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Annual Report 2024

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Message A N N U A LR E P O R T2 0 2 4E D I T I O N

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The coming of a New Year is a big deal in Scotland. It is a holiday locally knownas “Hogmanay” which literally means, last day, and has been part of Scottishculture since the days nordic vikings were roaming the ancient Scottish hillsand villages. There are still many festivities across the north of Scotland thatpay homage to this nordic past. In my home town of Stonehaven, on the last dayof the year kilted men gather to parade through the main street swinging greatballs of fire around their heads before throwing fire into the harbour waters. Theparade of fireballs is an ancient nordic tradition intended to ward off the evilspirits of the last year in order to start anew in the year to come. These paganfestivities serve as a reminder to all of us that most people in Scotland remaintrapped in darkness. There are no ancient ceremonies that can ward off the effects of sin in our life.The true darkness that the vast majority of people in Scotland face isseparation from a Holy God. Only Jesus can save them. I am so thankful thatbecause of your prayers, financial support, and sending of workers to Scotland,we have made significant progress over the past year to bring light toScotland’s darkest places. In the East of Scotland we have new church plantingteams in Tranent and Gorgie; In the North of Scotland we have begun a newwork of revitalizing a church on the island of Orkney; in the West of Scotlandour team in Baillieston, has begun regular worship gatherings and we have senta full-time pastor to help revitalize Springburn Baptist Church. The RaggedSchool of Theology is training over 20 indigenous leaders from across Scotland.We have seen men and women baptised and new ministries get started. I trust that we can continue to count on your ongoing partnership as we stepinto this new year together. An area of focus for us in this upcoming year is thelaunch of our Northern Hub. Scotland’s Highlands and Islands includes some ofthe least reached parts of our land. Many communities are completely cut offfrom any gospel witness. In fact, the north of Scotland is considered the leastchurched part of Europe. As we work to strengthen Merkinch Community Churchin Inverness and start a new work in Stromness, Orkney, our goal is that we willsee many more ministries started in the north as we evangelise, train, and sendout workers to reach the unreached there. Happy New Year and thank you again for your support, Matthew Spandler-Davison Executive Director

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M A R G A R E TI was born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1937. However, Igrew up in Banff as a foster child from the age of 10months. Growing up, I went to a Catholic Church andattended chapel every Sunday.In 1963, I got married to an Irish man. During this time, I was a nurse for little babies. We lived in nine different places before wemoved to Kilwinning in 1972. Then, in 1975, my husband passed away, leavingme with my three daughters who were then ages 9, 3, and 8 months.Although not yet a Christian, I prayed to God to help and sustain me during thistrying time; and He did. After my husband died, I fostered children in my homein order to be able to provide and care for my three girls.When my daughterswere a bit older, I went back to nursing and did that until I had a heart attackand retired in 1990. I had never heard the Gospel until one of my friends married the minister atKilwinning Evangelical Church (then known as Erskine Church) took me along toa couple of crusades in Glasgow in 1980. God used this experience to reallyopen my eyes. After that, I visited KEC, and he began to teach me more aboutthe Bible and salvation. I was saved that same year and was baptised in Ayr thefollowing year. However, I continued to go to the Catholic Church for the nextfour years to try to help the people there see the truth. In 1984, I started going to KEC and has been there ever since. Since becoming aChristian, I have read a lot of Christian books, in addition to the Bible, whichhave greatly strengthened my faith. You see God working in your life. Many times I have prayed for things and youcan see God working, maybe not as you always expect it to be, but He certainlyis there behind you. I have been greatly encouraged by seeing how God has keptKilwinning Evangelical Church open all these years, and is now seeing growthand welcoming new people into membership.

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P E T E R F E R G U S O NI’ve been around the church for around 16 years. Ibumped into my friend William Mclintock and heasked me if I wanted to join the football team. I wentup to a training session where I met Mez. Mez toldme I don’t need drugs, I need Jesus in my life.Home life was good. My mum is the rock of the family BUT I wasn’t a very goodfather, partner, son.I’ve been taking drugs since age of 13. I was involved with organised crime. Iwas hiding my addiction from my partner. I was a very angry person. I couldn’tdo it by myself anymore. Early this year I was at lowest point of my life. I went up to the football and asked Andy Constable for some help. He turnedaround asked me if I wanted to go away on the church weekend away inArbroath where Steve Levy was preaching that weekend. When I got there, Steve was saying I needed to repent and believe and to guardmy heart from the fiery darts of Satan. I started to cry and went to my room. Ididn’t know if I was doing it right but I closed my eyes and said sorry and that Ibelieve in God and asked for his help. The next again morning it was like I couldwalk with my head held high. The weight was off my shoulders and all thingsstarted to make sense.I could see that God has always had my back. It wasn’t just luck that got meout of the difficult situations in my life. After the weekend away I started tovolunteer around the church. I’ve been blessed with an internship at NiddrieCommunity Church.Jesus has given me a different understanding on how to cope with life. I amslower to anger. I’m not that same person I was before. I’m not that old Pistolanymore. I know that I am a sinner. Before, I blamed everyone else, and now Iknow that Jesus died for my sins.

