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Ai Data Tool Box

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Runaway Unstructured DataToo Many PetabytesEscalating Data Storage Costs2

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Building Ai Smart Data Tool Kit I A Legacy of SuccessOver 25 years ago, we launched Advantage Systems Professionals in Pittsford, NY, as the first of ourindependently owned and operated tech partnerships. Since then, our market-leading success in the techspace has benefited everyone who has had the resolve to invest, create, innovate, adapt, and persevere.Two of our more initiatory tech developments include being the first to earn the FedRAMP Authority toOperate with our ARC-P Platform and now the introduction of Zantaz Data Resources' Ai Smart Data Tool Kit.FedRamp Authorization for the First Cloud PlatformOur Autonomic Resources partnership blazed a trail for our remarkable problem-solving developmentefforts in the world of first-generation and next-generation tech platforms. Launched in North Carolina withour Managing Partner, John Keese, Autonomic Resources developed the groundbreaking FedCloudPlatform, ARC-P, to become the first to secure the highly coveted FedRamp Authorization for a cloudplatform for federal agencies.Over a decade ago, the Obama Administration recognized the need to transition to a secure clouddeployment model for all 450+ federal agencies. Autonomic Resources answered the call to develop thehighest-level-security federal cloud platform [based on the stringent NIST demands] that could be utilized byall federal agencies [including our alpha-account, the Department of Defense] and all of their potentialproviders. Remarkably, we delivered the first FedRamp Authorized Cloud Platform well ahead of industrygiants like AWS, Azure, Google, and IBM. Once authorized, we brokered a highly successful sale of ourFedCloud Platform to CSC, a leading federal agency contractor. This ensured that our FedCloud Platform,ARC-P, would gain maximum exposure and instant recognition among all federal agencies.Also of note was our successful engagement with Capax Global partnership’s alpha-account, United Airlines[prior to Capax Global’s successful acquisition by Hitachi Data Systems]. While United Airlines and Microsoftwere building a new reservation system in Azure, they came across a myriad of challenges that only CapaxGlobal could solve. As a long-time Microsoft Azure Partner, Capax Global, under the guidance of foundingpartners Jerry and Jessica Hawk, delivered unbelievably complex and technical solutions to some of theworld’s largest companies, and their work with United Airlines was no exception. Click here: Next InnovationContinuing our legacy of successful technology platform innovation, Zantaz Data Resources' Ai Smart DataTool Kit is a transformative solution in the modern AI-driven landscape, where organizations grapple with thechallenge of managing escalating volumes of Big Data, especially scattered Unstructured Data.Our new Ai Smart Data Tool Kit leverages human-augmented Artificial Intelligence, blending the speed andanalytical power of AI with human expertise. This synergy aids in crafting more informed and successfuldata policies, enhancing data usage pattern analysis, and identifying potential compliance and risk issues.This innovative tool kit is pivotal in converting Unstructured Data into valuable Actionable Smart Data,enabling organizations to not only reduce data storage costs and ROT (Redundant, Obsolete, Trivial data)but also to tap into the hidden potential of their data assets and deliver the anticipated, yet elusive, ROI.5

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Ai Smart Data Tool Kit I Beta-ReleaseWhy Ai Smart Data Processing is EssentialOver the years, Zantaz Data Resources has continued to update and upgrade our core archive solutions [i.e.EAS, HPCA, and Z Archive] to keep our legacy customers at the forefront of archive technologies. However,a few years ago, our development team recognized a dramatic need to provide data tools that addressedthe escalating avalanche of Unstructured Data our customers are being overwhelmed with ...Your Organization’s Big Data Strategies Just Don’t Cut It AnymoreToday, massive amounts of Big Data are being generated and accumulating in various forms with up to 90%of it being an escalating avalanche of Unstructured Data. Your organization is most likely generating thisoverwhelming amount of Unstructured Data at an unprecedented rate, fueled by factors such as increaseddigitalization, IoT devices, social media, artificial intelligence, and customer interactions, as well aschallenging distributed workforces and increased utilization of chat and collaboration platforms (MS Teams,Zoom, Slack, etc.). This rapid growth has exposed the damaging limitations of data governance and legacystorage solutions.Managing Data at Speed and ScaleManaging and utilizing Unstructured Data, such as text documents, images, and videos, is particularlychallenging [and beyond the capabilities of current data archive solutions]. Complicating matters evenmore, this escalating Big Data is often metastasizing in scattered systems and departments, leading to datafragmentation. This fragmentation can make rapidly identifying, accessing, searching, storing, exposing risk,analyzing, and effectively utilizing Big Data difficult while dramatically diminishing the anticipated ROI onyour organization’s expensive investment in data generation and AI LLMs. But now we have the solution …Zantaz Data Resources has answered this challenge by delivering a solution that can rapidly harnessmassive amounts of Unstructured Data at exabyte scale, turning it all into Actionable Smart Data [rather thanjust relocating it all to a data lake or other unproductive storage repositories]. Although most of ourcustomers have some solutions to address their escalating avalanche of Unstructured Data, none canperform at speed or scale like our Data Detect which can now scan 8 million files per hour [that’s one billionfiles per week].8

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Introducing Ai Smart Data Tool KitOn October 1, 2024, Zantaz Data Resources will officially embark on a new era in Data Management withthe Beta Release of the Ai Smart Data Tool Kit to select EAS, HPCA, and Z Archive users worldwide. AiSmart Data’s cutting-edge AI-infused tool kit will transform and modernize the way your organizationhandles its rapidly accelerating Unstructured Data challenges, especially its troublesome Dark Data.A Universal Tool to Transform All Legacy ArchivesAi Smart Data Processing is pivotal in transforming any traditional data archive by delivering ActionableSmart Data. By turning your escalating avalanche of Unstructured Data into Actionable Smart Data, yourdata can be properly routed, stored, secured, and made accessible for deployment into private AI LargeLanguage Models [LLMs] and machine learning [to extract valuable insights from properly identified andstored data]. This transformation turns static archives into dynamic, strategic assets. Ai Smart Data activelycontributes to business intelligence, significantly boosting operational efficiency and ensuring compliance.By accessing Unstructured Data and converting it into Actionable Smart Data, Ai Smart Data immediatelydelivers ROI, allowing your organization to leverage its escalating avalanche of Unstructured Data in realtime. With advanced search capabilities and scalable architecture, Ai Smart Data ensures informeddecision-making and efficient handling of expanding data volumes.Kubernetes ClustersThe use of Kubernetes in our Ai Smart Data provides your organization with easy automation andmanagement capabilities. Kubernetes Clusters enable efficient deployment, scaling, and management ofcontainerized applications, streamlining data ingestion, storage, access, and backup and recoveryprocesses. Its high availability, scalability, and ease of management empower your organization to handledata access, storage, retention, disposal, and archiving tasks effectively and efficiently within legacyenvironments.Ai Smart Data Tool Kit I Updates & New Product LaunchWelcome to the Ai Smart Data Tool Kit, Zantaz Data Resources next-generation solution developed byPremCloud Resources to effectively manage your organization’s entire data estate and maximize theunrealized potential ROI of your Big Data and AI. Our revolutionary tool kit offers a wide range of AI-infusedtechnologies for securely accessing, classifying, enriching, indexing, profiling, routing, cleansing, removing,searching, governing, securing, unifying, allocating, and storing data. Ai Smart Data Tool Kit revolutionizesdata management with a choice of a universal SaaS or on-premise deployments of its AI-driven capabilities[allowing for rapid and seamless integration with existing systems]. Our agnostic tool kit offers advancedcontrol over your entire data estate while dramatically reducing your escalating data storage costs.Ai Smart Data Tool KitBy utilizing the full capabilities of the Ai Smart Data Tool Kit, your organization can unify its data sources,optimize storage, dramatically reduce costs, ensure compliance, and finally realize the enormous potential9

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ROI of your AI and Big Data investments. Through Ai Smart Data's comprehensive data ecosystem andcentralized repositories, your organization can embark on a data-driven journey that drives AI innovation,compliance, and strategic decision-making [while dramatically reducing data storage costs].Ai Smart Data Tool Kit features our advanced Data Connect, Data Detect, Data Ownership, Data Optic,Data Intelligence, Data Router, and Data Archive tools. Ai Smart Data Processing turns your avalanche ofUnstructured Data into Actionable Smart Data. Once you have Actionable Smart Data, the Ai Smart DataRouter distributes your data to the most appropriate, useful, and cost-effective destination [based on yourorganization's own Policy, Compliance, Utilization, and Security Demands] … the ROT is disposed of, and theremaining data is Re-Tiered as Actionable Smart Data for its most effective and cost-efficient storage andutilization [especially for building internal LLMs] - allowing for safer and more effective AI as well as dramaticdata storage cost savings, effective cost allocation, elimination of risk, full compliance, and recognition ofthe full ROI potential and utilization of your organization’s entire Big Data estate.10

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“PremCloud Resources is proud to introduce our new Unified Data Platform, which is the foundation ofAi Smart Data’s Tool Kit for data governance and retention. Packed with advanced features, adaptivehosting connectivity, AI-powered efficiency, and seamless integration with any legacy storageenvironment, this powerful AI-infused tool kit empowers organizations with precise control over theirentire escalating Unstructured Data estate, including troublesome Dark Data.By harnessing the capabilities of the Ai Smart Data Tool Kit, organizations can confidently connect to alltheir scattered Unstructured Data repositories, cure their Dark Data problem, turn their legacy archivesinto modern smart archives, enrich and properly preserve their Unstructured Data, build effectiveinternal LLMs, dramatically reduce their data storage costs, and unlock the full potential of all their datafor eDiscovery, compliance, informed decision-making, collaboration, risk assessment and mitigation,and AI innovation.”- Ronan CurranPresident,PremCloud Resources12

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Ai Smart Data Tool Kit I What’s in the Tool Kit?The Ai Smart Data Tool Kit revolutionizes data governance and storage with universal SaaS or on-premisedeployment of its AI-driven capabilities [allowing for rapid and seamless integration with existing systems,including EAS, HPCA, or Z Archive]. This agnostic solution offers advanced control over data estates,effectively managing Unstructured Data and transforming any current data storage or archive into a modern,smart system. It enables efficient data optimization while also dramatically reducing data storage costs.1. Ai Smart Data ConnectThe first requirement to meet the challenge of the escalating avalanche of Unstructured Data was tobuild a universal tool that could connect to all of the disparate Unstructured Data sources that arescattered throughout your organization. Our Data Connect tool securely and seamlessly connectsto various data sources at exabyte scale without compromising data integrity, making it a universaland versatile tool for dealing with diverse data types, sources, and compliance requirements. TheData Connect tool goes well beyond standard API limitations and basic file migrations, enablingremarkable processing speeds—scanning 8 million files per hour.2. Ai Smart Data DetectData Detect identifies, enriches, and indexes all of your Unstructured Data [including troublesomeDark Data] - turning it into Actionable Smart Data. Once all of your escalating avalanche ofUnstructured Data is available as Actionable Smart Data, Ai Smart Data Optic provides a unifieddata optic.3. Ai Smart Data OpticOur Unified Data Optic tool is designed to empower everyone in your organization, from the CIOto the Data Science Team, providing a crystal-clear visualization of all activities and data in oneunified view. Our Unified Data Optic provides a more complete and accurate picture of unified data.One of the key benefits of the Data Optic is its ability to seamlessly integrate data information fromdiverse sources into a central view in Data Optic’s Elasticsearch Indexing Smart Database. Thisseamless integration is critical for a wide array of roles – from Compliance Officers ensuringadherence to regulations to Storage Management Teams streamlining data storage. This indexingdatabase is the Data Optic which provides a remarkable map of unified data assets, making it easierto locate and access the right information and enhancing efficiency and decision-makingcapabilities with Ai Smart Data Router.4. Ai Smart Data Router - Policy-Driven Data ManagementThe Data Router tool is an Ai-Infused, Policy, Compliance, and Utilization Demand-Driven Router thatensures data is managed and routed based on your organization’s requirements. This feature iscrucial for organizations that need to adhere to strict regulatory, eDiscovery, and compliancestandards.By identifying and disposing of ROT and re-tiering Actionable Smart Data [ASD], especially forinternal LLMs, Ai Smart Data will help dramatically reduce your organization’s data storage costs,optimize resource allocation, and maximize ROI.13

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Ai Smart Data Tool Kit I Data Router’s Ethical AIAi Smart Data Tool Kit provides solutions and user policies designed to ensure responsible, ethical, andefficient data management. This governance encompasses the entire lifecycle of data, from collection andstorage to processing, analysis, and deletion.Data RouterAi Smart Data’s AI-infused Policy, Compliance, and Utilization Demand-Driven Data Router ensures theprocesses and decisions made by humans as well as AI systems, are transparent, understandable, andaccountable, enabling stakeholders to identify and correct errors or biases.Ai Smart Data is crucial for building trust in AI and internal LLMs among users, regulators, and otherstakeholders. With its remarkable Data Router tool, Ai Smart Data mitigates risks related to data misuse,privacy breaches, and unethical AI behavior.1. Data Quality and IntegrityAi Smart Data starts by ensuring that data is properly identified, accurate, complete, and reliable, toprevent garbage-in-garbage-out scenarios that lead to unintended consequences or unnecessaryrisk due to incorrect conclusions or actions, especially by AI systems.2. Data Privacy and SecurityAi Smart Data protects sensitive and personal data, especially when used by internal LLMs, incompliance with data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) and ensures that data is securelystored and transmitted.3. Ethical Use of DataData Router allows for the establishment of guidelines to prevent biases in AI Large LanguageModels [LLMs] and ensures AI systems respect human rights and values.4. Compliance with RegulationsData Router ensures that LLMs and their use of data comply with all relevant laws and regulations,including those specific to certain industries or types of data.5. Data Accessibility and SharingAi Smart Data facilitates controlled access to data within and outside your organization, promotingcollaboration while respecting data privacy.6. SustainabilityData Router mitigates the environmental impact of running AI models that create massive amountsof useless and at times, high-risk data and implementing strategies to reduce carbon footprint andenergy consumption.7. Future-Proof Archiving and IntegrationData Router ensures that your organization's archiving processes remain modern and future-proof.The solution adapts to emerging technologies and regulatory changes, providing advancedfeatures to address new challenges in data management.Moreover, Ai Smart Data seamlessly integrates with all storage, maximizing the value of stored data,enhancing overall data management capabilities, and dramatically increasing data ROI.16

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Ai Smart Data Processing I Smart Data Scan PricingUnstructured Data MetaData Identification and DispositionAi Smart Data Detect’s initial Smart Data Scan provides identification through metadata penetration oflegacy data that is in storage but with limited recognition [turning Dumb Data into Actionable Smart Data].Smart Data per Terabyte SaaS Scan $2,000Additional Smart Data Level 2 Scanning provides deep indexation with full text and content search. Thisenables user-driven identification, classification, and profiling with user-designated retention policies.The Smart Data AI-infused Level 3 Scan goes beyond the deep scan by engaging the AI analysis workflowswith scheduling and automation. Level 3 AI-driven models can be used on business-critical data, whileother data, where appropriate, can be handled by more economical Smart Data Scans.Smart Data On-Premise Scan $1M Annual Unlimited LicenseFor an on-premise deployment, the user must have an Annual License for Unlimited Use [$1M] or a 5-YearLicense for Unlimited Use [$3M].Smart Data On-Premise Scan $3M 5-Year Unlimited LicenseReseller Program $7.5M In-Perpetuity License for ResellersThe user receives the $3M In-PerpetuityLicense along with the rights to resell the AiSmart Data Tool Kit. In order to be eligible forthe Ai Smart Data Reseller Program [whichincludes access to the Source Code], theReseller needs to purchase the Ai Smart DataTool Kit for $7.5M.The Reseller then receives 100% of the AiSmart Data Scan License Fee at all times. TheReseller simply pays Logix Hosting 10% of theOn-Premise License Fee, and the Reseller alsocontributes $100k to Logix Hosting toward theinitial on-premise deployment [which theReseller can make an up-charge to thecustomer].18

