A year ago, frankly, I was more than a little worried about 2024. Covid had alreadyrevealed that much of our country’s previous strength and comfort were fragile at bestand that people lacked strong spiritual and moral roots. Add to that the many othersuch problems in our country and wider world—an overall sense of ongoing moral andcultural decline, an economy with soaring inflation, a Presidential campaign thatpromised to be ugly and divisive, a constant flow of infuriating news stories, andalready entrenched problems of consumerism, individualism, lower churchparticipation, lionizing of anti-institutionalism even among self-proclaimed Christians,and the temptation to isolate—and you can understand why many nowadays areanxious confused and I was more than a little worried.But, as we close out 2024, I am so grateful for how much Christ-exalting FCCers showthemselves to be backbone for their families and for this community! What began as aworrisome year to me has turned out to be another year—of the last 105—in God’scontinued faithfulness to First Christian Church.The 2024 Annual Report highlights stories of lives being transformed by Christ’s loveand truth—unbelievers stepping into faith, families growing stronger in discipleship,and believers of all ages serving together in ways that glorify God. Our growth inattendance and giving has also meant friendships formed, faith renewed, and livesforever changed.Friends, let’s pray to embody 1 Corinthians 15:58, “Therefore, my beloved brothers, besteadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in theLord your labor is not in vain.” May our dedication to be “always abounding in the workFrom our Lead Pastor FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 2024 ANNUAL REPORTof the Lord” become the joy of seeing God multiplyeven our smallest acts of obedience to build HisKingdom and bring Him glory. I pray this AnnualReport encourages and inspires you as much as ithas me. Thank you for your faithfulness to Christand His Church.For Christ and His Kingdom,Scott Wakefield, Lead Pastor
We celebrate every day boringfaithfulness. –Team Code Maxim #4FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTAfton Campus In past annual reports, we’ve focused onlarge scale efforts or unique events. Butthis year, we want to highlight somethingoften unseen: the small, everydayconversations that happen throughout theyear within our Afton community. Thesequick “Thank you! FCC is such a blessing tous!” comments are often overlooked yet area powerful reflection of the difference weare making.Just like saving money happens throughconsistent deposits rather than one bigwindfall, our service to the community isbuilt on these ongoing acts of love andcare. Over and over we hear that “FCC is such ablessing to us.” “Thank you to all yourpeople at the church.” “You guys are thebest!” These expressions of gratitude areshared by teachers, administrators, schoolboard members, coaches, and parents. Theyare shared by our own people, who havebeen loved by their Life Group and whohave felt the power of prayer. Again andagain, in what amounts to hundreds ofshort comments, we hear that “FCC hasmade a difference!”These small deposits of faithfulness createa powerful account that tells the story of achurch committed to serving, giving, andpraying, often in ways that never make thefront page. It’s not about headline events,though, but about the everyday acts of loveand kindness that make a lastingdifference.Your dedication to living a 7 Habits life maynot grab the spotlight, but it’s what trulytransforms lives. It matters, and it’s makinga real difference. Thank you for being a partof this ongoing story!H e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u sHelping Greene County Find and Follow Jesus
192 1,030396People Who Worshipped At AftonFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTAfton Campus175Average Attendance457217$22,265 173Average Volunteers per SundayBaptismsMemberships Outreach EventsOutreach Volunteers Outreach Volunteer HoursMiles Portable Cases TraveledThrough CDHS Hallways:Financial Investment into CDHS/AftonCommunity (incl’g $15k AV eqpt)
Helping Greene County Find and Follow JesusWe value people over policies,principles over preferences, andgrowth over control.–Team Code Maxim #3FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTGreeneville Campus This year has been a season of undeniableblessing for our Greeneville Campus as westrive to build Christ’s body, praise Hisname, and share His love with ourcommunity. Through God’s guidance andyour faithfulness, we have continued tobuild relationships and show His love tothose around us.One way we’ve been the hands and feet ofChrist is by encouraging teachers atGreeneville High School with thoughtfulgifts, heartfelt notes, and lovingly preparedmeals. Many volunteers have writtenhundreds of messages, packed countlessgoodies, and prayed for our city’seducators.We’ve also engaged our community byhelping the Town of Greeneville with eventslike Juneteenth, New Year’s Eve, andChristmas in Downtown. This involvementhas given us many opportunities to buildconnections, share Christ’s love, and toshine His light. We thank every volunteerwho has loved and served Greeneville insuch tangible ways.Also, many new families from across thenation have found a Christ-centeredcommunity at FCC. They come seeking aplace to worship God, serve on mission-focused teams, and grow in their faith. Whata great reminder of God’s global missionand the hope we have in Him. As Psalm22:27 declares, “All the ends of the earthshall remember and turn to the Lord, andall the families of the nations shall worshipbefore you.”Friends, we are part of something muchbigger than ourselves—a mission to bringglory to God and to draw others into HisKingdom. Let’s remain focused on HelpingPeople Find and Follow Jesus!H e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u s
