012345678910First and foremost, we are here to help!!! We specialize in supplies of pastry and catering support productsOur mini verrines and presentation plates and cups are ideal to present bite size appetizers, pastries for any pastry-shops, food retail stores, catering, hotels, resorts, Casino buffets and restaurants.In this catalogue you will find a variety of compostable, recyclable and biodegradable products which are extremely user friendly.Our drive is to help new and existing customers to find the most convenient andappropriate items to fit their operation, to look great and to increase their sales.Many of our packaging and presentation products can be personalized in several wayswith your Logo, Colors, Company Name, and specific shape and design.Table of contentsABOUTVERRINES - MINI DISHES P.3 BIODEGRADBLE SUGAR CANE P.4 COMPSTABLE P.5 JARS & MARMITE P.6 MINI GLASSES , SPOONS & FORKS P.7 VERRINES & FINGER FOOD BOXES P.8 MACARON BOXES P.9 MACARON BASE & SLEEVES MOLDS P.10 SILICONE MOLDS P.11 ALU CUPS CAKEBOARD & TRAY P.12 INDIVIDUAL – MONO PORT ION P.13 CAKEBOARD P.14 TRAY P.15 FRESH WRAP CHOCOLATE AND CANDY MOLDS P.16 SPHERE & SILICONE P.17 POLYCARBONATE TOOLS P.18 MANDOLINE & OTHERS P.19 CUTTERS P.20 PIPPING BAGS P.21 DISPLAY & FIGURINES SEASONALP.22 WHITE YULE BOXESP.23 COLORED YULE BOXESP.24 DECORATIONP.25 DECORATION P.26 CUSTOM PRINTING
SERVINGItem Code Description Size Info In millimeter Case QtyCP-EGG002 EGG SHAPE MINI DISH3-1/8 x 1,7/8 x 1/2 / 1" 79.7 x 48 x 11.5 / 27mm 50CP-LEAF001 LEAF SHAPE MINI DISH3-1/2 x 2-3/8 x 1/2" 90 x 59.7 x 12mm 50CP-LEM005 LEMON SHAPE MINI DISH4-3/8 x 2 x 1-1/8" 110 x 52 x 30mm 50CP-MINSPN006 SPOON SHAPE MINI DISH 4 x 1-1/8 x 1/4" 101.5 x 27.6 x 6.7mm 50CP-SQR003 SQUARE SHAPE MINI DISH2-1/2 x 2-1/2 x 1/2" 65 x 65 x 12mm 50CP-TDROP010 TEAR DROP SHAPE MINI DISH 4-1/8 x 1-1/2 x 3/4" 105.2 x 37.2 x 15.7mm 50CP-TEAR004 TEAR SHAPE MINI DISH 3/8 x 2 x 1-1/8" 10.5 x 50.6 x 29/4mm 50Tear mini dishTear drop mini dishEgg mini dishSquare mini dishSpoon mini dishLemon mini dishLeaf mini dishBIODEGRADABLE SUGAR CANEBIODEGRADABLE SUGAR CANE3www.allchefsupplies.com - info@allchefsupplies.com
SERVINGCOMPOSTABLEItem Code Description Size Info in metric Case QtyMAR-PMOCO004 BUBBLE GLASS Ø 3 1/2" x h 3" Ø 90 x 75mm - 215 ml 100MAR-PMOCO007 CYLINDER GLASS 5.07oz Ø 2 1/2" x h 3 1/4" Ø 65 x 85mm - 190ml 100MAR-PMOCU003 LARGE CUBE VERRINE 5.07oz 2 1/8 x 2 1/8 x 3 1/8" 50 x 50 x 80mm 175ml 100MAR-PMO0233 LARGE CUBE LID 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 .47" 57 x 57 x 12mm 100MAR-PMO0700 LARGE TRIANGLE VERRINE 4.05oz 3 3/8 x 2 1/2" 87 x 65mm - 180ml 100MAR-PMO70214 PYRAMID VERRINE CUP 6.09oz 2 3/4 x 2 7/8" Top x h 2 3/4 70 x 71mm top x h 70mm 360MAR-PMOTO001 VERRINE SM CYLINDER MAR 2.2oz Ø 1 1/2" x 2-1/2" Ø 38 x 64mm - 65ml 100MAR-PMO0800VERRINE TUMBLER CRYSTAL 2.36oz Ø 1 1/2" x 3 3/8" Ø 40 x 85mm - 80ml 100MAR-PMOCO001 SMALL CONICAL VERRINE :2.36oz/ Ø 3" x 2 1/2" Ø 65 x 75 mm - 70ml 100MAR-PMOCO005 MARTINI GLASS LARGE 5.58oz Ø 3 1/2" x h 3" Ø 90 x 75mm - 165ml 100MAR-PMOCO014 SOFT ICE VERRINE 3.55oz/ Ø 2 3/4 x 2 3/8" Ø 70 x 59mm - 105ml 100Bubble glassCylinder glassMartini glassSoft ice verrineCylinder SM verrineLarge cube glassLarge triangle verrineLarge triangle lidCOMPOSTABLETumbler verrineLarge cube lidSmall conical glass4www.allchefsupplies.com - info@allchefsupplies.com
