CONTENTS & AGENDAOpening Prayer2020 Meeting Minutes - 1Clerk's Report - 2Pastor's Report - 3-6Staff Reports - 7-8Ministry Team Reports Spiritual Formation - 9 Care Tea - 10 Fellowship & Outreach - 11-12 Justice & Mercy - 13-14 Resource Development - 15 Administrative Cmte. Reports Personnel - 16 Pastor Relations -16Treasurer's Report - 17-182022 Budget - 19-202022 Pastor's Call - 21Motions - 22Recognitions - Back CoverClosing Prayer & AdjournmentAnnual ReportG O O D S A M A R I T A N C H U R C H | 2 0 2 1A N N U A L M E E T I N G J A N U A R Y 3 0 T H , 2 0 2 2We Are Called toBuild the BelovedCommunityPresbyterian Church USA (More Light) United Church of Christ (Open and Affirming)
2021 Annual Meeting MinutesRespectfully Submitted by Kate Fullerton (Clerk of Session)Gratitude was expressedfor the year that has beenJean Cooley added hersupport for Pastor Daysa inwhat she doesSeminary Intern—JeremyWallace added a giantThank You to our BelovedCommunityOpening Prayer and Song—“Here and Now”The Minutes of the 2020meeting: Motion made by JeanAdams and seconded byGretchen Ackerson to acceptthe minutes of the previousyear’s meeting. Accepted byunanimous consent.Clerk of Session Report:presented in writing.Membership: 68 (PCUSA); 69(UCC). The Annual Meetingwas held 1/26/19. Worshipattendance averaged 58 fromJanuary—March 15 ( the lastday of in-person worship).Virtual Sunday servicesaverage attendance throughDecember 31 was 42.Communion was offered thefirst Sunday of January,February and March andvirtually through December,as well as Maundy Thursdayand the first Sunday ofAdvent.Pastor’s Report: presented inwriting with additions:Staff Reports: submitted inwriting with some additions:Spiritual Formation—Debbie Rasmussen, inaddition to her writtenreport, extended a bigthanks to Pastor Jen forgetting us to virtual churchwith our tech team.Care Team—GingerBreitkreutz gave thanks toall who stepped up thisyear.Justice and Mercy—JeanCooley’s report is in writingand she gave thanks to allthe folks who stood up inthe room when sheannounced her thanks. Theanti-racism emphasis iscontinuing.Fellowship—Eric Johnson’sreport is in writing but heis grateful for thecongregation thatembraces fellowship atGood Sam with help anddonations.Resource and Development—Clarence Wilkinson—written report plusstatement about thebuilding and grounds beingused less and less moneyhas been spent. Also, ourfinancial situation andinvestments are in goodshape right now.Ministry Team Reports:Chart presented to displaythe Food Pantry increase.For 2020, the number wasgreater than 10,000individuals.Our balance sheetindicates an estate fundsdonation from HaroldBrockus, ending our fiscalyear in the black. The Fundcontains more than$400,000.The Food Pantry paid out$28,000 for food items. Thecurrent balance on hand is$18,116.11All Ministerial Support forthe Congregation isreported to the UCC andPCUSA. Pastor’s Call TotalCompensation Package of$89,845.11 receivedunanimous approval.Treasurer’s Report from KateHall: in writing and:Meeting adjourned: 12:35 p.m._______________________________Rev. Jen Daysa (Moderator)_______________________________Kate Fullerton (Clerk)1
Clerk's ReportRespectfully submitted by Kate FullertonActive members as of12/31/20: 66 (PCUSA) 67 (UCC) New Members – 2021 (1) Jeremy Wallace Losses – 2021 (3) By death (3): Ann HodsonSteve Zebos Bruce Wright Active members as of 12/31/21: 63(PCUSA) 64(UCC) The Annual CongregationalMeeting was held on January31, 2021. A specialcongregational meeting washeld on November 14th, 2021to elect members for theNominating Committee. The Session met eleven timesin regular monthly meetings.Additional special calledmeetings were held on April29th, June 11th, and August9th.Communion both in personand virtually was offered onthe first Sunday of eachmonth and for MaundyThursday. Communion wasshared virtually with shut-ins.There were no baptisms.Worship was held virtuallyonly on zoom January untilJune 27. Average virtual attendancewas: 44Worship was held Hybridwith in-person and zoomoptions for attendance fromJune 27th - the end of theyear. Average hybrid attendancewas: 41Total average worshipattendance 2021: 42Special services were held onMaundy Thursday, the WinterSolstice (Longest Nightservice), and Christmas Eve.Average WorshipAttendanceJanuary throughJune 20th when wewere virtual only. 44 41 Total Average attendance when we moved tohybrid worship 13 0 3 # of times we celebratedcommuinion.