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Annual Report 22-23 Final

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REPORTOFGIVING2022 - 2023 Annual ReportSt. James Cathedral SchoolAcademic Excellence and Spiritual Enrichment since 1928

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I AM THE VINE,YOU ARE THEBRANCHES“I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoeverremains in me and I in him will bear muchfruit, because without me you can do nothing.“John 15:5

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Dear Friends of SJCS: At St. James, we are different. We don’t endeavor simply to educate the mind, butrather the whole child – academically, spiritually, emotionally, socially, andphysically. Pope Francis recently shared, “in an age awash in information, often transmitted withoutwisdom or critical sense, the task of forming present and future generations of Catholicteachers and students remains as important as ever. As educators, you are called to nurturethe desire for truth, goodness and beauty that lies in the heart of each individual, so that allmay learn how to love life and be open to the fullness of life. This involves discerninginnovative ways of uniting research with best practices so that teachers can serve the wholeperson in a process of integral human development. In short, this means forming the head,hands and heart together: preserving and enhancing the link between learning, doing andfeeling in the noblest sense. In this way, you will be able to offer not only an excellentacademic curriculum, but also a coherent vision of life inspired by the teachings of Christ.” We want to thank our faculty for serving lovingly in their ministry, and we would liketo thank each of you for supporting our mission of providing “academic excellenceand spiritual enrichment” to God’s children -- our future. We are sincerely gratefulfor your generous support of St. James Cathedral School. Please know we keep you inprayer, and humbly ask you to keep our students, families, alumni, and mission inyours. In Christ’s love,A letter from our ADMINISTRATION TEAMJayme Hartmann, Principal Very Reverend Miguel Gonzalez, Rector(Udienza alla Delegazione del “Global Researchers Advancing Catholic Education Project”, 20.04.2022)

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O U R M I S S I O NT h e m i s s i o n o f S t . J a m e s C a t h e d r a l S c h o o l i st o p r o v i d e a c a d e m i c e x c e l l e n c e a n d d e v e l o ps p i r i t u a l g r o w t h t o p r o m o t e a C a t h o l i c - b a s e dc o m m u n i t y . O u r g o a l i s t o p r o d u c e s t e w a r d sw h o c o m e t o l e a r n a n d l e a v e t o s e r v e u s i n gt h e i r u n i q u e G o d - g i v e n g i f t s .

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SJCS Snapshot06Letter fromAdministration03Arts and Extra CurricularAccomplishments11Academic Excellence07AthleticAccomplishments12Our GraduatesClass of 202209Our Faculty andStaff13Table ofContentsOur Mission 04Service andStewardship14Fundraisers16-18Alumni Connect19-20Annual Fund21Ways to Give22Our Supporters & Gifts23-30Stay Connected!31

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S T . J A M E SC A T H E D R A LP A R I S H O N E R S2 4 5457StudentsSJCSSNAPSHOT350Families52Zip Codes RepresentedC A T H O L I C5 8 %S T U D E N TT OT E A C H E RR A T I O1 3 : 1L E G A C YS T U D E N T S1 595T H I S Y E A R S J C SC E L E B R A T E D O U R 9 5 T HA N N I V E R S A R Y !Years of Academic Excellenceand Spiritual Enrichment

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STUDENTS IN THENATIONAL JUNIORHONOR SOCIETYA C A D E M I C E X C E L L E N C EPanther students' Total Battery Averagescontinue to exceededthose of their FloridaCatholic School peers onthe Terra Nova Testing.36Students in ALPHA (Advanced Learning Programfor Higher Achievement)626th-8th grade students in theAdvanced Math Track to graduatewith high school credit10Panthers qualified for theHistory Bee NationalChampionships7/20Qualified andjoined this yearTotal Members

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The class of 2023 graciouslydonated funds to have theword “PANTHERS” added to our gym floors.C L A S S O F 2 0 2 3Terra Nova TestingThe SJCS Class of 2023 eighthgrade scores rank in the top nationwide in MathematicsComputation and Social Studies.15%C L A S S O F 2 0 2 3 G I F T54Graduates32Went to Bishop MooreCatholic High School7Earned the Presidential Award**Award recipients are 8th graderswho earned straight A's in all subjectareas, all three trimesters and scoredin the 90% percentile or above on theTerra Nova in either math or readingcomposite scores.

