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Annual Report 2023

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123456-789Our Vision, Mission, and ValuesFrom Our Team LeaderOur TeamAnnual ReportMedia to Movements Core TeamsImpact & Stories from the FieldCollective Impact HighlightsEuroHub10Thank YouTable Of Contents

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Our mission is to accelerate the multiplicationof multiplying disciples.Our VisionOur MissionOur ValuesThe vision of OneKingdom is to see the GreatCommission fulfilled in Europe, together. ONE KINGDOM ExpectancyHeavenly economyGrit Prayerful urgencyCommunication (1 John 1:7)P A G E 1OneKingdom is guided by our desire to see the Gospel spreadand reproducing disciples made across the continent of Europe.We believe this will require strategic partnership with like-minded believers. Our values drive us toward this goal andinform the way in which we pursue it.

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Wow, we stand in awe of how God continues to work in and through our team! Asyou check out the pages that follow, we hope you’ll celebrate with us all that ourHeavenly Father has done in 2023 and pray with us concerning the year ahead.We’ve come a long way in the past few years thanks to the Lord’s faithful provisionand partnerships with His people! When we formed the OneKingdom team in 2021, I was thinking about how weshould abbreviate our team name in communications. Should we use the numberone and the letter K to write ‘1K’ or should we go with the letters ‘OK’ instead? Mywife, Ira, suggested that we go with the letters because they best described whowe were as a team... barely OK! The truth is, in many ways we still see ourselves this way... we're just an average, “OK” group of men and women offering our ordinary selves and talents to helpteams launch and sustain Media to Movements initiatives in Europe. However, it isalso true that we serve an extraordinary God who chooses to work through Hisbarely “OK” children for the sake of His Kingdom. To His glory, our little team has gained some momentum in the past 3+ years andwe're excited about the days ahead! We believe we’re making progress toward ourvision to see the Great Commission fulfilled in Europe, together. It is a vision worthpursuing and we're honored to keep pursuing it along with the fifteen andcounting teams in Europe who have now launched MTM Initiatives. So in 2024,we'll keep coaching, keep serving, keep blessing, and keep loving these teams andthe nations and people groups they represent. AND... we’ll keep looking for otherOK people to join the Lord in whats He’s doing through His (One)Kingdom team.We're grateful. We're blessed to be a blessing. Thanks for believing in us, forinvesting in us, and for trusting in our God as we serve together! May the Lordaccomplish much through our shared OK efforts. Chris Villwock, OneKingdom, Team Leader A Word from our Team LeaderP A G E 2

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Chris CDevelopment& StrategyP A G E 3Chris VTeam LeaderJohn CEuroHub DirectorJeffrey JOperationsJustin ATechnologistBrendan TMarketingPetr VTechnologyAllyson BAdminMeet the TeamT h e o n e k i n g d o mt e a m g r e w i n 2 0 2 3 !

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2023 was an exciting year! We saw our number of launched andpartnered Media to Movements (MTM) core teams grow to fifteen! Eachof these teams is making progress in terms of fully implementing theirMedia to Movements strategy. In the pages that follow you will hearimpact stories from three of the teams we serve and will be able to viewsome of the other ways God is working through OneKingdom. 2023 Annual ReportLooking AheadAs we step into 2024, our vision remains aGod-sized pursuit in which ourpartnership with YOU is essential. As wemove ahead, our focus will continue to beon forging connections across theremaining European countries wherethere are currently no MTM teams. At this time, we’re coaching fourpotential teams and we’re eager to takeon more teams passionate aboutspreading the message of Christ wherethey live through digital media.Simultaneously, we'll continue to support post-launched MTM initiatives via theEuroHub. We’re also excited about the growth andexpansion of the OneKingdom MediaTeam which includes the recentlyestablished OK Marketing Team and ouremerging Content Creation Team. Pleasejoin us in praying for the year to come. P A G E 4Watch this amazingtestimony video we createdfor one of our EuroHub teams

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BosniaCroatiaSerbiaSwitzerlandCzech RepublicPolandNorth MacedoniaGreeceHungaryUkraineGermanySpainSloveniaUKLaunched and PartneredMTM Core TeamsP A G E 52018202020212022MoldovaBasque Country*Italy*Marseille, France*Romania*2023"Our vision is to see theGreat Commissionfulfilled in Europetogether."*Currently being coached/onboarded

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I can pretty safely say that if it weren’tfor the involvement and investment ofOneKingdom in our team, I don’t knowthat we’d still be doing Media toMovement. --Dionna Linn, Visionary Leader of the Spain MTM teamOneKingdom Impact VideoP A G E 6You can find the high quality video here.

