In 2024 Bethel Shelters successfully fulfilled our mission to provide a safe place to sleep, ahot meal to eat, and pathways to self-sufficiency for individuals experiencing homelessness inour community. One of the ways we accomplished our mission was by increasing our year-round bed capacityfrom 40 to 68 beds in April 2024 to meet the need to provide a safe place for men to sleep inour community. With this increase, we saw a dramatic year-over-year increase in the numberof shelter stays provided by Bethel Shelters. In 2023, we provided 17,000 shelter stays; in2024, we offered 25,000 shelter stays through our Men’s Night Shelter Program. That meansthat we offered 8,000 more beds for men to rest their heads in 2024. In addition, this also meant that our fabulous meal volunteers provided over 8,000 moredinner meals in 2024. I often talk about our meal teams as the loaves and fishes of ourcommunity. Each night I see the amazing meal teams come in to feed those who otherwisewould not have a hot meal to eat. I also want to recognize that our Sunday morning mealteams served over 5,000 breakfasts, and our Sunday lunch teams served over 5,000 lunches.Cumulatively, that is over 35,000 meals served at Bethel Shelters for those who wouldotherwise not have had a hot meal to eat. We are incredibly grateful for our faithful andincredibly generous volunteers (read more about our volunteers on page 8)!Every day at Bethel Shelters we seek to provide pathways to self-sufficiency for individualsexperiencing homelessness. This is the end goal for all our clients. In 2024 this was ourgreatest achievement as we increased the number of men housed directly from BethelShelters by 364%. Bethel Shelters Staff worked together, with community partners and localbusinesses, to help folks move out of the shelters and on their path to self-sufficiency. Wehope you will take some time to watch some of the success stories on our website or byscanning the QR code at the bottom of this letter.In 2024 not only were we living out our mission, but saved and transformed individuals' livesin our community. Thank you for being a part of this work and we look forward to partneringwith you in 2025.Blessings,Rev. Emily Sutton A MESSAGE FROMOUR DIRECTORPAGE 1Client Testimonials
SERVEDSERVEDEVENING SHELTER DATA399218-25 year oldsSERVED 7862+ years oldSERVED65chronically homelessPAGE 3veterans
WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PARTICIPANTS INWORKFORCEDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PAGE 5The Workforce Development Program (WFDP) provides case management focused onworkforce development to empower and motivate individuals experiencing or at risk ofhomelessness. The program supports participants in meeting their basic needs whileequipping them with workforce skills, educational opportunities, and resources to achievefinancial stability and long-term independence. The case manager evaluates the participantsin the program to understand and help clients work toward addressing their needs. Theprogram aims to assist individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary for achievingfinancial stability through employment. Once individuals are no longer in crisis mode, thecase manager refers them to the York County Financial Stability Network to support theirfinancial well-being. The case manager at Bethel Shelters continues to follow up with clientsafter they have stabilized to prevent recurring homelessness. Bethel Shelters collaborateswith various organizations, including United Way of York County, York Technical College,Winthrop University, West Marine, the City of Rock Hill, Catawba Mental Health, Alston Wilkes,Better Bound Bookstore, the Department of Social Services, Keystone Substance AbuseServices, The Haven Men’s Shelter, Therapeutic Intervention Services, Skyla Credit Union,English Mountain Recovery, and other partners, to ensure individuals successfully achievetheir goals in the Workforce Development Program.914PARTICIPANTS WHO OBTAINEDHOUSING PARTICIPANTS IN THEBACK TO WORKPROGRAM LENGTH OF TIME IT TOOK FORPARTICIPANTS TO GET JOBS 1-10 DAYS - 11 CLIENTS 11-20 DAYS - 8 CLIENTS 21-30 DAYS - 4 CLIENTS31-61 DAYS - 16 CLIENTS 12
