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AIM December 2023

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December 2023NURTURING YOU INNERCHILDOne woman discusses her own journey innurturing her inner child. Read her tips tohelp learn how we can reparent ourselves.UNVEILING YOUR INNERCHILDHow can we effectively parent ourchildren without unveiling our innerchild? Our new parenting POVcontributor explains.InsiderTHE BENEFITS OF LYINGFALLOWLying Fallow in Farming meansremaining unproductive. Traumaeducator Karen Gross discusses why thiscan work in our own lives.Beating theWinter Blues

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AlwaysDear Readers, Wow! Did the year fly by or what?! I’m still catching up with stuff from thesummer. And while the is the “Most Merriest” time of the year, it can bring onthe winter blues. Find out how to identify Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) andsome ways it can be treated.I’m so excited to announce the introduction of our Parenting POV Contributor,Healing Parenting Coach, Tina Hamilton. She begins her debut with the conceptof the inner child; how that affects parenting and how we can do better.To go in deeper to heal our inner child, Jana Wilson contributes a piece to help uscope with our inner child. After all, we all have one and they are yearning forattention.Trauma Educator, Author and Artist, Karen Gross delves into the term lyingfallow, which, in farming, means to remain unused, uncultivated andunproductive, which can be beneficial when it comes to our daily lives. Sheexplains. While we are in full swing of the holiday season, Kathryn Marsh begs thequestion, Merry Christmas OR Happy Holidays? Is one greeting more Americanthan the other? Kathryn gives her legal perspective. And as in every issue, we have our monthly AIM Beating the Blues Playlist, alongwith my picks for children and adult books about mental health. Plus, check outJoy Larkin's Twin Flame Readings to see what's in store for you as we round outthe year.Happy Reading!Lorilee BinstockAuthentic Insider | Page 02editor's noteLorilee BinstockEditor in Chief

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Monthly ContributorsMonthly ContributorsCali BinstockCreative DirectorAuthentic Insider | Page 03Joy LarkinTwin Flame ReadingsKathryn MarshProsecutor POVMerry Christmas or HappyHolidays?Lynn BinstockCopy Editor

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CONTRIBUTORSTina HamiltonParenting POV ContributorUnveiling Your Inner ChildJana WilsonContributorNurturing Your Inner ChildAuthentic Insider | Page 04Karen GrossContributorLying Fallowsnew monthlycontributor!

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Y O U RD E C E M B E R2 0 2 3 I S S U EParenting POV: Tina Hamilton16 Unveiling Your Inner ChildProsecutor POV: Kathryn Marsh11 Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas37 AIM Playlist38 Recommended Books40 Joy's Twin Flame ReadingI N E V E R Y I S S U EAuthentic Insider | Page 05I N T H I S I S S U E33 Lying Fallow07 Beating the Winter BluesBy : Karen Gross25111625 Nurturing Our Inner ChildBy: Jana Wilson

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Check out Binstock Media Group's Website traumasurvivorthriver.comGet the latest from A Trauma Survivor Thriver's Podcast, AuthenticInside Magazine, Lorilee Binstock in the media, and the latest news.Visit Authentic Insider | Page 06

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RT I P S F O RB E A T I N G T H EW I N T E R B L U E SResearchers link the lack of vitamin D fromthe shorter winter months to thephenomena. People with SAD (SeasonalEffective Disorder) experience moodchanges and symptoms similar todepression. The symptoms usually occurduring the fall and winter months whenthere is less sunlight and usually improvewith the arrival of spring. According to theAmerican Psychiatric Association, the mostdifficult months for people with SAD in theUnited States tend to be January andFebruary. Although much less common,some people experience SAD in the summer.The symptoms can be distressing andoverwhelming and can interfere with dailyfunctioning. However, it can be treated. About5 percent of adults in the U.S. experience SADand it typically lasts about 40 percent of theyear. As seasons change, people experience ashift in their biological internal clock orcircadian rhythm that can throw them off oftheir daily schedule. SAD is more common inpeople living in the warmer climates in the U.S.where there are fewer daylight hours in thewinter.Authentic Insider | Page 07

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B E A T T H E W I N T E R B L U E SFeeling sad or having a depressed moodLoss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyedChanges in appetite; usually eating more, cravingcarbohydratesS I G N S O FS A DCommon symptoms of SAD include fatigue, even with too muchsleep, and weight gain associated with overeating andcarbohydrate cravings. SAD symptoms can vary from mild tosevere and can include many symptoms similar to majordepression, such as:Change in sleep; usually sleeping too muchLoss of energy or increased fatigue despiteincreased sleep hoursIncrease in purposeless physical activity (e.g.,inability to sit still, pacing, handwringing) orslowed movements or speech (these actions mustbe severe enough to be observable toothers)Feeling worthless or guiltyDifficulty thinking, concentrating, or makingdecisions

