APATISIWINAN INDIGENOUS EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAM4. INTEGRATED WRAP-AROUND SUPPORTS & FOLLOW-UPApatisiwin clients receive culturally sensitive andappropriate supports such as Elders, knowledgekeepers, traditional healers, land-based activities,and access to medicines through ApatisiwinFriendship Centre sites and communities. Theseimportant supports help clients build and maintaincultural awareness as they work on their employment& training goals. Clients also have access to culturalteachings, Indigenous ceremonies, and relatededucational opportunities through other FriendshipCentre programs and community events. Theseculture-based supports help strengthen a clients'sense of identify, connection to community, and theyalso help clients improve their employability.Apatisiwin Employment/Youth EmploymentCounsellors conduct trauma informed intakes andassessments with eligible clients and co-developtraining plans with attainable, goal specific, time-based, and measurable goals. Assessments helpdetermine program eligibility, readiness, and helpidentify barriers that require wholistic & integratedsupports (or referrals). Supports for diagnosticassessments are also supported to assist programparticipants who may require accommodations forschool and/or work. Apatisiwin provides funded employment andtraining supports and activities to help clientswith: Job search & start-up, resumes & cover letters,financial literacy; soft skills & time management, goalsetting; building job readiness & life skills, pre-careerdevelopment, securing mentorship & volunteeropportunities; networking; completing academicupgrading, maintaining school-attachment, obtaininga GED; employment retention support, securing paidon-the-job training opportunities, self-employmentsupports, summer jobs; apprenticeships, post-secondary enrollment, relocation costs (foremployment or training), accessing technology (ielaptops, Internet, adaptive technology, etc.),transportation, childcare, living/training allowance;driving school, obtaining IDs, applying for pardons,work uniforms and more.Apatisiwin Employment and Youth EmploymentCounsellors monitor client progress and provideappropriate referrals as needed and establish strategiccommunity partnerships to assist clients as they addressand overcome barriers. Apatisiwin is designed tosupport clients as they set out to reach their self-determined employment, education, and training goals.Follow up supports are also offered to clients.1. CULTURE & EDUCATION2. INTAKES & ASSESSMENTS3. FUNDED SUPPORTS & ACTIVITIESApatisiwin is an Indigenous employment and training program that offers skillsdevelopment and training opportunities to eligible clients living in Ontario. This unique culture-based program is a status-blind and inclusive program. In-school youth, adults, persons with disabilities, and members of the 2SLGBTQQIA+community are encouraged apply. Program participants work with an ApatisiwinEmployment or Youth Employment Counsellor to co-develop a training plan based around the client's employment & training goals and the following programmatic areas:Apatisiwin is currently offered in 27 Indigenouscommunities across Ontario and 24 of theselocations are in Friendship Centre hubs. TheApatisiwin program works with Indigenous andmainstream employers, social service agencies,community organizations, and traininginstitutions to develop strategic partnerships that(collectively) support clients as they movethrough the education-to-employmentcontinuum. For more information, visit a local OntarioFriendship Centre. Or, visit www.ofifc.org andcall the OFIFC at: 1-800-772.9291 to speak with anApatisiwin Field Support lead.