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PRESIDENT Lyle Benne 54 2024 | 2025 PROVINCIAL BOARD MEMBERS VICE PRESIDENT SOUTH Mike Jewi VICE PRESIDENT NORTH Rob Speers TREASURER Suzanne Gleadall SECRETARY Jim Woods CALGARY COMMITTEE MEMBERS CALGARY CHAIRMAN Mike Jewi (Calgary Performing Arts Fesval) CALGARY VICE-CHAIRMAN Tricia Howe (Long & McQuade) DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS / SOCIAL MEDIA Cathy MacRae (Creave Weddings Planning & Design) MEMBERS AT LARGE Andrew Bacsalmasi (Calgary French & Internaonal School) Paul Brown (Dr. E P Scarle High School) Blake Doucet-Lewis (McKenzie Highlands School) Stephen Johnston (Long & McQuade) REGISTRATIONS Ryan Hancock (Calgary Stampede) SPONSORSHIP COORDINATORS Cathy MacRae (Creave Weddings Planning & Design) Ryan Hancock (Calgary Stampede) INDUSTRY LIAISONS Don Closson (Music Direct Ltd.) Tricia Howe (Long & McQuade) JAZZ BAND ADJUDICATORS Tricia Howe (Long & McQuade) CONCERT BAND ADJUDICATORS Chris Herard (Calgary Catholic School District) HONOUR BAND COORDINATORS Andrew Morrow (Calgary Stampede) Jeremy Legault (St. Mary’s High School) AWARDS Rick Vander Woude (Heritage Chrisan Academy) EQUIPMENT Will Irwin (Thomas B. Riley School) SHOWCASE CONCERT & PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION Steph Pan Jenna Wood (Long & McQuade) SECRETARY Virgina Schrader (K & JSP Resources) VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR August Basse (St. Rose of Lima School) “The Alberta Internaonal Band Fesvals (AIBF) are operated by a volunteer, non-profit organizaon dedicated to proving a performance plaorm for outstanding junior high/middle school, high school and community bands. Alberta Internaonal Band Fesvals provide a welcoming, caring and safe environment while respecng diversity and fostering a posive learning experience for all.”
Welcome to the Alberta Internaonal Band Fesval! Alberta Foundaon for the Arts, St. John’s Music & Yamaha Canada are our core sponsors who help to keep the Fesval affordable for school and community bands. We also appreciate the contribuons of all of our addional sponsors, adversers and in-kind sponsors who help us to put on these successful events in Calgary and Edmonton, each year. Students, your hard work, pracce and dedicaon to learning most oen will result in success at the Alberta Internaonal Band Fesval. The skills, atudes and habits you learn from parcipaon in school band and our music fesval are applicable to success in life, no maer what career path you may choose. Our goal is that all teachers and students who parcipate learn new things to help them become more successful and have some fun along the journey. To all the adjudicators, volunteers and staff who work so hard to make these Fesvals a great success, THANK YOU – these fesvals would not be possible without your help. Have a great me at AIBF 2025! 2025 ALBERTA INTERNATIONAL BAND FESTIVALS WHERE YOUNG ALBERTANS LEARN TO PLAY AND PLAY TO LEARN LYLE BENNETT President, AIBF • Bachelor of Arts | Bachelor of Arts Honours in Music • Bachelor of Music in Composition | Integrated Studies | Performance • Concurrent Bachelor of Music (Music Education) / Bachelor of Education • Concentration in Sonic Arts • Minor in Music > future students WE BRING LIFE TO ART Explore the University of Calgary School of Creative and Performing Arts degree programs
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Dear Friends: I am pleased to extend my warmest greetings to everyone taking part in the Alberta International Band Festival’s 2025 Calgary Showcase Concert. For more than 50 years, this event has offered young musicians from across the province an opportunity to further develop their performance skills. I would like to congratulate the bands taking part in this year’s festival. I am certain that you will appreciate this chance to learn and grow as musicians and will come away from this experience with fond memories. I would also like to commend everyone involved with the Alberta International Band Festivals for their commitment to supporting young Canadians in their pursuit of musical excellence. Please accept my best wishes for a memorable and rewarding event. Sincerely, The Rt. Hon. Justin P. J. Trudeau, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister of Canada Ottawa 2025 Conn Selmer Institute CSI Southeast | April 27 CSI Midwest | June 9-11 CSI Southwest | March 23 CSI Northeast | Aug 13-15 CSI Central | Sept 14 JOIN US! Connect with us today! 26 years of tradition World-Class Faculty Unique Professional Development Engaging Sessions Career Networking Intimate Class Sizes District Pricing Available* *email for more details:
Honourable Danielle Smith, Premier of Alberta Hon On behalf of the Government of Alberta, it is my pleasure to send best wishes to everyone participating in the 2025 Alberta International Band Festivals in Calgary and Edmonton. The Alberta International Band Festivals have been an important arts and educational experience for school and community band members in our province, as well as national and international visitors, for more than 50 years. These events provide a welcome platform for performance, feedback and skills development, as well as the opportunity for participants to spend time as part of a larger musical community. I deeply appreciate the volunteers who have contributed to the festivals’ longstanding success, and I hope this year’s events are inspiring, entertaining and a lot of fun. Thank you to the musicians who will be sharing their talents, to the encouraging audiences, and to all those who have helped make these festivals possible. Congratulations and have a wonderful time! MESSAGE FROM THE PREMIER OF ALBERTA
It is my great pleasure to welcome the musicians from across Canada performing in the 2025 Alberta International Band Festivals, as well as the friends and family members who will be watching them in the audience. Whether done alone or within a larger group, playing music is one of the great joys that life offers us, and for more than half a century, the AIBF have provided that experience to thousands of young people. While not all participants have wound up pursuing professional musical careers, they all have come away from these festivals with a deeper appreciation of music that they will undoubtedly pass on to their own children. As His Majesty the King’s representative in Alberta, I congratulate the AIBF on organizing another outstanding artistic showcase for our province’s young people, and I wish good luck to all the competing musicians. Her Honour, the Honourable Salma Lakhani Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Find your tune with the MRU Conservatory World class music education right here in Calgary Group and private lessons, ensembles, orchestras, choirs, advanced performance program, school workshops/clinics and numerous summer programs
ADMITONE SUPPORTING THE ARTS IN YOUR COMMUNITY Alberta Foundation for the Arts Through Alberta government funding, the AFA helps unleash artistic potential. Through its tools and resources, the AFA helps build sustainable arts communities. Through the arts, the AFA improves Albertans’ quality of life.