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SAD can be effectively treated in several ways,including light therapy, antidepressantmedications, talk therapy or some combinationof these. While symptoms will generallyimprove on their own with the change ofseason, symptoms can improve more quicklywith treatment. Light therapy involves sitting infront of a light therapy box that emits a verybright light (and filters out harmful ultraviolet(UV) rays). It usually requires 20 minutes ormore per day, typically first thing in themorning,Taking care of your general health and wellnesscan also help— regular exercise, healthy eating,getting enough sleep, and staying active andconnected (such as volunteering, participating ingroup activities and getting together withfriends and family) can help.If you feel you havesymptoms of SAD, seek the help of a trainedmedical professional. A mental health professionalcan diagnose the condition and discuss therapyoptions. With the right treatment, SAD can be amanageable condition.For some people, increased exposure tosunlight can help improve symptoms of SAD. Forexample, spending time outside or arranging yourhome or office so that you are exposed to awindow during the day. (However, exposure to UV light fromthe sun can increase your risk of skin cancer.andyou should talk with yourdoctor about risks and benefits.)B E A T I N G T H E W I N T E R B L U E SLight TherapyIncrease Sunlight ExposureTaking Care of Your General HealthTalk therapy, particularly cognitive behaviortherapy (CBT), can effectively treat SAD.Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)are the type of antidepressant most commonlyused to treat SAD.CBT TherapyT I P SAuthentic Insider | Page 09

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Authentic Insider | Page 10“There is hope,even when yourbrain tells youthere isn’t.” — John Green

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In fact, prior to the recentyears of debate and the “Waron Christmas,” most Churchesembraced the phrase “HappyHolidays” themselves to signifythe season from Advent toEpiphany. Recently, around this time of year, there appears to be alot of debate about using “Merry Christmas” or “HappyHolidays,” in fact it’s become such a hot button issuethat there is now political polling on what phrase shouldbe used with a clear divide between Democrats andRepublicans. Looking at these phrases linguistically and historically, itseems almost crazy that we even debate the issue.Christmas derives linguistically from Christ’s Mass, aholy day to celebrate the birth of Christ. Holiday derivesfrom the Old English Haligdaeg meaning “Holy Day.” Nomatter which side of the debate you are on –linguistically these phrases bear significant similarity toone another, in recognizing a holy day.Happy Holidays,” despite what the media, politicians oreven grandparents might tell you, is not a new turn ofphrase. Its use has been documented consistently inthe United States as early as the 1860s and withregularity since the mid 1920s. In fact, prior to the recentyears of debate and the “War on Christmas,” mostChurches embraced the phrase “Happy Holidays”themselves to signify the season from Advent toEpiphany. Politically, until the mid-2000s, the use of thephrase, Seasons Greetings and Happy Holidays werethe most common phrases used in White Householiday cards since the 1950s, and no one batted aneyelash.If linguistically and historically there isn’t an issue with the phrase“Happy Holidays,” where does the law stand? First, it is important to recognize that in the month of December,there are numerous religious and cultural holidays besidesChristmas to include but not limited to: Bodhi Day (Buddhism);Hanukkah (Judaism); Yule/Winter Solstice (Wicca/Neo Pagan);Zarathosht Diso (Zorastrian); Kwanzaa (African); and Omisoka(Japanese). The reason it is important to recognize these otherholidays is because the foundation of the United State’s legalsystem – the U.S. Constitution - established freedom of religion,Separation of church and state and freedom of association.Article VI, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution states …no religious testshall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trustunder the United States.” In fact, the freedom of religion was soimportant to our founding fathers that John Quincy Adams sworehis oath of office on the U.S. Constitution and not the bible, andThomas Jefferson said regarding the First Amendment’s freeexercise clause (freedom of religion) "No provision in ourConstitution ought to be dearer to man, "than that which protectsthe rights of conscience against the enterprises of the civilauthority."In 1790 George Washington wrote to the Touro Synagogue inNewport Rhode Island (one year before the passage of the Bill ofRights) that our government “giver(s) to bigotry no sanction, topersecution no assistance, requires only that they who live underits protection should demean themselves good citizens…” In 1797, the Treaty of Tripoli, a treaty between the United State andLibya states "the Government of the United States of America isnot, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion…it has in itselfno character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, ofMussulmen[Muslims]." In 1940, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) firstapplied the free exercise clause beyond the federal governmentto the individual states in Cantwell v. Connecticut and in 1941Franklin D. Roosevelt listed freedom of worship as one of the fouressential freedoms necessary to secure the world.Authentic Insider | Page 12

