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Appleton Parks & Recreation 2025 Sponsorship Guide

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Message from our Recreation Manager, Niki Wendt:Parks and Recreation Departments are generally the core of any community andthat is especially true in our city of Appleton! We strive to bring the communitytogether year-round with free or low-cost events and programs as well as safe,interactive community parks. Now more than ever, people are turning towardsParks and Recreation to provide affordable events, programs, and sports for theircommunities. None of what we do is possible without the support andpartnership of local businesses and organizations.At Parks and Recreation, we have so many things we want to improve upon andbring to Appleton, but we need your help and support in making that a reality!Sponsorship opportunities will provide excellent exposure for your organization orbusiness and will highlight your value and public image to the community. Youwill find endless opportunities to reach new customers and give back to your localcommunity. By sponsoring events and programs that benefit the residents, younot only gain increased marketing opportunities, but also an appreciation andpositive image from the city of Appleton residents.Please take a look through our sponsorship guide for more information andopportunities to invest in our community. If you have any questions or would likemore information, please contact me at or(920) 832-3925.

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Marketing Snapshot............................................................3 Activity Guide Advertising..............................................4 Community Events/Trips.................................................5-6 Community Engagement Events...............................7 Programs/Activities.............................................................8 Youth Sports Leagues........................................................9 Unity Dance Academy......................................................10-11TABLE OF CONTENTSMARKETING SNAPSHOTFACEBOOKFOLLOWERSINSTAGRAMFOLLOWERSEMAILSUBSCRIBERSWEBSITE VIEWS(ANNUAL)16,300+ 2,900+ 20,000+250,000+We are currently seeking sponsorships from businesses and organizations that share ourcommitment to community well-being. By partnering with us, you will be gaining exposure andrecognition as a supporter of your community. We have a diverse audience we market to with oursocial media channels, website, and marketing materials, and we want to highlight yourbusiness/organization as a supporter of Appleton Parks and Recreation.

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AD SIZECOST (INCLUDES BOTH ISSUES)Full Page Ad$1,200Half Page Ad$750Over 14,000 views annuallyThe guide link is found on the homepage of our website at appletonparkandrec.orgGuide advertisers will appear in both issues of the activity guide. Spring/Summer Guide - commitment needed by January 30Will be launched on our website February 17 and cover programs from March –AugustDeadline for artwork will be February 4Fall/Winter Guide - commitment needed by May 21Will be launched on our website June 12 and cover programs from September –FebruaryDeadline for artwork will be May 23ACTIVITY GUIDE ADVERTISINGOur full color recreation activity guide is published twice a year and includes informationabout our community events, programs, parks, trails, facilities, and more. Thespring/summer and fall/winter guides are available digitally, with targeted email and socialmedia marketing campaigns promoting each guide's launch. The guide offers limitedadvertising space and is an excellent opportunity for local businesses to reach thousands ofpotential customers in Appleton and surrounding areas.CIRCULATION:

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MOVIES ON THE HILLMOVIES ON THE HILLKIDS FUN RUNSKIDS FUN RUNSADULT BUS TRIPSADULT BUS TRIPSCOMMUNITY EVENTS/TRIPS$500PER MOVIE:$500$250PER RUN:PER TRIP:Family movies taking place at the Appleton Memorial Park Amphitheatre: July 19 featuring Moana 2 and August 7 featuring Wild RobotsFlick & Sips adult movies taking place at Jones Park: July 11 featuring Field of Dreams and September 13 featuring GooniesSponsors will have an opportunity to set up a display booth at the event and alsohave their logo displayed on the screen prior to the movie starting. We have a variety of sponsorship opportunities available at our popular community events.SPONSOR BENEFITS INCLUDE:Company/organization logo/name on all event marketing materialsSponsor recognized in social media posts and promotionsSponsor recognized in email marketing/advertisingSponsor recognized on event page of our Parks and Recreation websiteDates: June 19 and July 20Appleton kids fun runs provide children ages 2-12 an opportunity to participate in anencouraging race open to all levels and abilities. Event starts at 6:30 p.m.Sponsors will have an opportunity to set up a display booth at the event.At Appleton Parks and Recreation we are happy to offer special destination bus trips,focusing on providing an enjoyable and fun experience for participants. Sponsors willhave their name announced throughout the trip recognizing them as the maindonor as well as the benefits listed above.MOM PROM - March 8- Please visit our website for ways you can sponsor our Mom Prom event.