MEN SERVED PAGE 6192CASE MANAGEMENTSERVICE TRANSACTIONS 20RAPIDREHOUSINGThe Rapid Rehousing program offers immediate housing solutions for individualsand families experiencing homelessness. Through partnerships with the CatawbaArea Coalition for Homelessness (CACH) and the Housing DevelopmentCorporation (HDC) of Rock Hill, the program identifies and addresses housingbarriers. Once accepted, participants work with a case manager to determinetheir needs and preferred housing. With support from the HDC HousingNavigator, participants choose from available properties in York County,promoting a client-centered approach. The program provides full rentalassistance for the first three months, and then 30% of the participant's income isapplied towards rent from months four to twelve. Ongoing case management andcommunity resources help participants access employment, job training,education opportunities, mental health resources, and substance use counseling.The goal is to help participants transition to permanent housing, regainindependence, and integrate into the community.WOMEN SERVED CLIENTS WHO GAINEDEMPLOYMENT AFTERSTARTING PROGRAM 4TOTAL HOUSED 5
OUR 2024MILESTONESJanuary 31March 16April 9 The Shelter Specialist position wascreated to capture guest information andshelter data. May 15November 9September 23PAGE 7Second Annual Bethel Shelters SupperClub where we had supper to raise fundsand awareness of Bethel Sheltersmission.Bethel Shelters Annual Donor andVolunteer Appreciation Event was held atBethel Men’s Night Shelter.August 21Bethel Shelters began participating inCACH’s Rapid ReHousing program byhiring a Rapid ReHousing Case Manager. The Men’s Night Shelter Programserved 118 guests (Highest number ofguests served in Bethel Sheltershistory). October 5-12 Transitioned from contracted security byhiring Safety and Security Specialists asBethel Shelters employees.15th anniversary of the Men’s NightShelter Program. Bethel Shelters responded to the needfor more shelter beds by opening a year-round overflow site with 28 additionalbeds (we offer 68 beds year-round) . November 14The Program Director Position wascreatedDecember 1Love Our Neighbor, our weeklongcommunity event raised money andawareness of Bethel Shelters.
135Meal Teams9Half DayBlitzGroups 75Monday NightDonationsVolunteers8LaundryVolunteers20Day ShelterVolunteersTHANK YOU TO OURAMAZING VOLUNTEERS!PAGE 8
$33Kfrombusinesses$68Kfromchurches$447Kfromgrants$202Kfrom individuals$339KfromfundraisersFUNDINGSOURCESPAGE 9$1.09Mtotal
Shelter Advocates:Founders FCU Ronald and Dawn HartmanJohnston Roofing Comporium WRHI Shelter Supporters:Chad and Anna Echols Skyla FCUBrian Paul Domtar Paper The Welcome TableBen Ficklen Bethel United Methodist ChurchElam’s Rollin Smoke Carruth’s Pig Pen Interstate SolutionsFriends of the Shelter:Morton and Gettys Church of the Good Shepard Comporium Pioneer Club Gill InsuranceFort Mill Denistry LOVE OURNEIGHBORPAGE 10Love Our Neighbor seeks to raise money, increase awareness, and garner volunteers while supportingrestaurants and businesses in our community. The week long event includes a restaurant week fromSaturday to Friday, and on Saturday we have our annual BBQ sale, courtesy of Elam's Rollin Smoke BBQ andCarruth's Pig Pen. 2024 was an incredible event with new sponsors and amazing volunteers. It was our most successful LoveOur Neighbor event to date raising $56K. We want to thank each person who helped make it possible!Restaurant Sponsors:Sub Station IIEl Cancun Mexican RestaurantAy Papi Tacos and TequilaRoasting Company - Rock HillShowmars - Rock HillTega Cay DeliRock Hill Bagels & DeliOld Town Kitchen and CocktailsPier 51Rock Hill Coffee Roasters Krystal Teague Dental Okoye Law Firm Pier 51South State Bank Willliamson Flooring
CONTACT USPhone:(803) 327-4881Email:info@bethelshelters.orgAddress:Men's Night Shelter1232 Curtis St.Rock Hill, SC 29730 (803) 327-4881Community Day Shelter546 S Cherry Rd. Ste. SRock Hill, SC 29732(803) 328-0003 W e b s i t e :w w w . b e t h e l s h e l t e r s . o r g