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For hundreds of years our nation has touted and celebratedour diversity and freedom of religion. Our courts haveemphasized that public displays of the holiday season areconstitutional when they recognize the diversity of ourholiday season. Our press, our ads and our politics have allemphasized “seasons greetings” and “Happy Holidays” sinceour inception, so let us live up to George Washington’swords that we give bigotry no sanction, that we recognizethat there is not a “war on Christmas,” and celebrate thewonderfully religious and culturally diverse holidays ofDecember with all of our citizens and visitors wishing them“Happy Holidays,” “Seasons Greetings,” or just a simplesmile. To me, there is nothing more American than that. But,if you want to wish somebody Merry Christmas, youabsolutely can, you’re protected by the First Amendment.Wishing everyone the Happiest and Merriest time this HolidaySeason as I pray for peace around the world.In 1971, SCOTUS established a three-part test to determine ifreligious issues were constitutional in Lemon v. Kurtzman. 1) Isthere a secular purpose; 2) Does it neither advance norinhibit religion and 3) Does it foster an excessive governmententanglement with religion?Following this three-part test SCOTUS has repeatedly heldthat public schools may observe religious holidays (Christmas,Hanukkah, Ramadan, etc) if they are observed in a secularmanner.In 1984 in Lynch v. Donnelly SCOTUS held that cities may havereligious holiday displays on public property in conjunctionwith secular symbols and in Allegheny v. American CivilLiberties Union, the Court ruled that holiday religious symbolsthat endorsed one holiday over another (ex: a creche onpublic property stating “Glory to God for the birth of JesusChrist”) violate the establishment clause and areunconstitutional. However, if the government is merelydisplaying a creche, menorah, Yule symbols, etc., thatemphasize the diversity of the “holiday” season, thesedisplays are constitutional. For hundreds of years, our nationhas touted and celebrated ourdiversity and freedom of religion.Authentic Insider | Page 13

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A Trauma Survivor Thriver’s Podcast is joining Mental Health News Radio Network

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U N V E I L I N G T H E I N N E R C H I L D : N A V I G A T I N G P A R E N T I N G T H R O U G H H E A L I N G A N D A U T H E N T I C I T Y ma gi ne f or a m om en t th at y ou ’r e atth e pl ay gr ou nd w it h yo ur t od dl er a ft era lo ng , sl ee pl es s ni gh t wi th y ou rne wb or n, n ow ( of c ou rs e) a sl ee p in t hest ro ll er . As y ou r ol de st i nd ep en de nt lyex pl or es t he t od dl er -f ri en dl yeq ui pm en t, y ou p lo p on a b en ch , an dwi th o ne e ye o n th e pl ay gr ou nd , yo uta ke o ut y ou r ph on e.Th er e ha s to b e a re as on h e wo n’ tsl ee p, y ou m ut te r th in ki ng b ac k on t helo ng h ou rs o f wa il in g an d ro ck in g yo urne wb or n; w ai li ng a nd r oc ki ng . Wh en y ou l oo k up t o ch ec k on y ou rto dd le r, y ou n ot ic e tw o ot he r mo ms a ndth ei r yo un g ch il dr en m ak in g th ei r wa yto wa rd t he p la yg ro un d.Im me di at el y, y ou f ee l th e ur ge t o pu tyo ur p ho ne a wa y. Y ou n er vo us ly s ta nd -u pan d mo ve c lo se r to y ou r ch il d. Tu ck in g yo ur p ho ne i nt o yo ur p oc ke t, y ouwa lk t ow ar d yo ur c hi ld , ma yb e ev ensa yi ng , “T ha t wa s an a we so me j um p,hu nn y! ,” b ec au se y ou w an t to a pp ea ren ga ge d. Y ou w an t th es e ot he r mo ms t oth in k th at y ou ’r e a go od m om .BY : T I N A H A MI L T O N, TH E H EA L IN G P AR E NTAuthentic Insider | Page 16I

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W H A T I S M Y I N N E R C H I L D ?Bu t wh y?Do es i t ma tt er w ha t th es e ot he rwo me n th in k of y ou ? No t re al ly . Yo u kn ow y ou a re a g oo d mo m. Yo u ar e a go od m om w ho i s ex ha us te d.A go od m om w ho i s de sp er at e fo r aso lu ti on t o th e sl ee pl es s ni gh ts . Ago od m om w ho h as l im it ed t im e wh enhe r to dd le r is h ap pi ly o cc up yi nghe rs el f, w he n yo u ca n tr y to f in d sa idso lu ti on .An d ye t, h er e yo u ar e, i nt er ru pt in gyo ur t od dl er ’s i nd ep en de nt p la y togi ve o ff t he i mp re ss io n of b ei ng ago od m om .Th e re as on y ou d o th is - o r an ynu mb er o f un al ig ne d ac ti on s - isbe ca us e yo ur i nn er c hi ld i s ha rb or in gpa in f ro m a ch il dh oo d wo un d. S ta ywi th m e he re . Yo ur i nn er c hi ld i s th e pa rt o f yo u th atfo rm ed b et we en t he a ge s of b ir th a ndar ou nd s ev en . It s to re s th e em ot io na lme mo ry o f yo ur e ar li er l if e ex pe ri en ce s. A sa ch il d, y ou r ex pe ri en ce s we re l ay in g th efo un da ti on f or y ou r un de rs ta nd in g of t hewo rl d.An y em ot io n or e xp er ie nc e th at w as t oobi g, t oo o ve rw he lm in g, o r th at y ou d id n' tha ve a t ru st ed a du lt t o he lp y ou m ov eth ro ug h wa s le ft u np ro ce ss ed i n yo ur b od y.Th e un pr oc es se d em ot io ns a nd e xp er ie nc esar e st or ed i n th e pa rt o f yo ur se lf t ha t isre fe rr ed t o as y ou r in ne r ch il d.A N Y E M O T I O N O RE X P E R I E N C E T H A T W A S T O OB I G , T O O O V E R W H E L M I N G ,O R T H A T Y O U D I D N ' T H A V E AT R U S T E D A D U L T T O H E L PY O U M O V E T H R O U G H W A SL E F T U N P R O C E S S E D I N Y O U RB O D Y .Authentic Insider | Page 17