# of baptisms# of memberdeaths.1# of new members63/64 # of church membersPCUSA vs. UCC._______________________________Rev. Jen Daysa (Moderator)_______________________________Kate Fullerton (Clerk)2
Having beenwarned in adream..., theyreturned home byanother way.Matthew 2:12Pastor's ReportRespectfully Submitted by Rev. Jen DaysaThe first Sunday of each year,we begin with the story of theWise Ones being redirectedand going home by anotherway after their visit with theChrist Child. We entered 2021,thinking we would soon becoming home to our sanctuaryand returning to communityas we had known it pre-pandemic. Our visions were grand. Wehad plotted out all the oldfamiliar landmarks ofcommunity that we couldn’twait to revisit, experiences wehad known in the past that weknew would nourish andrevive us for the journey ofthe year: laughing together inthe fellowship hall, singingtogether in worship, givinghugs and passing the peacewhen we entered and exitedthe sanctuary. We thought weknew the way back home,back to each other, and out ofthis pandemic. Then, just as the Wise Oneswere warned in dream not togo home by the familiar way,we were warned by the CDC,our denominations, and themedical professionals amongus. We would not be able toform community and doworship in the ways we knew.We would have to go home anew way. A new wave of Covid inJanuary and again in Julymeant that we continuedworshipping virtually longerthan we thought we would –halfway into the year. Whenwe did finally open the doorsof our physical sanctuary atthe end of June (whilekeeping a virtual door open),things needed to look muchdifferent than pre-pandemicand stay that way for the restof the year: no singing, onlylimited outdoor fellowship, nobear hugs to let each otherknow how much we missedone another, masks stillobscuring our smiles fromeach other, half of us in thesanctuary and have us wavingfrom our computers at home.3
Today oursurvival dependson our ability tostay awake, toadjust to newideas, to remainvigilant and toface thechallenge ofchange.Martin Luther King Jr.In many ways at the end of2021 and beginning of 2022,we are still on that journeyback home into belovedcommunity, and, to be quitefrank, it is hard to get ourbearings sometimes. Thelandscape of church andworld look so different, sounfamiliar and unknown.Finding our way this past yearwithout map or memory toguide us has been exhaustingfor our leadership. We are notaccustomed to this level ofchange and we feel grief,heavier perhaps this year thanin 2020. Why? Because in 2020this new way felt temporaryand now it is starting to feelmore permanent. Still, we can pause tocelebrate our blessings, nameour concerns, and find a wayforward together. On thefollowing pages, I have sharedmy joys and concerns from2021. I never thought that two yearsinto this pandemic we wouldstill be in a place of suchuncharted, uncertain territory,but here we are. At the startof yet another year, wecontinue on a journey homeby another way. However, likethe wise ones, we haveencountered Jesus,Emmanuel, God with us thisyear. Yes, even in this strangeland. I trust that God willguide our steps once more in2022. My prayer for us is thatin the new year would bringclarity about where God istaking us, deepening love forone another and all God'sbeloved, and resting spotsalong the way to replenish usfor our ministry together.4
