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ALIVE National Annual Symposium

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14-15 March 2024, 9:30 am (AEDT)- in-person and virtual16 March 2024, 13:30 pm (AEDT)- in-person onlyACT 9:30 amNSW 9:30 amSA 9:00 amQLD 8:30 amHosted with: The Australian National University, Partner in The ALIVE National CentreTAS 9:30 amVIC 9:30 amNT 8:00 amWA 6:30 amThe ALIVE National CentreAnnual Symposium 2024

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#alivesymposium24 hope that you enjoy learning more about our hybrid Annual Symposium for March 2024 which will be held Thursday and Friday at Old Parliament House, 18 King George Terrace, Parkes ACT 2600.The ALIVE-BARC partnership afternoon will be at Crosbie Morrison Amphitheatre and Lawn, Australian National Botanical Gardens. Be sure to check back here for updates.There is space to accommodate a small group of people in-person on the beautiful Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country, Canberra. If you find that you are fortunate to have your own resources to join us in-person, you are welcome to do so, or to join online. For this symposium we move closer to the renewal of the mental health care ecosystem with our focus on HOLISTIC FORMATIONS. We are joined by guests from Auckland City Council, Hamish Lindop and Tammi Potini, to hear about local Mãori community adaptations of ‘The Participatory City’ approach which follows a participatory ecosystem model. Joining our Aotearoa guests is Jon Glasby a Director of the IMPACT Centre to improve adult social care in England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland. A seven-year funded Centre using impact network and demonstrator approaches for implementation of change.We are excited by what will form and take shape. The two days will result in ALIVE NATIONAL’S Call to Action for HOLISTIC SYSTEMS. We will explore scaling deeply—which means looking at the deep cultural changes needed in mental health care systems and the need for enduring healing to deliver holistic health and how this can underpin at-scale delivery of care.Welcome, from the Co-Directors of the ALIVE National CentreVictoria Palmer Sandra Eades (Noongar) Michelle BanfieldHelloCommunities

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by Kamilaroi/Gamilaraay Artist,Dennis GoldingHealing from the ground explores the connections between land, people and wellbeing. Kamilaroi/Gamilaraay Artist Dennis Golding has produced a digital artwork that informs how Aboriginal storytelling is shared from markings on Country, and with Country. The artist uses pigments of different ochre tones of browns, greys and whites to reference the deep layers of land. The artist speaks about being connected to land as a healing process, culturally, spiritually and emotionally. Symbols of meeting places, waterholes trail lines form the pathways in which our people use for greater health, wellbeing and understanding of culture. Other elements include footsteps which are human markings on land in which the body and mind is connecting to earth - to our Country.Healing fromThe Ground

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#alivesymposium24….“…the act of giving form or shape to something or of taking form.”“…the manner in which a thing is formed…”HolisticFormations

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WELCOME TO HOLISTIC FORMATIONSThis is our 3rdAnnual ALIVE National Centre symposium. Each year the Centre’s symposia are centred around the ALIVE National Roadmap for Mental Health Research Translation where we review our progress, establish research goals and identify research translation strategies.March 2024 moves from HOLISTIC TERRAINS where we travelled the landscape of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-led models in Larrakia Nation (Darwin/Garramilla, Northern Territory) learning about culturally responsive trauma-informed care and suicide prevention models, to HOLISTIC FORMATIONS. We now examine the policy and practice arrangements that are needed to give shape and form to a HOLISTIC SYSTEM in mental health care. By this we mean a system that is distinct from the surrounding layers that still result in too many missing life years due to unmet needs, and flawed experiences. Our goal is for a renewal of the mental health care ecosystem.We are fortunate to be guests on Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country (Canberra) and thank the traditional owners of the lands we will meet on and where people will join from. Let’s continue our implementation journey toward a HOLISTIC focus in care across Australia. “…a natural formation/s…a rock unit distinct enough from its surrounding rock layers to be distinguished from them…”

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Graphic RecorderDebbie WoodDebbie will be in attendance for all three days of the Symposium providing graphic recordings of events and the corresponding actions that emerge.You can watch Debbie's work from 2022 and 2023 symposia here YouUniversity Partner Host for 2024 The Australian National University, CanberraWe are privileged to be guests on the lands of the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people. We recognise the traditional owners of the lands we meet on and their continued connection to land, sky and water ways. We pay our respect to Elders past and present for hosting us. If you need to take a break, please feel free to step outside into the fresh air of the gardens that surround the Old Parliament House.#alivesymposium24

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Symposium 2024The Form & ShapeYou might recall in the ALIVE National Centre’s Model of Change that we have talked about regeneration of the mental health care ecosystem through co-design. If you have not seen our model, you can read it here: year, we continue our journey to regenerate. It is a regeneration that we know needs a focus on new growth activities. It is not just about putting the new into the structures of the old and expecting to get different outcomes. It is about planting new ideas, regenerating the soil and growing the new.Over the course of our journey, we have heard that the idea of HOLISTIC SYSTEMS is shared as a priority for many people with lived-experience of mental ill-health, and carer, family and kinship group members.It is something that is more than bringing physical and mental health together, more than a model of care, and more than a focus on individuals. In this symposium we explore the more than parts for a HOLISTIC SYSTEM.We do this through SCALING DEEP—a concept in social innovation that acknowledges deep shifts, and enduring cultural changes are needed—to deliver AT-SCALE HOLISTIC SYSTEMS. Our Call to Action.

