21Table of Contents53Meet our BoardIntroduction & Meet the StaffMessage from our Board ChairMessage from our Executive Director87109121413FinancialsGrowing Community and Our Goals in 2024Looking back... (Data on our trainings in 2023)In 2023... (Quick facts about the past year)Peacebuilding Trainings & Events in 2023Our ProgramsHear from attendees...18172019Coming to the TableCollaborations & PartnershipsDonor SpotlightsComing to the Table Facilitators6Our Core Principles21Thank you for your ongoing support!
Introduction"Peacebuilding" is a Minnesota-based nonprofit that provides professionaldevelopment and community education programs to address the need fortrauma awareness, self-care for resilience, restorative justice practices andracial healing in Minnesota, the USA, and beyond. Peacebuilding offers transformative tools for individuals to use in theircommunities leading to positive and equitable systemic change.Meet the StaffCrixell ShellExecutive Director(She/Her)Fran BalsterAdmin Support(She/Her)Helen WooleyBusiness Manager(She/Her)Jean ThompsonMarketing Manager(She/Her)Peter Digitale-AndersonCTTT Coordinator(He/Him)1Gemma SalentineSpecial Projects(She/Her) and ( They/Them)
Greetings Peacebuilders,Thank you for accompanying me on this journey as I reflect on the pastyear.In 2023, the Peacebuilding team remained dedicated to providingtrauma-informed, resilience-oriented, and restorative-focusedprogramming to individuals near and far. Despite the challenges wefaced, including personal loss, we were steadfast in our commitment toexpanding our reach, fostering relationships, developing new initiatives,and enhancing the organization's overall growth.Tragically, on Mother’s Day, I experienced a profound loss that deeplyimpacted my life. The support I received from Jean, Helen, Peter and Franand the Board of Directors during that difficult time was immeasurable.Their unwavering love and support allowed me the necessary space tonavigate through the known and unknown. I was reminded of the STAR Training’s transformative power during mygrief journey. Every day, I draw upon the strategies and teachings of STAR,reinforcing my passion and determination to continue sharing it with allMinnesotans and beyond. STAR’s evidence-based strategies offerinvaluable tools for disrupting harmful patterns of thought, emotion, andbehavior. Looking forward to 2024, Peacebuilding remains committed to its beliefthat we can break free from the cycles of harm and violence that plagueour society. Our founder was instrumental in shaping the organization'sethos. However, upon assuming the role of Executive Director, Irecognized the need to decentralize power, establish sustainableorganizational infrastructure, and eliminate single points of failure. 3Message from our Executive Director
As the leader of a mission-driven organization, I am deeply aware of theprofound impact that organizational culture can have on our personal andprofessional lives. Through reflection and intentional dialogue with staffand the board, I was able to clarify our collective vision and understandingof our work. This allowed me to ensure that our organization's missionaligns internally and externally. As an organization, we not only teachSTAR strategies, but we practice them as well! In closing, I extend my deepest gratitude to all those who have supportedme personally and Peacebuilding’s mission and vision. Together, we willcontinue to build community, navigate challenges, embrace growth, andwork towards creating a more just and compassionate world.Warm regards,Crixell ShellExecutive Director 4Message from our Executive Director
Dear Supporters,Reflecting on the remarkable journey of 2023, As Board Chair, I am honored toconvey the gratitude shared by the board of directors of Peacebuilding—ourcollective admiration for the tireless dedication and unwavering commitmentdemonstrated by Peacebuilding’s staff.By supporting the Minnesota Peacebuilding Leadership Institute, youchampion a cause that extends far beyond the confines of our organization.You empower individuals and entities, like the dedicated staff of OlmsteadCounty, MN, in their journey towards becoming anti-racist, trauma-informed,resilience-oriented, and restorative justice-focused.Furthermore, the impact of our endeavors resonates profoundly within thecommunities we serve. With an estimated 16,000 attendees benefiting fromour training programs, countless lives have been touched and countlessnarratives rewritten. These