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Advantage Co Portfolio

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Advantage Co I IntroductionPosted by: TonyDate: January 1, 2024Updated: July 4, 2024I turned 70 in November, and soon it will be time for me to step aside and leave the Advantage Co to thenext generation of leaders and builders. As we head into 2024, I am focusing on what it is I am going to donow that my time at the Advantage Co is coming to a close, but before I step aside, I am presenting thisyear’s updated Annual Profile as a touchstone for the current and future leaders of the Advantage Co.This Annual Profile featuring the Advantage Co’s remarkable portfolio of independently owned andoperated businesses is meant to help define what the Advantage Co is today along with the strategies,resources, and effort needed to bring our future aspirations to fruition.Although we have spent over four decades cultivating our resources to enable and grow a variety of B2Cbusinesses, the Advantage Co's focus has changed dramatically over the past dozen years. As weaggressively invest in the future, our growth strategy is now based on enhancing and expanding oursupport, development, and Ai-infused technology resources for our international B2B ambitions.At the Advantage Co, we have created a robust environment where everyone who is up to the challengehas enormous opportunities for advancement and personal equity - and now the challenge is all for thenext generation and generations to come. 2

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Advantage Co I Mission StatementMission StatementAt the Advantage Co, we continue to help build remarkable value for our portfolio of independently ownedand operated businesses by providing strategic resources, operating guidance, and Advantage GlobalResource’s comprehensive and reliable back-end support. We work collaboratively to ensureadvantageous market positioning, sustainable growth, and, when appropriate, a clear path to exit.With expertise in data governance, cyber security, Artificial Intelligence, cloud architecture, softwaredevelopment, professional technology services, accounting, tax, HR, staffing, design, branding, marketpositioning, sourcing, social benefit, beauty and wellness, and food services, we are uniquely positioned tohelp produce significant financial returns and meaningful social impact for our independently owned andoperated partnerships [along with the fulfillment of each founder’s vision].The Advantage Co has always been a builder of dreams, a builder of families, a builder of friendships, abuilder of careers, a builder of opportunities, a builder of communities, and a catalyst for social good. Andtoday, we are poised to be a builder of almost anything we can reasonably imagine [however, buildingdoes have a cost, and it is paid for in our commitment, determination, courage, and effort].Building a Flexible MatrixTo stay ahead of the competition and to continue our ever-changing and dynamic growth,the Advantage Co helps to develop each business as a flexible matrix that enables, encourages, andensures strategic paradigm shifts through the simple restructuring of elements providing maximumspeed to benefit and market ascendancy.At the Advantage Co, we never agreed with the “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” adage. We believe that evenif it is working well, we can still make it more effective [because we know the competition is always hard atwork on something new]. For us, the challenge remains to always stay relevant and ahead of thecompetition by continuously renewing, improving, and reinventing who we are. Grow or wither.“It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.” — W. Edwards DemingIn the early years of the Stereo Advantage, we remodeled our store every February. For over 30 years, webuilt rooms, walls, counters, offices, or displays only to knock them down and replace them as soon as werecognized we could build something better. As the consumer electronics market evolved from turntablesand 8-tracks to cassette decks to cd’s to VCRs to DVDs to MP3 players to computers to Spotify andiPhones, the Stereo Advantage executed strategic paradigm shifts through the simple restructuring of itscore elements to remain at the vanguard of the industry. And although the Stereo Advantage is gone, ourcommitment to relentless improvement and innovation remains in our DNA. This disruptive approach canbe disconcerting - innovation and renewal often frustrate those who simply do not want to change - but itcontinues to stoke the fire within, accelerate our growth, and secure our future viability.Be big, be a builder.Page 4