2021 JoysH E A L T H01 No one in our congregation hasdeveloped serious illness needinghospitalization due to Covid, and we didour part to keep community spreaddown.V I R T U A LC O N N E C T I O N02 We figured out how to pull off hybridworship and did so in a way thatmakes at-home worshippers feel likemore than just eaves droppers inworship.R E S P O N S ET O N E E D S03 Our Justice and Mercy ministries of(FAST and our food pantry) areresponding to real community needs andmaking a difference.I N T E R N S04 Our two interns, Jeremy andChance, who finished out theirinternships in May and Augustrespectively, brought fresh energy,voices, eyes and ears that helped usnavigate the uncharted territory.R E F L E C T I O NT O G E T H E R05 We have reflected deeply together inworship, in small groups, in personalstories, in ministry team meetings, andmore. S P I R I T U A LG R O W T H06 Many of us have grown spiritually. Inparticular, I have heard that ourNovember worship series, "Our MoneyStory," has really stuck with us andinvited many of us to look at our ownmoney and investments in a new way.A N T I - R A C I S M07 A small group of faithful folks met for anentire year to work the RacistAnnonymous program and address theirown internal racism.S I N G I N G08 We sang together for the first timeChristmas week in our peacegarden. The sound of our voicesuniting and the sight of that ring ofcandlelight was truly beautiful andheartened many of us.F I N A N C I A LA S S I S T A N C E09 Grants and a Federal Payroll ProtectionLoan helped us stay afloat through alean year. R O O F11 We still have a roof over our heads --in fact, a new one that will keep uswarm/cool and dry for years to come!S T A F F10We brought on 2 new staffmembers: Our Music Director andan AV Tech! Plus, our long-timestaff (our Office Administrator andCustodian) have been rock stars,adapting with each transition,faithfully doing their jobs andgoing above and beyond. 5
As things start tolevel out and webegin moving outof crisis mode, weare assessing thefallout from thepandemic. Pastor JenM I S S I N G P E O P L E01 We see that we have lost some of our Good Samfamily (i.e. folks who were regulars pre-pandemic).Some to death, but others falling away from ourcommunity for other reasons.M E N T A L H E A L T H02 We see that many of us are battling mental healthissues brought on by the pandemic: fatigue,depression, burnout, anxiety, new fears that makereemerging together as a community difficult,though certainly not impossible.L O S S O FC O N N E C T I O N03 Some of us are feeling less connected to eachother than ever because with even as good as wehave made hybrid worship, it still divides us intotwo communities: the online worshippers and thein-person ones. N O C H I L D R E N ' SM I N I S T R Y04 By mutual decision we furloughed our NurseryCaregiver and are currently re-envisioning what achildren’s ministry at Good Sam could look like orif we should/can even have one at this time.G L O B A L , N A T I O N A LA N D C O M M U N I T YC H A L L E N G E S05 The 2020's and the pandemic have brought awhole host of challenges at nearly every level ofcommunity: from inflation to a toxic and divisivepolitical landscape to environmental concerns.Following Jesus into the new year will meandiscerning how we as a congregation are called tolive and act in response to these challenges. 62021 Concerns
Parish Associate ReportRespectfully Submitted by Rev. Jean CooleyIt has been a privilege to serve as ParishAssociate. The role of Parish Associate hasbeen to support the pastor and the Session inbuilding the beloved community. In that role Ihave provided backup for Pastor Jen by beingavailable for preaching and leading worshipwhen the Pastor has needed to be absent orallow the Pastor to focus on other criticalareas of pastoral ministry. I have providedleadership for Good Samaritan’s JusticeMinistry through FAST and continued as chairof the Justice and Mercy Team. In this second year of Covid-19 much continuesto be a challenge. Pastor Jen continues to leadour congregation through this extraordinarytime with grace and skill. I have beenprivileged to participate when Pastor Jen hasasked. I pray regularly for the pastor