Study with the UBC School of Music! ✔ Exceptional Orchestra, Band, and Jazz ensembles ✔ Annual Brass & Woodwind Festivals | @ubc_music We see studies in music as a lifelong process of discovery and creative expression. The UBC Woodwind, Brass and Percussion program is distinguished by its outstanding artist-teachers, who foster a student-centred approach while building community through coursework, performance, and personal mentoring.
Historic City Hall, 700 Macleod Trail S.E., Second Floor | Calgary, AB, Canada T2G 2M3 | P.O. Box 2100, Station M, #8069 Jyoti Gondek, Mayor A MESSAGE FROM MAYOR GONDEK It is my pleasure to welcome you on behalf of City Council and all Calgarians to the Alberta International Band Festival – where young Albertans learn to play, and play to learn! For 54 years, the AIBF has been an integral part of Calgary’s music scene, connecting junior high, high school and community bands with a valuable performance experience alongside musicians from around the world. Every year attendance to the festival continues to grow, creating the perfect opportunity to showcase the outstanding talents of these incredible musicians with family and friends. Through the celebration of music and community, the AIBF leaves a lasting impact on the participants, their families and our city’s thriving arts scene. Thank you to all the volunteers, organizers and sponsors for lending your time and expertise to make this festival a success. Sincerely, Jyoti Gondek Mayor of Calgary
Welcome to the 2025 Alberta Internaonal Band Fesvals! On behalf of the Calgary Commiee, I extend hearelt congratulaons to all the parcipants, directors, and special guests gathered here to celebrate our vibrant musical community. For more than 50 years, these Fesvals have been guided by the moo, “Where young Albertans learn to play, and play to learn,” inving junior high, high school, and community ensembles to enhance their performance skills and share their music with appreciave audiences. Through an adjudicaon process focused on personal growth, parcipants have flourished onstage and beyond — many have pursued successful careers in music, educaon, business, and the performing arts. This enduring legacy would not be possible without the generous support of our volunteers, donors, and corporate sponsors. Their dedicaon ensures that musicians from across Alberta, Canada, and around the world can come together, learn from acclaimed adjudicators, and gain experiences that will shape their futures. MESSAGE FROM THE CALGARY CHAIRMAN MIKE JEWITT To the parents and directors, thank you for championing music educaon and nurturing a love of the arts in these young performers. Your me, energy, and belief in their potenal is an investment in our country’s cultural vitality and the leaders of tomorrow. We hope you find inspiraon and joy in the performances throughout the 2025 Alberta Internaonal Band Fesvals. May this gathering fuel your passion for music and leave you with memories to treasure for years to come. Mike Jewi April 12 - 14 - Engineered Air Theatre (Arts Commons) April 14 - May 9 - Leacock Theatre (Mount Royal University) Registration for 2026 opens November 1st, 2025 at Join us for our 94th year in 2025! APRIL 12TH - MAY 9TH, 2025 Piano / Vocal / Orchestra / Speech Arts Woodwinds / Strings / Band / Guitar Choir / Percussion / Musical Theatre / Brass
MADELEINE D’HOUET JUNIOR HIGH SYMPHONIC BAND The Madeleine d’Houet Junior High Symphonic Band is an extracurricular band made up of mostly grade 9 students who wish to challenge their musical abilies outside of their designated band class. The few grade 8 students that are playing in this band are leaders within their grade 8 band and have taken extra steps toward developing their musical skills. These students are extremely dedicated and show up at 7:15am for rehearsals once a week for 90 minutes. Most of the students you will watch perform are in four MDH bands; this band, two other extra-curricular bands and their respecve band classes. The MDH Symphonic Band is viewed by our school’s community as the strongest concert band, thus requiring these musicians to perform all their repertoire with a standard of excellence. This is the inaugural year for the MDH Symphonic Band, a program that was designed to be a small ensemble with one or two students performing each paron of music. The goal is for students to understand the importance of melody, counter-melody, harmony, mofs, and phrasing. JOANE CARDINAL-SCHUBERT HIGH SCHOOL GRADE 11/12 CONCERT BAND The Joane Cardinal-Schubert High School Band Program is comprised of 110 dedicated musicians in grades 10 through 12. The Grade 11/12 Concert Band is one of five instrumental ensembles at the school, and is made up of approximately 70 of students who love sharing their passion for making music together with audiences throughout the school year. Over the seven years the school has been open, the JCS Band program has grown from a dream, to an equipment order to prepare for the opening of a new school, to today’s reality where students have created a reputaon of musical excellence. The Bands at JCS have already had a rich semester of performing, including mulple school concerts, community performances, taking the stage at the Jubilee Auditorium for their Winter Concert, to which they invited future JCS students from feeder school programs, and outreach concerts at feeder schools early in 2025. They regularly perform at the AIBF fesval for Concert and Jazz Bands, as well as the Alberta Band Associaon’s Fesval of Bands. Over the course of the school year, the band program performs at more than 20 different events, and this spring, they are looking forward to sharing music at elementary schools, as well as their spring trip. Most importantly, JCS Band students work diligently to build an inclusive and welcoming community at their school,both inside and outside of their band room. This spirit of teamwork, dedicaon to community, and the way theylook aer one another shines through their playing. They are so excited to share the music they had a voice inselecng, and hope that you enjoy what they have prepared for you this evening!PERFORMERS FESTIVAL SHOWCASE CONCERT & AWARDS NIGHT TUESDAY FEBRUARY 25 The Alberta Internaonal Band Fesval would like to thank the dozens of volunteers that have come out and supported the fesval. We couldn’t exist without the many people it takes to help keep everything running smoothly behind the scenes. We are grateful to each and every one of you who has given us the gi of your me!