48 150605People Who Worshipped at GVLFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTGreeneville Campus 230Average Attendance351171112,500 286Average Volunteers per Sunday Baptisms Memberships Outreach EventsOutreach Volunteers Outreach Volunteer HoursCommunion Cups PreppedGallons of Coffee Prepped
FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTSouth Greene Campus Though Hurricane Helene caused floodingand devastation in South Greene, the spirit ofgenerosity at FCC remained strong. Peoplefrom all three campuses and Christians fromall over the nation sprang into action,distributing water and supplies, clearingdebris, shoveling mud, donating money, anddelivering food.When South Greene High School receivedlast-minute word of tractor trailers bringingsupplies, they reached out for help and agroup of 10 to 15 FCCers quickly stepped in,demonstrating our deep love for thecommunity. This effort is a reflection of ourmission to help the South Greene communityFind and Follow Jesus.One of the many South Greene FCCers whohelped in the disaster relief efforts is atypical example of how God’s Word translatesinto tangible service. In sharing his story, hesaid, “I have never been to a church that is sorich in Bible truth, which is preached withsuch conviction and compassion,” he shared.“I tear up every Sunday as I hear God's Wordpreached and it does a work in my heart.”So when disaster relief was needed, hisresponse was immediate. “God has given methe ability and resources to help those inneed, and I want to do my part, since God hasdone so much for me.” He jumped in, clearedtrees, mucked through mud, and helped usserve our community and spread the Word!We are on a mission to develop servant-leaders who help form the moral foundation for a strong Greene County!H e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u sHelping Greene County Find and Follow Jesus
160267292People Who Worshipped at SGRFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTSouth Greene Campus110Average Attendance 46 25245,520 170Average Volunteers per SundayBaptismsMemberships Number of Outreach EventsOutreach Volunteers Outreach Volunteer HoursNumber of Chairs Set up in theCafeteria Throughout the YearNumber of Meals Made for Teachers
We Have A Growing-By-LearningMindset, Not A Fixed One.–Team Code Maxim # 5FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTAdmin/Comms TeamThe Admin Team is a vital pillar of ourchurch, ensuring smooth and effectiveoperations that enable us to shepherdwith clarity and care. By implementingsystems to track how individuals areconnected and cared for, the team equipsour church to intentionally live out FCC’s 7Habits.Each Monday and Thursday, teammembers gather in the office to tackleweekly tasks. Their behind-the-sceneswork creates the framework for meaningfulministry. It’s also an opportunity to servethe body of Christ with joy and purposethat have had a profound impact ofhelping our church family thrive and growspiritually.The Communications Team serves as thevoice of FCC’s mission by using digitaloutreach and creative storytelling to sharethe work of God in the lives of His people.This year, Wendi Kitsteiner brought herunique gift of writing and passion forstorytelling to capture and communicatethe evidence of God’s faithfulness in thelives of His people. Through each week'sH7 Story, she uses her words to encourageand inspire others.These stories spotlight many wonderfulways God is using people within ourchurch, remind us that every act offaithfulness forwards the mission, andhelp keep us connected across allcampuses and focused on Helping PeopleFind and Follow Jesus!The Admin Team exists to keep accurate records that help us shepherd our people well and maintain ahealthy Kingdom growth. The Communications Team serves as the voice of FCC’s mission, usingcreativity and storytelling to share the work of God in the lives of His people.H e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u s
20,00017,650Worship Guides PrintedFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTAdmin/Comms Team82,243Text Messages Sent1,119 34,32419152App DownloadsCumulative App LaunchesNumber of Newsfeed PostsEmails SentFacebook Page VisitsH7 Stories Published119,541