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G R A C E M O U N T C O M M U N I T YC H U R C HWe are so thankful to God that we are once againable to meet locally in our scheme at a communitycentre for our Sunday gatherings. We are encouragedby the growing diversity in our church, increasinglyreflecting the diversity of our community. Lastly, weare grateful for fruit from the week-by-week teachingand preaching of God’s word, especially for howtimely Romans has been for our wee church family.Please pray for wisdom, discernment and gentlenessin discipling new believers, particularly with thosebattling the consequences and challenges ofaddiction in their past.N I D D R I E C O M M U N I T Y C H U R C HWe have been so thankful this year for the way Godhas been using the book of Jeremiah to remind us ofthe seriousness of sin and also the grace of Godtowards to his people. Secondly, we run a bingoministry on a Thursday and we’ve been having about15-20 unbelievers come and play bingo, but also hearthe Gospel. Lastly, the brother of Tasha, a woman whohas been a faithful member and employee of thechurch, professed faith near the end of the year,which has been a big encouragement. We arethanking God that he is saving souls.We have loads of young believers and we are praying,as it says in Colossians, pray that they would haveendurance and patience with joy in their walk withthe Lord. Please pray that the Lord would fill themwith his Spirit and encourage them to keep on goingin their walk with the Lord.

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T R A N E N T C H U R C H P L A N TIn 2024, we are so thankful for the way that theLord has brought together a group of people (14adults and 11 children) who are passionate aboutseeing a local church planted in Tranent to glorifyGod, and make the gospel of Jesus known to thepeople of our town. The Lord has provided homes inTranent for 5 families, so that our whole plantingteam is now living in the community. Additionally, the setting apart of Jen and Morag tostudy at Ragged and serve as a women’s work teamhas been a huge blessing. They both continue togrow in knowledge and depth of insight, and intheir burden to reach the women of our town withthe good news of Jesus. Moreover, the Lord has provided us with a buildingthis year in the heart of the town. This hashappened before we expected, but it is a blessingand we are excited about the opportunities andblessings it will bring. Lastly, there are a bunch of local people who we’vebeen getting to know and who have been engagingwith the Bible. Including our team, we had 39people at our lunch and Bible study one Sunday,which has been a huge encouragement to us.Please pray for two things – we are praying for theright additional people (specifically, someonemusically gifted, and someone with pastoralexperience). And we are about £100k short of whatwe need to renovate our building. We’re asking theLord to provide!

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G O R G I E C H U R C H P L A N TThis year has been a testament to God’s faithfulnessand the transformative power of the gospel in ourcommunity. One of the highlights has been gainingaccess to the local behavioural school, where we’vebeen able to mentor students who are oftenoverlooked or marginalised. This opportunity hasopened doors to share Christ’s love in tangible ways,and we’re praying for lasting fruit in the lives ofthese young people.Additionally, excitement is building for the launchof Gorgie Community Church. It’s been encouragingto see both believers and unbelievers expressing adesire to be part of this new gospel work. Theanticipation and curiosity reflect a hunger forgenuine community and truth, and we are eager tosee how God will use this church plant to impactthe area.We are also celebrating the life-changing power ofthe gospel in our scheme. One story that stands outis of a young man I met at the local MMA gym. ByGod’s grace, he has come to faith, and his life isbeing transformed. Stories like his remind us whywe labour in this field—to see lives redeemed andrestored by Christ.Our biggest prayer request moving forward is forfinancial provision. Specifically, we need resourcesto cover building costs and staff salaries. These arecritical to the sustainability and growth of the workhere, and we trust that God will provide through Hispeople. Please join us in prayer as we continue topress on in faith for His glory.