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Arts & ExtracurricularAccomplishmentsWinter ParkArt Festival33 entries1- Honorable MentionOrlando CatholicSchools ArtsExtravaganza9 entries1- 2nd place2 - 3rd places1- Honorable MentionDrama Club:By the numbersproductions&27Middle Schoolersqualified for the Great HistoryChallenge National Competition!2Middle Schoolers awarded fortheir Marian Essays!Middle Schoolstudent’swriting wonsecond place inthe Knights ofColumbusEssay Contest!1

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Athletic Accomplishments3 Championship Teams!Middle School AthletesGirls JJV VolleyballBoys Varsity Flag FootballGirls Varsity Soccer120195Grade School Athletes

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have been atSJCS for 15+Years14with 12+years ofexperience104are St. JamesPanther alumni Our Middle School Religionteacher and Liturgical ChoirDirector, Jamie Gutweniger, wasrecognized as a DistinguishedCatholic School Educator in theDiocese of Orlando as voted on byher colleagues. Her dedication toher ministry and her gentle spiritare true gifts to our Panther family!5 5Total PantherTeachers, Aides,Staff, &AdministrationO U R F A C U L T Y & S T A F FholdAdvancedDegrees7attendedCatholicSchools20D I S T I N G U I S H E DT E A C H E R 7with 20+years ofexperience8attended Dioceseof OrlandoCatholic SchoolsWe love ourteachers!

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Teachers orchestrated a project in which theysupplied gently used items of their own and alsoshopped for men's and women's clothing, food, andwater to donate to the Christian Service Center.S E R V I C E &S T E W A R D S H I PCOME TO LEARN;At the core of our mission is forming Christians who Come to Learn; Leave to Serve.Learning to be selfless is the result of repeated giving and serving. Our studentsparticipate in service from the moment they join our Panther family and grow tounderstand the joy of giving. Learners experience first-hand the value of contributing toa purpose larger than one’s self by using their God-given gifts, talents, and time to serve— their community, their families, and the world.S N A P S H O TLEAVE TO SERVE.4,850+Student Volunteer HoursPanther students participated in a projectcalled "Basket of Blessings" to supportneedy families on Thanksgiving.In conjunction with our parish family,Panther families filled "Boxes of Joy,” aministry of Cross Catholic Outreach.SJCS families generously donateditems for students to put together bagsfor the homeless in partnership withMiles To Go Charities. Students participated in a DonationDress Down Day and raised $808 forWreaths Across America.5th and 1st grade Panther Palsworked together to makeValentine cards for the residentsat Magnify of Central Florida.

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T h e J O Y o f G i v i n g !Presented by:O c t o b e r 2 1 , 2 0 2 2 34TH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENTSPONSORSDOLLARS RAISED17$19,260CAUSE: Variety of initiatives benefitting all SJCS students and the TuitionAssistance Fund.GOLFERS136

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W h a t a d i f f e r e n c e a d a y m a k e s !6 T H A N N U A L P A N T H E R P R I D E FUN RUNN o v e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 2 2SPONSORS DOLLARS RAISED6 $58,194CAUSE: Raised funds to update our media center and chapelDONATIONS345

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1 4 T H A N N U A L G A L A & A U C T I O N9 5 t h A n n i v e r s a r y G a l a !M a r c h 2 5 , 2 0 2 3SPONSORS DOLLARS RAISED24 $109,414CAUSE: Raised funds to enhance a space that enriches all of our Panther students andfamilies - our Assembly Hall and Gymnasium! Used weekly for school Mass, PE classes, andathletic practices and games, as well as for Drama Club productions, school-wideAssemblies, competitions and award ceremonies, the building is truly at the heart of ourcampus. Diamond Sponsors: The Markiewicz and Ward Families, Nelson Mullins, & St. James Cathedral

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We are thankful for our activeand generous alumni!We were fortunate to receive an extremely generousgift from alums George Anstett Giorgianni ‘61, andhis brother, John Anstett Giorgianni '63, in memoryof their father, Matthew L. Anstett ’31, to remove theold display cases in the main building and installbeautiful new built-ins outside of the cafeteria. Alumni Donation SpotlightA l e g a c y o f g e n e r o s i t yContact our Director of Development,,to leave a legacy gift!

