Corporate Headquarters: Remote Office Locations: 1600 West Tacoma Street Chicago, IL Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Shreveport, LA Las Vegas, NV (918) 307-8865 Austin, TX (888) 461-8778 Fort Worth, TX Pittsburgh, PA WWW.AIRHYGIENE.COM Subpart YYYY FTIR Testing Meeting the new EPA measurement standard will take more than 20-year-old FTIR technology. It requires robust technology with low MDLs, wide spectral range, results that can be validated, and fast gas cell turnover rate. StarBoost™ represents the leading edge of gas analysis technology de-signed with the rigors of source testing in mind. Combined with an ASC-10™ automated sampling system and software with complete automation of the data collection, data validation, and MAU/MDC calculator the Air Hygiene Starboost Labs offer a complete field solution that will not only make the measurements you need but do so with ease.
AHI Starboost FTIRs Each Starboost mobile lab is integrated with a robust, heating/filtering system with automated QA/QC features to ensure the best in technology dynamic spiking features. In addition, our Starboost labs have on-board O2 analyzers to provide outputs real-time showing formaldehyde as raw ppm and corrected to 15% O2.
HOW IT WORKS Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy is used to examine and characterize organic and inorganic materials. Data is produced in the form of a spectrum, with many bands that represent chemical bonding between two particular atoms or a group of atoms in a molecule. The spectrum is subsequently compared to a set of known reference mate-rials for identification and interpretation. As an analytic technique, FTIR has several advantages. It requires only a minute sample. It takes only minutes to conduct and it will work with most liquids or gases. Air Hygiene’s sample system incorporates a heated sample pump and conditioning system to ensure data accuracy. COMPOUND IDENTIFICATION AND DETECTION The FTIR measures the absorption of various infrared light wavelengths by the material of interest. These infrared absorption bands identify specific molecular components and structures. Air Hygiene STARBOOST FTIR systems are designed to be rugged, precise and mobile. The minimum detection limits (MDL) typically at 40 ppb for formaldehyde with optional TOM (Thermal Oxidizer Module) for extreme low detection to reach 5 ppb. Recently, EPA has classified formaldehyde as a probable human carcinogen as formaldehyde exposure has been associated with reproductive effects such as menstrual disorders and pregnancy problems. As a result EPA has proposed to reduce the concentration of formaldehyde in the exhaust from new or recon-structed stationary combustion turbines to 91 parts per billion by volume or less, dry basis (ppbvd), at 15 percent oxygen (if you use means other than an oxidation catalyst emission control device). Air Hygiene uses an intensifying filter in the StarBoost FTIR for high sensitivity measurements of formaldehyde. The MDL for formaldehyde is 40 ppb. DATA ANALYSIS The FTIR spectrometer system consists of an interferometer (MKS2030 or Max-iR), a heated sample pump (ASC10), and a computer. With an infrared data station, the computer acquires, processes, stores and retrieves spectral data. Max Acquisition, a powerful new automated, multi-component, quantitative analysis program, is used for analyzing gas phase mixtures in real time. This software also allows for custom methods and individual-ized interferent recognition to be completed on site to help improve the accuracy of the results proved. Quantitative results, concentration vs. time plots, and spectra can be dis-played and updated in real-time for continuous monitoring applications. The spectra or the interferogram is a permanent record and can be analyzed at a future time to identify and quantify additional compounds not known during the initial testing pro-gram. For example, if the sample was tested for only ammonia and formaldehyde, following the test, the tester is able to iden-tify and quantify toluene, benzene, and acetaldehyde without repeating the test. This ability to perform post-test analysis for additional compounds will save you both time and money. FTIR TRUCK The FTIR Truck is a mobile FTIR Testing solution that is rugged and compact with the ability to test in some of the most remote locations. This system is fully integrated with stand alone power generation and has the full capabilities of HAPs testing all inside the shell of a Chevy 2500. QUALITY ASSURANCE Air Hygiene’s goal is to achieve total customer satisfaction by delivering accurate, on-time analyses that meet each client’s needs. It is our responsibility to provide each client with quality results. This is accomplished by documenting all facets of the analysis, communicating any questionable or out-of-specification results to the client, following procedures and complying with standards, and auditing data internally.
Corporate Headquarters: 1600 West Tacoma Street Broken Arrow, OK 74012 (918) 307-8865 (888) 461-8778 Remote Office Locations: Chicago, IL Austin, TX Shreveport, LA Fort Worth, TX Las Vegas, NV Pittsburgh, PA © Air Hygiene International, Inc. 2022 Air Hygiene International, Inc. is a privately held professional service firm incorporated on March 1st, 1997. Its mission is to re-duce its client’s exposures to regulatory, civil, and criminal liabili-ties related to air emissions through superior testing services, risk identification, and management services. Air Hygiene accomplish-es this mission by looking beyond mere compliance, toward strate-gies that encompass potential future liabilities as well as community responsibility. Headquartered in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, Air Hygiene serves clients throughout the continental United States as well as interna-tionally. Its client base includes companies from various industries including oil and gas companies, utilities, manufacturers, and oth-ers. Air Hygiene has experienced engine testing teams led by project managers with significant testing experience and a broad under-standing of the federal and state regulations. Air Hygiene has over fifity (50) combustion emission testing systems. Air Hygiene test labs have on-board printers to allow on-site reporting of critical data for the client to review immediately following the testing. Our pricing and flexibility are second to none (2-2-0). Air Hygiene prides itself on testing efficiency and has experience with complex testing. Including formaldehyde by FTIR (EPA Method 320 or ASTM D-6348) to meet RICE MACT, non-methane/ethane VOCs on-site with field GC or FTIR for JJJJ (40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ), PM, PM-10, & PM-2.5 tests (EPA Methods 1-5, 201a, 202). Air Hygiene can complete multiple turbines in a single day and has experience with testing large fleets within short duration or on a repeated schedule to meet periodic monitoring requirements. Air Hygiene has three (3) STARBOOST FTIR labs! Below are some of AHI’s satisfied customers. Please contact us for more information or a quick quotation for your next project!