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H O P E C H U R C H B I N G H A MAt Hope Church Bingham we regularly pray for thework of 20schemes and its supporters. Without yourfaithfulness in prayer and your generosity in giving,the work of the Gospel in these Gospel trencheswould suffer. We now have 35 attending our internationalsministry. Largely originating from Hong Kong, theycome to improve their English through reading andstudying the Bible. During these times the leaderswill do mini Bible studies, ask questions and havefood together. At first they weren’t engaging as muchand would allow the leaders to teach but now theylean in and eagerly ask questions. This ministry hasbeen a Providential surprise and we have seen twopeople saved. We have had the football ministry running for twoseasons now and there is a core of 28 lads. Outside ofthe football they often text or call me about personalbattles, whether that’s family problems, financial,drugs and alcohol, or mental health. This provides mewith great opportunities to talk about my faith inJesus which they appreciate, and three of them haveasked for Bibles. The Act Like Men evening conference has beenrunning since 2022 and its aim is to encourage mento live for King Jesus in Edinburgh and beyond. Thatmen would not only know what they believe, butboldly confess what they believe. Each year we areseeing more and more Christian men from localchurches within the area come, and the last threehave been packed out, showing the spiritual hungerof men within the city to grow deeper in their faith,as well as enjoy Christian fellowship with oneanother. .

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At HCB we have a ladycalled Caroline, she is ourwomen’s workerapprentice and has beensuch an encouragement.She is a clear example ofa young Christian wherethe work of grace is so apparent in her life. From her sacrificial service, tounashamedly sharing the Gospel, to ministering to the needsof the broken within our community. Please consider supporting her and please pray for herongoing growth in the Lord.The biggest prayer request is obviously for souls to besaved in Bingham and Magdalene, but we would alsoask that you pray for another godly elder to join us.

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L A M B H I L L E V A N G E L I C A LC H U R C HWe are generally encouraged by the growth we seein people's lives. Even some who have not yetsurrendered their lives to Christ are showing that Heis doing a work in them to bring them to this point. For example, we have a non-Christian who has beenattending some church ministries for almost 2years. They have recently decided to accept supportfor their addiction and are now happy to engagethe Bible and Christians to do so. Through this,Christ is softening their heart, and the Holy Spirit isprovoking heart-felt conversation where defensivebarriers once were. What Jesus has done for them isgradually being acknowledged. We continue to prayfor their salvation and freedom from the pain thatdrives their addiction.At the moment we are going through Mez'sBaptism book with a young Nigerian woman,Sharon, who is due to start university. To be honest,Lorne can barely keep up with this woman's hungerfor the Word. It is so encouraging to see a youngperson not only study the Bible but to understand itfor herself and be able to articulate it well. She isalso showing a real desire to share the gospel withher peers. We're praying for her as she faces all sortsof conflicts with her peers regarding sexuality,drinking culture and atheism, and this will onlyincrease as she continues to share her faith in auniversity environment. We are also praying thatGod would bless her with solid Christian friendsaround her own age. God willing, she will bebaptised soon!

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K I L W I N N I N G E V A N G E L I C A LC H U R C HThis year, we’ve been blessed with the addition ofseveral new church members—three in February,three in September, and two more in December.We’ve also welcomed two new interns this October,Abigail and the Oklahoma-based couple, Gary andCarol. We thank God for the continued unity withinour church as we remain focused on Jesus Christ,His Gospel, and reaching Kilwinning. Our prayer is to see more added to our number andto maintain a united heart for sharing the Gospelwith our town.We are encouraged that in 2024 we have seen threeother people profess faith. Davie is a guy fromMaryhill who we have gotten to know well, primarilythrough his partner, Lorna, who brought theiryoungest to our toddler group, then through theireldest son, Bradley (who has his own story and isnow at Hope Community Church Barlanark). Davieis growing in his faith and knowledge of Godweekly. He is so consistent in his learning but alsoin his serving. We have never seen such a young (inthe faith) believing man be so committed andwilling to use his gift as a 'helper' in practicallycaring for Lambhill. It’s not often that suchdependability can be seen in our context, and forthat we are not only encouraged but thankful toGod.

