SponsorshipProposalMARCH 21, 20 04KA L EI D OSC OPE : C ELE BRA TIO N W ITH APU R PO S EIn Support of:Equity Diversity Inclusion Learning
Untapped PotentialCanadian immigration policies prioritize the recruitment of well-educated andskilled immigrants selected for their ability to contribute to Canada's economicfuture. Immigrant professionals bring valuable skills and experience to Canadawith the promise of a better life for themselves and their families. The successfulsettlement of immigrants in the labour market is essential to achieving Canada’sgrowth objectives and maintaining our high quality of life. Our success inintegrating those newcomers into the labour force falls short on several keymeasures.Nearly 60 per cent of working-age (25-64) recent immigrants (2016-2021)have a bachelor’s degree or greater compared to 32.9 per cent ofCanadian-born.38 per cent of university-educated immigrants aged 25-54 work in anoccupation requiring a university degree, compared with 52 per cent ofthose born in Canada.Foreign-trained professional women are especially penalized at anunderutilization rate of 28.3 per cent compared to 12 per cent forCanadian-trained professional women’The hourly wages of university-educated landed immigrants living in Canadaare, on average, 18 per cent lower than those of Canadian-born peers.The immigrant earnings gap spans occupation, age, gender and region andhas worsened even as immigrants have become significantly more educatedthan the Canadian-born population.The wage gap varies among provinces, from a low of 2.8 to 39.4 per centwith the Alberta immigrant wage gap of 25.9 per cent.Bringing immigrants up to the wage and employment levels of those bornin Canada has the potential to add $50 billion to GDP! When immigrants prosper, we all do.**RBC2
About ANIW: Building BridgesThe Alberta Network of Immigrant Women (ANIW) is a Canadian registeredcharitable organization, which fosters equality, justice and learning forimmigrant women to achieve economic security for themselves and their families.The ANIW was formed in 1986 by a passionate group of immigrant women whorecognized the need for a collaborative, unified voice to help immigrant womenin Alberta achieve their potential. They had experienced significant institutionaland societal barriers that prevented them from realizing parity in the Canadianworkplace. ANIW grew out of the belief that all immigrant women should haveequal and open access to learning and employment opportunities that coincidewith their capabilities. ANIW, collaboratively with all stakeholders, builds the bridges to overcome thesebarriers with impactful programming for immigrant women and men tosuccessfully achieve their full professional potential, gain economic security forthemselves and their families and contribute to Canadian society. ANIW’s unique grassroots approach within the Alberta immigrant support sectoridentifies the complex barriers through research and collaboration --fundamental for producing concrete results to pathways forward. ANIWharnesses existing immigrant skills and talent and develops the critical skillsneeded for success in the Canadian workplace. 3
To lead and support initiativeswhich foster equality, justiceand learning for immigrantwomenWe value collaborative partnerships because fostering equality andjustice for immigrant women requires an inclusive community effort and itis a shared responsibility.We value education and mentorship because they are key elements forpositive and effective leadership and are necessary for growth, newexperiences, and wisdom.We value integrity and accountability because they are the basis forindependence, responsibility, and transparency.VisionMission4ANIW: Living Our ValuesImmigrant women in Albertaare empowered to lead full,equal and active roles in ourcommunities.ANIW develops evidence based, cost-efficient delivery of supportand training programs designed to bridge the gap for immigrantprofessionals to acquire the knowledge needed for the Canadianworkplace to practice their chosen profession.
Ka lei do scope: Celebration with apurpose.This inaugural ANIW fundraising eventpromises to give recognition, celebrateachievements, be inspirational and be...well....colorful. An exploration of the richcultures newcomers bring along with theirdetermination and hope for a betterfuture to build new lives. Presented to you by the Alberta Networkof Immigrant Women to support programsthat build bridges for professionalimmigrants to achieve their economicpotential and thereby power Canada'sfuture prosperity.Why sponsorKaleidoscope?Celebrate YOU, with a visionto transform immigrant lives.Take your chances in the50/50 draw, raffles forexciting experiences -- allin the name of supportingthe ANIW mission.Delight in the deliciousmulticultural food andmusic, learn to danceBollywood style, try on asari.ANIW’s goal is to raise $20,000 throughthis event. The funds raised will be usedto build ANIW's capacity, which willsupport our ability to increase ourprograms that address equity in theworkplace experienced by many foreign-trained professional immigrants.Visit our website for details about ourprograms, or call us at 403.262.804 andspeak to one of our program managers.5Connect with friends, oldand new. aniw.org
This signature event is an ideal networking opportunity with aprofessional audience that appreciate your commitment to thecontributions of a growing immigrant community in Alberta.Support immigrant goals has a direct impact on the lives ofprofessional immigrants and their ability to become fullycontributing members of Canadian society. Celebrating diversity and striving for inclusion of people fromall backgrounds and cultures has become more vital than ever.Authentic philanthropic corporate commitments provide a cost-effective means of staff development, new ways of attractingand engaging talent, and a positive impact on the bottom line.Opportunity to engage diverse marketsOpportunity to give a hand upDemonstrate diversity, equity and inclusionSponsorship BenefitsIt's a win-win. Sponsoring a Alberta Network of Immigrant Women eventprovides you with a unique, fun and engaging opportunity to connectwith diverse key audiences and show your support for equity, diversityand inclusion.6
ANIW currently has a growing database of approximately 1,000 constituentmembers who support the non-profit through volunteering, donations, newsletterrecipients, and event attendance. The organization currently has nearly 400foreign-trained dentists (FTD) in the ANIW dental training program, has beenresponsible for adding 285 (FTP) physicians to Alberta’s residency program,adding 150 practising RNs, has worked with APPEGA and numerous otherprofessional associations developing bridging programs for foreign trainedprofessionals. This ANIW event is actively promoted on Eventbrite, ANIW social media, assets,and the ANIW newsletter, which is distributed to our database and directly tocommunity and cultural organizations in the Calgary Region. The event isestimated to attract approximately 200 attendees, with a 60 per cent femaleskew between the ages 25-60.Event Date: March 21, 2024Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PMVenue: White Diamond Conference Centre, Calgary, ChinatownFormat: Reception style food service, welcome drink, cash bar, swag gift bag,raffle and online auction, dance performances, immigrant success stories,keynote speaker Enhance Kaleidoscope’s guest experience by partnering as an in-kind sponsor.Align your brand with the Kaleidoscope brand by becoming a food, beverage,signage, decor, floral, gift, media, or print sponsor. Contact us for details. Sponsorship Proposal 7
Contact403.710-9359Phoneaniw.orgWebsiteelsa.sawatzky@aniw.orgEmail200, 1409 Edmonton Tr. NE, Calgary AB T2E3K8AddressThank you! Elsa SawatzkyEngagement Specialist