’s Ci-gar Factory in 1905. On the lower floor was the Probate Court House. The factory was managed by F.O. Price and two-five cent cigars were rolled there, “The Pride of Anthony” and “Little Bo-quet.” Other businesses there in recent years were: Joyner Hatchery, Hoopes Hatchery, Paul Shannon In-surance, Anthony Insurance Agency, Fawcett Baker and Ryan Express.20 YEARS AGO - 2004The Harper County Commissioners had unani-mously appointed Sherry Houston as administrator of the Harper County Health Department to fill a position vacated by the resignation of Rita Bonnetti several month earlier.Seventh and eighth grade students had finished their quiz bowl season. Students participating were: Jona-than Yipe, Sarah Camp-bell, Devon Howard, Keith Janet, Laura Arnett, Kaci Friend, Morgan Elliott, Cricket Garancosky, Ni-cole Schmidt, Charlie Shaw, Heather Watts, Leah Giesen and Hope Ward. The team’s sponsor was Kathie Kersten.10 YEARS AGO - 2014Chaparral wrestlers, Gavin Farzi, 160 lb. sopho-more, and Jaden Helms, 285 lb. junior, were to wrestle at Hays in the 3-2-1 A State Championships. Helms came home with a third place medal.5 YEARS AGO - 2019Rep. Kyle Hoffman spon-sored Chaparral Jr. High School students, Inslee Al-bright of Anthony and Dar-la Hennessee of Harper as pages in Topeka at the State Capitol. Winners in the 6th An-nual “Anthony Theatre’s Got Talent Live” show were: Garret Woods from Sun City, 1st place; Trevor Lane from Attica, 2nd place; Emma Hamill, from Anthony, 3rd place and Peoples Choice Award.