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Pre-Apprenticeship Handbook

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Arkansas CertifiedPre-ApprenticeshipProgram (ARPAP)HandbookOffice of Skills Development is a Division of the Arkansas Department of Commerce

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The Office of Skills Development (OSD), a division of the ArkansasDepartment of Commerce, strategically invests in all levels of the Arkansasworkforce, from students to incumbent workers, by raising education and skilllevels, and meeting the needs of companies operating in Arkansas. Thisstrategy of balancing workforce and employer interest will lead to greatereconomic achievement for workers and companies.OSD is the State agency responsible for educating, facilitating, andsupporting the expansion of the registered apprenticeship model as aworkforce development strategy for employers. OSD offers funding supportto offset training costs associated with implementing an approved ArkansasCertified Pre-Apprenticeship Program (ARPAP) and starting new registeredapprenticeship programs.Pre-apprenticeship programs provide instruction and/or training to increasemath, literacy, and other vocational and pre-vocational skills needed to gainentry into a Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP). Pre-apprenticeshipprograms are not registered with the United States Department of Labor(USDOL), and student participants are unpaid during the term of the pre-apprenticeship training.The purpose of this document?This document intends to establish a framework consistent with federalguidance on quality pre-apprenticeship programs as a baseline to outlinecriteria, the application process, reporting requirements and funding incentiveopportunities associated with an ARPAP.The notable guidelines conveyed within this framework?The OSD will receive and review for approval all ARPAP applications. TheARPAP applications will be reported to the Arkansas ApprenticeshipCoordination Steering Committee (AACSC) as an informational item. If anARPAP application is aligned with USDOL Training and Employment Notice(TEN) No. 13-12 related to quality pre-apprenticeship programs, as well asmeets certification criteria outlined by the State, OSD will approve and issuean APRAP certificate to the applying entity.ARPAP FRAMEWORK

Page 3 purpose of the ARPAP is to establish a framework that ensures a staterecognized standard is in place for qualifying programs to provide work-readiness/preparation training which aligns with a RAP. As a baseline,ARPAP training activities will follow USDOL guidance as specified in the TENNo. 13-12 which defines quality pre-apprenticeship programs, as well asmeet certification criteria outlined by the State.02The ARPAP certification is being developed to allow for:Participating employers to have an assurance thatindividuals successfully completing an ARPAP programare equipped with preparatory/work-readiness skills tomove into their RAP, enhancing the work-ready talentsupply pool.Participating trainees (i.e., individuals) to have anassurance that successful completion of an ARPAP willprovide an advantage for moving into a full-timeemployment career pathway by way of RAP andpartnering ARPAP employers."Through a variety of unique programdesigns and approaches, pre-apprenticeshipprograms can be adapted to meet the needsof diverse populations being trained, thevarious employers and sponsors theyserve, and specific opportunities within thelocal labor market."Training and Employment Notice No. 13-12

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State-required key certification criteria:The pre-apprenticeship training must be aligned with a RAP and agreed upon by thepartnering employer(s), training provider, and RAP sponsor.A signed employer partnership agreement must be documented and executed (withsignatures) between partnering employer(s), pre-apprenticeship training provider(s), andRAP sponsor(s). The partnering ARPAP employer agrees to provide pre-apprentices withworkplace-exposure opportunities as a component of the pre-apprenticeship trainingexperience. Workplace exposure can occur via presentations about the industry, company, orcareer pathways, as well as hands-on activities applicable to specific operations within thecompany. The partnering ARPAP employer agrees to provide those who successful completeARPAP with preferred consideration for acceptance into their RAP. State-approved ARPAP applications are eligible to receive funding support through OSD tooffset training costs associated with the program. Also, there may be opportunities toleverage additional funding support through the WIOA system, based on individualparticipant/apprentice eligibility criteria.Those successfully completing the ARPAP will receive credit toward their designated RAP.The amount of credit toward their RAP will be mutually agreed upon by ARPAP participatingsponsors and employers.It is recommended that those successful completing the ARPAP enter a RAP at an entry-level wage rate above those entering without the ARPAP experience.The approved ARPAP applicant agrees to provide reporting to OSD as required.STATEREQUIREMENTS03

