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A Guide To High School

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This project was a collaboration between Monroe's National Honor Society andSpanish Honor Society and was completed on June 6th, 2021. The majority of studentsthat wrote this guide are graduating on June 11th, 2021. While we weren't able tomeet in person, we at Spanish Honor Society, with the help of the officers at NHS,decided this would be our last project of the year. Within this guide, you'll find all the tips that we wanted to know when coming intohigh school. While there is content that is specific to Monroe High School, there arealso more general tips like how to study effectively and how to choose what to doafter high school. We hope you find this resource helpful! Sincerely, National Honor Society & Spanish Honor Society (2020-2021)LETTER FROM THE WRITERSP A G E 2

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EMILY SANDOVAL & JUDAH PAZIERJoin clubs! It’s fun, a great way to createa community, and it opensopportunities to gainexperience, get involved, andmake an impact. Scan thiscode to see all the clubsoffered:GETTING INVOLVED: CLUBS & SPORTSP A G E 3 Join sports! Research has proven thatparticipating in athleticshelps boost academicconfidence and success.Participating in sports alsolooks great on any college orscholarship applications. Scanthis code to see all sportsoffered:

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Now that you know what your learningstyle, try adapting that to your studying.Are you a visual learner? View videosexplaining how to do things, watch peopledo what you're studying. Are you anauditory learner? You should try listeningto videos of what you're trying to learninstead of reading something, listen to it.If you're a reading-writing learner youshould try reading and taking notes at thesame time to help you retain informationbetter. If you are a kinetic learner trydoing hands-on experiences. If you havethe opportunity to do what you arestudying, try it!A key factor in studying is being organized.Try having a specific time for taking notesor listening or watching educational videosetc., If you have a designated time to studyit will become a routine and can helpprevent procrastination. But rememberwhatever helps you learn best is what youshould do no matter what other people aredoing because no one is the same.STUDY TIPS & ORGANIZATIONStudying can seem really hard if you don'tknow your own learning style, for example Ilearn best if I highlight and add differentcolors to my notes. It helps me find thingseasier because each type of note has a specialcolor. Do you not know what your learningstyle is best for you watch this video:P A G E 4 ALAN RODRIGUEZ ARREOLAInterleaving: instead of covering one topic ata time in blocks, alternate in appropriateperiods to other topicsSpaced Practice: study in reasonable timeblock increments instead of cramming theday before the testRetrieval Practice: sit down and try to writedown everything that was covered frommemory without looking at notes or thetextbookElaboration: research on your own time tofill in any gaps in your learning Concrete Examples: apply the informationyou’ve learned to real-world situationsDual Coding: utilize two methods to learncontent, you’re more likely to conserve thatinformationMetacognitive Skills: knowing when you’relegitimately prepared so you know what andhow long to studyDeep Processing: actively applying and usingthe information you’re supposed to learnSTRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS

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Time management is something that we all struggle with, and once this skill falls througheverything can seem to fall apart with it. It’s easy to be overwhelmed and put off by thedaunting task of managing your time. With the start of high school and eventually yoursophomore year, you’ll be taking on new responsibilities and relationships that are going toencompass your time. A new job, friends, school work, athletics, clubs, and time for yourselfare all things that will be fighting for a spot in your day. Not overcommittingFollowing throughPlanningNot procrastinating Asking for help Taking breaks when needed Finding a happy place where you canfocusMost importantly, acknowledging when itis too much Being sure to do things like;Ensuring a good schedule and making sureyou don’t overwhelm yourself is importantfor success in your daily life. Here are acouple of articles that can help you manageyour time effectively and efficiently. TIME MANAGEMENTHUNTER SCHULZA BRIEF GUIDE TO TIMEMANAGEMENTDO'S AND DON'TSKaty BoylesCorporate Finance Institute P A G E 5

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As you go farther into your high school career, it is important that you start learning whatyou enjoy doing, what you want to spend your time doing, as well as where you want toget yourself. You should take some time throughout this school year to sit down and thinkabout your goals and potential plans for the future. You do not need to have everythingfigured out, but it is helpful to have a general idea of what you want as you move forward.Take time to find things you truly love, research and shadow potential jobs, and work to beyour best self. Most importantly, it’s okay to not know what you want yet. Although cheesy,these years are all about “finding yourself,” it is okay to ask questions if you are curious orif you just don't know. In fact, it is encouraged.LOOKING AHEAD: GOAL SETTINGERIN MERRITTP A G E 6 If you know where you want togo in life, or know you want tocurrently accomplish somethingthat you love, plan out smallsteps in which you know you canachieve them, and consider whatyou may need to do to achievethem. Keep track of yourprogress everyday. Haveconfidence in yourself, as well,because this will take you a stepeven further in accomplishingyour goals and dreams.