and her familyand members and friends of Good Samaritan.Music Director ReportRespectfully Submitted by Mikal ManciniI started as Music Director: June 27, 2021, thefirst Sunday of Good Sam's hybrid worship.Due to Covid safety protocol that prohibitedcongregational singing, the choir membersand I have provided all the vocals as solos,duets, trios or quartets. The congregationsang together in the courtyard Christmas Eveand December 26th. Pastor Jen and I have worked closely to selectmusic that ties in with the theme of eachSunday.2021 Participants in the Music Program:Robin Becker, Bill Cooley, Jean Cooley, Steve Crist, Noel Koestline, and Cathi SwiftContinuing to actively communicateeffectively between choir membersPlanning well in advance for music inrelation to sermons Guest Musicians/Singers: Nidal ZarourPrior to my hiring and the start of hybridworship, the congregation used recordedmusic in zoom worship: music we had eitherpaid to produce or received permission to usefrom other congregations and/or ourdenominations. Continuing Challenges: 7
Intern ReportRespectfully Submitted by Chance Martinez-ColonTrue Inclusion Book StudyDelivered the Sunday message on severaloccasionsZoom usherBetween January and August of 2021, Icompleted my Congregational Internship aspart of my Master of Divinity coursework atUnited Theological Seminary of the TwinCities. Good Samaritan Church of PinellasPark allowed me the opportunity toparticipate in a variety of experiences, whichconsisted of the following: Led a weekly Beloved Community groupMet Weekly with Pastor Jen for SupervisionHelped organize sanctuary for in-person/hybrid worshipHelped set up sanctuary for in-person/hybrid worshipAttended monthly ministry team meetingsParticipated in FAST eventsVolunteered with Food Pantry on someoccasionsPastoral Care callsChaired the Spiritual Formation MinistryIntern ReportRespectfully Submitted by Jeremy WallaceLed Ecclesiastes Bible StudyDelivered the Sunday message on 1/10 and5/16Zoom usherLed a weekly Beloved Community groupCo-facilitated and participated in bi-monthly Racists Anonymous groupAttended monthly ministry teammeetingsBetween January and May of 2021, Icompleted the second half of my fieldplacement internship, which consisted ofthe following:Participated in FAST eventsVolunteered with Oakhurst Food Drives andFood PantryPastoral Care calls Beyond my internship, I have become amember of Good Samaritan Church and as partof my ordination process in the UCC, Good Samhas taken me on as a Member-in-Discernment(MID). With this distinction, the congregationhas made a commitment to journey alongsideme as I discern my call to ministry. 8
Spiritual FormationRespectfully Submitted by Carolyn WoodardThe Spiritual FormationCommittee works withPastor Jen to plan and helpwith worship services andother Spiritual Developmentofferings at Good Sam. Webegan the year worshippingon zoom only. We moved toHybrid worship at the end ofJune. L E N T E NC O N V E R S A T I O N SWise folks from our congregationparticipated in conversations on the7 last things Jesus said that weresent out as video devotionals.V I R T U A L S P I R I T U A LF O R M A T I O NSmall groups, bible studies, andmediation times were offered overzoom.W O N D E R T I M E &P E R S O N A L S T O R I E S Lay people were invited throughout theyear to share their personal stories andspiritual insights either during ourcongregational wonder times or byinvitation during certain worship series.W O R S H I P S E R I E S Much of the year we departed fromthe lectionary readings to engage insome meaningful worship series thatwere either created in-house orpurchased from A Sanctified Art. April, May: "Coming Out"June, July, August: "Playful Worship"September, October: "I've Been Meaning to Ask..."November: "Our Money Story"December: "Close to Home"This year saw some changeson the team leadership. Forthe first two months of theyear, the team was lead byDebbie Rasmussin who hadled it for some time, thenChance Martinez-Colonstepped in and led the teamas part of his learningexperience as a Good Samministerial intern. He servedfrom March through Augustwhen his internship wascompleted. Carolyn Woodardthen stepped in asmoderator of the team. Carolyn WoodardModerator August - DecemberModerator March - AugustModerator January -February2 0 2 1 T E A M M E M B E R SJean AdamsSarah ButzBill CooleyMikal Mancini*Only served a partial year during 2021Bold = Continuing to serve in 20229