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A L U M N IC O N N E C TScan to update your contactinformation in our alumni database!Panthers are popping up everywheremaking a difference!COME TO LEARN;LEAVE TO SERVE.Class of 2019 THEN Class of 2019 NOWat our high school graduation reunionOnce a Panther - always a Panther!Ed Petersen ‘98Tommy Townsend '11*Image COURTESYMitchell Griffin '14Jack Griffin '12

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A N N U A L F U N DCOME TO LEARN;LEAVE TO SERVE.THE ST. JAMES ANNUAL FUNDThe Fund for St. James CathedralSchool is the Annual Fundcampaign to close the gap betweentuition and the actual cost toeducate each child. An AnnualFund is the financial lifeblood ofany school and is used to supportthe current year’s budget. Gifts areunrestricted and added to theschool’s budget to meet currentoperating expenses, enhanceprograms and services offered tostudents, and to maintain thecampus and buildings. An AnnualFund gift is a tangible vote ofconfidence in St. James CathedralSchool. Our goal is 100% parent,faculty, and staff participation.This tax-deductible opportunitywill make a difference in the futureof St. James Cathedral School.TUITION ASSISTANCESCHOLARSHIP FUNDDr. Louis Murray and his wife Suegenerously supported St. JamesCathedral School for over twodecades. Education was important toDr. Murray and it was his desire tohelp ensure a Catholic education wasavailable to those who desire one. TheDr. Murray Scholarship Fund providesfinancial assistance for those families.Dr. Murray and his wife Sue embodiedthe school’s motto: We come to learn.We leave to serve.ST. JAMES SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPENDOWMENT FUNDEndowment giving is an opportunity toinvest in the future of St. James. The St.James Scholarship Endowment wasestablished in conjunction with theCathedral to be able to provide tuitionassistance to families in need.Contributions to the Endowment fundare perpetual; as the endowment grows,so does the school’s ability to carry on itsmission. Gifts of any level areappreciated.$10,000CONTRIBUTED TO THE 2022-2023 ANNUAL FUND

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W A Y S T O G I V ECOME TO LEARN;LEAVE TO SERVE.BEQUESTSDonors can leave a legacy byremembering St. James CathedralSchool in their wills. A charitablebequest in a will can benefit St. JamesCathedral School while saving donor’sestate tax dollars. A bequest alsoincludes membership into the VivosChristi Society.CORPORATE MATCHING GIFTSMost companies that match educationdonations will match contributions toCatholic schools. Please check withyour Human Resources Department todetermine their requirements.ENDOWMENTSEndowments are intended to providestable, long-term funding to aninstitution while balancing the presentand future needs of the school. Almostany area of school life can be endowed.The minimum to establish a separatednamed endowment is $25,000 and giftsat any level are appreciated.ELENA YATES MEMORIALSCHOLARSHIP Established in 2018 by St. Vincent dePaul Society, a $1,000 scholarship isawarded each year to deservingstudent(s) at graduation. Gifts madeto the Elena Yates MemorialScholarship fund will allow the schoolto continue to award this annualscholarship.MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS &SCHOLARSHIPSScholarships and MemorialScholarships are an important way tohonor a loved one, teacher, or area ofstudent life that is important to you.Scholarships are distributed annuallybased on the criteria established bythe donor. Scholarships are animportant way of assisting today’sstudents while honoring those thathave come before them.BANNER SALESReturning for the 2022-2023 schoolyear, spirit banners can be used as anadvertising space for abusiness/company or to wish your childbest of luck all year long! Banners arehung in Alumni Hall and can bepurchased for a two or four year term.Funds raised go towards the AnnualFund which helps close the gap betweentuition and the cost to educate each ofour Panther students.

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A&B COMPANY PAGE 02ST. DON BOSCO SOCIETY ($5,000-$9,999)Dr. and Mrs. Simon CondronMr. and Mrs. Carter ConserMr. and Mrs. Joseph EddyNelson and MullinsSt. James CathedralMr. and Mrs. Kevin WilkesOur Supporters 57%stock maturity38%finance growthSCHOOL SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH SOCIETY ($50,000+)Mr. and Mrs. James MarkiewiczFR. MICHAEL FOX SOCIETY ($25,000-49,999)Nona's GardenSANTIAGO APOSTOL SOCIETY ($10,000+)Alpha Med SpaMr. and Mrs. Jorge BracamonteMr. and Mrs. Kevin Shaughnessy

