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Animal Kingdom Preschool Curricu

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'Preschool Curriculum'Animal KingdomOver the next 4 weeks, we'll discover how toidentify safari animals along with learningsome interesting animal facts. We'll also havesome great adventures, language practice,craft projects, and plenty of writing & numberactivities.

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eAnimal Kingdom Preschool:'Learning Colors & Shapes'Week 1This week, children will be introduce tothe color brown and the oval shape. Plus number concepts 5 & 6 along withipracting pre writing skills.

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Animal Kingdom Preschool:'Have You Herd?'Week 2This week, you will be introduce to animalalphabets, stories, letter writing, sequencing,matching, and animal wild life facts.

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Animal Kingdom Preschool'Animal TracksWeek 3This week, we're going to find our four leggedfriends by comparing animal footprints andunderstanding animal instincts.

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eAnimal King'dom Preschool:'It's Time For A SafariWeek 4This week, you'll be learning more aboutsafari animals and how to identify themand their footprints.SafariSafari

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eAnimal Kingdom Preschool:'Crafts & Games'CraftsThis week, you'll be having fun withpretend play, sing-a-longs, and animalcrafts activities.

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eAnimal Kingdom Preschool:'Going On A Bear Hunt'ConclusionThis week, you'll be getting ready to goon a bear hunt. Will there be otheranimals discovered along the way?.