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MyCoalition is our set of free, onlinecollege-planning tools that helps studentsstart early and stress less on their path tocollege. With anytime, easy-to-use access,MyCoalition empowers students to learnabout, prepare for, and apply to college,beginning as early as 9th grade.GET STARTED WITHCOALITION FORCOLLEGE HERE:MOVING TOWARDS COLLEGEJULIE CHENP A G E 7Whether you're applying to college for thefirst time or transferring to complete yourdegree, here’s how to get started on yourcollege application. Each year, more than 1million students apply to more than 900Common App member colleges worldwidethrough our online college applicationplatform.GET STARTED WITHTHE COMMON APPHERE:

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Take challenging coursesDo your homeworkPrepare for tests and quizzesAsk and answer lots of questionsThe best way to prepare for these tests is to:Take charge of your education and learn as much as you can.The PSAT/NMSQT is offered in the fall. As part of the SAT Suite of Assessments, it'sdesigned to help prepare students for the SAT, college, and careers. Historically,students who took the PSAT/NMSQT scored higher on the SAT, on average, than thosewho didn’t take the test.The PSAT 10 is offered in the spring to sophomores only. It’s a great way to checkyour progress, especially your math skills, so that you’ll be prepared to do your bestjunior year.The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) andPSAT 10 measure what you're learning in school, determine if you're on track, andopen doors for opportunities to prepare and pay for college. WHAT'S THE PSAT?P A G E 8GET MOREINFO ONTHE PSAT:KELSEY BORLAND

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Monroe High School students may apply for designated "College in the High School" coursecredits through Everett Community College. Students must be in the 10th grade or above,pay a fee, and demonstrate proficiency on an assessment test to qualify. Some scholarshipsbased on financial need are available. Students register for the program with the highschool instructor. Credits transfer to all public two- and four-year universities inWashington State. Students should check with the admissions office at the institution theyplan to attend to clarify how credits transfer within Washington. The admissions offices atfour-year institutions make determinations regarding the acceptance of any or all of thesecredits. Current College in the High School courses at MHS are indicated in coursedescriptions in the MHS Course Catalog.The Advanced Placement Program (AP) is a cooperative educational endeavor amongsecondary schools, colleges and universities, and Educational Testing Service (ETS). Itgives high school students exposure to college level material through involvement in anAP course and an opportunity to show what they have learned by taking an AP Exam.Colleges and universities are then able to grant credit, placement, or both to thesestudents. A student who earns a grade of 3 or better on an AP Exam is generally consideredqualified to receive credit for the equivalent course at one of nearly 3,000 colleges anduniversities that grant credit for AP Exams. The student should contact the four-yearinstitution that he/she plans to attend to determine if a credit will transfer.Current AP courses offered at Monroe High School are listed in the MHS course catalog andindicated in the course description of each section. There is a fee to take an AP exam.Students interested in other AP courses should meet with their counselor for moreinformation.COLLEGE CREDIT: AP & CHSWENDY BARAJAS AVALOSMHS COURSECATALOG &REGISTRATIONP A G E 9

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Learn about Running Start - Go to thecollege website you are interested in andfind their Running Start information page.You may also attend an informationsession at the college or meet with yourcounselor to learn more about theprogram.Complete placement - Get a copy of yourSmarter Balanced Assessment Scores, PSATscores or take a placement test.Submit Application - Apply online.Check your email - You will receive anacceptance email from the college withyour student ID and the next steps to take.Turn in Enrollment Verification - Make anappointment with your high schoolcounselor. Remember that counselors needenough time to review all paperworkbefore signing. Please have parents signthe Enrollment Verification form prior tocounselor review.Running Start is a collaboration betweencommunity colleges and public high schoolsin the region. The program allows high schooljuniors and seniors to take college-levelcourses without having to pay tuition. Steps to EnrollRUNNING START: WHAT & HOWKELSEY BORLANDP A G E 1 0 MOREINFORMATIONABOUT RUNNINGSTART:Students that I know typically attendCascadia College or Everett CommunityCollege. I personally attend CascadiaCollege specifically for their science focusand easy transfer to the University ofWashington. If you take two years of Running Start(Junior and Senior year) full-time (15credits a quarter,) you can earn anassociates degree, which gives you acompetitive edge and all your generaleducation requirements for a Bachelor'sdegree without the cost.

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Complete our online application.Your counselor will attach your mostrecent transcript to the application andsend it to us.An interview will be scheduled with theprogram instructor.Contact your school counselor or Sno-IsleTECH for more detailsSno-Isle Tech Skills Center is a public schooloffering technical training for high schoolstudents from districts within SnohomishCounty. Sno-Isle is for students in the 11th or12th grade. There is no cost to the program.Students can earn up to three high schoolcredits per year at Sno-Isle. Many of theprograms at Sno-Isle also give students theopportunity to earn college credits for anominal fee. How to Apply:Check out some of the programs they offer:Dental AssistingMedical AssistingNursing AssistantVeterinary AssistingAerospace Manufacturing &Maintenance TechnologyAuto Body & Collision RepairAutomotive TechnologyConstruction TradesDiesel Power TechnologyAdvanced ManufacturingWelding & Metal FabricationSCIENCE & HEALTHTRADE & INDUSTRY SNO-ISLE TECHKELSEY BORLANDP A G E 1 1 CosmetologyCulinary ArtsFashion & MerchandisingCareers in EducationCriminal JusticeFire Service TechnologyTranslation & InterpretationAnimation ProgramComputers, Servers & NetworkingElectronics Engineering TechnologyVideo Game DesignBUSINESS & MARKETINGHUMAN SERVICESINFO TECHMOREINFORMATIONABOUT SNO-ISLE TECH