FLUTE Sophie Barthel (St. Mary’s HS) Abby Down (Robert irsk HS) Kendra Garcia (Dr. E.P. Scarlett HS) Alice Lu (Webber Academy) Lydia McKenna (Dr. E.P. Scarlett HS) MJ Ngumeta (Bishop Carroll HS) Liana Que (Ernest Manning HS) Natalie Reyes (Crescent Heights HS) Dana Rutherford (Westmount Charter School) Abbie Skene (Strathmore HS) Arlene Zhu (John G. Diefenbaker HS) OBOE Abigail Oshanek (Lord Beaverbrook HS) Andrew Pellegrino (Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School) BASSOON Sissi Li (Centennial HS) Rain Liao (Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School) Minyu Park (Robert irsk HS) Audrey Wei (William Aberhart HS) CLARINET Fares Alawad (Lord Beaverbrook HS) Ava Chow (St. Mary’s HS) Simon Janz (Centennial HS) Zac Ling (West Island College) Oreva Pete-Ogboh (St. Mary’s HS) Kevin Praveen Puducherry (St. Mary’s HS) Matthew Qu (Ernest Manning HS) Terrie Shin (Sir Winston Churchill HS) Reyna Simoongwe (Cochrane HS) Kaleb annhauser (Bishop Carroll HS) Renn Villaluz (James Fowler HS) Nicole Zhang (William Aberhart HS) BASS CLARINET Finn Irwin (Crescent Heights HS) Kiko McLaren (James Fowler HS) Isla Shaw (Ernest Manning HS) Tim Toriola (Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School) ALTO SAXOPHONE Mori Babuk (Dr. E.P. Scarlett HS) Zavier Beaubrun (Bishop Carroll HS) Caleb Bogelund (Westmount Charter School) Ollie Clouston (Webber Academy) Ioryze Gutierrez (Joane Cardinal-Schubert HS) Daniel Han (Ernest Manning HS) Xuan Nguyen (St. Mary’s HS) Jesse Sharp (Centennial HS) TENOR SAXOPHONE Lucas Bye (Bishop Carroll HS) Jorja Collett (Sir Winston Churchill HS) Solomon Hesketh (Dr. E.P. Scarlett HS) Dylan iel (Centennial HS) TUESDAY FEBRUARY 25 FESTIVAL SHOWCASE CONCERT & AWARDS NIGHT AIBF HONOUR BAND 2025 BARITONE SAXOPHONE Alex Li (James Fowler HS) TRUMPET Gavin Adriano (Webber Academy) Russel Agulto (Lester B. Pearson HS) Alexander Bergen (William Aberhart HS) Raeanne Guderjan (Sir Winston Churchill HS) Eddie Hergott (Bishop Carroll HS) Nazarii Hnativ (Centennial HS) Mars Korpany (Sir Winston Churchill HS) Robin Ng (Dr. E.P. Scarlett HS) Eva Salmon (St. Mary’s HS) Rebecca Saltvold (Cochrane HS) FRENCH HORN Ashton Conley (Sir Winston Churchill HS) Alexis Hausauer (North Trail HS) Yebin Im (William Aberhart HS) John Martin (Crescent Heights HS) Katie Poda (Bishop Carroll HS) Rizwan Sharif (John G. Diefenbaker HS) TROMBONE Ranea Castillo (St. Mary’s HS) James Closson (St. Mary’s HS) eo Duerr (William Aberhart HS) Avery Jackson (Joane Cardinal-Schubert HS) Brogan Kennedy (North Trail HS) Kaien Leong (St. Mary’s HS) Solomon Tong (West Island College) Zakery Vargo (North Trail HS) EUPHONIUM Huston Hogan (James Fowler HS) Andrew Seever (Lester B. Pearson HS) TUBA Josh Gourley (Joane Cardinal-Schubert HS) Jaron Helfer (Bishop Carroll HS) Elliott Roberge (Dr. E.P. Scarlett HS) STRING BASS Lua Belrose (William Aberhart HS) Maddy Bruton (Bishop Carroll HS) PERCUSSION Keaton Girard (Sir Winston Churchill HS) Elijah Guenter (Lester B. Pearson HS) Forest Mathewson (Dr. E.P. Scarlett HS) Mason Moore (Joane Cardinal-Schubert HS) Morgan Nichols (Dr. E.P. Scarlett HS) Jasmine Shuen (John G. Diefenbaker HS)
THE JOHN K. NIKEL SCHOLARSHIP In 1971, Mr. John Nikel and his brother, George, had a vision for a band fesval that would provide an opportunity for young Albertans to perform and learn in a posive, educaonal environment. This vision resulted in the first Alberta Internaonal Band Fesval (then the Alberta Stage Band Fesval) with 8 jazz bands performing in the first year. Now, 54 years later, the Fesval annually hosts more than 300 school and community concert and jazz bands in Edmonton and Calgary and is recognized for its commitment to educaon through world-class adjudicators and excellent performance venues. In keeping with the original vision of Mr. Nikel, the fesval connues to be managed by volunteers, mostly band directors in both Edmonton and Calgary as a non-profit organizaon. Mr. Nikel passed away on January 11, 2008, leaving a huge legacy of support for the Arts in Alberta. Mr. Nikel connued to advocate relessly for music educaon, parcularly band programs in schools unl the end. The John K. Nikel Scholarship has been established as a legacy of this commitment. This scholarship will assist a young Albertan with aspiraons of becoming a band director to pursue their post-secondary studies. One $2500 scholarship presented at the Alberta Internaonal Band Fesval in Calgary and a second $2500 scholarship is presented at the Alberta Internaonal Band Fesval in Edmonton. These scholarships are awarded on an annual basis. ALBERTA INTERNATIONAL BAND FESTIVAL CALGARY SCHOLARSHIPS 2025 Creating exceptional learning opportunities for music students MRU Conservatory Custom Workshops and Clinics Learn more about our: • Hosted Music Workshops at Mount Royal University Conservatory • Booking clinicians at your school or off-site retreat