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Advantage Co I Building PartnershipsIn 1993, I decided to focus on building new businesses with visionary partners. My motivation fordeveloping diverse partnerships was to create, support, and enjoy a variety of business experienceswith an eclectic mix of energetic builders. It has always been my goal to share the vision and provide theresources necessary for the development of partnerships as a business adventure for those willing to takethe full measure of the challenge. This business model has energized our Root Philosophy for over 30years, and it’s been my good fortune to have worked with - and continue to work with - so many who havemet the challenge.“Our partnership model certainly has worked well for me as it surpassed 30 years on September 3, 2023.I gave a speech years ago at the University of Buffalo, and someone asked me what our partnershipmodel was. I told a story I’ve often recounted. Tony and I were at Brennan’s Bowery Bar in the summer of1993 after a round of golf. We had been discussing a possible staffing partnership, and I said, “I’m in50/50. Let’s shake hands.” Tony replied, “51/49, and you’re the 51 percent majority partner. Frank can doup our partnership agreement.” I immediately responded, “Ok great, see you on September 3rd.” Once Igot started, I memorably asked, “What is our secretary’s name? I have a few letters that need to gettyped.” Of course, I soon learned I’d be typing my own letters and learning how important the ‘Save’button was.” – Joe Kreuz, Founding Partner of Kreuz Business DevelopmentCriteria for a Successful PartnershipThe Advantage Co’s independently owned and operated businesses and partnerships each answer to fourkey criteria: Oxygen, Equity, Opportunity, and Lifestyle:● Oxygen is a business’s ability to provide the necessary cash flow and operating profit to sustainand grow the business.● Equity is a business’s ability to provide maximum and enduring value for the partnership.● Opportunity is a business’s ability to provide additional opportunities for everyone involved in thebusiness [the Root Philosophy].● Lifestyle is a business’s ability to provide for and enhance all of its participants' lives.We are fortunate to have so many opportunities that answer soremarkably well to these demanding criteria.The RecessionOver the past 40 years, we have always been well-prepared forperiodic recessions. The last recession in 2008 proved to be theimpetus for one of our most productive decades ever. Ourapproach to every recession has been to be cash-strong andready to build while others are cutting back and bunkering in.Page 5

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Since 1993, Joe Kreuz, Mark Pautler, and Tom Thomson have been the founding partners of more than adozen successful Advantage Co independently owned and operated businesses, including APProfessionals of WNY, Kreuz Business Development, AP Professionals of Rochester, AP Professionals ofPhoenix [with Jerry Tenenbaum], AP Metro, iWolrd Professionals [with Guylaine DiSalvo], AdvantageSystems Professionals, c1 Secure, PremCloud Resources, Zantaz Data Resources, Capax Global [with JerryHawk and John Baiocco], PremCloud Resources, Logix Hosting, Autonomic Resources [with John Keese],LLM Data Feeder, UGA Capital Ventures, … along with numerous other ventures.Page 6

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Advantage Co I Effective ManagementThe ability to take ownership of an undertaking - and successfully deliver the desired result - is thepremier quality of effective management. As I prepare to move on, I am encouraged by the remarkableand well-seasoned management we have developed throughout the entire Advantage Co Portfolio.Delivering ResultsIn every successful pursuit, there are those that go beyond contribution and actually provide the power toturn our intentions into reality. While dynamic leadership is essential to creating an environment whereeveryone is motivated to give a 100% effort toward the desired result, we rely on management to deliverthe desired result. Effective management is the difference maker. The power to turn intention into realityis what every endeavor requires.“Management has to be accountable for performance. Management exists for the sake of thebusiness’s results. It has to start with the intended results and has to organize the resources ofthe business to attain these results” - Peter F. DruckerFully Aligned, Fully Committed, and Fully EngagedWithout the power of fully aligned, fully committed, and fully engaged management, there is no focusedenergy source - and no chance of success. It is up to management to provide the resources, confidence,direction, and empowerment necessary to achieve our goals.“Every enterprise requires a commitment to common goals and shared values. Without suchcommitment, there is no enterprise; there is only a mob. It must be built on communication andindividual responsibility. The enterprise must have simple, clear, and unifying objectives. Themission of the organization has to be clear enough andbig enough to provide a common vision.Management’s first job is to think through, set, andexemplify those objectives, values, and goals.Objectives are the foundation for designing both thestructure of the business and the work of individual unitsand individual managers. Objectives are alwaysneeded in all key areas. The area without specificobjectives will be neglected. Unless we determinewhat will be measured and what the yardstick ofmeasurement in an area will be, the area itself will notbe seen. Objectives, therefore, have to be set in these eight key areas: Marketing, Innovation,Productivity, Physical Resources, Profitability, Financial Resources, Human Resources, and SocialResponsibility.” - Peter DruckerPage 7