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K I L M A R N O C K B A P T I S T C H U R C HThis year, we’ve seen God at work in remarkable ways.Six people have been baptized, and individuals fromthe community are coming to church. God is revealingareas in people’s lives where change is needed,leading to many pastoral conversations and meetingscentred on repentance. It’s been encouraging towitness a growing hunger for God’s Word in thechurch.We urgently need more mature and faithful men toserve as elders. With only two of us currently in thisrole, we’re praying for one or two more who arepastorally astute and able to teach with integrity andfaith.H O P E C O M M U N I T Y C H U R C HB A R L A N A R KWe have seen God’s faithfulness as we returned toSunday services in Barlanark after three years ofprayer. While the transition back to setup and pack-down mode has been challenging, it’s been a joy tosee the church step up and worship together in ourown community.This year, we’ve also launched Discover Hope, a weeklygroup in the community centre for those strugglingand seeking hope, as well as a boxfit program. Ourfootball team now includes around 20 unbelievers,giving us opportunities to pray for them and buildrelationships.Additionally, we’ve been able to send one family tohelp revitalize another church and are preparing tosend a third of our congregation to plant a church inBaillieston early next year.

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B A I L L I E S T O N P R E - P L A N TWe are just days away from purchasing a building forBaillieston Community Church to use when we launch.The community is beginning to recognize us as aresource for helping and serving Baillieston, openingdoors for deeper connections. This year, we’ve sharedthe Gospel with several people through individualmeetings and plant team events—far more than lastyear.Please pray that we remain a spiritually healthy teamas we work to establish a church in Baillieston in thenew year, so more people can come to know and loveJesus.“As we’ve followed theLord in ministry, we’vefound that we’re notwhere we thought we’dbe, we’re not doing whatwe thought we’d bedoing, and it’s hard indifferent ways than we this has been His good plan all along. “ thought it’d be. But we have known God’s kindness and care ina much deeper way than we ever did before. And in each stepof this journey of unknowns, He has reassured us that

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G O V A N P R E - P L A N TDavid Childs reflects on this past year in Govan“A year ago we moved into Govan and in the absenceof a church planter and planting team began to doresearch and make contacts in the community whichwill be helpful to the future lead planter and team. Ibegan by walking the streets of Govan and frequentingthe same places. My research of the area hashighlighted the rich Christian heritage that Govan has,but the lack of any gospel-centred presence.I have visited local charities, non-profits, networkingbreakfasts, and other community events in Govan, andhave been able to build good relationships throughthese, and have additionally tried to buildrelationships with the local museums, libraries andshops. I have identified a small group of ex-Church ofScotland people who meet in the old Govan ParishChurch (now The Govan Stones Museum). I attendtheir ‘service’ each Monday and Friday morning as I amable. All of this is in an effort to prepare the ground fora church planter and church-planting team to comehere.With the help of a team from the US, the centralscheme in Govan was leafleted. More recently I wasable to start a Book Reading Group on Tuesdayafternoons in Elder Park Library which I have beenable to use free of charge. I have also started a BoardGames Cafe - Games4Llife. An intern from HarperChurch and one of their young people help me withthis each Wednesday afternoon. Several of the contacts made on the street have comealong to the Community Meal at Harper Church eachTuesday evening. One man did meet with me a fewtimes in Govan for one-to-one Christianity Explored.More recently Brain Arlow from Street Connect workswith me on Tuesday afternoons on the Govan streetsand, where appropriate, we invite people to theCommunity Meal at Harper Church.”

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W E S T H U BIt’s been great to see teams growing in all of theplaces both numerically and in terms of their impactin the communities they are in.The Weekender in Glasgow was massivelyencouraging and a great opportunity for a lot of theextended family to get together and meet some ofthe new faces that are now about.There have also been good new contacts made withpeople and places in the WEST that we hope willexpand the work going forward as well.We have been looking for a suitable property to buy orrent and have recently heard that our application for acommercial unit recently built was unsuccessful.However, subsequent to this, I have made contact withthe property company who are handling the disposalof the Bank of Scotland building in Govan that hasbeen closed for over a year. Please pray that God would provide a planter and ateam to come to Govan and establish a church wherethere is none. Despite the rich gospel heritage here,there are so many people, and no gospel witness toreach them.

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H A R E S T A N E S B A P T I S T C H U R C HWe’ve been so encouraged by the warm welcomewe’ve received from the church over the past year. Ithas been a joy to see the growing maturity amongbelievers and an increasing hunger for God’s Word.These signs of spiritual growth give us great hope forwhat God is doing here. As we look ahead, we’reexcited about the next stages of ministry, particularlyas we focus on building a team to more effectivelyreach the community with the gospel. Please join us in prayer for unity as we navigatechanges and seek to make the gospel known inHarestanes.S P R I N G B U R N B A P T I S T C H U R C HIt was Christmas Eve, 2023, that Reagan, Gracie, andCarrie Eddins first visited Springburn Baptist Church,and although the church voted in favour of Reaganbecoming their next pastor In March 2024, it was onlyuntil January of 2025 that Reagan officially becamepastor there due to governmental red tape, making inthe newest church to come online through20schemes. Reagan is currently preaching through the Gospel ofMark and is praying for the spiritual growth of thechurch. It is his desire to add a midweek service earlyin 2025 that will include a community outreach meal,an outreach targeting women in the scheme and aBible study. Reagan is also serving as the chaplain fora local football club, Petershill FC, and is working hardto get to know people in the community.We are praying for a team to help them reach thescheme with the gospel of Christ.