Care Team ReportRespectfully Submitted by Ginger BreitkreutzAlthough the Care Team never met as agroup or held any events in 2021, weindividually reached out to members andfriends of Good Sam, helping as needed,and kept up with our designatedresponsibilities.2 0 2 1 M I N I S T R I E S & M E M B E R SModerator & Prayer Team CoordinatorGinger BreitkreutzGreeting Card MinistryJane GaylordCare ConcernsVoicemailResponderJim & Mickey MooreDisasterPreparedness LiaisonClarence WilkinsonScribe &Session LiaisonBeverly FinnBold = Continuing to serve in 202210
Fellowship &Outreach ReportRespectfully submitted by Eric JohnsonFellowshipWe continued to not holdindoor, in-person gatheringtimes after church out anabundance of caution due tothe pandemic. Zoom hosts didoffer after-church fellowshiptime for virtual attendees.During our I've Been Meaningto Ask worship series inSeptember and October, adiscussion time was offered forin-person attendees in thechurch courtyard followingworship. Virtual pop-up eventsand our one oasis trip alsohelped keep our members andfriends connected in belovedcommunity.Community OutreachOutreach to the widercommunity looked differentthis year due to the pandemic.For Back 2 School (see side bar)we focused on our connectionto Head Start. Big thanks to theteam for organizing and thechurch community for donatingmoney and supply items. Dueto concern for safety, wedecided not to have Trunk orTreat in 2021.WelcomeZoom hosts and a new team ofin-person Ushers developednew methods of welcomingnew-comers when we wereworshipping on zoom only andagain when we moved toHybrid worship.CommunicationCommunication consisted ofweekly announcement emails,pastor e-letters, and seasonaldevotional videos. In addition,12 issues of our informativeMessenger newsletter weresent out digitally via emailand via. hard copy byrequest. They were alsoposted on the church website.At the end of 2021, the editorof The Messenger, CarolynWoodard, stepped down after11 years of leading thisfantastic publication. Wethank her for many years oftireless dedication. Movingforward the churchcommunication will continuevia the weekly Email Newsblast.A big THANKYOU to the entireF&O Team fortheir dedicationand commitmentto building thebelovedcommunity.Eric JohnsonSandy BadgerRobin BeckerBarb Steger2 0 2 1 T E A M M E M B E R S*Only served a partial year during 2021Bold = Continuing to serve in 2022Suzie StegerMartha TaylorEric Johnson Moderator11
B E L O V E D C O M M U N I T YG R O U P SPastor Jen and our internsoffered beloved communitygroups throughout the year tomeet people's needs for bothspiritual development andcommunity.V I R T U A L P O P - U PE V E N T SOur Pop-ups began the yearwith a series of Brockus GoodSam history videos. Women’sTrivia Pop-Up in March, EarthDay Trivia in April, Bingo in O A S I S T R I PDue to the pandemic, we did nothave regular trips. We did offerone experience when Eric Johnsonled a group on a sociallydistanced outdoor tour of the St.Petersburg Pier in May.B A C K 2 S C H O O L Due to Covid, instead of our Back 2School festival and annual practice ofgiving school supplies to neighborhoodkids, we adopted a Head Start classand donated supplies to that class. May and a Pop-up Juneteenth Film FestivalDiscussion in June. Also in June, decorated the PeaceGarden with PRIDE History facts and Good SamPride12
