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Advent Guide 2024

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Redeemer 2024A D V E N T G U I D E

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T h e C o m i n gEvery year, for the four Sundays leading up to Christmas, we observe the season of Advent. The word Advent means “a coming or an arrival.” It is a time for both honesty, and also hope. Honesty, because the world is broken. Hope, because the world is being redeemed. During Advent, we acknowledge the desolation that is an inevitable part of life in a sin-weary world, while, at the same time, turning our hearts, in joyful expectation, towards the consolation of the Coming. The arrival of the long awaited Savior. Jesus Christ has come. The baby born in a manger. He is coming again. The conquering King. Each Sunday during Advent, we will emphasize a different theme as we celebrate his coming. To be with us, in this mess of our own making. We also anticipate his coming again, so that we might dwell with him, forever, in the world that he is remaking. In all the time in between, we wait, sustained by the life-changing truth of the Incarnation. Christmas is God’s way of saying, “I’m here, so you don’t have to be afraid.”Advent 2024

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Guide FormatIn family worship, we praise God with our voices, hear God’s Word read aloud, ponder it together in our hearts, and pray for the Truth we just heard to change us. This time will look different in each household, some might be more chaotic, others more quiet. The Family Worship Guide is meant to help guide you in an intentional time of worship and reflection during this season of waiting. Feel free to follow the prompts within the guide or put your own twist on it based on your situation or preferences. The goal is worship and we hope that this will help you to do that. At the end of each devotional are guided questions for the family to discuss and then an activity for those with children. We would encourage the whole family to dig in and get messy in both the questions and the activity! May this time of expectation and waiting grow you in your love for each other and the Promised One, Jesus Christ. For those of you who engage in reading the Bible and praying on a regular basis, we have also created a guide to go alongside your morning/evening routine of prayer and worship. It is modeled after the Seeing Jesus Together Journal and uses Scripture from the Community Bible Reading Plan.Table of ContentsWeek One 4Week Two 8Week Three 12Week Four 16Advent Songs 20Resources 24

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W E E K O N E — L O V EConnectOur Advent theme this week is love. The Story of the world begins with love. Eternal love. Between the Persons of the Godhead. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Spilling over into the making of all things. Humanity, most of all. We were made by love and for love. To be naked and known, by our Maker, and by one another. Sin is the sad betrayal of this love. It has left us wandering and restless. Hiding and posturing. Alone. We have walked from God. But He refuses to walk away from us. In fact, He has come running after us. The moment sin entered the world God gave a promise that he would not stop loving us. He would crush evil; by being crushed himself. Jesus Christ, Immanuel, was God’s love walking among us. In love, he is remaking the world. In that new world, we will see Him face-to-face again. We will walk with Him, side-by-side, again. We will be loved, and we will love, as it was in the beginning.SurrenderThrough saying or singing the words of the Advent Hymn, “Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery” (pg. 20 ) 4Community Bible Reading Aid

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Listen to the ScripturesMon. Dec. 2 | Zechariah 1, Matthew 9Tue. Dec. 3 | Zechariah 2, Matthew 10Wed. Dec. 4 | Zechariah 3, Matthew 11Thu. Dec. 5 | Zechariah 4, Matthew 12Fri. Dec. 6 | Zechariah 5, Matthew 13Sat. Dec. 7 | Psalm 143Prayer Almighty God, grant this grace to your people, that we may be vigilant for the coming of your only Son, that as our Savior taught us, we may prepare our souls like blazing lamps to meet him; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.Prayer from the ancient Gelasian liturgy (5th century). 4 5

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D E V O T I O N A LR E A DRead the Advent theme for Week one (Love on pg. 4) and then light the first Advent candle.Call to WorshipLift up your heads, O Gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the king of glory may come in.Psalm 24:7 (ESV)S I N GSay, sing, or listen to the Advent Song “Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery” (pg. 20)P R AYO Lord Jesus Christ, at your first coming you humbled yourself because of our sins. At your second coming our sins will be done away with by your mercy, and we will be numbered with your saintsin glory everlasting; though your merits, O blessed Savior, with the Father and the Holy Spirit you live and reign, one God, now and forever. Amen.A prayer from the ancient Mozarabic church (ca. 400-600 CE)B L E S S I N GNow may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word. Thessalonians 2:16-17 (ESV)6

