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ANNUAL REPORTFiscal Year 2024July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 Message

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Dear Friends of Almost Home, As we reflect on fiscal year 2024, we are filled withgratitude and pride for the remarkable progress AlmostHome has made in strengthening our mission anddeepening our impact in the communities we serve. FY24 has been one of growth, innovation, andcollaboration! We are excited to share some of themilestones and successes that have shaped our journey.Looking back, FY24 has also been a transformative yearfor Almost Home programs. We have shifted from beingprimarily crisis responders to focusing on long-termsustainability, ensuring that the services and programswe offer are not only impactful but also enduring. Wehave worked tirelessly to enhance and expand ourprograms, build new collaborations, and refine ourapproach to meet the evolving needs of those we serve.In FY24, we expanded our domestic violence respitesheltering program, thanks to the support of AdamsCounty ARPA funds. This expansion allowed us to serveeven more families in need. We also took a leadershiprole in the development of a Family Justice Center in the17th Judicial District, ensuring that families facing crisishave access to the comprehensive services they need.Our family programs became more embedded in localschools, and we expanded our sheltering options,providing safe housing to 35 families in our family shelterand 36 more through hotel shelters. Through our HousingNavigation Center, we were able to connect 1,017individuals with vital resources, and 465 householdsreceived the support necessary to remain in their homesthrough our Housing Stability Program.We had the privilege of serving 3,207 individuals across 11diverse programs in FY24, all while continually refiningour services based on feedback from clients andprogram evaluations. The impact we’ve made would notbe possible without the dedication of our staff, partners,and supporters.Our fundraising efforts and special events wereespecially successful in FY24. We were thrilled to host ourfirst Appreciation Awards Breakfast, where we honoredthe exceptional individuals and organizations whosededication and support continue to drive our missionforward. Their commitment is truly inspiring, and it’sthrough their efforts that we can make such a profoundimpact on the lives of those we serve.We relocated our annual Spring Out of HomelessnessBenefit to the Waymire Dome at Riverdale Regional Parkto accommodate the growing number of attendees. Dr. Jessica FiedlerExecutive DirectorDelaney CoeDeputy DirectorThis event, “Lights, Camera, Auction,” surpassedexpectations and became our most successful annualfundraiser ever. The enthusiasm at this event waspalpable. We are deeply grateful for everyone whoparticipated and made it such a resounding success.To foster deeper connections with the community, weintroduced Coffee & Conversation which allowed ourleadership team to engage directly with communitymembers. These informal gatherings provided anopportunity to share our work, listen to feedback, andcultivate new partnerships.Our budget has increased to support our expandingprograms and initiatives. We’ve worked diligently tostreamline our practices and ensure compliancethrough the addition of new controls and structures.These changes will help us continue to grow andadapt in the years to come.We are deeply thankful for the unwavering support ofour donors, volunteers, and partners. Together, we aremaking a lasting difference in the lives of individualsand families on their journey toward stability. As wemove into the next chapter, we look forward to thecontinued opportunity to serve and empower thosewho need us most.With gratitude,Almost Home Leadership TeamAmber WrightFinance DirectorRachel MonroePhilanthropy &Communications DirectorDelaney CoeRachel MonroeAmber WrightDr. Jessica Fiedler

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Board of DirectorsPeter PadillaPresidentBoard MemberSince: 2017Heidi WilliamsVice-PresidentBoard Member Since: 2022Caleb WhetstineTreasurerBoard Member Since: 2023Andrea WielandSecretaryBoard Member Since: 2019Justin AdcockBoard MemberSince: 2024Elizabeth BednarcikBoard MemberSince: 2023Adam BrownBoard MemberSince: 2021Jaime CampbellBoard MemberSince: 2022Dr. Jessica FiedlerBoard MemberSince: 2022Tom GreenBoard MemberSince: 2016Troy HagemanBoard MemberSince: 2017Aaron HerreraBoard MemberSince: 2022Peggy JarrettBoard MemberSince: 2024Becky MandezBoard MemberSince: 2024Justin MartinezBoard MemberSince: 2024Tom SkerjanecBoard MemberSince: 2019Sarah StormoBoard MemberSince: 2024“We must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference, and thata small group of determined people can change the course of history.” ~Sonia JohnsonLearn More