Justice & MercyReportRespectfully submitted by Jean CooleyWe follow God's call and respondto community needs in two waysas a congregation: justice andmercy. Justice work involvessystemic community change andfixes problems for the long term.This year we worked on this frontthrough our participation in FAST(Faith and Action for StrengthTogether), our Pinellas Countyfaith-based justice coalition.Mercy work involves responding intangible ways that provideimmediate relief, even if theymight not solve the underlyingproblems. This year we worked onthis front through an expansion ofour Community Food Pantryministries. In 2019, we officially became aMatthew 25 Congregation, whichinvolved making three pledges.Here are the ways we lived outthose commitments this year. Ongoing virtual and Hybridworship, support andenrichment offerings.Bi-monthly participation inRacist Anonymous GroupsCongregational commitment toFAST where we worked onissues of affordable housing,mental health care, and criminaljustice ,whichdisproportionately affect peopleof color in our community.Continued engagement withFAST to change conditionswhich underlay systemicpovertySustaining members of thecommunity though ourCommunity Food PantryBuild congregational vitalityDismantle Structural RacismEradicate systemic povertyWe have been listed on the PCUSAMatthew 25 website since 2019.121 # of people Good Sam turned out at the Nehemiah Action$9700 Amount individual Good SamJustice Network Members investedin FAST**Investments in addition to the 1% of ouroperating budget that Good Sam Contributes24 # of Good Sam justice ministry network members whocommitted this fall for our 2022justice season.3 coordinated mental health service; public school implementation ofRestorative Justice Practices;building affordable housing. # of Justice wins! We Achieved countywidecommitments for:1 New justice groupnurtured at WestminsterShores Jean Cooley ModeratorGretchen Ackerson2 0 2 1 T E A M M E M B E R S*Only served a partial year during 2021Bold = Continuing to serve in 2022Lewis HillBev KellyLinda Rupp13
Food Pantry Reporta subcommittee of the Justice & Mercy TeamRespectfully submitted by Kate Hall2021 was our second yearoperating under COVID-19restrictions. Because ofthe expansion of thisministry during thepandemic, Justice andMercy voted to form a Our faithful volunteersduring 2021 included:Ginger Breitkreutz Ginnie Thompson Lewis HillKate Hall Carol Diehm Beryl FruthBev Kelly Judy Friend Katie Fullerton Linda Rupp Clarence Wilkinson Jane Gaylord Tom Fauquet Sarah Butz Beverly FinnRobin Becker Jim & Mickey Moore Joni & John MelvilleJean Krauss Jeremy Wallace Kay Snyder Sarah Butz ModeratorJudy FriendBeryl FruthKate HallBev Kelly2 0 2 1 P A N T R Y S T E E R I N G C O M M I T T E E M E M B E R SBold = Continuing to serve in 202214,673 # of pantry guests served in202160-70 # of households served eachday we are open2 # of open days per week wereduced down to in order to easethe burden on volunteers10,000 approximate # of pounds ofadditional food we receive eachmonth since we partnered withHope Villages of America to beginreceiving monthly USDA fooddistributionsOakhurst United Methodist Churchwhich continued to hold monthly fooddrivesHaven of Rest which shared donatedfood with us almost every week.Helpers from Pass a Grille UCC andSmith Realty who worked with us onthe USDA delivery days.pantry steering committee made up ofkey pantry volunteers to make importantdecisions each month. This committeemet for the first time in January 2021.Thanks to all who help keep the Good Sampantry a valuable part of the community.We continued to receive significantmonetary and food donations from otherchurches, businesses and individuals. Special thanks to:15-20 # of Head Start students wesent a pack a snack of weekend foodhome with during the school year14
Resource Development ReportRespectfully Submitted by Clarence WilkinsonUpkeep on the church’s grounds(especially the Peace Garden)remains a challenge. Maintenance ishampered by a lack of ablevolunteers to do the necessarywork.A new roof on the sanctuary wascompleted in NovemberPlans are under way to have thesanctuary ceiling repaired andpainted.A hybrid worship experience hasbeen instituted with newtechnology that was purchasedwith grant monies from thePresbytery.A number of actions were taken toensure a safe environment for inperson worship.Buildings & Grounds The entire team was involved in asuccessful stewardship campaign inNovember using a series called OurMoney Story from A Sanctified Art.The multi-peril insurance for ourproperty increased by over 32% whichpresents an ongoing challenge for usin the Florida insurance market. Moreincreases are expected.The United Church Funds (ourinvestment account) continues togrow. Funds from this account haspaid for the new roof and variousbuilding expenses.Overall building expenses haveremained below budget due todecreased usage of our facilitiesRental income decreased due toCOVID restrictions on outside groups.Head Start remains as our primaryrental income source.The church received a loan of$17,295.00 from the federal PayrollProtection Plan program. We werenotified that the loan was forgiven inDecember of 2021.Financial Clarence WilkinsonModeratorKate HallChurch TreasurerGretchen AckersonBeverly FinnBeryl FruthCeleste Behret2 0 2 1 T E A M M E M B E R S15
Michael Venuto hired as a part-time audiovisual aidein NovemberThe nursery aide, Shelby Lamb, was furloughedbeginning in June 2021 due to the negative COVIDimpact on our children’s programCommittee met in November, 2021, to review andrecommend salary increases for staff membersPastor Daysa continues to serve as pastor of GoodSamaritan ChurchRebecca Kessel continues to serve as OfficeAdministratorMirko Bratic continues to serve as CustodianRev. Jean Cooley continues to serve as ParishAssociateTwo field education interns worked with GoodSamaritan staff and church members in 2021: JeremyWallace and Chance Martinez-ColonPersonnel Committee ReportRespectfully Submitted by Clarence WilkinsonCommittee interviewed candidatesfor Music DirectorMikal Mancini was hired as MusicDirector in June of 2021Committee interviewed candidatesfor part-time Bookkeeper. Theywere unsuccessful in finding asuitable person in 2021. The needremains to create and fill such aposition.Pastor Relations CommitteeRespectfully Submitted by Carolyn WoodardThe Pastoral RelationsCommittee did not have tomeet as a committee during2021. In May 2021, CarolynWoodard and Pastor Jendiscussed some issues broughtup in one of Jen’s pastoralreports but determined that ameeting was not needed. Furloughed since JuneHired inNovemberThis committee is always ready to listen to anyconcern, problem or positive report from anymember/friend in the congregation. All areimportant to the health and well-being of ourbeloved community. Carolyn Woodard is stepping down asmoderator of this team as she has led it sincePastor Jen became pastor.Pastor Relations ModeratorGinger BreitkreutzBev KellyLisa WareClarenceWilkinson2 0 2 1 A D M I N I S T R A T I V EC O M M I T T E E M E M B E R S*Only served a partial year during 2021Bold = Continuing to serve in 2022Personnel ClarenceWilkinsonModeratorGretchen AckersonRobin BeckerJen DaysaKate Hall16
Treasurer's ReportRespectfully submitted by Kate HallIn February I applied for aPayroll Protection PlanLoan through PNC Bank. Ihad to include documentssupporting our payrollcosts from the prior year todemonstrate our needs. Wereceived the loan in theamount of $17,295.The following are highlights ofactivities occurring in 2021that are outside of theordinary duties of theTreasurer:In December I filed the“Loan Forgiveness” formsand was notified within aweek that the loan hadbeen forgiven. At that pointI was able to remove theloan from the BalanceSheet and make an entry torecord the $17,295 asincome.Beverly Finn has joined meon Wednesday’s to recordthe donations receivedfrom Sunday worship andthe mailed donations.I put together a “FinancialPractices” document layingout the safeguardsemployed to protect thechurch’s assets. Thisdocument was reviewed bythe Resource DevelopmentTeam and presented toSession for their approval.Our insurance carrier hadrequested this document.17