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Smart Scan I Surface Scan I Actionable Smart DataAi Smart Data Detect’s Surface Scan represents a pioneering initiative for enterprises, enabling them todiscern, scrutinize, and strategically address their extant data repositories. By emphasizing metadataanalysis, this tool facilitates rapid yet perspicacious and accurate exploration of data landscapes, equippingentities with a Unified Data Optic and the acumen to effectuate sagacious cost-saving storage managementdecisions with Actionable Smart Data.The Level One Data Detect Surface Scan is meticulously crafted to guide your organization through thelabyrinthine intricacies of expansive and nebulous data troves. Through this elevated scanningmethodology, enterprises are poised to attain a lucid comprehension of their data assets, culminating instrategic ROT disposal and optimized utilization of their storage infrastructures.1. Metadata PenetrationAt its core, the Surface Scan zeroes in on the metadata of targeted data. Metadata is data aboutdata; it provides information about the content, quality, condition, origin, and other characteristics ofdata. By scanning metadata, the software can identify key characteristics of the data without havingto dive deep into its content.2. ROT Analysisa. Redundant: Identifying duplicate data that may be hogging storage space.b. Obsolete: Detecting data that’s outdated or hasn’t been accessed for a long time. Thiscould be based on a predefined age parameter set by the user.c. Trivial: Flagging data based on file extensions that are typically deemed non-essential.3. High Speed and AccuracyRecognizing the vast amounts of data modern organizations store, the tool is built for speed. Withthe capability to scan up to 6,000,000 files per hour, it ensures timely results.4. Intelligent Ownership Analysis w/ RolodexOur proprietary Ai Smart Data Rolodex feature is particularly unique. Rolodex integrates with yourcorporate identity systems to accurately assign ownership of data and allow you to review it basedon who has access to it, rather than on the often inaccurate file information itself.5. Primary DashboardThis Dashboard provides an at-a-glance view of the findings based on the metadata, ensuring thatresults are easily digestible and actionable.6. Cost Analysis & SavingsStorage isn’t just about space; it’s about cost. By evaluating data based on tiered storage, yourorganization can realize dramatic cost savings by re-tiering storage resources with our AI-infusedPolicy, Use, and Compliance-Driven Data Router.7. Charge-back Reports w/ Ai Smart Data ROI CalculatorAi Smart Data ROI Calculator offers cost reporting, focusing on the identified data storage costassignment allowing for inter-departmental cost savings, allocation, and chargebacks.8. Comprehensive ReportingBeyond just scanning, the software also provides data collection and reports on findings and letsyour organization apply actions to its data, thus enabling them to manage their data proactively.20

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Smart Screen I Deep Scan I User-Driven ClassificationData Detect's Level Two Deep Scan: Advanced Data AnalysisBuilding on the groundwork laid by the Level One Surface Scan, Data Detect's Level Two Deep Scan delvesdeeper into data with enhanced indexing, encompassing both full-text and content search functionalities.This scan equips your organization with a detailed and thorough overview of their data assets, enablingprecise and informed decision-making in data management.Core Distinctions1. In-depth Data Understanding: While the Level One scan provides a cursory view based on filemetadata, enabling broad strategic decisions for storage optimization, Level Two delves into theactual content within the files. With a technological prowess that permits opening, parsing, andextracting content from over 1,000 distinct file types, Data Detect transforms latent data into awellspring of insights. This transcends mere storage management, elucidating the business value,associated storage costs, and inherent risks of maintaining specific data assets.2. Classification, Profiling, & Retention: Equipped with this granular insight, users can classify andprofile the data, tailoring retention strategies to direct specific data sets to Data Detect. Whetherdetermining the business value, adhering to your organization's Data Governance protocols, orassessing risk, the Level Two Deep Scan affords users the knowledge and autonomy to makeinformed decisions.3. Searchability & Reporting: All data undergoing the deep scan is indexed and made fullysearchable, enhancing ease of access for subsequent reviews and reporting.4. Customized Deep Scans: The Deep Scan isn’t one-size-fits-all. Based on insights from thepreliminary Surface Scan, targeted subsets of data can be chosen for deep analysis.5. Advanced Integration Capabilities: For systems necessitating intricate integrations, like APIconnections, a tailored cost-per-terabyte connection is made available.Inclusions1. Foundation Servicesa. Identification of traditional Unstructured Data.b. Metadata analysis.c. Access to a primary Optic based on metadata insights.2. Level 1 ROT Analysisa. Redundant data identification.b. Detection of obsolete data based on user-defined parameters.c. Flagging of trivial documents deemed as non-essential to business.3. Cost Managementa. Tiered storage cost analysis.b. Detailed cost reporting, inclusive of internal departmental charge-back evaluations.4. Deep Scan Specificsa. Comprehensive content scanning and search capabilities.b. Basic regular expression term identification, streamlining classification.c. User-centric classification tools.d. User-dictated retention strategies, directing data to the archive.22

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Level Three I AI Scan I Auto AI-Driven ClassificationAi Smart Data Detect's Level Three Ai Scan: Advanced Data Management with Artificial IntelligenceData Detect's Level Three Ai Scan is a paradigm shift in data management. It seamlessly weaves the powerof artificial intelligence with established scanning methodologies. While traditional data scans touch thesurface or delve a bit deeper, the Level Three Ai Scan utilizes advanced AI workflows, paired withautomation and scheduling, to offer unparalleled insights into data sets.What is the primary advantage of this AI-centric approach? It targets business-critical data with precision.Meanwhile, for datasets that don't require such intricate analysis, the more cost-effective Level One andLevel Two Scans can be deployed.The implications of this advanced approach are both many and various. Immediate benefits includenoticeable cost savings, streamlined automation, and reduced chances of human error. Yet, the trueessence of this scan lies in its capability to provide consistent, unbiased, and tailored data evaluations. Itachieves this by employing trainable AI models, ensuring the output remains free from the inevitablevariances introduced by human sentiment, understanding, or bias.Furthermore, for systems requiring enhanced integration, there's a provision for the Cost per TerabyteConnection, especially relevant when API connections are in play.1. Core Featuresa. Identification: Detects traditional Unstructured Data.b. Metadata Insights: Provides a metadata-centric analysis.c. Dashboard Access: Users can access the primary dashboard based on metadata metrics.d. ROT Analysis: Includes Level 1 analysis for Redundant, Obsolete, and Trivial data.2. Financial Aspectsa. Cost Metrics: Analyzes tiered storage expenses.b. Charge-back Reports: Offers cost reporting, focusing on inter-departmental chargebacks.3. Deep Dive Capabilitiesa. Content Exploration: Facilitates deep content scans and searches.b. Classification: Incorporates basic regular expression term identification.c. User-centric Options: Enables optional user-driven classification and user-designated dataoffloads to archiving.4. AI Augmentationsa. Advanced ROT: Implements Level 2 AI-Model ROT Analysis.b. Sentiment Gauge: Employs sentiment analysis for pinpointing business-critical data.c. Data Comparison: Recognizes near-duplicate data via contextual similarities.d. Industry-focused Models: Provides AI models tailored for specific industry verticals.e. Automated Sorting: Enables AI-powered data classification.f. Scheduled Archiving: Facilitates automated retention policy offloads to archiving.24

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Ai Smart Data Processing I Marco’s 8 Steps to Smart DataGetting control of your Big Data seems difficult; however, Ai Smart Data is easy to deploy and use so thatyou can get started quickly. Marco Pizzolo and the Logix Hosting teams Best Practice Smart Start programallows you to start analyzing data within hours so that you can begin to gain the critical insight necessary tomake informed decisions with your data.1. Admit You Have a Problem - Analysis & ScopingYou are not alone. Every organization is challenged by the avalanche of Big Data that they arefaced with as it grows year over year. Our collaborative workshops with PremCloud Resources’Subject Matter Experts help to define the charter for the project, the scale of engagement, theassumptions, and the target criteria for a successful outcome.2. Security ReviewPremCloud Resources will provide the necessary architecture and security documentation to yourInfoSec team to streamline deployment approval so that PremCloud can hit the ground running.3. Deploy and TunePremCloud Resources will begin by deploying the containerized microservices applicationcomponents in on-premises or cloud-provisioned compute resources and help you connect AiSmart Data with your identity Directory services and chosen Data Repositories.PremCloud Resources will then tune and optimize the Ai Smart Data components on yourinfrastructure to ensure maximum performance is achieved. Automated deployment, scaling, andmanagement of Ai Smart Data application components are orchestrated through Kubernetes.4. Identify Your DataAi Smart Data scans metadata at up to 6 million files per hour, analyzing large estates quickly. Itprovides you with graphical, easy-to-understand feedback on where your data is located, who ownsit, when it is accessed, and more.5. Classify & Profile Your DataAi Smart Data performs targeted deep analysis with artificial intelligence on key data to understandthe content, identify risk, and gain insight.6. Act On Your DataDelete ROT, apply retention, and move data to more cost-effective storage tiers using Ai SmartData’s built-in actions.7. Verify the OutcomeAssess the results with PremCloud using the Ai Smart Data ROI Calculator and verify the forecastedcost savings have been realized and the target criteria for success have been met.8. Celebrate the win!26

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Ai Smart Data Processing I What is Actionable Smart Data?Defining Actionable Smart DataWhat exactly is Actionable Smart Data? It's data that's enlightened. Beyond just bits and bytes, ActionableSmart Data is imbued with metadata that explains its origin, format, location, and relevance. With Ai SmartData, data doesn't just exist; it narrates its story. By turning underutilized Dark Data [Dumb Data] intoActionable Smart Data, your organization can harness the dual benefits of reduced storage costs andunearthed business insights - providing for enhanced decision-making, improved operational efficiency, anda culture of innovation.Dark Data: An Untapped TreasureBig Data has long been established as the new gold in the modern business world. It drives decisions,unveils opportunities, and is fundamental to innovation. However, a startling amount, up to 80%, of this BigData remains unexplored and untapped. This unused and unanalyzed data, often termed as 'Dark Data,' liesdormant in every organization's legacy storage spaces, silently accruing escalating costs and providing riskwithout delivering any value. There is a wealth of customer insight, process innovation, and cost savingsthat can be unlocked if this Dark Data can be effectively identified and utilized as Actionable Smart Data..Dark Data: A Growing Problem for Legacy Storage SolutionsThe influx of Big Data from a myriad of sources, both internal and external, has been nothing short ofoverwhelming. Big Data, while teeming with potential, also brings forth challenges. The sheer volume,coupled with a lack of enriched metadata, makes it a daunting task to determine the data's ownership,evaluate risks, understand business relevance, and select suitable storage methods. As Big Data accrues,so do costs and risks, burdening your organization without any substantial return on this data investment.From Dumb Data to Actionable Smart Data: The Revolution of Ai Smart DataAi Smart Data Detect is the beacon in this data deluge. It recognizes the hidden value in dormant DumbData and converts it into Actionable Smart Data. With seamless integration of cutting-edge algorithmsand intuitive Data Management workflows, Ai Smart Data enables your organization to classify,centralize, and control its data. It provides a holistic solution that addresses compliance, eDiscovery, ROT,risk, and strategic utilization in building internal LLMs [while dramatically reducing data storage costs].The Challenges of Redundant, Obsolete, and Trivial Data [ROT]A closer look at most organizations' data portfolios reveals an alarming fact: nearly 30% of their Big Data isROT. While ROT may sound benign, it's a leech, draining resources without any return. It also representsrisk; retaining unneeded data can cause legal issues, regulatory fines, and more. The urgency to addressROT becomes paramount in an age where reducing IT expenses is not just a goal but a necessity.Actionable Smart Data: A Solution for Today and TomorrowAi Smart Data empowers your organization to pierce through the Big Data fog, identify ROT, manage iteffectively, and gain incredible value by populating the growing need for massive amounts of data ininternal LLMs. Advanced algorithms identify, classify, and profile data, differentiating the valuable from thetrivial. This clarity fosters efficient data management, aids in crafting effective cloud migration strategies,and ensures that every byte of data truly counts [while dramatically reducing data storage costs].28

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Ai Smart Data Processing I #1. Big Data’s Relentless GrowthIn today’s data-driven world, organizations are sitting on vast amounts of escalating Big Data, andharnessing the true potential of this data [as well as recognizing and eliminating its inherent risk] remains adaunting and costly challenge. That’s where Ai Smart Data Detect comes in. Data Detect is designed toprovide rapid identification and deep AI-augmented insights into the intricate landscape of data stores.By unlocking the untapped potential of your relentlessly increasing data assets, AiSmart Data empowers you to turn Dark Data into Actionable Smart Data, eliminateROT, dramatically reduce unnecessary storage costs, modernize your archive, makeinformed AI-augmented decisions, build LLMs, and maximize the value of all your data.Dark Data is Dumb DataAi Smart Data provides comprehensive visibility into your organization's entire data estate. It helps identify,classify, and profile all data, including the Dark Data that often flies under the radar. With Data Detect, yourorganization can transform its approach to Big Data, harnessing its potential value while ensuring robustData Management. Ai Smart Data will equip you with the tools necessary to understand your datalandscape better, make informed decisions, modernize your legacy storage environments, and leverageyour data assets optimally.Artificial IntelligenceAi Smart Data’s human-augmented Artificial Intelligence can be used in determining your critical datapolicies by leveraging the strengths of both humans and machines. Artificial Intelligence’s ability to quicklyprocess and analyze large amounts of data is combined with human expertise and judgment to help youmake more informed, cost-effective, and successful decisions about data policies. Additionally, Ai SmartData human-augmented AI can be used effectively to analyze data usage patterns and identify potentialeDiscovery and compliance issues.Powerful Capacity to Build Internal LLMsWith Data Detect, you can interrogate massive volumes of Big Data, even at the exabyte scale. By doing so,you can identify sensitive information, such as personally identifiable information [PII], protected healthinformation [PHI], and payment card industry [PCI] data. Ai Smart Data’s built-in AI-infused Data Governanceworkflows further facilitate the secure movement of data to modernized repositories, archives, reviewplatforms, internal Large Language Models [LLMs], and more.Empowering Your Organization and Internal LLMs with Actionable Smart DataAi Smart Data is a next-generation Data Management tool that offers you a robust solution for modernizingand optimizing your data storage, bolstering efficiency, achieving regulatory compliance, substantiallydecreasing data storage expenses, and unlocking the inherent value of your data assets. Equipped withsophisticated features, AI-enhanced functionalities, and an intuitive interface, Ai Smart Data enables you tomake strategic, data-driven decisions, reduce operational expenses, build internal LLMs, and staycompetitive in the contemporary data-centric market … and it more than pays for itself.30

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Ai Smart Data Processing I #2. Metastasizing Dark DataAi Smart Data goes beyond being a mere Data Management tool - it is a transformative solution thatconverts your Unstructured Data into Actionable Smart Data. With its suite of features and benefits, itsimplifies data management, significantly reduces data storage costs, and modernizes your data strategy. Inessence, Ai Smart Data unlocks the untapped potential of your data assets, making it an indispensablecompanion for digital engineers navigating the intricate landscape of Unstructured Data.Demystifying Your Dark DataA considerable part of enterprise data, up to 80%, is Dark Data – data that your organization has forgottenor may not even realize it possesses. Unlike physical assets, data isn't visible, which complicates theprocess of identifying and disposing of superfluous Dark Data. This kind of data, generated by humans,machines, and processes, is stored but rarely used, leading to needless recurring storage costs andcluttering outdated legacy data repositories, thereby hindering access to valuable data. Furthermore, theenvironmental impact of storing redundant data is significant, demanding excessive energy, cooling, anddata center space.Automated Data ClassificationAi Smart Data enhances the speed, accuracy, and scalability of data classification by automating theprocess. By harnessing advanced machine learning algorithms, Ai Smart Data eliminates the need formanual data sorting, thereby reducing human error and bias - thus ensuring precise classification. Theadaptable algorithms of Ai Smart Data evolve with changing data patterns, thereby maintaining itseffectiveness in dynamic data environments. By staying up-to-date with emerging technologies and trends,Ai Smart Data provides your organization with continuous support in its data management efforts.In addition to these significant features, Ai Smart Data provides tangible environmental benefits by reducinglegacy data storage needs and, consequently, electricity consumption and carbon footprint. This resulttranslates into significant cost savings for enterprises, alongside reduced energy usage and carbonemissions. It also offers the potential for earning carbon credits.Actionable Smart DataWith Data Detect, your organization can convert its underutilized data intoActionable Smart Data, substantially amplifying the utility and value of its data assets.This groundbreaking Data Governance tool introduces a new level of transparencyand control to data management [modernizing all legacy archives]. The AI-poweredActionable Smart Data approach not only minimizes unnecessary legacy datastorage costs but also uncovers potential business insights hidden within Big Data. Itprovides an opportunity to enhance decision-making, boost operational efficiency, and foster innovation.Comprehensive Data ManagementAi Smart Data provides a modern next-generation approach to effective Data Management by offeringcomprehensive insights into your data landscape. It facilitates informed decision-making about dataretention, organization, and cleanup, enhancing data quality and management practices.32