SERVINGJARS AND MARMITEJARS AND MARMITE Item Code Description Size Info in metric Case Qty YLP-80030TC LOCKING LID LARGE JAR 4-3/ 8 x 2-1/ 2 x 3-3/ 4” – 10 oz 110 x 65 x 95 mm – 295ml 60 YLP-80020TC LOCKING LID MINI SLIM JAR 1-7/ 8 x 1-3/ 4 x 3-1/ 4 » – 3.3 oz 48 x 45 x 85 mm – 95ml 240 YLP-80031TC LOCKING LID MINI RECTANGLE JAR 2 x 2-7/ 8 x 2" - 3.6 oz 50 x 70 x 50 mm – 105ml 240 EP-COA67 MARMITE 3 x 2 x 1-3/ 8” – 3 oz 75 x 50 x 35 mm – 90ml 200 5www.allchefsupplies.com - info@allchefsupplies.com
SERVINGItem Code Description Size Info In millimeter Case QtyEP-MCB74TC MINI CUP BOWL TRANSPARENT CRYSTAL - 1.2oz 2 7/8 x 3 1/8 x 3 1/8 in 70 x 80 x 80mm - 50ml 288YLP-20130TC WHISKEY SHOT GLASS TRANSPARENT CRYSTAL 2.2oz 1 7/8 x 1 3/4 x 1 7/8 in 47 x 45 x 17mm - 65ml 576YLP-20140TC RHUM SHOT GLASS TRANSPARENT CRYSTAL 2.8oz 2-1/8 x 1-1/2 x 2" 54 x 38 x 50 mm - 80ml 576PLA-052330TC MINI SPOONS CRYSTAL 500PLA-052332TC MINI FORKS CRYSTAL 500EP-125B BUTTERFLY SPOON BLACK 4 x 1 1/2 x 1 1/2" 100 x 38 x 38mm 480EP-125TC BUTTERFLY SPOON TRANSPARENT CRYSTAL 4 x 1 1/2 x 1 1/2" 100 x 38 x 38mm 480EP-125W BUTTERFLY SPOON WHITE 4 x 1 1/2 x 1 1/2" 100 x 38 x 38mm 480EP-124NR SQUARE SPOON BLACK 3 3/4 x 1 1/2 x 1 1/8" 95 x 38 x 30 mm 600EP-124TC SQUARE SPOON CRYSTAL 3 3/4 x 1 1/2 x 1 1/8" 95 x 38 x 30 mm 600EP-124WT SQUARE SPOON WHITE 3 3/4 x 1 1/2 x 1 1/8" 95 x 38 x 30 mm 600Mini cup bowlRum shotMini fork & spoonWiskey shotButterfly spoonSquare spoon6MINI GLASSES, SPOONS AND FORKSwww.allchefsupplies.com - info@allchefsupplies.comMINI GLASSES, SPOONS AND FORKS
SERVINGItem Code Description Size Info In millimeter Case QtyEP-S100TCYLP-2013 SPHERE TRA NSP ARENT CLEA R - 3oz1-5/8 x 2 x 2-3/8" 42 x 50 x 60mm 85ml 576EP-BB L1129TC BOWL BASE & LID LARGE TRANSP A RENT CRYSTAL - 7oz 4 x 2-1/2 x 2-1/4" 100 x 59 x 45mm - 200ml 240EP-BB L1130TC BOWL BASE & LID SM ALL TRA NSPARENT CRYSTA L - 4o z 2-1/4 x 3-1/4 x 1-1/4"57 x 82 x 36mm - 100ml 240EP-SG8CTC SM ALL GLASS TRA NSPARENT CLEA R - 2.5o z 2-1/2 x 2 x 1-3/8"65 x 50 x 35mm - 70ml 600EP-U68CTC UM B RELLA DISH TRA NSPARENT CRYSTA L - 3.3o z 1-1/4 x 2-7/8" 32 x 73mm - 79ml 600EP-M C61TC M INI CUBE TRA NSP ARENT CRYSTA L - 2.5oz1-3/4 x 1-3/4 x 1-1/2" 45 x 45 x 40mm - 70ml 600SphereLarge bowl with lidSmall bowl with lidSmall glassMedium pyramidUmbrellaRound slanted cup7VERRINES & FINGER FOODwww.allchefsupplies.com - info@allchefsupplies.comVERRINES & FINGER FOODEP-137LDCUTC CUBE WITH HRD ROUND LID3-1/8 x 3-1/8 x 3-1/8" 79 x 79 x 78mm 200EP-RSC73TC ROUND SLANTED CUP TRA NSPARENT CRYSTA L - 2.4oz 3-1/4"X2-1/4"X1-1/2" 82 x 57 x 40mm - 65ml 600EP-J055LTC M EDIUM PYRAM ID CUP & LID TRANSP A RENT CRYSTAL Bo ttom 1.5" Top 2-1/4" Height 2-15/16" Bo ttom 38mm Top 58mm Height 75mm - 150ml 600EP-J055TC M EDIUM PYRA M ID TRANSP A RENT CRYSTAL 1.5" Botto m 1.5" To p 2-1/4" Height 2-15/16" Botto m 38mm To p 58mm Height 75mm - 150ml 600Mini cubeCube with lid