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Advantage Co I PortfolioPast Performance . Present Purpose . Future NeedsAt the Advantage Co, we learn from the past, work in the present, and build for the future. The pastprovides us with precious memories, moments, and a building block for the future. The present is here toboth challenge us and provide enjoyment [and neither meeting thechallenge nor enjoying the moment should ever be delayed until tomorrow].While the future provides us with a chance to be all that we choose/work tobe. Based on the remarkable foundation we have built over the pastseveral years, our future is brighter than at any time in our history.Although various synergies contribute to our success, the Advantage Co’sportfolio of independently owned and operated businesses each has itsown unique destiny with its own future to build.Advantage Co's current portfolio includes five key verticals: InformationTechnology [UGA Capital Ventures], Professional Services, Beauty & Wellness, Properties, and Food &Beverages. Each vertical provides a variety of opportunities.UGA Capital Ventures Professional Services PropertiesPremCloud Resources Advantage Global Resources Walker CenterLogix Hosting AP Professionals of Phoenix LTS CenterZantaz Data Resources iWorld Professionals Delta ApartmentsAi Smart Data Tool Box Lifetime ServiceC1 Secure Walker Global Solutions Beauty & WellnessFedCLOUD Resources Ragusa Executive Solutions Katini SkinUnCarbonIt BPX Executive Staffing Lab to BeautyUnBiasIt AP Executive Staffing [APX]Watch Commander Walker Sports Audit Food & M&L Devine Resources Giancarlo’sLLM Data Feeder GrivaniThe following is a short profile of several of the Advantage Co’s portfolio of independently owned andoperated businesses, along with our key priorities for 2024:Page 8

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Advantage Co I Advantage Global ResourcesTracy Allen . Ian O’NeillSince 1988, I have believed that the true value of the Advantage Experience was to be realized byproviding a menu of readily available resources for the development and support of an eclectic mix ofindependently owned and operated businesses. Today, Advantage Global Resources [AGR] provides theessential resources for the origination, formation, design, structure, financing, development, growth,reporting, monitoring, analytics, compliance, insurance, health care, HR, legal, security, accounting, audit,and governance of all the various Advantage Co’s business adventures.Chief among our Advantage Global Resources [AGR] support services are accounting, tax reporting,design, money management, and Human Resources. Accordingly, we have paid particular attention tothe advancement and evolution of these resources over the past several years.One of the most poignant and rewarding outcomes of the Advantage Co’s pandemic response has beenthe development of the entire AGR team. Forged by remarkable solidarity during the height of thepandemic and spurred on by a unity of purpose and friendship, the entire AGR team has become one ofour strongest, most reliable, and most enjoyable resources. Apparently, my strategy with AGR to justcave has worked better than anyone expected. 2023 was arguably AGRs best year ever.Office Anywhere ProgramAGR has seamlessly transitioned to a hybrid on-premise and work-from-home [when necessary] officedynamic. This allows everyone to be comfortable, safe, and productive regardless of where they areworking from. [AGR provides each of our staff $1k a year for improving their remote office.]You can count on us.It all starts with a team that is fully aligned, fully committed, and fully engaged - which takes away the needfor continuous oversight and unnecessary intrusion. This leads directly to more personal accountabilityand work satisfaction. Ian is now a well-seasoned manager, and having a team that looks out for eachother has certainly made his job easier. In addition to the satisfaction of AGR growing into a tight-knit andproductive team, we all take great pride in how much the entire Advantage Co appreciates and relies onthe work AGR is doing [for them].Over the past few years, we have had the opportunity to gain a better insight into what AGR must do tocreate the type of support that will continue to provide the foundation, security, and confidence necessaryto enable the enduring prosperity and growth of Advantage Co as a robust business-building resource. Toremain a potent service, AGR will continue to develop and acquire new technologies [e.g. AGR Bridge,, Bullhorn, CCH Access Tax, etc.] in order to push us to the vanguard of technological innovation.Sustaining and enhancing our recent success will depend, in large part, on building technologicallyadvanced resources that will enable the creation, development, operation, support, security, andgovernance of a variety of new opportunities, partnerships, and investments.And now we are ready for the future …Page 9

