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Apprenticeship for businesses La

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Benefits of becoming anapprenticeship sponsor:Access to state and federalresources and/or fundingAvailability of tax creditsand additional fundingincentives Customized training,specific for your equipment,processes, andrequirementsIncreased employeeknowledge, through on-the-job learning and mentoringGreater employee retentionStable and reliable pipelineof qualified, highly-skilledemployeesOffice of Skills Development1 Commerce Way, Ste 604Little Rock, AR 72202501-683-1152Visit us online:ArkansasOSD.comDOL SKILLS,BUILDING CONFIDENCE,BUILDING THE WORKFORCE!A Division of theA Division of the Arkansas Department of CommerceArkansas Department of CommerceLet us show you how your company canreceive financial incentives and other benefitsfor taking a proactive approach to workforcerecruitment, training, and retention.The Arkansas Office of SkillsDevelopment isLeading the Way!

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89%Apprenticeship is a proven model formeeting the needs of businesses seekinga highly skilled workforce. Programs aredesigned by the employer, using industrystandards to ensure that training isrelevant and applicable. In addition toon-the-job training, classroom or onlineinstruction provides the industry-specificknowledge required for the job.Company involvement in the program'sdesign make apprenticeships highlyflexible, responsive to company needs,and sensitive to advances andinnovation. The Arkansas Office of SkillsDevelopment (OSD) is committed toensuring employers have the tools theyneed to develop and implement aRegistered Apprenticeship (RA)program. There are a variety of fundingincentives, as well as other benefits, forcompanies that sponsor their own RAprograms. Businesses around the state are dis-covering the benefits of apprenticeshipfor recruiting, training, and retaininghighly skilled employees. This model isgaining momentum in industries such asmanufacturing, health care, informationtechnology, transportation, avionics, andenergy, to name a few.percentage of apprenticeswho retain employment afterapprenticeship completionpercentage of apprenticeshipgraduates that remain with thecompany for at least 3 years 94%83%number of apprenticeshipoccupations approved bythe USDOLSTEP 1Contact OSD forinformation onestablishing aprogram at yourcompany.STEP 2Company workswith USDOL and OSD to draft standards.STEP 3Standards arereviewed andrevised untilconsensus isreached.STEP 4USDOL sendsupdatedstandards to thecompany andOSD foragreement andsignature.STEP 5Upon finalapproval, OSDmeets withcompanyofficials todiscussincentives.Building skills, building confidence, building the workforce!DID YOU KNOW?return on every $1 invested bycompanies with apprenticeshipprograms$1.50of employers would recommend apprenticeshipto other businesses.1349STEPS TO APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM APPROVALIS AN APPRENTICESHIPPROGRAM RIGHT FORYOUR COMPANY?

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89%Apprenticeship is a proven model formeeting the needs of businesses seekinga highly skilled workforce. Programs aredesigned by the employer, using industrystandards to ensure that training isrelevant and applicable. In addition toon-the-job training, classroom or onlineinstruction provides the industry-specificknowledge required for the job.Company involvement in the program'sdesign make apprenticeships highlyflexible, responsive to company needs,and sensitive to advances andinnovation. The Arkansas Office of SkillsDevelopment (OSD) is committed toensuring employers have the tools theyneed to develop and implement aRegistered Apprenticeship (RA)program. There are a variety of fundingincentives, as well as other benefits, forcompanies that sponsor their own RAprograms. Businesses around the state are dis-covering the benefits of apprenticeshipfor recruiting, training, and retaininghighly skilled employees. This model isgaining momentum in industries such asmanufacturing, health care, informationtechnology, transportation, avionics, andenergy, to name a few.percentage of apprenticeswho retain employment afterapprenticeship completionpercentage of apprenticeshipgraduates that remain with thecompany for at least 3 years 94%83%number of apprenticeshipoccupations approved bythe USDOLSTEP 1Contact OSD forinformation onestablishing aprogram at yourcompany.STEP 2Company workswith USDOL and OSD to draft standards.STEP 3Standards arereviewed andrevised untilconsensus isreached.STEP 4USDOL sendsupdatedstandards to thecompany andOSD foragreement andsignature.STEP 5Upon finalapproval, OSDmeets withcompanyofficials todiscussincentives.Building skills, building confidence, building the workforce!DID YOU KNOW?return on every $1 invested bycompanies with apprenticeshipprograms$1.50of employers would recommend apprenticeshipto other businesses.1349STEPS TO APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM APPROVALIS AN APPRENTICESHIPPROGRAM RIGHT FORYOUR COMPANY?