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A&B COMPANY PAGE 02Our Supporters THE VIRGIN MARY SOCIETY ($2,500-$4,999)38%finance growthMr. and Mrs. John AnnicchiaricoMr. and Mrs. Gene ApeladoMr. and Mrs. Steven BerubeBishop Moore Catholic High SchoolMr. and Mrs. Brian BurnbaumMr. and Mrs. Daniel ByrnesMr. and Mrs. David Byrnes, Jr.Chatterbuzz MediaThe Flooring CenterMs. Carol HolcombMr. and Mrs. Alexander KissMr. and Mrs. Daniel MarkiewiczMr. and Mrs. William MarshallMr. and Mrs. Michael MartinMr. and Mrs David MiclatMr. and Mrs. Chad NicoloffMr. and Mrs. Francisco NunezMr. and Mrs. Stephen PalvisakPan American Behavioral HealthProximoPuff N StuffMr. and Mrs. John SmalleyMr. and Mrs. John WalkerMr. and Mrs. Adam Wonus

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A&B COMPANY PAGE 02Mr. Justin KnottMarriott Vacation ClubDr. and Mrs. Pablo MartinezMr. Joseph MiclatMs. Jen O'BraskyOral & Facial SurgeryOrlando MagicPalumbo & BertrandMr. and Mrs. Mike PalvisakMr. and Mrs. Tadd PermenterPope Plastic SurgeryMr. and Mrs. Chris PoulosPrasidio InsurancePRP Wine TastingMr. and Mrs. Geoff ReinhartMr. and Mrs. Andrew RusnakMr. and Mrs. James RutherfordMr. and Mrs. Joseph SaflickiMr. and Mrs. Yuji SakataMr. and Mrs. Chris SelmanMr. Seth SimmonsMr. and Mrs. Rabon SmithMr. and Mrs. Jacob StuartMr. and Mrs. Kevin TasilloTavistockMr. and Mrs. Thomas WilkesMr. and Mrs. Douglas YannucciMr. and Mrs. Albert YonfaMr. and Mrs. Jason AveryMr. and Mrs. Carlos Banks MoraisMr. and Mrs. Jarrett BingemanMr. John BurtCason PhotographyMr. Hakan Collu and Ms. Jennifer ForeroMr. and Mrs. Daniel ConnMr. and Mrs. Skip CouchMr. and Mrs. Adam CrouchDairy Management Inc.Mr. and Mrs. David D'AmatoMr. and Mrs. Shawn DennisDr. and Mrs. Ryan DurfeeMr. and Mrs. Joshua DuriganMr. and Mrs. Justin EssnerEvolving AstheticsMr. and Mrs. Anthony FableMr. and Mrs. John FantozziMr. and Mrs. George FlemingFlorida Citrus Sports FoundationFolio RealtyMr. and Mrs. Gregory GentlemanMr. and Mrs. James HamblenMr. Shaun HendricksonMr. and Mrs. James HutchersonMr. and Mrs. Brad LevineMr. and Mrs. Juan JaramilloMr. and Mrs. Kameron KavianiMr. and Mrs. Jon KilgoreOur Supporters THE CATHEDRAL SOCIETY ($1,000-$2,499)

