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Alpha-Omega Miracle Home, Summer 2024 Newsletter

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From our hearts to yours! Alpha-Omega Miracle Home Summer Newsletter Thu, Jul 18, 2024 Miracles and Milestones- Summer NewsletterA Note From LisaDear friends,This summer has been a busy one so far! For a season that is supposed to be the most relaxing, somehow it has not slowed down for AOMH! We are still seeing the need for more housing. Good news- we are progressing greatly in our Building A Better Tomorrow Campaign. The land has been prepared and we are now in the process of beginning the second phase of building the 20, two & three bedroom residential housing units for our single moms, their children and our senior women. Construction will begin in the fall.Recently, I received several graduationinvitations and pictures of the childrenof past residents and those we helpedthrough community outreach serviceswho have now graduated from HighSchool and are looking toward collegein the Fall. I was able to attend onegraduation, what an honor. This alwaysputs a smile on my face and joy in my heartas I remember back to earlier years whenthese single moms entered into ourprogram or received assistance and werein situations that seemed hopeless at thetime. When they experienced hope,received purpose, and pursued their goalsit drastically changed the trajectory of their lives and their children’s lives as well. What they gained was a vision of the “more” of what they could achieve and that is now being passed through the generations. It is extra special to know these children were raised understanding God’s love for them. These are the stories that are life-confirming and an encouragement toall of us, and YOU are a special part of each one.

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In June, I finally got to visit thebirthplace of Dolly Parton! I was invitedby Don Wenner, CEO and founder of DLPCapital, to be a special guest at theirFamily Legacy Conference in Sevierville,Tennessee. We are one of the non-profitsthey support through their Positive ReturnsFoundation. It was a time of refreshing andgrowth for me. The focus was on vision,purpose, and legacy. It hit close to home.Not only are we helping women andchildren pursue their purpose, I too, am intune with our evolving vision as we areexpanding capacity to meet the growingneeds of those coming to us. This helpedme take the time to evaluate the nextseason for us as we are setting goals andgrowing. We are preparing! One thing that remains the same is mygrateful heart when I think about each andevery one of you, our wonderful donors,volunteers, and prayer partners, who makethis outreach and new growth possible.Without you, the work that we do and the impact on the lives of those we serve would nothappen. (Photo: Nancy Fout, AOMH friend and supporter and Lisa Franklin, CEO)“We are wired for purposeful human connection and contribution, and without, wewither”. ~Bob Buford These human connections and contributions is what love and leaving a legacy is all about.Giving hope to the hopeless, love to those who seem unlovable, and dignity to the mostvulnerable. Your partnership with us is changing lives and leaving a powerful legacy! Thank you! In gratitude,Lisa Franklin, CEO

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The foundation has been laid and we are making amazing progress on our new campus. Wehave completed Phase 1, which includes the site work and infrastructure. Phase 2 isunderway with construction of the first set of apartments scheduled to start in the fall of 2024.We are actively raising the funds needed to complete Phase 2 and we are half way to ourgoal.Alpha-Omega Miracle Home’s new Campus will provide 8 two-bedroom apartments and 12three – bedroom apartments for a total 20 new homes that can shelter 92 mothers, children,and seniors.The new campus will expand our housing capacity by 50%, providing a safe environmentwhere mothers and children with senior women can heal, grow, and make transformationallife changes.If you would like to take a tour of our new campus and join us to makesafe, secure housing a reality for women and children in need, contactNancy Kelley, Chief Development Officer at or 904-982-4225.Scan/Click QR codeto learn more aboutBuilding A BetterTomorrowBuilding a Better Tomorrow Campaign Update

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MAKE A DONATIONTO TRANSFORMLIVESBECOME A MONTHYMIRACLE GIVINGPARTNERMEETING THE NEEDS OF OURRESIDENTS AND THE GREATERCOMMUNITY2ND QUARTER 2024• 12,770 DIAPERSgiven out through our diaper bank• 860 CALLSreceived for housing and resource assistance• 2,118 RIDESprovided for program residents to school, work andappointments• 696 LIFE SKILLS HOURSattended by our program residents• 3,605 SAFE BED NIGHTSfor women and children• 119 MENTAL HEALTHcounseling hours provided for program residentsOur Senior Women Have Adopted a New Name!W.O.W. (Women of Wisdom) UpdateThe W.O.W. ladies ofAlpha-Omega are in unity.Together, these women came together to doa 30 day challenge. Doing a devotional,eating healthy and implementing chairexercising.The weekly group time has helped bring thereal purpose and importance of communityin the program. They visit the local freshproduce market weekly, and have alsoattended water aerobics and fellowshippedwhile making lunch together.Mid-July they have a retreat scheduled toOrlando. They will worship, share the love ofJesus and enjoy the beautiful scenery.Every life matters and the seniors of Alpha-Omega Miracle Home are a special group ofladies finding their God given purpose.