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Looking back over 40 years, this was our intrepid crew at the Stereo Advantage at 5687 Main Street in theVillage of Williamsville, NY. It was an amazing group of friends and builders.In no particular order, Crash, Audio Al, Pete, Liz, Butch, Karen, Sprout, Lizzie, Trey, Dave the K [the King ofCar Stereo], Susie, Artie, Gapper, and Joanne. I’ll leave it to you to match the names to the faces. Myapologies to Joe Bake [who got taken out by water damage].Page 10

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Advantage Co I 2024 Top Priorities1. UGA Capital VenturesOur strategy to maximize the value of our extraordinary PremCloud Unified Data Platform is based onthe sale, deployment, and support of our ascendant Purpose-Built Proprietary Data Stack Programthrough our new UGA MarketPlace.From the start, our intention has been to build market-leading technology resources rather than merelylaunch and operate technology businesses. We strategically built, branded, positioned, and launchedZantaz Data Resources for acquisition by a strategic partner with an existing service provider platformand the global market reach to bring our vision to fruition. Our focus is now on finding an acquirerwho recognizes the exponential value of Zantaz Data Resources’ Ai Data Processing in their marketspace and the inherent value of our 115 International Accounts, as well as the value of a long-termassociation with Logix Hosting.Zantaz Data Resources [$78M], c1 Secure [$30M], LLM Data Feeder [$10M], and UnBiasIt [$7.5M] arejust a few of the emerging independently owned and operated partnerships that UGA Capital Venturesis taking to market for acquisition or strategic investment in 2024.2. Clean Your Closet For KidsIn Q4, is considering the launch of a new fundraising initiative for Children’sHospital. We will hopefully be creating a marketplace with Poshmark and other resources for donors tosell their clothes and other goods online, with all of the proceeds going directly to Children’s Hospital.3. AGR BridgeCurrently, PremCloud Resources is developing AGR Bridge with human-augmented AI to replace ouraging c1 Connects solution. c1 Connects is currently used extensively by AP Professionals and severalother partnerships for timesheet and expense report submission, approvals for employees andcontractors, and a variety of reporting and analysis. It integrates with Quickbooks and Paycom, and itis what AP Professionals rely upon for billing, invoice processing, payroll, PTO tracking, and loggingpermanent staffing placements. Additionally, AGR Bridge will be added to the PremCloud Unified DataPlatform and our UGA MarketPlace Provider offerings.4. Spend ManagementAlthough AGR handles payables remarkably well, we provide very little spending oversight for ourclients. In 2023, AGR will work to provide better tools, budgeting, and protocol for effective costrecognition and control to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and eliminate abuses.5. Walker Center RenovationThe Buffalo Bills have launched their new Stadium Sales Center in the Walker Center, and we arestrategically filling the two remaining openings. However, I get the feeling we will be keeping any extraspace for our own opportunities, especially Ana Blu Mediterranean Kitchen.Page 11

