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Reflective Teaching Framewok

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Reflective Teaching Framework 1 Behaviour for Learning 2 Curriculum Thinking 3 Retrieval Practice 4 Priming for Learning 5 Adaptive Instruction 6 Communication a Expectations Did you communicate clear rules and expectations for behaviour that establish consistent routines and are aligned with school policies Standard 1 b Participation Did you clearly communicate expectations for student participation to ensure a high participation rate Standard 1 c Praise Did you attempt to build positive relationships with students by using praise appropriately Standard 7 d Manage Did you use behaviour strategies such as frequently circulating the room to ensure a positive learning environment Standard 7 e Consequences Did you use a range of appropriate and consistently applied consequences Standard 7 f Timeframes Did you ensure that you provided clear timeframes for students Standard 4 a Sequence Did your curriculum episode build on appropriate prior knowledge and build connections Standard 2 b Components Did you explicitly break down the knowledge and skills and consolidate them appropriately Standard 2 c Expertise Did you utilise a range of authentic high quality materials in conjunction with your subject expertise to develop subject mastery Standard 3 d Knowledge Did you include diverse learning tasks that built appropriate substantive and disciplinary knowledge to reach clear endpoints Standard 3 e Inclusivity Did you create an inclusive curriculum episode that challenged all students understanding and followed the agreed syllabuses Standard 5 f Transfer Did you incorporate knowledge and skills transfer opportunities across contexts Standard 4 a Long term Did you provide opportunities for well sequenced longterm retrieval of taught knowledge or skills Standard 6 b Consolidation Did you consolidate knowledge from current or recent topics in order to build student self efficacy Standard 6 c Scope Did you demonstrate high expectations by building the scope and complexity of the retrieval Standard 1 d Comparison Did you compare and contrast ideas during retrieval through interleaving techniques Standard 2 e Variety Did you use skills and knowledge in various contexts during retrieval practice Standard 4 f Feedback Did you provide corrective and elaborative feedback during retrieval practice to support and deepen student learning and understanding Standard 6 a Objectives Did you clearly state the lesson objectives and explain exactly what students need to take away Standard 4 b Activation Did you activate relevant prior knowledge during the lesson and adapt if it isn t present Standard 2 c Connection Did you help students understand how new knowledge or skills connect with their existing schema Standard 2 d Organisation Did you demonstrate the organisation of new knowledge or skills effectively Standard 4 e Better Did you clearly communicate to students why the new knowledge or skills would make them better at your subject Standard 4 f Value Did you clearly communicate to students why the knowledge or skills are important in their own right Standard 4 a Check Did you assess the appropriate prior knowledge and address any misconceptions Standard 5 b Explanation Did you use explicit explanations analogies and visual aids to help students understand the material and did you repeat and adapt these strategies as necessary Standard 4 c Model Did you use explicit modelling that carefully breaks down knowledge or skills Standard 4 d Multiple Did you present ideas and skills in various ways Standard 4 e Scaffold Did you ensure that the scaffolding was appropriate for levels of prior knowledge and or SEND needs Standard 5 f Gradual Did you gradually remove scaffolding when students achieved success and when it was appropriate Standard 5 a Oracy Did you plan opportunities for students to discuss and debate in various structured formats Standard 4 b Vocabulary Did you explicitly introduce repeat and retrieve tier 2 and 3 vocabulary Standard 3 c Scaffolded Did you use varied explicit and scaffolded writing strategies to support students at different stages Standard 4 d Writing Did you provide varied writing tasks that promoted the development of specific disciplinary skills Standard 4 e Materials Did you provide diverse and engaging reading materials Standard 4 f Strategies Did you use a range of reading strategies to improve comprehension Standard 4 7 Questioning 8 Rehearsal 9 Deliberate Practice 10 Assessment 11 Feedback 12 Metacognition a Ratio Did you ensure a high thinking ratio and high participation ratio by asking a range of students questions Standard 1 b Probing Did you ensure your questions probed to deepen learning Standard 2 c Types Did you consider the range of question types including open closed and bridge questions Standard 2 d Check Did you include questions to check for understanding retention and transfer Standard 2 e Prompts Did you allow ample time to process and formulate answers and provide appropriate cues when necessary Standard 2 f Ask Did you provide opportunities for students to ask questions and respond to each other s questions Standard 2 a Active Did you plan generative activities to challenge students to recall and manipulate just taught knowledge or skills Standard 4 b Connections Did you provide opportunities for students to rehearse connections between new information and prior knowledge Standard 2 c Repetition Did you schedule plenty of opportunities for repeated rehearsal of core ideas and skills Standard 4 d Variety Did you incorporate various techniques and provide an appropriate level of independence and peer support Standard 5 e Link Did you ensure that you continually link your rehearsal exercises to the objectives and takeaways of the episode Standard 4 f Monitor Did you monitor the rehearsal and adjust activities as necessary Standard 6 a Identify Did you identify a specific skill or goal for deliberate practice Standard 4 b Success Did you provide explicit and broken down success criteria and appropriate examples Standard 4 c Models Did you provide clear models to ensure students understand what successful outcomes look like Standard 4 d Individual Did you provide adequate focused time for individual or group practice Standard 4 e Increase Did you plan strategies to gradually increase practice difficulty and scope Standard 4 f Repeat Did you repeat the process so skills and knowledge are automated during deliberate practice Standard 4 a Alignment Did you plan assessments aligning with the curriculum and learning outcomes Standard 6 b Clarity Did you plan and communicate clear criteria to students Standard 6 c Understanding Did you plan assessments to accurately measure student understanding and consolidation of knowledge and skills Standard 6 d Retention Did you plan assessments focusing on key concepts and skills students will remember over time Standard 6 e Transfer Did you plan assessments that allow students to independently apply their learning in various contexts Standard 6 f Adaptation Did you plan to use assessment data to give feedback and inform instruction and next steps Standard 6 a Purpose Did you plan feedback to improve retention understanding and application Standard 6 b Timeliness Did you provide timely feedback so that it can be used to make improvements Standard 6 c Specificity Did you give specific and sustainable feedback for improvement areas Standard 6 d Actionable Did you provide feedback that students could action Standard 6 e Positive Did you provide constructive feedback encouraging progress and effort Standard 6 f Consistent Did you provide feedback consistently throughout the learning process rather than just at the end of an assignment or unit Standard 6 a Goal Setting Did you facilitate goalsetting activities to help students establish and work towards achievable learning targets Standard 2 b Self Did you include self assessment opportunities using specific criteria to help students monitor their own understanding Standard 2 c Peer Did you provide peer assessment opportunities using specific criteria Standard 2 d Instruction Did you integrate explicit modelling of metacognitive strategies Standard 4 e Feedback Did you provide feedback to students on their metacognitive processes helping them to identify areas for improvement Standard 6 f Transfer Did you provide opportunities for students to transfer their metacognitive skills to new contexts Standard 4