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89%Apprenticeship is a proven model formeeting the needs of businesses seekinga highly skilled workforce. Programs aredesigned by the employer, using industrystandards to ensure that training isrelevant and applicable. In addition toon-the-job training, classroom or onlineinstruction provides the industry-specificknowledge required for the job.Company involvement in the program'sdesign make apprenticeships highlyflexible, responsive to company needs,and sensitive to advances andinnovation. The Arkansas Office of SkillsDevelopment (OSD) is committed toensuring employers have the tools theyneed to develop and implement aRegistered Apprenticeship (RA)program. There are a variety of fundingincentives, as well as other benefits, forcompanies that sponsor their own RAprograms. Businesses around the state are dis-covering the benefits of apprenticeshipfor recruiting, training, and retaininghighly skilled employees. This model isgaining momentum in industries such asmanufacturing, health care, informationtechnology, transportation, avionics, andenergy, to name a few.percentage of apprenticeswho retain employment afterapprenticeship completionpercentage of apprenticeshipgraduates that remain with thecompany for at least 3 years 94%83%number of apprenticeshipoccupations approved bythe USDOLSTEP 1Contact OSD forinformation onestablishing aprogram at yourcompany.STEP 2Company workswith USDOL and OSD to draft standards.STEP 3Standards arereviewed andrevised untilconsensus isreached.STEP 4USDOL sendsupdatedstandards to thecompany andOSD foragreement andsignature.STEP 5Upon finalapproval, OSDmeets withcompanyofficials todiscussincentives.Building skills, building confidence, building the workforce!DID YOU KNOW?return on every $1 invested bycompanies with apprenticeshipprograms$1.50of employers would recommend apprenticeshipto other businesses.1349STEPS TO APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM APPROVALIS AN APPRENTICESHIPPROGRAM RIGHT FORYOUR COMPANY?

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Benefits of becoming anapprenticeship sponsor:Access to state and federalresources and/or fundingAvailability of tax creditsand additional fundingincentives Customized training,specific for your equipment,processes, andrequirementsIncreased employeeknowledge, through on-the-job learning and mentoringGreater employee retentionStable and reliable pipelineof qualified, highly-skilledemployeesOffice of Skills Development1 Commerce Way, Ste 604Little Rock, AR 72202501-683-1152Visit us online:ArkansasOSD.comDOL SKILLS,BUILDING CONFIDENCE,BUILDING THE WORKFORCE!A Division of theA Division of the Arkansas Department of CommerceArkansas Department of CommerceLet us show you how your company canreceive financial incentives and other benefitsfor taking a proactive approach to workforcerecruitment, training, and retention.The Arkansas Office of SkillsDevelopment isLeading the Way!

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Benefits of becoming anapprenticeship sponsor:Access to state and federalresources and/or fundingAvailability of tax creditsand additional fundingincentives Customized training,specific for your equipment,processes, andrequirementsIncreased employeeknowledge, through on-the-job learning and mentoringGreater employee retentionStable and reliable pipelineof qualified, highly-skilledemployeesOffice of Skills Development1 Commerce Way, Ste 604Little Rock, AR 72202501-683-1152Visit us online:ArkansasOSD.comDOL SKILLS,BUILDING CONFIDENCE,BUILDING THE WORKFORCE!A Division of theA Division of the Arkansas Department of CommerceArkansas Department of CommerceLet us show you how your company canreceive financial incentives and other benefitsfor taking a proactive approach to workforcerecruitment, training, and retention.The Arkansas Office of SkillsDevelopment isLeading the Way!