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UGA MarketPlace I UGA Capital VenturesTom Thomson . Mike McGrath . Will White . Jamie WelstedUGA Capital Ventures' mission is to provide the vision, resources, support, and confidence necessaryto enable the development of our portfolio of independently owned and operated tech businesses as arewarding experience for those willing to take the full measure of the challenge. We help createremarkable value by providing strategic development, investment, and operating guidance.UGA Capital Ventures works collaboratively to ensure advantageous market positioning, sustainablegrowth, and a clear path to exit while producing outstanding, risk-adjusted returns for our entireportfolio. We also advise our portfolio of independently owned and operated companies on a fullrange of liquidity transactions. Additionally, UGA Capital Ventures has the resources to structure themost advantageous exit, whether it be a full sale to an appropriate acquirer or a strategic merger.With expertise and investments in data management, platform development, FedRAMP-certified cloudarchitecture, cyber security, AI-infused software development, and professional services, UGA CapitalVentures is uniquely positioned to help produce significant equity and ROI for each of our portfoliocompanies, along with the fulfillment of their founder’s vision. In order to bring a visionary partner’sideas and concepts to life and, more importantly, to continue their ever-changing and dynamic growth,we structure a flexible matrix for each business that enables, encourages, and ensures ongoingparadigm shifts through the simple restructuring of elements providing maximum speed to benefit andmarket ascendancy.Note: UGA [Unified Global Archiving] is a colloquialname we often use to reference the AdvantageCo’s collection of independently owned andoperated tech companies, including PremCloudResources, Logix Hosting, Zantaz Data Resources,Ai Smart Data, C1 Secure, UnBiasIt,,LLM Data Feeder, etc.UGA MarketPlaceOur UGA Capital Ventures team, led by CEO MikeMcGrath, Chief Portfolio Officer Will White, CreativeDirector Jamie Welsted, Project Director HaroldBenavides, and Event Coordinator Jack Boswell, isdriven to facilitate transformative opportunities forour entire portfolio. This ambition is now beingfurther enabled through the introduction of UGAMarketPlace [which will be officially launched onOctober 1, 2024]. Until then, we will engageAuthorized Agents to enable the sale of select entities, including Zantaz Data Resources, Ai SmartData’s White-Label Reseller Program, and, on authorized occasions, the pre-release beta-versiondeployment of Ai Smart Data Processing.Page 13

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UGA ‘24 Summer Conference I Thank YouPosted by: TonyDate: July 4, 2024Firstly, a heartfelt thank you to everyone who traveled to Williamsville, NY, for our second InternationalSummer Conference. Your contributions, insights, and enthusiasm greatly enhanced the quality of ourpresentations and discussions throughout the week. Giancarlo's was an ideal venue, and the food andhospitality provided by Gabriela, Anthony, and their entire team made the event both enjoyable andmemorable.Once again, we enjoyed a variety of enthusiastic presentations that were informative, thought-provoking,and often inspiring. The face-to-face interactions facilitated spontaneous exchanges of ideas, whichcontinue to complement our effective international remote work environment. While virtual communicationtools are valuable for our global collaborations, they cannot fully replicate the richness and depth ofin-person dialogue. As I mentioned at the outset, this year's conference marked the end of our practicephase, and it certainly proved beneficial.Purpose-Built Proprietary Data Stack ProgramOne of our goals for this year's UGA '24 Summer Conference was to introduce PremCloud's Unified DataPlatform and its Purpose-Built Proprietary Data Stack Program. This program has enabled Zantaz DataResources, Data, LLM Data, C1 Secure, UnBiasIt, and others to purpose-build theirown data stacks, laying the foundation for a full Q4 2024 launch of all our go-to-market aspirations.Ai Smart Data ProcessingThroughout the week, we showcased Ai Smart Data Processing, set for general release on October 1st. AiSmart Data Tool Box has evolved from providing the industry's premier data archiving solutions toincorporating a variety of new AI-infused data tools. These tools are designed to process UnstructuredData at speed and scale, transforming it into Actionable Smart Data.Introducing the UGA MarketPlaceThe UGA '24 Summer Conference also provided a platform to highlight the exceptional opportunities ournew UGA MarketPlace will offer to UGA Authorized Providers and our burgeoning International Network ofAuthorized Agents. This includes Business Brokers, Resellers, and Teaming Partners, who will benefitimmensely from UGA MarketPlace Provider Offerings.This week's meetings, presentations, and discussions presented a unique opportunity for all attendees toactively participate in shaping our future, which promises significant benefits for everyonewilling to build it. Once again, thank you to everyone who attended the UGA '24 SummerConference. Our few days together exceeded expectations, and the future looksincredibly bright.Save the date for next year:UGA '25 Summer Conference from Monday, June 23rd to Wednesday, June 25th.Page 14