Dr. Peter Loel Boonsha is a globally recognized leader in music educaon, known for his dynamic approach as a conductor, clinician, and author. He has conducted presgious ensembles, including the NAfME Naonal High School Honors Band, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Pacific Band, and the Prague Castle Guard/ Czech Police Symphonic Band. His experse has made him a sought-aer speaker at major music educaon conferences worldwide, including the Midwest Clinic, Music for All, and the NAfME Naonal Conference. The first recipient of the George M. Parks Award for Leadership in Music Educaon, Dr. Boonsha is the Director of Educaon for Jupiter Band Instruments and a passionate advocate for music educators. He is the acclaimed author of “Teaching Music with Passion, Purpose, and Promise”, a series that has influenced countless educators, and co-author of the widely used “Sound Innovaons” method series. His weekly “Boonsha’s Blog” connues to inspire and support music educators around the world. DR. PETER BOONSHAFT (Long Island, New York) A Professor Emeritus at Hofstra University, Dr. Boonsha has received numerous honors, including mulple Naonal Endowment for the Arts Arst in Residence selecons, the Al G. Wright Award of Disncon, and honorary lifeme membership in Tri-M Music Honor Society. He has been recognized by the Governors of five states and received a Cerficate of Appreciaon from President Ronald Reagan. With an unwavering dedicaon to music educaon, Dr. Boonsha connues to shape the future of instrumental music through his teaching, wring, and leadership. DR. KAITLIN BOVE (Pleasant Hill, California) Dr. Kaitlin Bove is Director of Bands and an Assistant Professor of Music at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill, California where she directs the Symphonic Band and Viking Ensemble. She also serves as Arsc Director for the BDWinds (the wind ensemble branch of Blue Devils Performing Arts) and Oakland Municipal Band, and on the board of California Band Directors Associaon where she coordinates the annual Social Impact Consorum, commissioning new repertoire for the California All-State Bands. Prior to these appointments, she was on faculty at Pierce College in Puyallup, Washington and Payson High School and Mt. Nebo Junior High in Payson, Utah. Kaitlin holds a Doctorate of Musical Arts in Wind Conducng from University of Kentucky where she was a student of Dr. Cody Birdwell and a Masters and Bachelors of Music in Educaon from University of the Pacific under the mentorship of Dr. Eric Hammer. Kaitlin is founder of the And We Were Heard iniave, a volunteer non-profit that matches underrepresented composers of wind band literature with ensembles, generang quality recordings of the music of diverse composional voices. She is also co-founder of Girls Who Conduct, a mentorship program that supports gender parity on the conducng podium. Kaitlin serves on several advisory boards for music scholarship and equity in addion to maintaining a robust schedule of honor band, adjudicaon, and guest conducng appearances.
Dr. Jason Caslor is an internaonally recognized conductor, educator, and researcher, currently serving as Associate Professor of Music and Director of Bands at Arizona State University (ASU). At ASU, he leads the Wind Ensemble, mentors graduate conducng students, and teaches undergraduate and graduate conducng courses. Under his direcon, the ensemble has released commercial recordings of Kevin Day’s Concerto for Wind Ensemble and Nicole Piunno’s Sunflower Studies. A recipient of the Canadian Band Associaon’s 2022 Internaonal Band Award, Dr. Caslor has conducted ensembles across North America, including the United States Army Field Band, the Naonal Youth Band of Canada, and the Alberta Wind Symphony. throughout Canada and the United States. He has presented his research at the Midwest Clinic, WASBE Internaonal Conference, and the CBDNA Naonal Conference**, among others. DR. JASON CASLOR (Phoenix, Arizona) Previously, Dr. Caslor was Associate Director of Bands and Orchestras at ASU, founding the ASU Philharmonia and earning a nominaon for ASU’s Outstanding Master’s Mentor Award. He also served as Assistant Professor of Instrumental Conducng at Memorial University and Resident Conductor of the Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra, leading more than 75 performances, including a CBC Radio naonal broadcast and a recording with Canadian blues arst Rita Chiarelli. Originally from North Baleford, Saskatchewan, Dr. Caslor holds a Doctorate in Conducng from ASU, a Master’s from the University of Manitoba, and dual Bachelor’s degrees in Music and Educaon from the University of Saskatchewan. JULIANE GALLANT (Calgary, Alberta) Canadian conductor Juliane Gallant is the Resident Conductor of the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra. She has appeared as guest conductor with the Naonal Arts Centre Orchestra, Victoria Symphony, PEI Symphony Orchestra, Okanagan Symphony Orchestra, Kingston Symphony Orchestra, and Symphony New Brunswick, and as assistant and cover conductor with man y orchestras and opera companies across Canada. Inially a collaborave pianist, répéteur, and vocal coach, Juliane began her conducng career in opera. She has led producons of Carmen, La bohème, Tosca, Eugene Onegin, La Traviata, Don Giovanni, and numerous others, both in Canada and in the UK. In 2021, she made her Royal Opera House debut in Mami Wata in collaboraon with Pegasus Opera.