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Ai Smart Data Processing I #3. Unrecognized ROTROT Disposal & Cost SavingsAi Smart Data revolutionizes data management by offering intelligent solutions to the ever-presentchallenge of data ROT. Utilizing cutting-edge machine learning algorithms and data analysis techniques, AiSmart Data provides a suite of features designed to address the increasing complexities of DataManagement, especially the limitation of legacy archive solutions.It Just Keeps On Growing …Interestingly, about 30% of an organization's Big Data is redundant, obsolete, or trivial [ROT], lacking anysubstantial business or legal value. However, your organization continues to store such unnecessary data.The challenge is compounded as the volume of Big Data grows rapidly, constituting 80% to 90% of all newenterprise data and proliferating at triple the rate of structured data. A significant portion of this data existsoutside traditional data centers, accumulating swiftly and invisibly. In an era where IT departments aretasked with reducing escalating expenditures both on-premises and in the cloud, it is essential to eliminateor at least minimize debilitating ROT.Significant Cost ReductionAi Smart Data enables you to achieve substantial cost savings by identifying anddisposing of ROT. By purging redundant and obsolete data, you can optimizestorage resources and reduce expenses associated with managing extraneousdata.Identify, Classify, And ProfileLack of visibility into Dark Data makes it challenging to identify ROT, let alonemanage it efficiently. This is where Ai Smart Data becomes an invaluablenext-generation archiving tool. Data Detect enables you to cut through the clutter of your legacy datarepositories swiftly and unearth Dark Data. By deploying advanced AI-enhanced algorithms, Ai SmartData can identify, classify, and profile your data, distinguishing between valuable data and ROT. Suchclarity allows for streamlined and cost-effective data management. Additionally, understanding your datacan also facilitate more effective cloud migration strategies.ROT Scoring and AnalysisAi Smart Data delivers accurate ROT scoring and analysis, categorizing data based on redundancy,obsolescence, and triviality. With this data categorization, your organization can efficiently prioritizecleanup, migration, or archival activities, targeting its resources toward the most impactful areas, resulting inconsiderable time and resource savings.Enhanced Security and ComplianceWith its intelligent handling of ROT, Ai Smart Data minimizes the risk of data breaches and non-complianceissues. It ensures that sensitive and obsolete data are properly managed, mitigating potential securityvulnerabilities and compliance risks. It truly modernizes any legacy storage option.34

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Ai Smart Data Processing I #4. Reducing Storage CostsData RemediationAi Smart Data facilitates fast, petabyte-scale metadata AI-augmented analysis to determine critical criteriasuch as data ownership, utilization, redundancy, and age. By eliminating old, redundant, and irrelevant data,especially Dark Data, your organization can improve data quality, dramatically reduce storage costs, andenhance its overall security and compliance posture.Data Storage Optimization and Cost SavingsAi Smart Data empowers your organization to assess its escalating data estate costs and take actionableinsights to reduce legacy storage expenses dramatically. Through AI-augmented analysis and defensibledeletion, you can remove unnecessary data that exceeds defined retention schedules, achieving immediatecost savings and a more streamlined data environment.Since Ai Smart Data can help reduce storage infrastructure, support, and power by up to 70%, the savings inannual data storage costs can be significant. For example, if an enterprise is currently spending $50,000per terabyte of data per year, reducing its storage needs by 70% would result in savings of $35,000 perterabyte of data annually. For a regional enterprise with 10 terabytes of data, this could result in savings of$350,000 per year, and for a large international enterprise with 1,000 terabytes of data, the savings couldbe as much as $35 million per year.Reducing Electricity ConsumptionUtilizing Ai Smart Data to reduce data storage can result in significant cost savings, as well as a reduction inelectricity consumption and carbon footprint. By reducing the amount of data stored, your organization canmitigate the environmental impact of its data storage practices.In terms of electricity consumption, the average electricity consumption for the storage of one terabyte ofdata in a disk array is approximately 120 kWh per year. Therefore, if an enterprise is able to reduce its datastorage by 70%, it could potentially reduce its electricity consumption by up to 84 kWh per terabyte of dataannually.Cost Savings From Carbon CreditsReducing electricity consumption can have a significant impact on an enterprise’s carbon footprint, as thegeneration of electricity is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. The reduction of 84 kWh perterabyte of data annually could result in a reduction of approximately 60 kg of CO2 emissions per year,assuming an average carbon intensity of 0.71 kg CO2 per kWh. For an enterprise with 100 terabytes of data,this could result in a reduction of approximately 6,000 kg of CO2 emissions per year.As of March 2023, the average price of carbon credits in the European Union Emissions Trading System [EUETS] was approximately €60 per tonne of CO2 emissions. Using this price as a reference, the reduction of6,000 kg of CO2 emissions per year would represent a cost savings of approximately €360 per year.Reducing electricity consumption through the use of more efficient data storage solutions can havesignificant environmental benefits while reducing costs for enterprises over the long term.36

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Ai Smart Data Processing I #5. Unidentified Data1. Data VisibilityAi Smart Data enables your organization to gain comprehensive visibility into its entire data estate,helping identify, classify, and profile Unstructured Data.2. Dark Data DiscoveryAi Smart Data provides powerful search capabilities, allowing efficient access to Dark Data bystreamlining data discovery processes and extracting valuable insights. One of the remarkablestrengths of Ai Smart Data lies in its ability to identify, classify, and profile Dark Data from virtually anyrepository.3. Adaptability to Evolving Data PatternsAi Smart Data’s AI-augmented algorithms evolve with changing data patterns, ensuring itseffectiveness in dynamic data environments. It stays up-to-date with emerging technologies andtrends, providing your organization with continuous support in its data management efforts.4. Support for Advanced AI InitiativesAi Smart Data provides a solid foundation for organizations looking to leverage advanced AIinitiatives. Ai Smart Data strategically incorporates machine learning capabilities, improving dataquality, automating object classification, and enhancing data retention and deletion policies. Thisallows your organization to unlock the full potential of AI technologies and drive innovation within itsoperations.5. Comprehensive Reporting and AnalyticsAi Smart Data provides comprehensive reporting and AI-augmented analytics capabilities, offeringdetailed insights into data usage, storage optimization, compliance metrics, and more. Yourorganization can leverage these analytics to drive data-driven decision-making, measure theeffectiveness of data management strategies, and identify areas for improvement.6. Scalable and Future-Ready ArchitectureAi Smart Data is built on a scalable and future-ready architecture, capable of handling large andgrowing data volumes. It can adapt to evolving business needs and seamlessly integrate with existingdata management systems and workflows. This ensures long-term viability and flexibility for yourorganization as its data requirements continue to evolve.7. User-Friendly Interface and Intuitive WorkflowAi Smart Data features a user-friendly interface and intuitive Data Management workflow, making itaccessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise. The solution provides a seamlessexperience for data discovery, analysis, and remediation, empowering users to harness the power ofdata identification without the need for extensive training or specialized skills.38

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Ai Smart Data Processing I #6. eDiscovery & ComplianceAi Smart Data assists in meeting regulatory compliance requirements and maintaining robust DataGovernance practices. It provides comprehensive visibility into data assets, helps identify sensitiveinformation, and facilitates data subject access requests. By ensuring compliance with data privacyregulations and implementing strong Data Governance measures, your organization can mitigate risks.Security and Data ProtectionAi Smart Data prioritizes data security and protection by employing robust encryption mechanisms, accesscontrols, and auditing capabilities to safeguard sensitive information throughout the data managementprocess. By implementing stringent security measures, your organization can mitigate the risk of databreaches and maintain data privacy, integrity, and immutability.Agnostic Collaboration and IntegrationAi Smart Data supports seamless collaboration and integration with existing data management and analysistools. It can integrate with popular data platforms, such as data lakes, data warehouses, and analyticssolutions, allowing your organization to leverage its existing technology investments. This agnosticintegration enables a unified data ecosystem.Sensitive Data Classification ManagementAi Smart Data offers robust capabilities for sensitive data classification and management. It enables yourorganization to identify and catalog sensitive and possibly compromising data across various locations andfile types, ensuring compliance and protecting sensitive information. To comply with data privacyregulations like GDPR and CCPA/CPRA, Ai Smart Data supports your organization in identifying and fulfillingdata for subject access requests and enforcing data minimization. It streamlines the process of managingprivacy requests and enables effective data management.Adaptive Hosting for MultinationalsAi Smart Data offers flexible hosting options, catering to varying data sovereignty requirements. Thisversatility ensures your organization can maintain control over its data while complying with variousgovernment and industry regulations.Archive Pre-ProcessingAi Smart Data integrates into the archival process, ensuring that only essential records are preserved forbusiness, compliance, and legal purposes. This optimization of long-term archival storage saves costs andimproves the efficiency of future investigations or eDiscovery processes.Discovery EnhancementYour organization can streamline the discovery process and reduce time and cost. With pattern recognitionand natural language processing capabilities, Ai Smart Data enhances the quality and relevance of dataexported during the early case assessment process. Your organization can streamline the discoveryprocess, reduce time and cost, and improve overall litigation readiness.40

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Ai Smart Data Processing I #7. Accessing DataWith its comprehensive range of features and benefits, Ai Smart Data Connect provides access to a widevariety of data sources for an Data Detect deep scan [while improving data accessibility and enablinginformed decision-making].As a key component of our Ai Smart Data Tool Kit, Data Connect offers unparalleled control and flexibilityover data management processes. It seamlessly captures and preserves content from various enterprisechannels, simplifying compliance and eDiscovery. The effortless data mobility feature enables secure datashipment to desired destinations, supporting digital transformation and data consolidation. The powerfuldata transformation engine overcomes challenges posed by legacy applications, ensuring easy access andtransformation of data from any source.In today’s fragmented and siloed data landscape, your organization faces complex data managementprocesses. Data Connect simplifies this by providing a robust solution that streamlines digitaltransformation, ensures compliance, and increases operational efficiency.1. Seamless Data Capture and PreservationData Connect enables your organization to capture and preserve data from various sources,including enterprise communication channels, mobile devices, social media, and collaboration tools.It simplifies compliance with regulatory requirements, facilitates eDiscovery, and ensures theretention of valuable data. By connecting and capturing data from any source and sending it to anydestination, Data Connect empowers your organization to optimize its data management processesand drive business success in the digital age.2. Effortless Data MobilityData Connect simplifies data mobility by securely transferring data from its source to the desireddestination. It facilitates digital transformation, data consolidation, and application migration,allowing your organization to orchestrate and manage data mobility with ease.3. Flexible Data TransformationWith a powerful data transformation engine, Data Connect overcomes challenges posed by legacyapplications and seamlessly connects to unstructured and semi-structured data. It transforms datainto formats suitable for long-term preservation, enabling your organization to accelerate its digitaltransformation journeys.4. Enhanced Integration and AutomationData Connect offers seamless integration with various data sources through its extensive pluginarchitecture and out-of-the-box connectors. It allows your organization to collect data from anysource and send it to any target destination. Automation schedules can be configured to streamlinedata management workflows and create customized outputs.42

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5. Total Data AccessibilityData Connect eliminates data silos and brings all corporate data online, providing universal datainteroperability across platforms, storage infrastructure, and enterprise applications. It empowersyour organization with comprehensive insights for informed decision-making, enabling them toleverage the full potential of its data assets.6. Streamlined Digital TransformationData Connect plays a crucial role in facilitating digital transformation initiatives by enabling datacapture, transformation, and mobility. It seamlessly connects and integrates data from varioussources, making it easier for your organization to consolidate data and adopt new technologies,improving operational efficiency.7. Simplified Data ConsolidationData Connect simplifies the process of consolidating data from disparate sources into a centralizedlocation. By capturing and transforming data from different systems, applications, and platforms,your organization can gain a unified view of its data, facilitating better decision-making andenhancing data-driven strategies.8. Enhanced Compliance and Data GovernanceData Connect supports your organization in meeting compliance requirements and maintainingrobust Data Governance practices. It ensures data integrity, tracks data lineage, and demonstratescompliance during audits, reducing the risk of non-compliance and maintaining trust with customersand stakeholders.9. Improved Data Accessibility and InsightsBy breaking down data silos and enabling universal data interoperability, Data Connect enhancesdata accessibility and fosters a data-driven culture within your organization. It enables deeperinsights, informed decision-making, and the discovery of valuable business opportunities.10. Increased Efficiency and ProductivityData Connect automates data capture,transformation, and mobility processes,reducing manual effort and human errors.This automation improves operationalefficiency and productivity by streamliningdata management workflows, allowingemployees to focus on more strategicactivities.11. Scalability and FlexibilityDesigned to scale with organizational needs,Data Connect handles large volumes of data and adapts to changing data managementrequirements. Its flexible architecture allows seamless integration with new data sources andconnectors, ensuring your organization can accommodate its evolving data ecosystem.44

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Ai Smart Data Tool Kit I Data OpticUnified DataData comes to life when your organization merges its many fragmented data sources into a single centralview. When your organization is able to unify its data with Ai Smart Data, it makes all of its business unitsmore productive. Organizations that succeed at unifying their data are better able to plan, budget, forecast,build, and enhance their products and services.Data OpticAi Smart Data’s tools for unifying data rely on our Data Optic to help your organization visualize its activityand unified data. Our Data Optic provides a more complete and accurate picture of unified data, butunifying the data is far from simple. In order to tie data sources together, your organization needs a systemto unite them, and that is exactly what Ai Smart Data does better than any other technology.Data Detect’s Indexing DatabaseOne of the key benefits of Data Optic is its ability to seamlessly integrate data information from diversesources into a central view in Data Optic’s Indexing Database. This indexing database is the Data Opticwhich provides a remarkable map of unified data assets, making it easier to locate and access the rightinformation and enhancing efficiency and decision-making capabilities.Data Optic’s Indexing Database is built on Elasticsearch, a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine.Elasticsearch offers enhanced search capabilities and scalability, especially for unstructured data. It excelsat full-text search, provides powerful analytics capabilities, and is suitable for applications that rely heavilyon full-text search or need to analyze large volumes of unstructured data.1. Unifying Data for Enhanced ProductivityBy seamlessly integrating data information from diverse sources into a central view, Ai Smart DataOptic’s empowers your organization to enhance productivity across all business units. Unified dataenables better planning, budgeting, forecasting, and product/service enhancement, fosteringinnovation and growth.2. Comprehensive Data GovernanceData Governance is critical for ensuring data quality, security, compliance, and effective informationmanagement. Data Optic encompasses Ai Smart Data's advanced Data Governance features,including data classification, metadata management, sensitivity labeling, and integration withvarious data catalogs and systems. This enables your organization to better understand, manage,and mitigate risks associated with its data. It supports compliance with legal and regulatoryrequirements, such as GDPR or HIPAA, and protects sensitive information from unauthorizedaccess.3. Total Data Accessibility and VisibilityWith the vast volume of data generated, locating and accessing the right information can bechallenging. One of the key advantages of our Data Optic is its unparalleled data accessibility. Byproviding a single view of all data assets, you can easily locate and access the data you need,enhancing your efficiency and decision-making capabilities. Moreover, it ensures you46

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maintain control, ownership, and compliance as your organization adopts new sources andapplications. This promotes efficient decision-making, collaboration, and retention of control andownership over data assets.4. Enhanced Information GovernanceInformation Governance is vital for managing data throughout its lifecycle and ensuring compliance.Ai Smart Data provides tools and features to support effective Information Governance, facilitatingdata capture, utilization, and retention. It offers critical insights into data sources, utilization, andcompliance gaps, empowering your organization to implement proper governance strategies.5. Driving Insights with AI IntegrationAi Smart Data Optic harnesses the power of AI integration, automating data processing anduncovering hidden insights. Our advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities detectpatterns, predict trends, and provide a competitive edge.6. AI-infused Advanced Analytics and InsightsAi Smart Data leverages advanced analytics capabilities to provide valuable insights into data usageand trends. This helps your organization gain a deeper understanding of its data and makedata-driven decisions to enhance its operations and strategies.7. Ai Smart Data AssessmentThe Ai Smart Data Assessment component focuses on data recognition and utilization. It providesinsights into the frequency of data access, enabling you to implement effective retention policies.By identifying data sensitivity exposure, your organization can better protect its data and mitigaterisks.8. Ai Smart Data AssessmentThe Ai Smart Data Assessment provides your organization with a comprehensive understanding ofits stored data. It offers insights into the number of custodians enabled, available licenses, totaldata volume, and monitoring of job statuses and eDiscovery processes. This helps you effectivelymanage your data storage and legal obligations.9. Integration with Ai Smart DataAi Smart Data Optic seamlessly integrates with other components of the Ai Smart Data Tool Kitecosystem. This integration enhances data management capabilities by providing advancedinsights, profiling, and automated lifecycle policies for data retention. The unified ecosystemstreamlines data management processes, maximizing the value of data assets.10. Future-Proof SolutionAi Smart Data Optic is designed to adapt to emerging technologies and evolving regulatoryrequirements, ensuring your organization can navigate changes without disruption. It offersscalability and integration capabilities, enabling your organization to grow and leverage newopportunities while maintaining compliance and data management practices.48