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You should take the ACT or SAT in the fall of your junior year so you can have chances toretake it if you want a better score. The SAT or ACT are half-day tests that are usuallytaken in junior year of high school. The SAT and ACT are, for the most part, tests of whatyou learned in high school. Taking challenging classes and working hard to understandthe content is the best way to prepare for these tests.TIPS FOR THE ACT & SATEMELIA KELLY & MARGARET SEANEYP A G E 1 2 GETTING STARTEDYou can study for the SAT and ACT,and you can improve your score. hereare some resources to study:SAT PREP COURSEThe SAT is offered by the not-for-profit College Board, which alsooffers Advanced Placement coursesand other testing services. Thenonprofit ACT organization is morelimited in scope. The SAT has areading test that takes 65 minutes, a35-minute writing and language testand an 80-minute math section. TheACT is comprised of a 35-minutereading test, 45-minute English test,60-minute math section and 35-minute science test.The costs of theexams also vary. The SAT costs $52.The ACT costs $55 for only the examand $70 if the optional writing test isincluded.Additional fees may apply for otheroptions, such as late registration.Students may also be able to take theSAT or ACT for free thanks to statesupport or fee waivers.

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It's hard to decide what you want to do- especially when looking past high school. Whilemany people choose to pursue a higher education at a 4-year university or 2-year college,there's more options if that's not for you! LOOKING PAST HIGH SCHOOLKELSEY BORLANDP A G E 1 3 CHOOSE YOUR ADVENTURE!UNIVERSITY,COLLEGE OR TRADESCHOOLENTER THEWORKFORCEJOIN THEMILITARYThere are many jobs thatdon't require a degree orcertificate, though theymight be helpful. Theseinclude jobs like welders,plumbers, constructionworkers, flight attendants,restaurant servers,administrative assistants,and even salesrepresentatives. Do you want to serve yourcountry? Joining the militarymight be for you. There arealso a variety of benefitsthat come from joining themilitary. These includeeducation programs to gaincertificates, help paying forcollege, and more. See whatbranch of the military mightbe for you. TAKETHECAREERQUIZEXPLORETHEBRANCHESFINDHIGHEREDUCATIONOPTIONSWe all know college isexpensive, but a breakdownof the benefits outweighs thecost. Through highereducation, you're more likelyto have a fulfilling job withhigher pay. Colleges are alsogreat places to network andgain experience, with amultitude of resources andopportunities!

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SCORING SCHOLARSHIPSJULIE CHEN & KELSEY BORLANDP A G E 1 4 Scholarship America works directly withstudents, parents, colleges, businesses andcommunities to help students fulfill theircollege dreams. Since it was founded in 1958,Scholarship America has distributed $4.5billion to more than 2.8 million students …and counting.scholarshipamerica.orgScholarshipOwl will match you with the awardopportunities that best match yourpersonality, grades, lifestyle, and more. Onceyou've narrowed down your options, we’ll takethe information from your initial applicationand put it into the appropriate places on thescholarships of your offers a simple andaccessible approach to finding and applyingfor scholarships for students of all ages. Ourtried, tested and acclaimed search enginedelivers targeted lists of scholarships for theinvestment of just a few minutes. There's noquicker, better way to find free accountants, scientists and engineers.Filmmakers, teachers and entrepreneurs. First-generation students and fourth. Cappexbelieves there is a perfect college and careerpath for every single student. They tailor aspecific path for your needs through thecollege search, application, decision, andfinance process.cappex.comMonroe High School's Careerand College Center provides alist of scholarship opportunitieson their website. To access thisresource, use QR Code here!

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Your recommender should be someone that you've worked with for awhile. A teacher, counselor, or advisor are all great options for recommendations. It would be helpful to get a recommender that specializes or is familiar with thefield you want to go into/the skill you want to highlight. For example: if you want to study Spanish in college, you should try to get yourSpanish teacher to write a letter of recommendation for you!Help your recommender get started by giving them your resume or a list of yourstrengths, skills, interests, and experience. If you're asking your teacher, counselor, or advisor from your high school, there's aspecial form for you to fill out to make writing easier for recommender. Find that formbelow:A letter of recommendation is a letter of support for a specific person based on theirqualifications and traits. It's a document designed to add extra weight and merit to ajob or college application, and you might need to ask for a few to apply to scholarshipsand club officer positions as well. But how do you ask for a letter of recommendation?Here's a few tips: LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATIONJULIE CHEN & KELSEY BORLANDP A G E 1 5 LETTER OFRECOMMENDATIONAPPLICATION

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COLLABORATORS BY ORDER OF LAST NAME Wendy Barajas Avalos Kelsey Borland Julie Chen Emelia Kelley Erin Merritt Judah Pazier Alan Rodriguez Arreola Hunter Schulz Margaret Seaney Emily Sandoval

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