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H O W D O E S T H E I N N E R C H I L DR E L A T E T O P A R E N T I N G ?Th ro ug ho ut y ou r li fe , ev er y ex pe ri en ce y ouen co un te r is p ro ce ss ed t hr ou gh t hi s pa rt o fyo u – th e in ne r ch il d. E ac h ne w ex pe ri en cewi ll b e co lo re d by p re vi ou s li fe e xp er ie nc es ,an d yo u’ ll s ee i t th ro ug h th e pe rs pe ct iv e ofth e wo un de d in ne r ch il d.In t he s it ua ti on a t th e pl ay gr ou nd , yo urin ne r ch il d wa s re mi nd ed o f a ti me w he n, a sa ch il d, y ou e xp er ie nc ed a r us h of e mo ti on -pe rh ap s sh am e or e mb ar ra ss me nt - a ndwe re n ot a bl e to f ul ly p ro ce ss a nd r el ea seth e em ot io n. P er ha ps , as a c hi ld , yo u di dpo or ly o n a te st . Wh en y ou r te ac he r ca ll edho me t o te ll y ou r pa re nt s, t he ir r es po ns ewa s to p un is h yo u fo r no t st ud yi ng h ar den ou gh , or i n so me w ay , ma de y ou f ee l no tgo od e no ug h. Y ou r in ne r ch il d st or ed t ha tme mo ry i n a wa y th at , no w, a s an a du lt , yo ufi nd y ou rs el f do in g wh at y ou t hi nk y oush ou ld b e do in g, r at he r th an l is te ni ng t owh at y ou r in tu it io n an d bo dy t ru ly n ee ds ,be ca us e yo ur i nn er c hi ld w an ts t o av oi dev er f ee li ng t ha t le ve l of s ha me o rem ba rr as sm en t (p ai n) a ga in .Th er e is n o ha nd bo ok f or p ar en ti ng , an d assu ch , we o ft en p ar en t fr om a p la ce o fpa tt er ns a nd p as t ex pe ri en ce s. W it ho utco ns ci ou s th ou gh t an d in te nt io na li ty , wewi ll f in d ou rs el ve s pa re nt in g in t he w ay s wewe re p ar en te d - fo r be tt er o r fo r wo rs e. B utof te nt im es , th e wa ys w e we re p ar en te d -an d th e pa tt er ns t ha t ha ve b ec om e ha bi ts -ar e no t wh at i s be st f or y ou r ch il d.Wh en y ou a pp ro ac h pa re nt in g in t hi s wa y -fr om p at te rn s an d wi th a w ou nd ed i nn erch il d - yo u’ ll f in d yo ur se lf p us hi ng y ou rch il d to d o th in gs o r be ha ve i n wa ys t ha tyo u *t hi nk * th ey s ho ul d: a ch ie ve c er ta inac co la de s, p ar ti ci pa te i n sp ec if ic a ct iv it ie sor s po rt s, o r de ma nd f or t he m to m ee tar bi tr ar y ex pe ct at io ns .As a p ar en ti ng a nd i nn er c hi ld h ea li ngco ac h, I c an s ay , wi th c er ta in ty , th at t hema jo ri ty o f th e ch al le ng es y ou f ac e as apa re nt r eg ar di ng y ou r ch il d’ s be ha vi or -mi ss ed c ur fe w, f ai li ng g ra de s, t al ki ng b ac k,ta nt ru ms ( bo th t od dl er a nd t ee ns ) - ar e are su lt o f yo u pu sh in g fo r yo ur c hi ld t o me etan e xp ec ta ti on t ha t yo u se t. T H E R E I S N O H A N D B O O KF O R P A R E N T I N G , A N D A SS U C H , W E O F T E N P A R E N TF R O M A P L A C E O F P A T T E R N SA N D P A S T E X P E R I E N C E S .Authentic Insider | Page 18