Bill Kristjanson is currently a sessional instructor at the University of Manitoba, teaching music educaon courses. For many years he taught at Vincent Massey Collegiate, Glenlawn Collegiate and Minnetonka schools and served as Divisional Music Consultant. Bill has been invited to present at the Internaonal Associaon of Jazz Educators’ Conference, the Canadian Music Educators Conference, and provincial music educaon conferences in Brish Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Nova Scoa, and Newfoundland. Among guest conducng roles, he has conducted the Manitoba Provincial Junior Honour Band, Intermediate Honour Band, Honour Jazz Band, The Winnipeg Wind Ensemble and at the Internaonal Music Camp. BILL KRISTJANSON (Winnipeg, Manitoba) Discover a world-class university in Canada's cultural capital! With renowned faculty and comprehensive programs, we are committed to developing boundless potential of our students. Start your journey here. Contact us at @uoftmusic Bill is the recipient of numerous awards recognizing teaching excellence and service to music educaon including, the “Manitoba Band Associaon Award of Disncon”, “Manitoba Jazz Educator of the Year Award”, a “CMEA Builders Award” the “D.W. Penner Award for Exceponal Service in Educaon” and the Canadian Band Associaon “Naonal Band Award” Bill’s teaching philosophy revolves around, “Finding something good, and helping it grow.”
8:30 AM Vincent Massey Grade 7 Concert Band Kaj Morawski (B1) 9:00 AM Madeleine d’Houet Wind Ensemble Michael Carlucci (B3) CFIS Grade 7 Band Andrew Bacsalmasi (M1) Thomas B Riley Grade 7/8 Band William Irwin (B1) 10:30 AM Webber Academy Grade 9 Concert Band April Waterbury (M3) 11:00 AM Dr. E.P. Scarle Gr. 10 Concert Band Paul Brown (A3) 11:30 AM Marshall Springs Gr. 8/9 Concert Band Briany Biggar (B2) 9:30 AM 10:00 AM West Ridge School Junior Concert Band Bruce Hoag (B1) McKenzie Highlands School Grade 8/9 ConcertBand 12:00 PM 12:30 PM Blake Doucet-Lewis (B2) 2:00 PM Webber Academy Senior Concert Band Jeff Bryant (M4) 2:30 PM John Ware Concert Band Maddie Mickler (B1) 3:00 PM Woodman Grade 8/9 Senior Concert Band Gareth Bane (B2) Joane Cardinal-Schubert High School Gr. 10Concert Band 3:30 PM Victoria Sco (A3) 4:00 PM St. Mahew Senior Band - Gr. 8/9 Michelle Faca (B2) 4:30 PM CFIS Senior Concert Band Andrew Bacsalmasi (M3) Wednesday, Feb 19 | Rozsa Centre Thursday, Feb. 20 | Rozsa Centre 8:30 AM Vincent Massey Grade 8 Concert Band Kaj Morawski (B1) 9:00 AM Lester B. Pearson High School Concert Band Kathryn Riben (A3) 9:30 AM Westmount Charter School Gr. 6 Beginner Concert Band, Dr. Ilkim Tongur (M1) 10:00 AM Westmount Symphonic Band Colleen Lindenbach (M3) 10:30 AM Captain Nichola Goddard Band Aisling Tonn (B1) 11:00 AM David Thompson School Grade 7 Band Casey McClary (B1) 11:30 AM Our Lady of Grace Grade 9 Band Michael Murray (B2) 12:00 PM A.E. Cross School Senior Band Jesse Raan (B2) 12:30 PM Father Whelihan Concert Band Kris Gagnon (B1) 2:00 PM Webber Academy Grade 8 Concert Band April Waterbury (M2) 2:30 PM Woodman Grade 7 Junior Concert Band Gareth Bane (B1) 3:00 PM Tom Baines Grade 9 Band Fesval Harriet Siemens (B2) 3:30 PM Captain Nichola Goddard Grade 7 Band Aisling Tonn (B1) 4:00 PM St. Mahew Gr. 7 Junior Band Michelle Faca (B1) 4:30 PM Lord Beaverbrook Concert Band Sco Campbell (A3) 5:00 PM William Aberhart High School Symphonic Band Nathan Gingrich (A4) Be Part of the MUSIC DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC PERFORMANCE keyboard, strings, voice, winds and percussion; world music ensembles (Indian, West African and Middle Eastern & North African) COMPOSITION & SONIC ARTS contemporary acoustic composition, electroacoustic music, sound art, and interdisciplinary collaborative work ACADEMICS musicology, ethnomusicology, music theory and popular music studies CONDUCTING courses at the undergraduate level, degrees at the graduate level EDUCATION 5-year B.Mus./ B.Ed. program Experience world class instruction from the University of Alberta’s Department of Music. Offering comprehensive Undergraduate (B.Mus., B.A., B.Mus./B.Ed, and World Sound Arts Certificate), and Graduate (M.A., M.Mus., Ph.D., D.Mus.) Degree Programs. We invite you to be part of the music!