"Producing Goodness & Promoting Others”Catalyst isn't just a coffee shop—it's a ministry focused on "Producing Goodness &Promoting Others!” FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTCatalyst CoffeeEach week, we see Bible studies, seminary Greekclasses, people praying together, daily travelersvisiting the area, school groups and homeworksessions, friends coming for their daily coffeeroutine, businesses renting airpots for meetings,and so much more.Whichever way you buy something from Catalyst,downtown or at our mobile trailer, you become a“Catalyst Partner” who invests in our communityand supports nonprofit work in Greene County.Because of you, we get to see God move inincredible ways as we give away 100% of netprofits through the sale of our locally-roastedcoffee.“One Thursday, a woman, her husband, and herbrother came for breakfast from the GeneralMorgan Inn,” staff member Rachael Chapmanrecounts. “They were around 60 in age, well-dressed, and well-travelled from the Raleigh area.I chatted with them for a few minutes, finding outthey do not attend church regularly. After someconversation, the husband desired the free Biblefrom the Christian Book Store, and it was ablessing to see him take it.”May this story sweeter to remind you as to why weare who we are—we care about Helping PeopleFind and Follow Jesus and we hope our service tothe community will be the light of Christ!P.S. — Did you know, of the 7 Habits at FCC, youcan do #2, #4, #5, and #7 at Catalyst? And, if we canadd an 8th Habit… “Enjoy a Good Cup of Coffee!”H e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u s
3,285565 lbs75,309 Items SoldFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTCatalyst Coffee Company $269,833Gross Sales41,749 $6.703698a200,389Too many to countTotal Number of SalesAverage PurchaseMost Sales in a DayBusiest Time of the DayPounds of Beans Roasted Pounds of Whole Beans SoldOunces of Drip Coffee BrewedNumber of Happy Customers Served
They don’t just maintain a building; they support the mission of the church.FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTFacilitiesWhen many people think about church ministry,they probably often picture pastors preaching,worship teams leading songs, or children’sleaders teaching Bible stories. But behind thescenes, there’s another group of faithful servantswho make all of this possible: our Facilities Team.These volunteers are the unsung champions whoensure our building is ready and safe for ministryevery day.This team of dedicated individuals quietly servesby replacing lights, checking fire extinguishers,repairing exit signs, mounting shelves, rebuildingstages, and keeping HVAC systems runningsmoothly. They even care for the baptistry,ensuring it is always ready for one of the mostjoyous moments in church life—celebrating newlife in Christ. Their work may not always bevisible, but it’s absolutely vital.We are so thankful for what we call the “everydayboring faithfulness” of our Facilities Team. Theirwork matters. They don’t just maintain a building;they support the mission of the church. Everylight they fix and every filter they replace helpscreate a space where people can safely andcomfortably encounter the living God.Please take a moment to appreciate theseamazing volunteers. The next time you seesomeone on a ladder or carrying tools, thankthem for their service! And perhaps just maybe,you’ll feel called to join them. After all, there’salways room for more hands to help keep ourchurch strong as we pursue our mission together.“Their work may not alwaysbe visible, but it’sabsolutely vital.”H e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u s
3010Fire Extinguishers Inspected WeeklyFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTFacilities12Exit Signs Inspected Weekly1,300 1111550Feet of Grass Trimmer String Used Baptisms SupportedHVAC Units MaintainedLight Bulbs MaintainedHours Spent MowingVolunteers on the Facilities Team12
When we Pursue Generosity as part of a localchurch that pools its resources and embodiesGod's grace to us in Christ, it allows us to do moretogether than separately, extends the Kingdomof God, and teaches to treasure a salvation wedon't deserve and could never earn! H5: Pursue Generosity Because the Work is Great, For it is Not for Man but for the LordFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTFinancesWhile the late September flooding and destructionthat following Hurricane Helene has been difficultfor so many in Greene County, it has also createdmany opportunities to Pursue Generosity.Volunteers and donors from all across the countryhave contributed to clean-up and rebuildingefforts. Through word of mouth and FCC’s socialmedia, people from coast to coast heard about theneeds of our community and have steadily madedonations to our Flood Relief Fund. Thanks to those who shared the need and sharedsocial media links with their family and friends,people from twelve different states have pursuedgenerosity with us. Our Elders have been workingwith relief efforts in our community to make surethat all of the Flood Relief Fund donations areused locally to help those in need in GreeneCounty. With the $47,000 raised so far, we have helped in afew ways and are continuing to support ongoingrelief efforts. We have helped support LongviewRanch, whose leadership has meant hundreds ofworkers from Greene County and all over thecountry could pitch in to clean out and help beginrepairing six homes. We’ve also given directly tothree FCC families, two of whom lost everything,and one who has used his construction companyand expertise to lead significant cleaning andrebuilding efforts. While support of ongoing effortsis happening somewhat slowly because ofinsurance, federal monies, winter, and the need toensure money we’ve been given is used wisely, weare committed to using funds locally and will letyou know how as soon as possible.Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus–let’s continue to meet the needs of Greene Countytogether!H e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u s