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An e xp ec ta ti on t ha t mi gh t no t be i nal ig nm en t wi th t he ir t ru es t, m os tau th en ti c se lf . Qu it e po ss ib ly , anex pe ct at io n ba se d on a m es sa ge t ha tyo u re ce iv ed a s a ch il d ab ou t ho wth in gs a re s up po se d to b e; w hi ch w asba se d on s om e ex te rn al m ea su re t ha tme an s ab so lu te ly n ot hi ng t o yo u no was a n ad ul t.Wh en y ou b eg in t o he al y ou r in ne rch il d, y ou w il l st ar t to v ie w th es emo me nt s of s tr ug gl e in y ou rre la ti on sh ip w it h yo ur c hi ld a s anop po rt un it y to g et c ur io us a bo ut y ou rch il d’ s pe rs pe ct iv e wi th ou t th e fe arth at t yp ic al ly d ri ve s yo ur r es po ns es .Yo u wi ll b e mo re o pe n to b ui ld in g aco ll ab or at iv e pa rt ne rs hi p wi th y ou rch il d, r at he r th an a t op -d ow nap pr oa ch t o pa re nt in g, w he re w ha tyo u sa y go es .An d wh en y ou a re a bl e to g et o n yo urch il d’ s le ve l an d se e th in gs f ro m th ei rpe rs pe ct iv e - th at ’s w he re t hetr an sf or ma ti on h ap pe ns . Th at ’s w he reyo u’ ll f in d th e ma gi c of p ar en ti ng .Pa re nt in g is w he re y ou m ee t yo ur se lf .Ma yb e fo r th e fi rs t ti me e ve r. I a m ast au nc h be li ev er t ha t ou r ch il dr enwe re b ro ug ht t o ou r li ve s to s ho w usth e pa rt s of o ur se lv es t ha t ne edhe al in g. A nd i f yo u ar e op en t o th isid ea , yo ur r el at io ns hi p wi th y ou rch il dr en c an h el p yo u re di sc ov er y ou rtr ue st a nd m os t au th en ti c se lf - t hepe rs on w ho y ou r ea ll y ar e– an d we re –be fo re t he d ec ad es o f “s ho ul ds ”sh ap ed y ou i nt o so me on e yo u nolo ng er r ec og ni ze . I am a staunch believerthat our children werebrought to our lives toshow us the parts ofourselves that needhealing.Authentic Insider | Page 19

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“Your mental health iseverything —prioritize it. Make thetime like your lifedepends on it,because it does.” — Mel RobbinsAuthentic Insider | Page 21

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Internal Family Systems (IFS) Informed Psychedelic Assisted Therapy The IFS Model (Internal Family Systems) is one of the fastest growing and most popularinterventions for working with psychedelics. Why? Because it's such a natural and effectivepairing for the material that expanded states naturally elicit. Fast track your opportunity to learn IFS by joining The Moxie School in this wildly exciting niche! If you want to learn IFS as it applies to expanded states, The Art of Transformation courseteaches effective methods to deeply anchor transformation in your clients. No matter whatstage of the process you are working: preparation, guiding, or integration, an IFS Informedapproach is key to supporting your clients in lasting transformational change. Lots of courses teach “about” psychedelic assisted therapy, this course teaches you the “how to” of doing interventions throughout psychedelic transformational work.Whether you are a therapist, coach, or guide - a medical professional, mental healthprofessional, or a mid-life career transition person - you are welcome! Bring your curiosity for IFS and your love for working with expanded states!LEARN MORETHE ART OFTRANSFORMAIONAll the detailsAuthentic Insider | Page 23

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Authentic Insider | Page 24"Out of sufferinghave emerged thestrongest souls,the most massivecharacters areseared withscars." — Khalil Gibran

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Nurturing Our Inner Child: A Journey of Reparentingand Spiritual Connection eep within ourselves there exists our pureessence—a tender soul within us, longing to beacknowledged and nurtured. This essence, knownas the inner child, is the keeper of our emotions,memories, experiences, and our innocence. It iswithin the depths of this sacred space that wediscover the transformative power of connectingwith our emotional self and reparenting, all underthe comforting guidance of our spiritual guidance.The latest research shows that by combiningpsychology with spirituality it’s a morecomprehensive holistic approach to healing.Spiritual psychology integrates the mind, body andspirit. Early childhood development often leaves ourinner child wounded, carrying wounds we may noteven be aware of. Unresolved traumas, unmetneeds, and unexpressed emotions may silentlydictate the patterns of our adult lives, causingemotional distress and limiting our overall well-being. This is where the practice of reparentingcomes into play, embracing our inner child, andproviding the love and care we yearned for fromothers.To embark on this healing journey of reparenting,we must first ground ourselves in the cradle ofspiritual guidance. Just as a mighty oak tree drawsstrength from its roots, we too can draw strengthand stability from our spiritual connection, fosteringthe foundation for emotional healing and emotionalregulation.So, how can we embark on this transformative pathof reparenting and spiritual connection? Here arethe steps that lead to a deeper connection of self-discovery and inner peace:DAuthentic Insider | Page 25By Jana Wilson, founder of the Emotional Healing System

