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Allyship is a Verb

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The percent of non-LGBTQ+people who believe LGBTQ+individuals deserve equal rights isat an all-time high: 91%, accordingto a 2023 Accelerating AcceptanceStudy. (source: this is great news, there isstill a long way to go. LGBTQ+communities disproportionatelystruggle with issues related tomental health, housing andhealthcare - among many otherbasic human rights. Studies havefound LGBTQ+ youth are twice aslikely to report feeling lonelyand/or depressed. Currently, the LGBTQ+ communityis facing an unprecedentedamount of legal discrimination.Throughout 2023, more thanDoing Better2500 pieces of anti-LGBTQ+legislation were introduced acrossthe United States. This is a hugeleap from 180 bills introduced in2022, and unbelievable growthsince just 42 such bills wereintroduced in 2018. (source: GLAAD study also reportssignificant misunderstandingsabout LGBTQ+ people, such asinaccurate assumptions abouttheir needs, wants and otherissues. Ongoing conversations,understanding and advocacy arekey to turning things around. “When people are exposed toresponsible representations ofLGBTQ people, hearts and mindscan change.” — Sarah Kate Ellis,President & CEO, GLAAD

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“When people are sociallyconnected and have stableand supportive relationships,they are more likely to makehealthy choices and to havebetter mental and physicalhealth outcomes. They arealso better able to cope withhard times, stress, anxiety,and depression.” (source:, we can do better.This is where Allyship is aVerb comes in. Allyship isabout supporting andadvocating for the LGBTQ+community. It’s aboutunderstanding differences andbeing responsible with thatknowledge. It’s about being afriend to someone regardlessof their stated identity,providing the social networkneeded for emotional stabilityand overall well being. 45% of LGBTQ employeesbelieve being “out” at workwould hurt their opportunitiesfor advancement.— Glassdoor Job Site, 2023

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Each StoryMattersIn a high school English class some yearsago, during a discussion about gayauthors, a student proclaimed “being gayis a choice.” That’s when something in Charlie Oceansnapped.“Much to my surprise, I had the fullattention of the class as I began to sharemy story up until that point. It was anincredible discussion and sparked myLGBTQ+ speaking career, even though Iwas incredibly shy and awkwardotherwise.” — CharlieCharlie has since set out on a mission tomake LGBTQ+ information accessible.This has included many pathways, such asspeaking opportunities to writtenpublications, the creation of a NationalLGBT+ resource hub(, and more.4

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Among those? The Allyship is a Verbpodcast. As the host, Charlie Oceaninterviews diverse individuals in theLGBTQ+ community and dives deepinto topics that matter to each personin order to represent the most diversevoices and experiences possible.“What a greatenvironment forsharing tenderthoughts andfeelings.” — Liz Sumner— Recording with Richard Follett, Season 2 Episode 1

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In its 3rd season, Allyship is a Verb is a 4x award-nominatedpodcast for adults practicing LGBTQ+ allyship, guiding listeners onallyship topics and tools so they can create safer environments forLGBTQ+ communities.Episodes feature conversations with LGBTQ+ community membersof various lived experiences and backgrounds who share theirstories and an allyship tip. Host Charlie Ocean, MSW (they/them)offers self-reflection questions and voiceovers to help deepen thelearning for listeners. Charlie also has a background in LGBTQ+education, community organizing, and social work.Recent episode titles include:Exploring LGBTQ+ history feat. Andrew LearQueering weddings and gender expression feat. TonyaFrom code switching to House Hunters feat. Patrick LadonisBeing trans and nonbinary in the workplace feat. Zoa GlowsLiving authentically and forging family harmony feat. Jack Lam“A lot of the first season, I ask folks about a time that they make amistake and how they are going to get better into the future,”Charlie said. “We want to humanize the podcast so that peoplearen’t worried about making a mistake and if they do they knowhow to correct course.” Charlie focuses on keeping the podcast upbeat and entertaining,sometimes incorporating silly songs and fake ads that emphasize apoint from a guest with a goal of further engaging and connectingwith listeners - creating a safe, fun way to learn. About thePodcast6

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Allyship is a Verb won the Rainbow Mic Award at theSonic Bloom Awards in 2024; we were alsonominated for People's Choice.Charlie Ocean won the second ever OutstandingYouth Leadership Award from LA Pride/ChristopherStreet West in June 2009.Allyship is a Verb was nominated for 2 categories inThe Ambies, spring 2023: Best Personal GrowthPodcast and Best DIY PodcastAwards + nominationsLove & Testimonials“I’m a huge fan of Charlie as a creator! They take such care with theirguests, and the result is a super informative interview.” — Arielle Nissanblatt, audio producer and podcast marketer“Their ability to see what others cannot see is outstanding, onlyoutshone by their ability to communicate those insights to otherpeople willing to hear, to learn and finally to understand.” — Dr. Richard Follett, former teacher of Charlie OceanWith 60+ episodes and more than 12,000 downloads, this is onlythe beginning for Allyship is a Verb. Listen to an episode todayat In

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allyshipisaverb.comhello@gendersexuality.infoP.S. Charlie Ocean formerly went by Chris AngelMurphy, and some work may be published underthat name.