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ELEVATEVISION, MISSION, & VALUESOUR MISSION:OUR VISION:The mission of Almost Home, Inc. is to empower self-sustainability by providing resource navigation, assistance,and guidance to those experiencing housing instability.The vision of Almost Home, Inc. is a community in which allpeople have equitable access to safe and sustainablehousing.STAFFLeadershipDr. Jessica Fiedler, Executive DirectorDelaney Coe, Deputy DirectorAmber Wright, Finance DirectorRachel Monroe, Philanthropy &Communications DirectorDevelopment & OperationsNicole Cavalino, Grants ManagerLily Kapitan, Impact ManagerAmanda Lucero, Donor & VolunteerEngagement ManagerMonica Schafer, Events CoordinatorKailey Brown, Communications andMarketing CoordinatorKeely Miller, Office ManagerHolly Gifford, Office AssistantEmergency Shelter & OutreachProgramsElizabeth Sustaita, Housing ServicesPrograms ManagerNicole Criner, SWAP CoordinatorCesar Aldaco, SWAP CoordinatorPacquin Appiah, SWAP NavigatorDiana Harris, Housing NavigatorToby Smith, Housing NavigatorScott Bright, Housing NavigatorRapid Re-Housing ProgramsBreann Riley, Rapid Re-HousingPrograms ManagerSabrina Scott, Rapid Re-HousingCoordinatorChristian Quezada, Rapid Re-HousingCoordinatorEli Rose, Rapid Re-Housing CoordinatorTiffani Cofield, Youth Rapid Re-HousingCoordinatorVeronica Rodriguez, Housing LiaisonFamily ProgramsStarr Trujillo, Family Programs ManagerAlejandra Ruiz, Next Step CoordinatorEstephanie Xolo, Housing NavigatorHousing Stability ProgramsJeanette Martinez, Housing StabilityPrograms ManagerNancy Contizano, Housing CaseManagerCourtney O'Callaghan, Housing StabilityProgram NavigatorLaura Franco, Housing Navigation CenterCoordinatorMerle Chavez, Program NavigatorEMPOWERCOMPASSIONCOLLABORATIONRESPECTAt Almost Home, we empower others togrow and evolve by providing them thenecessary tools, training, and resourcesto foster a sense of belonging, self-sufficiency, and value.OUR VALUES:At Almost Home, we elevate others toreach their full potential withencouragement, support and invitingthem to be part of the conversationwhere their voice can be heard andvalued.At Almost Home, we demonstratecompassion towards the programparticipants we serve, showingempathy, respect, and dignity for thechallenges they are facing.At Almost Home, we encouragecollaboration with individuals, partnerorganizations, and communities tomaximize our impact. We recognizeand embrace the idea that we canachieve much more when we unite ourefforts.At Almost Home, we prioritize treatingthose we serve with respect. Werecognize their abilities and worth,value their feelings and perspectives,and embrace them as equals. We striveto extend to them the sameconsideration we would wish forourselves.

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PROGRAM & SERVICESHousing StabilityOur Housing Stability Program offers emergency support and short-termcase management for households facing the threat of eviction, foreclosure,or utility disconnection.Respite HousingOur Respite Housing Program offers immediate diversion services for thoseexperiencing situational homelessness. This includes motel vouchers for atwo-week stay, with flexibility for longer durations for households escapingdomestic violence.Emergency Family ShelterOur Emergency Family Shelter offers support to families experiencinghomelessness. During their stay, families focus on achieving self-sufficiencyand finding permanent housing solutions.Severe Weather Activation Program (SWAP)Our Severe Weather Activation Program offers essential motel vouchers toindividuals facing unsheltered homelessness during severe weatherconditions.Street OutreachOur Street Outreach Program offers engagement and case managementservices aimed at linking individuals facing unsheltered homelessness tohousing, shelter, and essential support services.Rapid Re-HousingOur Rapid Re-Housing Programs offer rental assistance along withcontinuous supportive, home-based case management services aimed athelping clients attain housing stability and long-term self-sufficiency.Housing Navigation Center (HNC)Our Housing Navigation Center offers support to walk-in participants facinghousing instability. We provide on-site resource navigation, referrals to ourprograms and partner organizations, and essential resources such asaccess to computers, printing services, mail assistance, as well as food andhygiene kits.

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FY2024 Revenue - $4,802,694Grants/Contracts90%Community Contributions10%Community Impact86.5%Management, Fundraising & Administration13.5%FINANCIALS FY2024 (July 2023 - June 2024)Visit download our most recent audit and 990 form.FY2024 Expenses - $4,927,801Community Contributions - $478,872Ending Net Assets = -$125,107Grants/Contracts - $4,323,822Management, Fundraising &Administration - $666,632Community Impact - $4,261,169

