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A Pilgrimage to the Basilica of our Lady of Guadalupe

Page 1

A Pilgrimage to the Basilica of ourLady of Guadalupe

Page 2

Arrival inMexico City

Page 3

Day 1: Tepeyac,Cathedral and Lourdes

Page 4

Day 2: El Pocito andBlessed Miguel Pro

Page 5

Day 3: Fifth Apparitionand Blessed ConchitaCabrera

Page 6

Day 4: Back to theBasilica

Page 7

Bonus Features:Street Art

Page 8

Bonus Features:Crosswalk Signs

Page 9

Bonus Features:Animals

Page 10

Departure fromMexico City

Page 11

Thank you for joining me on my journey to theBasilica of our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City!