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Meaningful Hands-on Training that does not DisplacePaid Employees – Provides hands-on training toindividuals in a simulated lab experience or, whenpossible, through volunteer opportunities, neither ofwhich supplants a paid employee but accuratelysimulates the industry and occupational conditions of partnering RAP sponsor(s) while observing propersupervision and safety protocols; andFacilitated Entry and/or Articulation – When possible,formalized agreements exist with RAP sponsors thatenable individuals who have successfully completed thepre-apprenticeship program to enter directly into anRAP. Articulation agreements should be in place soARPAP graduates can earn advanced credit/placementfor skills and competencies already acquired.DEFINITIONS & FRAMEWORK04 Definition and Framework Pre-apprenticeship programs provide instruction and/or training to increase math, literacy,and other vocational and pre-vocational skills needed to gain entry into a RAP. Pre-apprenticeship programs are not registered with USDOL and are unpaid during the term ofthe pre-apprenticeship training.Pre-apprenticeship programs are not federally vetted, but a high-quality ARPAP will have astrong relationship with at least one RAP (i.e., employer and sponsor), feature training andcurriculum that aligns with that program, and include support services designed specificallyto help participants succeed. The ARPAP will provide a career entry-point opportunity forhigh school students, veterans, underserved populations, individuals with barriers toemployment, unemployed individuals, dislocated workers, and job seekers to increase theiremployability skills through the successful completion of an ARPAP.ARPAP will follow USDOL guidance for defining quality pre-apprenticeship programs asoutlined in TEN No. 13-12.Approved Training and Curriculum – Training and curriculum based on industrystandards and approved by the documented RAP partner(s) that will prepare individualswith the skills and competencies needed to enter one or more RAP;Strategies for Long-Term Success – Strategies that increase RAP opportunities forunder-represented, disadvantaged, or low-skilled individuals, such that, upon completion,they will meet entry requirements, gain consideration, and be prepared for success in oneor more RAP;Access to Appropriate Support Services – Facilitates access to appropriate supportservices, during the pre-apprenticeship program and a significant portion of the RAP;Promotes Greater Use of Registered Apprenticeship to Increase Future Opportunities –To support the ongoing sustainability of the partnership between pre-apprenticeshipproviders and RAP sponsors, these efforts should collaboratively promote the use ofregistered apprenticeship as a preferred means for employers to develop a skilledworkforce and to create career opportunities for individuals;12

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Certification ProcessOSD will accept applicationsubmissions and report out to theAACSC as an informational item. OSDwill be the approving authority forARPAP applications: If the requirements are met, StateCertification will be awarded to theapplying entity as notified by OSD.(NOTE: All approved/awardedARPAP applicants are required toreport performance outcomes toOSD.)1. If the requirements are not met, theapplicant will be notified of thestatus by OSD and provided anopportunity and deadline for re-submission. If the re-submission isnot received by the deadline, theapplication will not be accepted.2.The following entities are eligible to apply for state certification consideration:• Registered Apprenticeship Sponsors• Industry Intermediaries and Associations• Employers• Community Colleges• Third Party Training Providers• Local Workforce Development Boards• Other applying entities will be considered, provided both federal and state requirements are met pre-apprenticeship programs seeking to be become state certified under ARPAP will submit applicationsto OSD. Applications are accepted throughout the year. The ARPAP application will contain the followingrequired data fields (at a minimum):Organization NameApplicant Contact Name, Email Address, and Phone NumberDescription of proposed pre-apprenticeship training identifying the training providerDescription of pre-apprenticeship candidate poolDescription of Employer Participation in pre-apprenticeship training (i.e., How is the employer involved?)Identification of alignment with a RAPDescription of opportunities to access supportive services Cost of Training (total amount and per pre-apprentice estimate)Copy of Fully Executed Employer Partnership Agreement CERTIFICATION 05You can access the: Application &Employer PartnershipAgreementOn our

Page 7 ProcessTo comply with TEN No. 13-12 criteria and maintain certification standards, OSD will monitorARPAP activities. This monitoring will allow OSD to track progress on those who complete theprogram, hiring dates, and the utilization of funding. The monitoring will be designed to obtainprogrammatic and financial information to confirm project outcomes meet expectations.Reporting ProcessAll awarded/certified ARPAP applicants are required to provide reporting to OSD as specified inthe Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that will be issued to formalize the project. Thereporting will provide aggregate performance outcome information (e.g., number enrolled,number of graduates, other dispositions, etc.,) as well as individual pre-apprentice trackinginformation (e.g., individual enrollee demographic information).NOTES: Training and Employment Guidance Letter No. 13-16,Guidance on Registered Apprenticeship Provisions andOpportunities in the Workforce Innovation and OpportunityAct (WIOA), (United States Department of Labor,Employment and Training Administration, dated January12, 2017).Training and Employment Notice No.13-, Defining a Quality Pre-Apprenticeship Program and Related Tools and Resources,(United States Department of Labor, Employment andTraining Administration, dated November 30, 2012).12

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Office of Skills DevelopmentGeneral Inquiries:OSD.OAapplications@arkansas.gov501-683-1152Visit us online:arkansasosd.comFollow us on social media: