InsiderBUSTING HUMANTRAFFICKING MYTHSOur Prosecutor's POV busts the mythsbehind human trafficking. STOP LOOKING FOR THE SILVERBULLET TO HEALWhether its meditation or psychedelics, true healingcomes from the work you're willing to put in. FULL CIRCLE MOMENTSThe universe is always sending us signs.How can we witness full circle moments? January 2023HAPPYNEWYEAR
Authentic Insider | Page 02Dear Readers,Happy New Year folks! As we welcome 2023, I’d like to offer words ofgratitude for the love and support from all of you and the courageouscontributors who share their stories of resilience and education each month.Without all of you, this magazine would not exist. Here’s to 2023!January marks Human Trafficking Awareness Month and our Prosecutor’sPOV contributor, Kathryn Marsh bust the myths behind human trafficking andhow to recognize it in your community.There are so many ways to heal but Plant Medicine Contributor, Marci Mobergsays looking for the silver bullet to get the job done only undercuts the actualwork it takes to shed the layers of trauma. Losing a loved one to suicide is challenging on its own, but managing theaftermath can create more trauma for the survivors. Alexandra Wyman sharesher personal story of losing her husband & 5 things to do now if tragedystrikes.Many of us love to vent our frustrations to anyone who’ll listen. But co-authorsof the newly released book “Leave Your Sh*t Here,” Life Coach JackieWallace and Therapist Elizabeth Reed share the art and science to productivebitching.While we continue to recoup what was lost during the pandemic, there isconcern of mental health taking its toll on higher education. Trauma EducatorKaren Gross shares why she still has hope for the future and what changesshe hopes to see implemented. Experiencing trauma makes it harder to see the signs the universe lays out infront of you. Author and Coach Corinne Coppola, shares how recognizingthese full circle moments helped her strengthen her faith for the future.As in every issue, Cali Binstock provides a Healing through Art Prompt and wehave your Fresh Start AIM Playlist, along with my picks for children and adultbooks. Plus, check out Joy Larkin's Twin Flame Readings to see what's in storefor you for the start of the year.Thank you and cheers to an incredible new year full of positive energy andgratitude. Happy Reading!Lorilee BinstockLorilee BinstockEditor in ChiefAlways
Cali BinstockCreative DirectorHealing Though Art:Lynn BinstockCopy EditorKathryn MarshProsecutor POVBusting the Myths BehindHuman TraffickingJoy LarkinTwin Flame ReadingsAuthentic Insider | Page 03Authentic Insider | Page 03
Karen GrossContributorMental Health &Higher Education Authentic Insider | Page 04Alexandra WymanContributorFinding Light after the Death ofa Loved One by SuicideJackie WallaceCo-ContributorLeave Your Sh*t HereMarci MobergPlant Medicine ContributorStop Looking for the SilverBullet to HealElizabeth ReedCo-ContributorLeave Your Sh*t HereCorinne CoppolaContributorFull Circle Moments
Y O U RJ A N U A R YI S S U EProsecutor's POV: Kathryn Marsh08 The Myths of Human TraffickingHealing Through Art: Cali Binstock39 Reiki Work41 AIM Playlist42 Recommended Books44 Joy's Twin Flame Reading12I N E V E R Y I S S U EI N T H I S I S S U E332924Authentic Insider | Page 05By: Karen Gross 18 Mental Health & Higher Education By: Marci Moberg 12 Stop Looking for a Silver Bullet to Heal 24 Finding Light after the Death of a LovedOne by SuicideBy: Shannon Anderson 2 0 2 329 Leave Your Sh*t HereBy: Jackie Wallace & Elizabeth Reed0833 Full Circle MomentsBy: Corinne Coppola
Check out Binstock Media Group's Website traumasurvivorthriver.comGet the latest from A Trauma Survivor Thriver's Podcast, AuthenticInside Magazine, Lorilee Binstock in the media, and the latest news.Visit Authentic Insider | Page 06
Authentic Insider | Page 07“Every day is a newopportunity tobegin again. Everyday is yourbirthday.” —Dalai Lama
W W W . F R A M E M A G . C O M | 2 0BUSTING THE MYTHSBEHIND HUMANTRAFFICKING "Human trafficking is a crime against humanity. We must unite our efforts to freevictims and stop this crime that's become ever more aggressive, that threatens not justindividuals, but the foundational values of society." - Pope Francis hile almost everyone can agree thathuman trafficking is a crime that must bebrought to an end, there are common mythsor misconceptions about human traffickingthat pervade our media and warp ourunderstanding of trafficking. Theses mythsinclude: Human trafficking is only sextrafficking; human trafficking victims areonly children; victims are kidnapped andheld in bondage; victims are female. Whiletrafficking can and does involve children,women and sex trafficking, these myths thatthese are the only faces of trafficking aredangerous and exclude many victims whosecases are ignored or are not believed. HumanTrafficking is the second largest criminalenterprise in the world, earning traffickers anestimated $150 billion a year in illegal profits.While sex trafficking is commonly discussedin this country, labor trafficking is oftenignored. The U.S. Trafficking VictimsProtection Act (TVPA) defines Labortrafficking as “the recruitment, harboring,transportation, provision, or obtaining of aperson for labor or services, through the useof force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose ofsubjection to involuntary servitude, peonage,debt bondage, or slavery.” Debt bondage islabor associated with a debt that increases ornever decreases. Peonage is defined as laborwith threat of harm that is connected to adebt.It is estimated that 16 million people aroundthe world are subject to forced labor, but thisisn’t something that happens only in thirdworld countries or across oceans. “We're oneof the biggest consumers of labor trafficking.It's not something that happens across theworld. It's something that happens here."Brock D. Nicholson, Special Agent in ChargeU.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE). In the United States, experts estimatethat hundreds of thousands of victims aretrafficked each year.Some of the most common forms of labortrafficking in this country include: Domesticservitude; In-Home elder care; Hotel andhospitality services; Agriculture and fieldLabor; Cleaning services; Manufacturing;Construction and landscaping; Cosmetologyand beauty services; Retail services and childcare services.Labor Trafficking should not be confusedwith labor exploitation. Exploitationinvolves wage violations, illegal fees ordeductions, no meal or rest breaks,hazardous work environment, and havingwork injuries ignored. Trafficking involvesthe elements of labor exploitation plus force,coercion, or fraud. By Kathryn Marsh, Prosecutor POV Authentic Insider | Page 08 W
It is important to understandhow the “plusses” (force,coercion, or fraud) are carriedout. When considering forcedynamics this is most oftenexecuted through physicalmeans like: Sexual assaults;Beatings; Physical confinementand isolation. Coercion involvespsychological means such as:threats of serious harm orpsychological manipulation;climate of fear; threatening thelife and safety of a person ortheir family and friends;withholding legal documents;increasing or compounding debtthat is impossible to pay off;witnessing harm to others: abuseor threatened abuse of the legalsystem. Fraud involvesdeception, considered: falsepromises about work and livingconditions; use of fraudulenttravel documents; fraudulentemployment offers; withholding wages andchanges in agreement ornature of relationship.Labor traffickers, like sextraffickers, prey on thosethey feel are mostvulnerable or the easiest tomanipulate. Workers whoare particularly vulnerableto labor traffickers include:Foreign nationals with orwithout status, particularlythose with limited-English;Employees whose visa istied to an employer; or,undocumented employees;workers who are addicted toalcohol, painkillers, orillegal substances; Workerswho are homeless or haverecently been released fromincarceration and workerswho are living with physicalor intellectual disabilities.Labor traffickers,like sextraffickers, preyon those theyfeel are mostvulnerable or theeasiest tomanipulate. Authentic Insider | Page 09