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K I D S ’ Q U E S T I O N S & A C T I V I T YD I S C U S S Why do you think Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit? Can you think of a time when you made a choice that wasn't the best, like Adam and Eve? How did God show love for us?How can you show love for others?A C T I V I T Y Paper Tearing Advent WreathSupplies: Advent Wreath Template Pink, purple, green, and yellow construction paper Glue/glue stick Instructions: Tear paper and glue to template to make three purple candles and one pink candle. Use yellow paper for flame and green paper for oval.7

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8W E E K T W O — F A I T HConnectOur Advent theme this week is faith. The message of Christmas is not, “Let me give you some advice.” It is, “I bring you glad tidings of great joy.” Christmas is history. It is the story of what God has done at a particular time in a particular place to rescue those He loves. If it is history, then salvation is, indeed, by grace. That is, we are saved by believing, not by doing. There is no moral of the Christmas story. There is just the story. It is gospel. The right response to gospel is to believe that it is not too good to be true. To stop running from God. Stop trying to do it all on your own. Stop trying to save yourself. And, proclaim instead, “The King has come!” Something has been done, and it changes everything.SurrenderThrough saying or singing the words of the Advent Hymn, “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence” (pg. 21)Community Bible Reading Aid

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Listen to the ScripturesMon. Dec. 9 | Zechariah 6, Matthew 14Tue. Dec. 10 | Zechariah 7, Matthew 15Wed. Dec. 11 | Zechariah 8, Matthew 16Thu. Dec. 12 | Zechariah 9, Matthew 17Fri. Dec. 13 | Zechariah 10, Matthew 18Sat. Dec. 14 | Psalm 144Prayer Open unto me—light for my darkness.Open unto me—courage for my fear.Open unto me—hope for my despair.Open unto me—peace for my turmoil.Open unto me—joy for my sorrow.Open unto me—strength for my weakness.Open unto me—wisdom for my confusion.Open unto me—forgiveness for my sins.Open unto me—love for my hates.Open unto me—thy Self for my self.Lord, Lord open unto me! Howard Thurman (1899-1981). 4 9

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D E V O T I O N A LR E A DRead the Advent theme for Week two (Faith on pg. 8) and then light the second Advent candle.Call to WorshipA voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”Isaiah 40:3 (ESV)S I N GSay, sing, or listen to the Advent Song “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence” (pg. 21)P R AYO God, we hope in you: that you will help us in all our troubles, that you will strengthen us in all our temptations, that you will forgive us all our sins, that you will be with us when we die and be merciful to us when we are judged. O God, in you have we trust; let us never be confounded. Amen.A prayer from Nigeria, adapted from Morning, Noon and NightB L E S S I N G“…He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” And he who was seated in the throne said “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”Revelation 21:4-5 (ESV)10Week Two — Faith

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K I D S ’ Q U E S T I O N S & A C T I V I T YD I S C U S S Can you think of a something that seems too good to be true? What do you think you have to do for God to love you? What could make Him stop loving you?A C T I V I T Y No Bake Graham Cracker SheepIngredients: Graham Crackers Mini Oreos Peanut Butter or white icing or a chocolate spread Mini Marshmallows Mini chocolate candies or white small candy eyes Instructions: Frost each graham cracker square with peanut butter, white icing or chocolate spread. Place the mini-Oreo toward the bottom of the cracker for the sheep’s head. Using a toothpick, add a small dab of peanut butter, white icing or chocolate spread to the back of the mini candy. Place the eyes on the sheep’s head. Cover the rest of the cracker with mini marshmallows. Enjoy!11Week Two — Faith

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W E E K T H R E E — H O P EConnectOur Advent theme this week is hope. We are hope-shaped creatures. Living ahead of the time. Inhabiting the present moment in such a way that the future is the beating heart of the now. According to the Biblical prophets, the present state of affairs is always being crowded out by what is coming. A way of being-in-the-world that is infused with anticipation, not dread. This is what it means to wait. But waiting is not passive. It is acting today on the basis of the tomorrow God has promised. Hope is also dependent, because the future is the product of God’s grace, not human innovation. For that reason, it is a sure thing. In fact, it’s already here. It is just not very evenly distributed yet. One day. Very soon. The Good Shepherd will gather his people to himself. The King will execute justice and righteousness. So, we turn our eyes, in hope, to his second coming. To the day when he will bring to completion what he has already begun.SurrenderThrough saying or singing the words of the Advent Hymn, “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus” (pg. 22) 12Community Bible Reading Aid

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Listen to the ScripturesMon. Dec. 16 | Zechariah 11, Matthew 19Tue. Dec. 17 | Zechariah 12, Matthew 20Wed. Dec. 18 | Zechariah 13, Matthew 21Thu. Dec. 19 | Zechariah 14, Matthew 22Fri. Dec. 20 | Malachi 1, Matthew 23Sat. Dec. 21 | Psalm 145Prayer Come, true light.Come, life eternal.Come, hidden mystery.Come, light that knows no evening.Come, for your name fills our hearts with longing and is ever on our lips; yet who you are and what your nature is, we cannot say or know.Come, alone to the alone.Come, for you are yourself the desire that is within me.Come, my breath and life. Come, the consolation of my humble soul.Come, my joy, my glory, my endless delight.A prayer of Symeon of Chrysopolis (ca. 949-1022 CE) 4 13

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D E V O T I O N A LR E A DRead the Advent theme for Week three (Hope on pg. 12) and then light the third Advent candle.Call to WorshipI waited patiently for the LORD;he inclined to me and hear my cry.Psalm 40:1 (ESV)S I N GSay, sing, or listen to the Advent Song “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus” (pg. 22 )P R AYBeams of heaven as I go Through this wilderness below, Guide my feet in peaceful ways, Turn my midnights into days; When in darkness I would grope, Faith always sees a star of hope, And soon from all life’s grief and danger, I shall be free someday. I do not know how long ’twill be, Now what the future holds for me, But this I know, if Jesus leads me, I shall get home someday. Amen.Adapted from a hymn by Rev. Charles Albert Tindley (1851-1993) of Philadelphia.B L E S S I N GSing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion, for behold, I come and I will dwell in your midst, declares the LORD. And many nations shall join themselves to the LORD in that day, and shall be my people. And I will dwell in your midst.Zechariah 2:10-11a (ESV)14Week Three — Hope

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K I D S ’ Q U E S T I O N S & A C T I V I T YD I S C U S S What do you hope to get for Christmas? How is our hope in God’s promises different than our hope for a certain Christmas present? How can we hold on to hope? How can we share hope with others?A C T I V I T Y Mitten UnwrappingPlace a present your family will enjoy inside a box and wrap it. Gather a pair of mittens and a timer. To increase the challenge, use cooking mittens. Explain that each member will have 10 seconds to attempt to unwrap the gift while wearing the mittens. At the end of time, the next family member gets a chance. The game continues until the package is completely unwrapped. After the game, talk about what it was like to wait and hope you would be the one to open the present.15Week Three — Hope

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W E E K F O U R — J O YConnectOur Advent theme this week is joy. We live in a world saddened by sin. Pain, sorrow, sickness, death, loneliness… these, just to name a few, are the currency in which earthly kingdoms operate. They commit injustices and rob us of our joy. There is a King, however, whose currency is joy, instead of pain. Hope, instead of sorrow. Well-being, instead of sickness. Life, instead of death. He has come! And his name is Jesus! He is our Joy. He is the One our hearts have waited for. The comfort of his presence is enough to make all of the sad things come untrue. So, we don’t have to be afraid! The night is over. Morning has come. SurrenderThrough saying or singing the words of the Advent Hymn, “O Come O Come Emmanuel” (pg.23 ) 16Community Bible Reading Aid

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Listen to the ScripturesMon. Dec. 23 | Malachi 2, Matthew 23Tue. Dec. 24 | Malachi 3, Matthew 24Wed. Dec. 25 | Malachi 4, Matthew 25Thu. Dec. 26 | Psalm 146, Matthew 26Fri. Dec. 27 | Psalm 147, Matthew 27Sat. Dec. 28 | Psalm 148Mon. Dec. 30 | Psalm 149Tue. Dec. 31 | Psalm 150Prayer Lord, oil the hinges of our hearts’ doors that they may swing gently and easily to welcome your coming.A prayer from the church in New Guinea. 4 17