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TIES AND TIARASTIES AND TIARASDOG SWIM AT MEAD POOLDOG SWIM AT MEAD POOLGLOW IN THE PARKGLOW IN THE PARKGREAT HOLIDAY DASHGREAT HOLIDAY DASH CHILDREN'S WEEKCHILDREN'S WEEK COMMUNITY EVENTS/TRIPS$250$500$250June 13 - Appleton Parks and Recreation cordially invites all the little ladies and ladsages 4-12 to bring a special guest to our Ties and Tiaras event. This is an enchantedevening filled with dancing to include a fun choregraphed dance lesson, tea party,special treats, and a professional photo for all attendees.October 10 - This event is Appleton Parks and Recreation's fall Halloween themedevent. Families are invited to come out to Pierce Park and enjoy a lighted story walk,festive games, a DJ, and more!Sponsors will have an opportunity to set up a display booth at the event.December 6 - Let’s celebrate the holidays with a little competition and a lot of FUN!Teams will get together for a GREAT holiday road rally that will have them “dashing”through Appleton to earn points based on solving clues and completing a variety ofpicture, video, and geotag missions. Sponsors will have the chance to be involved inthe road rally, encouraging participants to visit their business location. $1,000August 16 - Come down to Mead Pool for a whole lotta doggone fun! Owners willwatch their dogs swim at Mead Pool all while enjoying the company of other dogs inthis fun filled event! Sponsors will have an opportunity to set up a display booth at the event.Mark your calendars! The annual U.S. Venture Children’s Week is back July 20-26, 2025. U.S. VentureChildren’s Week is dedicated to celebrating the Fox Cities’ appreciation of the children and familiesthat call the city home. Each day of the event provides families with opportunities to make lastingmemories while engaging in free or reduced-cost recreational activities. Some events to get excited about with potential sponsorship opportunities include:Kick-off EventChildren Swim Free Day at Erb and Mead PoolsKids Rummage SaleChildren's ParadePlayground FairTo get involved in Children’s Week contact Niki Wendt at

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TOY RIDE ALONGTOY RIDE ALONGJANUARYJANUARYGREAT BALL PURSUITGREAT BALL PURSUITAUGUSTAUGUSTLETTERS TO SANTALETTERS TO SANTADECEMBERDECEMBERCOMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT EVENTSCommunity engagement events are events hosted by Appleton Parks and Recreation thatare meant to bring together local residents, captivate the community, and allow for somefun for all ages throughout the year. There are many of these opportunities that pop upthroughout the year that are not listed below. Give us a call at 920-832-5905 to hear aboutother events coming up. $100EACH COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENTEVENT IS ONLY $100 TO SPONSORONE SPONSOR PER EVENTThe Great Ball Pursuit is a family favorite in Appleton. The APRD team hidesnumbered tennis balls around the different parks in Appleton. Families go on ahunt to find the tennis balls. We draw numbers to identify the winners.Did you know that Appleton Parks and Recreation has a great relationship withSanta Claus? The North Pole Postal Service reached out to us again this year tosee if their reindeer could again deliver a mailbox to collect the letters from allthe good little boys and girls of Appleton that wish to send Santa a letter. Ofcourse we said that we are happy to help!Appleton Parks and Recreation is once again partnering with the AppletonPolice Department for a unique mission that includes your child’s favorite toy!We are looking for some brave toys who are up for a ride along with some of ourAppleton police officers on their day to day duties. When their mission iscomplete, you will receive a photo and report of your toy’s experience.