336 $302$1,236,602Total ContributionsFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTFinances$1,101,089General Fund Giving$135,513$46,976$10,0574,10366 $41.12Other Giving Total Flood Relief GivingColombia Mission Trip Giving Number of ContributionsNumber of Individuals Who Contributed Average ContributionNumber of Recurring ContributionsAverage Donation Per Sunday MorningWorship Attendee
We enjoy the fellowship of mutualsurrender to the mission. –Team Code Maxim # 1On the Guest Team, we seek to warmly welcome guests as a reflection of the lovewe have received in Christ. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTGuest Team This year, the Guest Team remainedcommitted to reflecting Christ's lovethrough warm and intentional hospitality.Our vision to welcome guests, as we havebeen welcomed in Christ, continues toshape our efforts in creating an invitingenvironment for all who step through ourdoors.Josh Ditto exemplifies the vision of theGuest Team, which is to warmly welcomeguests as a reflection of the love that wehave received in Christ. Serving faithfully atthe South Greene campus, and always witha smile, Josh ensures that each guest feelscared for as he hands out Worship Guides,Bibles, or pens. His early arrival each week,to prepare our spaces with excellence,along with his willingness to stay late tohelp reset the campus for school the nextday, reveal his determination andenthusiasm to serve. We are incredibly grateful for Josh, and forso many others like him, who embody theGuest Team’s vision of making FCC’senvironments a place where guestsexperience the love of Christ so they canfocus on finding and following Jesus.H e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u s
50,000 Communion Cups PreparedFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTGuest Team140People Serving on the Guest Team 604,160Collective Hours Spent in PortableSet-up and Clean-up Each WeekPrayer Guides Printed/DistributedTimes the Guest Team Met to Prayfor the Service and God’s Work inthe Lives of our Guests Over 300Hugs, Handshakes, and High FivesCountless
We partner with parents and families tobuild an environment where young peoplecan become who God created them to be–aplace that is all about Helping Kids Find andFollow Jesus!Helping Kids Find and Follow JesusFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTKidsOur vision of Helping Kids Find and FollowJesus was met in exciting ways this year. Forone, Pine Cove City was an absolute blast! Thecamp staff brought high energy, joy, and areal sense of purpose to every interactionwith the kids. From the stage, to the activities,to lunch time, to just waiting in line for therestroom, they were incredibly intentional,making sure each moment was anopportunity to share the gospel. This meantthat kids got to hear about their need forJesus in a way that was engaging and whichhelped them grow in their understanding ofwho God is. It was a fantastic week, and we’reso grateful for how Pine Cove City poured intothe lives of FCC kids! Monday Night Kids is another way we areHelping Kids Find and Follow Jesus but thatmany may not know about. While parentswork through re:gen or re|engage curriculum,designed to align lives and marriages withChrist and Scripture, kids are also learningabout who Jesus is and how He has calledthem to follow Him! This team is made up ofvolunteers who care deeply about children.When asked why he serves so regularly onMonday nights, Jackson Radank said, “I lovethe opportunity to share the gospel.” So cool!For several years now, and with obvious joy,Jackson sacrificially Serves on the Team bygiving up his Monday evenings to minister toand point the kids of parents who comethrough these Monday night ministries toJesus.H e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u s
2 9252Weeks of Curriculum Written toAlign with Adult Sermon SeriesFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTKids81Elementary Kids Who AttendedPine Cove City 81566129617Early Childhood Kids Who AttendedSplashKids Able To Attend Pine Cove/SplashBecause of a ScholarshipsHours Served by the Average Kids VolunteerKid’s BaptismsAll-Campus Kids Team MeetingsKids Average AttendancePotty BreaksNew Volunteers on the Kids Team
