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After the Storm Recovery Brochure

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w w w . r e a l l y g r e a t s i t e.comA H E A L I N GS A N C T U A R Y F O RY O U R R E C O V E R YMISSIONwww.aftert hes tormrecovery.c omhello@a fte rth estormrecovery .co m23300 B aja Ca lif ornia Sur, Mex ico (in Tod os San tos)AddressEmailWebsiteContact UsA private, personalized, and intimatemonth-long residential recoveryprogram that provides a safe spaceto slow down, breathe, and fullyfocus on healing from problematicdrug and alcohol use.DestinationRecoveryHeal the pain, shame, and stigmaaround addiction by creating a safespace to rediscover your inherentworth where you are genuinely seen,heard, and understood. An intensive therapeutic programgrounded in our 4C Framework™, in abeautiful, healing environment far fromthe triggers and demands of home.AT A GLANCEFind solace, support, and healing,surrounded by the natural beauty ofthis coastal oasis.

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We combine evidence-based therapeuticprogramming, community engagement, andwellness practices that empower individualsto reclaim their lives.Acknowledging the interplay betweensubstance use and trauma, our programaddresses usage behaviors, underlyingcauses, and what comes next.We maintain a 24-hour timetable designedto optimize conditions for recovery, thatsupports clients with consistent structureand around-the-clock care.A holistic approach to each client’s uniqueneeds, facilitated by certified professionals.Clinical Therapeutic CareMedical Care24-hour Client SupportHealth-based Meal PlansWellness practitionersWe are steadfast in our person-centeredbelief. Each individual is the expert onthemselves and all recovery journeys areunique. Wherever clients are at on their recoveryjourney, our inclusive program creates asafe space to explore deep healing.Comprehensive CareMeeting You Where You’re AtOUR PROGRAMTransition & AftercareProvides a space to address more private matters -personal traumas, struggles, and successes.Group ActivitiesIndividual Activities 4C FRAMEWORK™A practical and inclusive system that meetsyou wherever you are on your recoveryjourney.The bedrock of creating a safe space to ask:“How do I understand myself as I am, sothat I can choose how I want to change?”Robust programming prepares clients to sustaintheir learning and build support networks.PsychoEducation workshops demystify addiction,presenting new information and resources.Coping Skills & StrategiesCompassionCommunityConnectionConsistencyEncourages cohesion, community, and connection- includes therapy, education, supportcommunities, and more informal activites.

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We combine evidence-based therapeuticprogramming, community engagement, andwellness practices that empower individualsto reclaim their lives.Acknowledging the interplay betweensubstance use and trauma, our programaddresses usage behaviors, underlyingcauses, and what comes next.We maintain a 24-hour timetable designedto optimize conditions for recovery, thatsupports clients with consistent structureand around-the-clock care.A holistic approach to each client’s uniqueneeds, facilitated by certified professionals.Clinical Therapeutic CareMedical Care24-hour Client SupportHealth-based Meal PlansWellness practitionersWe are steadfast in our person-centeredbelief. Each individual is the expert onthemselves and all recovery journeys areunique. Wherever clients are at on their recoveryjourney, our inclusive program creates asafe space to explore deep healing.Comprehensive CareMeeting You Where You’re AtOUR PROGRAMTransition & AftercareProvides a space to address more private matters -personal traumas, struggles, and successes.Group ActivitiesIndividual Activities 4C FRAMEWORK™A practical and inclusive system that meetsyou wherever you are on your recoveryjourney.The bedrock of creating a safe space to ask:“How do I understand myself as I am, sothat I can choose how I want to change?”Robust programming prepares clients to sustaintheir learning and build support networks.PsychoEducation workshops demystify addiction,presenting new information and resources.Coping Skills & StrategiesCompassionCommunityConnectionConsistencyEncourages cohesion, community, and connection- includes therapy, education, supportcommunities, and more informal activites.

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We combine evidence-based therapeuticprogramming, community engagement, andwellness practices that empower individualsto reclaim their lives.Acknowledging the interplay betweensubstance use and trauma, our programaddresses usage behaviors, underlyingcauses, and what comes next.We maintain a 24-hour timetable designedto optimize conditions for recovery, thatsupports clients with consistent structureand around-the-clock care.A holistic approach to each client’s uniqueneeds, facilitated by certified professionals.Clinical Therapeutic CareMedical Care24-hour Client SupportHealth-based Meal PlansWellness practitionersWe are steadfast in our person-centeredbelief. Each individual is the expert onthemselves and all recovery journeys areunique. Wherever clients are at on their recoveryjourney, our inclusive program creates asafe space to explore deep healing.Comprehensive CareMeeting You Where You’re AtOUR PROGRAMTransition & AftercareProvides a space to address more private matters -personal traumas, struggles, and successes.Group ActivitiesIndividual Activities 4C FRAMEWORK™A practical and inclusive system that meetsyou wherever you are on your recoveryjourney.The bedrock of creating a safe space to ask:“How do I understand myself as I am, sothat I can choose how I want to change?”Robust programming prepares clients to sustaintheir learning and build support networks.PsychoEducation workshops demystify addiction,presenting new information and resources.Coping Skills & StrategiesCompassionCommunityConnectionConsistencyEncourages cohesion, community, and connection- includes therapy, education, supportcommunities, and more informal activites.

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w w w . r e a l l y g r e a t s i t e.comA H E A L I N GS A N C T U A R Y F O RY O U R R E C O V E R YMISSIONwww.aftert hes tormrecovery.c omhello@a fte rth estormrecovery .co m23300 B aja Ca lif ornia Sur, Mex ico (in Tod os San tos)AddressEmailWebsiteContact UsA private, personalized, and intimatemonth-long residential recoveryprogram that provides a safe spaceto slow down, breathe, and fullyfocus on healing from problematicdrug and alcohol use.DestinationRecoveryHeal the pain, shame, and stigmaaround addiction by creating a safespace to rediscover your inherentworth where you are genuinely seen,heard, and understood. An intensive therapeutic programgrounded in our 4C Framework™, in abeautiful, healing environment far fromthe triggers and demands of home.AT A GLANCEFind solace, support, and healing,surrounded by the natural beauty ofthis coastal oasis.

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w w w . r e a l l y g r e a t s i t e.comA H E A L I N GS A N C T U A R Y F O RY O U R R E C O V E R YMISSIONwww.aftert hes tormrecovery.c omhello@a fte rth estormrecovery .co m23300 B aja Ca lif ornia Sur, Mex ico (in Tod os San tos)AddressEmailWebsiteContact UsA private, personalized, and intimatemonth-long residential recoveryprogram that provides a safe spaceto slow down, breathe, and fullyfocus on healing from problematicdrug and alcohol use.DestinationRecoveryHeal the pain, shame, and stigmaaround addiction by creating a safespace to rediscover your inherentworth where you are genuinely seen,heard, and understood. An intensive therapeutic programgrounded in our 4C Framework™, in abeautiful, healing environment far fromthe triggers and demands of home.AT A GLANCEFind solace, support, and healing,surrounded by the natural beauty ofthis coastal oasis.