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A&B COMPANY PAGE 02A3L Life LLC (Mooyah)Mr. and Mrs. Max AcreeMs. Cathy AllainAllen's Ice CreamArthur's CateringAstroSkateMr. Jonathan Baker-McBride and Mrs. Dominique Barritt-McbrideMr. and Mrs. Brian BattlesMr. and Mrs. Chad BlackMr. and Mrs. Jason BlackMs. Kathleen BowmanMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey BoylesMr. and Mrs. Ashley BurnsBusy Life FitnessMr. Jonathan ButlerMs. Patricia ByrdMr. and Mrs. David Byrnes SrMr. and Mrs. William CailMr. and Mrs. Jose CanteroMr. Jorge Carrillo and Dr. Laura GomezMr. and Mrs. James CaudillCentral Florida DermatologyCG Dentist OrlandoMr. and Mrs. Terry ChanChatterbuzz MediaChick-Fil-A Colonial Town CenterCitrus PropertiesMr. and Mrs. Norman CorderoMs. Kathleen CuppsMr. and Mrs. Richard Da SilvaMr. and Mrs. Michael DavisMr. and Mrs. Juan DelgadoMr. and Mrs. Richard DeMarcoMr. and Mrs. Paul DemetreeMr. and Mrs. Michael DeMonacoMr. and Mrs. Robert DenneyMr. and Mrs. Erik DominguesMr. and Mrs. Greg DoughertyMr. and Mrs. Tim DurfeeEat the FrogMr. and Mrs. Benjamin ElliottMs. Christine FaloneMr. Tom Falone IIIMs. Mimi FlatelyMr. and Mrs. Derek FrancisMr. and Mrs. Joseph FreinMr. and Mrs. Jonathan FrenchMr. and Mrs. Darryn GibbonsMr. George GiorgianniMr. John GiorgianniMr. and Mrs. Christopher GlissonMr. and Mrs. Matthew GordonMr. and Mrs. Frederick GrobHammock BeachMs. Dorothy HankinsonHB OrthopaedicsHeavenly Foot MassageDeacon and Mrs. Gerard HempsteadMr. Daniel Heredia and Ms. Jennifer DiazMs. Maria HerreraMr. and Mrs. Jeff HohmanHowl at the MoonMr. Matthew Huffman and Dr. Megan JohnsonMr. John HuhnIndigo SpaMr. and Mrs. Michael JanockoMs. Christina JulianoMs. Kelley Kauff-ortizMr. and Mrs. Christopher KeelingMs. Lynn KingMr. and Mrs. Brian KirwanMr. and Mrs. Charles KlausKnights of Columbus #12402Kona Ice of Central FloridaMr. Michael KrausdMr. and Mrs. David KubMr. and Mrs. Dennis LaceyMr. and Mrs. David LambertMr. and Mrs. David LaRocqueMs. Mya Leon and Ms. Shaylen DeverMr. Guillermo Lopez and Ms. Alil TejadaMain EventMs. Elizabeth ManchesterMr. Eugene Martell and Ms. Melissa AguinagaMs. Rocio Martinez-AngelMaschiosMathnasiumMr. and Mrs Kevin MeeksMLP DesignMojo Personal TrainingMr. James MooreOur Supporters THE 1928 CLUB ($250-$999)Mr. Bridget MorelloMr. and Mrs. Jeffry NeveMr. and Mrs. Dennis O'ConnorOrlando's Mr. ChristmasMr. and Mrs. Paul OrlovskyMr. Jose OrtizMr. Brian OsbourneDr. and Mrs. Matthew OwenMr. and Mrs. Joel PadrinoMs. Debbie PattersonMr. and Mrs. Lucas PattersonMr. and Mrs. Jason PecoraMr. and Mrs. Nick PhillipsMr. and Mrs. David PoltarMr. and Mrs. Brian PrebendaMr. and Mrs. Brian RabitailleMr. and Mrs. Drew RamseyMr. Daniel Ambrico and Ms. Maribeth ReyesRisse BrothersMr. Gene RoerigMr. Eric RutledgeMs. Deborah SchafferMr. and Mrs. Michael ScomaMr. David Semesco and Mrs. Amy Allman-SemescoDr. Simon Shakar and Dr. Elisa CarnielMr. and Mrs. Ryan ShaughnessyMr. Steven Smith and Ms. Mary YodiceMr. Zachary SmithDr. Michael Sroka and Ms. Iara Diaz-AraujoMr. John StainesTop AutoMr. Jennifer TribouTruly You With AutumnUniversal StudiosMr. Michael Valenzuela and Mrs. Brinda ArroyoMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey VasalloMr. and Mrs. Alexander VelazquezVictory CasinoMs. Maxise VoltaireMr. and Mrs. Brian WardMr. and Mrs. Ben WasielewskiMrs. Tammy WathenMr. Brandon WeinbergMr. and Mrs. John Zuvich

