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Amici Cannis

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WELCOME Thank you for your recent gift to Amici Cannis Your donation means that dogs who find their way to Amici Cannis receive the medical care love and life saving services they deserve and ultimately a chance to live a healthy happy life To us you are more than a donor You are now a part of the Amici Cannis family In this Welcome Packet you will see the many ways to get involved with Amici Cannis As a new donor you will also receive periodic updates on the impact of your gift If you have any questions regarding the information you receive feel free to reach out to us at donations amicicannisusa org Thank you for your passion and generosity Alexandra Rothlisberger Executive Director Heather Steyn DVM Founder and Medical Director

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MORE WAYS TO GIVEM O N T H L YG I V I N GMonthly donations provideus with dependable incomefor community dogs and theindigenous communitymembers who love them.C O R P O R A T ES P O N S O R S H I PDemonstrate your company’scommitment to the well-being of animals andIndigenous Peoples bysponsoring our programs. C O M P A N YM A T C HDouble or triple your impactby requesting your companyto match your donation.A N I M A LH O S P I T A LOur full-service hospitaloffers high-quality andaffordable vaccinations,spay/neuter, diagnostics, andsurgeries.

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MORE WAYS TO GIVEA T T E N DE V E N T SJoin us at one of our houseparties to show your supportof the animals and people ofEcuador.C A P I T A LC A M P A I G NDonate to help us to build anew hospital and save evenmore lives. Namingopportunities are available.L E G A C Y G I F TLeave a legacy that willchange lives by giftingthrough a will, trust orretirement account. V O L U N T E E RShare your gifts with us!There are many ways tosupport our mission throughvolunteering.

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Mission Our mission is to promote animal welfare reduce overpopulation and educate the people on the humane treatment of animals in the indigenous villages of Cotacachi Ecuador through sterilization veterinary care campaigns and educational programs Our Work Amici Cannis Hospital is staffed by highly trained Ecuadorian veterinarians and technicians and our equipment and protocols are to North American standards By conducting a semi annual roaming dog census we track our progress and document the impact of our work in the lives of the animals We maintain a good working relationship with the municipality and provide access to life saving veterinary care to the residents of Cotacachi and the surrounding indigenous villages Our greatest achievement to date is the improvement in the welfare Cotacachi s large community dog population through a robust veterinary care program 3 545 Indigenous Families Assisted 14 256 Sick Injured Animals Treated 10 758 Animals Spayed Neutered Vaccinated 1 696 Stray Dogs Cats Served

Page 6 970 305 4923info@amicicannisusa.org1008 Centre Avenue, Fort Collins,CO 80526Amici CannisAmici Cannis