ANNUALREPORTFY2023July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023
IN MEMORY OF DEBORAH MUELLER, MDJuly 22, 1966 - February 10, 2023LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORTIn February 2023, we lost our enthusiastic and loving board memberDeborah Mueller, MD, to metastatic lobular breast cancer. Deb wascommitted to the Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance’s mission andvision, and her legacy of support continues. We dedicate this year’sannual report to her memory.
Our efforts to increase patient advocacy, as well as our collaborations with other key organizations focusing on breastcancer, are also making the need for more ILC research so much more visible. We have a growing number ofvolunteers reaching out to help support the work of our mission, and the American Cancer Society invited LBCA to bean inaugural member of their National Breast Cancer Round Table. We continue to make the case for the need for publicizing specific information about ILC with governmentorganizations such as the National Cancer Institute, which has committed to giving LBCA ILC-specific cancer incidencedata reports annually and, ultimately, will integrate it into their public-facing breast cancer data pages. We strive to ensure that comprehensive information about lobular breast cancer and, ideally, links to LBCA, are a partof every major breast cancer information website, so that we will put an end to the isolation that individuals withlobular breast cancer feel when they search for credible information on “our” breast cancer type, and will ensure thatthey find the valuable information provided by LBCA.We also made great headway this year in disseminating ILC information to clinicians. We collaborated on developingan ILC curriculum for oncology nurse practitioners and physician assistants with the University of Texas SouthwesternMedical Center that is now being tested. This will become another great resource we can offer. We are also working toraise awareness of the unique imaging challenges of ILC among breast imagers through a collaboration with theSociety of Breast Imagers that will lead to a jointly published manuscript.We are very grateful to the many volunteers who have joined us in raising our voices to spread the word and who sosignificantly augment what LBCA’s small staff can accomplish. They inspire us every day to keep pushing for moreresearch to ultimately identify lobular-specific treatments and protocols. We are also driven to push for clinical trialsfor drugs to treat metastatic lobular breast cancer, especially after becoming aware that there still have been nonespecifically focusing on metastatic ILC to date in the US. We feel the sorrow of this deficit as we mourn those among uswho have succumbed to metastatic lobular breast disease, such as our dear board member Deb Mueller, whom welost in February. We forge ahead, urgently, with their spirits blazing in our hearts, to ensure that there will be moreresearch to put an end to lobular breast cancer and to prevent it from plaguing those coming behind us. We hope that you will take a moment to read more about all we have achieved this fiscal year and the new informationand research that we have helped to share. On behalf of LBCA, I thank you for your continued support of thisorganization and for your belief in the work we are doing. We could not keep up this important work without yourhelp. With gratitude,A MESSAGE FROM OUR EXECUTIVE DIRECTORI am thrilled to share highlights of our most recent Fiscal Year that ended June 30, 2023 – ayear in which the Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance (LBCA) made great strides in promotingawareness of lobular breast cancer and invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) research, and insupporting patient advocacy. We have not only significantly expanded our reach to more audiences, but we have alsoincreased access to the lobular breast cancer educational materials we produce by translatingkey documents, including our ILC Fact Sheet and FAQs, into more than 15 languages. And inreaching more people, we are having an impact. We are beginning to sense more people have heard of lobular breast cancer and morescientists are interested in studying it. There were more presentations of ILC research at theannual breast cancer symposium in San Antonio in December 2022 than ever before, nearlydouble the number from the prior year. We made two more ILC research grants including onefocused on ILC imaging with a new partner, the Society of Nuclear Medicine and MolecularImaging.LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORT
A MESSAGE FROM OUR VOLUNTEER LEADERSLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORTIt was a tremendous privilege and honor to collaborate withsuch a dedicated and exceptional team of researchers andpatient advocates over the past year as the Chair of the LBCAScientific Advisory Board. This year, LBCA continued topromote educational material for patients facing lobular breastcancer. We have supported webinars dedicated to lobularbreast cancer and a number of vital research grants. Notably,LBCA has successfully conducted a survey on the surgicalexperiences of patients diagnosed with invasive lobular breastcancer, receiving responses from over 1,400 patientsworldwide. This year, the Scientific Advisory Board initiateddedicated working groups focused on big data analysis and AIresearch in the realm of lobular breast cancer. I look forwardto continuing to work with LBCA as a member of the ScientificAdvisory Board with the mission of enhancing the care andoutcomes of individuals affected by invasive lobular breastcancer.As chair of the Patient Advocate Advisory Board (PAAB), myselfand fellow members have the much needed opportunity tosurface and express what matters most to invasive lobularbreast cancer patients. We are also privy to the most