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AFAC24 Digital Exhibition Guide

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WELCOMEOn behalf of my colleagues in NSW and ACT, we are proud to host AFAC24 powered by INTERSCHUTZ. The committees have focused on developing a conference program that demonstrates the rigorous knowledge, passion and practice across the emergency management sector. The theme of this year’s conference is Embracing innovation and disruption: designing the future for our sector. This theme has helped shape a stimulating program, beginning with our AFAC Research and Innovation Day and expanding to seven concurrent streams on days two and three. The conference will explore the importance of implementing new ideas and technologies to help shape the emergency management sector and reduce the increasingly complex disaster risks now and in the future. On the 30th anniversary of the AFAC Conference and Exhibition, we are pleased to present a strong program, which complements inspiring keynote and invited speakers. We look forward to welcoming you to Sydney to share knowledge, build relationships and discuss the ways we can strengthen the future of the emergency management sector. Jeremy Fewtrell AFSM Commissioner, Fire and Rescue NSW / Chair, AFAC24 Steering CommitteeRob Webb CEO, AFACTim Bostridge Managing Director, Australia, Deutsche MesseThank you for joining us at AFAC24 powered by INTERSCHUTZ. Now in its 30th year, we look forward to bringing the Australasian emergency management sector together to celebrate this milestone event, and collaborate, network, share ideas, and gain understanding from the global community. Continuing our partnership with Deutsche Messe, we are proud to present this year’s comprehensive conference program. We are once again pleased to oer the Australian Disaster Resilience Conference and the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) Australia National Conference as concurrent streams of AFAC24, expanding our program for the sector and bringing unique interests and knowledge together in one place. The Professional Development Program will provide an opportunity for networking and hands-on learning through workshops and eld trips. And the ever-popular and impressive INTERSCHUTZ exhibition will showcase the latest technology, equipment and innovation from around the world. The expansive AFAC24 oering reects our growing and diversifying sector. I encourage you to explore broadly, seek new knowledge and share your own. Thank you for being a part of AFAC24, Australasia’s largest and most comprehensive emergency management conference and exhibition. We are delighted to welcome you to the AFAC24 Conference and Exhibition powered by INTERSCHUTZ. Delivered in partnership with AFAC we are proud to be part of this great event in its 30th year. It is fantastic to be back in Sydney for the rst time since 2017, and we would like to thank our sponsors, speakers, partners, exhibitors, committee members, the team and of course this year’s host agencies who have been a driving force behind bringing the industry together here in NSW this year. AFAC24 powered by INTERSCHUTZ brings Australasia’s most comprehensive emergency management and rst responders’ exhibition to life. Explore the latest equipment, technologies, and services, and take advantage of live demonstrations and informative sessions in the Solutions Theatre. Be sure to visit the AIDR Knowledge Centre to engage with industry research, meet the speakers, and vote for the best project poster. We are condent that your time at AFAC24 will be both insightful and impactful. Thank you all for giving up your time to join us this week, and I wish you all the best for a valuable experience that adds value to the great work that you do for our community.

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AFAC24 PROGRAMCONTENTSClick to go directly to each section➜THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS AND HOST AGENCIES➜LIVE DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM➜PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM➜SOLUTIONS THEATRE PROGRAM➜AFAC EXHIBITOR LOYALTY REWARDS ➜LIST OF EXHIBITORS AND COMPANY DESCRIPTIONS ➜NRMA RESILIENCE LANE➜EXHIBITION FLOOR PLAN ➜LIST OF EXHIBITORS AND STAND NUMBERS MONDAY 2 SEP8.00am Professional Development Program 1.00pm Exhibitor Registration TUESDAY 3 SEP7.30am | Registration Opens 9.00am | Conference Open 1.00pm Exhibition Opens – Halls 5–7 2.00pm Solutions Theatre Commences 5.15pm AFAC24 Welcome & Awards 6.00pm Welcome Function – Halls 5–7 Sponsored by ISUZU WEDNESDAY 4 SEP7.30am | Registration Opens 8.30am | Conference Open 9.00am Exhibition Opens – Halls 5–7 9.30am Solutions Theatre Commences 6.30pm AFAC24 Gala Dinner Grand Ballroom Sponsored by Public Training Safety Response Group THURSDAY 5 SEP8.00am Registration Opens 8.30am Conference Open 9.00am Exhibition Opens – Halls 5–7 9.55am Solutions Theatre Commences FRIDAY 6 SEP7.00am Professional Development Program WHAT’S ON AT AFAC24?AUSTRALIAN DISASTER RESILIENCE CONFERENCESTREAMS 6 & 7 ADRCAFAC CONFERENCESTREAMS 1– 4 AFACINSTITUTE OF FIRE ENGINEERS CONFERENCESTREAM 5 IFESTREAM 1 | (PLENARY) DARLING HARBOUR THEATRESTREAM 2 | ROOM C4.1STREAM 3 | ROOM C4.4INNOVATION STREAM | ROOM C4.5STREAM 1 | (PLENARY) DARLING HARBOUR THEATRESTREAM 2 | ROOM C4.1STREAM 3 | ROOM C4.4STREAM 4 | ROOM C4.9 & C4.10STREAM 5 | ROOM C4.1STREAM 6 | ROOM C4.4STREAM 7 | ROOM C4.5KEY TO STREAMS:

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THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS AND HOST AGENCIESAFAC24 SPONSORSConference Delegate Satchel SponsorAIDR Knowledge Centre SponsorLanyard SponsorWelcome Function SponsorCafé Naming SponsorResilience Lane Partner SponsorIndustry Partner Sponsor and AFAC24 Gala Dinner SponsorIndustry Research Partner PARKS AND CONSERVATION SERVICEACTAFAC24 HOST AGENCIES

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THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS AND HOST AGENCIESMEDIA PARTNERSAUSTRALIAN DISASTER RESILIENCE CONFERENCE 2024 SPONSORSIFE24 SPONSORSPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SUPPORTERSEMSINA PDP SponsorAustralia Brancha DTN companyConference Delegate Lanyard SponsorIFE24 Conference Delegate Satchel SponsorIFE24 President’s Dinner SponsorIFE24 Conference Delegate Lanyard SponsorKnowledge Stream SponsorIndustry Partner SponsorSupporting Partner Sponsor

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LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS 10.00am – 10.30am Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital Live Demonstration of ‘MATILDA’, Australia’s only Mobile Wildlife Hospital. The hospital will demonstrate its emergency response capacity to provide immediate triage, treatment, and care on location for native animals impacted in natural disasters such as bush res,  oods mass strandings and disease outbreaks. Delegates will see the truck transformed from an on-road vehicle to a spacious, fully equipped and sta ed veterinary hospital custom-built inside an energy e cient 22-wheel semi-trailer. 10.30am – 11.00am FotoKite The Fotokite Sigma Roof Top Box mounted on PSTR Groups Dodge RAM mobile support and command centre is launched with a single button to a maximum height of 45 metres can stay aloft inde nitely providing real time situational awareness live streaming real time imagery to local, networked and remote command centres. FotoKite will be launched from the vehicle mounted Roof Top Box and imagery streamed to AFAC24 attendees. DAY 2 | Wednesday 4 SeptAdditional session times: Wednesday 3.00pm – 3.30pm Thursday 1.30pm – 2.00pm Additional session times: Wednesday 2.00pm – 2.30pm Wednesday 2.00pm – 2.30pm Thursday 10.30am – 11.00am 10.00 – 10.30am Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital 10.30 – 11.00am FotoKite 11.00 – 11.30am Hurtec 11.30 – 12.00pm HoseRoller 12.00 – 12.30pm Alexander Perrie & Co 12.30 – 1.00pm CareCompany 1.00 – 1.30pm Global Fire Solutions 1.30 – 2.00pm ARO Crash Scene Extrication 2.00 – 2.30pm FotoKite 2.30 – 3.00pm Hurtec 3.00 – 3.30pm Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital 3.30 – 4.00pm Alexander Perrie & Co WEDNESDAY DEMONSTRATIONS – AT-A-GLANCE

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LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS 11.00am – 11.30am Hurtec Hurtech Systems is demonstrating the capabilities of the incredibly powerful Hurtec Power Slip-On, an all-electric " re" ghting pump. This unique pump is controlled by automated software that makes operating safe, reliable, and highly e cient. DAY 2 | Wednesday 4 SeptAdditional session times: Wednesday 2.30pm – 3.00pm Thursday 10.30am – 10.30am 11.30am – 12.00pm HoseRoller The Operational Fire Safe Roll is a lay $at hose roller designed by Operational Fire" ghters in South Australia. It allows a single operator to roll all styles of lay $at hose from 25mm to 70mm. It maintains the operator’s situational awareness and reduces the need to touch the hose therefore decreasing exposure to dangerous contaminants. It can be exclusively found at the Chubb Fire and Security stand. Stand Number 458.Additional session times: Thursday 12.00pm – 12.30pm 12.00pm – 12.30pm Alexander Perrie & Co Experience the exceptional performance and user-friendliness of Fire$ y’s Portable pump range. Join our live demonstration to see the MFP275P and MFP800P models in action. Witness their impressive priming speeds and powerful outputs exceeding 800LPM with both Fire$y Quadrajet and NXT200 nozzles, showcasing both high and normal pressure capabilities.Additional session times: Wednesday 3.30pm – 4.00pm Thursday 11.00am – 11.30am The AFAC24 Live Demonstration Program is proudly supported by

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LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS 12.30pm – 1.00pm CareCompany Live demonstration of a LANCO rapid response in atable tent and a chemical decontamination shower tent system. These low pressure self-erecting structures require no special training to in ate and ready to use in a matter of a few minutes. is LANCO’s sole distribution partner in the Paci! c region. Key clients include the ANSTO nuclear facility in Sydney, SES NSW, INPEX, Ambulance Tasmania and Ambulance Victoria. Come and ask any questions you may have on how LANCO structures can help your operational capabilities. 1.00pm – 1.30pm Global Fire Solutions Global Fire Solutions will be exhibiting the next step in GREEN ! re! ghting technology – an electric driven ! re! ghting pump. The demonstration will show a compact Li-Ion battery driven high performance Darley pump. Visitors will be able to experience the  ow and pressure performance, ask questions and interact with our professional sales team. The unit on display is speci! cally aimed at the bush ! re market for quick attack vehicle applications.Additional session times: Thursday 12.30pm – 1.00pm Additional session times: Thursday 11.30am – 12.00pm DAY 2 | Wednesday 4 Sept

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LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS DAY 2 | Wednesday 4 Sept 1.30pm – 2.00pm ARO Crash Scene Extrication The Australasian Rescue Organisation (ARO) Road Crash Rescue (RCR) demonstration will feature a Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) General Land Rescue (GLR) Unit performing a rescue of a casualty entrapped within a vehicle. The en-trapment is created by the compression of the bodywork around the casualty which in this case is simulated by the collision of the vehicle into a standing object, a power pole. To perform the rescue in a timely manner, the team must winch the car sideways, clear of the pole so the rescue work (disentanglement and extrication) can be undertaken. The team will demonstrate safe and e ective winching techniques. The casualty will be a dummy or have a dummy arm, this arm will be trapped by compression between the B Post and the seat. The rescue team will release the entrapment, create an egress path and remove the casualty. During the demonstration, ARO and FRNSW will provide a commentary as to the objectives and tactics being de-ployed by the crew.Additional session times: Thursday 1.00pm – 1.30pm 2.00pm – 2.30pm FotoKite The Fotokite Sigma Roof Top Box mounted on PSTR Groups Dodge RAM mobile support and command centre is launched with a single button to a maximum height of 45 metres can stay aloft inde nitely providing real time situational awareness live streaming real time imagery to local, networked and remote command centres. FotoKite will be launched from the vehicle mounted Roof Top Box and imagery streamed to AFAC24 attendees. Additional session times: Wednesday 10.30am – 11.00am Thursday 10.30am – 11.00am Thursday 2.00pm – 2.30pm

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LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS DAY 2 | Wednesday 4 Sept 2.30pm – 3.00pm Hurtec Hurtech Systems is demonstrating the capabilities of the incredibly powerful Hurtec Power Slip-On, an all-electric  re ghting pump. This unique pump is controlled by automated software that makes operating safe, reliable, and highly e cient. 3.00pm – 3.30pm Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital Live Demonstration of ‘MATILDA’, Australia’s only Mobile Wildlife Hospital. The hospital will demonstrate its emergency response capacity to provide immediate triage, treatment, and care on location for native animals impacted in natural disasters such as bush res,  oods mass strandings and disease outbreaks. Delegates will see the truck transformed from an on-road vehicle to a spacious, fully equipped and sta ed veterinary hospital custom-built inside an energy e cient 22-wheel semi-trailer. 3.30pm – 4.00pm Alexander Perrie & Co Experience the exceptional performance and user-friendliness of Fire y’s Portable pump range. Join our live demonstration to see the MFP275P and MFP800P models in action. Witness their impressive priming speeds and powerful outputs exceeding 800LPM with both Fire y Quadrajet and NXT200 nozzles, showcasing both high and normal pressure capabilities.Additional session times: Wednesday 10.00am – 10.30am Thursday 1.30pm – 2.00pm Additional session times: Wednesday 11.00am – 11.30am Thursday 10.30am – 10.30am Additional session times: Wednesday 12.00pm –12.30pm Thursday 11.00am – 11.30am

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LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS DAY 3 | Thursday 5 Sept 10.00am – 10.30am Hurtec Hurtech Systems is demonstrating the capabilities of the incredibly powerful Hurtec Power Slip-On, an all-electric  re ghting pump. This unique pump is controlled by automated software that makes operating safe, reliable, and highly e cient.Additional session times: Wednesday 11.00am – 11.30am Wednesday 2.30pm – 3.30pm 10.00 – 10.30am Hurtec 10.30 – 11.00am FotoKite 11.00 – 11.30am Alexander Perrie & Co 11.30 – 12.00pm CareCompany 12.00 – 12.30pm HoseRoller 12.30 – 1.00pm Global Fire Solutions 1.00 – 1.30pm ARO Crash Scene Extrication 1.30 – 2.00pm Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital 2.00 – 2.30pm FotoKite THURSDAY DEMONSTRATIONS – AT-A-GLANCE 10.30am – 11.00am FotoKite The Fotokite Sigma Roof Top Box mounted on PSTR Groups Dodge RAM mobile support and command centre is launched with a single button to a maximum height of 45 metres can stay aloft inde nitely providing real time situational awareness live streaming real time imagery to local, networked and remote command centres. FotoKite will be launched from the vehicle mounted Roof Top Box and imagery streamed to AFAC24 attendees. Additional session times: Wednesday 10.30am – 11.00am Wednesday 2.00pm – 2.30pm Thursday 2.00pm – 2.30pm

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LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS DAY 3 | Thursday 5 Sept 12.00pm – 12.30pm HoseRoller The Operational Fire Safe Roll is a lay #at hose roller designed by Operational Fire) ghters in South Australia. It allows a single operator to roll all styles of lay #at hose from 25mm to 70mm. It maintains the operator’s situational awareness and reduces the need to touch the hose therefore decreasing exposure to dangerous contaminants. It can be exclusively found at the Chubb Fire and Security stand – Stand 458. 12.30pm – 1.00pm Global Fire Solutions Global Fire Solutions will be exhibiting the next step in GREEN ) re) ghting technology – an electric driven ) re) ghting pump. The demonstration will show a compact Li-Ion battery driven high performance Darley pump. Visitors will be able to experience the #ow and pressure performance, ask questions and interact with our professional sales team. The unit on display is speci) cally aimed at the bush ) re market for quick attack vehicle applications.Additional session times: Wednesday 11.30am – 12.00pm Additional session times: Wednesday 1.00pm – 1.30pm 11.30am – 12.00pm CareCompany Live demonstration of a LANCO rapid response in# atable tent and a chemical decontamination shower tent system. These low pressure self-erecting structures require no special training to in#ate and ready to use in a matter of a few minutes. is LANCO’s sole distribution partner in the Paci) c region. Key clients include the ANSTO nuclear facility in Sydney, SES NSW, INPEX, Ambulance Tasmania and Ambulance Victoria. Come and ask any questions you may have on how LANCO structures can help your operational capabilities.Additional session times: Wednesday 12.30pm – 1.00pm 11.00am – 11.30am Alexander Perrie & Co Experience the exceptional performance and user-friendliness of Fire# y’s Portable pump range. Join our live demonstration to see the MFP275P and MFP800P models in action. Witness their impressive priming speeds and powerful outputs exceeding 800LPM with both Fire#y Quadrajet and NXT200 nozzles, showcasing both high and normal pressure capabilities.Additional session times: Wednesday 12.00pm – 12.30pm Wednesday 3.00pm – 4.00pm

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LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS DAY 3 | Thursday 5 Sept 1.00pm – 1.30pm ARO Crash Scene Extrication The Australasian Rescue Organisation (ARO) Road Crash Rescue (RCR) demonstration will feature a Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) General Land Rescue (GLR) Unit performing a rescue of a casualty entrapped within a vehicle. The entrapment is created by the compression of the bodywork around the casualty which in this case is simulated by the collision of the vehicle into a standing object, a power pole. To perform the rescue in a timely manner, the team must winch the car sideways, clear of the pole so the rescue work (disentanglement and extrication) can be undertaken. The team will demonstrate safe and e ective winching techniques. The casualty will be a dummy or have a dummy arm, this arm will be trapped by compression between the B Post and the seat. The rescue team will release the entrapment, create an egress path and remove the casualty. During the demonstration, ARO and FRNSW will provide a commentary as to the objectives and tactics being deployed by the crew. 1.30pm – 2.00pm Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital Live Demonstration of ‘MATILDA’, Australia’s only Mobile Wildlife Hospital. The hospital will demonstrate its emergency response capacity to provide immediate triage, treatment, and care on location for native animals impacted in natural disasters such as bush res,  oods mass strandings and disease outbreaks. Delegates will see the truck transformed from an on-road vehicle to a spacious, fully equipped and sta ed veterinary hospital custom-built inside an energy e cient 22-wheel semi-trailer. 2.00pm – 2.30pm FotoKite The Fotokite Sigma Roof Top Box mounted on PSTR Groups Dodge RAM mobile support and command centre is launched with a single button to a maximum height of 45 metres can stay aloft inde nitely providing real time situational awareness live streaming real time imagery to local, networked and remote command centres. FotoKite will be launched from the vehicle mounted Roof Top Box and imagery streamed to AFAC24 attendees. Additional session times: Wednesday 3.00pm – 3.30pm Thursday 1.30pm – 2.00pm Additional session times: Wednesday 1.30pm – 2.00pm Additional session times: Wednesday 10.30am – 11.00am Wednesday 2.00pm – 2.30pm Thursday 10.30am – 11.00am

