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AGPS 1: What If God Does Not Bel

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My name is James Niyomugabo, I love expressing my thoughts and ideasthrough writing and poetry because I believe it has a certain element thatallows freer freedom. My style is one that has the power to evoke thoughtand spark ideas even when I read it myself. I was born a refugee and grewup in a refugee camp, and the hardships of my childhood life forced me tostart thinking deeper at a young age. Another thing that adds to mydiversified thought is continual migration and movement.From Tanzania to Malawi to South Africa to Canada over a span of just5years.This multinationalism has enriched the poetry I write with a variationthat has multidimensionality capable of encapsulating life's major themes.Change is the most conspicuous, change from one form of life and culture toa different one and the need to acclimatize, this accounts for the nature ofJamonieahn poetry as it often constitutes of challenging poetry which asksthe reader or audience to make informed choices to unlearn what theylearned for them to learn. Life and death, love and hate, success, religioneducation politics are some of the major themes. Basically, I speak abouteverything about everything.I will be releasing an Anthology one by one until we exhaust all 10 of them,each containing 10+ poems.Apples of gold in pictures of silver is based on Proverbs 26, which says "aword fitly spoken is like apples of gold I picture of silver". I hope that thisfirst series will build your anticipation for the other nine anthologies. Words inover 100 poems that will be a word fitly spoken, word rightly spoken,wordpowerfully was spoken that will lead upi closer to the WORD, ENJOY!

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The Love of God

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History cannot tell itGeography cannot map itDrama can’t dramatize it And IT cannot design it Psychology cannot understand itArt can’t portray itPhilosophy can’t explain itAnd school cannot teach it Code cannot code it Every code love decodes it Robots cannot replace it And AI cannot overtake it Money cannot buy it Gas cannot drive it Stores don’t sell it So People cannot shop it Religion can't define it Politics cant govern it Secret societies cannot hide And Science cannot prove itNouns cannot name itPronouns can’t replace itAdjectives can’t describe itAnd adverbs cannot add it

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Conjunctions can’t join itArticles cannot articulate it Prepositions cannot come before itAnd exclamations can’t exclaim it The Love of God you will never understand So high So deep The Love of God you will understand So wide So steep

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Super Star of Bethlehem

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For God so loved the world that he gavehis only begotten son that whosoeverbelieveth in him should not perish buthave everlasting life

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The Genius of Genesis

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God Does Not Exist

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Mess vs Messiah

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His Name Shall Be Called Jesus

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Do You Know Him?

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When I Consider His Creation

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Found My Beginning

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Can You See His Blood

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Chris vs Christ

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Genesis of Love

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Accept My Praise

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Peace Be Still

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How it Begun

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Three and Free

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Recite The Poem

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The Beginning of Beginning

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Where Wast Thou?

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Why Do You Exist?