PACKINGItem Code Description Size Info in metric Case QtyBO-18-BRW/FUSMACARONS BOX BROWN/PINK - 18 PCS 8 3/4 x 3 3/4 x 1 7/8" 247 x 94 x 48.5mm 48BO-4-BRW.PNKMACARONS BOX BROWN/PINK - 4 PCS 4 1/8 x 1 7/8 x 1 7/8" 110 x 47 x 48.5mm 100BO-4-BDB/GDMMACARONS BOX DARK BROWN/GOLD - 4 PCS 4 1/8 x 1 7/8 x 1 7/8" 110 x 47 x 48.5mm 100BO-6-BDB/GDMMACARONS BOX DARK BROWN/GOLD - 6 PCS 6 1/4 x 1 7/8 x 1 7/8" 164 x 47 x 48.5mm 80BO-4-BRH/BPEMACARONS BOX FUCSHIA/PISTACHIO - 4 PCS 4 1/8 x 1 7/8 x 1 7/8" 110 x 47 x 48.5mm 100BO-6-BRH/BPE MACARONS BOX FUCSHIA/PISTACHIO - 6 PCS 6 1/4 x 1 7/8 x 1 7/8" 164 x 47 x 48.5mm 80BO-18-ORA/ORA MACARONS BOX ORA/ORA - 18 PCS 8 3/4 x 3 3/4 x 1 7/8" 247 x 94 x 48.5mm 48BO-4-BSR/GDM MACARONS BOX RED/GOLD - 4 PCS 4 1/8 x 1 7/8 x 1 7/8" 110 x 47 x 48.5mm 100BO-12-BSR/GDM MACARONS BOX RED/GOLD - 12 PCS 6 1/4 x 3 3/4 x 1 7/8" 164 x 94 x 48.5mm 48BO-6-BSR/GDM MACARONS BOX RED/GOLD - 6 PCS 6 1/4 x 1 7/8 x 1 7/8" 164 x 47 x 48.5mm 80BO-9MAC-RD/GLD MACARONS BOX RED/GOLD - 9 PCS 8 3/4 x 1 7/8 x 1 7/8" 247 x 47 x 48.5mm 728www.allchefsupplies.com - info@allchefsupplies.comMACARON BOXESMACARON BOXES
PACKING1 drawerItem Code Description Size Info in metric Case QtyBO-ASW6TTR156.50.50RBMACARONS BOX BASE KRAFT FOR 6 PCS 6 1/8 x 2 x 2" 156 x 50 x 50mm 96BO-ASW2CTTR1565050 MACARONS BOX SLEEVE KRAFT FOR 12 PCS 6 1/8 x 4 x 2" 156 x 100 x 50mm EABO-ASW1CTTR1565050 MACARONS SLEEVE KRAFT FOR 6 PCS 6 1/8 x 2 x 2" 156 x 50 x 50mm EA93 sleeves option MACARON BASE AND SLEEVESwww.allchefsupplies.com - info@allchefsupplies.comMACARON BASE AND SLEEVES
MOLDMini Cannele de Bordeaux x 18Cannele de Bordeaux x 15Demi Sphere x 15Demi Sphere x 24Mini Madeleine x 15Madeleine x 9Mini Pyramide x 1510www.allchefsupplies.com - info@allchefsupplies.comSILICONE MOLDSSILICONE MOLDSFlan mold x 6Item Code Description Cell Size Info in metric Case QtyDR-259A DECOFLEX CANNELE DE BORDEAUX - 15 FIG 1 3/4 x 1 3/4" H 1 3/4" 45 x 45mm H 45mm1DR-233A DECOFLEX MINI CANNELE DE BORDEAUX - 18 FIG 1 3/8 x 1 3/8" H 1 3/8" 35 x 35mm H 35mm 1DR-206A DECOFLEX DEMI SPHERE - 24 FIG Ø 1" x H 1/2" Ø 27mm x H 14mm 1DR-205A DECOFLEX DEMI SPHERE - 15 FIG Ø 1 5/8" x H 7/8" Ø 40mm x H 20mm 1DR-231A DECOFLEX MINI MADELEINE - 15 FIG 1 3/4 x 1 3/8" H 3/8" 44 x 34mm x H 10mm 1DR-232A DECOFLEX MADELEINE - 9 FIG 1 5/8 x 1 3/4" H 1/2" 68 x 45mm x H 17mm 1DR-208A DECOFLEX MINI PYRAMIDE 15 FIG 1 3/8 x 1 3/8" H 1" 36 X 36 X H 22mm 1DR-207A DECOFLEX PYRAMIDE 6 FIG 2 3/4 x 2 3/4" H 1 5/8" 71 x 71mm x H 40mm 1DR-246A DECOFLEX FLAN MOLD 6 FIG Ø2 3/4" H 3/4" Ø70mm x H 17mm 1
SERVINGwww.allchefsupplies.com - info@allchefsupplies.comALU CUP - CREME BRULEE - FLANItem Code Description Size Info in metricCase QtyALU-CUPAP060LB ALU CUP 60 - 2 oz - LIGHT BLUE 2-7/8 x 2-1/2" 73 x 64mm - 60ml 1000ALU-LIDAP060 LID FOR ALU CUP AP060 2-7/8 x 7/8"1000ALU-CUPAP125BCOW ALU CUP 125 - 4-1/4oz - COW DESIGN 3-3/8 x 2-1/2" 85 x 64mm -125ml1000ALU-CUPAP150ACRM ALU CUP 150 - 5oz - CRÈME BRULEE / FLAN - CARAMEL 3-1/4 x 1-1/4" 82 x 32mm -150ml1000ALU-CUPAP150AG ALU CUP 150 - 5oz - CRÈME BRULEE / FLAN - GOLD 3-1/4 x 1-1/4"1000ALU-CUP150AR ALU CUP 150 - 5oz - CRÈME BRULEE/FLAN - RED 3-1/4 x 1-1/4" 1000ALU-LID150A DOME LID FOR AP150 3-1/4 x 1" 1000ALU-LID150HFL HIGH FLAT LID for AP150 3-1/4 x 1" 100073 x 22mm 82 x 32mm -150ml82 x 32mm -150ml82 x 25mm82 x 25mmALU CUP 200 - 6.7 oz - RECTANGULAR - RED 6-1/2 x 2-1/2 x 1-1/4" 165 x 65 x 30mm - 200ml 1000ALU-CUPAP200AR11ALU CUP - CREME BRULEE - FLAN