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In March of 2023, I attended the OneKingdom Media Summit and wasIMMENSELY blessed by the training, connections, worship, and support. The one thing missing was a team. I attended the training alone. I remember feeling slightly jealous of the other teams with a group fordiscussions, planning, and creation. I began to wonder if God meant for me to continue the ministry. When OK (OneKingdom) had a door prize that would return the summitfee to one lucky winner, my immediate prayer was, "God, that would feellike confirmation that I'm in the right place." I then immediately felt badand asked Him to give it to someone who needs it. Well, what do youknow? I won the door prize!Impact StoryP A G E 7Since then, God has grown our team by six. We've filled a much-neededtechnologist position and added two content creators, with two more inonboarding. We've been blessed to have a gentleman who is WELL-versedin Media Movements in an undisclosed country join our team to help reacha high-represented, unreached people group. We've also added anadditional multiplier. These additions have happened gradually over thepast year, so God's faithfulness didn't really hit me until OK begandiscussing the Media Summit for 2024. It was then I realised that I wouldn't begoing alone. I will get to be one ofthose countries with a team. God is so good. Jennifer N., UK

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OneKingdom’s philosophy is to do things together. The above snapshot representsthe collective impact of teams in our network. We know that numbers and statsonly tell part of the story, but please rejoice with us in what they represent - theGospel advancing across the continent! EuroHub teams also share data with otherMTM initiatives around the world in order to help paint a better picture of the globalimpact of digital engagement strategies.Collective Impactby the NumbersP A G E 8Global MetricsIMPACT STORY: The Importance of Short-Form Video“Our Instagram had only 10 followers for the past year andfor several months zero Reach. In September I learned howto do Reels to post on Instagram and started posting themin October. Within one week we started getting more“likes” on the Ads that showed up as Reels on Instagram(along with the organic Reels I was posting). In October andNov., we had 8,127 Reach on Instagram and we now have 32Followers.” -Germany Core Team Member17,256,714 778,4471084,265TOTAL REACH ENGAGEMENTMESSAGES RECEIVED BIBLES GIVEN

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The EuroHubP A G E 9We believe the EuroHub will accelerate our vision to see the GreatCommission fulfilled in Europe together! Through this community ofpractice, OneKingdom will continue to serve launched MTM initiatives byfacilitating networking opportunities, sharing the latest resources,providing ongoing coaching, and organizing special events like ourannual Media Summit! Moreover, the EuroHub will provide opportunitiesfor MTM teams to support and equip one another.Please pray for OneKingdom as we continue to build out the EuroHub,which is not only supporting teams in our region, but is also serving as amodel for other regional MTM Hubs around the world. Media Summit Attendees, representing seven countries, pose for agroup picture at the conclusion of our 3-day Content Create-a-thon!

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In this season of reflection and gratitude, the OneKingdom Team is filledwith appreciation for YOUR support, dedication, and partnership. Yourprayers, sacrificial contributions, and steadfast encouragement are makingan impact. We are especially thankful for Team Expansion’s unwavering commitmentto spreading the Good News to the unreached corners of the world. Theirinvestment in our team and in our families has been instrumental in ourefforts.We also extend our gratitude to each partnering MTM team, particularlythose who have joined the EuroHub. We’re blessed to be a blessing and itis our honor and joy to serve you.As we journey ahead, let us continue to stand shoulder to shoulder,fostering unity, and advancing our shared values with unwavering faithand determination.Thanks again,The OneKingdom TeamJOIN US IN GIVING

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