Friday, Feb 21 | Rozsa Centre Learn more: Apply now to Concordia University! Find out about new awards for out-of-province students. Application deadline: March 1 Interested in pursuing a degree in music? MAKING THINGS THAT MATTER T25-948888:30 AM 9:00 AM Vincent Massey Grade 9 Concert Band Kaj Morawski (B2) Madeleine d’Houet Grade 8 Concert Band Michael Carlucci (B2) 9:30 AM Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Senior Band Colin Van de Reep (M4) 10:00 AM David Thompson School Grade 8/9 Band Casey McClary (B2) 10:30 AM McKenzie Highlands School Grade 7 Blake Doucet-Lewis (B1) 11:00 AM Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Grade 7 Band Nathalie Roy (M1) 11:30 AM Senator Patrick Burns Grade 9 Band Brant Melchin (B2) 12:00 PM Madeleine d’Houet Grade 7 Concert Band Michael Carlucci (B1) 12:30 PM Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Grade 8 Band Colin Van de Reep (M2) 2:00 PM Madeleine d’Houet Honor Band Michael Carlucci (B3) 2:30 PM Webber Academy Grade 7 Concert Band Jeff Bryant (M1) 3:00 PM Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Grade 9 Band Nathalie Roy (M3) 3:30 PM Balmoral School Grade 8 Concert Band Kel Spoering & Pamela Fast (B1) 4:00 PM North Trail High School Concert Band Keshini Senanayake & Kathleen Ahenda (A3) 4:30 PM Madeleine d’Houet Grade 9 Concert Band Michael Carlucci (B2) 5:00 PM Calgary Round-Up Band Heidi Haubrich (C2)
8:30 AM Calgary Stetson Show Band Jeff Waterbury (C4) 9:00 AM Calgary Catholic School District Honour Band Chris Herard (C3) 9:30 AM Westwinds Music Society Bronze Concert Band Chris Herard (C3) 10:00 AM Westwinds Music Society Silver Concert Band Sco Campbell (C4) 10:30 AM Ernest Manning Gr. 11/12 Concert Band Jenine Maystrowich (A3) 11:00 AM Robert Thirsk High School Concert Band Joel Abrams (A3) 11:30 AM Sir John Franklin Senior Band Breanna Morrissee (B2) 12:00 PM GP Vanier School Grade 9 Band Chrisna Ramos (B1) 12:30 PM Ernest Manning Gr. 10 Concert Band Jenine Maystrowich (A3) 2:00 PM Bev Facey High School Concert Band Andrew Sutherland (A3) 2:30 PM Westmount Charter School Gr. 7 Concert Band Dr. Ilkim Tongur (M1) 3:00 PM Louis Riel Grade 8 Concert Band Glennis Houston (B1) 3:30 PM Blessed Marie-Rose Grade 8 & 9 Concert Band Elisa Riegel (B2) 4:00 PM James Fowler High School Concert Band Kayla MacDonald (A3) 4:30 PM Prince of Peace Senior Concert Band Susan Weatherill (B2) 5:00 PM Louis Riel Grade 9 Concert Band Glennis Houston (B2) Saturday, Feb 22 | Rozsa Centre Sunday, Feb. 23 | Rozsa Centre 8:30 AM Calgary Stampede Wind Symphony John Meehan (C5) 9:00 AM Sir Winston Churchill HS Concert Band Nicole Hounjet (A3) 9:30 AM Calgary Girl’s Charter School Grade 7 Sarah McLean (B1) 10:00 AM St. Mary’s Wind Orchestra Gr. 11-12 Jeremy Legault (A4) 10:30 AM Bishop Carroll Wind Ensemble Jeff Waterbury (A5) 11:00 AM Sir Winston Churchill HS Symphonic Band Phil Rounding (A4) 11:30 AM John G. Diefenbaker High School Concert Band Harry Faunt (A3) 12:00 PM St. Mary’s Gr 10 Concert Band Jeremy Legault (A3) 12:30 PM Bishop Carroll Symphonic Band Jeff Waterbury (A4) 2:00 PM Westmount Charter School Grade 8 Intermediate Concert Band Dr. Ilkim Tongur (M2) 2:30 PM Calgary Girl’s Charter School Grade 8 & 9 Band Sarah McLean (B2) 3:00 PM Mount Royal Concert Band Mary Hamm (B1) 3:30 PM John G. Diefenbaker High School Symphonic Band Harry Faunt (A4) 4:00 PM Bishop Carroll Concert Band Jeff Waterbury (A3) 4:30 PM Bowness High School Concert Band Keith Krushel (A3) 5:00 PM St. Mary’s Symphonic Band Gr. 10-12 Jeremy Legault (A3)
Undergraduate Programs • Bachelor of Music –Comprehensive and Performance Majors (BMUS) • Bachelor of Arts – Music Concentration (BA) • Bachelor of Arts Honours – Music Concentration (BA) • Bachelor of Music Education (BMusEd/BMus) • Bachelor of Arts – Three Year Special in Music (combined with BEd) • MAP Minor in Music Graduate Programs • Master of Music - Performance • Master of Music Conducting (Choral or Wind Band) YOUR MUSIC OUR PASSION MUSIC DEPARTMENT AR/Design The University of Regina Music Department is in the faculty of Media Art and Performance (MAP). For more information contact: RC 257 University of Regina Regina Saskatchewan, S4S 042 www. @UReginaMusic @uofr_music_department