Employees who are not paid or paid very little.Employee indicates they owe a debt to employer or related third-party.Employee is working excessively long work hours, withoutbreaks and is unable to take leave. They appear fearful of their employer.They rarely speak or makes eye contact in presence of employer. They defer personal or educational decisions to an employer.Employees appear to live with their employer or in employer-provided housing.The Employer maintains control over the employees passport,ID, or bank account information.The employer is not allowed to leave the job site withoutemployer’s consent, or alternatively they don’t leave the jobs sitewithout the employer or the employers agent.The employee has work-related injuries or poor healthconditions and is not allowed to take time off for doctor’sappointments or treatment.If you suspect labor trafficking, contact: National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-(888) 373-7888 or SMS: 233733 (Text “HELP” or “INFO”).You can learn more about Labor Trafficking at:;; month lets all do our part to raise awareness of labor trafficking in theUnited States and across the globe.Warning signs of labortrafficking include: Authentic Insider | Page 10
e“You’re off to greatplaces! Today is yourday! Your mountain iswaiting, So get on yourway!” —Dr. Seuss Authentic Insider | Page 11
consciously or unconsciously lookingfor a silver bullet. A simple andmiraculous solution to complicated andcomplex problems. I get it. I think most people, myselfincluded, have wished for a silverbullet on their own path of innerhealing and personal growth.Unfortunately, social media andpopular culture doesn’t help. We’re set up for the perception thatchronic challenges can simply besolved. I see this clearly in ourshrinking attention spans, looking forquick tidbits of advice while scrolling,or the false promise of exceptionalresults in five step schemes withmiraculous results.At times, I notice the search for thesilver bullet increasing with emergingtrends. For example, when Over the years ofdoing deep clientwork, I’ve noticed atrend. Some peopleseeking growth andhealing work are Omeditation and mindfulness startedto gain popularity, I noticed anincrease in how many peoplewanted to learn how to meditate.The increasing number of peopleseeking these practices felt exciting,as I’ve been a long-time meditatorand I’m a big believer in the positiveimpacts of the practice. However, Ifelt a pause because I don’t believemeditation alone is the solution.Meditation requires consistency,dedication, and diligence.Sometimes it feels like a slog andother times it feels enlivening. Butmost of all, meditation is mosteffective, nested as one in a seriesof approaches to create healing andtransformation. I experienced the real limitations ofmeditation many years ago when Ifound myself in a trauma therapysession with a complex PTSDdiagnosis. While my meditationpractice had made positive impactson my outlook, mindset, andwellbeing, I was struggling withsymptoms my meditation practicecould not address on its own. Marci Moberg is an intuitive soul guide, shadow worker,plant spirit teacher, and psychedelic integration coach.She has a passion for reconnecting sensitive souls to theirintuitive nature to heal their past and sense of belongingto the animate earth. Marci empowers big-heartedempathic people to stand in their power, trust theirintuition, and embody their truth. Guiding clients throughdeep underworld and magical otherworld journeys. Herwork includes mentoring individuals and groups drawingfrom a rich fusion of ancient and modern approachesincluding: plant and fungi spirit medicine, dreamwork,ancestral lineage healing, shadow integration, past liferegression, somatic approaches to trauma resolution, lifecoaching, mindfulness, psychedelic integration, andsacred ritual. She teaches plant spirit classes through herPatreon and is the teacher of Intuition Unlocked: the life-changing course on practical intuition development.Marci has been featured on the MindBodyGreen,Huffington Post, Reader’s Digest, Bustle, ThriveGlobal,and And interviewed for her expertise ontelevision, radio, and many podcasts."At times, I notice the search for the silver bullet increasingwith emerging trends." STOP LOOKING FOR THESILVER BULLET TO HEALAuthentic Insider | Page 12Written By Marci Moberg, Plant Medicine Contributor
"TOGETHER THEYTEAM TOGETHER TOCREATE THEHEALING ANDTRANSFORMATION,BUT EACH PERSONHAS AN ACTIVEROLE TO PLAY. "As we zoom into the presentday, I’m witnessing anothertrend emerging:psychedelics. This makes meextremely excited as asomatic plant medicinepractitioner who supportspeople’s preparation andintegration of psychedelicexperiences. I’m delightedand hopeful about theincreasing number of peopleopen to the healing potentialof plant medicines. I’mgrateful for the compoundingscientific research andevidence about theirpotential healing benefits, aswell as the opportunity toshift the way we relate tothese natural healingsubstances through our legalframeworks. And yet, I alsohave pause, because I’ve hadmore and more people tellme they're looking for a silverbullet in psychedelics.Again, I get it. Collectively,we’re experiencing a mentalhealth crisis. It’s estimatedthat 50 million Americans arestruggling with their mentalhealth and some say thestatistic is higher. It’s time fora dramatic overhaulin the way we support people’s mental health andwellbeing. I can empathize personally. Because as I mentionedin a previous Authentic Insider article "3unexpected lessons from my work with psychedelicplant medicines,” I found psychedelics after adecade of trauma therapy that left me experiencingcomplex PTSD symptoms. Despite a lot of somatic(body) trauma resolution work to release theimpacts of trauma from my nervous system, mysystem needed a major reboot. My first guided ceremony withsacred psychedelicmushrooms did exactly that.It reboot my system, but thatwasn’t the whole story… It’s said in a plant medicinespace that there are threeparties. The facilitator, theperson receiving themedicine, and the plant/fungispirit. Together they teamtogether to create thehealing and transformation,but each person has anactive role to play. In my own psychedelicceremony, I played an activerole during preparation, theday of the ceremony, andafterwards duringintegration. This includedcontinuing self-care andcoping practices that Ialready did on a daily basis,such as meditation, yoga,breathing techniques,journaling, sacred ritual andmore. I knew I played anactive role in thistransformation. In otherwords, I wasn’t expecting thesacred medicine to be thesilver bullet and do all thework, nor did I expect to Authentic Insider | Page 13