SERVINGRound individual cakeboard with tabRound individual cakeboardMono folding eclair Rectangular individual cakeboard with tabRound swirl plate for individual cakeboardINDIVIDUAL CAKE BOARDClear Medero lid for individual cakeboardOther sizes and colors available upon requestItem Code Description Size Info In millimeter Case QtyAC-DM 08 ROUND GOLD CA KE B OA RD WITH TA B Ø 3 1/8" Ø 80mm 400AC-DM 10 ROUND GOLD CA KE BOA RD WITH TA B Ø 4" Ø 100mm 400AC-RM 710 RECTA NGULAR GLD CAKE BRD WITH TAB 2 3/4 x 4" 70x100mm 400BO-BS1304515 M ONO FOLDING ECLA IR B OA RD GOLD & B LACK 5-1/8 x 1-3/4 x (2x5/8)" 130 x 45 + 2x15mm 500ID-M ONFLD001 M ONO FOLDING ECLAIR SUP P ORT B LA CK & GOLD 5-1/8 x 1-3/4 x (2-5/8)" 130 x 45 + 2x15mm 500AC-VROT11 ROUND GOLD SWIRL TRA Y Ø 3 1/2"Ø 90mm 400AC-VROT13 ROUND GOLD SWIRL TRA Y Ø 4 3/4" Ø 120mm 400AC-VRET813 RECTANGLE GOLD SWIRL P LA TE 3 1/8 x 5 1/2" 80 x 130mm 400ALI-014008030 ROUND M INI M EDORO GOLD TRAY 9,5 Ø 2 3/4" Ø 70mm 1200ALI-014008010 ROUND M EDORO GOLD TRAY 12 Ø 3 1/2" Ø 90mm 1000ALI-214008010 LID for M EDORO GOLD TRAY 12 Ø 4-3/4 x 3-1/8 Ø 120 x 60mm 250Round Medero plate for individual cakeboard12www.allchefsupplies.com - info@allchefsupplies.comINDIVIDUAL CAKE BOARD
SERVINGCAKE BOARD Round Cakeboard Item Code Size Info in centimeter Case Item Code Size Info in centimeter Case AC-DAOP20 Ø 8" Ø 20 96 AC-DAOP28 Ø 11" Ø 28 84 AC-DAOP22 Ø 8.5" Ø 22 100 AC-DAOP30 Ø 11,8" Ø 23 99 AC-DAOP24 Ø 9.4" Ø 24 96 AC-DAOP32 Ø 12,5" Ø 32 86 AC-DAOP26 Ø 10.25" Ø 26 100 Rectangular TH-ST1910 7-1/ 2 x 4" 19x10 50 TH-ST1912 7-1/ 2 x 4-3/ 4" 19x12 50 TH-ST2410 9-3/ 8 x 4" 24x10 50 TH-ST2412 9-3/ 8 x 4-3/ 4" 24x12 50 TH-ST2910 11-3/ 8 x 4" 29x10 50 TH-ST2912 11-3/ 8 x 4-3/ 4" 29x12 50 TH-ST3410 13-3/ 8 x 4" 34x10 50 TH-ST3412 13-3/ 8 x 4-3/ 4" 34x12 50 TH-ST3910 15-3/ 8 x 4" 39x10 50 TH-ST3912 15-3/ 8 x 4-3/ 4" 39x12 50 CAKE BOARD13www.allchefsupplies.com - info@allchefsupplies.com
SERVINGTRAY14TRAYCardboard Item Code Description Size Info in centimeter Case Qty 8015 019 002 010 Rectangular swirl Tray 3-1/ 8 x 5-1/ .8" 8 x 13 400 AC-LIL8B Rectangular Gold Tray 12 x 16" 30,5 x 40,5 80 AC-LILM9 Rectangular Gold Tray 13-1/ 4 x 18-1/ 2" 33,5 x 47 50 Plastic 8015 019 002 010 Tray 7-1/ 2 x 5 19 x 12.8 400 8015 019 002 020 Tray 9-1/ 4 x 6-1/ 4 23.5 x 16 400 8015 019 002 050 Tray 12-1/ 2 x 8-5/ 8 32 x 22 150 5702 1912 Clear Lid 7-1/ 2 x 5 x 3/ 4 19 x 12.8 x 2 200 5702 2316 Clear Lid 9-1/ 4 x 6-1/ 4 x 3/ 4 23.5 x 16 x 2 200 5702 3222 Clear Lid 12-1/ 2 x 8-5/ 8 x 2 32 x 22 x 5 100 www.allchefsupplies.com - info@allchefsupplies.com