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A&B COMPANY PAGE 02Our SupportersFRIENDS OF ST. JAMES ($1-$249)4RiversMr. and Mrs. Rony Abi DaherAbstract OrlandoMs. Lizette AcostaMr and Mrs. Joseph AderMs. Hanna AgardMs. Ibediza AgostoMs. Cathleen AllmanAlmona CinemaMs. Cristina AlzatiMs. Jennifer AndersonMs. Ana AngelMr. Dante AngiulliMs. Patricia AngiulliMr. and Mrs. Davidson AntenorAnthony's PizzaMr. Gabriel Arbeleaz and Ms. Catalina CarvajalDr. and Mrs. Victor AramayoMr. and Mrs. Edwin ArambuloMs. Elizabeth ArmyMs. Cheryl AsburyMs. Mary Rose AxtonMs .Jasseira BaezMs. Ivonne BahamondeMs. Lori BaneMs. Clara BanikMr. Tommy Barraza and Mr. Robert MarinBarre3Mr. and Mrs. Alexander BarriosMr. David Bastidas and Ms. Diana OspinaMr. and Mrs. Matthew BauchleMs. Heather Bauchle-McFarlandMr.and Mrs. Evalliere BeauplanMr. Evalardo BeauplanMr. and Mrs. Donald BedwellMs. Joanne BendureMs. Athene Benoit LaRocqueMr. and Mrs. Adam BertrandMr. and Mrs. Reed BertrandMr. and Mrs. Steven Berube Sr.Ms. Kathy BevecMr. and Mrs. David BingemannMr. and Mrs. Chris BittakisMs. Rebecca BittakisMr. William Bitz Jr.Mr. William Bitz Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Will BlankenshipBoard and BrushMr. and Mrs. Richard BonetBonkerz Comedy ClubMr. Walter BradfordMr. and Mrs. Matthew BradshawMs. Janet BravoMr. and Mrs. David BrickleMs. Diana BrignoniMs. Patricia BrooksMs. Bette BrownMr. and Mrs. Chuong BuiBureau Escape RoomMs. Amber BurtMr. Steven ButlerMr. and Mrs. Drew ByrnesMs. Cristina CalvetMr. Fernando CardonaMr. John Carney and Dr. Maria IskandarMs. Marta CarrollMr. and Mrs. Brian CarusoMs. Shannon CarusoMr. Gary ChanChloe LaneMs. Arianna ChoiMs. Kisoo ChoiMr. Won ChoiJ ClarkMr. and Mrs. Chad ClarkClearwater Marine AquariumMs. Ciara CookMs. Judith CookMr. and Mrs. Michael CookMr. and Mrs. Daniel CorackMs. Christie CostonMs. Janice CoveyMr. and Mrs. Edward CranfordMr. and Mrs. Richard CranfordMs. Rachael CrewsMs. Jill CridgeMs. Emily CrincoliMr. and Mrs. Myron CrouchMr. and Mrs. Adam CrouchMr. Joseph CutronoMs. Stacy CutronoCycle BarMr. and Mrs. Richard Da SilvaMs. Tracey DailyMr. and Mrs. Eugene DamasoMs. Lisanderis Del ValleMr. Noel Dela CernaMr. and Mrs. Manolo Dela CernaMr. and Mrs. Earnest DeloachMs. Carol DeLucaMs. Delilah DelumpaMs. Shadell DelvalleMr. Albert DiazMr. Daniel Diaz and Dr. Leah DelumpaDinner Party ProjectMr. and Mrs. Robert DirisioMr. and Mrs. Daniel DoddMr. and Mrs. Shawn DonovanMs. Angela Dos SantosMr. Thomas DoyleDr. Mike DentalMr. Steve DragonMs. Elsa DuarteDubsdread Golf CourseMr. and Mrs. Joseph DuffMr. and Mrs. Matt DuncanMr. Brendan RamirezMs. Karen EdmondsonMr. and Mrs. Stu EllerbuschMr. and Mrs. Mark ElloMs. Betty EssnerMs. Christine EttoreMr. and Mrs. Timothy EvansMs. Carla FantozziMr. and Mrs. Carlo FavisMr. and Mrs. Bradley FennessyMr. and Mrs. Chris FernandezMr. Ken FickMr. Eric FilimonMr. and Mrs. Bradley FlechtnerMr. James FlickMr. and Mrs. Baron ForbesMr. Jared FowlerMs. Sheena FowlerMr. Noris FradesMs. Janeen FrankMr. Lawrence FrenchMs. Monica FrenchFun SpotMr. Bret GainsfordGallagherMr. and Mrs. Douglas GarbarkMs. Gerianne GarbarkMr. John Garbark