"IF WE COME TO PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCESEXPECTING A SILVER BULLET, WE MISS THISPIECE OF THE PUZZLE"drop the other practices and copingstrategies I had in place. I understood that Iwas in a relationship and in collaborationtogether with the sacred fungi in the process.Each of us had to show up along with myfacilitator to create the conditions for themagic of the mushroom to happen.If we come to psychedelic experiencesexpecting a silver bullet, we miss this piece ofthe puzzle. We are an active team member inthe unfolding and that psychedelics are onlyas good as the intentional preparation,presence and surrender on the day of theceremony, and unpacking to integrate andembody our insights and experiences. Inother words, the rubber must hit the road. Incorporating 1:1 sessions with anexperienced practitioner to process ourfeelings and design our intention.Leaning on our support system to feel heldand nourished in our social lives.Practicing great self-care to support ourinner sense of balanceWe also miss the reality that successfulpsychedelic experiences often stand on theshoulders of a multi-pronged approach,including:If you’re working with psychedelics to supportyour own inner healing and growth, the nextpage has five tips to ensure your approachingplant medicines without falling into the trap ofthe silver bullet approach.Authentic Insider | Page 14
"THERE ARE TRUSTEDINTEGRATIONPROFESSIONALS LIKE MYSELFAND MY COLLEAGUES WHOARE TRAINED TO UNPACK THERICHNESS AND COMPLEXITYOF A PSYCHEDELICEXPERIENCE."P L A N T O M A I N T A I N Y O U R S E L F -C A R E A N D I N T R O S P E C T I O NP R A C T I C E S P R I O R T O A N D A F T E RA P S Y C H E D E L I C E X P E R I E N C E . For example, if you find meditation supports you to feelmore centered, block time for daily meditation practice inthe days prior to and after your planned psychedelicexperience. Or if you find journaling is particularly helpfulin accessing your feelings, make a commitment to leanon this technique before, during, and after yourceremony.S T R E N G T H E N Y O U R S O C I A LS U P P O R T S Y S T E M . Deepen the friendships you hold dear to you. Invest inrelationships where you feel safe to share about yourpsychedelic experience after it’s complete. And build newrelationships and connections if you don’t feel like youhave a support system you can lean on along the way.For example, many areas have local psychedelic societieswhere you can meet like-minded people on a healing andgrowth path.R E M E M B E R Y O U D O N ’ T H A V E T OI N T E G R A T E Y O U R E X P E R I E N C E SA L O N E . There are trusted integration professionals like myselfand my colleagues who are trained to unpack therichness and complexity of a psychedelic experience.Working 1:1 with an integration guide can help you feelunderstood after your experience. And can skillfullybridge your psychedelic experience with your everydaythrough embodied action. I generally recommend peopleschedule 4-6 1:1 sessions after a plant medicineexperience to support integration.E X P E C T N O R M A L U P S A N DD O W N S A L O N G T H E W A Y . In the best of circumstances, working withpsychedelics increases our resiliency to ride thenormal waves of life. It’s important to remember thatthe normal ups and downs of life don’t suddenly goaway and that it’s quite common for people toexperience new ups and downs after a psychedelicexperience as we access deeper layers of emotionaland psychological material. For example, you’ll stillhave disagreements with people you love, and you’llstill experience stress at times. However,psychedelics can empower us to relate to ourcircumstances differently. I F T H I S I S Y O U R F I R S TP S Y C H E D E L I C E X P E R I E N C E ,D O N ’ T P U T T O O M U C H P R E S S U R EO N T H E O U T C O M E S O F Y O U R S E L FO R T H E C E R E M O N Y . Sometimes I’ve witnessed people put so much pressureon their first psychedelic healing experience that theycome out on the other side disappointed or feeling likethey let themselves down. It’s not uncommon for peoplewith complex trauma and challenges to find it mostsupportive to experience more than one psychedelicceremony to support healing. That certainly was the casefor me. If anything is a silver bullet for our inner healing, it’sthe knowing that complex problems require multi-layered and evolving approaches. Psychedelics aren'timmune from this reality. If we approach our workwith plant medicines with this in mind, we nestourselves holistically, providing the full opportunityfor the magic of psychedelics to do their work.Within a robust net, it creates ripe conditions forlasting transformation and change. Authentic Insider | Page 15 Insider | Page 16
Authentic Insider | Page 17“Rock bottom is the endof what wasn’t trueenough. Begin again andbuild something Truer.”—Glennon Doyle
By: Karen Gross, Children's BookAuthor & Trauma Educator It would not be the least bit unusual to feelpessimistic about education in general and highereducation in particular. Enrollments have beendeclining at many institutions across theeducational landscape. Budgets are tight at many.Shootings on campuses or unexpected deaths ofstudents are far too frequent. So too are hazingand harassment. Discrimination is on the rise. Theequity gap is widening. Faculty and staff aredisenchanted and stressed; so are students. Mentalwellness is a challenge for many. In short, thefuture doesn’t look bright. And the media arehaving a heyday sharing all the negative news.Yet, I still have hope.What alternative is there? If we don’t have hope,we stagnate and fail to make forward progress.Add to this, philosophically speaking, hope is anattitude we hold that enables us to navigatedifficult times with a forward-focused approachand a belief in the possibility of a better It has to do with what we experiencedand how we responded to the pandemic. It mayseem counterintuitive to many, but we need toshift the lens through which we view thepandemic’s impact on education.Most people have been focused on thepandemic’s negatives and how we eradicate orlessen all that has happened to students. There isan embedded assumption that we need to move“back to normal” to restore what the pandemicstole.But this assumes that education was, pre-pandemic, in good shape, which is far from thetruth. Even pre-pandemic, there were deficits ineducation that led to student failures in collegeand lack of access to quality postsecondaryeducation for far too many low-income students.Pedagogy was suboptimal in many classrooms;lecturing was too common. Demographics alsoimpacted educational enrollment in a periodbefore the pandemic started. And though therewere approaches being researched and triedbefore the pandemic to improve higher education,Higher Education & Mental HealthPandemic PositivesAuthentic Insider | Page 18 There is a third reason that I see hope in
