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Meet with your real estate agent to discussyour goals, preferences, and budget. INITIAL CONSULTATIONFINANCIAL PREPARATIONSet a budget considering all associated costs,such as down payment, closing costs, andmoving expenses.HOME SEARCHIdentify your must-haves and nice-to-haves foryour new home. Use online tools, attend openhouses, and view potential properties with youragent.MAKING AN OFFERWork with your agent to craft a strong offerbased on market conditions and comparablesales.INSPECTIONS AND APPRAISALSConduct an appraisal to determine the home'smarket value and satisfy lender requirements.THE CLOSINGReview and sign the closing documents,including the settlement statement. Pay closingcosts and transfer ownership of the property.MOVING INCoordinate your move and set up utilities andservices in your new home.12345677 STEPS TOBUYINGPROCESS

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Real Estate TermsAPPRAISAL COMMISSIONAn evaluation of a property's value conductedby a licensed appraiser, typicallycommissioned for the benefit of the lender toensure the property’s market value meets orexceeds the loan amount.The fee paid to real estate professionals fortheir services, usually calculated as apercentage of the property's selling price.BROKERAn individual who has completed additionaleducation beyond the agent level as mandatedby state laws and has passed a broker’s licensingexamination.BUYER'S AGENTA real estate agent who represents theinterests of the buyer in a real estatetransaction.CLOSINGThe final step in completing a real estatetransaction. The closing date, set during thenegotiation phase, occurs several weeks afterthe offer is formally accepted.CLOSING COSTSFees incurred at the closing of a real estatetransaction. At the closing, the title to theproperty is officially transferred to the buyer.A statement by a seller or a broker regarding theproperty's known defects.DISCLOSUREMARKET ANALYSIS CONTINGENCYCOUNTEROFFERDEEDA provision in a real estate contract that mustbe met for the contract to become legallybinding.A new offer made in response to a previousoffer, containing modified terms based onnegotiations.A legal document that represents proof ofownership and grants the holder specificrights to real estate property.A report comparing sales of similar homes inthe area to help establish a reasonable askingprice for a property.HOME INSPECTIONAn examination of a property's condition, typicallyconducted by a professional home inspector.

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Real Estate TermsA deposit made by the buyer towards the downpayment as a sign of good faith when the purchaseagreement is signed.The portion of the home's value that the homeowner"owns" outright. It is calculated as the current marketvalue of the home minus the outstanding mortgagebalance.EQUITYESCROWA third-party service, often required in the home-selling process, that holds and disburses funds tofacilitate the closing of a home.FAIR MARKET VALUEThe estimated price at which a property would likelysell in a transaction where both buyer and seller areknowledgeable and willing parties.EMDHOME WARRANTYA policy that covers the cost of repairing or maintaininghousehold systems or appliances.LISTINGA property that is on the market for sale. The term "listing" alsorefers to the agreement between the home seller and the realestate agent tasked with marketing the property.MORTGAGEA loan used to finance the purchase of a home, with theproperty itself serving as collateral for the loan.FOR SALE BY OWNERA property that is being sold directly by the owner without therepresentation of a real estate agent. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICEA tool that real estate brokers use to establish contractualoffers of compensation and to compile and share propertydata with other brokers.The act of preparing and showcasing a residential or commercialproperty for sale.OFFERThe price that a buyer proposes they are willing to pay for aproperty.STAGINGTITLE INSURANCEAn insurance policy that protects the holder from financial lossresulting from defects in the title to a property.