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I was 56 years old and my sister was 54 when I received the first email from Kailey fromAlmost Home (it's important to know that she found me and I'm still not sure why or how).We had been not just homeless but literally outside for over 4 years. We had also beengifted 2 puppies which we loved but we knew that it wouldn't last because nothing in thatworld is fit for that level of commitment and love. We were homeless for all of the reasonsone might expect but that's not at all important.I didn't think it was true or even possible that anyone would want to help us, I was sowrong. Kailey got us into a terrific 2 bedroom apartment in Greeley and I mean she madeit happen like NOW too. It was Friday September 29, 2023 when she sent a pet friendly Lyftto pick us up from our illegal camping spot in Fort Collins. This was something of a shockbecause we didn't think we'd be leaving on a Friday at the end of the month but as Kaileytells me now "I wanted you guys housed ASAP!". We went through some significantgrowing pains learning to be responsiblecitizens and respected in our community.Almost Home stuck with us. I know it tookme longer than what the initial planscalled for but they adjusted with us givingus time to heal and learn at the pace weneeded. We left our meth in the ruinedtent that we called home for all thoseyears and came to Greeley and got notjust better, we got great!Today we are in a way graduating onceagain, but today we are ready tograduate; today we are in the bestpossible position to take control of ourown lives and destiny. We love Greeley and we honestly neverwant to and won't ever leave Greeley. Wehave two sayings "it's not always badthings that happen" and what we call"Greeley/God/Universe”. These are stillvery new and almost suspect notions butwe say it's as real as the air you arecurrently breathing. Almost Home showedus that that we are worth something andbelieved in us and we in turn are thrivingand living an almost surreal life.I'm excited to pay my own way and retire in a couple of years. My sister aspires to be a localadvocate for better enforcement of leash laws and plans to set up a means to donateleashes, collars and harnesses to those pet owners in our community that need this help.Two years ago, neither one of us thought we'd still be alive no less championing for a safercommunity, you did that for us Almost Home. Thank You!Much appreciation, David, Debbie, Bailey and Flower LambDavid & Sabrina (case manager)Meet David | A Journey to Transforming Lives

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IMPACT REPORTHousing Stability ProgramsRental Assistance $1,032,350Utility Assistance $5,6851,447 individuals served7,323 hours of case managementHousing Services ProgramsMove In costs $118,232Rental Assistance $135,995Hotel Vouchers $994,4641,240 individuals served7,677 hours of case managementFamily ProgramsMove In Costs $18,118Rental Assistance $101,295Hotel Vouchers $60,835319 individuals served4,466 hours of case managementRapid Re-Housing ProgramsMove In Costs $37,919Rental and Utility Assistance$264,88493 individuals served4,600 hours of case managementchildren servedin FY241,0433,207individuals servedin FY24Almost Home Staff

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400Thanksgivingmeal basketsdistributed$amountraised atSpring Out 205 holiday giftsdistributed IMPACT REPORT1,017 Check-Ins in ourHousing NavigtionCenter$17,167Raised at the2023 Concertfor a Cause$126,561 Raised at the 2024Spring Out ofHomelessness Banquet79 Children served in our FamilyShelter

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Appreciation AwardsOutstanding Volunteer Award / Jim BraunAs a dedicated volunteer with the Knights of Columbus, Jim has devotedcountless hours to organizing our annual Thanksgiving Meal BasketProgram. He plays a key role in picking up food donations andparticipates in the Church of Latter-Day Saints’ food collection drive togather essential items for the meal baskets. Jim meticulously organizesand inventories all donated items to assess what additional contributionsare needed. Additionally, he generously volunteers his time to assistdonors during drop-off days. His invaluable efforts are crucial to thesuccess of this annual event, and we deeply appreciate his hard workand commitment. Legacy Award / Big Choice BrewingOwners Andrea and Nathaniel Miller have been unwavering supporters ofour cause since before they relocated their business to Brighton in 2016.They have consistently and graciously honored our requests for beerdonations for special events and have also contributed product and giftcards for our auctions. Additionally, they host an annual dine-to-donateevent at their brewery, with a portion of the proceeds benefiting AlmostHome. Big Choice Brewing is a vital partner, and we deeply appreciatetheir steadfast and generous support. Joe Gomez Award / Eric and Holly LoveladySince they began supporting Almost Home in 2020, Eric and Holly haveexemplified unwavering commitment. Their generosity has surpassedeven some of our government grants, making a significant impact. Theyare always eager to meet with our leadership to discuss our needs andexplore how they can further contribute. Their active involvementincludes attending numerous fundraising events. Last year, they joinedus for our Holiday Giving Tree party, where they experienced firsthandthe positive effect of their support. Additionally, they play a crucial role inthe success of our annual Spring Out of Homelessness Benefit. Eric andHolly, we are deeply grateful for your remarkable contributions and theopportunity to work with such generous individuals.The individuals listed below were chosen for their exceptional dedication to supporting our organization and advancing our mission. Together, we possess a strength far greater than what we could achieve individually.