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#alivesymposium24 DEEPHamish LindopInnovation Capability CoachCommunity Innovation TeamConnected CommunitiesAuckland City CouncilTammy PotiniPractice LeadTe Waka KerewaiMãori Outcomes TeamAuckland City CouncilGarden with Us ProjectThe Values StairsFinal Mural Waters of Te MahiaDay 1

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Hamish and Tammy will speak about two projects.Manawatahi – Participatory City Pilot where the team at Onehunga Oranga Community hub supported community members to cocreate eight participation projects around everyday activities like collaborative cooking, gardening, making, and inclusive community morning teas, building community confidence and capability to cocreate, social cohesion, and enhancing wellbeing.Kia Ora Te Whānau Hubs Initiative - a co-creation project which sought to make council facilities hubs which create better outcomes, especially hauora (health and wellbeing) for Māori families in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland). The cocreation project included Whaea Kathleen Wilson of Te Akitai, Paula Green, a local Māori artist, Waimaahia hub staff, Māori Outcomes staff, Healthy Families South Auckland, and Hamish, and had three cocreation sessions with local tamariki and rangatahi (children and youth) which led to a beautiful cocreated mural which inspires and helps community to aspire, and “values stairs” which share the values that matter most to local rangatahi (youth) and community members.

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#alivesymposium24 GlasbyUniversity of Birmingham, UKDay 2 – The Form“You’ll make a good social worker –the trouble is you think too much’ – international lessons from IMPACT, the UK centre for implementing evidence in adult social care.”Jon Glasby trained as a social worker and is Professor of Health and Social Care at the University of Birmingham, UK. He is Director of IMPACT, the UK centre for implementing evidence in adult social care. In 2022, he was a special adviser to the UK House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee. He also sits on the Boards of a large UK Hospital Trust and a large Trust providing child protection/family support (

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Jon will speak about the IMPACT Centre run at the University of Birmingham. The IMPACT Centre vision of adult social care is pursued through the following objectives to enable practical improvements on the ground and make a crucial contribution to cultural change by,• Increasing the use of high-quality evidence, leading to better care practices, systems and outcomes• Building capacity and skills in the adult social care workforce to work with evidence of different kinds to innovate and deliver better outcomes• Developing relationships between a wide range of stakeholders across the sector, to improve outcomes for people who draw on services and their families• Improving understanding of what elements of evidence implementation do and do not work in practice, and using this to overcome barriersTo do this, IMPACT is collaborating with existing adult social care policy and practice partners. IMPACT’s work will also be embedded locally, regionally, nationally and across the UK.IMPACT believes that ‘good support isn’t just a bout ‘services’ – it ’s a b o u t h a vin g a life .‘They see ‘evidence’ as including insights from different types of research, lived experience and practice knowledge – and lived experience/practice knowledge are built into everything they do.

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SCALINGDay One—Thursday 14thMarch9:30 – 9:45Welcome to CountryGetting Started 9:45 – 10:45Where have we come from?Join our Co-Directors on a review of the terrains to the formations of a Holistic Ecosystem of Care in Australia.10:45 – 11:15Sharing Learning for ListeningWatch and reflect on what you hear or see…11:15 – 11:30Morning Tea / Stretch Break#alivesymposium24 must finish by 5pm due to other events being held in our room.We encourage people to connect socially to continue conversations at other venues or to enjoy the Old Parliament Gardens

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12:30 – 13:30DEEPLunch13:30 – 15:00SCALING DEEP (The Bigaagarri Project)Preventive, Experiential, Arts, Cultural Evidence Models for HealthClose Day One 11:30 – 12:30Opening Presenters: Hamish Lindopand Tammy PotiniAdapting the Participatory City Approach in two Mãori based community projects15:15 – 16:30HOLISTIC SYSTEMS At-ScaleA CALL TO ACTION & NEXT STEPSWe will be sharing a bit about how Day 2 will work and coordinating people into their HOLISTIC PLATFORM to co-create our call to action. This call will be delivered to government, key agencies, stakeholders and the research sectors.15:00 – 15:15Afternoon Tea / Stretch Break

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Day Two—Friday 15thMarch9:30 – 9:45Acknowledgement of CountryGetting Started 9:45 – 10:00Recap of Day 1 –Where have we come fromJoin to hear what our lived-experience co-chairs and co-leads learned from yesterday’s talks. HOLISTIC PLATFORMSA Call to ActionJoin a station There will be things for co-creation.Do not worry.We will give some more information.Just getting ready to talk or walk. There will be stuff to do—just be you!10:00 – 11:00Guest PresenterProf Jon GlasbyIMPACT Centre UKImproving Long Term Outcomes in Adult Care in the UK. Hear about the structure, form and difference that IMPACT is trying to make. 11:00 – 11:15Morning Tea /Stretch Break#alivesymposium24* Proceedings must finish by 5pm due to other events being held in our room.We encourage people to connect socially to continue conversations atother venues or to enjoy the Old Parliament Gardens