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Buyer ResponsibilitiesAs a buyer, you are expected to stay engaged and proactive throughout the home buying process. This includes promptly providing necessary documents, communicating openly with your agent, andresponding quickly during negotiations and closing. Your involvement and readiness to act ensure a smoother transaction. Being organized and preparedhelps prevent delays and keeps the process on track.Stay Informed: Research the market, understand yourfinances, and keep up with new listings.Communicate Clearly: Maintain open lines ofcommunication with your agent and promptly providerequested information.Attend Open Houses and Viewings: Activelyparticipate in home tours to better understand whatyou want and what is available.Review Documents Carefully: Ensure you understandall contracts and disclosures before signing.By staying informed and prepared, you can navigate the home buying process moreeffectively and make confident, well-informed decisions. Your proactive approach will helpyou find the perfect home and secure it smoothly.Tips for Being a Proactive and InformedBuyerWhat is Expected from the Buyer?A N G I E G O O D E N B U Y E R C O N S U L T A T I O N

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Introduction to Home BuyingWelcome to Your Home Buying Journey!Buying a home is an exciting milestone. Whetheryou're a first-time buyer or experienced homeowner,each journey is unique. As your real estate agent, I'mhere to guide you with ease, ensuring you feelconfident and informed every step of the way.Understanding the ProcessPurchasing a home involves numerous steps anddecisions. Understanding the process is crucialbecause it:Empowers You: Knowledge allows you to makeinformed decisions, reducing stress and increasingconfidence.Smooths the Journey: Familiarity with each stepprevents delays and surprises, ensuring a smoothertransaction.Maximizes Opportunities: Being aware of the processhelps you take advantage of opportunities like betternegotiations and financing options.Let’s stay connected!@buywithangiegooden

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Understanding the MarketThe real estate market is dynamic and ever-changing.Understanding current trends and conditions can giveyou a competitive edge. We’ll look at factors such as inventory levels, pricetrends, interest rates, and local market insights. Keeping an eye on these factors helps us make informeddecisions and tailor our strategy accordingly.How the Market Affects Buying Decisions?Market conditions significantly impact your buyingdecisions. In a seller’s market, homes sell quickly and athigher prices, while in a buyer’s market, you may havemore room for negotiation. Understanding these conditions helps us strategizeeffectively, whether it’s handling competitive bidding ina hot market or leveraging negotiation power in a coolermarket.Timing Your Home PurchaseTiming can play a crucial role in your home buyingjourney. Seasonal trends, personal readiness, and marketcycles all influence the best time to buy. LET'S FIND YOUR HOME!

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Financial PreparationOverview of Costs Involved in Buying a HomeBuying a home involves several costs beyond the purchase price. Understanding these costs helps you prepare and budget effectively.Down Payment: Typically 3-20% of the home’s price, depending on theloan type.Closing Costs: Fees for services such as appraisals, inspections, and titleinsurance, usually 2-5% of the loan amount.Mortgage Insurance: Required for down payments less than 20%.Property Taxes and Insurance: Annual costs that can be paid monthly withyour mortgage.Moving Expenses: Costs for moving your belongings and setting up yournew home.A N G I E G O O D E N - B U Y E R C O N S U L T A T I O N

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CAROLINA ONE MORTGAGE Danelle.Adkins@CarolinaOneMTG.comCHASE MASONCompany Jennifer (Jae) SpignerTabor Mortgage jennifer@tabormortgage.comMark GrunkelHome Loans mark@homeloansinc.com843-576-9551angela.gooden@carolinaone.comA N G I E G O O D E N - R E A L T O RRecommended LendersDANELLE ADKINS843-697-5826843-929-1377803 487-2623843-743-5727

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Finding the Right HomeThe Home Search ProcessFinding the right home starts with defining your criteria,such as location, size, and features. Stick to your budgetbased on your pre-approved mortgage amount. Begin bysearching listings that match your needs, and scheduleviewings to see them in person.Using Online Tools and ResourcesOnline tools like Zillow and help streamlineyour search. These platforms offer detailed listings,photos, and virtual tours.How an Agent Can Assist in Finding Listings?As your agent, I have access to the MLS, providing themost comprehensive and current listings. I can filter homesbased on your criteria and offer insights into off-marketproperties.Viewing Homes and What to Look ForWhen viewing homes, examine the property’s condition,including structure, roof, and foundation. Assess the layoutand neighborhood suitability. Take notes and photos tocompare properties later.