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PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMAdvancing UAV technology in surveillance and data gathering operations 8.30am – 2.35pm (AEST) Come join us for an up-close look at the AUAVS Remote Operations Centre, where we’ll be unveiling the capabilities of the AUAVS Drone in a Box (DIAB) system. This in-person demo day is a unique opportunity to witness live DIAB operations, showcasing the innovation and e ectiveness of our technology in search and rescue scenarios. Discover  rsthand how AUAVS is revolutionising UAV applications for Surf Life Saving NSW and our emergency service partners. $225 + GST per person Recovery to resilience: Resilient Villages field trip in the Blue Mountains 7.00am – 4.30pm (AEST) Join this  eld trip to learn more about resilience and recovery in the Blue Mountains through the Resilient Villages project. Visit a Resilient Villages project site – hear from community leaders, see local initiatives in action, and explore community-led resilience building. Resilient Villages is driven by community engagement from a grassroots level; and works with some of the communities who were worst hit by the 2019-20 bush res and  oods/ land-slips in the area. With the help of the project, they are driving their own journey of recovery, while at the same time building their communities’ resilience. Resilient Villages is a three-year pilot project funded through the Federal Government. More info: $225 + GST per person Monday 2 September | Field Trip Friday 6 September | Field Trip Friday 6 September | Field TripNSW SES flood rescue training and capability demonstration – including optional rafting experience 9.00am – 5.30pm (AEST) Participants will be provided an SME-guided overview of the delivery of a multiagency Flood Rescue Operator course, including facility operations, and demonstrations of  ood rescue training methodology and capabilities. The NSW SES will also have the latest  ood rescue vessels and high clearance vehicles on display – with SMEs on-hand. $225 + GST per person Optional in-water training experience: Participants will be provided the opportunity (optional) to participate in a 90 minute in-water training experience (rafting) at an additional cost of $160 per person. Please note that image is not indicative of the actual event.

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PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Friday 6 September | Workshop Friday 6 September | Field Trip Friday 6 September | WorkshopDesign to survive – fire engineering and command decisions that save lives 9.00am – 5.00pm (AEST) | ICC Sydney This workshop will examine the correlation between  re engineering principles in building design and incident command decisions made at a  re event. The workshop will bring senior level incident commanders and  re safety experts together to discuss the critical factors in building design and  re systems within a building to understand the impact they have on a  re’s behaviour within a structure and the  ow on e ect that this would have for an incident commander making operational decisions on scene. This will be complimented by experts in the decision-making process whilst under pressure. A key component of this workshop will be a simulated  re event narrated by an incident commander and  re engineer in tandem, examining the development of a  re and the in uence of di erent  re safety design features on the outcomes of the event. $350 + GST per person Australia BranchEMSINA presents – geospatial intelligence tools in emergency management 9.00am – 3.00pm (AEST) Through comprehensive presentations, lightning talks, and facilitated discussions, Emergency Management Spatial In-formation Network Australia (EMSINA) will showcase ex-amples of the utilisation and increasing demands of Geospatial intelligence technologies within emergency services organisations, local/state/federal governments, and those catering to public information needs. This professional development opportunity will feature presentations from emergency service organisations and government representatives from across Australia, as well as major vendors of location technologies. Attendees will learn about the latest applications and tools driving data-driven decision-making, current trends, com-mon national-scale directions, and most importantly, we will delve into what the future holds in meeting the grow-ing demand for geospatial in modern digital solutions. Free Sponsored byHawkesbury Nepean Valley flood impact tour 8.30am – 5.30pm (AEST) A  ood-expert-guided bus tour of the Hawkesbury Nepean Valley which poses the number one  ood-impact risk in NSW. Includes site-visits of key infrastructure and high-risk locations, and will be followed by an on-water tour of the river by  ood rescue boat. $225 + GST per person Please note that image is not indicative of the actual event.

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SOLUTIONS THEATREThe Solutions Theatre sessions will feature practical, 20-minute presentations aimed at the operational staff of emergency management organisations. Run by industry leaders, these sessions are open to all and will provide attendees with knowledge that can be used on the front line. Check out the Solutions Theatre program and speakers starting on the next page, or on the conference app. AIDR Knowledge Centre Centrally located in the exhibition halls 5, 6 & 7 is the AIDR Knowledge Centre featuring the popular Poster Display. The Poster display provides the industry an opportunity to view, read, and discuss an array of research and projects that are on display with researchers and the authors. Take the opportunity to place your Vote for the best project Poster. SOLUTIONS THEATRERob Keen Event Director AFAC24 powered by INTERSCHUTZIn the AFAC24 powered by INTERSCHUTZ Exhibition, from Tuesday 3 – Thursday 5 September, you can speak directly with over 220 exhibiting companies and organisations who can deliver or source products, services, and solutions for your best practice objectives, covering industry collaborative sectors for protecting life and property. It doesn’t stop with the physical products and equipment, the AFAC24 Solutions Theatre located in the Exhibition Halls, will deliver 31 Practical and educational 20-minute sessions, over the three days, providing take-away information to influence change, and they’re free to attend. Review the diverse range of topics and exhibitors on the following pages and enjoy your AFAC24 powered by INTERSCHUTZ experience.Also located adjacent to the AIDR Knowledge Centre is the Meet the Speaker lounge where you can meet and discuss topics with the conference speakers.

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SOLUTIONS THEATRE DAY 1 TUESDAY 3 SEPTEMBER 2.00 – 2.20pm RDR Network, Victoria University Systems Based Approaches for Innovation and Impact Systems based approaches and innovation are widely acknowledged as being a central aspect of ensuring the future viability and sustainability of communities and Emergency Management organisations. Developing and implementing these approaches requires generating new knowledge and ways of working and extensive collaboration across emergency management organisations, research, communities and industries. The Risk, Disaster and Resilience (RDR) Network at Victoria University is an initiative which brings together diverse areas of research from across Victoria University who collaborate with communities, governments, communities and industry to achieve real world outcomes that support safer communities and more effective outcomes for emergency service organisations. This presentation will outline how the RDR Network’s end user focused approach has enabled innovation and supported building capability in systems focused policy and practice. It will also provide examples of the types of real world impacts achieved through their work to date. Celeste Young Collaborative Research Fellow, Victoria University 2.50 – 3.10pm EV Fire Protection EV FirePro: Empowering Fire Brigades in the Age of Electric Vehicles Our presentation will delve into the innovative fire suppression system designed specifically for EVs. We’ll explore its operational details, highlighting how EV FirePro can play a vital role in supporting firefighters. We will also showcase the system’s diverse installation configurations within parking bays. Additionally, we’ll address key considerations for emergency services responding to incidents in carparks equipped with this system. 2.25 – 2.45pm Boylan Group Pty Ltd Pre Emption Technology – Controlled Intersections – Green Lights to Scene Emergency Vehicle Pre Emption – Controlled Intersections – Green Lights to Scene, this new technology save lives, not just Emergency Service Workers and Motorists, but also your loved ones. Craig Rush National Sales Manager, Boylan Group Pty Ltd 3.15 – 3.35pm Blackline Safety Corp Disrupting the Present into the Future Blackline Safety continues to disrupt the status quo through a rigorous program of product development. Having successfully moulded gas detection with the wider concept of connected safety, one device can now alert the wearer to gas – and others wherever they are located. Multiple capabilities mean one device performs the function of 6, increasing safety for firemen and emergency responders. Russell Clark Regional Sales Manager, Blackline Safety CorpCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCELUNCH AND EXHIBITION OPENING | 1.00 – 2.00pm Liz Morgan Director, EV Fire ProtectionGareth Morgan Director, EV Fire Protection

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DAY 1 TUESDAY 3 SEPTEMBER SOLUTIONS THEATRECAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE 3.40 – 4.00pm The Company We Keep (on behalf of Amazon Web Services) Supporting Emergency Response with Satellite Connectivity and Secure Communications Satellite internet can significantly enhance communication and coordination during disasters, and facilitate access to government disaster relief services. In this session we will explore how technological advancements in satellite connectivity coupled with secure, reliable communications can enhance emergency management response. 4.30 – 4.50pm Fujitsu Australia Limited Once in a lifetime – The challenge of responding to disasters in Queensland, Australia’s most decentralised state The 2023-2024 summer brought intense weather to most of the east coast of Australia with communities in North Queensland hit particularly hard. Coupled with the compounding effect of multiple once in a lifetime events, public safety organisations such as Queensland Fire and Emergency Service (QFES) and Queensland Police Service (QPS) are being stretched to their limits. How can we all work together to prevent, prepare, respond, and recover from events with such depth of human impact? Julian Fox Industry Chief Technology Officer (CTO) – Government and Healthcare, Fujitsu Australia 4.05 – 4.25pm OroraTech GmbH Satellite-Based Fire Intelligence Provides an introduction to to an all-in-one satellite-based thermal intelligence system, which connects customers globally with a network of more than 25 satellites, allowing users to assess, detect, monitor, and analyze ongoing wildfires in real-time – providing continuous fire overwatch and critical situational awareness. Includes discussion on future developments adding more AI-based analytics and more satellites to revolutionise fire management. Konstantin Pieper Deputy Head of Sales, OroraTech GmbH 4.55 – 5.15pm EPE Trusted to Protect Identification and Quantification of Toxic Industrial Chemicals and Volatile Organic Compounds – a look at the 908 Devices XplorIR Handheld FTIR Identifying materials quickly is crucial during Hazmat incidents. While FTIR and Raman instruments have improved the identification of solids and liquids, unknown gases remain challenging due to their low concentrations and high toxicity. Portable infrared spectroscopy, such as the 908 Devices XplorIR, now accurately identifies gases at low concentrations. This handheld spectrometer enhances response capabilities and improves community safety, offering a faster, more reliable alternative to traditional field detection and identification methods. David Byrne CBRNe Capability Manager, EPE Trusted to ProtectCaragh Lyons Principal Solutions Architect, Amazon Web ServicesHannah Williams Head of Asia, Pacific and Japan, Kuiper Commercial Services

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SOLUTIONS THEATRE DAY 2 WEDESDAY 4 SEPTEMBER 9.30 – 9.50am X Bellwether: AI Bushfire Prediction and Disaster Response from Google X Bellwether, a team inside Google-Parent Alphabet’s Moonshot Factory, is harnessing machine learning and geospatial data to build new technologies for natural disaster prediction, response and recovery. The team will share their work to make accurate bushfire predictions up to five years into the future, as well as new solutions for rapidly processing natural disaster images to speed response efforts. Sarah Russell Founder and Project Director, Bellwether 10.20 – 10.40am Weatherzone Business, a DTN Company Transforming Weather Intelligence: Weather Services Delivering Critical Insights, Innovation to Emergency Response Weather intelligence is critical for the effective planning and response of emergency services. With the exponential growth of weather and climate data, distilling actionable insights becomes challenging. By integrating diverse data sources into an easy-to-use platform, the private meteorological industry can help emergency services transform raw data into valuable intelligence. Duncan Tippins Meteorology Director, Weatherzone Business, a DTN Company 9.55 – 10.15am Insurance Australia Group Limited Resilient Building Council Bushfire Resilience Rating App Demo The free Bushfire Resilience Rating Home Self-Assessment app allows people to assess their home in around 20 minutes, and measure how well it would perform in a bushfire event. The app provides households with the Bushfire Resilience Rating of their home and a list of customised actions they can take to improve their Rating. As tasks are completed, their home’s Resilience Rating is updated. Since the app launched in October last year, it has produced the first insurance premium benefit products and mortgage finance benefits, for Bushfire Resilience Ratings of 3 stars and above. Over 1,000 users per week have completed home self-assessments across 274 LGAs, taking an average of 4 actions and reducing their risk by an average of 42%. Come along to see a demonstration of the app, an example of the Bushfire Resilience Rating report and recommendations, and learn how you can use the app to improve the bushfire resilience of your home, your neighbourhood and your community. Jeff Emmerton Chief Technology Officer, Insurance Australia Group Limited 10.45 – 11.05am The Company We Keep (on behalf of Amazon Web Services) Breaking Data Silos with City Scale Digital Twins State and local governments aim to enhance residents’ quality of life amidst complex challenges. Data is crucial for optimizing infrastructure and services, yet siloed smart city solutions hinder holistic strategies. The Garnet framework, built on FIWARE and AWS Cloud, facilitates interoperable platforms adhering to global standards. It fosters smart solutions across domains like Smart Cities, Energy, Agriculture, and Manufacturing. Discover how Garnet enables scalable, efficient platforms, breaking data silos and supporting city-scale digital twins for informed decisions. Andra Christie Spatial and Visual Computing Specialist, Amazon Web Services CAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE

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11.50 – 12.10pm 12.40 – 1.00pm 12.15 – 12.35pm ISUZU Australia Limited ISUZU: Your One Stop Shop for FireFighting Vehicle, Pumping and PowerSystem Needs Key to Isuzu’s long-term record in Australia is the focus onproviding emergency services and government agencies with acomprehensive range of product and support solutions. Simon Humphries will discuss the wide range of products Isuzu offers beyond the well-known truck cab chassis, including the benefits of specifying Isuzu power for the water pump engine on the rear of the vehicle as well as the truck chassis, making the whole vehicle easy to service and support at the ‘one stop shop’ Isuzu truck dealer network across Australia. DAY 2 WEDESDAY 4 SEPTEMBER Good To Go Appliance Readiness Solutions –Digital Manifest Confirmation, AssetVisibility and Equipment Inspections This presentation will focus on how RFID and Bluetoothtechnologies, combined with no-code form and app software,are currently aiding First Responder agencies to moreaccurately complete appliance readiness checks in a fraction ofthe time, and at the same time provide the missing ingredientto asset management systems (automatic point-in-timeconfirmation of location). Fire to Flourish Lessons Learned in AdvancingCommunity-Led Disaster Resilience Fire to Flourish (F2F) is a five year initiative that aims to pilot anew model of holistic support for inclusive, community-ledapproaches to building disaster resilience. Working in partnership with four bushfire-affected communities, F2F has taken a learning-by-doing approach to develop and refine processes that empower communities to lead their recovery efforts, underpinned by robust research and evaluation. This presentation shares five key insights from this work, providing practical guidance for advancing and supporting community-led action. SOLUTIONS THEATREChief Engineer & Product Manager,Medium & Heavy Duty Trucks,ISUZU Australia Limited Simon Humphries Darren Besgrove CEO, Good To Go Prof Briony Rogers CEO, Fire to Flourish WORKFORCE CAPABILITY FIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTION

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SOLUTIONS THEATREImproving Firefighter Safety withMission Critical Communications The communication requirements that Firefighters have today,whilst focused on their core job of firefighting, brings newchallenges that not only change the way firefighterscommunicate but also how it will enhance firefighter safety. Learning Objectives: Attendees will gain: ➤ Overview of Mission Critical Exploiting the Stratosphere toSupport Emergency Management Zephyr is a High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS) heralding anew age of solutions for connectivity and observation with18cm ground sampling distance, near-real-time video andimagery from the stratosphere. An age when connecting on the ground, in the air, or at sea is unhindered by terrain or infrastructure. An age of new solutions for governments to address old challenges. ANZBA EMSB EmergencyManagement of Severe Burns Course The patient with a severe burn injury presents a difficultchallenge. In addition to the pain and distress experiencedby the patient, the implications of this life-threateninginjury extend beyond mere survival. Potentially permanentchanges to appearance, function and independence impactnot only on employment and income, but also on the generalwellbeing and long-term quality of life for both the patientand their families. It is widely accepted that the trauma patient who is seen, assessed and treated early by skilled personnel will heal more quickly than the patient whose treatment is delayed. This is also true for the burn patient. It is important the right treatment is instigated quickly not only to save a person’s life but to maximise their functional outcome. The Emergency Management of Severe Burns (EMSB) course is based on the principle that timely emergency assessment, recognition, management, stabilisation and transfer provide the best chance of recovery. The aim of this one-day course is to provide candidates with sufficient information regarding the presentation, diagnosis and initial management of the patient with severe burn injuries, to enable them to deal competently with this urgent and often life-threatening problem.Annually 16-20 EMSB courses are presented throughout Australia and New Zealand. The course is also presented under license from ANZBA in the UK, The Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Germany, South Africa, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Fiji, Bangladesh. L3HARRIS AALTO HAPS Limited DAY 2 WEDESDAY 4 SEPTEMBER Australian & New Zealand Burn Association 2.20 – 2.40pm 1.05 – 1.25pm 2.45 – 3.05pm Director GovernmentGlobal Sales, AALTO-HAPS Mission-Critical CommunicationsAccount Manager ANZ, L3HarrisPush-to-Talk Communications ➤ Challenges that have emerged using current LMR systems ➤ What new capabilities manufacturers are working towards to enhance firefighter safety Prevention: Prevention is a key aspect of the ethos of the Australian NewZealand Burns Association. Both Australia and New Zealandincorporates many different cultures, ages and industries,which requires prevention education to be delivered in manydomains, including social media and schools. ANZBA and its affiliated burns services possess a unique body of knowledge, expertise and facts and are well poised to know the consequences of burn injuries. Burn services contribute data to a world-leading burn registry, BRANZ which is administered by Monash University in Melbourne, supported by funding from ANZBA and ACC in New Zealand. Registry data provides invaluable insight and understanding into the mechanism, extent and consequence of injury that can inform change and action in both the community and government that will make our environments a safer place. As clinicians we are all aware of the positive impact of education on the community, especially as most burns are preventable. Lee Mason Simon Johns WORKFORCE CAPABILITY FIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONLUNCH BREAK | 1.25 – 2.20pm CONTINUES NEXT PAGE ➤