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Ai Smart Data Tool Kit I Artificial IntelligenceWe never expose your data to AI, we take full advantage of AI with no risk of exposure.Ai Smart Data’s artificial intelligence plays a significant role in improving the efficiency and effectiveness ofData Governance by automating repetitive tasks, reducing the risk of human error, and enabling yourorganization to make data-driven decisions. Ai Smart Data’s artificial intelligence [AI] is used for DataGovernance in several ways:1. Data Classification: Our AI algorithms help classify data into different categories based on theircontent and sensitivity, making it easier to enforce Data Governance policies.2. Data Quality Control: Our AI algorithms are used to detect and correct data anomalies, ensuringthe quality and consistency of data across your organization.3. Data Privacy Protection: Our AI algorithms are used to detect and prevent unauthorized access orusage of sensitive data, ensuring the privacy and security of personal information.4. Data Retention and Deletion: Our AI algorithms help automate data retention and deletionpolicies, ensuring that data is kept for only as long as necessary and deleted when it is no longerrequired.Your organization can leverage Ai Smart Data’s artificial intelligence in several ways, including:1. Data Policy Determination: Ai Smart Data’s human-augmented AI can assist in determining criticaldata policies.2. Compliance Monitoring: Ai Smart Data’s AI can analyze data usage and behavior patterns toidentify potential compliance issues.3. Improved Data Policy Enforcement: Ai Smart Data’s human-augmented AI allows humans toprovide feedback and corrections to the system, improving the enforcement of data policies.4. Automation and Data-Driven Decision-Making: Ai Smart Data’s AI plays a significant role inautomating repetitive tasks, reducing the risk of human error, and enabling data-drivendecision-making.Lawyers can utilize our Ai Smart Data’s artificial intelligence in several ways, including:1. Legal Research: Ai Smart Data’s artificial intelligence assists in legal research by providing quickand accurate information, reducing the time spent on manual research.2. Contract Review: Ai Smart Data’s artificial intelligence helps lawyers review and analyze contracts,reducing the time spent on manual review.3. Predictive Coding: Ai Smart Data’s artificial intelligence helps in document review andclassification, reducing the workload of lawyers.4. Case prediction: Ai Smart Data’s artificial intelligence helps predict outcomes of cases based onprevious case data and court decisions.5. Chatbots: Ai Smart Data’s artificial intelligence chatbots assist lawyers in answering frequentlyasked questions, freeing up their time to focus on more complex tasks.50

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Ai Smart Data Tool Kit I Building with Responsible AIAi Smart Data provides your organization with a comprehensive set of features and benefits for responsibleAI implementation. From holistic data understanding to bias detection and mitigation, representativenessand fairness, data quality assurance, adaptability, compliance, security, decision-making, cost optimization,and future-proofing, the Ai Smart Data empowers your organization to unlock the full potential of its datawhile upholding responsible and ethical AI practices.1. Enhanced Compliance and Ethical AI Practices: Ensure Regulatory and Ethical ComplianceThe Ai Smart Data provides your organization with a comprehensive solution to meet regulatoryand ethical requirements in AI implementation. By incorporating diverse data sources and applyingresponsible AI practices, your organization can demonstrate compliance with data protectionregulations, privacy laws, and industry standards. Ai Smart Data facilitates transparency, auditability,and documentation of AI processes, enabling your organization to uphold ethical AI practices andgain stakeholders’ trust.2. Streamlined Data Governance and Security: Centralize and Secure Your Data AssetsAi Smart Data offers robust Data Governance and security features to centralize and secure dataassets. With capabilities such as data connectivity, access controls, encryption, and regular securityaudits, your organization can ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of its data. AiSmart Data helps mitigate risks associated with unauthorized access, data breaches, and data loss,providing a secure foundation for responsible AI implementation.3. Improved Decision-Making and Insights: Leverage Data for Enhanced Decision-MakingBy utilizing Ai Smart Data’s features, your organization can harness the power of its data forimproved decision-making. Ai Smart Data enables data consolidation, cleansing, reduction,classification, and access, providing valuable insights and analytics capabilities. With enhanceddata visibility and accessibility, your organization can make informed decisions, identify patterns andtrends, and drive innovation, ultimately gaining a competitive edge.4. Cost Optimization and Efficiency: Optimize Data Storage and Reduce CostsAi Smart Data helps your organization optimize data storage usage and reduce costs. With featuressuch as the Ai Smart Data ROI Calculator and Smart Archiving, your organization can efficientlymanage data storage resources, identify redundant or obsolete data, and implement cost-effectivearchival strategies. By maximizing data storage efficiency, your organization can significantlydecrease storage costs and allocate resources more effectively for other critical business needs.5. Future-Proofing and Innovation: Embrace AI as a Strategic AssetAi Smart Data empowers your organization to future-proof its AI initiatives and embrace AI as astrategic asset. By enabling customization, adaptability, and scalability, your organization can stayahead of evolving technologies, data sources, and market demands. Ai Smart Data facilitatescontinuous improvement, innovation, and the integration of responsible AI practices into yourorganization’s long-term strategy, ensuring sustained success in the digital age.51

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Ai Smart Data Tool Kit I Data RouterWelcome to the Future of Data Management ContentAi Smart Data’s AI-infused Policy, Use, and Compliance Driven Data Router, Data Router, is a cutting-edgesolution that revolutionizes data management by providing customizable data retention policies based onunique business needs. It combines human-augmented Artificial Intelligence capabilities to improve dataquality, automate object classification, and enhance data retention and deletion policies. With Ai SmartData, your organization can effectively manage its data by defining retention policies, automating archivalprocesses, and ensuring compliant disposal to maintain data integrity and meet legal and regulatoryrequirements.Ai Smart Data’s AI-infused Policy, Use, and Compliance Driven Data RouterData Router offers your organization a versatile and customizable approach to data management. Fromefficient disposal of unnecessary data to preserving legacy information and implementing cost-effectivestorage solutions, Ai Smart Data empowers you to make informed decisions about data retention based ontheir specific needs. By leveraging AI capabilities and the comprehensive ecosystem, you can optimizestorage costs, improve performance, ensure compliance, and unlock the full potential of your data assets.Data Retention TieringBy utilizing Data Router to select the Retention Tier that aligns with your organization’s data needs, you cancustomize your data management approach. Data Router empowers you to optimize data storage, preservehistorical data, implement cost-effective cold storage, simplify data transfer, and ensure compliance withsecurity and regulatory requirements. Leveraging AI capabilities and the flexibility of your availableRetention Tiers, Data Router, enables you to streamline your data management practices, reduce storagecosts, and achieve compliance with industry regulations.Data Disposal RedefinedAi Smart Data recognizes that not all data is valuable. Ai Smart Data’s intelligent approach to data disposaloptimizes data storage, enhances performance, and reduces costs. By automating data retention anddeletion policies with Data Router, you can remove data that exceeds defined retention schedules,achieving immediate cost savings and a more streamlined data environment.Preserving the PastData Router focuses on providing retention routing for data to your legacy data storage environmentsensuring that the historical imprint of your organization is preserved, allowing seamless access to valuablelegacy data when needed from your legacy archive.Smart Data DropAi Smart Data introduces our Smart Data Drop storage, which simplifies the handling of large volumes ofsmall documents, especially in legal discovery productions. By consolidating files into a single zip file, datatransfer time is reduced, leading to increased efficiency and productivity in managing and transferring data.FedRAMP ATOAi Smart Data’s FedRAMP Authorized storage tier is being designed for organizations operating in52

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compliance-focused sectors. It provides advanced archiving capabilities with a FedRAMP [Federal Risk andAuthorization Management Program] Authority to Operate certification. This certification ensures that datamanagement processes meet high standards of security and compliance (i.e., FIPS 140-2), offering peace ofmind to organizations operating in regulated environments.Ai Smart Data Router’s Re-Tiering Benefits1. Cost SavingsBy implementing intelligent data retention and disposal policies, Data Router helps yourorganization optimize storage costs. Unnecessary data is identified and safely discarded,eliminating the need to store and manage irrelevant information. This streamlined approachreduces storage expenses and frees up resources for more critical data.2. Improved PerformanceWith Data Router’s removal of redundant and outdated data, the overall performance of datastorage systems is enhanced. By focusing on storing only relevant and frequently accessed data,you can achieve faster retrieval times and improved efficiency in data operations.3. Compliance and Legal ReadinessData Router ensures that your organization adheres to legal and regulatory requirements byautomating data retention policies. It enables you to define specific retention periods for differenttypes of data, ensuring compliance with industry-specific regulations. Additionally, the integrationwith Charter Source Archiving with FedRAMP ATO certification further enhances data security andcompliance capabilities.4. Data PreservationData Router is specifically designed to preserve legacy data storage environments. It recognizesthe historical value of your organization’s data and ensures its accessibility for reference, analysis,or compliance purposes. By retaining legacy data, you can maintain a comprehensive historicalrecord and leverage insights from past operations.5. Efficient Cold StorageData Router offers a cost-effective solution for storing infrequently accessed data. By leveragingrenowned platforms like Azure BLOB and AWS s3, you can securely store data without the costsassociated with active archive storage. This tier of retention provides a balance between costefficiency and data accessibility, ensuring that data is available when needed while optimizingstorage costs and being aware of hidden retrieval and access costs.6. Simplified Data TransferSmart Data Drop simplifies the handling of large volumes of small documents, especially in legaldiscovery productions. By consolidating files into a single zip file, data transfer time is reduced,enhancing efficiency and productivity. This streamlined process enables you to manage data moreeffectively during legal proceedings or when sharing data with external parties.7. Seamless IntegrationData Router seamlessly integrates with other components of your data management ecosystem.This integration provides a unified data management solution, enhancing data insights, profiling,and automated lifecycle policies. Your organization can leverage the comprehensive ecosystem tooptimize data management practices, maximize data value, and streamline operations.54

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Ai Smart Data Tool Kit I ROI CalculatorAs recognized by the ongoing engagement at GE with Data Detect, enterprises are overwhelmed with data.Much of this has exceeded retention, is not a business record, has no compliance or legal preservationrequirement, and should be deleted. But since your organization can’t manage what they can’t identify,clarify, or profile, data continues to grow unabated, leading to escalating costs and increased data risk. As aresult of this over-preservation, enterprises are spending millions to store and analyze this data. This hurtsyour organization’s bottom line and diminishes the value and efficacy of analytics programs aimed atderiving business insight from this data.Ai Smart Data ROI CalculatorThe Ai Smart Data ROI Calculator demonstrates how using AI-infused technology drives cost savings in datastorage for your organization. By accurately analyzing the impact of implementing Ai Smart Data SmartArchiving solutions, your organization optimizes its storage usage and appropriate tiering to reduce costsdramatically.The Ai Data Calculator provides industry baselines and allows for assumptions to be tailored to eachorganization, first to project estimated cost reduction opportunities and then to retrospectively report onactual savings as storage optimization programs utilizing the power of Ai Smart Data are implementedand operated.Utilizing Data Detect, c1 Advantage and the GE Core Tech Team have combined to solve GE’s data problem.The calculator operates based on the following assumptions like those in the GE engagement:Managing over 26 petabytes [PBs] of storage, GE found itself grappling with the complexities of anever-expanding storage estate. With a looming divestiture deadline driving the project timeline, the c1Advantage team, working with GE CoreTech, established the scope of the initial program to analyzeapproximately 10 PB of critical data Tier 2 and Tier 3 storage for simple ownership, age, and last accesscharacteristics.Ai Smart Data ROI Calculator Demonstrated by the GE EngagementUtilizing GE’s storage tier cost and conservative data growth assumptions, the Ai Smart Data ROI Calculatorshows that your organization’s estimated total data storage usage after 3 years is 10,068 terabytes, dividedinto Tier 2, Tier 3, and Cloud storage tiers.The estimated annual storage costs before optimization analysis using Data Detect for each tier are $41.0Mfor Tier 2 and $6.2M for Tier 3, for a total annual cost of $47.2M.By leveraging Data Detect, GE is able to intelligently re-tier its data storage, moving over 4 PB of data off ofexpensive Tier 2 storage and moving nearly 6 PB of previously unidentified Dark Data to significantlycheaper cloud-based storage. After optimization analysis using Data Detect for each tier, the estimatedannual storage costs are $11.6M for Tier 2, $1.75M for Tier 3, and $3.8M for Cloud storage, for a total annualcost of $17.2M.56

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Cost Table: Estimated Before and After Reduction per Tiered and Overall Storage Cost SavingsData Detect will save GE an estimated $30M- an incredible 60% reduction in storage costs over 3 years.Cost savings on Storage and SearchEstablishing effective policies and frameworks in conjunction with Ai Smart Data’s auto-classificationcapabilities enables your organization to defensibly delete large amounts of irrelevant data and retaincritical data in a searchable repository for compliance and business purposes. This allows your organizationto reduce storage costs by consolidating storage with less data and preserving essential data in acompressed and encrypted archive for search.Ai Smart Data classification adds metadata attributes to your organization’s data. Search improves becauseyou can search data by topic, keywords, and content. You can delete useless documents by continuouslyclassifying all data, run faster searches on targeted data volumes, and eliminate costly, time-consumingad-hoc searches.Data Security and ConfidentialityAfter classifying all data by security and value, your organization can defensibly dispose of data thatrepresents an unnecessary risk to the firm. You can lower the risk of lawsuits and fines by identifyingsensitive or compromising data and moving it from insecure storage to a secure, archived storage repository.Additionally, you can ensure that only the proper personnel in your organization have access to sensitive orclassified data, easily ensuring that you are meeting the rigorous requirements of security controls such asInternational Traffic in Arms Regulations [ITAR].In the event of an investigation or audit, you can quickly retrieve data in response to discovery requests withconfidence they know all of their data has been identified and classified. In addition, you can prove they havethe tools and systems to address sensitive data compliantly.58

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Ai Smart Data Tool Kit I Ai Smart Data DropRevolutionizing Legal Workflows with Streamlined Data TransferIn today's legal landscape, efficient data transfer and collaboration are vital for smooth operations. However,traditional methods often involve complexities, delays, and potential data integrity issues. Recognizing thesechallenges, we are excited to introduce Ai Smart Data Drop, a game-changing component of the Ai SmartData Archive that revolutionizes data transfer, file synchronization, and sharing while streamlining legalworkflows.Streamlined DataData Drop simplifies the data transfer process, eliminating the need for convoluted steps like searching,exporting, and relying on dedicated file transfer software. By streamlining the workflow, it reduces delays,potential data corruption, and documentation complexities, saving valuable time & effort for legal teams.Effortless Sharing with Enhanced Security FeaturesWith Data Drop, sharing critical data becomes as easy as using popular consumer-grade tools like DropBoxor Box. However, Data Drop goes beyond by offering enhanced security features, activity tracking, andseamless integration with Discovery applications. It excels at sharing data with external stakeholders,providing a secure and user-friendly experience.Consolidated Data Transfer for Increased EfficiencyData Drop simplifies the handling of vast volumes of small documents in legal Discovery productions. Byautomatically consolidating files, users can download a single zip file containing all the necessary data. Thisfeature significantly reduces transfer time and streamlines the overall process, ensuring efficiency andproductivity.Centralized Repository for Seamless CollaborationIn addition to bulk data from the archive, legal teams often need to share ancillary data, such as chain ofcustody documentation and legal documents. Data Drop allows users to effortlessly drag and drop thesedocuments into the environment, creating a centralized repository of discovery data and supportinginformation. This centralized approach simplifies data management and facilitates efficient collaborationamong internal teams and external stakeholders.Efficient Data Collection and ControlData collection in the legal landscape can still be a manual process, requiring curated document collectionsfrom knowledgeable users. Data Drop ensures that while personnel gather relevant documents using itsexpertise, the data remains under control. This guarantees easy sharing and tracking by the legal team,ensuring compliance and maintaining the integrity of the data.Scalable, Secure, and Compliant SolutionAs organizations increasingly adopt hybrid environments, including on-premise data, hosted archives, cloudsystems, and eDiscovery review platforms, Data Drop becomes invaluable. It ensures secure data transfer,compliance with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and maintains a centralized data repository. DataDrop supports robust Data Governance practices, enforces data access control, and provides a traceableplatform for audit readiness.60