many of these ideas were not implemented widelyor fully. For example, social and emotionallearning was gaining traction as were communityschools and trauma-sensitive schools. Studiesshowing the value of enhancing the student-teacher relationship as it improves learning andself-control were available and used by someacademic institutions.But we have ignored the positives that occurredwithin the educational landscape. As part of abook we are co-authoring, Harvard MedicalSchool assistant professor of psychology EdwardK. S. Wang and I have gathered a wide range ofpositives that actually occurred during thepandemic in terms of learning and psychosocialdevelopment. Yes, there were positives althoughthey have often not been named or recognized.And these positives have not been replicated orscaled.Here are just a few examples of these positives.With educators working online, they were able tosee students engaging with their families and thatoften disclosed dysfunction that, but for onlinelearning, would not have been observed. So, in areal way, educators had an opportunity tounderstand more fully who their studentswere/are. Consider too the fact that some studentswho did not engage in classroom discussion whenlearning was in-person, were able to participatemore fully and more easily online; for thesestudents, it is likely that the absence of teasing orpeer pressure were eased online. With both in-person masked and socially distant learning and inthe online environment, educators exercisedincreased strategies to engage and connect withstudents as well as connecting them to each other;the absence of the “normal” engagement approachesallowed for new avenues for connection. Thisprompted more project-based learning, pod learningand interactive activities, all educational positives.What if we try to identify as many of these positivesas possible and reflect on how did they come about?Then we can look at how to replicate and scale thesepositives for the betterment of higher educationmoving forward.Begin with how the positives came to pass. Thinkabout this phrase and its applicability: Necessity isthe mother of invention. We know that in times ofcrisis, we develop strategies to cope and deal withwhat is before us. We may not know why what wedevelop during a crisis works, but there is noquestion but that crises create opportunities tochange the status quo. Crises force us to act quicklytoo, because change is afoot and will not await thetraditional timetables for change.And, that happened in education at all levels.Educators figured out–not systemically to be sure–how to teach online (some for the first time). Theseeducators wrestled with new ways to presentmaterials. These educators struggled to engagestudents who were not all in the same room–engagethem with the material, engage them with oneanother and engage them with the educator."Crises force us to actquickly too, becausechange is afoot and willnot await the traditionaltimetables for change."Authentic Insider | Page 19
Take this example. Some college students weresigning into classes, but were not engaging withlearning. Their names, not faces, appeared. Theymuted themselves. In reality, some professors didnot even know if the students were “there” interms of paying attention. Some professorsrealized that “teaching as usual” was not anoption. There needed to be different incentives,different approaches, different forms ofengagement.While new to online platforms and learning withtheir colleagues, professors tried new pedagogies.Some professors tried using polling to measurelearning and class engagement. Some tried usingbreakout rooms, allowing students to processinformation and solve problems. Some turned tovideos within the online environment and thenencouraged discussion. Some used the chat roomand other writing tools, recognizing that differentstudents had different learning styles in the onlineworld (something that was true pre-pandemic).Some had efforts to get students to “tune” in byhaving true/false questions, the answers to whichinvolved showing or not showing faces on screen.Some professors came online early and left late toenable students to ask questions. Some professorsused email and online platforms to messagestudents between classes and make connections.Some had virtual office hours. Some had phone callswith students. The ways professors made onlinelearning work, when they were previouslyunaccustomed to this learning modality, wasremarkable.These are all approaches which, absent the suddencrisis and need to move online or into hybrid mode,would not have happened. Yes, online learning didexist pre-pandemic, but it was not deployed in manytraditional academic environments. And, in the processof changing how they taught their students, professorsexperienced changes too in how they viewed their rolesand responsibilities as educators. In a sense, the sharedPandemic experience allowed students and educatorsto engage more fully and with greater understanding ofeach other.Reflect on these examples.Some students expressed frustration with their learningthrough online behavior like noticeably demonstratingdisinterest; they multitasked or used their cell phonesor were eating and drinking, suggesting the need for aprofessor to engage with them offline. And, seeing thisbehavior encouraged some professors to pause, takenote and reach out, likely because they themselveswere struggling to remain engage"In a sense, the sharedPandemic experienceallowed students andeducators to engagemore fully and withgreater understandingof each other."Authentic Insider | Page 20
Some students were unable to connect to thematerials or the class and farmed off the work tooutsiders. Recognizing this risk made professorscreate assignments that were unique andunavailable to purchase; they also designedengagement and its impact on class grading tooperate differently so that students were unable to disregard in-class participation.Some students were dysregulated ordisassociated, whether online or in-person; thismeans they were unable to concentrate and learnas a consequence of their traumatic pandemic (orother) experience. Some of these students wereangry over the change in their educationalexperience and wanted no part of the newofferings. Some simply checked out even thoughthey were present. Some acted out by stompingaround, throwing paper, banging on their phone,being loud and argumentative and this could bewitnessed online or in person. Professors and staffhad to intervene and engage differently with thesestudents, including through interventions withstaff with experience in mental wellness.The pandemic also brought policy flexibility withexperimental efforts, pilot initiatives and changesin grading and discipline. Addressing NEBHE’sfall 2022 board meeting, Inside Higher Ed’sDoug Lederman noted that after trillions ofdollars in federal aid helped higher educationmake faster adaptations during the pandemic,now, sadly, institutions and educators arereturning to the old ways. In some ways, we cansee parallels to the speed with which Covidvaccines were created; federal funding,collaboration and need were compelling forces.Here’s the point: Educators teaching during thepandemic made changes to what they did andhow they did it–even if they would not have madechanges but for the Pandemic’s intervention.What they did not realize or understand is that thechanges they made should not be limited to thePandemic world. They employed approaches thatare valuable still: engagement; connection andcommunication. And these changed learningstrategies are trauma-responsive, even thoughthey likely were not used with traumaamelioration at the forefront of professors’ minds.Indeed, the trauma literature abounds withreferences to the need for trusted individuals,ongoing connection and increasedcommunication.One strategy was to visualize this change in themidst of a crisis to reflect on the followingillustration on page 22, top left. Pre-pandemic, Authentic Insider | Page 21"We need to identifythe positives thatoccurred in educationduring the pandemic.Then we need to findways to share thesepositives so they can bereplicated and scaled."