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Unfortunately burn injuries often involve small children, the elderly and immigrants. Burns also often involve risk taking behaviour. Recently the ANZBA Prevention Committee highlighted the issue of young males using accelerants to light or enhance fires, petrol burns, as well as recent trends for burns through dangerous practices promoted on social media. More information about burn prevention in a variety of industrial and home settings can be found here: Dr Richard Wong She, CNZM Co Chair, Education Committee, Australian and New Zealand Burn Association 3.10 – 3.30pm Fireant Platform First Approach to Building Digital Solutions for Emergency Services For the past 15-years the approach to digital transformation & innovation can be best described as an adhoc buy and deploy method. This has led to CIOs and CTOs of our emergency service organisations being left with too many disparate software systems & products; many of-which, are legacy and no longer fit-for-purpose. This disconnect technology landscape is confusing, restrictive and expensive to maintain. However, Fireant is now offering a better modern approach to digital transformation and innovation with our Platform-First method. Our vision is to enable our customers to build fit-for-purpose digital products for their people faster and within their budget. Maxim Cherepovitsyn CEO, Fireant 3.35 – 3.55pm NHRA – Natural Hazards Research Australia Wicked Problems in the Emergency Management Sector and How to Solve Them – The Disaster Challenge Natural Hazards Research Australia’s Disaster Challenge is a national challenge to encourage new ideas, new thinking and new research. The Disaster Challenge calls out to early career researchers, postgraduate and undergraduate students across Australia – it is a chance for them to make a difference with innovative ideas and solutions for the wicked problems the country faces with natural hazards. A wicked problem is one that is urgent, but difficult to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, or changing requirements that are often difficult to recognise or evaluate and its very high level of complexity. This presentation will talk about outcomes from the challenge including past topics and winners and an update on the Disaster Challenge 2024 which is centred on developing ideas to build and sustain trust in the Emergency Management sector. Brendon McAtee Node Research Manager WA & SA, Natural Hazards Research Australia DAY 2 WEDESDAY 4 SEPTEMBER CAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCESOLUTIONS THEATRE CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE ➤

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SOLUTIONS THEATRE DAY 3 THURSDAY 5 SEPTEMBER 9.55 – 10.15am Carbonix Understanding Drone Adoption and Implementation in Disaster Management and Proactive Bushfire Prevention Carbonix will showcase the growing adoption of drone systems in disaster management processes, particularly across bushfire prevention and mitigation. The presentation will also present the various drone capabilities that enable these operations to be effectively deployed, as well as explore several use-cases around how UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) technology has been effectively implemented for such purposes. 10.20 – 10.40am Silvertone UAV Advancing Emergency Communication with Airborne P-25 Repeater Systems Silvertone UAV has developed an airborne P-25 radio repeater system under the Bushfire Technology Pilot Program, in collaboration with the Rural Fire Service. We will delve into the integration process, trial flights, and innovative viewshed analysis for signal coverage. Learn about the regulatory challenges for BVLOS operations and the need for streamlined protocols to enhance rapid emergency response capabilities. Sam Cowen Project Manager, Silvertone UAV Dario Valenza Founder, CarbonixMarta Yebra Director, Bushfire Research Centre of Excellence CAPABILITYFleet, PPE and EquipmentCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONRisk reduction, mitigation strategies, warning systems, and risk managementFIRE SAFETYBuilding fire safety systems and building standardsRESPONSE OPERATIONSReal-time operational decision systems, decision support, incident management, emerging technology, communication technology, drones, satellite imagery, GIS, field rigid redeployable infrastructureWORKFORCEWHS, people, systems, and learning and developmentKEY TO: INDUSTRY COLLABORATIVE SECTORS FOR PROTECTING LIFE & PROPERTY

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11.35 – 11.55am Insurance Australia Group Limited The Role of Corporate Venture Capital in Corporate Innovation Firemark Ventures was established in 2016 with its primary purpose bringing the outside world in for IAG, utilising investment and a global network of partners. Over time, Firemark Ventures has evolved, expanding its investment mandate and shifting its focus from local to global. This evolution reflects its commitment to adapting and growing in response to the ever-changing landscape within which we live and work. Through investment, Firemark has built a global portfolio of companies that aim to support IAG as it tries to help its customers prevent, protect against, and recover from claims events. Notable examples include investments into global computer visioning and imagery providers, cyber security, advanced analytics capabilities and real-time location monitoring. Currently, Firemark’s investment focus areas include AI, climate technology (such as new data assets risk models), and the future of mobility and home, with a particular emphasis on electrification. Visit Solutions Theatre to hear Alex Guyer share how these companies provide innovative solutions that enhance the ability to manage risk and improve outcomes for customers. Alex Guyer Partner & Head of Investments, Firemark Ventures DAY 3 THURSDAY 5 SEPTEMBER CAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCESOLUTIONS THEATRE 10.45 – 11.05am ALPEX Protection Alternatives to PFAS – New PFAS Safe Textile Solutions Over the last 3 years ALPEX worked to develop innovation solutions to design new PFAS SAFE textiles. Our innovations are PFAS SAFE (Fluorocarbon and PTFE free) and have been successfully certified according to the NFPA 1971, the EN469 ... and a AS/NZS 4967 certification will be completed soon. Our latest solutions are used in turnout gears and particultate blocking hoods. Pierre Meneveau Technical Manager, ALPEX Protection 11.10 – 11.30am Dekonmate Skin Exposure to Carcinogenic Toxins: How Firefighters Can Reduce Associated Risks? Exposure to toxins is a danger for firefighters. Firefighting PPC is designed to breathe and does not prevent smoke from sticking to the skin. This presentation will focus on the risks to firefighters regarding accumulative exposure to products of combustion, why it is important to remove them from the skin as soon as practicable, and some suggested protocols for removal. Paul Rimmer Product Manager, Dekonmate

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SOLUTIONS THEATREElectrifying Logistics and Support –BEV Trucks in Logistics andOperational Support Roles This presentation delves into the here and now of the Volvogroups technology roadmap and strategic integration ofbattery electric trucks within emergency services’ operationalsupport functions. Where to start, on phased implementation, stakeholder collaboration, and leveraging the right opportunities for sustainable fleet transitions. Adopting electric trucks aligns emergency services with modern environmental standards and enhances wellbeing and safety for both people and the environment. DAY 3 THURSDAY 5 SEPTEMBER Volvo Group Australia WORKFORCE CAPABILITY FIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTION 2.15 – 2.35pm Vice President GroupGovernmental Sales,Volvo Group AustraliaCameron Bettany LUNCH BREAK | 12.45 – 1.50pm 12.00 – 12.20pm

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AFAC EXHIBITOR LOYALTY REWARDS20+ Exhibitions15 to 19 Exhibitions10 to 14 Exhibitions 5 to 9 Exhibitions 2 to 4 ExhibitionsThe Exhibitors are graded into groups which reflect the number of years they have been exhibiting and delivering products and services to the industries of Workforce, Capability, Fire Safety, Response Operations and Community Risk Reduction. This program provides various benefits to its members each year, including but not exclusive to: ➤ Priority selection of their stand at the AFAC Exhibition for the following year ➤ Complimentary additional Exhibitor Stand Passes ➤ Complimentary tickets to the Gala Dinner ➤ A certificate of appreciation and acknowledgement, depicting individual member status. PLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITOR30+ Exhibitions DIAMONDEXHIBITORPLATINUM EXHIBITORGOLD EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORBRONZE EXHIBITORINDUSTRY COLLABORATIVE SECTORS FOR PROTECTING LIFE & PROPERTYCAPABILITYFleet, PPE and EquipmentCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONRisk reduction, mitigation strategies, warning systems, and risk managementFIRE SAFETYBuilding  re safety systems and building standardsRESPONSE OPERATIONSReal-time operational decision systems, decision support, incident management, emerging technology, communication technology, drones, satellite imagery, GIS,  eld rigid redeployable infrastructureWORKFORCEWHS, people, systems, and learning and developmentThese symbols are allocated to the six tiers of the AFAC Exhibitor Loyalty Rewards program, reflecting the years of participation pertaining to each level.The AFAC Exhibitor Loyalty Rewards program acknowledges and rewards industry manufacturers, suppliers and distributors that have continually supported this event. DIAMOND EXHIBITORPLATIMUM EXHIBITOR

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE338 3M Australia For more than 75 years, 3M™ Scott™ has been the premier manufacturer of innovative respiratory and personal protective equipment and safety devices for firefighters around the world. We’re dedicated to providing durable, reliable innovation to fire service SCBA’s, reinforcing our focus on features that matter, by providing critical life safety equipment that firefighters can trust to help keep them safe, while they keep our communities safe. AALTO HAPS AALTO is an Airbus subsidiary designing, producing and offering services using the world-record-breaking Zephyr High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS) aircraft, capable of providing direct-to-device connectivity from the stratosphere, and enabling high-quality Earth observation capabilities. 333 ACIM Solutions ACIM Solutions offers a suite of high-quality services to support organisations and individuals who work in both operational and strategic management roles. Their nationally accredited scope focuses on investigation, compliance and emergency management programs at the Certificate IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma level. Their short course workshops complement these qualifications with a range of staff development options. 336 AFAC AFAC, as the National Council for fire and emergency services, supports the sector to create safer, more resilient communities. They drive national consistency through collaboration, innovation and partnerships. They deliver enhanced capability by developing doctrine and supporting operations. HOST AGENCYPLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORDIAMOND EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPECAPABILITY: Equipment402 ACT Emergency Services Agency The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) is the ACT Government organisation charged with providing emergency management services to the ACT community. The ESA compromises the ACT Ambulance Service (ACTAS), ACT Fire & Rescue (ACTF&R), ACT Rural Fire Service (ACTRFS), ACT State Emergency Service (ACTSES) and the ESA enabling services. With a workforce of both staff and volunteers, together each of these services work cohesively to the common goals of: • Strengthening community safety; • Provide support to those in need; and Build community resilience to emergency. To find out more about the ESA visit

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE548 AFH Australian Fire Hose Australian Fire Hose, based in Taree, NSW, is an Australian owned firefighting hose manufacturer with over 30 years of experience. AFH offers high quality products competing against offshore manufacturers. They now distribute a heavy duty Class H extruded hose, certified to the Australian Standard AS2792, featuring enhanced ribbing and exceptional heat resistance. Visit stand 548 to see samples of their competitively priced products. CAPABILITY: Fleet / Equipment488 Alexander Perrie & Co ALEXANDER PERRIE is pleased to present a diverse range of products tailored to the emergency service sector. They offer turnkey solutions, large-scale production builds, safety enhancements, and appliance refurbishments, all supported by their in-house manufacturing over two facilities. Their partners: BRONTO SKYLIFT – Aerial platforms #safetyatheights FIREFLY – Firefighting pumps #gearupforthefightHYPERSIGHT – Vehicle mounted TIC #seebeyond ALEXANDER PERRIE is backed by almost 80 years of industry experience #yourteambehindthescene BRONZE EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Fleet / Equipment104 Allquip Fire Allquip Fire is a specialist division of Allquip Water Trucks. They have 20+ years experience designing and manufacturing water trucks and tankers. Delivering Australia-wide with fast lead times, they prioritise their fire tanker builds to ensure emergency service operators have the reliable equipment they need. Their fire division is dedicated to building elite custom-made water tankers to assist in re-supplying firefighting vehicles on the frontline. BRONZE EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Fleet / Equipment258 ALPEX Protection ALPEX is a European leader in technical, waterproof, and breathable textiles used to manufacture Personal Protective Equipment such as firefighter turnout gear and particulate blocking hoods. Their innovative moisture barriers comply with EN469, NFPA1971, and AS/NZS4967 standards. Visit their booth to talk about their innovative, and sustainable PFAS SAFE solutions. SILVER EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPE IFE24 PRESIDENT’S DINNER SPONSOR416 Amazon Web Services AWS is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud, offering over 200 services and a global network of technologists and partners helping customers lower costs, become more agile, and innovate faster. From improving situational awareness, enabling real-time data-driven decisions and scaling up simulations, AWS has unmatched experience, maturity, reliability, security and performance for your most critical business needs. BRONZE EXHIBITOR

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE556 Angloco Angloco Ltd designs, manufactures, and supplies fire-fighting and rescue vehicles and equipment, serving customers in over 70 countries. With over 50 years of experience, they offer custom-built vehicles and a range of equipment. Angloco provides comprehensive after-sales service, including on-location commissioning, training, servicing and refurbishment. Their quality and customer care have earned international recognition and awards. BRONZE EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPE / Equipment568 Aquaterro Aquaterro offers protection systems for all hazards and environments to the professional whose job takes them into harm’s way. Aquaterro has a demonstrated track record of working with proven, sophisticated Original Equipment ManufacturersThis includes, but is not limited to Mustang Survival, Team Wendy, S&S Precision, Oakley SI, Safariland REDLINE and Arc’teryx PRO. Aquaterro prides itself in tailoring, developing, and delivering the highest qua BRONZE EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPE157 Atturra Atturra has extensive experience in the emergency management sector across all national jurisdictions. With advisory and IT capabilities, they provide data and analytics, Microsoft cloud expertise, and managed services. Atturra offers services specific to emergency management and has developed solutions that are already in the market. Importantly, Atturra works collaboratively to deliver practical outcomes and, wherever possible, facilitates knowledge transfer that provides a capability uplift. SILVER EXHIBITOR148 Australasia Fire & Emergency Response College Australasia Fire & Emergency Response College (AFERC) is a premier training institution specializing in fire and emergency response education. With campuses in Queensland, NSW and VIC. AFERC offers industry-leading programs designed to equip professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in critical situations. Established over six years ago, AFERC is dedicated to advancing safety and preparedness across Australasia through comprehensive, hands-on training. BRONZE EXHIBITOR362 Australasian Rescue Org (ARO) The Australasian Rescue Organisation (ARO) is the peak body in Australasia for the development and exchange of information, knowledge and skills across all facets of rescue. ARO promotes best practices and independent leadership in rescue, with best-in-class training, education, capability and development opportunities. ARO brings together rescue professionals to provide an opportunity for agencies to learn, share and improve their skills. SILVER EXHIBITOR457 Australian & New Zealand Burn Assoc The Australian and New Zealand Burn Association is a not-for-profit organization and the peak body for health professionals and experts responsible for the care of the burn injured in Australia and New Zealand. The Association is dedicated to improving the lives of those affected by burn injury in Australia and New Zealand by encouraging higher standards of patient care through education, performance monitoring, research and prevention projects.