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Enhanced Collaboration and CommunicationData Drop fosters seamless collaboration among internal teams and external stakeholders. Its integrationwith Discovery applications streamlines workflows, reduces manual efforts, and enhances productivity.Collaboration with external counsel, eDiscovery vendors, and other organizations involved in the legalprocess becomes efficient and secure, leading to competitive advantage and improved customersatisfaction.File Sharing for Enterprise UsersData Drop unlocks the potential to revolutionize legal workflows by offering streamlined data transfer,enhanced collaboration, and robust security features. It ensures secure file access, syncing, and sharingservices that meet the security requirements of government and enterprise users. With a certified webinterface, users can access their files from any device, sync data securely among their devices, and sharedata publicly or privately. Data Drop provides control over data storage location, seamless integration withexisting systems, and ease of use to enhance productivity.Choose Smart Data Drop for Optimal Efficiency and SecurityData Drop revolutionizes legal workflows by streamlining data transfer, ensuring compliance and security,and enhancing collaboration. With its robust features, seamless integration, and focus on customersatisfaction, Data Drop is the ideal choice for organizations seeking a secure, efficient, and flexible file syncand share solution. Embrace Data Drop and experience a new level of control, productivity, andcollaboration in your legal operations.Ai Smart Data Tool Kit: Why Choose Smart Data Drop?When comparing Data Drop to platforms like DropBox, there are several compelling reasons why Ai SmartData Drop stands out as the superior choice:1. Control and FlexibilityData Drop provides complete control over your data and offers flexible deployment options.Whether you prefer on-premise, cloud, or hybrid environments, Data Drop adapts to your DataGovernance and infrastructure needs.2. Integration with Charter Source Archive+Data Drop seamlessly integrates with our Charter Source Archive+ and Express Discovery solutions,enhancing archival, discovery, and future searchability capabilities. This integration creates acohesive ecosystem for comprehensive data management.3. Advanced FunctionalityData Drop encompasses all the essential features of an Enterprise File Sync and Share [EFSS]solution. From secure file sharing and organization to personal backups, Data Drop offers advancedfunctionality to meet your diverse requirements.4. Enhanced Security and ComplianceData Drop prioritizes data security and compliance. With features like Quantum-Safe encryption,audit trails, and multi-factor authentication, your data remains private, compliant, and protected fromsecurity threats.62

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5. Scalability and Storage CapacityAs your data needs grow, Smart Data Drop scales effortlessly. You can add servers to expand yourstorage capacity without limitations, ensuring seamless data management as your organizationevolves.6. Seamless Integration with Existing AppsSmart Data Drop seamlessly integrates with other critical applications in our ecosystem, such asData Connect, Charter Source Archive+, Data Detect, and CISO Sentinel. This integrationmaximizes productivity, streamlines workflows, and maximizes the value of your existinginvestments.7. Comprehensive Administration and ControlUnlike many EFSS platforms, Smart Data Drop provides robust administrative controls. Managepermissions, synchronize folders, and leverage active directory or single sign-on capabilities tomaintain complete control over your data. Smart Data Drop also maintains a comprehensive audittrail of activities in the system, so you know when data has been delivered, even to externalparticipants.8. Increased Value for EnterprisesSmart Data Drop delivers superior value to enterprises with its competitive pricing and extensivefunctionality. Compared to platforms like DropBox, Smart Data Drop offers a cost-effectivealternative that empowers you with greater control over your data.9. Future-Ready and Customer-Centric ApproachSmart Data Drop is continuously evolving to meet customer needs and industry demands. With afocus on innovation and customer satisfaction, Smart Data Drop ensures that your organizationstays ahead in the ever-changing landscape of file sync and share solutions.Choose Smart Data Drop to Transform Your File Sync and Share ExperienceSmart Data Drop offers a comprehensive, secure, and flexible file sync and share solution designedspecifically to address the limitations and challenges faced by traditional platforms. With advanced features,seamless integration capabilities, and a customer-centric approach, Smart Data Drop empowers yourorganization with enhanced control, security, and collaboration in your file-sharing processes.Discover the power of Smart Data Drop and experience a new era of efficiency, security, and productivity inyour legal workflows. Embrace Smart Data Drop today and unlock the full potential of your data-driven legaloperations.64

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Ai Smart Data Processing I Lighting the Path in AcquisitionsIn the complex domain of mergers and acquisitions, meticulous Big Data examination is crucial to uncoverunseen yet critical risks. However, the enormous realm of Big Data often remains unexplored, veiled inshadows. Fortunately, our groundbreaking tool, Ai Smart Data, casts a beam of clarity through the haze,revealing the obscured alleys of Dark Data during the stringent Big Data due diligence phase and thesubsequent post-acquisition era. It stands as a guiding sentinel for acquirers, who are often in the darkregarding the vast Big Data reserves they are about to or have newly acquired.Ai Smart Data diligently unravels the layers of Dark Data, which often constitute up to 80% of anenterprise's Big Data estate, unearthing both potential risks and hidden value.This revelation catalyzes a more thorough and insightful Big Data due diligence process. Below is a closerexamination of Ai Smart Data’s pivotal offerings:1. Sensitive Data Classification ManagementAi Smart Data orchestrates precise classification and management of sensitive data, aligningstaunchly with data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA/CPRA.2. Enhanced Security and ComplianceCompliance with various legal and industry standards is critical. Ai Smart Data actively identifiespotential compliance risks, ensuring adherence to regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, etc. Itscybersecurity protocols, along with continuous monitoring, furnish a robust security framework,safeguarding sensitive data throughout the M&A journey.3. Redundant, Obsolete, and Trivial Data (ROT) ManagementAdroitly handling ROT, Ai Smart Data mitigates the risk of data breaches and non-complianceissues, modernizing outdated storage solutions.4. Optimized Data Management and Quality ControlManaging Dark Data and refining data quality are paramount for making informed decisions. AiSmart Data's advanced tools significantly curtails the risk of inaccurate data influencing criticaldecisions by detecting and rectifying data anomalies.5. Efficient Data IntegrationDuring M&As, amalgamating data from disparate systems is a Herculean task. Ai Smart Data excelsin consolidating and integrating disparate data systems, minimizing disruptions, and amplifying thevalue of combined data assets. This efficiency is pivotal in curbing downtime and ensuring aseamless transition during the merger.Through seamless data integration, enhanced security measures, and streamlined legal processes,Ai Smart Data transmutes potential challenges into opportunities for growth and success, portrayinga promising narrative for your organization in the digital age.6. Cost Reduction65

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By automating various facets of Data Governance and legal research, this tool significantly curtailsthe time and resources required, thereby reducing overall costs. Automation also diverts humanresources to more strategic tasks, boosting overall productivity.7. Seamless System IntegrationsFor organizations utilizing Microsoft 365, Ai Smart Data ensures a smooth transition, allowing themto continue using their preferred collaboration tools without interruption.8. Robust Archiving and Information GovernanceEffective archiving and information governance are crucial in safeguarding electronic informationduring the M&A process. Their comprehensive archiving solutions ensure secure data ingestion intoa customized archive post-initial data cleansing....And several more features meticulously crafted to navigate through the often turbulent waters of M&As. Inessence, Ai Smart Data isn't just a tool kit; it's a formidable ally. Its sophisticated AI-driven capabilitiesunravel the complex processes, ensuring your organization glides smoothly through the compliance,security, and efficiency channels during and post-M&As.Ai Smart Data stands as an indispensable asset in the M&A landscape, ensuring every byte of data isaccounted for and contributes to informed decision-making. In a world where Big Data is the linchpin, AiSmart Data is the compass in the M&A voyage, guiding you through the uncharted waters of Big Data with apromise of discovery, clarity, and success.The following are Ai Smart Data's key utilities dissected into various aspects:1. Legal Research and Contract ReviewAi Smart Data assists in legal research by providing quick and accurate information, significantlyreducing time spent on manual research. This is pivotal in expediting M&A processes and ensuringlegal due diligence is thoroughly conducted.2. Predictive AnalysisAi Smart Data's artificial intelligence capabilities herald a new era of efficiency and accuracy in datamanagement, legal research, and document review, propelling your organization toward moreinformed decision-making, optimized compliance, and enhanced security. Ai Smart Data's AI toolscan analyze previous case data and court decisions to predict potential outcomes, aiding legalprofessionals in strategizing effectively.3. Total Data AccessibilityBy eliminating data silos and providing universal data interoperability across platforms, Ai SmartData enhances data accessibility, fostering a data-driven culture within your organization.4. Enhanced Integration and AutomationAi Smart Data's automation schedules and seamless integration with various data sourcesstreamline data management workflows and create customized outputs, crucial in navigating thecomplex data landscapes during M&As.66

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5. Scalability and FlexibilityDesigned to scale with organizational needs, Data Connect handles large volumes of data andadapts to changing data management requirements, making it a robust tool for M&As.6. Data RemediationData Detect facilitates swift, petabyte-scale metadata AI-augmented analysis to ascertain criticalcriteria such as data ownership, utilization, redundancy, and age. By eradicating old, redundant,and irrelevant data, especially Dark Data, your organization can elevate data quality, dramaticallytrim storage costs, and fortify its overall security and compliance posture.7. Improved ComplianceProactively identifying and addressing potential compliance risks and ensuring adherence toregulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and SOX, Ai Smart Data aids your organization inavoiding costly penalties and protecting its reputation.8. Enhanced SecurityCutting-edge cybersecurity protocols, combined with continuous monitoring, ensure your dataremains secure throughout the M&A process and beyond.9. Seamless Microsoft 365 IntegrationEnsuring a smooth transition for companies utilizing Microsoft 365, Ai Smart Data allows them tocontinue using their preferred collaboration tools without interruption.10. Robust Data Archiving & Information GovernanceComprehensive archiving solutions, Smart Data Drop, and Charter Source Archive+, safeguardelectronic information during the M&A process, ensuring secure data ingestion into a customizedarchive after an initial data cleansing. This ensures important documents and files are easilyaccessible and protected from loss or corruption.11. Enterprise-Wide Data Archive ConsolidationPost-M&A, it's crucial to consolidate information archiving tools and manage the rollout of newarchival policies. Ai Smart Data effectively decommission legacy archive repositories andconsolidates file repositories, including sources like SharePoint, OneDrive, and Azure shares.12. Secure Data MigrationsRecognizing the complexities and potential risks associated with data migrations during M&A, AiSmart Data minimizes business risks and ensures compliance through meticulous planning andexecution of data migration, preserving data integrity, and minimizing data loss.13. Cybersecurity & Compliance Risk MitigationContinuous monitoring of security & compliance programs helps businesses adapt swiftly to newsecurity challenges that arise during M&A. Ai Smart Data aligns the cybersecurity risk andcompliance postures of merging companies, ensuring security remains a business enabler, not ahindrance.68

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14. Resource SavingAutomated tools for Data Governance and legal research lead to significant savings in terms offull-time employees. By freeing up your team's time from manual tasks, they can focus more onstrategic and creative aspects of your business.15. Effective Reporting for Information Security Executives (CISO)Continuous monitoring and easy reporting tools provide CISOs with comprehensive views of yourorganization's security posture, aiding in decision-making and ensuring alignment with regulatorystandards.16. Regulatory Life Cycle ManagementNavigating regulatory requirements can be a daunting task during M&A. Ai Smart Data managesthe entire regulatory life cycle, keeping track of evolving standards and ensuring compliance,saving businesses from potential penalties and legal issues.17. Enhanced Data ClassificationAdvanced AI algorithms categorize data based on its content and sensitivity, streamlining theclassification process and enabling easier enforcement of Data Governance policies.18. Improved Data Quality ControlAI algorithms help detect and correct data anomalies, ensuring the quality and consistency of dataacross your organization, significantly reducing the risk of inaccurate data influencing criticalbusiness decisions during the M&A process.19. Advanced Data Privacy ProtectionAI algorithms are leveraged to detect and prevent unauthorized access or usage of sensitive data,ensuring the privacy and security of personal information during M&As.20. Automated Data Retention and DeletionAI algorithms automate data retention and deletion policies, ensuring data is kept only as long asnecessary and deleted when no longer required, aiding your organization in staying compliant withvarious data protection regulations.21. Efficient Legal ResearchAI tools assist in legal research by providing quick and accurate information, significantly reducingtime spent on manual research and helping to expedite M&A processes.22. Streamlined Contract ReviewAI capabilities facilitate faster and more accurate contract review and analysis, saving valuable timeduring M&A transactions.23. Predictive Coding and Document ReviewApplying AI in document review and classification significantly reduces the workload of legalprofessionals, allowing them to focus on higher-level tasks, improving overall efficiency andeffectiveness.69

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24. Case Outcome PredictionAI tools analyze previous case data and court decisions to predict potential outcomes, aiding legalprofessionals in strategizing more effectively.25. AI-powered ChatbotsAI chatbots assist with answering frequently asked questions, freeing up valuable time for legalprofessionals to focus on more complex tasks.Ai Smart Data's M&A services are crafted to bolster the success of M&A activities by managing the oftencomplex and challenging aspects of data integration, compliance, and security. With the advanced DataDetect tool, the power of Big Data is unlocked and harnessed.Ai Smart Data's artificial intelligence capabilities unlock the full potential of Big Data during M&Aprocesses, offering unparalleled efficiency and accuracy in data management, legal research, anddocument review. This leads to more informed decision-making, optimized compliance, and enhancedsecurity.Ai Smart Data Processing I Compliance for the BFSI SpaceAi Smart Data provides compliant Data Management solutions tailored specifically for the Banking, FinancialServices, and Insurance [BFSI] industry. With a deep understanding of the industry's unique challenges andregulatory requirements, we empower your organization to effectively manage and protect its data assetswhile ensuring regulatory compliance.We recognize the critical importance of Data Management in the BFSI industry, where vast amounts ofsensitive customer information and financial data are handled daily. Our comprehensive suite of solutionscombines advanced technologies with industry expertise to deliver robust and reliable Data Managementcapabilities. Ai Smart Data delivers capabilities to strong partnerships and successfully served severalprestigious beta accounts in the BFSI sector.70

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Curing Dark Data I Why is Dark Data a Problem?Dark Data refers to the digital information [e.g., Unstructured Data] that is generated and stored but can notbe used for decision-making or any other purpose because it hasn't been identified, classified, profiled,analyzed, or processed. Here's a brief breakdown of why Dark Data is so problematic:1. Storage CostsDark Data consumes massive storage resources. Organizational storage costs continue to rise bymore than 10% per year on average due to the increasing volume of Unstructured Data .2. Security RisksUnmanaged and unsecured Dark Data leads to security breaches, exposing your organization tofinancial and reputational damage. Additionally, the inability to consolidate data security policiesacross different data silos further exacerbates security issues .3. Regulatory Compliance and Legal RisksYour organization faces legal risks and non-compliance issues with data protection regulations,potentially incurring financial liabilities, penalties, and adverse judgments in litigation. Having up to80% of its data unidentified puts all of your organization’s compliance and eDiscovery at risk.4. Missed Business OpportunitiesDark Data contains valuable insights that could drive business opportunities. However, the inabilityto access, identify, or analyze this data leads to missed opportunities, impacting your organization'scompetitive advantage and revenue potential .5. Management and Analysis CostsThe escalating costs associated with managing, securing, and analyzing Dark Data have beensubstantial, requiring investments in less than adequate advanced analytics, data managementtools, and expertise. [Up until the introduction of Data Detect, there has been no real Cure for DarkData.]6. Environmental CostsThe energy consumed to store and manage Dark Data contributes to your organization's carbonfootprint. Dark Data storage was estimated to emit 6.4 million tons of carbon dioxide into theatmosphere in 2020 . [Ai Smart Data will often reduce data storage by over 40%.]7. Inefficiencies and Resource DrainThe time, effort, and resources required to handle Dark Data can detract from other critical areas ofbusiness operations, leading to inefficiencies and a drain on organizational resources. Sortingthrough Dark Data for relevant information can consume a lot of time, effort, and money.8. Data Quality and Integrity IssuesDark Data leads directly to data duplication, outdated information, and inconsistencies, affectingoverall data quality and integrity, which in turn negatively impacts decision-making and ultimatelyescalates data storage costs.Tackling the issues surrounding Dark Data involves a combination of better data management practices anda strategic approach to Data Management utilizing Ai Smart Data. By addressing Dark Data with DataDetect, your organization can recognize risks, reduce data storage costs, improve compliance, andpotentially unlock valuable insights that can drive better business outcomes.72