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PLAYGROUND PROGRAMSPONSOR ASPONSOR A PLAYGROUND PROGRAM SITEPLAYGROUND PROGRAM SITE$1,000 Sponsor CommitmentSponsor benefits include:Yard sign placed at playground program site for the entiresummer recognizing you as the site sponsorOpportunities to be involved in special events associated withyour siteSponsor recognized in social media posts and promotionsSponsor recognized in email marketing for the playgroundprogramSponsor recognized on playground program page of our Parksand Recreation websiteThe Playground Program got its start during the World War II eraand has been a staple program serving thousands of youth in theCity of Appleton ever since. Our goal with this program is to keepthe youth in our community active, while creating memories,engaging with new and old friends, and enjoying the outdoors. We accept one sponsor per playground program site each year.

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$2,500 SponsorCommitmentSponsor benefits include:Company/organization logo placed on shirts of allparticipants in the leagueLogo/name on all event marketing materialsSponsor recognized in social media posts andpromotionsSponsor recognized in league newslettersSponsor recognized on event page of our Parks andRecreation websiteAbility to set up a booth/table during one of the weeksthe league runsOur youth sports leagues serve thousands of kids in the Fox Citiesevery year. Each year we are in need of a sponsor for eachindividual league we host to help offset the costs of the program,to keep participation fees down, and allow for all to be able to play.We accept one sponsor per league each year. YOUTH SPORTS LEAGUES

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UNITY DANCE & ACROBATICSSTUDIO SPONSORSTUDIO SPONSORSTUDIO SPONSORUnity Dance & Acrobatics (UDA), a non-competitive program under the direction ofAppleton Parks and Recreation, is a welcoming, cost effective, and inclusiveprogram offering preschool, youth, and adult dance and acrobatics instruction.Our program offers a variety of genres for all ages and abilities. Our goal is toprovide a fun and safe environment that delivers quality instruction, fosters lastingfriendships, supports family life balance, and promotes a healthy recreationalactivity for our community. We currently manage three studios located inNorthland Mall and are seeking sponsors for these studios. $1,000/Studio Sponsor CommitmentSponsorship is for a one year commitmentSponsor benefits include:Company/organization name and logo placed at the studio recognizing you asthe 2025 studio sponsorSponsor recognized in social media posts and promotionsSponsor recognized in email marketing and promotions for UDASponsor recognized on UDA page of our Parks and Recreation website

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Unity Dance & Acrobatics (UDA) hosts an annual recital every spring to showcase ourtalented participants. Dates for the 2025 recital are May 2 & 3. We currently have over 600participants in our recital between our dance and acrobatics programs. We have fourshows that are part of our recital with over 2,000 tickets sold each year. $5,000 Sponsor CommitmentSponsor benefits include:Company/organization name and logo placed on the screen before all fourperformances recognizing you as the 2025 recital sponsorCompany/organization name and logo printed on all the electronic ticketsFull page ad in our recital program booklet (1,200 printed)Recognition during all four performances by a representative from Appleton Parks andRecreationSponsor recognized in social media posts and promotions for the recitalSponsor recognized in email marketing and promotions for UDASponsor recognized on UDA page of our Parks and Recreation websiteUNITY DANCE & ACROBATICSRECITALRECITALRECITAL SPONSORSPONSORSPONSORAD SIZEPRICEFull Page Ad$2253/4 Page Ad$175Half Page Ad$125Quarter Page Ad$75As part of Unity Dance & Acrobaticsannual recital we print 1,200 programbooks to hand out during the fourshows. This is an excellentopportunity to market to families inthe Appleton area (space is limited).Please contact Laura Tollefson withquestions atlaura.tollefson@appletonwi.govRecital Program Book Advertisements

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