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE530 Australian Defence Apparel (ADA) Australian Defence Apparel (ADA) is Australia’s premier integrator and manufacturer of high-tech Fire & Rescue uniforms. With over 100 years of expertise, they revolutionise apparel management systems through advanced technology, including digital 3D body sizing, automated warehousing, and connected store experiences. Their customised uniform solutions ensure an elevated user experience. Join them at Stand 530 at the AFAC Conference 2024 PLATINUM EXHIBITOR AIDR KNOWLEDGE CENTRE SPONSORCAPABILITY: PPE 404 Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR) AIDR is the National Institute for disaster risk reduction and resilience. They collaborate across sectors to strengthen the resilience of Australian communities to disasters. AIDR creates, grows, and supports a range of networks; provides opportunities for learning, development, and innovation; shares knowledge and resources to enable informed decision making and action; and facilitates thought leadership through national conversations. SILVER EXHIBITOR150 BAUER KOMPRESSOREN Australia BAUER KOMPRESSOREN Australia Pty Ltd is the local subsidiary of the worldwide BAUER KOMPRESSOREN GROUP, which is firmly established as a global leading Manufacturer & Service provider of High-Pressure Breathing Air Compressors, Fill Station equipment & Packaging Solutions. SILVER EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Fleet / PPE / Equipment498 Beijing BW Protect Protective Fabric BW Protect is a professional manufacturer who specialized in technical fabrics for human protection. The company is a Sino-French joint venture of EUROPROTECT and Beijing TECHTEXTILE established in Beijing in 2007. BW Protect has many years of production experience and patented technology, focusing on the development and production of advanced technology textiles. The expertise of BW Protect offers a wide range of flame retardant products dedicated to the fire brigades, military, wildland, SWAT and industry. 468 Big Red Truck Fire Rescue Big Red Truck Fire Rescue, stand 468 at AFAC24, showcases top partners and Australian-made products. Featuring: Brimstone EV Fire Suppression system for EV fires, RHINO PULL 1000 winch for fast lifting, Vallfirest’s Inflatable tanks and Heliskid, Scotty Fire knapsacks and nozzles, Bear Paw Separators for pump protection, and Nightstick personal lighting such as new Duo torch. Experience innovation and quality at Big Red Truck – Stand # 468 GOLD EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: FleetCAPABILITY: Equipment

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE538 Blackline Safety Blackline Safety is a technology leader driving innovation in the industrial workforce through IoT. With coverage in more than 100 countries, Blackline provides a lifeline to tens of thousands of people, having reported over 225 billion datapoints and initiated over seven million emergency alerts. 448 BlazeMaster Fire Protection Systems (Lubrizol Advanced Materials Inc) BlazeMaster® Fire Protection Systems deliver cutting-edge fire safety for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. Renowned for advanced CPVC technology, these systems are corrosion-resistant, easy to install, and durable. Designed for top-tier performance and adherence to global standards, BlazeMaster ensures superior fire suppression. Trust BlazeMaster to protect lives and property with unparalleled peace of mind. 210 Blue Light Card Blue Light Card Australia is the exclusive discount service for frontline workers, first responders and volunteers from healthcare, emergency services, aged care, disability and support services and defence. A Blue Light Card membership helps you save money on everything from groceries, fuel, utilities, and food, to holidays, technology, beauty, and fashion across Australia through a range of market-leading, exclusive discounts and offers. We’ve been operating in the UK for 15 years where we have 4 million members globally. BRONZE EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Equipment354 Bluemont Hytrans Bluemont Hytrans delivers high volume water supply over long-distances in rapid deployment capability. The Hytrans AutoFlaker automated hose recovery system: AF200 for hoses up to 200mm / 8 AF300 for hoses up to 300mm / 12. Deploy up to 3,500 lpm over 1.5km in 15 to 20 minutes. Hytrans HS150: up to 3,500 lpm at high pressure over 1,500m or 50,000 lpm flood dewatering at low pressure. 442 Boylan Group The Boylan Group is proud to be able to provide the latest Pre-Emption Technology for Emergency Service Vehicles that is now available in Australia. This Technology allows Green Lights to Scene up to a kilometre in advance with the added benefit of full control of each intersection during your Emergency run. Please visit our booth 442 for more information or to arrange a free trial 266 Bruck Textiles Bruck is a privately owned Australian company and is Australia’s leading innovator of technical textile solutions. Bruck is the major manufacturer and marketer in Australia of value added, high performance and protective clothing fabrics, our large range is used in end applications such as Structural and Wildland Fire Fighting, Military, Mining, Oil and Gas, Work Wear, Corporate Wear, Metal Smelting and General Industrial. PLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORGOLD EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: EquipmentCAPABILITY: Fleet / EquipmentCAPABILITY: PPE

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE378 Bullard Founded in 1898, Bullard is a pioneering company in personal protective equipment, known for inventing the world’s first hard hat in 1919. Headquartered in Kentucky, USA, Bullard is a fifth-generation family-owned enterprise with facilities in Europe and Asia. Their latest innovation, the XT Series thermal imaging, offers advanced three models designed for emergency responders, setting a new standard for fire service. 294 BullEx Australia / LION BullEx Australia is the sole distributor and licensed service agent in Australasia for LION Fire Training Tools. They proudly serve and support over 8,000 clients including Fire and Emergency Services, all levels of government, Defence, Mining, and Training Organisations. They are the pioneers of innovation in training solutions, providing firefighters, trainers, and safety experts with advanced tools, systems & custom builds. 158 BurnBot BurnBot develops and deploys vegetation management technologies to reduce destructive bushfires. These remote-operated systems increase workforce capacity and make fuel treatment efficient, safe, and scalable. BurnBot offerings include our prescibed fire robots, unmanned masticators, and aerial ignition drones. They combine their systems to scale fuel treatment, providing precision control for critical infrastructure and sensitive population cent BRONZE EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPECAPABILITY: Equipment280 Bus 4x4 Group The Bus 4x4 Group of companies specialises in delivering innovative solutions to transport groups of people in off-road conditions comfortably, reliably and safely. Australian-owned and globally-renowned, their people mover solutions lead the sector for 4WD conversion products, accessories and parts. They’re always moving forward and are passionate about going the extra mile to deliver for their customers. Across their entire range and their full capabilities, their solutions give your business more go. 304 Bush Heritage Australia Bush Heritage Australia is a leading not-for-profit conservation organisation that protects ecosystems and wildlife across the continent. We use the best science, conservation and right-way knowledge to deliver landscape-scale impact. We’re on the ground, working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the agricultural sector to make sure our impact is deep, sustainable and collaborative. Together we work towards our vision of ‘healthy Country, protected forever’. 451 Bushfire Research CoE The Bushfire Research Centre of Excellence at ANU is at the forefront of a transformative shift in bushfire management. Their mission is to identify how cutting-edge technologies can be combined to find fires and put them out before they escalate beyond their capacity to control them. They are developing and validating a range of novel technologies, and also lead discussions on fire management policy and standards. BRONZE EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Equipment

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE539 Business France – French Pavilion Business France is the public consulting business serving the international development of the French economy. During AFAC2024, come and discover the innovations promote by the French companies: • Airbus: civil aircraft, defence, space and helicopter products. • FIRETRACKING: end-to-end, SaaS-based solution dedicated to wildfire detection • KINEIS: satellite operator and global connectivity provider. • LEADER: USAR and firefighting equipment manufacturer and supplier. • VORTEX IO: Stream and River Monitoring Solutions. 451 Carbonix Carbonix designs for mission success. Their drones have proven capability and reliability in long-range aerial data capture. Adaptable to the most advanced payload sensors, their aircraft provide emergency services with coverage over remote and difficult to access environments without putting humans at risk. With rapid deployment, VTOL functionality, and 8h+ flight endurance, make use of real-time, high-resolution data. 100 Hannagan Solutions Pty Ltd is a family owned business based in Melbourne, they have two distinct brands. and Advanced LED Solutions. is the sole distributor for the LANCO Group in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific and a distributor for Dantherm Group HVAC products in Australia. BRONZE EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: EquipmentCAPABILITY: EquipmentCAPABILITY: Equipment365 CAVFA CAVFA is a council of 11 Australian state and territory fire associations. Their overriding aim is to assist volunteer fire fighters and operational support volunteers to support and protect their communities and the diverse environments across Australia. 110 Centurion Fire Rescue Equipment Centurion Fire Rescue Equipment is an Australian owned business manufacturing specialised equipment for the Fire, Emergency, Defence and Commercial sectors. Their trusted brands include Centurion3000 Vehicle Roller Shutters, ARION Emergency Rescue Ladders and their RapidStow and Rapidstow MAX Ladder and Equipment Gantries. 458 Chubb Fire & Security Chubb Fire and Security Pty is a long standing supplier of firefighting and rescue equipment to emergency services, industry and mining. Chubb represent reputable international brands including Angus Fire, Respirex, Protek, BlazeTamer380 and Flir and provide technical support and expertise in a range of fire and rescue products and services SILVER EXHIBITORPLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORGOLD EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: FleetCAPABILITY: Fleet / EquipmentCAPABILITY: Equipment

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE144 Code 3 Code 3, from ECCO Safety Group, is a leading provider of innovative emergency lighting for first responders and fleets. With decades of experience, they engineer cutting-edge lightbars, beacons, and directional lights for enhanced safety and visibility. The C3DNA platform offers integrated control and customisation, ensuring optimal fleet management. 289 Control Synergy An Australian Business with expertise in Radio and Mission-critical Computer systems for Mining & Government customers. They help Engineering Teams design, develop, acquire and sustain the critical hardware needed to communicate to small and large mobile assets. They support Android & Windows Rugged Tablets and Vehicle Mount computers as well as the Antenna & Coax solutions to make them talk. 211 Coulson Aviation Throughout the company’s 60+ years, the mission has remained the same: to protect the world from forest fires. Coulson’s organizational capabilities allow team members to provide simultaneous aerial support across numerous continents. As a leading supplier to county, state, and federal governments worldwide, Coulson has focused its next-generation multi-mission fleet on sustainable, in-production aircraft. Partnering with OEMs and leveraging the latest technology allows Coulson to provide superior all-hazard response aircraft. SILVER EXHIBITORPLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: FleetCAPABILITY: FleetCAPABILITY: Fleet166 Covertex Covertex is a world-leading provider of rapidly deployment structures and products with over 35 years of experience. Their solutions are utilized in emergency situations, conflict zones, and disaster response across 20+ countries. Their commitment to quality has fostered lasting relationships with emergency services, Government agencies, NGO’s, oil responders, and military forces among others. Covertex’s quick deployment capabilities make them a reliable choice for critical situations worldwide. 331 CQUniversity Australia CQUniversity has one of the largest footprints of any university in Australia, offering a wide variety of TAFE and university qualifications. Gain the skills you need to enter or advance in the field of emergency and disaster management with an online course from CQU. Phone 13 27 86 or visit to find out about taking your skills to the next level. 356 Daimler Truck Australia Pacific Daimler Truck has been providing Australian customers with class-leading trucks for more than 60 years. Its Mercedes-Benz, Freightliner and Fuso brands have long offered the most advanced, economical and robust trucks covering all market segments. Mercedes-Benz and Fuso trucks have proven themselves in tough off-road conditions across Australia for several decades, demonstrating extreme capability and durability. SILVER EXHIBITORGOLD EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: EquipmentCAPABILITY: Fleet

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE368 Deccan International DECCAN INTERNATIONAL Operational Intelligence for Fire & EMS Deccan International leverages operations research methods and data science to produce analytics applications that help Fire & EMS agencies reduce response times and achieve peak performance. Working with their data scientists and engineers, Fire & Rescue leaders gain critical operational intelligence that helps them save lives and property in their community. 428 Decon Corporation Decon Corporation is an Australian owned and operated manufacturer and provider of core telecommunications and electrical infrastructure products and services. They specialise in manufacturing, construction, installation and network maintenance to Australia’s major telecommunication carriers with a major focus on renewable energy technologies including our innovative Smart Power Cell to deliver off-grid clean energy to disaster-prone or remote site 314 DEKONMATE Decon International are the Australian manufacturers of DEKONMATE decontamination wipes, equipment wipes and decontamination PPE transport bags. Our products are used by fire services across Australia & New Zealand. Visit our stand to view the latest in personal and equipment decontamination. BRONZE EXHIBITORBRONZE EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: FleetCAPABILITY: Equipment418 Denstock – Magnum Boots Denstock Aust. is the sole distributor of MAGNUM footwear in Australia. MAGNUM footwear is the preferred choice for organizations including Police,Fire,Corrections,Border Force, AFP & Ambulance. In 2025, Magnum will launch their world first medically developed innersole offering superior support & comfort in Fire & selected Uniform Boots. The Magnum InSite innersole assists in maintaining a straight walking gait, reducing pain or injury at work. 498 DND New Material DND specializes in producing Defanter™ colored meta-aramid fibers, available in a variety of vibrant colors. These fibers are widely used in firefighting&rescue, industrial, and oil&gas sectors etc. They provide comprehensive safety protection for workers, ensuring their safety in hazardous environments. DND’s innovative fibers combine vivid colors with essential protective qualities, making them a trusted choice in fire safety applications. 502 Dometic Dometic is a global market leader in branded solutions for mobile living in the areas of Climate, Power & Control, Food & Beverage and Other Applications. Dometic provides products for use in recreational and emergency service vehicles, trucks and premium cars, pleasure and workboats, and a variety of other uses. BRONZE EXHIBITORGOLD EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPECAPABILITY: EquipmentCAPABILITY: PPE

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE526 Don Kyatt Group/Terrain Tamer Australian 4WD parts brand Terrain Tamer have been engineering, testing and manufacturing 4WD parts for over 50 years. Each part goes through rigorous research, development and testing before it can bear the Terrain Tamer name, often far exceeding the required standard. This proven reliability means that Terrain Tamer parts are now used in mining, military, farming and emergency service applications, as well as by recreational 4WDrivers. 272 Dräger Since 1889, Dräger has been protecting you every step of the way. They provide firefighting solutions to protect first responders during the most dangerous operations. Their Safety portfolio includes products and services designed for personal protection, gas detection, and hazard management across various industries such as fire and emergency services, law enforcement, mining, petrochemical and more. 180 Dryad Networks Dryad Networks pioneers ultra-early wildfire detection and forest monitoring solutions. Our flagship product, Silvanet, utilizes advanced IoT sensor technology to detect wildfires within minutes of smoldering, enabling rapid response and prevention. Silvanet also provides comprehensive environmental data for forest health and growth management. Committed to protecting natural resources, Dryad Networks combines innovation and sustainability to revolutionize forest conservation and safety. PLATINUM EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: FleetCAPABILITY: PPE / Equipment367 Eagle Technical Products In 2022 Eagle became part of Lakeland Industries. Lakeland Industries is a NASDAQ listed company focussed in protecting people in high risk critical environments. Combined with Lakeland’s 40 years of experience in protective apparel design and manufacturing, Eagle continues it’s dedication to providing the highest quality fire suits, hoods, and fire fighter PPE to a global market. The Eagle range is extended from head to toe protection with joining forces together with Jolly Scarpe Protective Footwear and Pacific Helmets. 344 Early Warning Network Early Warning Network provides advanced disaster recovery solutions, including flood monitoring, bushfire alerts, and tropical cyclone services. Utilising AI, satellite technology, and strategic partnerships with leaders like, we deliver precise, real-time alerts to emergency personnel, forestry workers, and communities, ensuring timely and effective disaster response. Visit us at AFAC to explore our solutions. 527 Embarr Embarr Pty Ltd specialises in bushfire flame detection and bushfire sprinkler automation. The Embarr Argus, is the flagship Intelligent Automation product featuring cutting-edge flame detection sensors. Capable of detecting small flames created from embers and approaching fire fronts from distances exceeding 250 m. Embarr Argus assess the risk in real-time, triggering the sprinklers. Argus operates independently, no human intervention required. BRONZE EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Equipment

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE324 EMERG Group EMERG Group comprises a team of dynamic individuals and specialists in Aviation, Risk, and Emergency Management. They specialise in building capability, resilience, and capacity across diverse situations. EMERG Group offers a broad spectrum of consulting services, nationally accredited training through Fireground (RTO 41245), property risk analysis, and expertise in emergency and incident management, response, recovery and strategic planning. 536 Emergency Services Health Emergency Services Health Insurance provides cover like no other. Offering comprehensive private health insurance exclusively for those in the emergency services community, including firefighters, SES, nurses, doctors, paramedics and volunteers means experiencing health insurance made for you. As a not-for-profit fund, their members needs are their priority, giving them the ability to offer top-level cover. Discover health insurance with a difference. 562 EMSINA At the AFAC24 conference, EMSINA will showcase best practice examples of the use and growing demands of mapping and location technologies. Attendees are encouraged to visit us in the AFAC exhibition hall, ask questions, share learnings and attend our stand presentations and demonstrations. PLATINUM EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITOR310 EPE Trusted to Protect EPE enables first responders to operate safely in high threat environments providing Force Protection, CBRN defence (CBRND) and Counter IED solutions and support to first responders, Defence Forces, Law Enforcement, and other government agencies throughout the APAC region. As former operators EPE understands the challenges faced, how the equipment is used and the demands placed on equipment and operators in the current ‘high-threat’ environments. 257 ESKA Australia ESKA AUSTRALIA specialises in the manufacturing and supply of PPE/PPC with ESKA being well known for our vast range of quality high end gloves. Other companies we represent is Haberkorn light weight fire hose, PGI Fire Fighting hoods/masks, PAB Fire/Rescue helmets, Toxic Suppression contaminate solutions and Dekonmate wipes to name a few. 352 Estambril International For more than 60 years, Estambril International has been developing high-quality textiles. Today their product range of woven and knitted inherent flame-resistant fabrics based on aramids and their blends, are a first choice for military professionals and first responders who rely on their personal protective equipment to keep them safe and comfortable. SILVER EXHIBITORGOLD EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPE / EquipmentCAPABILITY: PPECAPABILITY: PPE

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE474 EV Fire Protection EV FirePro tackles the challenge of Lithium-ion battery fires in the built environment, ensuring firefighter safety and property protection. EV FirePro’s unique system delivers water directly to the underside of EVs to control heat release and sprays laterally to adjacent vehicles and structures, reducing fire spread and structural damage. It is the only apparatus on the market capable of such precise and immediate firefighting. 276 Fantech As a market leader in ventilation and air management solutions, Fantech distributes new and innovative products to the commercial and industrial markets. Fantech have an exclusive partnership with Plymovent that offer high-quality air solutions for fire stations. With Plymovent’s fully automatic diesel exhaust source capture solutions, indoor exhaust emissions can be controlled and the health of your fire fighters can be improved. 299 Ferno Australia Ferno has supported and provided mission-critical equipment for frontline responders for 50 years. Visit Stand #299 for a hands-on look and play of their latest water rescue, extrication and confined space access gear. SILVER EXHIBITORPLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: FleetCAPABILITY: FleetCAPABILITY: PPE / Equipment250 FFS – Fire Fighting Systems Fire Fighting Systems (FFS) is a global leader in designing, engineering, and manufacturing large firefighting systems for marine and land applications. With over 10,000 pump systems in operation worldwide, FFS Landbased division also offers advanced solutions like mobile pump units, monitor trailers, and hose handling systems. 252 Field Air Group of Companies Field Air and Conair are international specialists in aerial firefighting. Both companies operate Air Tractor single engine airtankers (SEAT) & have combined to provide highly efficient & versatile Large Air Tankers (LAT) into Australia. With large external tanking capable of carrying large quantities of retardant/foam/gel + selectable drop coverage capabilities, RJ85 & Q400AT, alongside the AT-802F are formidable combinations. PLATINUM EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Equipment147 Fire and Rescue Products New Zealand Fire and Rescue Products is a market leader in the sale of high-performance safety, rescue and fire-fighting equipment for public fire services, emergency services and industrial facilities. Fire and Rescue Products partner with premium manufacturers who are committed to the highest levels of quality and ensure their products are designed and tested to improve the safety and efficiency of personnel engaged in emergency services. BRONZE EXHIBITOR