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Open HouseAttending open houses allows you to tour propertiesand get a feel for the neighborhood without needing anappointment. You can walk through the home, examine its features,and envision living there. Expect to be greeted by thelisting agent, who can provide additional details andanswer any questions.Open houses offer several advantages, such asconvenience since you can drop in without scheduling,the ability to compare multiple properties in one day,and gaining insights into market trends and pricing.As your agent, I can help you evaluate the propertiesyou visit. We’ll discuss your impressions, compare them to otherhomes, and strategize the next steps if you’re interestedin making an offer. My goal is to ensure you have all the information neededto make an informed decision.LET’S FIND YOUR HOME!What to Expect at an Open HouseBenefits of Attending Open HousesEvaluating Open Houses with Your Agent

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to the exciting journey of buying a home!I know this adventure brings a mix of emotions: the thrill of a new chapter, theanticipation of finding your perfect home, the hope of creating lifelong memories,and perhaps some nervousness about the process.That's why I created this comprehensive Home Buyer's Consultation just for you!My mission is to make this complex process as easy and clear as possible, ensuringyour home-buying journey is successful, enjoyable, and stress-free. For me, it's notjust a transaction; it's about helping you realize your dream of homeownership.Welcome!ANGIE GOODENR e a l t o r843-576-9551Angela.gooden@carolinaone.comhttps://www.homesbyangiegooden.com1909 State Rd, Summerville, SC

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Before making an offer, it's essential to study recent sales of comparable homes in the area(often termed "comps"). This research will give you a clear understanding of the current marketvalue, which should guide your offer.Know Your BudgetIt's easy to get carried away, especially for a property you love, but it's critical to know yourfinancial ceiling. Remember, homeownership entails additional expenses such as property taxes, utilities, andmaintenance.Consider the Home's ConditionUnderstand the Seller's Position: The duration a property has been on the market can indicatethe seller's willingness to negotiate. If the home has been listed for several months with littleinterest, the seller may be more receptive to lower offers.Making an OfferDeciding on an offer price can be one of the most nerve-wracking stages of the home-buyingprocess. It's a delicate balance between securing a good deal for yourself and presenting anattractive proposition to the seller. Let's break down the strategies to make your offer stand out:Market Research is Your CompassThe state of the home can significantly influence your offer. Has it been recently updated, ordoes it require substantial renovations? These factors should affect your initial bid.A N G I E G O O D E N - B U Y E R C O N S U L T A T I O N

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Inspections & AppraisalsHome inspections are a crucial step in the buyingprocess. They provide an in-depth look at theproperty’s condition, helping you avoid costlysurprises. A professional inspector will assess the home’sstructure, systems, and overall safety, ensuring itmeets your expectations.During an inspection, some common issues mightbe uncovered, such as roof damage, plumbingproblems, electrical issues, and foundation cracks. Identifying these problems early allows forrenegotiation with the seller or ensures necessaryrepairs are made before closing.Appraisals determine the home’s market value andare essential for securing a mortgage. Lendersrequire appraisals to ensure the loan amountaligns with the property’s worth. A fair appraisal protects you from overpaying andensures a sound investment.Importance of Home InspectionsCommon Issues Found in InspectionsRole of Appraisals in the Buying ProcessA N G I E G O O D E N - B U Y E R C O N S U L T A T I O N

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The ClosingClosing is the final step in your home buying journey. Thisprocess involves signing the necessary paperwork to transferownership of the property. It’s the moment when you officially become the homeowner.Several documents are required during closing, including theloan agreement, property deed, and closing disclosure. You’ll need to review and sign these documents, ensuring allterms are understood and agreed upon. Your agent andlender will guide you through this process..Closing costs typically range from 2-5% of the home’spurchase price and include fees for services like appraisals,title insurance, and loan origination. It’s essential to budget for these expenses in advance. I’llprovide a detailed breakdown of costs to help you prepare.Overview of the Closing ProcessRequired Documentation and ProceduresClosing Costs and How to Prepare for ThemA N G I E G O O D E N - B U Y E R C O N S U L T A T I O N