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Curing Dark Data I Transforming Archiving PracticesHarnessing the Potential of Dark Data with Ai Smart Data DetectData Detect revolutionizes the archiving of Dark Data, transforming it from an overwhelming challenge into avaluable asset for your organization. This AI-powered tool identifies, enriches, classifies, and profiles DarkData, ensuring it is archived efficiently and effectively in an immutable, searchable journal file. Thisapproach unlocks numerous benefits, including enhanced legal compliance, data integrity, and operationalefficiency.Ai Smart Data transforms Dark Data into a strategic asset. By following a structured archiving process, yourorganization is empowered to effectively manage data, turning potential challenges into opportunities forgrowth, innovation, and enhanced operational effectiveness.Benefits of Archiving with Ai Smart Data1. Legal Compliance and eDiscoveryEnsures adherence to industry-specific regulations and facilitates efficient eDiscovery processes.2. Data IntegrityGuarantees the unalterability of data, crucial in sectors like legal, finance, and healthcare.3. Audit TrailsOffers precise data tracking, essential for internal and external compliance audits.4. Historical Reference and AnalysisFacilitates easy access to historical data for insightful analysis and decision-making.5. Operational EfficiencyStreamlines information retrieval, significantly boosting productivity.6. Cost ManagementIdentifies and eliminates redundant data, optimizing storage expenses.7. Risk ManagementPrevents data alteration or loss, mitigating potential legal and operational risks.8. Knowledge PreservationMaintains organizational knowledge continuity, irrespective of personnel changes.9. Disaster Recovery and BusinessContinuity: Enhances recovery capabilities in crisis scenarios, ensuring continuous operation.10. Data Monetization OpportunitiesProvides easier access to Dark Data for potential monetization strategies.11. Innovation and Competitive EdgeFuels data-driven innovation and insights, offering a competitive advantage.12. Enhanced Customer ServiceImproves service through a better understanding of historical customer data.Challenges in Dark Data Archiving Prior to Ai Smart Data1. Lack of AwarenessDifficulty in identifying and understanding the value or risk of Dark Data.2. Unstructured FormatsChallenges in organizing and managing Unstructured Data systematically.3. Volume and Velocity74

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Overwhelmed traditional systems with the sheer amount and pace of data generation.4. Cost ConcernsHigh expenses associated with structured and accessible archiving.5. Lack of StandardizationComplexity due to diverse data types and formats.6. Resource ConstraintsLimited technological and personnel resources for effective archiving.7. Technical ChallengesDifficulties in ETL processes for Dark Data.8. Privacy and Compliance IssuesRisks involved in archiving sensitive information.9. Tools and Expertise ShortageNecessity for specialized tools and knowledge.10. Data Quality ConcernsUncertainty about the accuracy or relevance of Dark Data.11. Unclear OwnershipNeglect in management due to undefined responsibility.Archiving with Ai Smart Data: A Structured Approach1. Identification and ClassificationPinpointing and categorizing relevant Dark Data, including various file types.2. Data PreparationCleaning, organizing, and properly formatting data.3. Metadata CreationEnhancing data with informative metadata for efficient indexing.4. Conversion to Standard FormatsEnsuring long-term accessibility by standardizing file formats.5. Immutable Storage SolutionsEmploying WORM technology for data immutability.6. Indexing and Search CapabilityImplementing sophisticated systems for quick data retrieval.7. Access Control and EncryptionSafeguarding data with strict access measures and encryption.8. Compliance and Audit TrailsAdhering to legal and organizational policies with detailed audit records.9. Retention and Disposal PoliciesEstablishing and automating data lifecycle management.10. Regular Testing and ValidationEnsuring continuous accessibility and integrity of archived data.11. Education and TrainingEmpowering teams with knowledge on archiving best practices.12. Continuous ImprovementUpdating processes and technologies in line with evolving needs.76

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Curing Dark Data I An eDiscovery MenaceDark Data poses significant challenges in the context of eDiscovery during litigation due to its unstructuredand unknown nature. Here are some ways in which the need to sort through Dark Data can impactdiscovery in litigation:1. Increased CostsThe time and effort required to sift through unstructured and unknown data invariably lead tosubstantially higher costs. This includes the costs associated with data storage, management, andanalysis, which quickly add up, especially in large-scale litigation cases.2. Longer TimelinesSearching through Dark Data for relevant information significantly extends the timeline of thediscovery process. This, in turn, prolongs and compromises the overall litigation process.3. Compromised Quality of DiscoveryDark Data is not easily searchable or accessible, which means that traditional eDiscovery methodsinvariably overlook potentially relevant information . This compromises the quality andcompleteness of the discovery process, potentially negatively affecting the outcomes of litigation.4. Increased ComplexityThe presence of Dark Data adds a layer of complexity to the discovery process. Legal professionalsmust employ more advanced data analysis and retrieval techniques, often requiring theengagement of external experts or the adoption of specialized eDiscovery tools. Unfortunately,until the introduction of Data Detect, these resources were limited in their speed and effectiveness.5. Potential Non-Compliance and Legal RisksFailure to adequately manage and analyze Dark Data often results in non-compliance with legal andregulatory requirements pertaining to data discovery. This exposes your organization to legal risks,including penalties for non-compliance and adverse judgments in litigation.6. Missed InsightsDark Data might hold critical insights or evidence that could be pivotal in a litigation case. However,the difficulty in accessing and analyzing this data may result in missed opportunities to leveragesuch insights to build a stronger legal position.7. Increased Burden on Legal and IT TeamsThe need to deal with Dark Data can place additional burdens on legal and IT teams, requiring themto divert resources from other critical tasks to manage the challenges associated with Dark Dataduring the discovery process.8. Resource DrainThe resources (both human and technological) required to handle Dark Data during eDiscovery canbe substantial, detracting from other critical areas of the litigation process or other organizationalpriorities.Dark Data can significantly impede the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and overall effectiveness of thediscovery process in litigation, making it a notable concern for legal professionals and your organizationalike. Fortunately, Ai Smart Data is the Data Governance Cure for Dark Data that ensures complete, fast,and cost-effective eDiscovery.78

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Curing Dark Data I Harnessing Dark DataA Technical Exposition on Employing Ai Smart Data for Optimal Data GovernanceIn the contemporary data-centric operational milieu, your organization is inundated with an ever-expandingcorpus of data. The quest to extricate actionable intelligence and mitigate inherent risks from this datadeluge necessitates robust technological solutions. The advent of Ai Smart Data heralds a paradigm shift innavigating the complex data terrain.“In a world where data serves as the lifeblood of enterprises, organizations navigate the expansive seasof information, driven by the quest for valuable insights. However, within the deep abyss lies aformidable adversary known as Dark Data, obscuring clarity and threatening to engulf organizations in awhirlpool of compliance, security, and operational hazards.Amidst the turbulent waters, a beacon of hope emerges on the horizon, the formidable vessel of AiSmart Data, cutting through the murky waters, promising to lead organizations to the shores ofactionable insights and robust Data Governance.” - Chad Walker, Data ResearcherAi Smart Data is engineered to facilitate rapid identification and proffer deep AI-augmented insights into thesprawling data repositories. By transmuting the dormant Dark Data into Actionable Smart Data, Ai SmartData embarks on a mission to obliterate Redundant, Obsolete, or Trivial data (ROT), significantly curtailstorage expenditures, modernize archival infrastructure, enable AI-augmented decision-making processes,and augment the overall data asset value.Ai Smart Data emerges as a comprehensive solution offering an extensive visibility across yourorganizational data estate. It meticulously identifies, classifies, and profiles every iota of data, including theelusive unstructured and Dark Data, thus, transforming your organizational approach towards DataGovernance.The technical prowess of Ai Smart Data unfolds as it meticulously navigates through the data landscape. Itscapability to render a comprehensive data profile facilitates a profound understanding of the dataecosystem, paving the way for informed decision-making. Moreover, the modernization of legacy storageenvironments is not just a transition but a transformation toward an efficient, searchable, and manageabledata archival system.The Ai Smart Data system transcends conventional data management paradigms by employing advancedalgorithms to dissect complex data structures, unearthing the concealed information and potential risks. Itsimmutable and searchable journaling capabilities ensure data integrity and compliance with legal andregulatory stipulations. Furthermore, the AI-augmented analytics furnished by Ai Smart Data embellish thedecision-making process, rendering it more precise and informed. The reduction in unnecessary storagecosts is a direct consequence of the systematic elimination of ROT data, thereby optimizing the storageresource allocation.The strategic deployment of Ai Smart Data heralds a new era of Data Management where Dark Data is nolonger a quagmire but a reservoir of insights. The modernized archival system significantly enhances thedata retrieval process, ensuring swift access to historical data for analytical and compliance purposes.79

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Curing Dark Data I Data Governance ChallengesDark Data poses several Data Governance challenges, which are problematic for organizations striving tomanage their data in a compliant, secure, and efficient manner. Here are some of the key challenges:1. Visibility and UnderstandingA fundamental challenge is the lack of visibility into what Dark Data exists, where it's stored, andwhat it contains. This lack of understanding compromises effective Data Governance.2. Compliance RisksDark Data can harbor sensitive or regulated information, posing compliance risks. Without propergovernance, your organization might violate data protection laws such as GDPR or HIPAAunknowingly.3. Security RisksIf Dark Data contains sensitive information, it can become a target for cyber-attacks. The lack ofgovernance around Dark Data increases the risk of data breaches.4. Storage ManagementDark Data consumes valuable storage resources. Without effective governance, the costs ofstoring, managing, and maintaining Dark Data will escalate.5. Quality and AccuracyThe quality and accuracy of Dark Data are unknown, which can lead to misinformation if used indecision-making processes.6. Metadata ManagementEffective Data Governance requires robust metadata management, but with Dark Data, metadatamay be lacking or incomplete, making governance more challenging.7. Retention and DisposalDetermining retention schedules for Dark Data is difficult due to the lack of understanding about thedata's content and value. This complicates adherence to data retention and disposal policies.8. Access ControlWithout proper governance, there may be insufficient access controls around Dark Data, potentiallyleading to unauthorized access and misuse.80

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UGA I Non-Disclosure & Non-Solicitation AgreementThis Non-Disclosure and Non-Solicitation Agreement [the "Agreement"] is made and entered into as ofMay 1, 2024, by and between UGA Capital Ventures and PremCloud Resources [“Disclosing Party”] andNeoris [“Receiving Party”].1. Definition of Confidential Information: For purposes of this Agreement, "Confidential Information"shall mean any data or information, oral or written, disclosed by the Disclosing Party that is notgenerally known to the public and that the Receiving Party understands is proprietary.2. Obligations of Receiving Party: The Receiving Party shall hold and maintain the ConfidentialInformation in strictest confidence for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Disclosing Party.Receiving Party shall not, without prior written approval of Disclosing Party, use for Receiving Party'sown benefit, publish, copy, or otherwise disclose to others, or permit the use by others for theirbenefit or to the detriment of Disclosing Party any Confidential Information. Receiving Party shallreturn any and all records, notes, and other written, printed, or tangible materials in its possessionpertaining to Confidential Information immediately upon written request by Disclosing Party.3. Time Periods: The confidentiality provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effectfor a period of one [1] year from the Effective Date.4. No License: Nothing contained herein shall be construed as granting or conferring any rights bylicense or otherwise in any Confidential Information.5. Non-Solicitation: For a period of three [3] years from the Effective Date, the Receiving Party shallnot directly or indirectly solicit, hire, recruit, attempt to hire or recruit, or induce the termination ofemployment of any employee of the Disclosing Party.6. Confidentiality: The Receiving Party agrees to keep confidential and not to disclose to any thirdparty any details regarding the Disclosing Party's employees, including but not limited to the termsand conditions of their employment.7. Remedies: In the event of a breach or threatened breach by the Receiving Party of the provisionsof this Agreement, the Disclosing Party shall be entitled to an injunction restraining the ReceivingParty from disclosing, in whole or in part, any confidential information or from rendering any servicesto any person, firm, corporation, or other entity to whom such confidential information, in whole or inpart, has been disclosed or is threatened to be disclosed. Nothing herein shall be construed asprohibiting the Disclosing Party from pursuing any other remedies available to the Disclosing Partyfor such breach or threatened breach, including the recovery of damages from the Receiving Party.8. Miscellaneous: This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the partieshereto, their successors, and assigns.9. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.UGA and PremCloud Resources :______________________________________ ______________________________________Michael McGrath Name:CEO, UGA Capital Ventures Title:May 1, 2024 Date:82

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Ai Smart Data Tool Kit I Traditional Storage TiersTiered storage is a data management strategy that involves classifying and storing data in different tiers orlevels based on specific attributes, such as data value, access frequency, performance requirements, andcost considerations. By implementing storage tiering, your organization can optimize its data storageinfrastructure, enhance data accessibility, improve performance, and reduce costs.Here is an explanation of the storage tiers commonly used in tiered storage. The choice of storage tiersdepends on factors such as data value, access patterns, performance requirements, compliance obligations,and budget constraints.Tier 0Tier 0 is the highest-performance storage tier designed for extremely critical and time-sensitive data. Ittypically consists of storage media like high-speed solid-state drives [SSDs], non-volatile memory express[NVMe] drives, or in-memory systems. Tier 0 is ideal for workloads that demand ultra-low latency andrequire real-time access to data. It is commonly used for high-performance computing, financial tradingsystems, and transactional databases where every microsecond counts.Tier 1Also known as the primary storage tier, Tier 1 is designed for mission-critical data that requires fast andfrequent access. It includes high-performance storage systems such as all-flash arrays [AFA] or hybridstorage arrays combining SSDs and traditional hard disk drives [HDDs]. Tier 1 storage is characterized by itslow latency and high input/output operations per second [IOPS]. It is suitable for databases, virtualizedenvironments, and applications that require high-performance storage for immediate data retrieval.Tier 2Tier 2 storage is used for less critical data that is accessed less frequently than Tier 1. It strikes a balancebetween performance and cost-effectiveness by incorporating traditional HDDs or network-attachedstorage [NAS] systems. Tier 2 storage is commonly used for backups, file shares, and secondary copies ofdata that may require occasional access or near-line retrieval.Tier 3Tier 3 storage is focused on long-term data retention and archival purposes. It offers high capacity andlower cost per unit of storage but with slower access times compared to higher tiers. Tape drives and tapelibraries are often used in Tier 3 storage due to their high capacity, cost-effectiveness, and suitability fordata that is infrequently accessed but needs to be retained for compliance, regulatory, or historicalpurposes. Tier 3 storage is commonly used for data archiving, regulatory compliance, and large-scalebackup and recovery solutions.Cloud Storage TierCloud storage has gained popularity as a flexible and scalable option for tiered storage. Cloud serviceproviders [CSPs] offer different storage classes or tiers, each optimized for specific use cases. Thesestorage classes may include hot storage for frequently accessed data, cool storage for infrequentlyaccessed data with lower retrieval costs, and cold storage for rarely accessed data with the lowest cost butlonger retrieval times. Cloud storage tiers provide your organization with the ability to scale storage84

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resources dynamically and align costs with actual data usage.Object Storage TierObject storage is a scalable and highly available storage architecture that organizes data as objects withunique identifiers and metadata. It offers high durability, scalability, and simplified data management.Object storage tiers can be configured based on access frequency, data lifecycle policies, and costconsiderations. This allows your organization to optimize storage costs by moving data to the mostappropriate tier based on its access patterns and value. Object storage is commonly used for storingUnstructured Data, such as files, images, videos, logs, and backups, in a cost-effective and scalable manner.Cold Storage TierCold storage is dedicated to storing data that is rarely accessed but needs to be retained for long periods.It prioritizes cost savings over immediate accessibility. Cold storage solutions include options such asoffline storage media [e.g., tape drives], low-cost cloud storage, or dedicated archival systems. While theretrieval times for cold storage may be longer compared to other tiers, it offerssignificant cost advantages for long-term data retention, compliance, andregulatory requirements.PremCloud Resources I Ai SupervisorAi Supervisor: An AI-Driven Compliance and Monitoring SolutionPremCloud's Ai Supervisor promises to stand out as an industry-leading solution for communicationsmonitoring, leveraging artificial intelligence to provide an intelligent, automated, and user-friendlyexperience for compliance officers and human resource organizations. With a proven track record in theworld’s top companies, including Standard Chartered Bank and Viatris, PremCloud's Ai Supervisor will beessential for maintaining compliance in stringent regulatory environments, such as those governed by theSEC 17a-4, FINRA, and FDA.Key Features and Benefits● Comprehensive MonitoringPremCloud's Ai Supervisor will monitor a vast array of electronic communications channels,including email, instant messaging, chat platforms, Bloomberg, Reuters, audio data, collaborationplatforms, and social media.● Intuitive User InterfaceUsers will benefit from a fast review process and an easy-to-use interface, ensuring efficiency inmonitoring activities.● Robust Audit TrailThe tool will maintain a complete supervisory audit trail, which is crucial for demonstrating toregulatory bodies that your organization has a well-designed and effectively maintained system toprevent violations.85

