Brad Ramsey about Number words 205-270 Milan St. Toronto, ON (416) 928-1231
B. A. RAMSEY / FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS IN THE OCCULT / 3 INTRODUCTION This book follows closely Volume 1 of the nineteen thirty-three posthumous editions of Occult Theosophy written by Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), who describes herself as “an international political investigator into the causes of social unrest”, and who warns women how their own and their children’s future are at the mercy of “forces” of a secret world’s subversive upheavals, and the overthrow of the principles of Christian civilization. Perhaps now in the full first quarter of the twenty-first century this overthrow has characterized western civilization partly as one of secularism, bureaucracy, political correctness, diversity, and empathy, nonetheless the information her Lady provides about esoteric community is extremely valuable and
B. A. RAMSEY / FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS IN THE OCCULT / 4 interesting, the synopsis of which I pass onto the reader in the following chapters. When possible recent texts have been used in conjunction with my main source, which are not meant to contradict the original author’s opinions, but to shed more information about the “forces” and “secret world” she strongly believes are fundamentally dangerous to the “protection of decency” and “equal rights”, and to leave it to readers to draw their own conclusions – indeed to become “vice adepts” – to secure the necessary three factors being “a flawless life, independent means, and real friends, all three of which must be backed by a fearless determination to fight evil on all points of the Masonic compass” and I concur with the author. Although I relied heavily on my source to complete this book, the opinions expressed in it, as well as the presentation of
B. A. RAMSEY / FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS IN THE OCCULT / 5 the extra matter corresponding to its subject, whether it is judged to follow closely with Lady Queenborough’s work or differ is for the reader to decide, yet it was my own decision to arrive at this final result, and therefore so are any faults unavoidably also my own which the book contains. Like her Lady indicates I also intend to let readers form their own conclusions and subsequently included my own opinions only if I was satisfied with my research and experience as being necessary and sufficient conditions of personal critique of the texts that complied with my resort to remain impartial in the final product you have before you to read.
B. A. RAMSEY / FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS IN THE OCCULT / 6 1. FREE MASONS, ORDER OF The origins of the secret organization of Free Masonry are not precisely known. In 1717 with the founding of the Grand Lodge – an association of Masonic lodges – in England, National organized Freemasonry began. From the traditions of the stonemasonry guilds of the Middle Ages, it is widely believed that Freemason societies emerged. Working stonemasons had lodges where they discussed their trade, but, since cathedral buildings were on the decline, honorary members were accepted to some of the lodges. Giving rise to symbolic Freemasonry, some of these operative lodges became “speculative” lodges, and in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries they adopted the accoutrement of ancient religious orders and chivalric brotherhoods. Over the centuries, a
B. A. RAMSEY / FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS IN THE OCCULT / 7 mythologized history for their society that Freemasons themselves developed has traced their tradition back to King Solomon.