things were like the lower left corner of this painting,largely ordered although certainly not homogeneous.During the pandemic, things changed, and the usualrules and formats and engagement changed and webecame disordered in a sense. The order pre-pandemicwas disrupted. We needed professors to change; weneeded students to change; we needed institutions tochange. And the changes were made as we went. Webuilt the education plane as it was flying.What does this all mean?We need to identify the positives that occurred ineducation during the pandemic. Then we need to findways to share these positives so they can be replicatedand scaled. And we need to develop stickiness— howto make change last and endure so that we can see long-term improvement. Now, stickiness is tricky; how wecan make social change is a topic worthy of futurediscussion.As I reflect on the positive changes engendered by thepandemic, I am struck by the statement thataccompanies an ancient Japanese form of pottery repairnamed Kintsugi. The broken shards are pieced togetherwith gold and then it is said, “More Beautiful for BeingBroken.” In a very real way, inspired by Kintsugi, we need tomake peace with the pieces the pandemic leftbehind and gather the positive shards and allow themto be part of education moving forward. Thisfollowing illustration that I created (below) is aneffort to speak to the beauty that can be found if wepiece together what is broken. And, by analogy, so itis with education.With the Kintsugi philosophy in mind, here is what Isee. I see that positive change happened in highereducation during the pandemic, and for complexreasons, we have largely ignored it. Instead, we areenamored with the negatives the pandemic produced,which are plentiful to be sure.We would be wise to look at the positives, some ofwhich were detailed above, that occurred–within andoutside individual classrooms and within the highereducation community. And we can then name whathappened during the pandemic to move us forward. Ifwe do this, we can use what we did to better educationfor our students today and tomorrow.A crisis created opportunity for change. Let’s not letthat opportunity go to waste to play off a hackneyedphrase. That, at the end of the day, is my hope. And itis not chimerical hope. It is hope grounded in thisreality: if we are willing to work to acknowledge andthen use the positive change we created, we canimprove higher education.Authentic Insider | Page 22
Finding lightafter theDeath of aLoved One bySuicide hen my husband, Shawn, died bysuicide in 2020, my world exploded. In aninstant, the life I thought I was going tolive was over. Our son lost his dad, and Ilost the man that I loved—the man Ithought I would be sharing the rest of mylife with.Emotionally, it was the most difficult thing Ihave ever experienced. The shock, anger,and sorrow lasted for months. I stillexperience grief and pain, and I know thatthose feelings may never entirely go away.As difficult as the emotional aftermath ofhis death was, though, pain and sorrowweren’t the only things I had to learn howto deal with. When a loved one dies,whether by suicide or some other cause,they leave a lot of belongings and otherbusiness behind. Managing all of that canbe exhausting, draining, and difficult, too.While it will never be easy to deal with the“business” side of a loved one’s passing, takingthe time to think about it before anythinghappens will make things easier. To help you, I’vecreated a list of things that you can start thinkingabout now. By taking small steps to address thesethings, you can avoid getting overwhelmed whilestill making sure things are set up in the event of atragedy.Create A WillThe first and most important thing to do is to createa will. If your loved one doesn’t have a will,encourage them to set one up, too.If writing out your will causes you some anxiety, youare far from alone. I’ve talked to a lot of people whofeel like creating a will is almost like they’re invitingdeath in. However, if you can shift your mindset andview it as something that will create peace of mindfor those left behind, it may be a lot easier.By Alexandra Wyman, Author of "The Suicide Club"Authentic Insider | Page 245 Things You Can Do Now to Make Things Easier if Tragedy StrikesW
I immediately cried. Thiswas a miracle, given howlife insurance laws andpolicies are written inregard to death bysuicide. Thinking about how you want your assets distributedin the event of your passing helps ensure that youhave a say in your own legacy. Make sure, though,that you do more than think about it: write it down.You may even want to consult a lawyer, to make surethat everything is as smooth as possible for yourloved ones if something happens to you.Get Life InsuranceShort story—get some. If you have loved ones ordependents, get a life insurance policy. I rememberthe phone call informing me that Shawn’s lifeinsurance proceeds were approved. I immediatelycried. This was a miracle, given how life insurancelaws and policies are written in regard to death bysuicide. If his policy had not paid out benefits, I was not surehow I was going to survive independently. The rentalmarket where we live is more expensive than thehousing market, and without the life insurancemoney, I knew for sure we would not be able to stayin our home. Just so you are prepared, I will say that many peopleasked me how much the policy was for. I wish I hadpolitely told people I preferred not to disclose theamount. I let a couple of people know but did notrealize the potential repercussions of that. Another thing to prepare yourself for: someone alsomentioned to me that this money was a gift. Thisupset me because there is nothing good that comesfrom Shawn dying, including receiving a lifeinsurance payout. I am grateful to have this moneyfor our son, but I would trade it any day to have myhusband back with us.Authentic Insider | Page 25
When a partner or loved one dies, dealing with non-shared assets can be incredibly difficult. For example,we had just recently sold my car, and I was drivingShawn’s old car after he purchased a newer one. Theold car was paid off, so that was not much of aconcern. However, both cars were in his name. To get Shawn’s car into my name was a ridiculous feat.The death certificate was not enough. I needed to get acounty form declaring that his assets were now mineand also had to go through an approval process todetermine if I could carry the car loan. I made threeseparate trips to the lending institution, only to be sentaway for more information each time. However, as frustrating as that was, at least I didn’t findmyself in the situation where I had to fight to keep thoseassets. If you are married or in a long-term partnership, Iadvise putting all assets in both of your names ifpossible.Shawn and I had multiple joint bank accounts, forwhich I am grateful. Because my name was includedon his accounts, they automatically transferred tome. If you are married or in a long-term partnership,consider joint bank accounts. They will make thingsmuch easier.As glad as I am that I didn’t have to fight to accessour money after Shawn died, removing his name fromthe accounts wasn’t easy. I did this rather quicklybecause there were whispers that others might cometo me for money. A few random checks showed up inhis name after his death, and I had to work with thebank to let me deposit them since his name wasremoved from the accounts. Every bank has a different system, process, andrequirements. It’s a lot to do, but I made a list of allthe places I needed to call and committed to one ortwo a week. That’s right—not even one or two a day. Ididn’t have the mental capacity to handle suchaffairs on a daily basis. Most days, I was lucky if Icould get dressed or even take a shower. Set yourself up for success by setting the bar kind oflow for what you feel you can accomplish. If needbe, create a running to-do list so you don’t overlookanything. Then, enlist a trusted person to help youcomplete the items on that list.Consider Joint Checking AccountsI didn’t have themental capacity tohandle such affairs ona daily basis. Mostdays, I was lucky if Icould get dressed oreven take a shower. Cut Down on Non-Shared AssetsAuthentic Insider | Page 26