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Cultivate Mindful Awareness: Begin your journeyby cultivating a deep sense of mindful awareness.Morning silence and stillness is the most importantspiritual hygiene you can embark upon. It will allowyou to embrace the present moment withoutjudgment, allowing you to observe and understandthe intricate tapestry of your thoughts and emotionsthat are impermanent. Connect with the Divine: Turn your gaze inward,and intentionally connect with something greaterthan yourself—a divine presence, a universal force, orthe sacred wisdom within. Through meditation orcontemplative reflection, we lean into the gentlewhispers of our spiritual guidance. In the silence ofyour inner world, you will find the strength, guidance,and inner peace to continue on this journey ofnurturing your inner child.Embrace the Feelings: With a connection to yourSpiritual Guidance, you lean into the voice of youremotions, aka you inner child. Begin to dialogue withcompassion and acceptance. By acknowledging,taking responsibility and accepting the suffering youhave created through false beliefs, you create a safespace within yourself for healing to blossom. Whenyou are in compassionate inquiry, you can start toexplore the origins of your emotional patterns,identifying moments in your past where your innerchild yearned for love and nurturing, yet didn'treceive it.Engage in Self-Forgiveness: Extend the hand offorgiveness to your wounded inner child. Be thenurturing parent you needed by taking responsibilitythat you have created narratives that most likelyweren't true and created suffering, this is what a‘false belief’ is. Speak kind words, offer gentlegestures of love, and create sacred rituals of self-care. By embodying compassion towards yourself,you allow the seeds of self-love and healing toflourish.By embodying compassiontowards yourself, you allowthe seeds of self-love andhealing to flourish.Authentic Insider | Page 26

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Reclaim Joyful Expression: By exploring your innerworld you will rediscover the joys and passions thatonce brought you alive as a child. Dance, paint, sing,or engage in any creative expression that reconnectsyou with the purity and authenticity of your essence.Through creative exploration, you offer a healingbalm to your inner child, allowing them to expressfreely and release any pent-up emotions. It’s nevertoo late to have a happy childhood.Stay Connected: Remember, you are not alone onthis journey. There is always Spiritual guidance andyour inner child, your feeling self. Find a photo ofyourself under the age of seven and put it on yourwallpaper on your phone. Look at the child you oncewere and create a connection daily with your coreessence, speak loving words of affirmation and givethem the love that they yearn for from others. Givinglove to yourself feels better than receiving it fromothers. As we journey through our lives, the practice ofreparenting becomes a sacred offering—a gentleinvitation to heal, transform, and grow. Within thesanctuary of our inner world, we discover thestrength to face anything that is holding us backfrom being fully authentic and self-expressed. So, my dear soul, take a moment now. Breathedeeply in your heart center and listen to the whispersof your inner child. Embrace their sweet essence withopen arms and you’ll discover the beauty life offersus each day. As Einstein said, “there are two ways tolive your life; one and though nothing is a miracleand the other as though everything is a miracle.” Youare a miracle, you are deserving of all the love, joyand abundance life offers.As we journeythrough our lives, thepractice of reparentingbecomes a sacredoffering — a gentleinvitation to heal,transform, and grow.Authentic Insider | Page 27

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Authentic Insider | Page 28"Even THE DarKESTNIGHT WILL END andthe SUN WILL rIseaGaIN."— VICTOr HUGO

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WHO WE AREAPPLY TODAYHelp us create a world where has access to psychedelic healing,regardless of their ability to pay for it.everyoneIf you or a loved one would benefit from psychedelichealing please apply. The Psychedelic Access Fund (PAF) is a 501c3 nonprofit thatbreaks down the financial barriers to psychedelic healing. Weaccomplish our mission by sponsoring select individuals whowould benefit from psychedelic healing but can not affordaccess. Click the button to donate towards our mission.Help someone heal.