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Expanding ApplicationsTraditionally essential in the financial services sector, PremCloud's Ai Supervisor’s applications will beexpanding into pharmaceutical sales communications, internationally regulated sales, and unregulatedindustries. It will address challenges related to reputation damage, intellectual property loss, and legal risksacross various sectors.Risk Mitigation and Policy EnforcementIn an era of increased scrutiny of corporate behavior, PremCloud's Ai Supervisor will serve as a vital tool fororganizations aiming to mitigate risks and ensure proper conduct among employees. It will offer advancedcapabilities to monitor, capture, analyze, and investigate employee electronic communications, providing asignificant opportunity for application expansion in diverse markets.Configurability and FlexibilityPremCloud's Ai Supervisor will be highly configurable, enabling your organization to set up monitoring forspecific language, behaviors, and other markers indicative of problematic communications or unwantedactivities. It will support industry-standard lists, custom monitoring profiles, and a variety of surveillanceoptions, ensuring adaptability to different business needs.Proactive Policy ShieldBy identifying problematic communications early on, PremCloud's Ai Supervisor will act as a proactiveshield, helping your organization limit liability and protect its reputation. It will underscore yourorganization’s commitment to creating a monitored and compliant working environment, thus mitigatingpotential damages from incidents and ensuring operational integrity.PremCloud's Ai Supervisor will represent a strategic investment for organizations aiming to maintaincompliance, uphold internal standards of behavior, and mitigate risks in today’s challenging and highlyscrutinized corporate landscape. Its AI-driven capabilities, comprehensive monitoring range, anduser-friendly interface make it an indispensable tool for ensuring transparent, compliant, and ethicalbusiness practices.Note: A supervision tool in banking and stock trading refers to systems, software, or applications thatmonitor, analyze, and manage various aspects of financial transactions, customer activities, and compliancewith regulatory requirements. These tools are crucial for ensuring transparency, integrity, and the properfunctioning of financial markets. They also help in identifying and mitigating risks, preventing fraud, andensuring that financial institutions comply with laws and regulations.86

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Is Ai Smart Data the Answer to the AI Conundrum?The Artificial Review by Chad WalkerFebruary 25, 2024As the rush to adopt AI explodes in every aspect of our daily lives, organizations are struggling tomanage the ever-growing complexities of data and AI within their operations. Organizations arechallenged to focus on responsible AI implementation as well as harnessing the full potential of theirdata assets [while adhering to ethical standards and regulatory requirements].As organizations plow billions into the AI gold rush, few are able to maximize, profitize, and manage thepromise of AI. This gold rush has turned into an expensive, risk-filled, and often ill-fated exploitation ofmachine learning. What is needed is a comprehensive system that addresses the many challenges andopportunities presented by the rapidly expanding volumes of data, especially unstructured and DarkData, that businesses encounter today.PremCloud Resources, a software development company best known for being the first to acquire theFedRAMP ATO and as an HP resource [that helped to enable HP’s escape from the ill-fated Autonomyacquisition], has created an approach to AI management based on its prowess in data arching.PremCloud is pitching a path forward that balances the technological advancements of AI with theneed for responsible, ethical, and effective data management. As such, it represents a potentially criticalresource for any organization looking to thrive in the era of big data and artificial intelligence. Ai SmartData is being touted not as just an advanced toolset but a paradigm shift in how organizations approachthe intersection of AI, data, and governance.To its credit, Ai Smart Data stands as a pioneering approach in the landscape of artificial intelligence(AI) and data management, offering a holistic suite of tools and methodologies to ensure theresponsible, ethical, and ecient use of AI within organizations.At the heart of Ai Smart Data is the emphasis on leveraging AI not only as a tool for operationalenhancement but also as a fundamental pillar for fostering a culture of data literacy, quality, analysis,and strategic decision-making.88

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Ai Smart DataFor starters, Ai Smart Data can be utilized with either a universal SaaS or on-premise deployment of itsAI-driven capabilities [allowing for rapid and seamless integration with existing systems]. As anagnostic set of tools, it offers advanced control over data estates, effectively managing Dark Data withits revolutionary Data Detect tool and transforming any current data storage challenge into a modern,smart system.Kubernetes ClustersThe use of Kubernetes in its Ai Smart Data systems provides organizations with easy automation andmanagement capabilities. Kubernetes Clusters enable ecient deployment, scaling, and managementof containerized applications, streamlining data ingestion, storage, access, and backup and recoveryprocesses. Its high availability, scalability, and ease of management empower organizations to handledata access, storage, retention, disposal, and archiving tasks effectively and eciently within legacyenvironments.Key Features and Benefits1. Holistic Data Understanding: Ai Smart Data provides an overarching view of an organization'sdata landscape, enabling deep insights into data structures, usage patterns, and potential risks.This understanding is crucial for identifying areas where AI can be most effectively applied.2. Bias Detection and Mitigation: Through advanced AI algorithms, the system identifies biasesin data and AI models, ensuring fairness and representativeness in AI outputs. This is vital forethical AI practices and for building trust among stakeholders.3. Data Quality Assurance: Ai Smart Data employs AI to continuously monitor and enhance thequality of data, ensuring accuracy, completeness, and reliability. High-quality data is thebackbone of effective decision-making and AI performance.4. Adaptability and Compliance: The system is designed to adapt to evolving data governancelaws and regulations, ensuring compliance and reducing the risk of legal and reputationaldamage.5. Security and Privacy: With a strong focus on data security and privacy, Ai Smart Data protectssensitive information from unauthorized access and breaches, in alignment with globalstandards like GDPR and CCPA.6. Cost Optimization and Eciency: By automating data management tasks, such asdeduplication and re-tiering of storage, Ai Smart Data significantly reduces storage needs andcosts while enhancing operational eciency.7. Future-proofing and Innovation: The platform enables organizations to stay ahead of thecurve by facilitating the adoption of modern data management practices, turning legacysystems into smart archives, and unlocking the potential for innovation.90

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Data Detect: The Core ToolAt the core of Ai Smart Data's offering is Data Detect, a tool that epitomizes the system's advancedcapabilities. It features an innovative approach that deeply integrates AI with data scanning processesto provide unprecedented insights into data sets.Data Detect appears capable of interrogating extensive volumes of data, including sensitiveinformation, thus facilitating secure data movement and modernized data storage. As anext-generation solution, Ai Smart Data could not only help in optimizing data storage and reducingexpenses but also play a significant role in achieving regulatory compliance and unlocking the inherentvalue of data assets.Capabilities of Data Detect● Advanced Data Management: Utilizes AI for deep analysis, identifying risks, and gaininginsights from massive volumes of unstructured and Dark Data.● Sensitive Information Identification: Capable of detecting PII, PHI, and PCI data, ensuringcompliance and securing data throughout its lifecycle.● Data Classification and Profiling: Offers targeted analysis to understand data content, profiledata, and ensure its proper management and protection.Effectiveness of the Data RouterThe effectiveness of Ai Smart Data lies in its ability to marry the capabilities of its Data Router with thenuances of human judgment and expertise, creating a synergistic approach to data governance. Thismethod ensures not only the technical management of data but also its ethical, legal, and strategic use.Organizations benefit from reduced risks, optimized costs, and enhanced decision-making capabilities,all while fostering a culture of innovation and responsible AI use.The continuous evolution of AI and data landscapes necessitates a dynamic and forward-thinkingapproach to data governance. Ai Smart Data, with its innovative tools and methodologies, not onlymeets this demand but also sets a new standard for how organizations should approach the integrationof AI into their data management practices. By focusing on the entire lifecycle of data—from collectionto deletion—it ensures that data is not only used eciently but also responsibly, aligning with thebroader goals of ethical AI use and sustainable digital practices.Data Literacy and Strategic ThinkingA standout aspect of Ai Smart Data is its commitment to enhancing data literacy across organizations.By making data more understandable and accessible, it empowers all stakeholders, not just datascientists or IT professionals, to engage with data insights and contribute to data-drivendecision-making processes. This democratization of data is crucial for fostering a culture wherestrategic thinking and data insights go hand in hand, leading to more informed and innovativeoutcomes.91

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Technology Proficiency and Data AnalysisThe proficiency in technology, particularly in AI and machine learning algorithms, underpins theanalytical capabilities of Ai Smart Data. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies, it enablesorganizations to dissect and analyze data at scale, identifying trends, risks, and opportunities thatwould be impossible to detect manually. This analytical prowess is essential for turning vast datarepositories into actionable insights that can drive strategic business decisions.Sustainability and Ethical ConsiderationsIn today's digital economy, the sustainability and ethical use of AI and data are becoming increasinglyimportant. Ai Smart Data addresses these concerns head-on by implementing strategies that reducethe environmental impact of AI operations and ensuring that data and AI models are used in ways thatrespect human rights and societal values. This commitment to sustainability and ethics not onlymitigates risks but also enhances the reputation and trustworthiness of organizations in the eyes ofconsumers, regulators, and partners.Challenges and OpportunitiesWhile Ai Smart Data offers a comprehensive solution to many challenges associated with AI and datamanagement, organizations must be prepared to navigate the complexities of implementation,including integrating these tools into existing systems, training staff, and ensuring ongoing compliancewith evolving regulations. However, these challenges are outweighed by the opportunities that effectiveAi Smart Data presents, such as enhanced eciency, reduced costs, improved compliance, and theability to innovate responsibly.Looking AheadAs AI continues to evolve and become more integral to business operations, the need for robust datagovernance frameworks like Ai Smart Data will only grow. Organizations that adopt and adapt to theseframeworks will be better positioned to navigate the complexities of the digital age, leveraging AI to notonly achieve operational excellence but also drive ethical and sustainable growth.92

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Ai Smart Data VersusGoogle Cloud's Dataplex, Collibra, Databricks, and Microsoft PurviewContracted Report by Chad WalkerFebruary 26, 2024Comparing PremCloud's Ai Smart Data with other prominent data management and governance toolslike Google Cloud's Dataplex, Collibra, Databricks, and Microsoft Purview reveals a landscape ofsolutions, each with its strengths, catering to various aspects of data management, governance,analytics, and security. Here's a breakdown of each platform's key features and how Ai Smart Datapositions itself within this ecosystem:Google Cloud's Dataplex● Focus: Integrates data management and analytics, aiming to provide a unified data platformthat facilitates secure, intelligent, and scalable data analysis across data lakes, data warehouses,and databases.● Strengths: Seamless integration with Google Cloud services, strong analytics capabilities,automated data quality and governance.● Comparison: While Dataplex offers robust analytics and management within the Google Cloudecosystem, Ai Smart Data provides a more focused approach on data governance, particularlywith its AI-driven capabilities to manage dark data and ensure data privacy and complianceacross any cloud or on-premise environment.Collibra● Focus: Data intelligence company that provides a cloud-based platform for data governance andcataloging, aimed at improving data quality, understanding data lineage, and ensuringcompliance.● Strengths: Strong data governance framework, data cataloging, lineage visualization, andregulatory compliance support.● Comparison: Collibra focuses on data governance and intelligence, similar to Ai Smart Data.However, Ai Smart Data differentiates itself with AI-augmented capabilities for dark datamanagement and the option for SaaS or on-premise deployment, offering more flexibility indata governance and integration with existing systems.93

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Databricks● Focus: Offers a unified data analytics platform for massive-scale data engineering andcollaborative data science optimized for the cloud.● Strengths: Machine learning and analytics at scale, collaborative workspaces, and integrationwith AI and data science tools.● Comparison: Databricks excels in data analytics and machine learning, providing a platformfor data scientists and engineers to collaborate. Ai Smart Data complements such platforms byensuring the data fed into analytics and ML models is governed, compliant, and optimized forvalue extraction, rather than focusing on analytics itself.Microsoft Purview● Focus: A unified data governance service that helps organizations manage and govern theiron-premise, multi-cloud, and SaaS data. It integrates data discovery, classification, and dataprotection.● Strengths: Extensive data discovery and classification capabilities, strong policy enforcement,and compliance monitoring across Microsoft and non-Microsoft services.● Comparison: Similar to Ai Smart Data, Microsoft Purview provides comprehensive datagovernance tools. However, Ai Smart Data's emphasis on AI for managing dark data and theflexibility of deployment models provide a distinct approach to tackling modern datachallenges, especially in terms of scalability and integration capabilities.Ai Smart Data by PremCloud● Focus: Specifically targets the modernization of data governance with an emphasis onmanaging dark data through AI-augmented solutions. It offers flexibility in deployment (SaaSor on-premise) and aims to optimize data storage, reduce costs, and ensure data compliance.● Strengths: Advanced AI capabilities for Smart Detection and management, flexible deploymentoptions, and comprehensive governance that includes dark data management, automatedclassification, and environmental benefits through reduced data storage needs.● Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Its AI-infused approach to data governance, especially thefocus on dark data and the blend of human-augmented AI for data policy formulation, sets itapart. Additionally, its emphasis on reducing the environmental impact of data storage offers aunique angle on data governance.While each of these platforms has its strengths, Ai Smart Data introduces a novel approach with itsAI-driven focus on managing dark data, flexibility in deployment, and emphasis on environmentalsustainability. It positions itself as a comprehensive, secure, and intelligent data management solutionthat addresses the full spectrum of modern data challenges, from governance and compliance to storageoptimization and value extraction.94

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More On Ai Smart DataAi Smart Data, as outlined by PremCloud, presents a comprehensive approach to modern datamanagement challenges, particularly those related to the burgeoning volumes of dark data and ROT(Redundant, Obsolete, Trivial data) within organizations. This solution is designed to not only managebut also optimize and secure the vast data estates of modern enterprises. Here are the key advantages ofAi Smart Data detailed through its various features and capabilities:1. AI-Driven Insights and AutomationAi Smart Data leverages artificial intelligence to provide deep insights into data patterns,automating the classification, analysis, and management of data. This AI infusion allows for amore nuanced understanding of data, identifying valuable information that can drive businessdecisions and identifying ROT for elimination.2. Universal SaaS or On-Premise DeploymentIts flexible deployment options ensure that it can seamlessly integrate into any existing system,whether organizations prefer a cloud-based SaaS model or an on-premise solution. Thisflexibility allows businesses to choose the most appropriate deployment strategy that alignswith their security, compliance, and operational requirements.3. Advanced Control Over Data EstatesThe solution offers advanced tools for managing dark data, including the Data Detect tool,which can interrogate extensive volumes of data to identify sensitive information. Thiscapability ensures secure data movement and modernized data storage, addressing thechallenges of managing scattered and fragmented data across different systems anddepartments.4. Reduction of Storage Costs and Compliance RisksBy optimizing data storage and reducing the volume of ROT, Ai Smart Data helps organizationscut unnecessary storage costs. Moreover, it aids in achieving regulatory compliance by ensuringthat data is managed according to relevant laws and standards, thus minimizing the risk offines and legal issues.5. Transformation of Dark Data into Actionable Smart DataThe tool converts unstructured and often overlooked dark data into valuable smart data. Thistransformation enables organizations to tap into the hidden potential of their data assets,enhancing decision-making, operational eciency, and innovation.6. Environmental BenefitsBy reducing legacy data storage needs, Ai Smart Data not only lowers the electricityconsumption and carbon footprint of data management activities but also contributes to95

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significant cost savings. This aspect aligns with growing environmental concerns and the pushtowards more sustainable business practices.7. Kubernetes Clusters for Ecient ManagementThe use of Kubernetes clusters within Ai Smart Data systems offers easy automation andecient management of containerized applications. This facilitates streamlined dataingestion, storage, access, and backup and recovery processes, enhancing the scalability andavailability of data management operations.8. Data Privacy and SecurityAi Smart Data prioritizes the protection of sensitive and personal data, ensuring compliancewith data protection regulations. It safeguards data throughout its lifecycle, from collection todeletion, mitigating risks related to data misuse and privacy breaches.9. Enhanced Data Quality and IntegrityThe solution ensures that data is accurate, complete, and reliable, preventing incorrectconclusions or actions by AI systems. This focus on data quality is essential for building trustin AI and data management systems among users, regulators, and other stakeholders.In summary, Ai Smart Data by PremCloud provides a holistic and advanced solution to the complexchallenges of data management in the digital age. Its AI-driven capabilities, flexibility in deployment,and focus on security and compliance make it a formidable tool for organizations looking to modernizetheir data governance practices.Ai Smart Data: Revolutionizing Data Management and IntelligenceThe Artificial Review by Poe CurranMarch 30, 2024In the ever-evolving landscape of data management, Ai Smart Data has emerged as the industry leader,transforming the way organizations harness and leverage their data assets. With a comprehensivesuite of cutting-edge technologies and a commitment to transparency and ethics, Ai Smart Data offers atruly unparalleled data management solution.96