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE HOST AGENCY402 Fire & Rescue NSW Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) is the busiest urban fire and rescue service in Australia and one of the largest in the world. Our main purpose is to prevent and extinguish fires, however our services extend to providing emergency management of hazardous materials, rescue, protecting the environment, supporting counter terrorism efforts, providing natural disaster response - humanitarian relief here in Australia as well as internationally, and emergency medical response. CAPABILITY: Fleet / PPE / Equipment455 Fire Protection Industry (ODS & SGG) Board 292 Fire Rescue Safety Australia Fire Rescue Safety Australia are the Asia Pacific market leaders in the supply and service of specialist emergency response equipment. FRSA’s capability allows clients to streamline procurement channels, reduce risk, and maintain assets. FRSA will showcase the latest innovations at AFAC24, including Holmatro’s OmniShore System and T1 Forcible Entry Tool, along with Kraken Power’s portable generator, Instagrid. PLATINUM EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPE / Equipment248 Fire Response Fire Response is excited to showcase its high-performance firefighting equipment at AFAC24. Featuring fire monitors, nozzles, torches, scene lighting, PPV fans, and more, Fire Response represents some of the world’s best manufacturers. With expertise and exceptional customer service, they supply innovative products that ensure reliability and excellence in fire safety. Visit Fire Response to discover cutting-edge solutions you can depend on. PLATINUM EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Equipment

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE537 Firefighters Mutual Bank Firefighters Mutual Bank is the industry bank for fire and emergency service employees and their families, Australia wide. Their products and services are designed to make day-to-day banking easier and give you peace of mind. Visit them at Firefighters Mutual Bank is a division of Teachers Mutual Bank Limited ABN 30 087 650 459 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 238981. 436 FireMapper Fire Front Solutions is an Australian owned and operated business founded by a team of volunteer fire fighters. Fire Front develops and supports the FireMapper app, a purpose built digital mapping and situational awareness solution for emergency services. 534 Firestory Firestory is an all hazards intelligence platform, providing decision support across all phases of the Disaster Intelligence Cycle. Firestory moves beyond data, to provide insight driven decision making - minimising your time in platform, and proactively alerting users to intelligence that requires action. Our modular architecture allows agencies to configure a solution that suits the needs of their business now, and into the future. BRONZE EXHIBITORBRONZE EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITOR ADRC24 KNOWLEDGE STREAM SPONSOR IFE24 CONFERENCE DELEGATE SATCHEL SPONSOR481 Fire to Flourish Everyday Australians are the first and last responders when disaster strikes. But they continue to receive inadequate support for their long-term recovery and resilience needs. Led by Monash University, Fire to Flourish partners with bushfire-affected communities to address this gap by piloting a new model of community-led action. Their approach is not one-size-fits-all, they support communities to create tailored solutions for their unique context. 535 Fireant Fireant empowers emergency service organisations to rapidly build scalable, secure, robust & tailored digital products. They offer a Digital Solutions Platform approach, which provides their customers access to their large library of existing software modules and off-the-shelf applications, which can be used to rapidly build and deploy tailored digital solutions to meet their businesses needs.

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE380 FLAIM Systems FLAIM innovates purposeful training systems that enhance readiness in high-risk situations. Taking a collaborative approach, FLAIM leverages the expertise of its people and partners to deliver technology that enables peak performance in critical situations, when split-second decisions can make the difference between life and death. 122 FlamePro Global FlamePro’s life-saving garments are essential kit for firefighters around the world. FlamePro understand what it means to be responsible for the lives of your firefighters, and the people they protect. Their mission is to make firefighters’ jobs safer and easier. They know there is more to a suit than how much it can protect from heat. It needs to be light, it needs to be well fitting, it needs intelligent pocket placement. 102 FloodMapp FloodMapp is a rapidly growing tech company specializing in dynamic, real-time flood intelligence for emergency management. They work with government agencies, critical infrastructure companies and other industries before, during and after flood events to improve safety, prevent damage and aid in rapid response and recovery. BRONZE EXHIBITORBRONZE EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPE HOST AGENCY402 Forestry Corporation of NSW Forestry Corporation of NSW manages two million hectares of State forests, including NSW’s largest commercial plantation estate. As a state-owned corporation and one of the State’s four statutory firefighting authorities, Forestry Corporation has a highly trained and well equipped firefighting workforce and plays a key role in preventing and managing fires in State forests and protecting communities as part of the NSW’s coordinated firefighting response. 454 FPA Australia Australia’s peak body for fire safety, supporting and representing the fire protection industry. FPA Australia is a not-for-profit organisation and industry association that seeks to protect life, property and environment. The Association’s focus is on advocating for a better skilled, more professional industry that delivers improved safety outcomes. We represent the industry to government and deliver technical information, services, and education to support both practitioners and the broader community.

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATION316 Fraser Fire and Rescue Fraser Fire and Rescue leads in Australasia’s fire safety sector, engineering advanced fire appliances and equipment. Their high-tech production delivers top-quality fire vehicles, BA seats, hose reels, monitors, and doors. Dedicated to excellence, they ensure safety, environmental sustainability, and cost efficiency. Collaborating with clients, they create superior, reliable solutions. CAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE340 FTS (an AEM brand) FTS is the world leader in environmental monitoring solutions for fire weather (as it applies to predicting, preventing and managing wildfires). FTS solutions are used by 100% of the top 50 government forest management agencies in the United States and Canada. Furthermore, we have established an international partnership with ESS Weathertech, who exclusively distribute our fire weather products. PLATINUM EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITOR EMSINA PDP SPONSOR AFAC24 CONFERENCE DELEGATE LANYARD SPONSORCAPABILITY: Fleet 240 Fujitsu Australia Fujitsu’s purpose is to make the world more sustainable by building trust in society through innovation. As the digital transformation partner of choice for customers in over 100 countries, our 124,000 employees work to resolve some of the greatest challenges facing humanity. Our range of services and solutions draw on five key technologies: Computing, Networks, AI, Data & Security, and Converging Technologies, which we bring together to deliver sustainability transformation SILVER EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Fleet / Equipment 218 GAAM Emergency Products GAAM is a specialist in the design and manufacture of pumps for urban and rural fire suppression, manufacturing a wide range of petrol and diesel-powered firefighting pump sets and ancillary systems. GAAM sources products and components specifically for fire, rescue, police, security, SES, and other emergency services and industrial organisations from suppliers around the world. PLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPE / Fleet / Equipment

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE480 Gender and Disaster Australia ‘Wominjeka’ step into the world of GADAus at AFAC24! Immerse yourself in a captivating exhibition that weaves First Nations art with the artists’ perspectives on disaster. Each artwork tells a unique story of First Nations people’s experience of disaster’. Stay and chat about our offerings and potential collaborations. Plus, don’t miss your chance to own a piece of this profound collection with our exclusive art catalogues available for purchase. 188 Global Fire Solutions Global Fire Solutions is an Australian-owned and operated family business based in Adelaide (SA). We proudly serve the Emergency Services, Industrial & Mining Sectors in Australia & NZ. S uppliers: Bronto Skylift Finland, from USA – WS Darley & Co, Safe Fleet, Trident & Kussmaul. With proficient and productive consultation alongside our customers we all achieve world-class purpose-built appliances to suit industry needs. We welcome you to stop by Stand 188. BRONZE EXHIBITORPLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Fleet / Equipment INNOVATION HUB186 Geoneon Geoneon leverages AI and high-resolution satellite imagery to provide precise climate physical risk and vegetation mapping solutions. For vegetation, our technology offers 30cm resolution for detailed fire-prone area mapping, fire modelling, and mitigation reporting, as well as 10m resolution, ideal for state or national scale monitoring. Visit us at the Innovation Hub at AFAC24 to explore our latest advancements. BRONZE EXHIBITOR434 Good To Go Good To Go is focused on enhancing appliance & equipment readiness for 1st responders.Good To Go’s solutions include real-time and point-in-time asset visibility, readiness reporting & operational inspections with service/requisition forms & approval workflow. Our solutions save time & remove mundane tasks from front-line workers, while also integrating with existing asset management products to streamline the entire process. BRONZE EXHIBITOR528 Gould Instruments Gould Instruments designs and manufactures high accuracy Australian made, digital Instrumentation for the Fire, Plumbing & Backflow prevention industries. Their product range includes Fire Hydrant and Hose reel Flowmeters, Annubars, digital gauges, Backflow test kits, TMV test kits, come visit stand 528 at AFAC24 BRONZE EXHIBITOR

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATION493 Hainsworth Protective Fabrics Hainsworth has been a market-leading developer of intelligent fabrics for emergency services professionals since the 1800s, when they provided the London Fire Brigade with wool melton uniform cloth. Since then, Hainsworth has continued to develop and manufacture innovative protective fabrics worn by firefighters around the world. Uses include Structural, Wildland, RTC, USAR and water rescue. 259 HAIX Group As an innovative and high-tech manufacturer HAIX meets the highest standards of functionality, quality and design whilst also providing good value for money. Their customers entrust them with their everyday safety, both during their work and leisure time and round the clock if needs be. Their objective is nothing less than to offer their loyal fans the best shoes in the world! - Heroes Wear HAIX! 168 Hako Australia Hako Australia introduces new rapid-response fire-fighting technology already used in Europe, Asia and the Americas. With incredibly water efficiency, the HDL250 system targets two aspects of the triangle of fire to reduce heat and oxygen supply. Radiant heat is absorbed by rapid water vaporisation, which in turn blocks oxygen from the fire source. Deploy quickly with an immediately effective response and longer attack times! CAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE396 HARCOR As an emergency services bag manufacturer, Harcor offer most bags in a number of colours and sizes to meet exact requirements. The team at Harcor are able to offer ideas and experience, from concept to development and manufacture. Contact Harcor to discuss your needs, including made-to-order bag sizes, materials, colours, logo printing and other features. SILVER EXHIBITORGOLD EXHIBITORGOLD EXHIBITOR IFE24 CONFERENCE DELEGATE LANYARD SPONSORCAPABILITY: PPE CAPABILITY: PPE CAPABILITY: Equipment CAPABILITY: Equipment 288 GORE-TEX Professional GORE-TEX CROSSTECH® Moisture Barriers provide critical waterproof, breathable protection for emergency responders in garments, boots and gloves. Renowned for durability and comfort, forming a strong barrier against liquids, chemicals, viral and particulate penetration. PYRAD® Stretch fabric technology offers additional incidental flame and flash fire protection in technical rescue applications. PLATINUM EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPE

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE284 Hatz Australia Hatz is a global independent specialist, with small and compact diesel engines with power outputs from 1.5 kW single-cylinder to 56 kW four-cylinder. Their diesel engines are used in all fields of application, such as construction machinery, emergency services, compressors, power generation, commercial vehicles, agricultural machinery and handling equipment. 348 Heavy Automatics Heavy Automatics, an Australian company, specialises in supporting Allison products with a focus on exceptional customer service. As the largest Allison distributor in Australia, we provide comprehensive service, parts, and repair solutions. Our branches are equipped with factory-trained technicians and genuine parts. We offer 24/7 breakdown services and work closely with OEMs and emergency services to enhance vehicle performance and safety. 348 Heavy Hydraulics Heavy Hydraulics offers a wide range of products for truck applications, including Power Take-Offs, gear pumps, piston pumps, control valves, and more. Our knowledgeable team can provide the right solution for your needs. We have five branches across Australia and offer online enquiries. Besides sales, we provide full installation and repair services, ensuring your equipment is installed correctly for peace of mind. 329 HELLA Australia Established in 1899, HELLA has supplied automotive Original Equipment for over 120 years. With vast experience and technical knowledge to support manufacturers and specialists across truck, trailer, coach, municipal and emergency response sectors, HELLA is committed to reducing vehicle downtime and increasing efficiency, productivity, and safety. 529 HERE Technologies HERE Technologies is a location data and technology company that created the first digital map over 35 years ago. Today we are the world’s leading location platform company with a global footprint across 52 countries. In a world increasingly overwhelmed with growing volumes of data, a real-time understanding of how objects, systems and people interact with one another on the move is a critical success factor for any situation. PLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORBRONZE EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Fleet / Equipment CAPABILITY: Fleet / Equipment CAPABILITY: Fleet CAPABILITY: Fleet / Equipment 483 Hidrive Hidrive is Australia’s only manufacturer of service bodies for utes, trailers, and trucks with a national installation network. They build premium, fit-for-purpose aluminium canopies, compliant with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001. Offering over 190 modular and electrical accessories, Hidrive’s durable canopies are engineered to maximise payload and stability, improve fuel efficiency, and resist corrosion, UV damage, and vibration. BRONZE EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Fleet

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATION192 HINO Motor Sales Australia Hino Australia has been supplying trucks to the Australian fire and emergency services since 1984. Hino Trucks are built with the core brand attributes of Quality, Durability and Reliability (QDR) in mind, in addition to offering the Safety, Performance, Efficient and Comfort features. All products are supported by a comprehensive customer care program, Hino Advantage. 524 Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition Aus. The Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition Australia (HFSCA) is a partnership between AFAC and FPA Australia, established to inform the community and industry about the life-saving value of home fire sprinkler protection. The HFSCA offers a range of information and supporting materials to the community and industry on its website. 560 Honeywell Safety Products At Honeywell, safety is in their DNA. As a global manufacturer of personal protective equipment, Honeywell has beenprotecting lives from occupational hazards big and small for decades. With over 100 years of safety innovation, they’ve created comprehensive head-to-toe safety solutions designed to protect the lives of 500 million workers every day. 412 HowWeSurvive, UNSW HowWeSurvive is an independently funded initiative that aims to reshape the way community-centred disaster recovery efforts are enacted and understood within Australia and beyond. Through research, education, advocacy and collaboration, they’re beginning by looking at some of the areas where change is most urgently needed such as in housing after disaster, corruption in the built environment, and listening to and engaging with community voices. 212 Humanihut The Humanihut Field Infrastructure System Infrastructure System (HFIS) is a rapidly re-deployable infrastructure solution offering climate-controlled, foldable, rigid structure accommodation solutions. With all components, accessories and necessary utilities integrated for rapid deployment and ease of establishment, the HFIS can connect to local mains water, power, and waste-water infrastructure or run independently if services are not available. CAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE470 Hurtec Hurtec Light Attack Vehicles and Light Slip-Ons feature powerful electric pumps and on-board software platform. It’s the hub of a firefighting revolution. Hurtec electric firefighting pumps automate complex tasks. The pumps are silent, reliable and efficiently deliver incredible water volumes with precise control. Hurtec software also lets crew and support teams remotely operate equipment or access live data from pumps, vehicles, and fire-ground. PLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORGOLD EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPE CAPABILITY: Fleet / Equipment CAPABILITY: Fleet CAPABILITY: Equipment

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE460 IFE Australia Branch The Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) is a global professional membership body for those in the fire sector who seek to increase their knowledge, professional recognition and understanding of fire through a global discourse. IFE is at the heart of the international fire and emergency community, promoting best practices and advancing the discipline for the benefit of society and supporting the professional development of members. 558 Industrial Decontamination Services IDS is the only dedicated PPE and PPC care and maintenance company in Australia. They provide professional PPE and PPC decontamination, cleaning, repair, and recertification services as part of their asset lifecycle management program designed to meet the unique needs of PPE and PPC users. Their tailored solution is focused specifically on EFFECTIVE decontamination and thorough lifetime management of all PPE & PPC. 370 INEOS Automotive Since INEOS Automotive started their journey to build a utilitarian 4X4, they come a long way. They've established INEOS Automotive as a serious contender in 4X4 development and manufacturing. They’ve partnered with some of the biggest names in the automotive industry. They’ve made their way from vision to prototype. They’ve secured a world-class production facility and delivery team. They’ve delivered customer Grenadiers to customers all around the world. They’re building their double cab pick up, the Quartermaster. They’ve started work on their Chassis Cab. 246 IONNIC – Auto Electrical Imports Auto Electrical Imports (AEI) started from a humble beginning in the 1980s with two employees and has grown to over 55 staff, becoming a specialised supplier of electrical products for automotive, mobile plant and equipment. With the distribution and sales of some of the world’s leading manufacturers, backed by a strong sales team with service as the core element, AEI has become a major supplier in the automotive electrical market. 236 ISH24 – Safety & Rescue ISH24 offer a comprehensive suite of workplace safety, training, consulting, and auditing services to a diverse range of industries. Their mission is to assist clients in maintaining safety standards and mitigating workplace risks. As Australia’s foremost safety specialists, ISH24 provide assurance and peace of mind to their customers by helping them feel confident in the safety of their operations. PLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Fleet CAPABILITY: Fleet CAPABILITY: PPE

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE WELCOME FUNCTION SPONSOR388 ISUZU Australia Isuzu Australia Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Isuzu Motors Limited (Japan) with responsibility for distribution and support of Isuzu Trucks, plus its off-highway engine range, Isuzu Power Solutions. Introduced in 1972, Isuzu Trucks has been Australia’s truck sales leader for 35 consecutive years (1989-2024). Around one in every four new trucks sold in Australia is delivered from one of the 70-plus Isuzu dealerships across the country. PLATINUM EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Fleet / Equipment545 IVECO Trucks Australia IVECO designs, manufactures and markets a wide range of light, medium and heavy commercial vehicles. IVECO boasts a complete offer for all applications, enriched by a range of advanced digital services developed to help customers efficiently manage their fleet and their business. The wide product offer includes the Daily, a vehicle that covers 3.5 to 7.2 tonne GVM, the Eurocargo, from 14 to 19 tonnes, and for the heavy segment over 16 tonnes, the IVECO S-WAY for on-highway applications road, and the IVECO T-WAY for off-road missions._ 475 Juvare – WebEOC Juvare is the worldwide leader in emergency preparedness and critical incident management software. Juvare solutions empower government and defense agencies, corporations, healthcare facilities, academic institutions, and volunteer organizations to leverage real-time data to manage incidents faster and more efficiently, protecting people, property, and brands. BRONZE EXHIBITORGOLD EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Fleet / Equipment114 JVCKENWOOD Australia JVCKENWOOD is a global company known for its electronics and communication equipment, including radios, audio equipment, and video systems. In Australia, JVCKENWOOD products are distributed and supported for various sectors, such as automotive, professional communication, and consumer electronics. Specializing in P25, DMR NXDN technology, KENWOOD Two Way Radios have the most renowned functionality & Audio Quality in the market. SILVER EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Equipment304 Kimberley Land Council The Kimberley Land Council was formed in 1978 by Kimberley Aboriginal people as a political land rights organisation. Today, they have grown to become the peak Indigenous body in the Kimberley region working with Aboriginal people to secure native title, conduct conservation and land management activities and develop cultural business enterprises.