"You don't stumble upon greatChristian community; you create it."FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTLife GroupsAt FCC, we often say that “you don’t stumbleupon great Christian community; you create it.”In other words, finding connection and caredoesn’t happen automatically. It requiresintentionality and personal investment. That is why we are continually striving to builda community of consistent connection thatresults in personal growth and care byencouraging people to join a Life Group. Thesegroups provide a safe yet challengingenvironment for people to find and followJesus and to also grow in their faith. Life Groups also provide opportunities formembers to practice Habit 7: Tell the story.Throughout the year, there are manyopportunities for Life Groups to work togetheron projects that serve our wider community.One such opportunity occurred in July, whenseveral Life Groups provided meals for campcounselors during the week Pine Cove City leda camp for elementary kids. Each day, LifeGroups across all three campuses blessed FCC’sKids by ensuring that more than 40 counselorswere well fed and taken care of so that theycould focus on the spiritual growth of campers!As we look ahead to 2025, we are excited forGod to continue His work through Life Groupsto soften hearts, change lives, and buildmature disciple makers through the godlycommunity and frontline care these groupsprovide. Life Groups are sermon-based and campus-specific small groups, who meet weekly inparticipants' homes to build relationships, study the Word of God, and pray for oneanother.H e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u s
23Total Life GroupsFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTLife Groups246Total Adult Life Group Participants36Pop-up Life Group Sessions Leadership Life Group Sessions:9 8 6Pop-up Life Group Attendees16LLG is the primary training tool for Life GroupLeaders. Lasts for 4-6 sessions and equips potentialleaders to launch new Life Groups.Leadership Life Group Participants4GVL AFT SGR GVL AFT SGR102 82 62
A healthy marriage requires intentionality to become a Christ-centered source of joy andfruitfulness for a lifetime. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTMarriage TeamBecause healthy marriages require effort andintentionality, Foundation Groups aim to supportnewly married couples as they adjust to mergingtwo independent lives into one. Led by a mentorcouple, these small groups help newlyweds learnto be on mission with their marriage and to growcloser to Christ, their spouse, and godlycommunity. In June 2022, John and Michelle Hamilton begantheir Foundation Group with three couples. Whentwo couples dropped out, they pivoted to a 1:1mentoring approach with the remaining couple.As another couple sought to join after theirwedding in March 2023, John and Michellewelcomed them and restarted the curriculum.Over the next 18 months, John and Michelleguided these young couples in understandingGod's purpose for marriage and the importanceof choosing to love their spouse as God lovesthem. Learning how to communicate well andinvest in each other with God’s grace were alsorepeated conversations. John found it rewardingto see the men grasp the concept of “sacrificiallove” and learn to pray for and with their spouseand one another. Michelle appreciatedwitnessing the couples pursue and experiencegrowth that comes from being vulnerable inChristian community. Together, they werereminded that marriage is a “full length mirror”that God uses to sanctify couples so thathusbands and wives reflect God’s goodness andlove to the world. John and Michelle’s dedicated care to help eachcouple lay a biblical, Christ-centered foundationfor their marriage, is a blessing not just to thecouples, but to their future children, as well! Healthy marriagesrequire effort andintentionality.H e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u s
2121New Leader CouplesFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTMarriage Team1New re|engage Couple Testimonies3868635913Leader MeetingsMarriage Ministry Sessions(re|engage, Merge & Foundations)Marriage Ministry MeetingsParticipant CouplesYoung Children Impacted by TheirParents’ Investment in Their MarriageEngagementsWeddingsBabies Born or Soon to be Born
FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTMissions & OutreachThis year, FCC was blessed to host twomissionaries, whom we support financially, asthey raised new support and updated currentsupporters during their furloughs.In June, Martin Sanders, a missionary toColombia, spoke to the Greeneville Campus (live-streamed to other campuses), shared hisministry with several Life Groups and PillarYoung Adults, and spoke with the Mission Team.During these times, Martin highlighted his workin Colombia and the political challenges he’sfaced in the region.In November, Jim and Laurie Barnes,missionaries to the Czech Republic, visited FCCfor a few days. They attended all three campuseson Sunday, shared meals and fellowship withLife Groups, presented their ministry to theMission Team, and spoke at Pillar. Laurie sharedthat her faith had grown through FCC collegestudents inviting her to church many years ago.In gratitude, Jim and Laurie expressed that theirvisit to FCC “was truly one of the best furloughexperiences ever!”Also in November, several FCC members traveledto Colombia on a mission trip where they sharedthe gospel with impoverished communities inthe Andes Mountains, helped train pastors, andcaught a vision for possible future ministry inthat country. Please pray for how you cansupport future efforts in 2025 as FCC continuesto help the Colombian people Find and FollowJesus!Every time you give, you aresupporting God's work locallyand globally!Not only is our entire people-equipping ministry structure an outreach strategy—7 Habits, MultisiteStrategy, etc.—but we also Pursue Generosity as a congregation by open-handedly supporting localand global organizations.H e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u s