currentinformation from both the medical and scientific community,which is of great benefit in prioritizing our goals. We strive tomake our meetings always “actionable” with a focus onincreasing awareness and lobbying for advancements in thetreatment protocol of this distinctly different breast cancer.Progress is certainly being made, but we have so much furtherto go. We remain committed and determined to keep pushingforward, so that people with lobular breast cancer can feelconfident that their type of breast cancer is being addressedand treated accordingly. Invasive lobular breast cancer is notrare, accounting for 15% of all breast cancer diagnosed. Thereare a lot of us - lobular deserves a lot of attention. As proudchair of the PAAB, I continue to be committed to helpingensure that the lobular patient voice is a part of the planning to make this happen.Irene Jamieson, ChairLBCA Patient Advocate Advisory BoardDr. Rinath Jeselsohn, Chair (FY2023)LBCA Scientific Advisory Board
OUR VOLUNTEER AND EXECUTIVELEADERSHIP FY 2023LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORTPatient Advocate Advisory BoardIrene A. Jamieson, ChairJanice Axelrod, Vice ChairAnn Gottbrath Camden, Vice ChairKristine BlakeShay ChawlaKaran GarrisonGitte H. JoergensenJulia Katherine LevineNancy MacGillivrayDiane MapesJudy McDevittChristine McKayFlora MigyankaBarbara NeilsenDawn WiklinskiScientific Advisory BoardRinath Jeselsohn, MD, ChairPatrick W.B. Derksen, PhDRachel C. Jankowitz, MDMaxine Jochelson, MDMegan Kruse, MDOtto Metzger, MDJason A. Mouabbi, MDRita Mukhtar, MDShani Paluch-Shimo n, MDJorge S. Reis–Filho, MD, PhDRebecca B. Rigg ins, PhDGeorge Sflomos, PhDMatthew J. Sikora, PhDPeter Simpson, PhDChristos Sotiriou, MD, PhDGary A. Ulaner, MD, PhDLBCA MissionAs the only organization in the US dedicated toinvasive lobular breast cancer (ILC), LBCA’s missionis: To make all who are touched by ILC aware of itsunique characteristics and the critical need for moreILC research; to be the go-to source for informationon ILC studies, clinical trials, and educational tools;to foster partnerships among patients, scientists,clinicians, and breast cancer organizations toincrease dialogue about ILC and research advocacy;and to fund vital ILC research.LBCA VisionA world in which lobular breast cancer is foundearly, treated effectively, and eradicatedpermanently.LBCA StaffLaurie Hutcheson, Executive DirectorMason Mitchell-Daniels, COO/Volunteer CoordinatorColleen Fitzwater, Communications DirectorKaren Ferguson, Development Director
When we are able, LBCA seeks to directlyadvance research to identify better methods ofdetection or specific treatments for lobularbreast cancer. Since 2020 we have been able tofund four ILC research grants to earlyinvestigators or fellows. This past fiscal LBCAactively funded two and solicited a fifth. In FY 23, LBCA ILC research grantee Dr. KarenVan Baelen of Leuven, Belgium, completed thefirst of two years of her ILC research grant tostudy ILC progression and treatment resistancemechanisms using a unique post mortem tissuedonation program. Through the program, which allows people withILC in or near Leuven to donate tissue samplesafter their deaths, Van Baelen is studying lobularlesions and attempting to reconstruct howlobular breast cancer spreads throughout thebody. She hopes, and we believe, that this willlead to a better understanding of how ILCspreads, grows, and resists different therapies.This in turn can lead to better treatments thatprevent metastatic ILC.In March 2023, LBCA awarded Dr. Marina Sharifi,an oncologist at the University of Wisconsin, theinaugural Invasive Lobular Carcinoma ImagingResearch Grant sponsored jointly by LBCA andthe Society of Nuclear Medicine and MolecularImaging (SNMMI). The $100,000, one year grantmarked the first collaboration between the twoorganizations and is funding research focusedon advancing ILC imaging to improve patientoutcomes.LBCA CHAMPIONS ILC RESEARCHThis collaboration also marks the first time thatpatient advocates have been voting membersin the SNMMI grant application review process.Dr. Sharifi aims to study and compare howtumor estrogen signaling changes ontreatment via imaging and how tumorestrogen signaling changes on treatment viathe blood. She hopes to better understand whether thecombination of the imaging and blood test canultimately be used to distinguish betweenpatients whose cancers will respond to anti-estrogen therapy and patients whose cancersare resistant to this type of treatment. She noted that “this pilot study will lay thegroundwork for a larger phase I/II clinical trialtesting this approach to identify patients withanti-estrogen resistance early and offer theman alternative, more effective treatment,minimizing exposure to side effects from atreatment that is not effective.”“LBCA is so pleased to have been able, with thehelp of many wonderful donors, to support theimportant work of these researchers. We hopeto be able to support ILC researchersannually,” commented LBCA Executive DirectorLaurie Hutcheson. “The more that we are ableto promote or fund ILC research, the more weknow we will have a positive impact on thefuture understanding and treatment of ILC.”LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORT
HONORING MOTHERS WITH LOBULAR BREAST CANCERThe horror of hearing you have lobular breastcancer and then learning how little is knownabout it is an anguish and frustration thatreverberates through whole families. We alllearn too quickly that while there is still nospecific treatment for lobular breast cancer,there is much that can be done and needs tobe done to raise awareness and push for moreresearch to change this. The community ofindividuals with lobular breast cancer is richwith family members and friends who want,and pitch in, to help. In spring 2023, werecruited some of them to tell their stories asanother way to get the word out about lobularbreast cancer.On Mother’s Day 2023, LBCA released fivevideos in which the children of women withlobular breast cancer shared their personalmessages in special tribute to their mothers.They explained how lobular breast canceraffected their moms and their families andwhy ILC needs more research. One of thosechildren was LBCA Board of Directors memberTanya Martin-Dick. Tanya’s story had a unique wrinkle. Hermother’s ILC diagnosis came one year after herown. Tanya’s mother, Eva, helped Tanyamanage her ILC diagnosis and was by her side“every step of the way through her treatment.” In her video, Tanya expressed gratitude for Evaand also for LBCA and its resources that wereessential when her mom was diagnosed. Theyallowed Tanya to help her mother navigate herown treatment path. Tanya remarked, “I wasever so grateful that I had found the LobularBreast Cancer Alliance along the way.” Each family member’s tribute video ispassionate and genuine and, we hope, somecomfort to others. LBCA invites more friendsand family to make and share their tributesand is here to help. Since May, LBCA hascreated an instructional document for creatingthese types of videos and encourages othersto share their own stories and honor those intheir lives with ILC. All video tributes will be permanently housedon our ILC Story webpage. LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORT
This year’s survey focused on ILC patients’experience with surgery and surgical decisionmaking. Results highlighted ongoing concernsabout potential extent of disease and risk ofrecurrence as factors in surgical decision makingand concerns about accuracy of currently availableimaging modalities. The survey team was moved by the overwhelmingnumber of survey responses and the open endedcomments shared. The open-ended surveyresponses lent themselves to the development ofan additional abstract draft submitted andaccepted for presentation at the 2023 InternationalILC Symposium. We are forever grateful for those who help us raiseawareness and educate about ILC by sharing theirexperiences in these anonymous surveys. In support of LBCA’s goal to raise awareness andeducate about ILC, LBCA staff and advocates havenow conducted three anonymous patientexperience surveys about specific aspects of livingwith ILC. The survey results have been submittedas abstracts for presentation as posters at the SanAntonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS), thelargest annual breast cancer-focused conferencein the US. SABCS attendees include a diverse and focusedaudience within the breast cancer field. It is anexcellent forum through which LBCA can raiseawareness among researchers and clinicians ofthe challenges people living with lobular breastcancer face and, we hope, pique interest inconducting more ILC research that will lead to ILCspecific imaging and treatment guidelines. InDecember 2022, we presented the results of oursurvey of patients’ experience with metastatic ILCat SABCS.Each year, conceptualizing the topic of focus,drafting the survey, and developing the abstractand poster is truly a team effort. LBCA’s Researchand Advocacy Committee members serve as a hubfor this activity, engaging with input from ILCscientists and clinicians from our ScientificAdvisory Board as well as other interestedresearchers. PATIENT SURVEYS SHED LIGHT ONLIVING WITH ILCLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORT
LBCA MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS BY GOAL AREALOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORTLBCA Goal: Raise Awareness and Educate about ILCFiscal Year 2023 (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023)Published and disseminated lay summaries of the ILC-focusedresearch posters at SABCS22.LBCA Goal: Be the Go-to Source for ILC Research/Clinical Trials andILC Treatment Information Presented a poster at the 2022 San Antonio Breast CancerSymposium (SABCS) sharing the findings from our survey lastspring of individuals living with metastatic ILC. Our abstractdescribing our findings was published in the spring in a specialSABCS research issue of the American Association for CancerResearch (AACR).Developed in collaboration with the Society of Breast Imagers (SBI), a survey of radiologists regardingtheir uses and concerns about imaging technology and patients with lobular breast cancer. It alsoprovided information about ILC and the resources and information available through LBCA. Over 300SBI members completed the survey. LBCA is co-authoring a manuscript with the results for publicationin the SBI Journal.Collaborated with Ali Dixon, an ILC survivor and wife of National Hot Rod Association (NHRA) driverLarry Dixon, to raise awareness about ILC and LBCA at the NHRA US Nationals.Published the new document Questions for My Doctor to LBCA website and social media and madeavailable for download.Created a page on our website highlighting the ILC-focused researchof our Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) members.Recorded and shared an interview on our website with SAB Chair andDana Farber Oncologist Dr. Rinath Jeselsohn about her ILC researchtitled A Distinct Chromatin State Drives Therapeutic Resistance in InvasiveLobular Breast Cancer. Produced and posted ILC awareness raising videos created bywomen to honor their mothers with ILC.Translated LBCA’s ILC Fact Sheet into 15 languages other than English and FAQs into 16 otherlanguages. These were posted on LBCA’s website and disseminated across social media and to sisterorganizations.Joined Conquer Cancer Council.Produced and disseminated recorded interview with SAB membersGary Ulaner and Jason Mouabbi regarding the Appropriate Use Criteriafor FES/PET that they worked on for publication by SNMMI.Increased newsletter subscribers by 15.2%. Increased newsletter open rates by 9.21% (59.14% vs.54.15% last year). Nearly 43,0000 people visited the website. This is a 16.2% increase from FY22.