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UGA MarketPlace I IntroductionUGA MarketPlace aims to empower an International Network of Authorized Agents, including BusinessBrokers, Resellers, and Teaming Partners. Our mission is to establish UGA MarketPlace as a globalresource that provides comprehensive access to exceptional UGA MarketPlace Provider resources,products, and services for our Agents worldwide. At its core, UGA MarketPlace represents a culmination ofa 46-year vision to leverage our resources for greater opportunities, growth, and profitability.Central to our mission is the success of our International Network of Agents. By showcasing a diversearray of remarkable Provider Offerings, UGA MarketPlace will equip Agents with the tools to effectivelymeet the needs of commercial, institutional, and government customers worldwide.On October 1st, UGA Marketplace will deliver an easily accessible and useful library of essential informationon all our available Provider Offerings. UGA Marketplace will facilitate and enhance opportunities for ourInternational Network of Agents while enabling advantageous and frictionless intracompany participation.As our Provider Offerings grow in our UGA Marketplace, our International Network of Agents and theircustomer opportunities will grow as well.UGA MarketPlace is committed to fostering meaningful partnerships and delivering unparalleled valueworldwide to our Agents and Providers.● Global AccessAgents will have authorized access to a broad spectrum of UGA MarketPlace Provider Offerings,streamlining the sales process and maximizing revenue potential.● Comprehensive SupportOur Providers will provide robust sales support, fulfillment protocols, and exceptional commissionstructures, ensuring our Agents are incentivized and empowered to succeed.● Value PropositionEach Provider Offering will be meticulously detailed in a Smart Card to highlight its unique valueproposition, ensuring that Agents can effectively communicate benefits to prospective customers.● Agent EmpowermentThrough Provider training, certification programs, and ongoing support, UGA MarketPlace willempower Agents to capitalize on opportunities and drive mutual growth.The ideal UGA MarketPace Agent has existing relationships as a trusted provider within their market.Leveraging these relationships will enable the Agent to sell Provider Offerings, which in turn will strengthentheir customer relationships and provide additional earnings.Commission Note: Agents are responsible for cultivating opportunities through their existingnetwork. If an Agent creates merely an introduction that generates an opportunity for a Provider,that Agent will be commissioned appropriately for the resulting paid business.Looking ahead, UGA MarketPlace is committed to continuous innovation and expansion. We aim toenhance our platform with new offerings, advanced technologies, and enhanced support services toensure our network remains at the forefront of the technology industry.Page 15

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UGA MarketPlace I Provider OfferingsThe UGA Marketplace will provide a venue for all of our International Network of Agents by enablingauthorized access to all of our UGA Marketplace’s diverse Provider Offerings in order to facilitate andenhance their sales opportunities with potential customers worldwide.UGAMarketPlace.comIn order to maximize our selling potential, every Agent needs to know the simple basics of every ProviderOffering. will be an easily accessible and useful storehouse of essential informationthat will enable advantageous and frictionless Provider and Agent participation. willbe password protected, and access will be limited to authorized Agents and Providers—this is not a venuefor customers. As an exclusive resource, Agents will gain access to a diverse range of Provider Offerings,enabling them to cater to their customer's specific needs and dramatically expand their revenueopportunities.Smart CardsWe will begin by identifying all of the Provider Offerings we will have available to sell through our SmartCard format. The Smart Card will start by introducing the product, service, solution, or resource that theProvider is making available—along with the cost and the ideal customers for a particular offering [andwhy]. Smart Card information on each Provider Offering will include its features, benefits, sales protocol,deployment, and all essential contact and presentation information. This will ensure Agents canconfidently engage with potential customers, backed by comprehensive support from the Providers.Agent CompensationThe Smart Card will provide the entire benefit and commission structure. The Provider will be responsiblefor all of the commissions earned by the Agent. Note: In order to be eligible for compensation, the Agentmust have authorization to present from the Provider before introducing an offering to a customer.Value = Benefits - CostDetailing the value proposition for each Provider Offering is a key component of the Smart Card strategy.A value proposition is a promise of value to be delivered along with a firm belief by the customer that thedesired value will be experienced. The customer must understand and believe the value received will besignificantly greater and more rewarding to them personally than the cost associated with its acquisition.The Smart Card will aid the authorized Agent in selling or referring the Provider Offering to potentialcustomers by detailing the four most important points that should speak to the direct benefit the customerwill receive.Selling & FulfillmentThe UGA MarketPlace will streamline the selling and fulfillment process for its Agents, ensuring aseamless experience for them and their customers. The Provider Smart Card will providecomprehensive logistical information, guide Agents on how to refer or sell Provider Offerings andfacilitate efficient sales processes and fulfillment. The Smart Card will provide the logistics regardinghow referring or selling a Provider Offering is carried out by the Agent in conjunction with the Provider,as well as defining the chain-of-custody in regards to the customer and the fulfillment of the sale.Page 16