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Moving InPreparing for your move involves organizing and packing your belongings, arranging formovers, and planning the logistics of moving day. Starting early and staying organized can make the process smoother and less stressful.A final walkthrough of the property is conducted a day or two before closing. This ensures thehome is in the agreed-upon condition and that any requested repairs have been completed. It’s your last chance to address any issues before finalizing the purchase.Preparing for the MoveBefore moving in, ensure all utilities and services, such as electricity, water, internet, andgarbage collection, are set up and transferred to your name. Contact service providers a few weeks before your move to schedule activation.Setting Up Utilities and ServicesFinal Walkthrough Before Moving InA N G I E G O O D E N - Y O U R R E A L E S T A T E A G E N T

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Post-Move ConsiderationsSettling into Your New HomeHome Maintenance TipsImportance of Homeowner’s InsuranceMoving into a new home is just the beginning. Take time to settle in and familiarize yourself withyour new surroundings. Unpack essentials first, get to know your neighbors, and explore local amenities. Creating acomfortable and organized space will help you feel at home more quickly.Regular maintenance is key to preserving your home’s value and functionality. Keep aschedule for routine tasks like changing HVAC filters, inspecting the roof, and cleaninggutters. Address minor repairs promptly to prevent them from becoming major issues.Homeowner’s insurance protects your investment by covering potential damages and lossesdue to events like fires, storms, or theft. Make sure your policy is up to date and providesadequate coverage for your home and belongings.M A R L A J U L I A - B U Y E R C O N S U L T A T I O N

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Legal Aspects of BuyingBuying a home involves several legal considerations to ensure a smooth and secure transaction. Theseinclude understanding contracts, reviewing disclosures, and conducting title searches. The purchase contract outlines the sale terms, while disclosures provide details about the property'scondition, and title searches confirm the seller's legal right to sell the property and ensure there are noliens.Having legal representation during the home buying process is crucial for protecting your interests. A real estate attorney can review contracts and documents to ensure accuracy and address any legalissues, such as property disputes or title concerns. An attorney provides peace of mind by handling all legal aspects, allowing you to focus on findingand securing your new home.Importance of Having Legal RepresentationUnderstanding the Legal Aspects of Property PurchaseA N G I E G O O D E N - B U Y E R C O N S U L T A T I O N

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HOA ConsiderationsWhat to Know About HOAsHomeowner’s Associations (HOAs) manage and maintain commonareas and enforce community rules within neighborhoods orcondominium complexes. HOAs charge monthly or annual fees to cover costs such aslandscaping, shared amenities like pools and gyms, and generalupkeep. They also enforce rules regarding property appearance and behavior,which can include guidelines on landscaping, exterior paint colors, andnoise levels. Pros and Cons of Living in an HOA CommunityLiving in an HOA community offers several benefits, including well-maintained amenities, attractive common areas, and enforcedneighborhood standards that help preserve property values. However, it also means adhering to HOA rules and paying regularfees. While the standards contribute to a pleasant living environment,some homeowners may find the rules restrictive and the feesburdensome. Weighing these pros and cons is important to determine if an HOAcommunity fits your lifestyle and preferences. A N G I E G O O D E N - B U Y E R C O N S U L T A T I O N

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TestimonialsChoosing Angie as my realtor was the best decision Imade. Her consistency, perseverance, and genuinecommitment to my dream were remarkable.Sha’kia WilliamsA veteran that goes above and beyond. She soldmy parents house in two weeks, so when it cametime to put my house on the market I knew I hadchoose the right agent to sell my homeStacey Junsay-FisherWe couldn’t be happier with the service provided byAngie from Palmetto Elite Group. Her expertise not onlyhelped us sell our home incredibly fast but also ensuredwe got full asking price.K. DavisA N G I E G O O D E N - B U Y E R C O N S U L T A T I O N