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A&B COMPANY PAGE 02Our SupportersFRIENDS OF ST. JAMES ($1-$249) cont.Dr. and Dr. Daniel GarciaMr. Juan GarciaMs. Maria GarciaMr. Ronald Garcia and Ms. Mirella MacchiavelloGarden TheatreMr. Robert GareauGelato-GoMs. Karen GentryMr. Easton GibbonsMs. Everly GibbonsMr. and Mrs. Javbleidy GilMr. Carlos Gil and Mrs. Olga HablichGlass KnifeMs. Karri GomezGood SaltMs. Amanda GriffithsMs. Judith GrisezMs. Argelia GuerreroMs. Janine GuillenMs. Cheryl GulasaMr. and Mrs. Roberto GurreoneroMs. Antoinette GuthrieMr. Ken GuthrieMs. Miriam GuthrieMr. and Mrs. John GutwenigerMr. and Mrs. Michael HaagMr. and Mrs. William HartmannMr. Gregory HaulerMr. Shawn HebbMr. and Mrs. Michael HendrixMs. Marisol HernandezMr. and Mrs. Ryan HesterMr. Gerard Hines Mr. and Mrs. Robin HinesMr. Cynthia HippMs. Nancy HoltMs. Jessica HortaMr. and Mrs. Juan HoyleMs. Laura HoyosMiss Kayla HumphreysMs. Sherry HutchersonMr. John ImbergamoJacksonville ZooMs. Tracy JacobsMr. and Mrs. Herbert JamesMr. Steven JamesMr. and Mrs. Michael JenningsJeremiah'sMr. and Mrs. Leonardo Jimenez Joe's Car WashMr. and Mrs. Matthew JohnsonMr. Jeffery JonasenMs. Lori JonesK Starkey DesignsMr. Billie KasmarkMs. Elizabeth KellyMr. and Mrs. Floyd KellyKelly's Homemade Ice CreamKendra Scott Mall at MilleniaMr. and Mrs. James Kight Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James Kight Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey KissMr. Joe KivettMr. Kelley KnottMr. and Mrs. David KorsMs. Kimberly KotulaMr. and Mrs. Kevin KrauseMr. and Mrs. James KrawczykMr. Daniel KubMr. Dennis KubLakeshoreMr. Damian LaRocqueMr. Edward LaughlinMr. James LaughlinLazy MoonMr. and Mrs. Long LeMs. Betty Le BrunMr. and Mrs. Kevin LeeMs. Joyce LeedyMr. William LeedyMr. Tyler LengMs. Rita LesniakMr. Neil LevineMr. and Mrs. Robert LiebeMs. Chirstina LinMr. and Mrs. Robert LindleyMr. Jose Lopez and Ms. Lireny AlvarezMr. and Mrs. Daniel LovellMr. and Mrs. Jason LoweryMr. Mirtza LugoMacFadyenMs. Lynette MalkowskiMs. Lisa MarchandMs. Jennifer MarshMs. Jonnie MartinMs. Ana MartinezMr. Manuel MartinezMary KayMr. Francisco Matta and Ms. Margie CantoMr. Julian MayaMr. Jerry McBrideMs. Autumn McManusMeche SalonMr. and Mrs. Kevin MeeksMr. and Mrs.Robert MeltonMr. and Mrs. Robert MerrickMs. Linda MerrickMr. and Mrs. Bennett MetzgerMr. and Mrs. David MiclatMr. Steve MillardMs. Amy MillerMs. Anne MillerMr. Joseph MillerMr. and Mrs. Charles MillerMOI OrlandoMs. Mariel MolinaMr. and Mrs. Luis MontalvoMs. Tiffani MorganMr. William MossMother BlissMr. Juan Moya and Ms. Maria GarayNailed ItMr. and Mrs. Michael NegroniNew DirectionsMr. My Nguyen and Ms. Anh LaiMr. and Mrs. Randall NiemerMs. Heather NixonMs. Janice NixonMr. and Mrs. Joseph NortNothing But Budnt Cake Waterford LakesMr. Guillermo Nunez and Ms. Mirian CastilloMs. Janice NunezMs. Gerusa OakleyMr. Aidan O'ConnorJae OhMoonjung OhMr. and Mrs. John OleckMr. and Mrs. Larry OleckMs. Carla OliveroOrlando Science CenterMs. Ana OrtizMr. and Mrs. Michael OrtizMs. Sandra OrtizMs. Emily Ose

