FAC T SHEET Page 1 ARTIFEX A LTERNATIVE HEDGE PORTFOLIO MODEL FOLI O D ES CRI PT IO N F OLIO F ACTS Inception Date OBJ ECTI VE Net Assets Minimum Investment DE S CRI P TI O N Number of Holdings Dividend Yield AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURNS BE NCH MARK Period AFG Model AFG Alternative Benchmark 1 Year COM P ETETI VE A D V A N T A G E S Core holding Inception Low turnover CUM UL ATIVE TOTAL RE TU RNS Special situations Period AFG Model AFG Alternative Benchmark Inception P ORT F O LI O MAN A G E R YE AR B Y YE AR RE TURN S ABOU T ARTI FEX Period AFG Model Artifex Financial Group founded in 2007 by Doug Kinsey and Darren Harp advises individuals households corporate pension plans and investment management AFG Alternative Benchmark 2012 investors by providing thoroughly researched common sense portfolios for the long 2011 2010 GROWTH OF 100 000 VS BENCHMARK AFG Model AFG Alternative Benchmark ARTIFEX ALTERNATIVE HEDGE PORTFOLIO MODEL Artifex Folios Durable Investment Portfolios Customized to Your Goals
FAC T SHEET Page 2 ARTIFEX A LTERNATIVE HEDGE PORTFOLIO MODEL MARK ET CAP I TA LIZ A T IO N Size PO RTF OL IO STATISTICS Market Size Percent AFG Model Alpha Large Cap Small Cap Correlation TOP 10 H O LDI NG S Symbol Holding Percent Standard Deviation M ARKE T SE CTO RS AFG Model Consumer Discretionary AGX Consumer Staples Global X Funds Financials ProShares Large Cap Core Plus Health Care Industrials ARTI F EX P O R TF O LIO M O D E LS GRO WT H I NC O M E G R OW T H Cash F OR M ORE IN F ORM ATION Artifex Financial Group INC O M E A G G R E S S I V E GRO WTH ARTIFEX ALTERNATIVE HEDGE PORTFOLIO MODEL Artifex Folios Durable Investment Portfolios Customized to Your Goals
FAC T SHEET All data as of December 31 2013 Page 1 ARTIFEX C LOUD 9 MODEL FOLI O D ES CRI PT IO N F OLIO F ACTS 1 12 2010 Inception Date OBJ ECTI VE Net Assets Minimum Investment DE S CRI P TI O N Number of Holdings 10 Dividend Yield that this is a sustainable theme and trend and that we can identify businesses AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURNS NIN E BES T I D E A S Period AFG Model S P 500 Index 1 Year 3 Years W H Y CLO U D CO M P U T IN G Inception Security Businesses and individuals have gravitated toward centralized CUM UL ATIVE TOTAL RE TU RNS Cost Period Flexibility AFG Model S P 500 Index 3 Years Inception P ORT F O LI O MAN A G E R YE AR B Y YE AR RE TURN S Period ABOU T ARTI FEX Artifex Financial Group founded in 2007 by Doug Kinsey and Darren Harp advises individuals households corporate pension plans and investment management AFG Model S P 500 Index 2013 2012 2011 investors by providing thoroughly researched common sense portfolios for the long 2010 G RO WTH O F 100 000 VS S P 5 00 AFG Model S P 500 Index 1 12 2010 ARTIFEX CLOUD 9 MODEL Artifex Folios Durable Investment Portfolios Customized to Your Goals FAC T SHEET All data as of December 31 2013 Page 1 ARTIFEX C LOUD 9 MODEL FOLI O D ES CRI PT IO N F OLIO F ACTS 1 12 2010 Inception Date OBJ ECTI VE Net Assets Minimum Investment DE S CRI P TI O N Number of Holdings 10 Dividend Yield that this is a sustainable theme and trend and that we can identify businesses AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURNS NIN E BES T I D E A S Period AFG Model S P 500 Index 1 Year 3 Years W H Y CLO U D CO M P U T IN G Security Businesses and individuals have gravitated toward centralized CUM UL ATIVE TOTAL RE TU RNS Cost Period Flexibility AFG Model S P 500 Index 3 Years P ORT F O LI O MAN A G E R YE AR B Y YE AR RE TURN S Period ABOU T ARTI FEX Artifex Financial Group founded in 2007 by Doug Kinsey and Darren Harp advises individuals households corporate pension plans and investment management AFG Model S P 500 Index 2013 2012 2011 investors by providing thoroughly researched common sense portfolios for the long G RO WTH O F 100 000 VS S P 5 00 AFG Model S P 500 Index ARTIFEX CLOUD 9 MODEL Artifex Folios Durable Investment Portfolios Customized to Your Goals