11Number of Coffees/Visits with MissionariesFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTMissions/Outreach6Life Groups Who Hosted VisitingMissionaries100$110,305Number of Bibles Distributed inSoacha and La Guajira, ColombiaTotal OutreachBudgetNumber of Families/OrganizationsFCC Supports23Number of Hot Meals Made forHomeless People in Colombia100
Catch a vision for how God'sKingdom advances through thelocal church and how you canbe part of it!Next Steps is a time to get to know church leadership, get answers to your questions,and find out more about FCC and our mission of Helping People Find and Follow Jesus.FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTNext Steps TeamNext Steps helps those interested in FCC learnhow things work, find answers to questions,connect with a Next Steps Helper, and develop apersonal 7 Habits Growth Plan. Every participantis a story that God is writing, and we are gratefulfor how many He is writing!One of these stories is Rance Tipton, who,although he has been attending FCC for years,decided to go through Next Steps this year. It wasexciting to hear the story of God’s work in His life!“Before Christ, my life was full of searching forsatisfaction through validation and approval ofothers. I was overly concerned with my ownimage and what others thought about me.I was saved on a Sunday morning in 2018. I hadgrown up in church my whole life but neverrealized the magnitude of my sin or my need for aSavior. But Christ worked in my heart and showedme that the way I was living was hopeless andthat the only way I could find satisfaction andsalvation was through Him.Now, I’m no longer left searching for satisfaction.I know what Christ did for me and I can rest in Hisfull, sufficient work. I love reading His Word and Ilove getting to serve in the church and doing mybest to lead in ways that glorify Him.”How cool is that?! Thanks for your encouragementand prayers as we seek to connect people to thebody of Christ, Helping them Find and FollowJesus!H e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u s
8Adult BaptismsFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTNext Steps Team12Child Baptisms141 252MembershipsPeople Who Attended Next Steps atall Three CampusesNew Next Steps DirectorsNumber of 7 Habits Videos Played inMeetings119
Pillar is a safe and inviting environment for young adults in their 20s to buildmeaningful relationships, ask important questions, and engage with God’s Word!FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTPillarPillar, FCC's Young Adults Ministry, is based on 1Timothy 3:15, with the name being the goal: todevelop and deploy young adults as “pillars” inthe world, whose connection to the body ofChrist produces lives rooted in God's truth andfocused on His eternal purposes.One significant development of Pillar this yearhas been the large number of marriages! Buteven as couples transition into their next phaseof life, new “pillars” continue to emerge to taketheir place. This was particularly notable in Juneat the annual Becoming Pillars Retreat. Nearly50 young adults came to enjoy a wide range ofactivities that included s’mores by the bonfire,canoeing, swimming, line dancing, board games,and so much more. After Tommy Staggs, Afton'sCampus Pastor, preached through 1 Timothy 4-6, Kara Stalker shared that her biggest take-away was the need “to pursue learning God’sWord, righteousness, and love for our family(church family as well).” Tessa Gourley wasreminded to be “proactive in [her] relationshipwith God and seek after Him daily because He is[her] treasure and the only one who satisfies.”And, “All Christians are called to ministry,” TylerBrinegar learned, “not just those who work inministry.” The retreat was only a small taste of whathappens every Tuesday night at Pillar. It is trulyinspiring to witness young adults being theChurch—embodying the ideals of being pillarsof truth. We are so grateful for your prayers andcan’t wait for another year of ministry!Developing and deploying Pillarswhose connection to the body produceslives founded on God’s truth anddirected toward His purposes.H e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u s
9Young Adults Baptized / PlacedMembershipFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTPillar 36Average Weekly Attendance on Tuesday Nights12(ish) Hours1 14Q&A Time (with 100+ Questions Answered)New Volunteers on the TeamNew Guests Each Week (Avg) Peeps who got Married15