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE INNOVATION HUB186 Kara Technologies Explore how Kara Technologies is revolutionising the way fire and emergency organisations make urgent communications accessible for Deaf Australians. Our AI-powered, hyper-realistic digital humans provide real-time, 24/7 translation of urgent and important messages into Auslan, the first language of the Deaf community. This groundbreaking, award winning solution ensures that Deaf individuals receive lifesaving notifications simultaneously with their hearing counterparts, making emergency services more accessible than ever before – as it should be. CAPABILITY: Equipment228 Kupiers Engineering Established almost 60 years ago, Kuipers Engineering is a flexible and dynamic developer and manufacturer of specialised vehicle fleets including Fire, Rescue, Police, Health Clinics and other specialist vehicles. Now as a wholly owned subsidiary of Naffco we can combine our local knowledge, manufacturing and support with their Global R&D resources to provide world leading solutions customised to the Australian environment. BRONZE EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Fleet / Equipment290 Kuriyama Australia Kuriyama Australia, as part of the Kuriyama Holdings Corporation, is a leading organization manufacturing and distributing a complete range of fire hoses and fire equipment. Their portfolio includes well-established brand names such as ARMTEX ONE, ARMTEX JAFRIB and BLINDEX in the hose range, also VIPER, ATTACK, BLUE DEVIL and GENFO in the fire equipment range. These recognized brand names have become a reference in the industry. SILVER EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Fleet / Equipment CAFÉ NAMING SPONSOR245 L3Harris L3Harris Technologies is the Trusted Disruptor in the defense industry. With customers’ mission-critical needs always in mind, their employees deliver end-to-end technology solutions connecting the space, air, land, sea and cyber domains in the interest of national security. Visit for more information. CAPABILITY: Equipment

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE300 Lazer Lamps Lazer Lamps has set the standard for high-performance auxiliary LED lighting since 2010. Their top-tier lighting solutions are proudly crafted in the UK, ensuring quality and excellence in every product they deliver, illuminating the trail ahead in the 4x4 community and beyond. SEE MORE. GO FURTHER. GO SAFER. 350 LHD Group Australia LHD Group Australia has catered to the Australian/NZ Emergency services for over two decades by providing premium PPC and uniform solutions. As a subsidiary of the LHD Group GmbH (a Lakeland Group Company), a leading global system provider in supply and management of protective clothing, and globally renowned for their continuous pursuit to servicing the growing needs of today’s firefighters and rescue members. 140 LifeTec Training Manikins LifeTec Pty Ltd is the exclusive distributor in Australia and New Zealand for the leading manufacturer of Rescue Training Dummies and Manikins in Europe for more than 30 years – Ruth Lee Ltd (UK). BRONZE EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORPLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: EquipmentCAPABILITY: PPECAPABILITY: Equipment565 Lithium-ion Fire Protection Lithium-Ion Fire Protection is a Company that is dedicated to bringing fire-fighting products to the Australian market that are specifically designed to combat lithium-ion battery fires. With a range spanning from portable extinguishers, through to complex suppression system options, we have your lithium-ion battery fire needs covered. 311 M2S Systems M2S Systems supply World-class soft shelter systems for emergency response, humanitarian, industry and Australian defence needs. M2S Systems specialises in the design and delivery of complete deployable shelter solutions that are truly capable. From bespoke one-off projects to complex multi-faceted operations, we bring extensive real-world experience and knowledge of emergency response, NGO aid agencies, industry and military field applications. 462 Makita (Australia) Makita are global leaders in innovation, designing and manufacturing fit for purpose products for all areas of industry. Makita Corporation was founded in 1915 as an electric motor sales and repair company, who in 1958, became the first company in Japan to manufacture electric planers. This was the start of Makita’s evolution of innovation. Now, Makita provides new and innovative tooling and equipment solutions to make work easier, faster and safer than ever before. BRONZE EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: EquipmentCAPABILITY: EquipmentCAPABILITY: Equipment

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE196 MFI Automotive Group MFI Automotive Group is an Australian owned and operated business with over 25 years’ experience. They provide purpose-built Service Bodies, and custom engineered solutions for Trade and Commercial Fleets, Emergency Services, Mining operations and other specialized vehicle applications. From Fleet conversions, Hazard and Emergency, Covert and Security operations, Community and Correction transport, Telematics and Communications systems. 419 Milwaukee Tool Founded in 1924, Milwaukee Tool is a global leader in engineering innovative solutions for professional trades that offer increased productivity and efficiency. Whether it’s through the world-leading M12™, M18™, and MX FUEL™ cordless systems; innovative hand tools, time-saving accessories or modular storage equipment, the company delivers a steady stream of advanced, trade-specific products. 512 MSA Australia As a global leader in firefighter safety equipment and technology, MSA Safety will showcase its Connected Firefighter Platform and a suite of advanced safety technologies that work in concert to significantly improve firefighter safety, monitoring, accountability, and communication. MSA will showcase products such as LUNAR, a wireless all-in-one device creating an independent search and rescue network, providing edge detection enhanced personal PLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORBRONZE EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: EquipmentCAPABILITY: PPE / EquipmentCAPABILITY: Fleet490 Multidrive Technology For over two decades, Multidrive Technology has been at the forefront of the off-road vehicle modification industry. With a primary focus on Secondary Stage Manufacturer (SSM) vehicle approvals, our products and services are offered to both fleet and emergency services alike. Nation-wide compliance is offered both pre-registration via SSM approval or post-registration via VASS if you have an idea, we have a solution for you. 450 Museum of Fire The Museum of Fire, located in Western Sydney’s, Penrith NSW, is the largest firefighting museum in the southern hemisphere. Housed in an historic power station the Museum contains thousands of objects that relate to firefighting history. The Museum is an excellent place to learn about the history of firefighting, whilst simultaneously educating the public on fire safety with interactive displays and something for the whole family to enjoy! 228 NAFFCO Australia NAFFCO, founded in Dubai, UAE, is a global leader in life safety solutions, offering firefighting equipment, fire protection systems, alarms, security systems, and custom vehicles. With over 2,000 engineers and 10 million square feet of facilities,NAFFCO exports to over 100 countries.Our products are UL, FM, BSI, and Global Mark approved, meeting ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and AS 9100 standards.We aim to protect life, environment & property. BRONZE EXHIBITORBRONZE EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: FleetCAPABILITY: Fleet / EquipmentCAPABILITY: Fleet

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414 National Emergency Management Agency The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) is Australia’s National Disaster Management Organisation. NEMA manages the Australian Government Disaster Response Plan (COMDISPLAN) under which states and territories may seek Australian Government assistance when the scale of an emergency or disaster exceeds or exhausts the jurisdiction’s response capacity and capabilities, or where resources cannot be mobilised in sufficient time. 408 Nederman MikroPul No one better than Nederman can create the most optimal solution for sound, safe, and ergonomic Fire and Emergency Stations. You get the most comprehensive solutions from a single supply source fulfilling the latest standards and leading technologies. More than 75 years of experience and well over 100,000 installations in emergency stations make us second to none. With us, you can feel secure that we take care of your needs. EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCESILVER EXHIBITORGOLD EXHIBITOR INDUSTRY RESEARCH PARTNERCAPABILITY: Fleet / Equipment337 Natural Hazards Research Australia Natural Hazards Research Australia is the national centre for natural hazard resilience and disaster risk reduction, delivering usable knowledge that creates safer and more resilient communities. Through collaborative research, the Centre works with emergency management and disaster resilience organisations to address the major challenges arising from natural hazards. PLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITOR260 Newlans Coachbuilders Why install aluminum replacement safety panels? Plastic panels are commonplace on most modern day commercial vehicles, however they have proved to be inadequate in situations of extreme heat and wear. We have created a solution to this problem in the form of exact fitting reproductions of the original plastic parts in lightweight aluminum. Fitting them to a vehicle is a onetime investment which will reduce the risk of injury and vehicle losses NGIS For over 30 years, NGIS has been an independent and innovative geospatial solution provider. Delivering high-value business outcomes and high-impact initiatives. We partner with the world’s leading geospatial technology companies to create and implement solutions for our clients. We have worked with a variety of emergency management agencies to build their response and resilience capabilities through geospatial and location intelligence solutions. Discover how we can assist you with our advanced cutting-edge geospatial solutions. PLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORBRONZE EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Fleet

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE160 Noggin Noggin, a Motorola Solutions Company, is a global provider of critical event management & resilience software. Its software helps enterprises and critical infrastructure anticipate, prepare for and efficiently respond to incidents. Noggin’s integrated platform offers flexible workflows and checklists, built-in maps and situational awareness dashboards to help streamline incident management and strengthen business resilience. SILVER EXHIBITOR312 Norman G Clark A/Asia Founded in 1919 Norman G Clark A/Asia today support the Fire & Rescue Industry with Premium Protective PyroJacket and Materials to install on Fire Trucks and associated Vehicles. Their ADL Insulflex Aerostyle PyroJacket is rated to a max temperature of 1650°C and is the most Certified Fire Sleeve/PyroJacket in the global market (SAE AS 1072E), they stock a large range of sizes. They continually support the AFAC Conference & Industry. 506 Norweld Australia Norweld is an Australian Made and owned company with over 50 years of expertise in designing high-quality aluminium ute trays and canopies that last a lifetime. Renowned for exceptional craftsmanship, durability and customer satisfaction, Norweld is committed to making our customers’ dreams a reality. Elevate your 4WD with a Norweld today. GOLD EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: FleetCAPABILITY: Fleet / Equipment209 Nova Systems Nova Systems Geospatial enables organisations to harness the power of geospatial information, technology and data. Their solutions are relied upon by agencies such as NSW Rural Fire Service, Emergency Management Victoria and ACT Emergency Services Agency to provide timely and reliable information for emergency response, situational awareness and disaster planning and preparedness. SILVER EXHIBITOR RESILIENCE LANE PARTNER SPONSOR482/398-8 NRMA Insurance NRMA Insurance and IAG are proud to support this year’s Australian Disaster Resilience Conference and Resilience Lane exhibition. Visit the NRMA Insurance Help Nation stand at Resilience Lane to learn more about how we’re collaborating with our community partners to help people and communities prepare for extreme weather and know their local risks. BRONZE EXHIBITOR

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE ADRC24 SUPPORTING PARTNER SPONSOR HOST AGENCY HOST AGENCY HOST AGENCY402 NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is responsible for creating and caring for parks and protected areas while conserving natural and cultural heritage throughout New South Wales. The organisation plays a critical role responding to bushfires as one of four firefighting authorities in NSW. As a manager of public land, NPWS is responsible for more than 8 million hectares, which is approximately 10% of state. 410 NSW Reconstruction Authority The NSW Reconstruction Authority was established to reduce the impact of future disasters across NSW and help communities recover from them faster. They work with communities, businesses and other agencies to mitigate the impacts disasters have on their lives. In disasters, they work with agencies and local leaders to understand what communities need to recover. Post disaster, they lead recovery in collaboration with local leaders and recovery partners. NSW Rural Fire Service The NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) is the lead combat agency for bush fires in NSW and is widely acknowledged as the largest volunteer fire service in the world. For more than 100 years, it has provided unwavering support to the community in the protection of property and saving lives, and continues to do so. It also works closely with other agencies in the response to a range of emergencies including structure fires, vehicle accidents and storms that occur within rural fire districts. 402 NSW State Emergency Services NSW State Emergency Service (SES) is an emergency service dedicated to assisting the community, with combat agency responsibilities for floods, storms and tsunamis in NSW. There are more than 10,000 NSW SES volunteers across the state that make this possible, as well as providing general rescue support in regional NSW. This includes road crash rescue, vertical rescue, bush search and rescue, evidence searches and other forms of specialist rescue that may be required due to local threats.

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE430 Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer The Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer (OCSE) is dedicated to advancing the application of science, engineering, and technology to drive positive economic, environmental, and social outcomes. By fostering collaboration between academia, government, and industry, the OCSE facilitates the translation of research into practical solutions and promotes the development of new technology-based industries. Looking forward to AFAC! BRONZE EXHIBITOR560 Oliver Footwear Oliver Footwear’s firefighting and emergency services boots are designed to be THE choice of the relevant agencies and their frontline personnel. Features Include: Water resistant and flame retardant leather, TECtuff® toe bumper protection, Heavy duty red Nomex®stitching and flame proof laces. The HS 66 Series features a Heavy Duty NitrileRubber Soling System, with an integrated comfort layer of urethane cushioning. 485 Omni Omni is an Australian-owned business focused on delivering innovative defence, national security, intelligence and critical infrastructure solutions to further national interest. Their locally based, expert teams deliver cutting-edge technology and pioneering solutions in support of Australia’s sovereign capability. PLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPE108 Omnitronics Omnitronics is a world leader in the design, manufacture and supply of mission critical communication systems. Specialising in Digital Radio Management, Dispatch, Interoperability and Radio over IP, their products and solutions operate 24/7 in the control centres, incident command vehicles and radio infrastructures of some of the world’s most vital organizations. Omnitronics has an international network of distributors and resellers. 377 On Track Meals On Track Meals is a Veteran Owned and Australian-made company that provides shelf-stable food solutions to over 150 stores in Australia wide, including providing Government agencies and NGOs with food solutions before, during and after incidents and disasters. They are proud to provide Ration Packs to AFAC agencies such as NSWRFS with a number of offerings tailored to the mission requirements of each agency. 332 One Seven Oceania One Seven Oceania Pty Ltd is based in Australia and the regional head office of Schmitz One Seven Germany. Headed by Gary Rowe, with over ten years’ experience with Schmitz One Seven Germany, their role is to support our customers locally so that they have ready access to cutting edge technology. One Seven plans, develops, produces and maintains CAFS fire extinguishing systems complying to all Australian National standards BRONZE EXHIBITORBRONZE EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Fleet

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477 OroraTech OroraTech represents an orbital revolution in wildfire. The flagship Wildfire Solution platform, powered by high-resolution thermal data from their proprietary space-based sensor system, is trusted worldwide for fire detection and management. This cutting-edge platform detects fires of any scale, day or night, ensuring timely action – and is available via WebApp or API. In early 2025 another 8 satellites are launching – enabling 12-hrly revisits. 346 Overwatch Overwatch Imaging is dedicated to empowering decision-makers with time-critical geospatial intelligence. Founded in 2016 in Hood River, Oregon, Overwatch Imaging serves a wide variety of important applications globally, from fire, flood, and emergency response to counter narcotics, border security, tactical intelligence, and maritime ISR. Specific products include a line of multispectral smart sensors and software-only solutions for FMV gimbals. 110 PAC Brackets Australia PAC Brackets Australia supply specialty stowage brackets, kits and straps for both Australia and New Zealand, specifically for the Fire, Emergency and Defence sectors. We provide a tested and safe solution to suit your equipment stowage needs. 504 Pac Fire Pac Fire, in association with major partners Pacific Helmets, MSA Bristol and PAC+CARE, represent the gold standard in the supply and servicing of quality PPE/C, designed to deliver premium protection. The Pac Fire range includes over 500 individual products sourced from respected industry brands: Jolly, Groves Ready Rack, YDS, Kappler, BlowHard, Underwater Kinetics, Adaro, Responder Wipes, Citrosqueeze, Titan Communications, THORZT and more. 270 Pacer Power PACER POWER is an Australian portable lighting manufacturer and importer, supporting industries such as emergency services, construction, and mining for over 13 years. They pride themselves on keeping the lights on for all their clients and see portable lighting as an integral part of all first responders and emergency services. They are extremely confident, that through their lighting brands, such as SCANGRIP, TOP GUN and NEXTORCH, PACER POWER has the right lighting solution to meet your needs. EXHIBITOR INFORMATION298 Openhouse Products Australia Openhouse is a family run international business with a passion for bespoke solutions and innovative designs working in pre hospital and emergency service sectors. Openhouse Products Australia is determined to provide the highest quality, safest and best value response and rescue bags and textiles on the market. Every one of their front-line emergency products is designed to offer lasting comfort, quality and durability, even in the most demanding situations. CAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCEBRONZE EXHIBITORBRONZE EXHIBITOR BRONZE EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORGOLD EXHIBITORDIAMOND EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Fleet / EquipmentCAPABILITY: Fleet / EquipmentCAPABILITY: PPE / EquipmentCAPABILITY: Equipment