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11:15 – 12:15STATIONS OF CHANGE12:15 – 13:15Lunch15:15 – 16:30Where to from here - HOLISTIC SYSTEMS At-Scale A CALL TO ACTIONWe will be releasing the ALIVE National Centre’s Call to Action which will outline the need for a participatory ecosystem for mental health care that is centred around the concept of Holistic.13:15 – 15:00STATIONS OF CHANGE HOLSITIC PLATFORMS A CALL TO ACTIONAT-SCALE15:00 – 15:15Afternoon Tea /Stretch BreakClose Day Two

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Uti KulintjakuALIVE-BARC PartnershipDay Three – Saturday 16thMarch 202413:30 – 15:30VENUE CONFIRMED: Crosb ie Morrison Amphitheatre and Lawn, The Australian Botanical Gardens, Clu n ie s Ro s s St re e t , ACTO N, Canb erra, 2601.This is an in-person event only and registration is for in-person attendance only. Registration is essential: recording by Debbie Wood at the Larrakia Country 2023 Workshop.#alivesymposium24 ALIVE National Centre & The Big Anxiety Research Centre Partnership leverages Australia's leading mental health arts festival and Australia's first national mental health research translation centre to advance our Creative Engagement Program. The aim is to develop innovative creative tools, and new ways of understanding experiences and engaging in conversations about mental health, wellbeing, and social and emotional wellbeing through community collaboration.

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The Uti Kulintjaku is an innovative, Aboriginal-led mental health literacy project that takes its name from a Pitjantjatjara phrase that means ‘to listen, think and understand clearly’.Formed from the Ngangkari traditional healers and artists of the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council, the Uti Kulintjaku addresses community issues of mental health from both Aboriginal and Western perspectives.“What makes (the Uti Kulintjaku project) especially compelling”, writes Kim Mahood in The Monthly, “is thatit provides a framework for a conversation about the underlying psychological forces that drive human behaviour.”Working with the Big Anxiety and fEEL, the Uti Kulintjaku team have created virtual reality works, sharing their healing practices through creative visualisation, including Waumananyi: The Song on the Wind, an Anangu-led response to the experiences of constraint, entrapment, and depression through the traditional story (or ‘tjukurpa’) of ‘The Man in the Log’.These Virtual Reality works are presented in partnership with The ALIVE National Centre.

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#alivesymposium24 to EngageA word on terms, language andcontent in the SymposiumIn the ALIVE National Centre, we encompass many different framings of mental health, mental ill-health and distress, trauma and social and emotional wellbeing. We have an equally wide range of approaches to research and translation. As we make our journey into holistic formations that bring these together across our Symposium and beyond, we invite you to sit with us in these wide-ranging spaces and find places to share.We recognise this may bring some discomfort and encourage you to respond as you need. We hope this is with curiosity, questioning and respectful dialogue, but take time out to recharge as needed. Please feel free to take space outside in surrounds to take any breaks that you need. Chat with a team member if you need. We invite you to read Ways to Engage Online with The ALIVE National Centre prior to joining us online by clicking this link below or scan the QR code on your phone.

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Interactive Q&AVia SlidoJoin us in sharing your thoughts about Symp24. We welcome your feedback on Symposium sessions! During the Symposium, we’ll be using the interactive Q&A and platform Slido.Here’s how:• Go to and enter the number in the participant code box during the symposium. You can also scan the QR code on your phone or click the direct link.• Choose a “room” from the list to share your thoughts.• You can use the drop-down list at the top of screen to move between the rooms as often as you like.• Each room has a question and some guidance on what you might like to share. Feel free to visit often across the day as new ideas come to you in sessions.• Make sure you go to the first room (with purple dot) labelled “Q&A all sessions” during each Q&A to enter your questions. They might not be seen if shared in other rooms.Day 1 #2494589 2 #6338124

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#alivesymposium24 by clicking this button hereOr copy and paste this link in your browserOr scan this QR code on your phone cameraTwo Day Symposium (In-Person)Two Day Symposium (Online) by clicking this button hereOr copy and paste this link in your browserOr scan this QR code on your phone camera DAY SYMPOSIUM IN-PERSONTWO DAY SYMPOSIUM ONLINE

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RegistrationsRegister by clicking this button hereOr copy and paste this link in your browserOr scan this QR code on your phone cameraUti Kulintjaku ALIVE-BARC Partnership KULINTJAKU IN-PERSONThis is an in-person event and registration is for local Canberra based attendees only.

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Thank YouFunding AcknowledgementAdministering HUBThe University of MelbourneE: ALIVE National Centre Is funded by a Special Initiative in Mental Health GNT2002047

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Founding Universities and The ALIVE National Centre Partners

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