Part of our multisite strategy is “make disciples and launch campuses.” Our Residentsprogram focuses on training and equipping young leaders to become who God madethem to be!FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTResidentsFCC’s Residency Program is designed forindividuals who may be wondering about beingcalled to vocational ministry in some capacity.Residents meet weekly for training, equippingthem with practical tools and spiritual guidanceto serve in various ministry roles. They gainhands-on experience by working in multipleministries, allowing them to explore differentaspects of church leadership. Additionally,residents are responsible for organizing andleading significant church events, such as the 7Days of Prayer at the beginning of each year andthe Good Friday Service. As part of theseresponsibilities, they take turns givingdevotionals and leading the congregation inprayer.Simon Johnson entered the program eager togrow in discipleship and explore God’s purposefor his life. Through the program, he discoveredGod’s call to pursue seminary and vocationalministry. By learning a more expository readingof Scripture, Simon deepened his understandingof God’s Word. He actively used what he learnedto impact others, particularly students he wasleading in our 180 Ministry. By helping themunderstand challenging passages throughcontextual study, Simon guided many studentstoward a clearer understanding of God’s truthand characterSimon’s journey reflects God’s faithfulness andthe value of investing in discipleship for theKingdom.We multiply influence byreproducing leaders.–Team Maxim #7H e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u s
34Books Read and DiscussedFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTResidents25Total Residents (includes thosewho finished the program)3744New Residents in 2024Days of PrayerResidents Attending SeminaryRecruiting Volunteer Teaching SessionsDoctrinal Videos or PodcastsWatched/Listened 4Chapters Read and Discussed4
Re:generation is Bible-based and gospel-centered discipleship training focused on deeplyunderstanding new life in Christ by applying God's grace.FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCHS2024 ANNUAL REPORTre:generationMeeting every Monday from 6:30–8:30p at theGreeneville Campus, re:gen offers a safe andsupportive space for individuals from diversebackgrounds to share struggles, develop anabiding walk with Christ, and to find freedomfrom sin.Valerie Stanley’s journey exemplifies the heart ofre:gen. Prior to coming, her life was marked byanger, pain, and hidden sins. As a teenager, shesought love and acceptance in fleetingrelationships and used substances to numb thewounds of past abuse. Even after starting a newlife, she felt trapped, hopeless, and unworthy asa mother and wife.In her darkest moment, Valerie turned to re:gen,thinking she was beyond hope. But God met herthere. Through godly community and biblicalteaching, Valerie discovered unconditional love,and God’s grace began to heal her brokenness.She learned to forgive, to love her familypatiently, and to speak with kindness, instead ofanger. The peace she found by surrendering herdarkest places to Christ transformed herrelationships and filled her with joy.“Let God have all things,” Valerie encouragesothers. In re:gen, she experienced the truth thatGod can break every chain of anger and hurt,replacing them with His grace. Today, she is oneof our re:gen leaders and she walks in freedom,helping others to do the same, because sheknows that God’s love can heal even the deepestwounds.NEVERB E T H ES A M EH e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u s
FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTre:generation359Re:gen Books Ordered20Amazing Leaders4953 107Leader Development SessionsHours of Community DiscipleshipParticipants Who Finished TheProgram in 2024Pounds of Turkey Cooked onFRIENDSgiving147
We lead with vulnerability!–Team Code Maxim # 6We work to create a healthy and safe environment where students will experience lifechange by daily making a 180-degree turn from sin to a life-giving relationship withJesus.FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCHS2024 ANNUAL REPORTStudentsRick Mearns started serving as a 180 Small GroupLeader in 2015, working with the 8th grade boys.He stayed with that group of guys all the waythrough to their graduation, and to this day, stillkeeps in touch with some of them!After they graduated, Rick transitioned back toleading 6th graders. However, moving fromseniors to 6th graders was definitely a shock! Itwas amazing how quickly things could go fromhigh to low and back again in a matter of seconds.As that year drew to a close, one of his studentsasked if it was true that Rick would be moving upto 7th grade. When he confirmed it was so, the boywas clearly disappointed. But another studentreminded him that they all would be going to 7thgrade—problem solved!Throughout the years, there have been manycelebrations, moments of support in sad times,and even tough conversations. Young men whoonce picked on each other in ways that weren’texactly kind end up becoming each other’saccountability partners and the kind of friendswho always have each other’s backs!“These young men have helped me grow in myfaith more than they will ever know,” Rick shared.“I love my guys and will be here for them as longas I continue to walk this earth!”H e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u s