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As the mental health crisis reaches devastating levels post pandemic, more and more people arelooking for ways to manage their mental health. How does a childhood sexual abuse survivor, a veteran struggling with PTSD and an athletesuffering from Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI), trauma, and addiction find effective healing andrelief? Psychedelics. A treatment that was studied and used as effective treatment for mental health disorders until itwas banned and categorized as a schedule I drug in the 1970s, psychedelics have providedmuch needed relief for thousands of people suffering from trauma and mental health issues.Regardless of the laws banning these treatments, the people who understood the power of thesemedicines feel more empowered to find ways to help others find healing through them. On thefollowing page click on the graphic to view the Proof of Concept for "Our Own PersonalRealities." An Upcoming Documentary about the Fight toBring Psychedelic Healing Back into the LightAuthentic Insider | Page 30

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If you are interested in donating orinvesting in this film, please emaillorilee@binstockmediagroup.comAuthentic Insider | Page 31

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“I found that with depression, oneof the most important things youcan realize is that you’re notalone. You’re not the first to gothrough it, you’re not gonna be thelast to go through it.” — Dwayne 'The Rock' JohnsonAuthentic Insider | Page 32

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LYINGFALLOWSWritten ByKaren Gross, Trauma EducatorAuthentic Insider | Page 33

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WWe need to look at what farmers do:they let land stay unplanted for atime period so its nutrients can berestored. It is like giving the land arest — so it can become moreplentiful. Shifting fields does this too.Seems to me that this is an excellentconcept — a positive concept — to beapplied to human beings and howthey behave across their lives. Theopportunity not to keep pushing andconstantly produce (whether one isa writer or an academic or a businessentrepreneur) feels like a goodprescription. Yes push at times. Evenlong periods of time. But, if one liesfallow for a period, the growththereafter is better or more creativeor more energized.One way of thinking about lyingfallow is to consider rechargeablebatteries. They wear down andneed to be recharged. Aren’thumans in need of rechargingperiodically? Let me be clear. I amNOT talking about eating andsleeping well. I am not talkingabout the importance of routinesand wellness strategies includingexercise. We need those things forsure. This is something additional.FARMERSGOT THEIDEATaking time toreflect.I am talking about taking a time toreflect, whether for an hour or a day ora weekend or even a week or two orthree (if one can and if it is affordableand one can work on some tasks andlie fallow but I save that discussion).One doesn’t need to go anywhere to liefallow. One doesn’t need specialequipment. One needs to take thetime for oneself to let the nutrientsrecharge themselves so the our mostprecious land (our mind) can be usedagain. It’s an approach adapted by thepsychoananlyst Masud Khan (I plan onreading his essay on this topic thatappears in his book Hidden Selves.)Authentic Insider | Page 34

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(1) We see push back in education when we discourage play in schools. Yipes. Wemiss the point: play is what gives our minds an opportunity to roam andexperience joy and the senses — and it enables, not deters, learning. And it doesnot just apply to kindergarten students. (2) We encourage children to have cluttered lives where all moments are filledwith sports and activities and playdates and clubs and tutoring and meetings, andpart of the reason the Pandemic was so difficult when schools shuttered was thatchildren were “decluttered” and not used to using the space they had not hadbefore (learning how to declutter schedules was a definite positive); and (3) On a personal note, I have been reflecting on my next chapter — not as in thenext chapter of the book I am now co-authoring (which does need to be edited). Itis about the next chapter in my career and personal life — a question that hasarisen as I age. What is the balance I want? What is it that wisdom will enable meto do over the next decade? What do I want to plant?The idea of planting givesme comfort in knowing thatthe answers to creatingnutrients does not rest inoverworking; it rests inallowing oneself to liefallow. Now that isn’t easy.We can do it with land waymore easily and seeminglywith greater justification.This idea struck me for 3 reasons:OverviewBut, instead of saying lying fallow means being idleand losing interest and forgoing ideas and plans or tocite Collins Dictionary, remaining unused andunproductive, let’s reverse the definition. Lying fallowis what we need to grow and flourish and becomeover time our best selves. We need to rotate the fieldsso to speak.So the next time you see someone staring into spaceor at the ceiling — whether for a day or a week-end,consider whether they aren’t taking the bestprescription nature has to offer: the gift of lettingourselves recharge.Authentic Insider | Page 35

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"In the middle of winterI at last discoveredthat there was in mean invincible summer."— Albert CamusAuthentic Insider | Page 36

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BEATING THE WINTER BLUES“FAST CAR” BY TRACEY CHAPMAN“DON’T KILL MY VIBE” BY KENDRICK LAMAR“I GOTTA FEELING” BY BLACK EYED PEAS“SNOW (HEY OH)” BY RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS“WINTERLONG” BY NEIL YOUNG“NOVEMBER” BY TYLER, THE CREATOR “BOX OF RAIN” BY THE GRATEFUL DEAD“IN MY ROOM” BY THE BEACH BOYS“WANT YOU BACK” BY HAIM“IT MAY BE WINTER OUTSIDE (BUT IN MY HEART IT'SSPRING)” BY LOVE UNLIMITED“DON’T STOP BELIEVIN'” BY JOURNEY“FLOWERS” BY MILEY CYRUS“CHEERLEADER” BY OMI (FELIX JEAEHN REMIX)“Fleetwood Mac – “Landslide”“Better Together” - Jack JohnsonWhile the days get shorter, soare the daylight hours. Wemay tend to also miss ourdaily dose of vitamin D,leading to SAD (SeasonalAffective Disorder). But wehave the tunes to turn yourfrown upside down. Here isyour playlist to beat the winterblues.Authentic Insider | Page 37