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Questions? Let’s Clear Them Up!How do you handle communication throughout the home buying process?I prioritize regular updates and open communication via phone, email, or in-personmeetings to ensure your questions and concerns are addressed promptly.How do you handle negotiations on behalf of your clients?I leverage my expertise to negotiate the best terms for you, whether it's price,contingencies, or contract terms, ensuring outcomes that align with your goals.How do you assist with the mortgage approval process?I guide you through the mortgage approval process by connecting you withtrusted lenders, helping you gather necessary documents, and advising you onthe best mortgage options for your financial situation.Can you tell me more about the homeowner association (HOA) and itsfees?The HOA maintains community amenities and common areas. Fees coverlandscaping, maintenance, and amenities like pools or gyms. I can provide detailsabout HOA rules, regulations, and fees for the property you're interested in.

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It's not just about the money—it's about creating the perfectmatch between buyer and seller.I'm here to connect dreams withhomes, one perfect match at atime.-ANGIE GOODENLET'S WORK TOGETHER!A N G I E G O O D E N - B U Y E R C O N S U L T A T I O N

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As a retired Air Force veteran and Military RelocationProfessional, I bring reliability, trustworthiness, and a deepunderstanding of military relocations to my work as a Realtor.I’m passionate about helping military families and first-timehomebuyers find their perfect home in the Lowcountry.Recognized as a 2022 Charleston Realtor of Distinction, I amcommitted to providing a seamless, stress-free experience,built on values of quality, integrity, and customer satisfaction.Let’s make your home-buying journey a successful andenjoyable one.“ G u i d i n g Y o u H o m e ”Meet Angie GoodenBuying a home can feel overwhelming, but with me by your side, it doesn'thave to be! I'm here to ensure a smooth, stress-free experience, bringing myexpertise and dedication directly to you. Let's get started on this excitingjourney together!

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As your trusted real estate agent, I'mdedicated to helping you find yourperfect home with the expertise andcare you deserve. Stay informed andengaged by connecting with methrough my website or social mediachannels—let’s make this excitingjourney together!CALL ME TODAY! LET’S FIND YOUR HOMEI am committed to making this transition as smooth as possible for you. By providingregular updates, personalized support, and expert advice, my aim is to achieve thebest possible home!Feel free to contact me at any time with questions or concerns. Let’s turn your realestate goals into reality!Let’s Find Your Home!T h a n k Y o u !A N G I E G O O D E NR E A L E S T A T E A G E N TA N G I E G O O D E N - B U Y E R C O N S U L T A T I O N

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What to Expect?Initial Consultationand Goal SettingAccessibility& ResponsivenessRegular Updates &FeedbackHonest andTransparentCommunicationFull Support forYour Real EstateGoalsNegotiation andClosingManagementAs I mentioned, I am committed to meeting your expectations. You can counton me for regular updates, honest and transparent communication, and fullsupport throughout the home-buying process!LET'S WORK TOGETHER!Let’s stay connected!@buywithangiegooden

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I represent your best interests and are dedicated to helping you find and purchaseyour ideal home.BUYER’S AGENT COMMITMENT01Transparency - Commitment to YouAt Homes by Angie Gooden, I believe in complete transparency and open communicationthroughout the home buying process. Our goal is to provide you with all the information youneed to make informed decisions and to ensure you feel confident and supported every step ofthe way.I offer expert advice, market insights, and negotiation skills to ensure you get thebest possible outcome.PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE02I clearly outline our compensation structure upfront, so you know exactly how weget paid.NO HIDDEN FEES03I explain all potential compensation scenarios, ensuring you understand how eachsituation might affect you.COMPENSATION SCENARIOS04My commission structure is transparent and straightforward, with no hidden fees.We will discuss all potential costs with you upfront.CLEAR COMMISSION STRUCTURE05I adhere to the highest ethical standards as set by the National Association ofRealtors (NAR).ETHICAL STANDARDS06