21 9210Students Who Attended in 2024FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTStudents184Highest Attendance115 252,10065 0Average Student Attendance at 180 Small Group LeadersMinutes of Small Group & Sermon DiscussionBaptismsStudents Serving on The Worship Team Student-Led Bible Studies New Student LeadersInjuries to the Student Director (buthe has lost more hair and has moregray in his beard)
We “praypare” as if souls are atstake, the Word does the work,excellence matters, and feedback helps.–Team Maxim #2The Tech Team seeks to serve our Sunday morning service well, seeking to create adistraction free environment that ushers our guests to worship of God.FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCHS2024 ANNUAL REPORTTech TeamOne of the greatest blessings we’ve experiencedas a portable church is the gift of a fullyfunctioning, mobile tech setup. This portable gearis more than just a tool for our services; it’s a wayfor us to extend our reach into the community,meeting needs wherever they arise, thus fulfillingone of our goals as a multi-site church.At South Greene, FCC had the opportunity toprovide tech for several events, including afuneral, a 50th class reunion, a Veteran’s Dayprogram, and even the South Greene MiddleSchool graduation.At Afton, we supported the Chuckey Doak HighSchool graduation, a chorus concert, and the MissGreene County Pageant, along with other schoolevents.We continue to find great reward in ourinvolvement with the annual Greene CountyTeachers’ Training, held this year at West GreeneHigh School. For the third consecutive year, weprovided the event’s audio, video, and lighting,supporting a gathering of all teachers andadministrators from Greene County schools. Additionally, we are able to use this mobile gearat our combined Easter and Christmas worshipservices held at Tusculum University.We’re deeply grateful for the opportunity to havesuch quality equipment that can be moved andset up wherever it’s needed. It's a blessing to useit to serve others and make a meaningful impactin our community.H e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u s
FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTTech Team29Tech Team Members26Average Age of The Tech Team9392174Tech Provided For Outreach EventsServices Each Week Where Tech is Provided Subscribers Who Watch FCC YouTube ServicesVideos Uploaded to The App In 20249
When we gather weekly to name the truth and grace of God with singing, prayer, andlearning from His Word, we are being increasingly formed into the image of God.FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTWorship TeamAn undeniable highlight of the year wascelebrating Christ’s resurrection and victory oversin and death in a combined Easter worshipservice. Thanks to Tusculum University’s generousand flexible spirit, along with Chad Grindstaff’scoordination as Tusculum’s Director of Facilitiesand Maintenance, over 800 people gatheredtogether on Easter Sunday to worship our RisenSavior. The FCC band, choir, and orchestra alsoplayed a significant role in this special service. Services like these are made possible by aWorship Team that embraces a growing-by-learning mindset. Lynn Doty and Darrell Wrightembodied this spirit when, after seeing a need formore musicians at their respective campuses,they each took the initiative to learn newinstruments. This gives the worship bands agreater depth and rotation of instrumentalists.Jonathan Lewis and David Bowlin also continue toserve faithfully as Worship Coaches at Greenevilleand Afton. When David’s new role as Next StepsDirector precludes him from leading worship onthe first Sunday of every month, his youngerbrother, Jonathan, has risen to the opportunity todevelop his own worship leadership skills.Jonathan, a talented high school senior, is doing afantastic job leading Afton in worship on thoseSundays. Additionally, Rance Tipton, yet anotheryoung man desiring to grow in his leadershipabilities, has enjoyed serving as a rotatingworship leader, as needed. The dedication ofthese young men, and many others on theWorship Team, to develop their musical and vocaltalents, enhances the worship experience at FCCand brings glory to God. "Worship is a soul-shaping habit!"H e l p i n g P e o p l e F i n d a n d F o l l o w J e s u s
FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH2024 ANNUAL REPORTWorship Team72Songs Sung At All Services98People Serving On VariousWorship Teams2727 7Hours In Sunday Morning Across All CampusesNumber of Worship Services Each WeekNew Team Members New Songs Learned In 20249
fccgreene.orgoffice@fccgreene.orgFirst Christian Church1130 Temple Street | Greeneville, TN 37745423-639-01262024 ANNUAL REPORTThank you to all our amazing volunteers! Thehabit of "Serving on the Team" is truly soul-shaping, as the body of Christ is the God-designed context where we learn to stewardour gifts faithfully for Kingdom mission,reflecting God’s grace toward us. So, a big thank you to each and every one ofyou! You are the secret sauce of First ChristianChurch. It is your ongoing, faithful dedication—day after day and week after week—thatmakes a difference. Your humble commitmentto the mission of Jesus is what drives usforward! Thank you, all of you, for your faithfulness!God is using your everyday, seeminglyordinary commitment to guide us in Hismission of Helping People Find and FollowJesus!