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D E V O T I O N A LR E A DRead the Advent theme for Week four (Joy on pg. 16) and then light the fourth Advent candle.Call to WorshipGive ear to my words, O LORD, consider my groaning. Give attention to the sound of my cry, my King and my God, for to you do I pray.Psalm 5:1-2 (ESV)S I N GSay, sing, or listen to the Advent Song “O Come O Come Emmanuel” (pg. 23)P R AYFather, long before the creation of the world You chose us in infinite love! This sweet, beautiful love, so deep and moving, draws us close to Jesus. Still it protects, still it protects. From now we are eternally steadfast. Still it protects, still it protects. From now we are eternally steadfast. Amen.A prayer written by university students in Beijing in the early 1950’s during the Mao era.B L E S S I N GHe who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all. Amen.Revelation 22:20-21 (ESV)18Week Four — Joy

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K I D S ’ Q U E S T I O N S & A C T I V I T YD I S C U S S Why do you think the angels sang for joy when Jesus was born? What would you have done if you were one of the shepherds hearing the angels’ joyful message? Why do you think people feel so joyful about Jesus’ birth? How can you share joy with someone who may feel sad or lonely?A C T I V I T Y Nativity Story Cube19Week Four — Joy

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A D V E N T S O N GVerse 1 Come behold the wondrous myst'ry In the dawning of the King He the theme of heaven's praises Robed in frail humanity In our longing in our darkness Now the light of life has comeLook to Christ who condescended Took on flesh to ransom us Verse 2 Come behold the wondrous myst'ry He the perfect Son of Man In His living in His suff'ring Never trace nor stain of sin See the true and better Adam Come to save the hell-bound man Christ the great and sure fulfillment Of the law in Him we stand Verse 3 Come behold the wondrous myst'ry Christ the Lord upon the tree In the stead of ruined sinners Hangs the Lamb in victory See the price of our redemption See the Father's plan unfold Bringing many sons to glory Grace unmeasured love untold Verse 4 Come behold the wondrous myst'ry Slain by death the God of life But no grave could e'er restrain Him Praise the Lord He is alive What a foretaste of deliv'rance How unwavering our hope Christ in power resurrected As we will be when He comes20Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery

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A D V E N T S O N GVerse 1 Let all mortal flesh keep silence And with fear and trembling stand Ponder nothing worldly minded For with blessing in His hand Christ our God To earth descendeth Our full homage to demand Verse 2 King of kings yet born of Mary As of old on earth He stood Lord of lords in human vesture In the body and the blood He will give to all the faithful His own self for heav'nly foodVerse 3 At His feet the six winged seraphCherubim with sleepless eyeVeil their faces to the PresenceAs with ceaseless voice they cryAlleluia alleluia alleluiaLord Most High Verse 4 Rank on rank the host of heavenSpreads its vanguard on the wayAs the Light of light descendethFrom the realms of endless dayThat the pow'rs of hell may vanishAs the darkness clears away21Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence

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A D V E N T S O N GVerse 1 Come Thou long-expected Jesus Born to set Thy people free From our fears and sins release us Let us find our rest in TheeVerse 2 Israel's strength and consolationHope of all the saints Thou artDear desire of every nationJoy of every longing heartVerse 3 Born Thy people to deliverBorn a Child and yet a KingBorn to reign in us foreverNow Thy gracious kingdom bringVerse 4 By Thine own eternal SpiritRule in all our hearts aloneBy Thine all sufficient meritRaise us to Thy glorious throne22Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

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A D V E N T S O N GVerse 1 O come O come Emmanuel And ransom captive Israel That mourns in lonely exile here Until the Son of God appearChorusRejoice rejoice EmmanuelShall come to thee O IsraelVerse 2 O come Thou Dayspring come and cheerOur spirits by Thine advent hereDisperse the gloomy clouds of nightAnd death's dark shadows put to flightVerse 3 O come Thou Wisdom from on highAnd order all things far and nighTo us the path of knowledge showAnd cause us in her ways to goVerse 4 O come Desire of nations bindAll peoples in one heart and mindBid envy strife and quarrels ceaseFill the whole world with heaven's peace23O Come O Come Emmanuel

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O N L I N E R E S O U R C E SAdvent Hymns & SongsSpotify: Music: the Lamb of God (Andrew Peterson)Spotify: Music:

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R E D E E M E R W I N T E R H A V E NAdvent 2024