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A&B COMPANY PAGE 02Our SupportersFRIENDS OF ST. JAMES ($1-$249) cont.Mr. and Mrs. Jerry OseMr. and Mrs. Jason OstermannMs. April PageMr. and Mrs. Rohit PaltaMs. Victoria PapaliaMr. Daniel Papasakellariou and Ms. Betsy BacciPardon My FrenchMr. Cedric Pas and Mrs. Tania Pas-SantanaMs. Maria PascualMr. Christopher PashleyMr. Declan PecoraMr. Finn PecoraMs. Anne PellegrinoMs. Leslie PembertonMr. and Mrs.Mark PenningtonMr. and Mrs. Brian PerezMs. Lorraine PerryMs. Karen PhamMs. Leslie PhilipMs. Josie PienkoszMr. and Mrs. Davidson PinillaMs. Nellie PolitykaMs. Kia Pratt MccoyPremier Home FundingMr. Alex QuinteroMr. and Mrs. Brian RabitailleMs. Valerie RashallMs. Nicole ReadMs. Kristana ReitzMr. Mauricio Rengifo and Dr. Ingrid FialloMr. and Mrs. Paul RexfordMs. Ana ReynafarjeMr. and Mrs. Chad RichardsonMr. and Mrs. Chris RiehlMs. Susan RiehlMs. Nicole RineyMr. Nestor RiveraMs. Lisa RobinsonMs. Liza RodasMr Guillermo Rodriguez and Ms. Jenny AvilesMs. Maria RodriguezMr. and Mrs. Hector RomanMr. Luis Romero and Ms. Janice DangeloMs. Marcella RuizMs. Marjorie RuppMr. and Mrs. Erik RusnakRussell On Lake IvanhoeMs. Bridget RutledgeMs. Delorice RylesMs. Kelly SaenzMs. Maria SalinasSalt RoomMr. Kenneth Sanchez and Ms. Karina LedesmaMs. Carmen SantanaMs. Delnises SantiagoMr. and Mrs. Fernando SantosMs. Susy SarasuaMs. Sarah ScheidMs. Anna Maria SchiraldiMs. Alexandria SchrauwenMs. Laura ScottiMs. Marguerite SemescoMr. Kenny Sepulveda and Ms. JosMr. Emilio Serrano Martinez and Ms. Gretchen Galanes GonzalezSimone Boos PhotographyMr. Michael SmartMs. Barbara SmithMs. Carolin SmithMs. Kathy SnyderMr. and Mrs. Marvin SnyderMr. and Mrs. Ed SoistmanMs. Marianne SoistmanMr. Nathanael SolivenMr. and Mrs. Joseph SosMs. Deanna SoucieMs. Lauren SparerMr. Robert SpitzMs. Tanya StarrettMr. Jeremy Staub and Mrs. Katy Gallagher-StaubMr. Buckly StephensMs. Anita StoczMs. Josefina Tan LiaoDr. and Mrs. Quentin TankoMs. Dorothy TasilloMs. Angela TataMs. Liz TauerTaverna OpaTea RoomMs .Libia TeranMr. Corky TheinMr. Chuck ThibaultMr. and Mrs. John ThinnesThrive Cocktail Lounge and EateryMr. John TiptonMr. Richard TollToojay'sTres AmigosMs. Terri TurpinUKnight Training CenterMs. Heidi Hope UyMs. Michelle VaartjesMs. April ValdesMr. Larry VandenhandelMs. Monica VeigaViet-NomzMr. and Mrs. VillamilMs. Meghan WahlstromMs. Cindy WalkerMs. Patricia WalkerMr. Stephen WalkerMs. Bernadette WardMs. Jennifer WeightMr. Gregory WeimannMr. and Mrs. Ryan WelchMs. Kelly WilkesWinter Park PlayhouseMs. Mary Quinn WitherspoonMs. Ellen WoodleyWoof BakeryMr. William WorlingMr. and Mrs. Gregg WrightMr. and Mrs. Bret YawMr. and Mrs. James YoungloveZack ComedyMr. Javier ZeballosMs. Vicki Zuvich

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D O N O R T O T A L S &G I F T S I N K I N DGIFT IN KINDSPONSORSDOLLARS RAISED13$195,571DONATIONS425Mr. and Mrs. Kevin TasilloPuff N StuffMr. and Mrs. Robert DenneyMr. and Mrs. Erik DominguesProximo SpiritsMr. and Mrs. Robert DenneyMr. and Mrs. Robert FlechtnerMr. and Mrs. Albert YonfaHaute SpotsThank You to Our Gift In Kind Sponsors35 SPONSORS

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STJCS.COMSt. James Cathedral SchoolAcademic Excellence and Spiritual Enrichment since 1928