Whether we want to face it or not, death comes forall of us. And when it comes for someone we love,we are forced to stand in front of it and watch itever so lightly knock over the pieces that made upour lives. It’s like watching the end of a close chessgame when the victorious winner taps the queen asshe falls over, completely defeated.Death forces us to recognize that nothing we have ispermanent or predictable. It forces us to realize wecan lose again and again, and there is nothing wecan do about it. It also challenges us to reevaluateour relationship with death and our own spirituality. While death often is visualized as dark, gloomy, andempty, I have found that there is actually anotherway to think about it. If we let it, it can show us thelife that still exists even when someone we loveleaves us—the light that permeates and leads to love.Even as I am faced with Shawn’s death on a dailybasis, I am forced to see the beauty of life all aroundme.You may not know where you stand on your ownspirituality and thoughts about death until you comeface to face with it. That’s okay. Being open tofiguring out what works for you when your life blowsup is part of the healing process. And, by addressingsome of the bureaucratic matters ahead of time, youleave yourself more space to explore your ownspiritual understanding of death. There’s no way around it: losing a loved one isagonizingly hard. But, if you start getting the businessside of things squared away when things are fine,you will save yourself a lot of anguish, anxiety, andstress down the road.Don’t wait until someone is sick or tragedy strikes tostart preparing yourself for the worst. I know: it’s nota fun task, but it’s an important one. By taking babysteps now, you’ll enjoy greater peace of mind. Mostof all, you’ll be ready if—or when—life blindsides you.Reflect on Your SpiritualityTake Baby StepsFor more advice on how to rebuild after a loved onedies, you can find The Suicide Club on Amazon.Alexandra Wyman is an advocate and public speakerfor resources in the aftermath of suicide. After she losther husband to suicide in August of 2020, Alexandrafound a need to change the rhetoric around suicide.She has spoken at the Colorado School CounselorAssociation’s annual conference; the OrthodoxChristian Association of Medicine, Psychology, andReligion (OCAMPR) annual conference; and Bridgingthe Divide Suicide Prevention and Awareness Summit2022. She has also been a guest on the YouDoWoopodcast. Alexandra practices occupational therapyand lives in Colorado with her son.Even as I am faced withShawn’s death on a dailybasis, I am forced to seethe beauty of life allaround me.Authentic Insider | Page 27
Each of us hasthat right, thatpossibility, toinvent ourselvesdaily. If a persondoes not inventherself, she willbe invented. So, tobe bodaciousenough to inventourselves iswise.” —Maya AngelouAuthentic Insider | Page 28
hile you’ve been told to “Suck it up” for themajority of your life, we’re here to challenge that beliefby saying “It’s ok to feel what you feel!” Undoubtedly,the “Suck it up” programming has created a worldwhere you learned to carry your sh*t with you, weigheddown and unmotivated by it. We’re once againchallenging that belief with “LEAVE YOUR SH*T HERE!”We’re all over-stimulated. Noise turns into emotion thatturns into anxiety, panic, and dissatisfaction. Before youknow it, you’re a walking zombie — numb, unhappy,and hurting.BUT imagine how you’d feel if you embraced youremotions, and had control over them instead of themcontrolling you? Imagine your life if everyone aroundyou did the same? What would your relationships looklike? What would your mental health look like? Whatwould you feel like?According to an article published by NBC BETTERToday, “Holding in feelings has a negative impact on mental and physical health." But that’s not all. In a studypublished in the Journal of Consulting and ClinicalPsychology, "Short bursts of complaints are preferable sostress hormones don't build." First, define what you hope to accomplish by complaining.Secondly, figure out how to complain using the bestcombination of words and emotions that will resonate withthe listener and lead to a resolution (whether the listener isyou, or someone else). This will require you to cultivate the skills of learning not totake things personally by detaching yourself from the triggerand practicing the art of non-reaction. LeaveYourSH*t HereWritten by Jackie Wallace & Elizabeth Reed We believe that there is an art andscience to bitching. But it’s not just about complaining, it’s aboutlearning to complain productively! Authentic Insider | Page 29 W
The beautiful thing about complaining the right way isthat it can lead to resolving problems and strengtheningrelationships, both with yourself and with others, makinglife simpler and more enjoyable! So, where to start?Writing and journaling is a scientifically backed form oftherapy that is simple to do. This is not going to make allyour problems go away, but what we’ve found is that theprocess of writing and releasing your frustrations ontopaper is one step towards sorting things out and gainingclarity. The process of writing, releasing, and destroyingwill hone your problem-solving skills and help you takeback your power. Let’s face it; everybody has their shit todeal with. Sometimes, you just need a safe,nonjudgmental space to vent and express yourself andyour sh*t! No judgment there.In the process of venting, you’ll soon identify patterns andtriggers and find a sanctuary of self-discovery within yourpages. Self discovery naturally leads to awareness, leadsto growth, leads to progress! TA-DAH! But this self-discovery goes deeper than that.We know, (because we’ve been there too), faced with theweary questions of… The so-called “bad” parts aren’t meant to be lockeddoors we can’t get through, but an invitation to askfurther inquiries. Ask yourself, “Why am I stuck in my life? What are thecontributing factors? Is it me? Am I a victim or is it fear?”Many of us have been through enough things to create along list of all the lousy sh*t that’s happened. Wepromise, it’s not just you. But because of this, you’vepainted yourself in a corner where you feel “stuck.” This“stuckness,” in reality, is the fear of change and the fearof “Will I make it through?”Here’s the thing…Expressing your fear makes it less daunting! Bringingfears up into the light and out of the shadow, makesthem less scary. We guarantee it! Small steps out of yourcomfort zone will start to elicit a change in you, and whenyou change — your life changes. These steps are gradualand painless, maybe a bit uncomfortable (but that’snothing you can’t handle). Don’t focus on the big stuffsuch as What does it mean to be normal, andare my responses, thoughts, feelings,and actions normal in my life? Well, let us ask you. What even is normal? Is there reallysuch a thing as normal? And who defines it? There is nothing wrong with feeling your feelings, askingthe daunting questions, stating them on paper, andletting all the things you’ve ever thought, but held inside,be released from the inner prison of your being! Where westand to argue, however, is that there is something wrongif you’re unallowing your feelings to be felt! It takesconfidence to feel what you’re feeling, and to be all thatyou are, we know. But just like all else, confidence is amuscle to be flexed! We’re all glazed with good and badcharacteristics — it’s what makes us into unique flavorsof sauce (and we wouldn’t have it any other way) becausewe can work on the bad... no sweat.Authentic Insider | Page 30