FAC T SHEET All data as of December 31 2013 Page 2 ARTIFEX C LOUD 9 MODEL MARK ET CAP I TA LIZ A T IO N Size PO RTF OL IO STATISTICS Market Size Percent AFG Model Alpha 10 100 Billion Beta 2 10 Billion Small Cap Correlation RE P RES ENTATI V E HO L D IN G S Symbol Holding Percent Google Inc Standard Deviation M ARKE T SE CTO RS AFG Model Consumer Discretionary Apple Inc Consumer Staples ARTI F EX P O R TF O LIO M O D E LS GRO WT H I NC O M E G R OW T H Energy Financials Health Care Industrials INC O M E A G G R E S S I V E GRO WTH Utilities F OR M ORE IN F ORM ATION Artifex Financial Group ARTIFEX CLOUD 9 MODEL Artifex Folios Durable Investment Portfolios Customized to Your Goals FAC T SHEET All data as of December 31 2013 Page 2 ARTIFEX C LOUD 9 MODEL MARK ET CAP I TA LIZ A T IO N Size PO RTF OL IO STATISTICS Market Size Percent AFG Model Alpha 10 100 Billion Beta 2 10 Billion Small Cap Correlation RE P RES ENTATI V E HO L D IN G S Symbol Holding Percent Google Inc Standard Deviation M ARKE T SE CTO RS AFG Model Consumer Discretionary Apple Inc Consumer Staples ARTI F EX P O R TF O LIO M O D E LS GRO WT H I NC O M E G R OW T H Energy Financials Health Care Industrials INC O M E A G G R E S S I V E GRO WTH Utilities F OR M ORE IN F ORM ATION Artifex Financial Group ARTIFEX CLOUD 9 MODEL Artifex Folios Durable Investment Portfolios Customized to Your Goals
FAC T SHEET All data as of December 31 2013 Page 1 ARTIFEX PRUDENT HIGH YIELD EQUITY MODEL FOLI O D ES CRI PT IO N F OLIO F ACTS 1 17 2013 Inception Date OBJ ECTI VE Net Assets Minimum Investment DE S CRI P TI O N 18 Number of Holdings Dividend Yield LEA D I N G CO MPAN IES AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURNS COM P ETI TI VE A D V A N T A G E S Period AFG Model 10 Year U S Treasury Index NA NA High current yield Inception Disciplined stock selection A unique niche advantaged publicly traded limited partnerships in the search for current CUMULATIVE TOTAL RETURNS Period AFG Model 10 Year U S Treasury Index Inception P ORT F O LI O MAN A G E R YEAR BY YEAR RETURNS ABOU T ARTI FEX Artifex Financial Group founded in 2007 by Doug Kinsey and Darren Harp advises individuals households corporate pension plans and investment management Period AFG Model 10 Year U S Treasury Index Inception investors by providing thoroughly researched common sense portfolios for the long GROWTH OF 100 000 VS 10 YEAR U S TREASURY INDEX Period AFG Model 10 Year U S Treasury Index Inception 116 770 102 180 ARTIFEX PRUDENT HIGH YIELD EQUITY MODEL Artifex Folios Durable Investment Portfolios Customized to Your Goals
FAC T SHEET All data as of December 31 2013 Page 2 ARTIFEX PRUDENT HIGH YIELD EQUITY MODEL MARK ET CAP I TA LIZ A T IO N Size Market Size Large Cap PO RTF OL IO STATISTICS Percent 10 100 Billion AFG Model Alpha Beta Small Cap N A N A Nano Cap Correlation TOP 10 H O LDI NG S Symbol Holding Percent Standard Deviation M ARKE T SE CTO RS AFG Model Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples CNSL Consolidated Communications Holdings Fidus Investment Corp GLP Financials Global Partners LP Health Care ABOU T ARTI FEX Holdings LLC NSH NuStar GP Industrials ARTI F EX P O R TF O LIO M O D E LS GRO WT H I NC O M E G R OW T H INC O M E A G G R E S S I V E GRO WTH Cash F OR M ORE IN F ORM ATION Artifex Financial Group ARTIFEX PRUDENT HIGH YIELD EQUITY MODEL Artifex Folios Durable Investment Portfolios Customized to Your Goals