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE262 Panasonic TOUGHBOOK Panasonic TOUGHBOOK, the #1 rugged Mobile Computing Solutions brand in the world, has led the way in making sure your teams can work anywhere, anytime. Providing the perfect balance of rugged durability and performance, TOUGHBOOK is truly rugged from the inside out, so is comfortable being the workhorse when docked in one of their specialist vehicle mounts, through to getting constant bumps, knocks, and drops from those on the frontline. GOLD EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Equipment164 Pano AI Pano AI is a global leader in early bushfire detection, providing advanced actionable intelligence and situational awareness to first responders. Pano’s solution leverages advanced technologies including ultra-high resolution cameras and artificial intelligence to detect fire ignitions within the first few minutes. Pano enables customers to get to fires quickly and safely by identifying their precise location via a 360-degree live video feed. 496 PBI Performance Products PBI outer shell fabrics are renowned for their unique combination of flame resistance, durability and comfort and have protected firefighters across the globe for over 40 years. Each fabric has different properties and applications, but every PBI outer shell provides the protection needed for the extremes of the fire ground. They deliver superior heat flame resistance, along with high levels of comfort and durability for the garments lifetime. PLATINUM EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPE184 Pelican Products Pelican Products is the global leader in high-performance protective case solutions and advanced portable lighting systems. Pelican manufactures a range of safety-approved lighting, from torches and headlamps to lanterns and remote area lighting systems. These products are specifically designed for the emergency services industry, ensuring the highest safety standards in the most hazardous environments. SILVER EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Equipment142 Penske Australia Penske Australia proudly represents Allison Transmission, a leading manufacturer of fully automatic transmissions for medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles, including innovative solutions for bus, refuse, fire, construction, distribution, military, and other specialty vehicles. The longest-serving distributor of Allison Transmission in Australia, Penske further backs the robust design of Allison products with our dedicated team of experts. 516 Pioneering Protective Textiles Westex® creates flame-resistant and arc-rated (FR/AR) textiles recognized for unmatched quality, comfort and proven performance. With a legacy dating back to 1941, their life-saving materials and technologies are the trusted last line of defense for hardworking men and women across the utility, oil and gas, electrical maintenance and metals industries. SILVER EXHIBITORGOLD EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPECAPABILITY: Fleet

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420 Power Equipment Power Equipment is the exclusive authorised distributor for Yanmar & John Deere engines and other products throughout Australia, NZ & the South Pacific. 244 PPE Software Australia PPE Software Australia protects Fire Fighters from carcinogens through software that conforms to NFPA 1851 or ISO 23616 standards for the cleaning of PPE. The system also assist with assignment, inspection scheduling, life cycle management, budgeting and recording of all associated PPE cost. Additional optional modules provide vehicle and station asset checklists and management, as well as SCABA compliance management. 234 PT Rescue PT Rescue is synonymous with quality, commitment, and service. They are the Australian and New Zealand Distributors for such leading brands as Lukas, Vetter, Paratech, CTD, Bridgehill, Turtle, and the range of Akron & AWG Fire products. With over 40 years of experience in the supply & service of fire and rescue equipment, the PT Rescue team is renowned for their unsurpassed technical knowledge and reputation for exceptional service. EXHIBITOR INFORMATION484 Planet Planet is the leading global, daily satellite imagery and geospatial solutions provider. Founded in 2010 by three NASA scientists, they design, build, and operate the largest earth observation fleet of satellites, and provide a platform that enables users to make change visible, accessible, and actionable. Learn more at and follow @planet on X (formerly Twitter). CAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCESILVER EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORPLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Fleet / EquipmentCAPABILITY: Fleet / Equipment

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE GALA DINNER SPONSOR INDUSTRY PARTNER SPONSOR CAPABILITY: EquipmentCAPABILITY: EquipmentCAPABILITY: Equipment126 Public Safety Training & Response Group Public Safety Training & Response Group is committed to keeping people safe in times of danger. We offer a range of high-level accredited courses, including CASA-approved drone operator; helicopter pilot and rescue crewing; flood and swiftwater rescue, and recovery; first aid and CPR. Also, we support government, its agencies, community, and private clients by offering on-demand commercial search and rescue services. BRONZE EXHIBITOR130 Public Safety Training & Response Group 134 Public Safety Training & Response Group 156 Public Skills Australia Public Skills Australia is a Jobs and Skills Council (JSC) that works with the Public Safety and Government industry-sectors. These include Correctional Services, Defence, Federal, State/Territory and Local Government, Fire and Emergency Services, and Police. We work with these industry-sectors to identify current workforce challenges or potential skills shortages, through workforce planning, reviewing training packages and supporting the implementation of vocational education and training. 116 Raindance Systems Raindance Systems is an industry leader in the development and manufacture of incendiary device technology in Australia. Their products are designed, developed and manufactured at their purpose-built facility. They look to other industries to ensure their products are contemporary in function and design. Their products are designed to be lightweight, safe and easy to use. They have safety at the forefront of their product design and pride themselves in this. 473 RAPP Australia RAPP Australia is a family-owned leading Australian manufacturer with two divisions, NEANN and firelogistics. It specialises in designing and manufacturing a wide variety of fit for purpose products to meet the ever-changing needs of its customers within the emergency services sector. This is done through innovation, use of new technologies and customer collaboration. RAPP Australia has been a pre-eminent supplier of medical and firefighting equipment for government agencies for decades. PLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORPLATINUM EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: EquipmentCAPABILITY: Fleet / Equipment

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546 Red Baron ALSE Red Baron ALSE, an Australian Veteran owned company offers Aircraft Life Support Equipment packages to Defence, Special Ops, Law Enforcement, EMS, SAR & Aerial delivery. Well established with 24+ years of experience in the global market they provide high quality products & services suited to all theatres of operation. Proudly representing Switlik, Paraclete, Northwall, Pro Flight Gear, Lift Aviation, Lightspeed & ACR. Switlik technical sales rep. 552 Resilient Sydney The Resilient Sydney strategy began in 2018 and is governed by a metropolitan steering committee of representatives from local governments, NSW Government, business, and the community sector. Resilient Sydney is a member of the global Resilient Cities Network, and collaborates with 100 other cities to use global best practice models for region-scale resilience building. Resilient Sydney is funded by local government and hosted by City of Sydney. 431 Responder HQ Responder HQ design software tools for managing resources within incident management teams. Their comprehensive suite supports all incident staff, covering everything from rostering to operational response, planning and reporting. Their modern, intuitive suite ensures seamless access to information and tools, simplifying resource management. This year, they’re excited to introduce their new field app, providing field staff with vital information at their fingertips. EXHIBITOR INFORMATION476 RDR Network Victoria University Risks such as climate change, natural hazard events like floods and bushfires, and COVID-19 are changing the world we live in. They require new approaches that support resilience building and innovative solutions. The Risk, Disaster and Resilience (RDR) Network tailor-makes research and training to support our end users assess, plan for and manage their risk and impacts, before, during and after events. We work with businesses, governments, communities and other research networks to create useful and usable solutions. 542 Real Mounts Real Mounts are the Australian distributor for RAM Mounts – the industry standard for vehicle mobile device mounting solutions. 328 ReCoila Hose Reels Recoila has been supplying high quality hose reels to the metro and country emergency services for many years and has developed and refined a platform of emergency services hose reels that are strong, safe and ergonomically sound. Additionally, we add further value to the supply by offering customizable options to suit a specific requirement or build. CAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCEBRONZE EXHIBITORBRONZE EXHIBITORBRONZE EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: FleetCAPABILITY: FleetCAPABILITY: PPECAPABILITY: Fleet / Equipment

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE330 RISE® RISE® group are Industry leading specialists in the vertical world. Located in Rouse Hill NSW, RISE® Pacific, Equipment and Academy deliver our services nationally and internationally. RISE® Specialises in rope access, entertainment rigging, government contract fulfilment, equipment sales and training services. We are in the industry where we don’t get second chances, so we pride ourself on our expert advice and being best in class. 264 Rosenbauer With heritage of over a century and a half, the Rosenbauer name is synonymous with innovation and new firefighting technologies. They continue to set the benchmark in the manufacture of all types of vehicles, PPE`s and extinguishing systems. When it comes to preparedness, Rosenbauer is already designing the firefighting vehicles of tomorrow-today. 342 Safety Components Safety Components designs and manufactures high-performance textiles for fire protection, military, outdoor, aerospace, automotive, filtration and composites. Only the highest quality raw materials available are used. Safety Components pioneered the use of filament yarns to manufacture outer shell and thermal liner fabrics for structural fire PPE, resulting in an exceptional fabric range. GOLD EXHIBITORGOLD EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPECAPABILITY: Fleet / PPE / EquipmentCAPABILITY: Equipment334 Safety Equipment Australia This year, Safety Equipment Australia (SEA) celebrates 40 years in protecting people supplying the Australian market with a range of premium respiratory protection equipment: Importer/wholesaler of Sundström respiratory products, Australian Agent for Interspiro SCBA, Alphatech Trellchem reusable suits and the Solo Rescue® Decon Washer. SEA services Australia wide providing ongoing customer service, technical and maintenance support and training. PLATINUM EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPE INNOVATION HUB186 Saidynamics At SAIDYNAMICS, we lead the way in innovative Australian sovereign capability within the drone technology and aerial services industry. Committed to excellence, our team brings extensive expertise in designing, building, and operating cutting-edge remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS). We dedicate ourselves to providing comprehensive solutions that serve a diverse range of industries, including power, infrastructure, firefighting, law enforcement, and environmental monitoring. CAPABILITY: Equipment

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306 Simtable Based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States of America, Simtable is a world leader in Agent-Based Modeling, Data Visualization, and Human-Computer Interaction. By integrating existing GIS data with cutting-edge computational modeling and ambient computing technologies, Simtable offers a user-friendly approach for incident response and training, community outreach and engagement, and visualizing geospatial phenomena. EXHIBITOR INFORMATION202 / 208 Scania Australia Scania is a global leader in the provision of safe and secure cab/chassis for firefighting equipment. The Scania CrewCab raises the safety benchmark even higher. The four-door bodyshell is all-steel and has been crash and impact tested and exceeds European and Swedish safety standards. Uniquely, Scania offers a side curtain airbag for each of the four doors to protect occupants in the event of a rollover. 256 Shanghai Hygloves Shanghai Hygloves Co., Ltd., founded in January 2002, is an integrated enterprise of industry and trade. We are specialized in manufacturing and exporting different kinds of functional gloves, which including Firefighter gloves, Rescue and Extrication gloves, Oil Rigger gloves, Mechanics gloves, Tactical gloves, Special functional gloves, etc. Our main market is USA, Germany, Northern Europe, Australia, Japan, and other countries and areas. 445 Silvertone UAV Silvertone UAV delivers bespoke UAS solutions for specific operational needs. Their key products, including the Flamingo Mk3, Cotesia VTOL, and Sparrow RPAS, support Emergency Services, Bushfire response, and Disaster relief across Australia and APAC. Committed to agile R&D, rapid prototyping, and rigorous flight testing, Silvertone UAV upholds the highest standards with ISO 9001, 14001, and 45001 certifications, ensuring exceptional quality and safety. CAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCEPLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORBRONZE EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITOR CONFERENCE DELEGATE SATCHEL SPONSORCAPABILITY: PPECAPABILITY: Fleet / EquipmentCAPABILITY: EquipmentCAPABILITY: Equipment413 SAMSUNG Samsung inspires the world and shapes the future with transformative ideas and technologies. The company is redefining the worlds of TVs, smartphones, wearable devices, tablets, home appliances, network systems, and memory, system LSI, foundry and LED solutions, and delivering a seamless connected experience through its SmartThings ecosystem and open collaboration with partners. For more information, please visit the website at: BRONZE EXHIBITOR

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE425 SiNAB SiNAB is an Australian-owned SME meeting real-world defence and aerospace challenges, turning contemporary and emerging technologies into deployable products and solutions. SiNAB developed the Phoenix Pod, a fully integrated, self-contained sensor and rapid air-to-ground communication system which attaches to an aircraft to provide ISR capabilities. It is designed to aid in bushfire response via live video and data transfer to the firefighter. 347 Sliding Systems Sliding Systems is a manufacturer and global distributor of telescopic slides, drawer systems, linear rail and drawer hardware. They ship to anywhere in the world and our main website hosts downloadable technical data and drawing packages for all items. The Sliding Systems brand is trusted globally by fire truck builders and brigades. They also supply a full range of tool mounts, equipment brackets, lock and slam close handle system. 494 Solberg / Perimeter Solutions Solberg Asia-Pacific Pty Ltd, a Division of Perimeter Solutions, is a leading partner for Fire Response Agencies and Industrial Users in Asia Pacific as the largest global producer of firefighting chemicals. They are key suppliers to leading Fire management agencies with with their range of fire retardant and foam products from trusted brands of SOLBERG and PHOS-CHEK. 254 Stedfast Stedfast is a world leader in manufacturing value-added laminated and coated textiles serving the specification needs of Industrial, medical, protective clothing, and military applications. Stedfast has multiple facilities in Canada and the USA, equipped with the latest technology and operated by highly skilled chemical engineers and technicians. Stedair® Waterproof Breathable technologies and Stedfast’s coated fabrics offer new levels of protection and comfort as a consequence of superior technologies that meet stringent specifications. 492 Stewart & Heaton Clothing Company Stewart & Heaton Clothing Company are the Proud sponsor of the AFAC People First Award. Stewart & Heaton are proud of the fact that they are 100% Australian-owned and operated. Stewart and Heaton – The Leading Manufacturer of Fire Fighting PPC in Australia. At Stewart & Heaton Clothing Company they believe in delivering for their customers. Pride, Passion & Protection in a Uniform PLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORPLATINUM EXHIBITORBRONZE EXHIBITORBRONZE EXHIBITORSILVER EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPECAPABILITY: PPECAPABILITY: Fleet360 STIHL Whether working in forestry and agriculture, on construction sites, or in the garden, as a STIHL customer you can rely on one thing above all: innovative products that make your work easier. You will find full power and fantastic innovations in the 2024 product range from STIHL. SILVER EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Equipment

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATION181 Summit Gear Summit Gear is an Australian Manufacturer of purpose-built packs and bags for emergency services organisations across Australia. In addition to our existing range of products, Summit Gear has a tremendous range of advanced materials and design expertise to enable you to develop specific bags and packs, purpose designed for emergency services teams to operate safely and effectively. Due to our Australian manufacturing capability, we have the capacity to develop products in conjunction with emergency services organisations for smaller volumes tha 220 Task Force Tips (TFT) Task Force Tips helps you save lives and protect property with premium firefighting equipment, technical support, and educational resources. They combine a consultative approach to your situation with extensive engineering and precision manufacturing for the highest quality solutions. Their solutions include a wide range of nozzles, monitors, valves, foam equipment, apparatus water flow appliances, and decontamination products. Solutions are also tailored for wildland and industrial firefighting applications. 297 TBA Protective Technologies TBA Protective Technologies is a renowned manufacturer of fire protection products including high-performance fabrics. Their Radiant Heat Protection Shields are specified by Australian Emergency Services and Truck Body Builders. Their fire curtains/heat shields meet ISO standards and can be fitted in firefighting appliances. Additionally, they manufacture fire blankets, thermal barriers, and distribute thermal lagging Fyrejacket accredited to ISO 1072. 187 Technology Core Since 1987, Technology Core has been a leader in design, manufacture and distribution of HDi - Australian interactive presentation solutions. Our products are integrated into thousands of organisations across the nation, and we are a preferred supplier for several Australian Government contracts. As a 100% Australian-owned company, we provide a complete solution for our customers, including delivery, installation, and a robust training and support program for all our products. CAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCESILVER EXHIBITORGOLD EXHIBITOR HOST AGENCYCAPABILITY: EquipmentCAPABILITY: EquipmentCAPABILITY: Fleet / EquipmentCAPABILITY: Equipment402 Surf Life Saving NSW Surf Life Saving NSW (SLSNSW) is the peak coastal water safety, drowning prevention and rescue organisation in NSW. Iconic in nature, we are one of the largest volunteer-based community service organisations in Australia. Since 1907, our mission is simple: to save lives, create great Australians and build better communities. Our 78,000 members, 129 Surf Life Saving Clubs and 11 Branches exist to deliver vital aquatic rescue and safety services to save lives across the NSW coastline.