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Young Mothers and ChildrenG.R.O.W. Program Update(Gain, Rise, Open, Win)Education Goals Are BeingAccomplished.One of our moms, Katie, graduatedOPEN and is now in the last phase of ourprogram, WIN. After the last phase she willbe ready to transition into permanenthousing. Another one of our moms hasgraduated from First Coast TechnicalCenter and is now working full-time in hernew career. We have four residentsobtaining further education and fiveresidents working full-time. (Photo: with KathyEstes, Residential Case Manager)New Trauma Support Group Started onCampus.80% of the women we serve have experienced domesticabuse or are healing from multiple traumas.Recently, we started Serenity Sisters, a trauma informedsupport group that walks through biblical healing andcharacter building principles together. Our moms have thechoice to attend weekly to strengthen themselves and know they are not alone. New Beginnings Happen Everyday at Alpha-Omega Miracle Home!Two of our mom's were baptized at Champion Church! Our community came out to support and witness the miracle of what God does when we make a choice to surrender our old ways to his new beginnings!

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On Independence Day we celebrated our freedomwith fun, food and fellowship! Critical Transportation NeedOur program van has seen thousands of happy miles through the years carrying many women and children to daycare, college and career classes, doctor appointments, community outings, church, among many other places and it is on its last leg!Scan QR code to donate towards G.R.O.W Program Van We are in need of a new eight passenger van for ourG.R.O.W. program. Thanks to two very generous friends of AOMH who love our moms, their children and senior ladies just as much as you do, a $20,000 match for a new van has been pledged. If you contribute today or up until July 31st your donation will go twice as far when dollar for dollar is matched! Please click the link below and know more women and children will secure better futures because of your help. Thank you for your consideration and generosity!DONATE NOW

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Alpha-Omega Thrift Store UpdateAlpha-Omega Thrift Store loves volunteers! They come tous from churches, schools, and community organizations,etc. We also work with our local judicial system to provideopportunities for qualified individuals to perform communityservice within our facility, in order to give back to theircommunity. Occasionally, a particular person stands out to us, and weare able to offer them a job to help further stabilize theirfuture. One such person is Tyler. Recently, our StoreManager had the privilege of attending his graduation fromdrug court. Tyler has worked very hard over the last year toimplement the steps necessary to successfully complete allrequirements to graduate. He is not only drug-free but hasalso completed his probation and is in good standing in ourcommunity. We are super proud of him. His next goal is toreunite with his daughter, please pray for them. Tyler has many responsibilities and is a dedicated team member at Alpha-Omega ThriftStore. Your support truly touches more lives than you may even know. Tyler is just one ofthem.Thanks to the generosity of those who donate items to the Thrift Store and are deeplycommitted to our mission, we receive above-average merchandise as donations. This allowsus to offer a wide selection of clothing and household goods at significant savings to ourshoppers. In addition, it provides over 30% of funding for our GROW Program and is a crucialresource for our community to access low-cost goods. We invite you to come by, say hello,and check out our latest deals. Click or scan QR codeto get connectedto our Thrift Store:Shop - Donate - VolunteerNina Craven,Alpha-Omega Thrift Store ManagerOpen Mon-Sat 9-5(904) 217-3569Westgate Plaza • 525 SR-16 ESaint Augustine, FL 32084

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Upcoming Event Information SAVE THE DATEThursdayNovember 7th, 2024Would you like to be a sponsor for thisevent?Contact Audra Young, Event Coordinatorat Audra@aomh.orgFriday March 7th, 2025Join the movement and help us buildawareness about homelessness on thelocal level.If you would like to volunteer at Alpha-Omega Miracle Home contact Twanna Swift,Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@aomh.orgUnsubscribeAlpha-Omega Miracle Home, Inc2860 Collins Ave. St. Augustine, FL 32084