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Community OutreachCoffee & ConversationBrighton ChamberNonprofit Spotlight LuncheonBrighton Fire Rescue District Resource FairAlmost Home AnnualStaff Planning RetreatAlmost HomeAppreciation Awards BreakfastCity of Brighton Annual BBQSpring Out ofHomelessnessBanquetConcert for a Cause

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Grants provide Almost Home a significant portion of our annual revenue. Almost Home is truly grateful to the government, foundation and community grantmakers that believe in our cause and have invested in our mission.GRANTS & SPONSORSHIPSSponsorships fill the gaps that grants do not meet and are a vital component inour fundraising efforts. Our generous sponsors provide foundational support forAlmost Home’s work and provides us the means to continue to meet our missionand assist our most vulnerable community members. A-One ChipsealA Perfect Location RealtyAaron HerreraAdams County CommissionersAdams County Sheriff’s OfficeBachus & Schanker Cares FoundationBank of ColoradoBlue Ribbon Hearing & Tinnitus CenterBrighton Cultural Arts CommissionBrighton Economic Development CorpBrighton Kiwanis ClubBrighton Urban Renewal AuthorityCity of BrightonCity of NorthglennColorado AccessColorado Housing and FinanceAuthorityCredit Union of ColoradoEleanor Silver Family in Memory of Ruth Ann GuetleinFeis & Company, PCFirstBankGolden AluminumGrinders FitnessHR ChoiceIndependent FinancialJaime & Michael CampbellJohnson Auto PlazaThank you to each and every one of our funders, donors, sponsors & volunteers. YOU are our success!Kristel Acre RealtyNorfolk Iron & Metal Company, Inc.North Range Behavioral HealthPeter ReinhardtPodium Benefits, Inc.RE/MAX MomentumRocky Mountain Tech TeamSimply PizzaSt. Anthony North HospitalSynergetic StaffingTilley Pressure TestTBK BankWaste Connections of ColoradoWayne's Electric, Inc.Worth Wealth Management

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JOIN OUR CIRCLE!Recurring giving is such an impactful way to support the fight against homelessness. By donating regularly, you provide essential, consistent funding that allows Almost Home to effectively plan and allocate resources.Thank you Recurring DonorsJustin AdcockLenae AndersenAngela & Trent BarberAndrew & Jennifer BellRandall & Shari BrodersenJaime & Michael CampbellChris & Jessica FiedlerKelly & Sue CorbettLindsey Grace EarlTom GreenBrett GruesnerMark & Julie HeidtKristina HoganJaime HopkinsArthur HubbardJames GrayJohn & Julie KarpKevin & Kristen KellySue Ann LassAmanda LuceroGerald LuceroJustin MartinezOrchard ChurchPeter Padilla & Alan LeybaZachary & Regina ReeceBonnie ReedJames ReisertKristin Nicole RobledoMonica SchaferJustin SchulwitzThomas & Cynthia SkerjanecLynn VeitTroy & Laura WhitmoreWilliam & Marie YooLearn MoreLEAVE A LEGACYWe have been monthly donors withAlmost Home for many years. Having amonthly budget helps us plan. You'dbe amazed how even a small amountgiven monthly adds up by the end ofthe year! Kelly & Sue CorbettWhat will your legacy be? Planned giving helps ensure the ongoing stability of our organization so that Almost Home,Inc. can be there for our community tomorrow, next year, and long into the future. Please consider naming Almost Home in your will or estate plan, and create the gift of alifetime! Whether it’s cash or stock, life insurance, or property, your lasting legacy will helpcarry out our mission of ending homelessness in our community. Planned Giving Options BEQUESTSLeave a gift through a will, trust,life insurance policy, or IRA. GIFTS OF STOCKReceive tax benefits when youdonate appreciated securitiessuch as stocks.DONOR ADVISED FUNDSSetting up a DAF is a smart andtax-efficient method to manageyour charitable giving.ENDOWMENTAlmost Home, Inc. has anendowment through the ColoradoGives Foundation. A nonprofitendowment is a long-term fundinvested for the future needs of anorganization. For more information, contact: Rachel Monroe, Philanthropy & Communications Directorrmonroe@almosthomeonline.org303-659-6199 ext.

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CONTACT INFOinfo@almosthomeonline.orgalmosthomeonline.org22 S. 4th Ave. Ste. 102Brighton, CO 80601303-659-6199AlmostHomeColoradoalmosthomeincAlmostHome, Inc.