LBCA Goal: Support ILC Patient AdvocacyLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORTLBCA Goal: Cultivate Alliances Among US & International Breast Cancer Advocacy OrganizationsLBCA Goal: Promote and Fund ILC ResearchSupported ILC patient advocate attendance at important breastcancer conferences through the provision of six patient advocatetravel scholarships.With the help of ILC patient advocates, researchers, andcollaborators, we spread the word about ILC to a wideraudience throughout Breast Cancer Awareness Month inOctober 2022. Our important message to raise awareness thatbreast cancer has types was conveyed in a flyer that we createdthrough the collaborative efforts of several of our SABmembers and other ILC researchers and many patientadvocates representing both LBCA and 20 sister breast canceradvocacy and cancer research organizations.Joined Tigerlilly Race Alliance and American Cancer Society National Breast Cancer Round Table.We funded and awarded a second lobular breast cancer researchfellowship with our partner AACR and a new imaging research grant inpartnership with the Society of Nuclear Medicine and MolecularImaging (SNMMI). Promoted webinar featuring SAB member Matt Sikora PhD, LBCA Board Chair Tracy Cushing, MD, LBCAFounding Advocate Lori Petitti, and LBCA volunteer Donna Charlevoix who spoke about research andadvocacy on the front range and provided an ILC research update.Held Advocate Chats. Topics included:A Conversation with LBCA Scientific Advisory Board member MatthewSikora, PhD, Discussing Basic Research and Supporting the Lab.Took part in a lobular breast cancer-specific episode of The Doctor Is In.Worked with the American Cancer Society and National Comprehensive Cancer Network to get infoabout ILC and LBCA including links to our website on their webpages.Presented the webinar Highlights of the 2022 Joint InternationalELBCC/Lobsterpot & LBCA Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC) Symposiumin partnership with the European Lobular Breast Cancer Consortium(ELBCC)/Lobsterpot.Promoted Komen Metastatic Breast Cancer Impact Series webinar about lobular metastatic breastcancer that included SAB member Rachel Jankowitz, MD.Promoted and posted on LBCA website Dr. Megan Kruse’s podcast about the differences betweenlobular and ductal carcinoma and the challenges of ILC.Dr. Shani Shimon, MD, and George Sflomos, PhD, joined the SAB. A Conversation with LBCA Scientific Advisory Board member Dr.Megan Kruse About SABCS 2021 Research and Presentation onPleomorphic vs. Non-pleomorphic ILC.A Conversation with Dr. Nadia Howlader from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Surveillance Research Program.Conducting a Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser.A conversation with Dr. Jason Mouabbi.A conversation about basic science of breast cancer with LBCA Board member Dr. Ramlah Nehring and Dr. SashaStanton of Providence Cancer Institute.A conversation with Dr. David Lim and ILC patient advocate Christine McKay.