PACKINGItem Code Description Size Info in metric Case QtyQA-340RT120185D FRESH WRAP RECTANGULAR - CHEF HAT 7 1/4 x 4 3/4" 185 x 120mm 1000MO-FYTREC10X13 FRESH WRAP RECTANGULAR - CHEF HAT 4 x 5' 100 x 127mm 1000MO-FEYETRAP11X20 FRESH WRAP - CHEF HAT 4 3/8 x7 7/8" 110 x 200mm 1000Custom printed upon requestFRESH WRAP15www.allchefsupplies.com - info@allchefsupplies.comFRESH WRAP
Chestnuts leaves imprintRoses leaves imprintBindwweeds leaves imprintSPHERE AND SILICONEwww.allchefsupplies.com - info@allchefsupplies.com16NEW M AGYDECOR CHEST - 17 CHOCOLA TE/SUGAR IM P RINTSSILICONE IM P RINTS CHESTNUTS LEA VESSILICONE IM P RINT ROSE LEAF SILICONE IM P RINT BINDWEED LEAFDR-OB023 2 SPHERES SILICONE MOLD Ø 2" Ø 5cm 1DR-OB024 4 SPHERES SILICONE MOLD Ø 1 1/2" Ø 4cm 1DR-OB025 9 SPHERES SILICONE SUGAR MOLD Ø 1" Ø 2.5cm 1Item Code Description Size Info in metric Case Qty1111DR-DO6YTDR-E10DR-E6DR-E13SPHERE AND SILICONECHOCOLATE & CANDY MOLD
TOOLSItem Code Description Size Info in metric Case QtyDR-SA071 FUNNEL & BASE ULTRA LIGHTØ 5 1/8 x 7 7/8" -Ø 130 x 200mm - 1,2L 1DR-CH90A SET OF 10 CHOCOLATE TOOLS 1MA-186706 BIG BENI JAPANESE MANDOLIN 1MA-186700 LITTLE BENI JAPANESE MANDOLINE 12 1/2 x 3 1/2 x 1"32 x 90 x 25 cm 1Little BeniBig Beniwww.allchefsupplies.com - info@allchefsupplies.com18VARIOUS TOOLSVARIOUS TOOLS
TOOLSwww.allchefsupplies.com - info@allchefsupplies.com19CUTTERSCUTTERSItem Code Description Size Info in metric Case QtyDR-874P 7 OVAL BOAT SHAPED FLUTED CUTTERS 1DR-876P 7 OVAL BOAT SHAPED CUTTERS 1DR-CH88P 9 ROUND FLUTED CUTTERS From Ø 3/4" to Ø 4" From Ø 2cm to Ø 10cm 1DR-CH879 9 ROUND CUTTERS From Ø 3/4" to Ø 4" From Ø 2cm to Ø 10cm 111From Ø 3/4" to Ø 3-3/4"From Ø 3/4" to Ø 3-3/4"From Ø 3/4" to Ø 4-3/8"From Ø 1.8cm to Ø 9.5cmFrom Ø 1.8cm to Ø 9.5cmFrom Ø 2cm to Ø 11cmDR-871P 9 SQUARE CUTTERSDR-867P 9 SQUARE FLUTED CUTTERS From Ø 3/4" to Ø 4-3/8" From Ø 2cm to Ø 11cm
TOOLSPIPING BAGS Item Code Description Size Info in metric Case QtyOWP -M L17103 M A STERLINE GREEN TIP PIPING BA GS ON CORE (Trans. with green tip) 4 ROLLS of 100/CS 21 x 11" 53 x 28cm 400OWP -M L13103 M A STERLINE GREEN PIPING BAGS - INDIVIDUAL BOXES 21 x 11" 53 x 28cm 100OWP -M L12105B M A STERLINE BLUE PIP ING B AGS (Transparent Premium pastry bag with blue tip) - ROLLS OF 74P CS 28 x 11" 68 x 28cm 74OWP -M L12105 M A STERLINE BLUE PIPING BAGS (Transparent Premium pastry bag with blue tip) - 4 ROLLS OF 74P CS 28 x 11" 68 x 28cm 296DR-DD191 12 ASSORTED DECORA TING TIPS 1DR-DD19524 24 ASSORTED DECORA TING TIPS 1www.allchefsupplies.com - info@allchefsupplies.com20PIPING BAGS
YULE BOXYule BoxHOLIDAY SEASON 2024Top nochs to fit square 3-1/2 x 3-1/2” cardto custom your Yule boxWhite stipesVarnish stripes line for upscale lookNew lock system22 White stripes Item Code Size in centimeter Size in inch Case Qty Unit cost Case PriceMIWSYL201111 20 x 11 x 11 7-7/8 x 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 50 $75.75MIWSYL251111 25 x 11 x 11 9-3/4 x 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 50 1.80 $89.60MIWSYL301111 30 x 11 x 11 11-3/4 x 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 50 1.98 $98.95MIWSYL351111 35 x 11 x 11 13-3/4 x 