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M E R K I N C H F R E E C H U R C HWe are thanking the Lord for the church family inMerkinch Free Church. Several have had significantbattles this year, but the Lord has been faithful to usthroughout. We are also thankful to the Lord for ourmissionaries who have come with a passion to see alocal church thrive in our scheme. Lastly, we areencouraged that a group of teenagers have started tocome to our church. Pray for wisdom, as we don't havethe time or resources right now to run anythingspecific for them. Please pray for new converts and new believers togrow in discipleship, for elders for our church plant,and for continued support with people and money aswe try to engage our scheme and train up the nextwave of mission-minded believers.C H A R L E S T O N C O M M U N I T YC H U R C HWe are encouraged to see new people coming alongto the some of the outreach work that we’ve startedthis past year. We have a primary aged youth club thathas around 25 kids from the community coming, anda teen café that has around 13 teenagers comingalong. At both these groups we get an opportunity todo a talk form the Bible and engage these youngpeople with the good news of Jesus. Recently we hadthree kids come and take their mum along to one ofour Sunday services. We also run a monthly Seniors Lunch Club in whichwe have around 30 seniors (60+) from the communitycome and play bingo and listen to God’s word. Two ofthose who recently attended that have started nowcoming along to church each Sunday.

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We are encouraged to see new people continuing tocome along to church, but especially encouraged tosee them coming through the invitation of others inthe church. There is a real desire to connect with thiscommunity and make Jesus known. We are in goodstanding with many in the community and that hasbeen reflected by the fact that the local communitycentre has given us the use of their buildings onSunday at an exceptionally low price. The church feelsvery much part of the fabric of Charleston.Whilst we have seen many initially excited about Jesuswalk away, we have also been encouraged to seepeople who have come to faith grow in the Lord. Oneindividual who recently came to faith was well knownin our community for all the wrong reasons. Heattended our addiction group Bible study onWednesdays and gave his life to Christ but quicklycame to realise the cost of discipleship. He wentthrough a recent bad patch but is not pressing on withJesus. Another lady who came to faith recently has had realproblems through struggles with her mental healthand abusive past. It has been so encouraging to seehow she has matured in Christ in the way she dealswith being let down and how she treats others. Shehas a hunger for the word of God that is infectious.Another older woman who came to faith has beensuch a great evangelist to other older people in ourcommunity. There are many such stories of growth –the way that people speak and interact with oneanother that could seem small but reflect the greattransforming work of God’s Spirit. The big prayer point for us is to persevere and keepgoing. Pray that our love for Jesus would increase, ourlove for one another would increase and our love forour community would increase.

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G R A C E C H U R C H O R K N E YGrace Church Orkney exists to make Jesus known inOrkney and beyond. We are a small congregation witha big vision for not only our small island, but for therest of the Highlands and The Highlands. We want thegospel to be preached and churches to be plantedand revitalized in the many forgotten ruralcommunities of our land. We pray that God wouldtransform the Islands, starting with us.Mez and Miriam McConnell moved to Orkney inAugust 2024 to revitalise the work at Grace ChurchOrkney, to reach the deprived rural communities therewith the Gospel. Upon moving there, they immediatelydiscovered the lack of access to services compared tourban areas, and have realised the need of rural areasis much higher than previously anticipated.They are hoping that their placement there is usefulfor teaching and training men and women to reachrural communities with the gospel, so they can sendout more labourers to reach these communitiesthrough the planting and strengthening of gospel-centered churches. Though the labourers are few, theopportunities are vast.Pray that God would move mightily in the Highlandsand Islands, raising up labourers, opening hearts to thegospel, and revitalising communities through theplanting and strengthening of gospel-centredchurches. May He use Grace Church Orkney to raise upworkers for these spiritually needy areas.

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Workers & Indigenous - 37.1%Where your gifts goPlants - 21.6%Ministries - 8.1%Training & Development - 4.2%UK Church Plant Support - 14%US Recruitment & Support - 11.6%Ragged School - 3.4%