As Fiscal Year 2023 neared its close, LBCA accomplished an amazing next step in its growth as anindependent 501(c)(3) organization. We surpassed our fundraising goal and exceeded $500,000 inrevenue for the fiscal year. More revenue meant increased capacity for LBCA to focus on the visionand mission of the organization and make greater strides in supporting ILC education andawareness raising activities. These included creation of more high quality recorded webinars and downloadable patientresources that were translated into at least 15 common languages spoken in the US other thanEnglish. LBCA also expanded its capacity to fund research and added a new invasive lobularcarcinoma (ILC) grant making partner - the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging(SNMMI). LBCA and SNMMI each provided $50,000 to jointly issue a $100,000 ILC imaging researchgrant solicitation. LBCA also continued to fund the young investigator grant funding program withthe Conquer Cancer Foundation of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). LBCA’s capacity to support patient research advocacy also increased funding for more travel grantsto support individuals to attend conferences and the establishment of a new capacity to support ILCadvocates to participate in the highly regarded training on breast cancer science and advocacyconducted by LBCA’s partner, the National Breast Cancer Consortium (NBCC) Project LEAD program.We were able to do all this thanks to strong leadership and committed staff, careful financialstewardship, and generous support from our donors. By judiciously using and managing our funds,we ended the year in a strong position ready for the months ahead.Exceeding the $500,000 revenue threshold this fiscal year also meant LBCA reached the next levelof fiscal review - a financial audit - that nonprofit organizations need to have to demonstrate theirfiscal health and effective responsibility to the public. LBCA engaged the independent CPA firmCitrin Cooperman & Company, LLP to complete the audit. In their audit report, Citrin Cooperman &Company concluded that LBCA’s financial statements were presented fairly and in accordance withaccounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. FISCAL YEAR 2023 FINANCESLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORT
Contributions$517,806Sponsorships$64,371In-kind contributions$19,548Interest Income$265Total Revenue$609,990FISCAL YEAR 2023 FINANCESLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORTREVENUEFISCAL YEAR 2023Payroll & Related Expenses$266,140ILC Research Grants Funded$112,861Professional Fees$107,277Office and Other$26,284Scholarships and Sponsorships$6,640Travel to Conferences$5,587Insurance$2,952Advertising$885Total Expenses$528,626EXPENSESFISCAL YEAR 2023Net Assets End of Year20222023$224,913$298,277
LBCA SURVEYHIGHLIGHTSThe Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance (LBCA) issued itsannual performance survey on how the organizationhas done relative to each of our five key goal areas andactivities in support of our mission and vision. We are thankful for the huge response (642) from ourengaged community for sharing their feedback with us(compared to 191 last year). Of note: just about 100%had or have lobular breast cancer; of those who sharedtheir location, over 75% were from North America; andmore than 80% of survey respondents were over age50. Survey results conveyed overall that LBCA continues toprovide easy to understand and useful information onthe website and is a “go to” source for ILC researchfindings and information (87.1% of respondents). Wewere glad to note nearly 100% perceive the LBCAwebsite conveys the urgent need for more ILCresearch. We received helpful feedback from respondents whohad viewed LBCA Advocate Chats. These are thewebinars we produce to support learning about ILCscience and advocacy. The respondents indicated thattheir top five favorites in the series, which remain onthe website to view, are: Reading Research Articles andPosters, Discussion of ILC Research Posters at SABCS22,Intro to Cancer Basic Science and Immunology, Resultsfrom an ILC Study in Ontario, Canada - our first ILCgrantee, and Introduction to Lobular Advocacy, our firstAdvocate Chat featuring LBCA Founder Leigh Pate. We also received feedback that only about half ofrespondents were aware of the webpage dedicated toLBCA Scientific Advisory Board members’ recentlypublished research. We will try to promote this more inthe future. Last, we received many useful suggestionsfor topics and activities LBCA might present to furthersupport respondents’ advocacy efforts. We were happy to once again receive many commentsfrom survey respondents conveying gratitude forLBCA’s existence, for the current ILC research that weshare, and the ILC advocacy and research we promote.We have shared several on this page. LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORT“I have really appreciated the bridgebetween researchers and patients thatLBCA provides.”“Thank you for advocating for moreresearch and funding for this sneaky andunderstudied subtype of breast cancer!”“With your publications library, I feelconfident I'm not missing new researchfindings.”“The LBCA is such an amazing resource -I'm so glad I have it to turn to along withthe newsletter to help keep me up to date.”“Thanks to all of you who have providedme with this wonderful resource. I don'tfeel alone. I feel hope!”