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TRANSPARENT COMPENSATIONHOW YOUR AGENT IS COMPENSATED?At Homes by Angie Gooden, I believe in complete transparency regarding our compensation. It'simportant that you understand how I’m compensated for the services I provide and that there are nohidden fees involved.HOW I GET PAID?Commission-Based Compensation: As your buyer's agent, I typically earn a commission based on thesale price of the home you purchase. This commission is generally paid by the seller at closing.No Extra Costs to You: In most transactions, my commission is included in the sale price of the home, soyou don't have to pay medirectly out of pocket.Negotiation and Representation: My goal is to negotiate the best possible price and terms for you, ensuringthat the value we bring exceeds the cost of our commission.ENSURING TRANSPARENCYUpfront Disclosure: I provide a clear and detailed explanation of our compensation structure from thebeginning. You'll know exactly how we are paid before we start working together.No Hidden Fees: I’m committed to transparency, and there are no hidden fees or unexpected charges. Allpotential costs are disclosed upfront, ensuring you have a complete understanding of your financialcommitments.LET’S FIND YOUR HOME!

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COMPENSATION SCENARIOSIt's essential to understand the various compensation scenarios that might arise duringyour home purchase and how they could affect you:SELLER OFFERING FULL COMPENSATIONStandard Practice: In the majority of real estate transactions, the seller offers to pay the fullcommission for both the listing agent and the buyer's agent.Impact on You: There are no additional costs to you as the buyer. The commission is typicallybuilt into the sale price of the home.SELLER OFFERING PARTIAL COMPENSATIONScenario: In some cases, the seller may offer less than the standard commission to the buyer'sagent.HOW WE HANDLE IT?Negotiation: I will negotiate with the listing agent to try to secure the full commission.Adjustment in Purchase Price: You may choose to increase your offer price slightly to cover thedifference, ensuring that our services are fully compensated.Direct Payment: Alternatively, you might agree to pay the difference directly at closing to coverour commission.Impact on You: Depending on the approach, there could be a minor adjustment in the overall cost.We will discuss all options with you to ensure you make an informed decision.

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SELLER OFFERING NO COMPENSATIONScenario: Occasionally, a seller may choose not to offer any commission to the buyer's agent.HOW WE HANDLE IT?Negotiation: I will attempt to negotiate with the seller or listing agent to reconsider theirposition.Direct Compensation: If the seller remains firm, you would need to cover my commissiondirectly. This can be negotiated as part of your purchase agreement.Impact on You: This is the rarest scenario and would involve direct compensation from you toensure you are fully represented. A N G I E G O O D E N C O N S U L T A T I O N

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Buyer Commission SheetLegal Guidance3%Eliteof purchase priceDesigned for those who expect thehightest level of personalized care andexpert guidance.Property Search AssistanceDetailed Market AnalysisNegotiation SupportTransaction CoordinationInspection CoordinationFinancing AssistancePost-Sale SupportRegulatory GuidanceHome Valuation ServicesExclusive Property AccessHome Warranty ServiceRelocation AssistanceLifestyle Integration ServicesInterior Design ConsultationConcierge ServicesUnderstanding Your Agent's Commission: This section outlines your agent's commission structure, providingtransparency on the costs and services included. Typically, the commission is a percentage of the purchaseprice and covers various services such as finding properties, negotiating with sellers, and managing thepaperwork. Clear details here ensure you understand the value and professional support provided throughout the buyingprocess! Exclusive Homes for Heroes Discount As part of the Homes for Heroes program, I’m proud to offer special commission savings to militarypersonnel, veterans, law enforcement, healthcare professionals, teachers, and firefighters. This programallows me to give back to those who serve by offering a significant discount on my commission.Typical savings range from $700 to $3,000 depending on the price of the home. Thank you for your service!