2021 BUDGET182,35420,255202,6092,6347,617INCOMEGivingBldg Use DonationsPayroll Protection Plan-ForgivenTOTAL BUDGETED INCOMEEXPENSESMinistry Team ExpensesMission Giving2021 ACTUAL156,53717,140 190,9722,404 8,4652022 BUDGET191,42820,463 211,8912,6347,710Budget 19
EXPENSES (cont'd.)Bldg & Office ExpenseInsurance & Banking ExpSalaries/Housing/PensionsPastor's Fringe BenefitsTOTAL EXPENSESSURPLUS/(DEFICIT)2021 BUDGET39,52516,333112,57923,920202,607 2 2021 ACTUAL30,26022,908102,44219,650186,1284,8442022 BUDGET 39,52516,961121,82823,234211,891 (0) 20
You are the oneswho make myministry possible.With your time,your talent, andyour treasure,you are the oneswho make itpossible for me tospend my timeleading worship,sitting with ahomeless guest,praying withsomeone in crisis,or attending ameeting with acity councilmember.Pastor Jen DaysaTotal Cash Salary & HousingTotal Cost to maintain Minister56,902.2092,455.06UCC Ministrial Support Form 2022 Pastor's Call 21
MembershipAverage Worship Attendance20112012201320142015201620172018201920202021100 75 50 25 0 Motion 1 & 2Made by Session and does not require a secondMotion #1: We move that wereduce the number ofsession members from 9 to7. Rationale: 9 session membersused to be about 10% of ourcongregation. Now it is about14% of our congregation. 7session members brings usback closer to 10% of ourcongregation serving on ourleadership board.Motion #2: We move thatwe approve the Pastor'scall agreement (see page21). Rational: The only changesmade to Pastor Jen's callagreement this year was a5% inflation/cost of livingadjustment, which is beingoffered across the board toall of our staff who havebeen employed with uslonger than 12 months.Motion 3Made by the Nominating Committee and does not requirea secondRespectfully submitted by Carolyn WoodardWe move that we accept ourslate of session nominees forthe class of 2024. Rationale: The nominatingcommittee consisting of MickeyMoore, Lisa Ware and CarolynWoodard discussed together theattributes we felt a personserving on session should have.We felt a candidate should be aperson who has shown adedication to God and to their work with Good Sam,a person who has freelygiven of their time, talentsand treasures, and who hasshown a spirit ofprayerfulness and wisdom inseeking God's guidance intheir lives. In Anita Cape andGretchen Ackerson, we feltwe found those attributes.S L A T E O FN O M I N E E S GretchenAckersonAnita Cape22for Session Class of 2024
R E C O G N I T I O N O F O U T - G O I N G L E A D E R SC A R O L Y N W O O D A R D Anyone who knows Carolyn, knows that she always gives her all and then some. It is evident to anyone who spends time with her that her service tothe church and God's people comes from a place of love and is motivated by faith. Thisyear for a host of reasons from a move to her spouse's retirement, from travel plans toour session term limits, Carolyn is stepping down from 3 roles. She has served 7.5 yearas Pastor Relations Chair, 2 terms as an Session Elder (6 years), and 10 years as theeditor/producer of our monthly newsletters. We can't even begin to express our immensegratitude for all the years of service Carolyn has poured into our congregation. Shewill continue to lead our Spiritual Formation team until summer.L I S A W A R E Lisa doesn't like the spotlight, but she works tirelessly behind the scenes cleaning up our grounds, running AV, and jumping in to do just aboutanything that needs doing. For the last 3 years (not her first term) she has broughtenergy, enthusiasm, and practical, grounded wisdom to our session. We will miss hervoice and perspective!C H R I S O S B E R G Due to over 8 months of absence, Chris is also being moved out of her leadership roles on our Session and Spiritual Formation Team. Over theyears, Chris has brought artistic vision to our worship... love, creativity and care to ourchildren's ministry... and deep spiritual grounding to our session meetings. She isalready profoundly missed. Respectfully submitted by Jen Daysa