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Bailey hates his new school. He has no friends. His dog Fuzzy slobbersall over him. BLAH! How can Bailey change his BLAH to HA-HA-HA!Empowers children to beat worry thoughts and sad days. Bailey is anempowering mental health picture book for children 4-8 years, spring-boarding discussion on emotions and action plans on how to lift achild's mood. Self-esteem and resilience skills for children, families,teachers, parents and counselors. Supported by Kids Help Line andaligned with Kids Matter education program.When Billy Bixbee finds a tiny dragon in his bedroom, his momtells him, “There’s no such thing as a dragon!” This only makes thedragon get bigger. He grows, and grows, and grows, until he’s biggerthan Billy’s house—and that’s just the beginning!A funny, madcap story and playful illustrations by beloved author-illustrator Jack Kent pair in a book that will have childrenwondering if maybe friendly pet dragons do exist after all!*I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Authentic Insider | Page 38Fragility was a solid piece of work. But despite her sturdy exterior,Fragility was fragile. Anything and everything hurt her feelings. In themost benign compliment, Fragility heard an insult. No one could evensay she looked nice without evoking images of big, squishy cupcakes—since they are also nice—and causing Fragility to flop on the ground andweep. Fragility’s friends stop speaking to her for fear of another fit, butRudy, a very rude bully, has other ideas. In the face of real insults, willFragility finally learn to take a compliment?

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When we think about muscle, we tend to think about strength or aesthetics, but in reality,muscle accounts for so much more than that. As the body’s largest endocrine organ,muscle actually determines everything about the trajectory of health and aging. Many ofthe conditions Dr. Lyon’s patients were experiencing were actually symptoms ofunderdeveloped or unhealthy muscle.Now, Dr. Lyon offers an easy-to-follow food, fitness, and self-care program anchored inevidence and pioneering research that teaches you how to optimize muscle—no matteryour age or health background. Discover how to overcome everything from obesity toautoimmune disorders and avoid diseases like Alzheimer’s, hypertension, and diabetes byfollowing Dr. Lyon’s powerful new approach to becoming forever strong.MENTAL HEALTHBOOKS (FOR ADULTS)Day by day, week by week, Susan Peirce Thompson, author of the New YorkTimes best-selling Bright Line Eating, draws on the latest scientific findings tohelp you to make consistent progress toward the life you envision.Whether you do Bright Line Eating, you’re a member of a 12-step program forfood addiction or compulsive overeating, or are charting your own path offreedom from food obsession, you will feel guided and inspired. With thesepractical words of wisdom, inspiration, and encouragement, you will have adaily reminder that your future is indeed Bright.In a voice that is both practical and inspiring, Dr. McGarey shares her ownextraordinary stories and eternal wisdom—from her early childhood inIndia and a chance encounter with Mahatma Gandhi to her life as aphysician and a mother of six, to her survival of both heartbreak andillness. Dr. Gladys shares her inspiring vision for a healthier and more joyfulfuture for us all, filled with “rich and complex truths that will resonate withreaders’ hearts and minds” (Dr. Robert Waldinger, New York Timesbestselling author).*I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Authentic Insider | Page 39

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Mental health reading for the month of December 2023 is a short and sweet message. It lookslike there is a need to take time out to relax and breathe. With the holidays upon us, it's a goodtime to chill and regain your peace. There could be some truth that will be spoken whether this isyou or someone else.Many of you could have been stuck between a rock and a hard place, but now I feel like there isa decision that is being made, or the universe is forcing someone to make a change in their life.It seems like someone has moved past lying to themselves and others around them.Someone is starting a new life, maybe a relocation, having kids, and/or even getting married.Others could be getting a divorce during this time.Couples, you could be feeling blessed and very happy with your family life. Singles, you arefeeling good on your own and could be waiting for blessings to come into your life. A lot ofpeople could be thinking of you or you could be thinking of someone during the holidays, maybewanting to spend time with someone special.Other cards that were pulled show that someone is letting go of the past and is moving on tobetter opportunities and new experiences in life. Someone sees that the future is where theirhappiness lies. Not in the past. However, it may be taking others some time to come to thisrealization. In the end, remember that you can co-create the life you want. So be sure to trust and build arelationship with the universe or higher power. It will bring you what you truly desire in life . For more personal readings, contact Joy using the QR codes below.Monthly Collective ReadingsMonthly Collective Readings for All Signsfor All SignsJoy is a Narcissistic AbuseSurvivor who has made it her life'swork to help others through lifecoaching. She is also a healer,earth angel and psychic medium.If you would like coaching servicesfrom Joy and/or get your ownpersonal reading, please scan thebarcode below with yoursmartphone camera.READINGSPersonalINFOCoachingAuthentic Insider | Page 40