“Should I change jobs or leave my relationship?”Start with the changes in you and the rest will fallinto place. Final tip to set you on your way, TRACK YOURPROGRESS! The brain has a unique way offorgetting the good things we’ve done and likesto focus on the negatives. So it’s best to be bestequipped when dealing with the tactics of themind. The best way to log your progress is to (youguessed it) write it down with pen and paper. Thisis very effective when working on changing theway you think. As you log your progress, you arechanging the neural pathways in the brain towarda more positive outlook. As you work through the LEAVE YOUR SH*T HEREjournal and make these changes, your progresswill be reflected in the way you live and feel aboutlife. Remember, there will be times when thereisn’t much change, or even regression. This isonly temporary. Change is not a linearmovement, it’s an ebb-and-flow journey. Enjoythe ride. You’re on the right track!Jackie Wallace is a serial entrepreneur, author, and podcaster.With over thirty-five years of leading and coaching people andover 250 interviews as a podcaster, she enjoys exploring howeveryday people figure out their purpose and pursue it. Hersuperpower is curiosity which makes her an avid learner. She has embraced her failures and learned to rewrite the narrativesacknowledging the blessings in the lessons. In addition tobusiness, she is a wife and mother of three.Elizabeth Reed has been a practicing psychotherapist for over 10years. Liz also has her own podcast called Liz Life Guru. This isher second career; she was a teacher and gourmet chef for 30years. She has embraced sobriety for 20 years and has a strongfocus on addiction and reinventing your life as she has. She likesto say," I've been there and done that," Reed's openness to herown life gives her patients a relatability that most therapistsdon't have. It is her honor to share her story and help others ontheir path to a better life.About the AuthorsAuthentic Insider | Page 31
“When the winds ofchange blow, somepeople build walls andothers build windmills.”—Chinese proverb Authentic Insider | Page 32
Full CircleFull CircleMomentsMoments n September 2021, I dropped my youngestson off at college and a day later I was“living the dream” in Chincoteague, VA, amagical place on the Eastern Shore ofVirginia where the wild ponies live. I was anempty nester and in a bold declaration, Idecided to sell or give away most of myearthly possessions and move 3 1/2 hoursaway from the suburbs of Washington, DCwhere I had lived for over 30 years.Everything I owned fit into a U-Haul. I wasabout to step into a storybook life.At first, it was thrilling to live near the ocean,surrounded by nature and only beingresponsible for myself and my beautifulGolden Retriever, Sadie. Very shortly afterthough, the reality began to set in. Thefeelings of freedom, connection and joyquickly wore off.I missed my tribe dearly - my 2 young adultchildren, the love of my life and friends whohad become family all who still lived in theDC suburbs. Intellectually, I knew I would bestarting over in Chincoteague, butemotionally it hit me unexpectedly like a tonof bricks.I thought I was prepared for this Empty Nestthing. I’ve been through all the hard stuff - in2007, I had memories surface of beingsexually abused by a close family member.I’ve been exiled from my family of origin forthe past 15 years. I’ve had a marriage fallBy Corrine CoppolaAuthentic Insider | Page 33II
apart. I’ve been fired. I’ve lost dear friends tocancer and suicide - loss is part of life.I have an advanced degree focused on managingchange; I help people navigate transitions, griefand difficult emotions for a living. I know and useall of the tools and still I fail AND I get back upagain. The key is learning how to get back up. Howto show up and accept ourselves with grace,compassion and forgiveness.I’ve lived most of my life feeling like my outsidesdon’t match my insides. “Shiny, Happy People”Corinne on the outside and “Sad, Rageful andAshamed” Corinne on the inside. It wasn’t exactlymy fault - it was a result of growing up in a homefilled with secrets (addiction & abuse) which led toa marriage mired in secrets. And now, I have landed in a beach town with 3traffic lights and my outsides are finally matchingmy insides."I’ve lived most of my lifefeeling like my outsidesdon’t match my insides." Authentic Insider | Page 34
One of the ways I was able to navigate thefeelings of loss, grief, confusion and doubtcentered around little messages of hope, Icall “Full Circle Moments.” The ability torecognize how everything has cometogether for my greatest good has been apowerful force in strengthening my hopeand faith in the future. It’s looking for thesilver linings in the messiness. When I was packing up to move to theEastern Shore, I found the offer letter formy first professional job after college. Itwas dated April 14, 1988. Exactly 10 yearslater, on April 14, 1998, my daughter wasborn, and I became a Mom for the firsttime. It stopped me dead cold; chills ran up anddown my spine. Tears welled up in myeyes and I let out a guttural release. I wasnot alone. I was right where I wassupposed to be. To me it was God reassuring me that all was goingaccording to plan. I did not need toknow the details. They were alreadytaken care of. I was already providedfor. It was up to me to pay attention. Itwas up to me to choose to believe thatall was coming together for mygreatest good.There was no way for me to haveremembered the date of my first offerletter. I rarely kept things like that. Andfor some reason, when I needed thereassurance the most, the letterappeared. FULL. CIRCLE. MOMENT.Full Circle Moments allow me to have agreater sense of freedom and inviteme to have a stronger faith. I gaingreater confidence that the details ofmy life are already worked out. All Ineed to do is surrender - which ismuch easier said than done. "The ability to recognizehow everything hascome together for mygreatest good has beena powerful force instrengthening my hopeand faith in the future." Authentic Insider | Page 35
It’s my job to pay attention andstay aware. To look for thesynchronicities and connectionsthat are happening every day. Now,I eagerly seek out Full CircleMoments as a way to connect to aGrace, Compassion and Love muchgreater than myself.Where do you see “Full CircleMoments” happening in your life?I’d love to hear about them! Emailme Coppola (mental healthcoach, author and speaker) hasspent her lifetime learning the harmand power of invisible loss, pain,grief, substance use andhopelessness. She has walked thewalk and brings her experience,education and years of trainingand personal transformation to herpractice. Her clients have gainedthe courage to take on newadventures, overcome healthchallenges, deal with grief, takeback control in their lives, stand upfor their beliefs, regain love andconnection in their most importantrelationships, and more.With over 25 years in business andleadership roles in the public andprivate sector, coupled with hermasters in OrganizationDevelopment and her training inInternal Family Systems Level 2,Corinne has helped hundreds ofpeople overcome depression,anxiety, negative patterning andbehaviors to live with confidence,ease and peace. She is the Founderof R.E.S.T. retreats and leads private1:1 and small group retreatsnationally and internationally.Authentic Insider | Page 36About the Author
S= Surrender the burden and blocks of your past to make room for the new.E= Examine your habits and thought patterns to identify what is not serving you.Imagine 8 days and 7 nights where every need will be met from the moment you arrive on Costa Rican soil until the time you leave. Included 3 healthy, locally sourced meals/day by a world-classchef; daily workshops including sound healing, breath work, and Cacao ceremony, sunset walks, and more!M A R C H 1 1 - 1 8 , 2 0 2 3R= Relax and unwind from demands of daily life surrounded by natural beauty with nourishing food and ample periods of rest and play.N O S A R A , C O S T A R I C AT= Transform your life so you can show up feeling connected and joyful in your most important relationships every day.Healing the Heart RETREATIs your heart longing for relief from chronic stress?Is everyday life too much to handle?Have you forgotten how to listen to the wisdom of your heart? R E G I S T E R N O W !