2023 LEGACY GIFT DONORSLeigh Pate Memorial Advocacy FundWe are grateful to our legacy donors whose great commitment to supporting LBCA led them toplan their gift as part of their estate plan and/or their family to set up a gift in their memory.LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORT2023 CIRCLE OF COMPASSION DONORSThe Circle of Compassion is a treasured group of dedicated donors who have committed to making a gift on a recurring basis. Barbara JacobsenMason Mitchell-DanielsTamiko MiyanoDawn MooneyRobert OakesPranav PopatJennifer Rogers-PetittDonna RussellDesaree WelchMary Jo WrightJanice CarterDianne DidioDaneen HuddartJoe HutchesonLaurie Hutcheson
FISCAL YEAR 2023 DONORSAnonymousBetts AbelLinda AdamovichElaine AdamsSamiya AhmadMohammed Al FayyadhMelody AllenAmazonSmile FoundationBarbara AmblardAmerican Endowment FoundationMichael AndersonMolly AngstmanJessica ApolloniAppleBeth and Carl ApterMalia ArnoldJane ArringtonSusan AtheneJanice AxelrodElizabeth BabbinKathleen BaggeMaria BakerPatricia BakerBank of America Charitable FoundationJonathan BarnhartKatherine BarsnessColleen BartholJulianne BartlettCathleen BassettJohanna BayerGeorge BebisDonna BehrensSamara BelAnne BellDr. BenediktKaren BerkleyTammey BertrandDr. BhotiwihokFei BianGerald and Sarah BiezeBill and Meinda Gates FoundationDebra BlumbergLauren BogliviMaryanne BombaughTerri BradleyCandie BradyKathleen BrennanSally BrennanNancy BreretonRobert BresErika BrewerKerri BrownCarol BuckleyAnn and David BurgessBeverly BurgessMolly BurgessKathleen M. CahillKristin CallisAnn CamdenShawn CampbellJoseph CanteyLynn CaragolSandra CarruthersJanice CarterMaureen CarterMargaret CassLuis CastagniniSylvia CastilloPhillip and Krista CerasoliPaula ChapmanFidelity CharitableCharities Aid Foundation of AmericaEverything we are able to accomplish is due to the generosity of our donors. We aregrateful to each of them for their support.LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORTCarolyn ChiechiSherri ChristiansonTina CincottiBeth and Joseph ClarkElizabeth ClarkSue ClarkDonna ClarkeSara ClelandTracy ClemensonWilliam ClouseAllison CocuzzoRose and Barry CoferSusan CohenGayle ColeMary Ann CollignonChristine ColosiCommunity Foundation Boulder County (Alexandra Fund)Keith and Marcia ConantPatrick ConroyGregory CookNathalie Cross CT Mediation CenterMary CullenSusan and Paul CurtinDr. Tracy CushingJudith DanielsKim DanielsonBryan DeLottinvilleBarb DemarcoJulie DemareeTimothy DePietro and Colleen FitzwaterKim DienhoffAllison DixonMartin DollThomas Dowling
Kim GrahamDebra GravesDenise GreggSarah GuilesKimberly GwiltZsuzsanna GyorkyJane HaaseJeremy HallSue and Scott HallDon HamnerCatherine HandzelKathleen HankardSepi HashimiJendi HaugLuann HayMary HendricksLinda HendrickxKatherine HensleyConnie HersbachTodd HeskethBarbara HevenerHorejsi Charitable FoundationMeaghan HouskaAndrew and Jami HuberAnna HuddartDaneen HuddartEdward HutchesonJoe and Laurie HutchesonPolly HutchesonBarbara JacobsenPatricia JakelIrene JamiesonPatricia JanesRupert JilcottJoy JinAudrey JohnsonFrances JohnsonNancy JohnsonThais JohnsonJosephine JordanVeronica Jordan Judy and Peter Blum Kovler FoundationLisa DubaWilma DukeAmy DurrJanet EdwardsAmal EkbalKristen ElsbyThomas EricksonRichard and Patricia EvansFacebook/MetaMarcia FalconerKristen Weck FarragJody FeinbergMrs. FergusonColleen FitzpatrickGayle FlowersMichael FlynnBenedicta FoleyClare FoleyMarie FoleyEwa Folta-StogniewKelly FranzenBeatrice FritzMarsha GaiKathy GajewskiShelley GalbraithElizabeth and Al GallegosAnn GambroJohn GambroJRondi and Larry GangnesLyn GarrettKaran GarrisonSharon GarsenSherry GaskillPatricia GaucherSusan GershenhornPamela GetzAngela GilbertTeresa GillemDavid and Cheryl GirvanGive Lively Foundation Inc.Eileen GloverJim GomesAlice GongGoogleDaniel GottoviLOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORTCarol JuergemeierPatricia KaminskiRosemary KanuskyKelly KellingtonJason KempenichJeffrey KerbyMr. Warren and Dr. Laura KerperMegan KerrSharon KingCarol KinnairdPatty KirkleyJianmei KochlingErik KoeppenDebbie KosiorTamari KovachHalina KozikBarbara KramerKathryn KrantzArnis KrussowKenneth LajoiePearl LajoieGerry LammanoJulia LevineEnid LightAnn LivengoodJoann LiverantBarbara LockeHeidi LockhartHarry LohrMichele LongJulia LongeneckerEleaner LoosJoyce LosenLaura LoyMark LundSusan MacDonaldKatherine MaderPeg MahoneyArlene MarcionetteEva MartinTanya Martin-DickKaren and Christopher MascialeAllison Massenzio
LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORTDonna MastranDaniel MatthewsGelene MatthewsMayfield Junior School of the Holy Child JesusDr. McCauleySekinat McCormickKathleen McCrackenColleen McDevittJudith and Robert McDevittBarbara McGovernRobin McIntoshKerry McKeonCharlotte McLaughlinMary McLaughlinTammy McLeanMarsha MedalieMargaret MetcalfChristina MetzlerLee Ann MichelsonMicrosoftBarbara MillerSusan MillerMarie MireMason Mitchell-DanielsTamiko MiyanoCarolyn MobleyDawn MooneyRobert MooneyTracey MoorheadHarald MootzMorgan Stanley Gift FundStephanie and John MountsDeborah MuellerDonald and Wanda MuellerVamsidhar MukkamalaSara MullerGinger MurphyIrene MurrayCynthia MynattNational Philanthropic TrustRamlah NehringFern NemenyiNannette NeroKaren NewmanBarbara NillTimothy and Joni NoelCarol NolanMichelle NolandRuth NolenJane O'DonnellMs. P. OlsonMichelle OrdwayDiane OReganAna OteroZoe OxleyParamountMary Byrne ParkHeidi PattersonKatie PattersonSuzanne PattersonReba Carol PattilloAmy PaulWilliam PerryLori PettitiAnn PfeifferPfizer Inc.Mary Catharine PhilbeckMaria PierceGene Pien and Leslie Pifer- PienPilzer Foundation, Inc.Laura PiscatelliElizabeth Pitts-madonnaErna and Bob PlacePledgeling FoundationDenise PointerPatricia PollackKaren PutnamKaren QuastPeggy QuinnIsabel RambergDeborah RaschAlexandra RauJames ReadSusan ReboulPenelope RegarAnnie ReidBrenda RenzulliTeri RiceCarrie RichardsChristine RichardsonJane RileeKathryn RobertsonJennifer RobinsonRoche Molecular SystemsLarry RodickTammy RogersJennifer Rogers-PetittMary RolandKimberly RoneyLisa RossanoRace RosterSandra RudulphDonna RussellKelly RutkowskiEvelyn RyanElizabeth RyenRM RymszaRobin SalterSampson Family FoundationStephanie SavageDan SaylorRichard SchlackmanJane SchneiderSchwab CharitableClara Silverstein SchneeGeneva (Jean) SeagravesSeattle FoundationBridget SevignyColleen SextonLarissa ShafferAmita ShahStacie ShapiroGrace Shin-KwokSusan ShirleyNancy ShiversSisters Oils Service LLCAndrea SlaterLisa SlebodaPatricia SmallAnn SmithDru Smith
LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORTLaura SmousEric and Lynn SobelCathy and Dennis SparDeborah StambaughHelen Daniel StilesRachel StramelHillary StromeEileen StrongLinda SullyTracy SumnerValerie SwanerT. Rowe Price Program for Charitable GivingAndrea TaylorRowena TeagueStefanie TeelingLinda TeixeiraMolly ThibedeauAna TigeraWilliam ToffeyCarol TollefsrudSusanne ToppToyotaPatty TrachtenbergJ. Paul TrawickMichele TremblayCyndi TroutmanNaz Tursun United Way of Greater AtlantaUS Charitable Gift TrustRita Van BlommesteynVan Bortel of RochesterLori Van De WeteringTara Van RooyKay VandenbergPatricia VanderwallVanguard CharitableCamille VasquezBrenda VegaVikaharia Charitable FundDr. H. R. and Sandra VinikSusan Goodman and Daniel WadlerKathleen WagnerJenny WalkerDianna WaltaDeborah Walter, MPALisa WardenDaniel WaxlerBette WeaverJennifer WebsterBonnie WeckLogan WeckSusan WegnerBeth WeiblingLynne and Peter WeilDonna WeistWella Financial AdvisoryDesaree WelchSusan WertmanTerri WesselmanAnnette WestCynthia WilcoxBarbara Lynne WilkieGene WilkinsKile WilliamsKatherine WillisKelly WillnerJohn WillsAngela WilsonSheila Winget MurrayMarilyn WipplTerry WoodHeather WoollenMary Jo WrightSara YazdianJeffrey YonoverConnie Davis YoungConnie YoungLucinda YoungRenae YounieDeborah ZanishRhyan Zweifler“I keep utilizing LBCA’s website as a guide and reference for updates onnew research as they continue to raise a fuss about ILC.” Megan-Claire Chase“SABCS22 was chock full of some amazingpresentations and follow-up research data that willmost surely translate into the clinic and impact manypatients.” Valerie FraserWhile every effort has been taken to ensure this list’s accuracy, we know mistakes may happen. We apologize for any omissions. Two Recipients of LBCA Travel Grants to Attend the 2022 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS22) Speak About SABCS22 and LBCA.