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 50 2.50 $124.85MIWSYL401111 40 x 11 x 11 15-3/4 x 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 50 2.57 $135.501.52MIWSYL201414 20 x 14 x 14 7-7/8 x 5-1/2 x 5-1/2 50 $97.95MIWSYL251414 25 x 14 x 14 9-3/4 x 5-1/2 x 5-1/2 50 1.99 $99.25MIWSYL301414 30 x 14 x 14 11-3/4 x 5-1/2 x 5-1/2 50 2.57 $128.50MIWSYL351414 35 x 14 x 14 13-3/4 x 5-1/2 x 5-1/2 50 2.87 $143.25MIWSYL401414 40 x 14 x 14 15-3/4 x 5-1/2 x 5-1/2 50 2.97 $148.851.96www.allchefsupplies.com - 833-444-(CHEF) 2433For Yule boardsee page 13
23YULE BOXYule BoxNew Size and designDouceur NordiqueItem Code Size in centimeter Size in inch Case Qty Unit cost Case Price20 x 11 x 11 7-7/8 x 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 25 $33.6025 x 11 x 11 9-3/4 x 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 25 1.43 $35.6035 x 11 x 11 11-3/4 x 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 25 1.83 $42.2520 x 13 x 13 7-7/8 x 5-1/8 x 5-1/8 25 2.39 $59.7525 x 13 x 13 9-3/4 x 5-1/8 x 5-1/8 25 2.44 $60.851.35MI-DOUNRD 201111MI-DOUNRD 251111MI-DOUNRD 351111MI-DOUNRD 201313MI-DOUNRD 251313MI-DOUNRD 30131330 x 13 x 13 11-3/4 x 5-1/8 x 5-1/8 25 2.58 $64.50Yule Box - Douceur NordiqueAll items are in limited editionHOLIDAY SEASON 2024New chic designMosaicVividYule Box - Mosaic Size in centimeterCase Qty Unit Cost Case PriceItem Code Size in inch MIMOS201414 20 x 14 x 14 7-7/8 x 5-1/2 x 5-1/2 50 $84.95MIMOS251414 25 x 14 x 14 9-3/4 x 5-1/2 x 5-1/2 50 1.83 $91.59MIMOS301414 30 x 14 x 14 11-3/4 x 5-1/2 x 5-1/2 50 2.28 $114.151.70Yule Box - Vivid Size in centimeterCase Qty Unit Cost Case PriceItem Code Size in inch MIVIVID201414 20 x 14 x 14 7-7/8 x 5-1/2 x 5-1/2 50 $84.95MIVIVID251414 25 x 14 x 14 9-3/4 x 5-1/2 x 5-1/2 50 1.83 $91.59MIVIVID301414 30 x 14 x 14 11-3/4 x 5-1/2 x 5-1/2 50 2.28 $114.151.70www.allchefsupplies.com - 833-444-CHEF (2433)
DECORATION24Yule DecorationDecoration - figurinesItem Code Description Heigh inchHeigh mm Case Qty Case PriceRO-GPOL218B48 Elan1-1/240 48 $64.16RO-G61B50 Small Drums 1 25 72 $48.50Ornament Balls 1-1/2 40 50 $46.40RO-G64B50 Ornament Balls Matte 6 Assort 1-1/2 40 50 $38.50RO-G9B72 House Xmas tree 3/4 20 72 $49.75RO-G903B144 Snowman 1-1/2 40 144 $65.75RO-GPOL269B48 House &Christmas Tree & Train 1-3/8 35 48 $45.89RO-G740B100 Red Santa 1-3/8 35 100 $95.05RO-G76B144 Bambi Cerf 2-1/8 55 144 $83.50All items are in limited editionMake the Holiday... more HolidayDecoration for your Holiday Yules, cakes and pastries RO-G/47/B72 RO-GPOL218B48 RO-G61B50RO-G/47/B72 RO-G740B100 RO-G9B72 RO-G64B50 RO-G76B144 RO-G903B144 RO-GPOL269B48 www.allchefsupplies.com - 833-444-(CHEF) 2433HOLIDAY SEASON 2024