“No matterhow hardthe past is,you canalwaysbegin again.” —Buddha Authentic Insider | Page 38
Healing throughthe ArtsAuthentic Insider | Page 39 by: Cali BinstockCurious about reiki? want to learn how to makeresin castings? how do these connect? they do forme, watch my latest youtube to see why!REIKI + RESINREIKII give a rundown of a typical reiki session,let you in on my latest sessionand all of the messages I received during. I talk about how reiki inspires my art, in this case resin casting of insects! Art Processin easy steps to follow forbeginners. A dragonfly, bumblebee, spiderand beetle made into art andjewelry!RESIN
Healing throughthe ArtsAuthentic Insider | Page 40❤ , CaliJoin me to make art to express and release,accept and embrace.
A new year can signafy anew start for many. Andthere is nothing betterthan uplifting , confidenceboosting music to get youthere. Check out thesesongs to get your newyear started. "Break my Soul" – Beyonce"That's Where I am" - Maggie Rogers"Best Day Of My Life" – American AuthorsI"Brand New Me" – Alicia Keys"You Get What You Give " – New Radicals“Problem with it” – Plains"Amazing Day " – Coldplay"Starting Over" - Chris Stapleton"Beautiful Day" – U2"I Can See Clearly Now" – Johnny Nash“This Will Be Our Year" – The Zombies"New Rules" - Dua Lipa"Dog Days are Over" - Florence and the Machine"Here comes the sun" - The Beatles Authentic Insider | Page 41 Your Fresh StartPlaylist
Mental health affects everyone. Here are just a few books to helpkids understand emotional and learning challenges.Happy, and also sad. Excited, but nervous too. Feelingfriendly, with a little shyness mixed in. Mixed feelings arenatural, but they can be confusing.Elba carries the black block of grief and sadness wherevershe goes--until Norris comes along and helps her to let goof the block and enjoy life again.*I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Authentic Insider | Page 42A collection of poems paired with imagery of the naturalworld reminds readers about the importance of stayingcalm, soothing emotions, and appreciating the worldaround them.
As a clinical psychologist, Dr. Nicole LePera often found herself frustrated by thelimitations of traditional psychotherapy. Wanting more for her patients—and forherself—she began a journey to develop a united philosophy of mental, physicaland spiritual wellness that equips people with the interdisciplinary toolsnecessary to heal themselves. After experiencing the life-changing results herself,she began to share what she'd learned with others—and soon "The HolisticPsychologist" was born.Now, Dr. LePera is ready to share her much-requested protocol with the world. InHow to Do the Work, she offers both a manifesto for SelfHealing as well as anessential guide to creating a more vibrant, authentic, and joyful life. Mental Health,Memoir & EmotionalSupport Books(Adult)In The Suicide Club: What to Do When Someone You Love ChoosesDeath,Alexandra explores her journey of mourning and healing after losing herhusband. She makes sense of her grief through three phases—Shock and Awe,Now What?, and Finding the Collateral Beauty—to offer a road back to peaceand joy for anyone who has lost someone close to them to suicide.This workbook helps people to understand that it's normal to face adversity inlife and that in the end, everything will be just fine. The workbook also providesa safe space to release those feelings in confidence and dispose of them in amanner the reader chooses, releasing all emotions privately into the universe,ridding them of all toxic thoughts and feelings. *I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Authentic Insider | Page 43
There are many new beginnings and power shifts coming. Some plans you have made are being delayed or it’s justnot the right time.It's time to show the world the real you or to come out of hiding. The past could be holding some back, and formany, hard work that you have been putting in is paying off.The new year could mean traveling or relocating for many. During this time, some may want to meet up withsomeone they haven't seen in a while. For a few, there could be a switch up in a family dynamic. For couples or those who are dating, you may be receiving a gift from your partner, perhaps a token of love. Forothers, there may be some relationships ending because of compatibility issues or they may have just beentogether for the wrong reasons. Regarding finances, I see sudden wealth coming for many, but there may be a need to move away from yourhometown. Some could feel stuck or have anxiety about making a move.Overall advice, the collective needs to know that the abundant universe will provide for all your needs. Some of youmay be allowing others to dim your light, but it's time to let your light shine bright. Many could be worried about theopinions of others. Many could be doubtful but understand that spirit does have your back. Pray and connect withyour creator this year and beyond.This is a great year to claim your independence and to understand that you can break free from anything holdingyou back, or that no longer serves you. Collaboration will do you good. Miracles are coming in this month andwithin the next year as well. Be loyal to what you love and practice gratitude as much as possible.Monthly Collective Readings for All Signswith Joy Larkin (January 1, 2023 - January 31, 2023) Joy is a Narcissistic AbuseSurvivor who has made it her life'swork to help others through lifecoaching. She is also a healer,earth angel and psychic medium.If you would like coaching servicesfrom Joy and/or get your ownpersonal reading, please scan thebarcode below with yoursmartphone camera.READINGSPersonalINFOCoachingAuthentic Insider | Page 44