8:30 AM Lord Beaverbrook Symphonic Band Sco Campbell (A4) 9:00 AM Valley Creek Concert Band Janey Chan (B2) 9:30 AM Centennial HS Concert Band Gloria Laurendeau (A3) 10:00 AM Dr. E.P. Scarle Wind Ensemble Paul Brown (A4) 10:30 AM West Ridge School Senior Concert Band Bruce Hoag (B2) 11:00 AM Senator Patrick Burns Grade 8 Band Brant Melchin (B1) 11:30 AM RT Alderman Grade 7 Band Krisne Gray (B1) 12:00 PM Thomas B Riley Grade 9 Band William Irwin (B1) 12:30 PM Senator Patrick Burns Grade 7 Band Brant Melchin (B1) 2:00 PM Westmount Grade 9 Band Colleen Lindenbach (M2) 2:30 PM Northco Prairie School Bison Band 8 Sarah Batchelor (B2) 3:00 PM CFIS Junior Concert Band Andrew Bacsalmasi (M2) 3:30 PM Centennial HS Wind Ensemble Gloria Laurendeau (A4) 4:00 PM Crescent Heights High School Concert Band Ian Burgess (A3) 4:30 PM Northco Prairie School Bison Band 7 Sarah Batchelor (B1) 5:00 PM GP Vanier School Band Chrisna Ramos (B1) Monday, Feb 24 | Rozsa Centre Tuesday, Feb. 25 | Rozsa Centre 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM West Island College Grade 9/10 Band Jay Michalak (M3) Archbishop Joseph MacNeil Grade 8 Band Tamara MacKenzie and Sarah Haeubl-Kaluzniak (B2) Dr. E.P. Scarle Symphonic Band Paul Brown (A4) West Island College Grade 7 Beginner Band Jeff Hiley (M1) 10:30 AM Cochrane High School Symphonic Band Conner Benson (A4) 11:00 AM Crowther Memorial Junior High Grade 7 Band Mr. Bryan Allsopp (B1) 11:30 AM West Island College Grade 8 Band Jay Michalak (M2) 12:00 PM Bearspaw School Grade 7-8 Concert Band Daniel Bosse (B1) 12:30 PM Elboya School Grade 8&9 Band Lurene Bates (B2) 2:00 PM Cochrane High School Junior Band Conner Benson (A2) 2:30 PM Strathmore High School Concert Band Mr. Bryan Allsopp (A3) 3:00 PM Holy Rosary High School Grade 8/9 Band Dione Hudon (M3) 3:30 PM William Aberhart High School Concert Band Nathan Gingrich (A3) Performance-intensive learning Professional one-on-one instruction 24-hour studio access Generous scholarships & awards Opportunities for Music students include: Earn more than a degree at ULethbridge! Apply by June 15 at
Jeff Johnson is a Winnipeg born musician, educator, clinician, adjudicator, conductor and music director. He recently rered aer 28 years as a disnguished high school music educator collaborang and sharing his passion for music and educaon with some incredible students and colleagues. Jeff is an original member of the Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra having performed and recorded as the lead trumpet player for both the WJO as well as the Ron Paley Big Band for decades. In addion, he has performed and recorded with Derrick Gardner and the Big Dig Band, Combo Lano while performing with numerous other ensembles including the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra and Royal Winnipeg Ballet. In addion, Jeff has appeared in concert with many incredible arsts including Arturo Sandoval, Bill Watrous, Frank Foster, Louis Belson, Rob McConnell and Bob Brookmeyer. Jeff remains a proud contributor to the Winnipeg performing arts scene and well connected to the music educaon community. JEFF JOHNSON (Winnipeg, Manitoba) SAMMY KESTENHOLTZ (Los Angeles, California) Grammy nominee, Song and Album of the Year Drummer ( Dove and UCMVA Awards) Sammy K ( is an internaonal educator, clinician, and performer. He is an educator for the Music for All Summer Symposium (sponsored by Yamaha) Joe’s Jazz Camp (Atlanta GA), New Horizons Band Camp, and the Dayton Jazz Labs. Sammy also does distance clinics and teaching with high school and college students internaonally. Sammy has appeared on the Emmy winning Wayne Brady Show, Ally McBeal (with KC & The Sunshine Band and Josh Groban), and in The Fast and The Furious. He has recorded and or performed with a list of arsts: Bob Hope, The Manhaan Transfer, Burt Bacharach, Steve Lawrence, Jimmy Heath, Lucy Lawless, Dave Brubeck, Jon Hendricks, and the United States Air Force Band. His playing can be heard on: MythBusters, several Disney holiday DVDs, Confessions of an Eco Terrorist, ABC, CBS, NBC, and the films The Girl on The Train, The Spaces In Between: On the Road with Amy Cook, and Dalai Lama Awakening. His other clients have included: Ferrari, The Walt Disney Company, The Internaonal Toys For Tots Campaign, Six Flags, Daimler Chrysler, Jeep, Panda Express, PG&E, the Los Angeles Laker Band, the Hal Leonard Publishing Company, MatFal Music, Much Music Television and the Tournament of Roses. Sammy is an Educaonal Endorser of Remo Drumheads, Zildjian Cymbals, Yamaha Drums, Vic Firth Drumscks, Cympad cymbal washers, Big Bang Distribuon and Kotz Cajons.
