MRS MARYLAND PETITE USAPLATFORM - CROHN'S DISEASE"KICKIN' CROHN'S"Am elia Meyers Rosenwach is an actress, singer-songwriter, wife, mother, voice teacher, art s therapist, sm all business owner, and t he current Mrs. Maryland Petit e USA. Am elia was diagnosed wit h Crohn?s Disease when she was 17 years old. Aft er years of trial and error wit h different medicat ions, she nearly lost her life to the disease in 2012. When she was diagnosed, there weren't any support groups or resourceful places to turn t o. It was scary, isolating, embarrassing, and life-alt ering. It becam e her mission to help as many people with Crohn?s disease as possible. In March 2023, aft er officially part nering with t he Crohn's and Colitis Foundat ion, Amelia launched Kickin? Crohn?s, an online weekly support group for t hose affect ed by Crohn?s disease where t hey can come to a safe, non-judgmental place, and receive the support and communit y they so desperately need and deserve. Kickin? Crohn?s meet s every Wednesday at 2pm EST. Visit to join t he group. She plans on releasing a cookbook, the Kickin? Crohn?s podcast , and a cooking-themed talk show to support the Crohn?s com munit y, those with aut oimmune disorders, and those who want t o take charge of their healt h.Am elia began her acting career at age 5 in a Giant Food commercial. She grew up performing musical theat re and dancing wit h the Russian Moscow State Ballet in their annual holiday perform ance of t he Nutcracker in Washington DC. During college, she at tended the British Am erican Drama Academ y in Oxford and received her BA in Musical Theatre from American University. Aft er graduation, Am elia m oved t o Los Angeles. She has been on ?General Hospit al? (ABC), ?Days of Our Lives? (NBC), and ?All My Children? (ABC) as well as multiple web series and independent films. She received a Best Supporting Actress nominat ion at the Milan Int ernat ional Film Festival for t he film ?Show Business? (Am azon Prime), and recently won Best Actress at Scorpiusfest for the film ?I Will Not Take Care of You.? The Covid 19 pandem ic forced Amelia and her family back t o Maryland where she becam e Mrs. Maryland Petit e USA 2023, beginning an incredible and unexpected adventure. Her whole world is her family- her husband Jason and her two young daught ers, Lilah and Helena.Crohn?s and Colitis Foundation?s Annual ?The Great Gutsby Gala?,The Golf Fore Gut s TournamentCrohn?s and Colit is Take Steps WalkMATT BOYD PHOTOGRAPHY