“Receiving a lobular breast cancer diagnosis is such a shock. Findingthe Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance has been such a huge relief andso informative for so many. I am passionate about supporting LBCAand its great work spreading the word about lobular breast cancerand accelerating the search for a treatment!” Judy Kovler, Loyal Supporter“I am tremendously excited and honored to assume the role ofChair. I look forward to collaborating with our dedicated team,advancing our mission to raise awareness, advocate forresearch, and leave no stone unturned in our quest to makelobular history. Together, we will continue to amplify the voicesof patients, clinicians, and researchers. I eagerly anticipate theprogress and achievements that lie ahead in our collective fightagainst lobular breast cancer."Dr. Jason Mouabbi, Incoming Scientific Advisory Board Chair“Supporting LBCA and its mission is paramount to us at GEHealthCare, as it aligns with our core values of patientempowerment, collaboration, and innovation in personalizeddiagnostic imaging around detecting ILC. We help LBCA to drivemeaningful advancements in the understanding of ILC, becausetogether, we believe we can make a difference in the lives of thoseaffected by this disease.” Deborah Walter, GE HealthCare“I felt lost when I found out I had lobular carcinoma. I'd never heardof it before. But the LBCA website helped me quickly get up to dateon my disease. It was comprehensive, easy to navigate, and it gaveme tremendous solace. I was able to access the resources andexperts available to me as well as the questions that I needed toask, all right away because of this one source. I found the LBCA staffto be incredibly responsive to my desire to join in their work ... andnow I am helping them launch local advocacy teams. What awonderful new twist to my ILC story!” Kathleen Moss, LBCA VolunteerTHANKS TO YOU LOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORT“I am so very grateful for finding the Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance.I remember hearing my diagnosis and immediately found thiswonderful resource. LBCA is a place I go to to see the newestresearch, and I follow the doctors that are making a difference.” Daneen Hud dart, Loyal Supporter and Patient Advocate
“Shocked and confused when an MRI unexpectedly disclosed ILCthat my mammogram had failed to detect, I turned to LBCA’sresources for information and answers. After learning how manycritical knowledge gaps exist regarding its diagnosis and treatment, Iwas inspired to join LBCA’s Board of Directors and support itsadvocacy and research initiatives.”Kathy Krantz, LBCA Board Member“As an LBCA/SNMMI ILC research grantee, I am honored and excitedto have the opportunity to implement a pilot study that could laythe groundwork for a larger phase I/II clinical trial testing a newapproach to identifying patients with anti-estrogen resistance earlyand offering them an alternative. I’m so grateful LBCA exists and isso instrumental in making sure more ILC research is conducted." Dr. Marina Sharifi, 2023 LBCA/SNMMI ILC Imaging researchgrant recipient“Courage. Strength. Positive attitude. For months I tried to live bythose principles as I endured testing before my metastatic lobularbreast cancer was diagnosed. So little information came to me frommy care team about this challenging cancer. Then, I found LBCA … alifeline to information and community. Through this knowledge, Idiscovered my purpose and regained a sense of control.”Nikoo McGoldrick, Novelist, Patient Advocate“I had retired early, and had the rest of my life ahead to enjoy. ThenI was diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma - not the prevalenttype of breast cancer, and very understudied. Knowing my doctorsknew so little about ILC, I worried, could I live 5, 10 or 15 years? ILCneeds more attention, and more research. This is vital for us to livelong and healthy lives, so I donate to LBCA.” Barbara Lynne Wilkie, Loyal Donor and Advocate“There is nothing more sacred than the bond between a mother andchild. My mother and late grandmother have each bravely facedlobular breast cancer. I have never felt a deeper sense of purposethan to help LBCA in this fight.” Pranav Popat, LBCA Circl e of Compassion DonorWE'RE MAKING A DIFFERENCELOBULAR BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE INC. 2023 ANNUAL REPORT
www.lobularbreastcancer.orgP.O. Box 200, White Horse Beach, MA 02381info@lobularbreastcancer.orgLobular Breast Cancer Alliance Inc.The Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance Inc. is thego-to source for invasive lobular carcinoma(ILC) information and advocacy, and the onlyorganization in the U.S. dedicated to raisingawareness about ILC in a quest to eradicatelobular breast disease.Our next step on the path to fulfilling ourmission is to build our capacity to sharemore ILC information, publicize current andcutting edge research and clinical trials, growand nourish a network of patient advocates,and fund more ILC research grants.We continue to need your help:to ensure sorely needed research onmethods of detecting ILC and preventingits recurrence, and identifying besttreatment approaches for ILC - distinctfrom that of ductal;to support our growing community ofpeople collaborating to educate cliniciansand help one another raise awarenessabout this understudied disease; andto keep LBCA moving forward to stopthis deadly breast cancer subtype thatafflicts tens of thousands of women eachyearPlease support LBCA with a contributionnow to help us succeed!Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance Inc. is a public charity undersection 501(3)(c) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, EIN 86-2260246. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extentpermitted by law. For legal notices, please see