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATIONCAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE508 Techquity Techquity specialises in cutting-edge remote fire monitoring solutions tailored for deployment via vehicle or helicopter. Their state-of-the-art solutions integrate LoRa sensors, detection AI and weather station data to provide real-time situational awareness crucial for swift responses to bushfires. Dedicated to innovation our goals are safeguarding Australia’s landscapes from bushfires threats to ensure enhanced safety and conservation efforts. 500 TenCate Protective Fabrics Tencate Protective Fabrics is enabling millions of people worldwide to be great at what they do. Generations of firefighters have relied on their fabrics for protection, comfort, and confidence, from the harshest conditions to the welcoming sight of home. Tencate Protective Fabrics delivers fabrics tat help firefighters get their job done and make it out safetly. 138 TESLA Tesla is committed to helping fire departments and first responders safely handle emergency situations involving all Tesla products. Visit for more information. 253 The Glove Company At The Glove Company Quality Comes First! Disrupting the safety industry with the world-first, globally patented technology, PVAD, a safety solution to detect invisible electrical hazards. They revolutionised the hand safety industry in Australia and New Zealand with the first Tough Black Nitrile Disposable Gloves, TGC Black. 149 Thermaguard Fire Protection Thermaguard™ enhances Bushfire Burnover Survivability for personnel, exporting Australian innovation around the Globe. Known for their CSIRO/Mogo Burnover Validated Radiant Heat Shields, Thermaguard is solely dedicated to manufacturing bespoke Fire Protection Solutions, and would love to help your crews stay safe in the event of a Bushfire. 540 THORZT – PIP Australia THORZT is an Australian Hydration company hydrating hard workers of every kind. They have developed hydration products to suit every need and situation – sugar-free sachets, low-sugar sachets, high electrolyte sachets, effervescent tablets, liquid concentrates and icy poles. So, if you are physically active in hot working climates you need to replace water and electrolyte losses that are lost in sweat, THORZT is for you! PLATINUM EXHIBITORBRONZE EXHIBITORBRONZE EXHIBITORBRONZE EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: EquipmentCAPABILITY: EquipmentCAPABILITY: PPECAPABILITY: PPECAPABILITY: PPECAPABILITY: Fleet / PPE

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EXHIBITOR INFORMATION255 ZOLL ZOLL® is focused on improving outcomes with novel resuscitation and acute critical care technology. Their medical products and software solutions help clinicians, EMS and fire professionals, lay rescuers, and the military provide lifesaving care every day. ZOLL delivers technology that advances emergency care and benefits patients. RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCEPLATINUM EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Equipment268 X-Fire Australia – Cristanini X-Fire Australia is committed to delivering the safest, most environmentally sustainable and non-toxic Fire Retardant/Suppressant to the Australian market, along with the most advanced AI for EV Fire Detection and control (currently being tested by NYFD). Their X-Jet High Pressure (Cristanini) Water Mist Fire Equipment is NATO Approved and offers World Leading Fire-Fighting capabilities with water savings of over 75% compared to current equipment. BRONZE EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: Equipment 394 Workwear Group Uniforms Workwear Group Uniforms, part of the Wesfarmers group, is a leader in Australian emergency services apparel, offering comprehensive uniform solutions designed to empower. One of Workwear Group’s iconic heritage brands with Hard Yakka, KingGee, and NNT. KingGee offers Wildlands firefighting garments; for more information about these or your bespoke uniform, talk to our sales team. PLATINUM PLUS EXHIBITORCAPABILITY: PPEFor more information about exhibiting in 2025, contact:AUSTRALASIA Rob Keen Event Director AFAC25 powered by INTERSCHUTZ Tel: +61 (0) 402 207 205 INTERNATIONAL Sandra Mathews INTERSCHUTZ Events Worldwide Tel: +49 511 89-31418 joint venture betweenand26 – 29 AUGUST 2025 PERTH CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION CENTRE (PCEC)

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NRMA Resilience Lane400-4 Australian Breastfeeding Association The Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) is Australia’s peak body for breastfeeding information, education and support. Recognising the vulnerability of infants and young children in emergencies, ABA launched the Community Protection for Infants and Young Children in Bushfire Emergencies Project (the ABA Bushfire Project) in 2022. The ABA Bushfire Project has undertaken research and developed a suite of resources to support the needs of young children and their caregivers in emergencies. 398-7 Australian Red Cross With 110 years of expertise in emergencies, Australian Red Cross is well-placed to help build resilient communities that anticipate, respond, and recover when disaster strikes. We achieve this by creating strategic partnerships and collaborating with communities, organisations, governments, and First Nations people to deliver evidence-based programs, psychosocial support, links to services, and much more through our community of 20,000+ members and volunteers. Discover more at: 398-6 Blue Shield Australia Blue Shield Australia is the peak advocacy body, representing diverse cultural heritage interests, for the protection of cultural heritage and material culture in emergency situations. Through education, advocacy and liaison we seek to reduce the severity of disaster impacts on cultural heritage. Strong connections between emergency responders and cultural heritage organisations are central to building knowledge and skills that will improve cultural heritage outcomes in times of crisis. 400-1 DisasterWISE Communities Network DisasterWISE Communities Network is a community-led learning network growing disaster resilience through community-led action. DisasterWISE creates a vibrant space for connection, dynamic learning, and transformative change. We aim to cultivate connections, broker diverse knowledge, amplify community voices, and advocate for community-led approaches. Through innovative ways of working and by fostering a human-centred approach, DisasterWISE is driving change for strong, just, and thriving futures. CAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCEResilience Lane RESILIENCE LANE PARTNER SPONSOR482/398-8 NRMA Insurance NRMA Insurance and IAG are proud to support this year’s Australian Disaster Resilience Conference and Resilience Lane exhibition. Visit the NRMA Insurance Help Nation stand at Resilience Lane to learn more about how we’re collaborating with our community partners to help people and communities prepare for extreme weather and know their local risks. BRONZE EXHIBITOR

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NRMA Resilience Lane400-8 Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal FRRR is a charity focused on enhancing the social and economic strength of remote, rural and regional Australia. Our vision is for more vibrant, resilient, sustainable and empowered communities. That’s why we connect good will with good purpose – aligning investment from government, business and philanthropy with the genuine local needs of rural people and places. Find out how you can apply for funding or support our work. 400-2 Girls on FIRE Discover how Girls on Fire Australia empowers women and girls through our multi-agency experiential learning programs. At our Resilience Lane exhibit, be inspired by our pioneering programs breaking down barriers and encouraging gender diversity within these sectors. Through hands-on training, mentoring, and leadership development, we enhance community resilience and bring diverse perspectives to emergency management. Visit our stall to explore our impactful initiatives and join us in building a more inclusive, resilient community. CAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE400-3 Headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation headspace is Australia’s National Youth Mental Health Foundation, providing mental health services to 12-25 year olds. With a vision to see all young people supported to be mentally healthy and engaged in their communities, headspace’s all-ages Response and Recovery program supports key stakeholders to guide recovery initiatives and practices in the aftermath of natural disasters. This includes implementing Group Reflective Practice in disaster impacted workforces and delivering recovery strategies in schools. 398-3 Mackillop Seasons Mackillop Seasons’ Community Resilience Team supports schools and communities in recovering from natural disasters, fostering resilience, and enhancing preparedness. Through dialogue, workshops and group meetings we address individual concerns and ongoing challenges post-disaster and help communities navigate the effects of change, loss, and grief after disasters. This is achieved by training professionals in our suite of Seasons programs, as well as sessions for community members, professionals, leaders, and first responders. 400-6 Multicultural Emergency Management Partnership (MEMP) The Multicultural Emergency Management Partnership (MEMP) is a unique community of trusted connectors and leaders from multicultural communities, emergency management agencies and other supporting organisations. The MEMP works together to enable communities to be safer and more resilient during emergencies, such as floods, fires and extreme weather, by connecting and supporting each other. MEMP focuses on building strong, strength-based community engagement and ensuring cultural safety within the emergency management sector in Victoria. 398-1 National Indigenous Disaster Resilience National Indigenous Disaster Resilience (NIDR) is dedicated to investigating the impacts of major disaster events on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities. Despite the increasing frequency of disaster events, there is a notable gap in research that supports Indigenous disaster resilience. Nested within Monash University’s flagship Fire to Flourish program, NIDR seeks to address gaps in knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in natural hazard research and practice.

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NRMA Resilience Lane400-5 The Flagstaff Group The Flagstaff Group is a disability enterprise providing life skills and employment for people with disability. Flagstaff developed EMBER, accessible tools and resources aimed to assist people with disability be prepared for any disaster. Community tools, apps and checklists as well as tools for emergency personnel on how to help and communicate to people with disability are also available. Visit for more information. 398-4 YACVic (Youth Affairs Council Victoria) Victoria University’s (VU) Youth and Community Research Group and Youth Affairs Council Victoria (YACVic) are partnering to establish the Centre of Excellence – Young People and Disasters (‘The Centre’). The Centre brings together expertise around young people, youth participation and disasters to champion the inclusion and active involvement of young people to contribute to disaster readiness, resilience and risk reduction. Victoria University: YACVic: CAPABILITYCOMMUNITY RISK REDUCTIONFIRE SAFETYRESPONSE OPERATIONSWORKFORCE398-5 Resilient Ready Resilient Ready is a proud social enterprise driving a new ecosystem in business and community risk reduction and resilience. We are a global collective of experts building everyday capabilities to save lives and livelihoods, strengthen community networks and global wellbeing. We work with government, councils, emergency services, industry bodies, not-for-profits, corporates and communities to deliver needs-led micro-tools, tailored programs, workshops or strategic advisory solutions. 398-2 Royal Far West The impact of climate change has increased the frequency and intensity of disasters, threatening children’s rights in Australia. Young children are often overlooked in these urgent contexts, leading to their needs being misunderstood. The Royal Far West Community Recovery Service addresses this by supporting their wellbeing and resilience, aiming to prevent long-term adverse effects. Visit Resilience Lane to learn about our service and how we applied the five essential elements for trauma intervention in practice (Hobfoll et al., 2007). 400-7 The Salvation Army Emergency Services The Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) is a respected and trusted provider of emergency response and recovery services in Australia. For over 80 years, SAES has supported Australia’s first responders and people impacted in times of crisis, such as devastating floods, fires, cyclones, and single incident emergencies. Australians have come to trust that the Salvos will be there, helping them in their hour of need and long after. Resilience LaneKeep an eye out for the arrows, and we’ll see you there!

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AFAC24 FLOOR PLANPAGE 66DELEGATE CATERINGDELEGATE CATERINGDELEGATE CATERING504506370380350376378378500 502 498496512 516492494493356250248510508368367365364362360246245244242104102100 110 240228114122236234118116108HYTRANS352354252253254255260262256257258259349348347346344café ENTRY & EXIT TO LIVE DEMO DECKLIVE DEMO DECKLIVE DEMO DECKLEVEL 4, Halls 5, 6 & 7AFAC24 GALA Dinner Wednesday 4 SeptemberAIDR Knowledge Centre and Poster ViewingTHANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS:Welcome Function Tuesday 3 September AGENCY Member Vistor Lunch Voucher RedemptionResilience Lane Sponsored by NRMA InsuranceMeet the Speaker LoungeDietary Requirement Catering Station SOLUTIONS THEATREMap is indicative only, and not exactly to scale. Correct at time of publishing. ❖

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AFAC24 FLOOR PLANPAGE 67DELEGATE CATERINGDELEGATE CATERINGAIDR KNOWLEDGE CENTRE AND POSTER VIEWINGAFAC SOLUTIONS THEATREcafé AFACDELEGATE CATERING388394524 530483484526528527 529485488490212284280288289290202208334211210209134196 192292150156157158 160164166168180181297299298144 144 148 149188 187184300316442440312 310314 311324406404MEDIA LOUNGE138142140294126130AFAC FLOOR PLAN562569568 565250336248218220266264268270306444304445431 428448430 457548454455458468534408 410477 474476 475535536 & 537552560558556473470424450434425436 451HERITAGE VEHICLE420419418468462414416415412413542541540538539545546340342338337333 330 329332 331 328A I D R S E S C o WSES CLASS 1 VESSEL396480481RES I L I ENCE LANE398 RES I L I ENCE LANE400402HOST AGENCIES186❖NRMA482EXHIBITION REGISTRATIONResilience LaneENTRY & EXITISUZUMap is indicative only, and not exactly to scale. Correct at time of publishing. YOU ARE HEREAFAC24 Exhibition opening times: Tuesday 3 Sep 1.00pm – 8.00pm Wednesday 4 Sep 9.00am – 5.00pm Thursday 5 Sep 9.00am – 3.30pm

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AFAC24 EXHIBITOR LIST AND STAND NUMBERS 3M Australia 338 A AALTO HAPS 415 ACIM Solutions 333 ACT Emergency Services Agency 402 AFAC 336 AFH – Australian Fire Hose 548 AIDR – Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience 404 Alexander Perrie & Co 488 Allquip Fire 104 ALPEX Protection® 258 Amazon Web Services 416 Angloco 556 Aquaterro 568 Atturra 157 Australasia Fire & Emergency Response College 148 Australasian Rescue Organisation (ARO) 362 Australian & New Zealand Burn Assoc 457 Australian Breastfeeding Association 400 – 4 Australian Defence Apparel (ADA) 530 Australian Red Cross 398 – 7 B BAUER-KOMPRESSOREN Australia 150 Beijing BW Protect Protective Textile 498 Big Red Truck Fire Rescue 468 Blackline Safety 538 BlazeMaster Fire Protection Systems 448 Blue Light Card 210 Blue Shield Australia 398 – 6 Bluemont Hytrans 354 Boylan Group 442 Bruck Textiles 266 Bullard 378 BullEx Australia / LION 294 BurnBot 158 Bus 4X4 Group 280 Bush Heritage Australia 304 Bushfire Research Centre of Excellence 451 Business France – French Pavilion 539 C – D Carbonix 451 100 CAVFA 365 Centurion Fire Rescue Equipment 110 Chubb Fire & Security 458 Code 3 144 Control Synergy 289 Coulson Aviation 211 Covertex 166 CQUniversity Australia 331 Daimler Truck Australia Pacific 356 Deccan International 368 Decon Corporation 428 DEKONMATE 314 Denstock – Magnum Boots 418 DisasterWISE Communities Network 400 – 1 DND New Material 498 Dometic 502 Dräger 272 Dryad Networks 180 E Eagle Technical Products 367 Early Warning Network 344 Embarr 527 EMERG Group 324 Emergency Services Health 536 EMSINA 562 EPE Trusted to Protect 310 ESKA Australia 257 Estambril International 352 EV Fire Protection 474 F Fantech 276 Ferno Australia 299 FFS Fire Fighting Systems 250 Field Air Group of Companies 252 Fire & Rescue NSW 402 Fire and Rescue Products New Zealand 147 Fire Protection Industry Board 455 Fire Rescue Safety Australia 292 Fire Response 248 Fire to Flourish 481 Fireant 535 Firefighters Mutual Bank 537 FireMapper 436 Firestory 534 FLAIM Systems 380 FlamePro Global 122 FloodMapp 102 Forestry Corporation of NSW 402 FORVIA HELLA 329 Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal 400–8 FPA Australia 454 Fraser Fire and Rescue 316 FTS (an AEM brand) 340 Fujitsu Australia 240 G – H GAAM Emergency Products 218 Gender & Disaster Australia 480 Geoneon 186 Girls on Fire 400 – 2 Global Fire Solutions 188 Good to Go 434 GORE-TEX Professional 288 Gould Instruments 528 Hainsworth Protective Fabrics 493 HAIX® Group 259 Hako Australia 168 HARCOR® 396 Hatz Australia 284 Headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation 400 – 3 Heavy Automatic Parts 348 Heavy Hydraulics 348 HERE Technologies 529 Hidrive 483 Hino Motor Sales Australia 192 Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition Aust 524 Honeywell Safety Products 560 HowWeSurvive, UNSW 412 Humanihut 212 Hurtec 470 I – J – K – L Industrial Decontamination Services 558 INEOS Automotive 370

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AFAC24 EXHIBITOR LIST AND STAND NUMBERS IONNIC – Auto Electrical Imports 246 ISH24 – Safety & Rescue 236 ISUZU Australia 388 IVECO Trucks Australia 545 Juvare – WebEOC 475 JVCKENWOOD Australia 114 Kara Technologies 186 Kimberley Land Council 304 Kuipers Engineering 228 Kuriyama Australia 290 L3HARRIS 245 Lazer Lamps 300 LHD Group Australia 350 LifeTec Training Manikins 140 Lithium-ion Fire Protection 565 M – N M2S Systems 311 Mackillop Seasons 398 – 3 Makita (Australia) 462 MFI Automotive Group 196 Milliken Aisa 516 Milwaukee Tool 419 MSA Australia 512 Multicultural Emergency Management Partnership (MEMP) 400 – 6 Multidrive Technology 490 Museum of Fire 450 NAFFCO Australia 228 National Emergency Management Agency 414 National Indigenous Disaster Resilience (NIDR) 398 – 1 Natural Hazards Research Australia 337 Nederman MikroPul 408 Newlans Coachbuilders 260 NGIS 529 Noggin 160 Norman G Clark (A/Asia) 312 Norweld Australia 506 Nova Systems 209 NRMA Insurance 482/398 – 8 NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) 402 NSW Reconstruction Authority 410 NSW Rural Fire Service 402 NSW State Emergency Services 402 O – P Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer 430 Oliver Footwear 560 Omni 485 Omnitronics 108 On Track Meals 377 One Seven Oceania 332 Openhouse Products Australia 298 OroraTech 477 Overwatch 346 PAC Brackets Australia 110 PAC FIRE 504 Pacer Power 270 Panasonic TOUGHBOOK 262 Pano AI 164 PBI Performance Products 496 Pelican Products 184 Penske Australia 142 Pioneering Protective Textiles 516 Planet 484 Power Equipment 420 PPE Software Australia 244 PT Rescue 234 Public Safety Training & Response Group 126 Public Safety Training & Response Group 130 Public Safety Training & Response Group 134 Public Skills Australia 156 R – S Raindance Systems 116 RAPP Australia 473 RDR Network Victoria University 476 Real Mounts 542 ReCoila Hose Reels 328 Red Baron ALSE 546 Resilient Ready 398 – 5 Resilient Sydney 552 Responder HQ 431 RISE® 330 Rosenbauer 264 Royal Far West 398 – 2 Safety Components 342 Safety Equipment Australia 334 SAIDYNAMICS 186 SAMSUNG 413 Scania Australia 202, 208 Shanghai Hygloves 256 Silvertone UAV 445 Simtable 306 SiNAB 425 Sliding Systems 347 Solberg / Perimeter Solutions 494 Stedfast 254 Stewart & Heaton Clothing Company 492 STIHL® 360 Summit Gear 181 Surf Life Saving NSW 402 T Task Force Tips (TFT) 220 TBA Protective Technologies 297 Technology Core 187 Techquity 508 TenCate Protective Fabrics 500 Terrain Tamer 526 TESLA 138 The Flagstaff Group 400 – 5 The Glove Company 253 The Institution of Fire Engineers 460 The Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) 400 – 7 Thermaguard Fire Protection 149 THORZT – PIP Australia 540 TIGERTAIL-XVR 510 Trackz 569 TracPlus 242 V – Z Varley Group Vehicles & SEM 376 Volvo Group Australia 424 Waidt Services Global 349 Weatherzone Business, a DTN company 541 Whelen Engineering 118 Women and Firefighting Australasia (WAFA) 364 Workwear Group Uniforms 394 X-Fire Australia – Cristanini 268 YACVic (Youth Affairs Council Victoria) 398 – 4 ZOLL 255

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