25Yule DecorationDECORATIONMake the Holiday... more HolidayDecoration for your Holiday Yules, cakes and pastries Decoration - figurinesItem Code Description Heigh inch Heigh mm Case Qty Case PriceRO-G4GB300 Saw & Axe Gold 1-1/2 40 300 $38.75RO-G1006GB72 Music Instruments 2-1/8 55 72 $38.99RO-60MIX-V/B50 Christmas Tree Green 2-1/8 55 50 $45.25RO-G681B144 Christmas Tree & Red Balls 2-1/8 55 144 $46.75All items are in limited editionRO-G4GB300 RO-G4SB300 Saw & Axe Silver 1-1/2 40 300 $38.75RO-G4SB300 RO-G1006GB72 RO-G681B144 RO-60MIX-V/B50 G 303 S G 303 GRO-G106 Holly RO-G106 Holly Holly 3 Leaves Silver 2 50 144 $31.30RO-G116/33G Holly 3 Leaves Gold 2 50 144 $31.30RO-G116/33V Holly 3 Leaves Green 2 50 144 $31.30RO-303S Christmas Tree Silver 2-1/8 55 144 $37.85RO-303G Christmas Tree Gold 2-1/8 55 144 $45.25www.allchefsupplies.com - 833-444-(CHEF) 2433Square Gift Box 5/8 15 144$38.581 25 144$39.67Rectangular Gift BoxRO-G597/144RO-G601/144RO-G597/144 RO-G601 /144 HOLIDAY SEASON 2024
custom packagingClockwiseWindow tuck end box - Chocolate window Sleeve Pastry support - Ribbon macaron sleeveAminities chocolate boxesinfo@allchefsupplies.comwww.allchefsupplies.com
012345678910111213141516171819202122232425info@allchefsupplies.comwww.allchefsupplies.comTerms and conditionsMinimum Order: All Chefs Supplies, Inc requires a wholesale minimum order of $250.00. Handling fee will be charged accordingly.Shipping Charges: FOB Point of Origin North Hollywood - CA. All orders will be shipped UPS Ground unless otherwise requested.Charges are based on UPS published rates and restrictions less All Chefs Supplies, Inc. UPS discounts. All non-standard and over-sized packages may result in higher shipping fees as per UPS published rates. All Chefs Supplies may back-charge fees incurred from UPS for incorrect shipping address information. Please check your orders carefully. All Chefs Supplies, Inc. will assume no responsibility for missing shipmentsto any addresses.Handling Charges: All invoices will include a handling fee which will be adjusted accordingly if orders are $50 or lower.Will Call Orders: 48 hours minimum advance notice is required during business and opening hours excluding weekends and holidays.1 location to pick up from in North Hollywood - CAOrder Processing Time: All orders of in-stock items will be shipped within 3 business days of receipt of order or sooner, conditions allowing. All Chefs Supplies, Inc. is not responsible for delays resulting from incomplete or insufficient order information. Internationalorders must be held until verification of compliance with local and international customs laws and regulations and with UPS or other carrierswhen requested…NOTE: If you need your order to arrive by a specific date, please provide that information in the notes area during checkout & call our customerservice staff to request a rush on processing.Quotes: Quotes are valid until the end of the business day in which they are provided, Pacific Standard Time. Prices are subject to changewithout notice.Pricing: Orders are accepted on the condition that they are billed at the current price on the day of shipment. Prices are subject to changewithout notice. No returns accepted on holiday preorders, NO EXCEPTION.Other Returns: Items returned due to a customer’s error can be returned at the customer’s expense. These items must be in their original condition and packaging when received by All Chefs Supplies, Inc. in order to receive a credit or refund. Returns which are received by, All