FAC T SHEET All data as of December 31 2013 Page 1 ARTIFEX LARGE CAP CORE EQUITIES MODEL FOLI O D ES CRI PT IO N F OLIO F ACTS 10 27 2008 Inception Date OBJ ECTI VE Net Assets Minimum Investment DE S CRI P TI O N Number of Holdings 32 Dividend Yield LEA D I N G CO MPAN IES AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURNS Period COM P ETETI VE A D V A N T A G E S AFG Model S P 500 Index 1 Year Core holding 3 Years Low turnover High conviction to be in the portfolio the best of the best with the highest earnings per CUM UL ATIVE TOTAL RE TU RNS Period AFG Model S P 500 Index 3 Years P ORT F O LI O MAN A G E R ABOU T ARTI FEX YE AR B Y YE AR RE TURN S Artifex Financial Group founded in 2007 by Doug Kinsey and Darren Harp advises individuals households corporate pension plans and investment management Period AFG Model S P 500 Index 2013 investors by providing thoroughly researched common sense portfolios for the long 2012 2011 2010 GROWTH OF 100 000 VS S P 500 INDEX AFG Model S P 500 Index 217 730 ARTIFEX LARGE CAP CORE EQUITIES MODEL Artifex Folios Durable Investment Portfolios Customized to Your Goals
FAC T SHEET All data as of December 31 2013 Page 2 ARTIFEX LARGE CAP CORE EQUITIES MODEL MARK ET CAP I TA LIZ A T IO N Size PO RTF OL IO STATISTICS Market Size Percent AFG Model Alpha 10 100 Billion Beta 2 10 Billion Small Cap Correlation TOP 10 H O LDI NG S Symbol Holding Percent Standard Deviation M ARKE T SE CTO RS Harmon International Industries JNJ Consumer Discretionary Celgene Corporation BFB AFG Model Consumer Staples Brown Forman Corporation Financials Health Care CBI Industrials Southwest Airlines ARTI F EX P O R TF O LIO M O D E LS GRO WT H I NC O M E G R OW T H Cash F OR M ORE IN F ORM ATION Artifex Financial Group INC O M E A G G R E S S I V E GRO WTH ARTIFEX LARGE CAP CORE EQUITIES MODEL Artifex Folios Durable Investment Portfolios Customized to Your Goals
FAC T SHEET All data as of December 31 2013 Page 1 ARTIFEX EQUITY INCOME MODEL FOLI O D ES CRI PT IO N F OLIO F ACTS Inception Date 4 22 2009 Net Assets OBJ ECTI VE 9 447 644 Minimum Investment DE S CRI P TI O N Number of Holdings Dividend Yield LEA D I N G CO MPAN IES AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURNS Period COM P ETI TI VE A D V A N T A G E S AFG Model S P 500 Index 1 Year A core holding 3 Years Low turnover CUM UL ATIVE TOTAL RE TU RNS Disciplined stock selection Period AFG Model S P 500 Index 3 Years P ORT F O LI O MAN A G E R YE AR B Y YE AR RE TURN S ABOU T ARTI FEX Artifex Financial Group founded in 2007 by Doug Kinsey and Darren Harp advises individuals households corporate pension plans and investment management Period AFG Model S P 500 Index 2013 2012 investors by providing thoroughly researched common sense portfolios for the long2011 2010 GROWTH OF 100 000 VS S P 500 INDEX AFG Model S P 500 Index 261 170 ARTIFEX EQUITY INCOME MODEL Artifex Folios Durable Investment Portfolios Customized to Your Goals
FAC T SHEET All data as of December 31 2013 Page 2 ARTIFEX EQUITY INCOME MODEL MARK ET CAP I TA LIZ A T IO N Size PO RTF OL IO STATISTICS Market Size Percent AFG Model Alpha Large Cap 10 100 Billion Beta 2 10 Billion Small Cap Correlation TOP 10 H O LDI NG S Symbol Holding Percent Vodaphone Group Plc Standard Deviation M ARKE T SE CTO RS CCC PNC AFG Model PNC Financial Services Group Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Financials ConocoPhillips PDL Health Care JNJ Industrials ARTI F EX P O R TF O LIO M O D E LS GRO WT H I NC O M E Utilities G R OW T H F OR M ORE IN F ORM ATION Artifex Financial Group INCOME A G G R E S S I V E GRO WTH ARTIFEX EQUITY INCOME MODEL Artifex Folios Durable Investment Portfolios Customized to Your Goals
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