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Effective AIAt the heart of Ai Smart Data's approach is a focus on data intelligence. Unlike traditional datamigration solutions, Ai Smart Data goes beyond simple data labeling and movement. It employsmodular machine learning capabilities, including the use of large language models and advanced AIinstrumentation, to drive rich supervised learning workflows. This results in real "user augmentedintelligence" that unlocks valuable insights from massive corporate data estates.What sets Ai Smart Data apart is its ability to adapt to the rapidly changing world of AI. The platform isdesigned to integrate seamlessly with both open-source technology and commercial AI tools, providingorganizations with the flexibility to leverage the best of both worlds without being tied to versionlimitations. This forward-thinking approach ensures that organizations can stay at the forefront of AIadvancements and future-proof their data management strategies.Ai Smart Data's commitment to deeper enrichment of the corporate data estate is evident in its widerange of modular machine learning capabilities. From OCR and sentiment analysis to computer visionand toxicity analysis, the platform extracts multiple layers of intelligence, risk assessment, andbusiness value from various data types beyond plain text and file attribution. This comprehensiveapproach enables organizations to unlock the full potential of their data.Transparency and ethical AI practices are at the core of Ai Smart Data's design and workflowexperience. The platform eliminates the "black box" nature of artificial intelligence by providinghuman-level control and an open data analysis scoring framework. Users can understand and manageAI-driven processes effectively, ensuring responsible and accountable use of data.Data ConnectAi Smart Data's connector technologies go beyond the limitations of standard third-party API dataaccess parameters. The Ai Smart Data platform enables data transformation workflows that canharness any proprietary data type, granting access, auditing, and transposing data from various sourcessuch as cloud platforms, databases, collaboration solutions, messaging platforms, and third-partyapplications. This comprehensive coverage ensures unified analysis and classification across theentire data estate.In addition to its data management capabilities, Ai Smart Data excels in data archival, lifecyclemanagement, and e-Discovery solutions. With on-premise and cloud options, including itsrevolutionary Smart Archive, the platform offers cradle-to-grave data governance services.Organizations can identify, manage, and retain valuable corporate data and communications incompliance with federal standards, ensuring data integrity and regulatory compliance.Data RouterThe power of Ai Smart Data is harnessed through its powerful and intuitive dashboard. Real-timeinteraction with massive data estates is made possible, enabling actionable data governance controls97

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and policies. Its Ai Smart Data’s Data Router allows users to overlay multiple analysis layers, providinga unified view across dispersed corporate data repositories and empowering informed decision-making.Ai Smart Data's architecture is fully containerized and deployment ecosystem agnostic, allowing forscalability and flexibility. With surface scan analysis capabilities of up to 200,000 unstructured fileobjects per minute, the platform can handle live deployments against single estates exceeding 10 PB. Itis designed to visualize massive amounts of corporate data on the same day, ensuring fast and ecientdata processing.One of the key advantages of Ai Smart Data is its independence from commercially licensed third-partytechnology. By leveraging leading open-source technologies, the platform eliminates hidden costsassociated with proprietary licenses and maintenance. This results in low and predictable long-termownership expenses, making it a cost-effective solution for organizations.Data SecurityData security is paramount, and Ai Smart Data addresses this concernthrough fully self-contained deployment options. The platform can bedeployed on an off-grid basis, ensuring protection against corporate dataexposure without compromising core features. Organizations can enjoythe benefits of hyper-scale data analysis and machine learning withinthe confines of their corporate security boundaries.Ai Smart Data's comprehensive ownership mapping feature enhancesdata organization and management. It goes beyond file-level metadata, integrating deep directoryservices to align large datasets with users, groups, departments, locations, and other attributes availablevia corporate federation services. This mapping facilitates effective data management and enablesorganizations to derive meaningful insights from their data.Furthermore, Ai Smart Data's data engineering prowess extends beyond common storage types. Theplatform provides utilization, analysis, and intelligence services for mail exchange systems, enterprisearchiving platforms, and legacy storage solutions. By unlocking all massive corporate data silos,including those behind friendly APIs, Ai Smart Data ensures that organizations can leverage their dataassets to the fullest extent.In conclusion, Ai Smart Data stands as a true game-changer in the field of data management andintelligence. With its advanced AI technologies, modular machine learning capabilities, andunwavering commitment to transparency and ethics, the platform empowers organizations to unlockthe full potential of their data. From data enrichment and archival to real-time analytics andcomprehensive ownership mapping, Ai Smart Data sets a new standard in data management excellence.98

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Ai Smart Data Archive 1.0 I Much More Than a New NameAi Smart Data Archive 1.0 is much more than a new name for our upgraded EAS, HPCA, and Zovy Archivesolutions; it’s a revolutionary transformation of your current archive solutions into future-proof AI-infusedarchive tools that are now available in both on-premise and hosted versions: Ai Smart Data Archive 1.0e forEAS clients, Ai Smart Data Archive 1.0h for HPCA clients, and Ai Smart Data Archive 1.0z for Zovy Archiveclients.Ai Smart Data Archive 1.0 is a Free Upgrade to EAS, HPCA, and Zovy ArchiveZantaz Data Resources proudly presents Ai Smart Data Archive 1.0 featuring Ai Smart Data, ourrevolutionary Ai-Infused upgrade to our archive solutions. This cutting-edge release to our currentcustomers using EAS, HPCA, or Zovy Archive will transform and modernizethe way your organization handles its mounting data storage challenge[especially its overwhelming avalanche of Unstructured Data] with a variety ofinnovative tools and upgrades.Here are the FREE Upgrades now available with Ai Smart DataArchive 1.01. Discovery EnhancementsThe latest version of our Discovery tool benefits from a broad set ofenhancements that deliver a significantly more responsiveapplication, improved large search result set handling, outsized volume logic, and evolved logging.In addition, our Discovery search features have been enhanced for expanded query assembly logic,in particular, the availability of a rich set of wildcard search capabilities for Ai Smart Data Archive1.0e. Finally, there are design and efficiency enhancements that provide a faster and moreproductive end-user experience, making the Ai Smart Data Archive 1.0 Discovery platform faster,more intuitive, and more productive than ever for efficient data exploration and a rich eDiscoveryexperience.2. Performance & Security UpgradesAi Smart Data Archive 1.0 delivers an improved installation experience with a more compactdeployment footprint, support for Microsoft Windows Server 2022 and Microsoft SQL Server 2022,updated SQL automation, enhanced database validation features, improved handling of HTTPheader information, and enhanced search response experience in Addin for Outlook. Security hasbeen reinforced, including strict HTTPS transport and enhanced brute force attackcountermeasures.3. Advanced SupportabilityAi Smart Data Archive 1.0 now delivers a powerful, scalable, and openly deployable archivingecosystem with enhanced support for a variety of storage solutions and operating systems.Through its powerful new Storage Service Layer, Ai Smart Data Archive 1.0 features seamlessintegration with AWS S3, enabling your organization to leverage cloud and hybrid storage for100

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redundancy, scalability, availability, and cost-efficiency.Additionally, this upgrade includes the latest identity services and authentication mechanisms,allowing it to align synchronously with leading federation services. Ai Smart Data Archive 1.0 nowsupports secure access across multiple domains, making it ideal for companies like yours withextensive network architectures or hybrid environments. This upgrade delivers unparalleledflexibility, empowering your organization to move forward with its cloud-evolved footprint whilstensuring that its data remains secure and available at all times.4. Mobile App EnhancementsThe Ai Smart Data Archive 1.0 Mobile platform works side by side with the native iPhone mail app ordefault Android mail app and significantly enhances mobile access to your archived data byintroducing smart attachment handling and improved active mail usage.These upgrades facilitate efficient management and interaction with a variety of file types andattachments directly from mobile devices, ensuring seamless retrieval and viewing. The improvedactive mail functionality enhances synchronization with live email systems, allowing for effectivesearch, retrieval, and management of emails, collectively improving the usability and functionality ofthe mobile platform.All of this has been designed to meet the needs of modern mobile users and a growing mobile andremote workforce, servicing demand for any time, anywhere access to critical data [available Q42024 exclusively for Ai Smart Data Archive 1.0z].5. Microsoft Entra ID [formerly Azure AD] SupportAi Smart Data Archive 1.0 [h/z] upgrades enhance security and streamline user experience byintegrating support for Entra ID, Microsoft's Azure Active Directory solution. These additions bringrobust authentication mechanisms, including advanced identity protection and multi-factorauthentication, to Ai Smart Data Archive 1.0, ensuring secure and compliant access to your archiveddata.The integration facilitates simplified login and identity management through single sign-on (SSO)capabilities, allowing users to access the archive with their existing corporate credentials. This notonly reduces the administrative overhead but also improves user accessibility and interoperabilitywith other enterprise applications that utilize Azure Active Directory, enhancing the overall securityand efficiency of the system.6. Improved Document Workflow Processing PerformanceThe Ai Smart Data Archive 1.0 upgrade introduces significant enhancements in document workflowprocessing that dramatically improve the speed and efficiency of archiving, retention, legal hold,and purge operations.With an optimized workflow engine, Ai Smart Data Archive 1.0 enables faster data ingestion andmore efficient indexing, which accelerates the archiving process. Enhanced purge operationsprovide for more precise and less resource-intensive removal of redundant, obsolete, or trivial data.These improvements not only streamline document management but also bolster data integrity and101

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compliance.Ai Smart Data Archive 1.0e also integrates advanced automation for managing retention schedulesand legal holds, employing machine learning to classify and tag documents automatically, ensuringcompliance and ease of access during legal reviews.7. Improved Exchange Online SupportThis Ai Smart Data Archive 1.0 release brings significant advancements in security and foldersynchronization with Microsoft Exchange Online whilst maintaining concurrent support for ExchangeOnline hybrid environments so that organizations in transition can operate without limitation.Enhanced security features include advanced encryption protocols for data in transit and improvedauthentication mechanisms alongside more granular access controls.This upgrade also optimizes folder synchronization performance by utilizing improved algorithms forfaster and more reliable data transfers, reducing network impact and latency.Additionally, intelligent synchronization management minimizes bandwidth usage throughconditional synchronization, while improved error-handling mechanisms provide clearer feedbackfor troubleshooting. These enhancements collectively streamline email management and bolstersecurity and compliance for your organization’s communication systems.8. Key Back-End Technology Stack UpdatesAi Smart Data Archive 1.0 [h/e] prioritizes significant enhancements in stability, security, andcompatibility by updating key back-end components, including the web frameworks for theDiscovery and Archive user interfaces. These frameworks have been upgraded to include thelatest security patches and performance improvements, delivering enhanced responsiveness androbust security.This release also focuses on refining core architectural components to boost system stability andefficiency, particularly under high load or when managing network latency, throttling, or stabilityissues.9. Enhanced Logging CapabilitiesAi Smart Data Archive 1.0 [h] significantly improves its system's logging capabilities, focusing on usersynchronization, data processing, and Exchange Mailbox Management.Enhanced logging for user synchronization provides detailed records of each event, aiding in thequick resolution of synchronization issues and ensuring accurate user account management. Dataprocessing logs have been enriched to offer insights into performance metrics such as executiontimes and resource usage, facilitating the optimization of these workflows.The feedback mechanisms for Exchange Mailbox Management have been upgraded to includecomprehensive tracking of Mailbox actions and detailed error reports, greatly aiding administratorsin managing email data effectively and collectively improving system transparency, administrativecontrol, and overall data management efficiency.102

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Ai Smart Data Tool Kit I Closing CommentsTony WalkerFounding Partner, The Advantage CoMy first foray into tech was over 40 years ago when I launched Computer Head Start in Williamsville, NY.From there, we have had a variety of successful adventures, from the Advantage Computer Co [built exclusively for Sony in the 90s]. Along the way, we developed expertise in eCommerceas well as IT staffing, but it wasn’t until Tom Thomson transformed our IT Staffing partnership into ITProfessional Services that we became fully engaged in tech development. Since then, we have beenfortunate to have been at the forefront of many tech initiatives, most notably being the first to receive theFedRAMP ATO with our Autonomic Resources partnership.PremCloud ResourcesToday, UGA Capital ventures has invested in our PremCloud Resources partnership as the foundation for allour current and future tech initiatives. As our Development Partner and CEO, Tom continues to deliverextraordinary results with our PremCloud Resources partnership that put us at the forefront of technologyinnovation [in spite of our rather modest size and resources].We are Data ArchivistsRecently, we have been working on modernizing data archiving. Starting in 2007, with our Capax Globalpartners John Baiocco and Jerry Hawk, we developed an impressive ability to deploy, service, and supportdata archiving solutions. With PremCloud Resources, we have been able to extend our data archivingservices to include advanced software development. Over the past few years, we have focused ourresources on modernizing our stable of data archiving solutions [e.g. EAS, HPCA, Zovy Archive, NearPoint,etc.]. However, data archiving today is dramatically different from when all of the most powerful archivingplatforms were developed. Nearly all of the current leaders in data archiving are still only able to archivedata that is archivable - and that leaves massive amounts of Unstructured Data in the lurch. Unfortunately,we were stuck in the same predicament.Building the Modern ArchiveAs we began work on the development of our Advanced Archive+ solution that could not only archive datathat was archivable but also connect to and archive the massive amount of other Unstructured Data thatrepresents over 90% of an organization's total data, our Chief Products Officer and President of PremCloudResources, Ronan Curran, pointed out two unassailable facts: first, we needed to build a next-generationdata connector to be able to securely and efficiently connect to a myriad of data sources, and, second, wewould need a tool to identify, enrich, index, classify, profile, and route all of the escalating data accessed,especially massive amounts of Dark Data.Kubernetes ClustersAlong the way, Ronan and his team pointed out a third unassailable fact: we needed to build ournext-generation end-to-end Unified Data Platform on a new architecture that was future-proof,containerized, AI-infused, easily deployed, updated, and serviced, and able to handle massive amounts ofdata securely and quickly.103

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A Universal & Agnostic SolutionWhat happened next was absolutely remarkable. Our Unified Data Platform not only modernizes our legacyarchiving solutions but because of its advanced architecture, Marco Pizzolo and our Logix Hostingdeployment team are confident they can just as easily deploy a Proprietary Data Stack with any of anorganization’s legacy data management and storage solutions currently being deployed on-prem or in thecloud.From Mimecast to O365 to Digital Safe to Smarsh to Proofpoint to Veritas EV and onand on, a Proprietary Data Stack, built on PremCloud’s Unified Data Platform, canreadily modernize any storage solution, enabling any organization to have thecapability to easily and securely connect, identify, enrich, index, classify, profile, androute any and all of their massive amounts of stored data, including their metastasizingDark Data.Not only is this the Data Governance Cure for Dark Data, but …As mentioned in this profile, when we first deployed an alpha version of Data Detect at GE for its divestiture,we got another remarkable surprise to go along with the solution’s universal and agnostic deploymentcapabilities - it also dramatically reduced storage costs while providing a remarkable ROI. In GE's case,$30M [10 times the actual cost of the deployment].As with any development adventure, there are a multitude of surprises along the way, and while Tom and Iwould like to say we envisioned a solution that could modernize any data management and storage solutionout there, Cure Dark Data, and save money well beyond the cost of deployment - frankly, we ended up witha whole lot more than we expected.Up next is our Ai Smart Data ROI Calculator, a tool that is being developed by Deniel Lambrakis and thePremCloud Resources team in conjunction with Robert Keus and the BRTHRS team. The Ai Smart Data ROICalculator will allow any organization to easily estimate its total data storage, costs, potential savings, andROI. Already, in beta testing, it has proved to be an eye-opener.Today, Tom Thomson and I, along with our partner John Baiocco, are excited about the potential of whatPremCloud Resources is developing, but we are equally as proud of what Logix Hosting can deploy, service,and support.Hopefully, Ai Smart Data will transform your data and save your organization millions along the way.Thank you for your participation.104

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Ai Smart Data Tool Kit I Executive DirectoryTom ThomsonDevelopment PartnerUGA Capital 585.455.5511Ronan CurranPresident, PremCloud 7825760212Michael McGrathChief Executive OfficerUGA Capital 716.866.0442Marco PizzoloChief Technology OfficerLogix 647.290.2100Deniel LambrakisTechnical Product DirectorPremCloud Resourcesdlambrakis@premcloud.comKatherine RagusaCEO, The Advantage 716.380.3074Jamie WelstedCreative DirectorUGA Capital 716.430.2929William WhitePresidentZantaz Data 716.229.8923Dan BurgioChief Account ExecutiveZantaz Data 716.912.5579107

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