Chefs Supplies, Inc.: Broken, Soiled, Opened and or incomplete with products missing will be declared UNACCEPTABLE and will not be refunded or credited to customer and will be available for pick up at our North Hollywood location orwill be shipped back to the customer at the customer’s request and at customers expense. All returned items are subject to a 25% restockingfee and MUST HAVE and REQUIRE a return authorization code.Shortages / Overages / Errors: Please report shortages, overages, incorrect or defective merchandise to All Chefs Supplies, Inc. upon receipt of the product. All Chefs Supplies, Inc. will determine if an error occurred and if the entire shipment was received before credit orreplacement product is issued. A return shipping label will be issued to the customer for any overages, defective products, or items which need to be returned to, All Chefs Supplies, Inc. Please pack return items carefully to avoid damage in shipping to All Chefs Supplies, Inc.NOTICE: Regarding Breakage When your shipment is delivered, please follow these instructions:Any carton that appears to be damaged or altered in any way must be opened and inspected. If damage is not detected upon delivery, your claim may not be fully honored. You must contact the shipping carrier and All Chefs Supplies, Inc. immediately. The productsyou ordered and that are invoiced were given to the carrier in their original perfect condition and were packed with great care by our experiencedpackers, and as per shipping carrier’s requirements. The carrier is responsible for lost or damaged merchandise.When any merchandise is received in damaged condition, take pictures, note the time, place of delivery, the number of damaged cartons or products and make a detailed claim immediately with the carrier. Keep the breakage in the original carton and packaging forinspection by the shipping carrier if later needed.PAYMENT: All orders are shipped on a prepaid basis, unless customers have an established credit history with All Chefs Supplies, Inc.All first orders are shipped on a prepaid basis. In order to obtain credit terms, customers need to fill up a credit application and sign a personalguaranty. No credit terms can and will be established otherwise: NO exceptions.We accept most major credit cards with an additional fee of 3.5%. We accept payment with Square-Zelle and Paypal. We also accept Quickbook direct payments.International orders and out of state orders require a credit card authorization form to be signed by the card holder. Holiday orders require a 50% deposit at time of order and the balance of the total invoice including shipping upon shipping departure.Sales Taxes apply for California unless we receive a valid state/city or county resale license from a client.
All Chefs Supplies, Inc.Elegant Catering / Pastries / ChocolatiersSupports833-444-CHEF (2433)702-683-CHEF (2433)Se Habla Español!All Chefs Supplies inc6932 Tujunga AveNorth Hollywood, CA 91605info@allchefsupplies.comwww.allchefsupplies.com818 231-6426MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9AM - 4PM - PST