individuals report heightened confidence inaddressing psychological trauma, disrupting cycles of violence, and fosteringresilience through restorative justice-focused strategies, amplifying the rippleeffect of our collective efforts.As we look ahead, we invite you to join hands with the Peacebuilding board inour ongoing endeavor to catalyze positive change. Together, we possess thecollective potential to shape a world where compassion and understandingreign supreme. Through your continued support, we can empower individuals,transform communities, and forge a path toward a more harmonious future.Thank you for your unwavering dedication and belief in our mission. Together,let us seize the opportunity to make a tangible difference in the world throughthe Minnesota Peacebuilding Leadership Institute. Join us today, and let usembark on this transformative journey together.Warm regards,Emily HuntBoard Chair Message from our Board Chair/Directors5
In 2023, Peacebuilding’s Executive Director facilitated adialogue inviting our community to identify our collectivevision, ensuring our mission aligns internally & externally.Minnesota Peacebuilding Leadership Institute’s core principles are:Interdependence & Interconnection Human to HumanHumans & the Natural World Inherent Dignity of Every Person Respect for Self and OthersPeacebuilding’s Systems and Policies strive to be: Anti-Racist Anti-Sexist Anti-Ableist Our Internal and External Practices are developed to be: Flexible Accessible Enjoyable PracticalOur Core Principles6
At Peacebuilding, our vision for 2024 is to grow and strengthen ourcommunity. Through engaging in-person events, updates that keep ourcommunity more informed and connected, and collaborative projects,we aim to create a space that encourages dialogue, learning, andmeaningful relationships. Growing Community in 20242Coffee with CrixellPeacebuilding will be launching amini video series called “Coffee withCrixell”. These engagingconversations will be recorded at thelovely Flava Cafe in the Frogtowncommunity and published once amonth.1Our ideas include:In-personfundraising eventsInstead of throwing one big event likeLUNAFEST, we are organizing a seriesof cozier, community-focused events.These gatherings will focus on uniqueand interesting activities and provideintimate settings for our communityto come together, have some fun, andsupport Peacebuilding. Increasedcollaborations& partnershipsEngaging our bodies withembodiment practicesIn 2024, we hope to offer experienceswhere we can deeply engage with ourbodies and emotions. This is anotherway to heal from individual, culturaland systemic trauma and fosterresilience.734This year, our nonprofit is focused onbuilding partnerships andcollaborations to expand our impactand reach within the community.
Training Fees86%Contributions14%Program Costs74.9%Operating Costs12.9%Fundraising12.2%8
In 2023...Here are some quick facts about this past year!We held STAR in person for the firsttime since the start of COVID.The founder of Peacebuilding retired.We held LUNAFEST for the last time!We introduced a new program, the White Affinity Circle.We represented our organization at avariety of outreach events.Flip to the next few pages for insights into thetrainings we held in 2023.9
Looking back...individuals registered forPeacebuilding sponsored trainings in2023.1,006people who registered for ourintroductory trainings at no-cost.300+10
STAR Trainings3Intro to STAR11Intro to RestorativeJustice10Intro to Self Care9Intro to TalkingCircles9Coming toThe Table Events20MonthlyFilm Events8STAR-Lite3Intro toTapping2Peacebuilding Trainings & Events in 202312
"The feeling of a safe space to share and learn; the set oftools to take forward in my life that can help lead to moreresilience and change."What did you like about the Introduction to Resilience and Self-Care training?"I was aware of RJ work butdidn't know about the othertype of justice processes. Itwas super helpful to learnabout those in order to beable to compare/contrastand better speak to thebenefits of taking and RJapproach.""This training was reallyhelpful to identify thesymptoms and causes oftrauma.""The facilitation wasexcellent. The video of thein-school talking circle wasa powerful example of whatcan happen. Thank you forthe print out of the training.It will be very helpful inplanning for talking circles.So good to have the samepeople in the breakoutroom sessions."What did you like about the Introduction to TalkingCircles training?What did you like aboutthe Introduction to STAR training?What did you like about the Introduction to Restorative Justicetraining?13
Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience (STAR)STAR is a 5-day evidence-based, in-depth trauma awareness andresilience training with 20 years ofnational and international success.STAR-LiteSTAR-Lite is for individuals who wish tolearn the STAR concepts and modelswithin a single day.Intro to STAROur 2-hour Intro to STAR trainingteaches STAR's basic vocabulary,concepts and models. Intro to Restorative JusticeOur 2-hour Intro to Restorative Justicetraining teaches the basic philosophy,principles, vocabulary, and practices ofRestorative Justice.14
MN Peacebuilding Film SeriesOur ProgramsComing to the Table (CTTT)Our 90-minute Coming to the Table racialhealing and equity talking circles addressinterpersonal, community, and structuralracial violence and trauma.Our free monthly film series and post-film discussions inspires attendeesto create new connections and learntogether as they build peace within their community.During our Peacebuilding Film Series, we ask:1. What did you learn and discover? What insights didthis film provide?2. Why is this topic and information important for ourcommunity now?3. How am I going to take what I learned and make apositive difference within my spheres of influence now?16
17Many of our Coming to the Tableprograms are available toparticipants at no cost. Thisaccessibility is largely attributed tothe kindness and generosity of thefacilitators who volunteer theirtime, expertise, and resources.Jena Brune (She/they)Kate O’Connell(She/Her)
Our primary CTTT eventsWe have plans to broaden the CTTT program, including the launch of abook club focused on racial justice.MakingConnectionsHealing WoundsFacing HistoryThe Minneapolis chapter ofComing to the Table, anationwide program, provides arange of monthly learning andgrowing opportunities, most ofwhich are offered free of charge. TakingAction18
Sunrise BanksKatie BruhnLaura ButterbaughDeanna CarlsonStephen ClemensVisa DelbertPeter DeLongTom DeWolfAngela DickeyEric EricksonSonja FernandezPatti & Glenn FlekkeTherese GenisThomas HallerBrian HammerDavid HechtRandi HenleyMary HuntAnna Jeide-DetweilerDora KaufmanAmanda LemkeAnnaliese M.Stuart MacDonaldDarrell MartinEmma MckhannCynthia MillerDeborah NaumanAnn NerlandJean O'ConnellKatharine PelicanKay PranisJulie RapackiDelbert SeitzSusan StaceyJoe StanleyLily ThiboutotChitra VairavanRebecca VaroneLindsay WalzRebecca WelnaSue WelnaHelen Wooleyand many Anonymous donors.We are deeply grateful to our donors for helping us instigate, train and support Peacebuilders in Minnesota and beyond.19Thank you!
BLOOM Financial AssociatesBoys and Girls Club of Leech LakeAreaCalvary Baptist ChurchCentral Area NeighborhoodDevelopment AssociationComing to the Table Connections 2 IndependenceDismantling the Doctrine of Discovery East Side Freedom LibraryThe Center for Justice andPeacebuilding at EasternMennonite UniversityEdmund S. Muskie ProfessionalFellowship ProgramFaith Mennonite ChurchFamily Values for LifeFamilyWiseFriends for a NonViolent WorldFulton Neighborhood AssociationGoodwill Easter Seals (sp)Hennepin County Public HealthLeadMNLegal Rights CenterLinden Hills Neighborhood CouncilLowry Hill East NeighborhoodAssociationMetro State UniversityMichigan Community HealthWorker AllianceMinneapolis Community andTechnical CollegeMinneapolis Healthy LivingIntitiativeMinneapolis Department of HealthMinnesota Department of HealthMinnesota Department of HumanRightsMinnesota Indian Women'sResource CenterNative American Community ClinicNormandale Community CollegeNortheast BankNorthside Achievement ZoneRestorative Justice for CommunityActionRobert J. Jones Urban ResearchOutreach-Engagement Center,University of MinnesotaSanctuary Covenant ChurchSarah's….an Oasis for WomenSeward Longfellow RestorativeJusticeShowing Up for Racial Justice - FaithRochester Community CollegeRosemount, Apple Valley, EaganSchool DistrictStandish-Ericsson NeighborhoodAssociationSt. Paul CollegeSunrise BanksTwin Cities NonviolentTwin Cities RISE!University of Minnesota Medical SchoolWashburn Center for ChildrenWe're honored for present and past collaborations and partnerships with these trustedpeacebuilding partners who are making a positive impact in our local communities and beyond.20
Minnesota Peacebuilding Leadership Institute5200 47th Avenue S., Ste. 101Minneapolis, MN 55417 www.mnpeace.orginfo@mnpeace.rog