Born in Australia and based in NYC since 1993, Lisa works with a range of prominent jazz groups. She received a 2024 Chamber Music America New Jazz Works grant to compose for her septet, We Love Ornee. This follows a 2021 CMA Performance Plus grant for workshops with Denardo Coleman and record. Her recording ‘Round Tripper’ received 4 stars in Downbeat. She has been recognized in Downbeat’s Crics and Readers Polls since 2013 and won the 2016 ‘Rising Star’ category for bari sax. She is in demand as a baritone and bass clarinest with big bands and has performed with Skitch Henderson and the New York Pops, the Are Shaw Orchestra and Jimmy Heath’s Big Band, Marty Ehrlich’s Large Ensemble, Joel Harrison’s Large Ensemble, the Webber/Morris Big Band and the Diva Jazz Orchestra where she played the baritone sax/ bass clarinet chair from 1998-2015. Other performance credits include Dave Brubeck, Nancy Wilson, Johnny Mandel, Cindy Blackman, Gunther Schuller, Marty Ehrlich and Allison Miller. Lisa has performed at Carnegie Hall, the Blue Note, Lincoln Center and in presgious jazz fesvals all over the world such as the Montreal Jazz Fesval. As a touring musician, she has now performed in all 50 states of the USA. As a composer, performances of her original composions over 30 years include the Kennedy Center, TriC Jazzfest, fesvals in Australia, Europe and jazz clubs worldwide. Her playing has been featured on over 40 LISA PARROTT (New York, New York)
POD 1 David Thompson School Jazz Band 11:00 AM Casey McClary (J-Novice) Ernest Manning Blue Jazz Jenine Maystrowich (H-Intermediate) William Aberhart High School “Abe 1” Jazz Ensemble Nathan Gingrich (H-Intermediate) Vincent Massey Grade 8/9 Jazz Band POD 2 1:30 PM Kaj Morawski (J-Novice) Madeleine d’Houet Jazz Band Michael Carlucci (J-Novice) Dr. E.P. Scarle Jazz 2 Jonathan Bell (H-Novice) Lords Junior Jazz POD 3 4:00 PM Ken Thackrey (H-Novice) Ernest Manning High School Grade 10 Jazz Band Jenine Maystrowich (H-Novice) William Aberhart High School “Abe 2” Jazz Ensemble Nathan Gingrich (H-Novice) Westwinds Music Society Bronze Jazz Band Nathan Gingrich (O-Novice) Westwinds Music Society Gold Jazz North Jonathan Bell (O-Senior) JazzYYC Youth Lab Band One Jay Michalak (O-Senior) POD 4 7:00 PM Wedneday, Feb 19 | University eatre Thursday, Feb. 20 | University eatre POD 1 William Aberhart High School Jazz Combo 8:30 AM Nathan Gingrich (H-Combo) Robert Thirsk High School Jazz Band Joel Abrams (H-Intermediate) St. Mary’s Jazz Band Jeremy Legault (H-Intermediate) POD 2 Robert Warren Jazz Band 11:00 AM Kirsty Gilliland (J-Novice) Dr. E.P. Scarle Jazz 1 Jonathan Bell (H-Intermediate) Dr. E.P. Scarle Jazz Combo Jonathan Bell (H-Combo) POD 3 1:30 PM Strathcona-Tweedsmuir Middle School Jazz Band Nathalie Roy (J-Novice) Strathcona-Tweedsmuir Senior Jazz Band Colin Van de Reep (H-Intermediate) Strathcona Jazz Ensemble Jerrold Dubyk (H-Senior) POD 4 4:00 PM CFIS Stage Band Andrew Bacsalmasi (M-Intermediate) John G. Diefenbaker High School Jazz Band Harry Faunt (H-Intermediate) St. Mary’s Jazz Combo Jeremy Legault (H-Combo) Performance-intensive learning Professional one-on-one instruction 24-hour studio access Generous scholarships & awards Opportunities for Music students include: Earn more than a degree at ULethbridge! Apply by June 15 at
POD 1 North Trail High School Jazz Band 8:30 AM Keshini Senanayake & Kathleen Ahenda (H-Intermediate) Joane Cardinal-Schubert High School Jazz I Victoria Sco (H-Intermediate) Lords Senior Jazz Ken Thackrey (H-Intermediate) POD 2 Joane Cardinal-Schubert High School Jazz II 11:00 AM Victoria Sco (H-Novice) Bowness High School Jazz Band Keith Krushel (H-Intermediate) Bishop Carroll Jazz Combo Jeff Waterbury (H-Combo) POD 3 Webber Academy Junior High Jazz Band 1:30 PM April Waterbury (J-Novice) SWC Jazz Ensemble Phil Rounding (H-Intermediate) Bishop Carroll Jazz Band Jeff Waterbury (H-Intermediate) POD 4 St. Gregory School Jazz Ensemble 4:00 PM John Watson (J-Novice) Father Scollen School Jezz Ensemble Drew Marn (J-Novice) Bishop O’Byrne High School Jazz Ensemble Ricardo Fonseca (H-Novice) Friday, Feb 21 | University eatre
PRESENTING SPONSORS ($10,000+) VIP SPONSORS ($3,000+) FESTIVAL PARNTER SPONSORS ($1,000+) FESTIVAL SUPPORTER ($645+) FESTIVAL FRIEND ($495+) To learn how you or your organizaon can help contribute to or become a sponsor of the Alberta Internaonal Band Fesval, please reach out to our Sponsorship Coordinator Cathy MacRae at 54 SPONSORS 2025 Thank you to each and every one of our sponsors. Your contribuons go towards venue costs, adjudicator costs and addional fesval expenses, that in turn, allow us to help keep costs lower for our school and community programs. The Alberta Internaonal Band Fesvals would not exist without your support!
Supported by the Calgary Stampede Foundation, thousands of young people have taken part in our youth performance programs, which include the Young Canadians School of Performing Arts, Calgary Stampede Showband, and the Calgary Stampede Showriders. These year-round programs provide the opportunity for participants to pursue their passion, develop life skills, and perform for audiences both locally and around the globe! STRONG YOUTH STRONGER COMMUNITY Learn more about The Calgary Stampede Showband