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UGA Capital Ventures I PremCloud ResourcesOver 25 years ago, Tom Thomson launched Advantage Systems Professionals in Pittsford, NY, as ourfirst technology partnership. Since then, our propitious success in the tech space has been beneficialto everyone who has had the resolve to invest, adapt, and persevere. Two of our more noteworthytech highlights include being the first to earn the FedRAMP Authority to Operate and the developmentof our market-leading PremCloud Unified Data Platform. Also worth highlighting was our successfulengagement with United Airlines, which led to the successful sale of our Capax Global partnership toHitachi Data Systems. As a long-time Microsoft Partner, Capax Global, under the guidance of foundingpartners Jerry and Jessica Hawk, delivered unbelievably complex and technical solutions to some ofthe world’s largest companies, and their work with United Airlines was no exception. Click here: Resources is UGA Capital Ventures’ development, deployment, and support resource thatprovides the foundation for all our current and future tech ambitions. PremCloud is buoyed by the factthat the avalanche of Unstructured Data, as well as growing data compliance demands, will increaseexponentially in every enterprise and government that is relentlessly creating a massive amount ofdata that needs to be rapidly and securely identified, archived, stored, disposed of, managed, andutilized … and nothing provides more advanced solutions than PremCloud’s Unified Data Platform.Purpose-Built Proprietary Data Stack ProgramPremCloud Resources' go-forward strategy is to continue enhancing our Ai-infused Unified DataPlatform and taking it to market with our extraordinary Purpose-Built Proprietary Data Stack Program.“PremCloud Resources built our Proprietary Data Stack, Ai Smart Data Processing, to organize datausing metadata attributes to facilitate actionable insights into the data. Our Ai-infused tools connectdirectly to Unstructured Data repositories to identify and extract metadata and text from over 1,000different file types. Unlike other file analytics products that limit customers to a singular deploymentmodel, our Ai Smart Data Processing can deploy on-premises, in public clouds such as Azure or AWS,in a private cloud, or in a hybrid deployment model.” - Will White, President, Zantaz Data ResourcesLogix HostingIt is also our responsibility to make certain that all of our technologies are effectively deployed andsupported with optimal functionality while operating at their maximum performance capabilities. That’swhat Logix Hosting is all about. Logix Hosting is an international team of delivery, hosting, and supportexperts led by Marco Pizzolo servicing large enterprise clients worldwide. We have over 300 years ofcombined experience across a broad range of enterprise application solutions centered aroundenterprise data management. The Logix Hosting services include:● Managed, Professional, & Hosting Services● Deployment & Training● Support & Maintenance● Solution Engineering● Full Sales Technical Support● Cloud Hosting & Data Center ManagementPage 18

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PremCloud Resources I Market AdvantageMarket AdvantagePremCloud Resources Purpose-Built Proprietary Data Stack Program’s unique Market Advantage is thatno one can match our offering of access to our solution’s Source Code without compromising theirbusiness model. Smarsh, Mimecast, Digital Safe, EV Vault, Global Relay, Proofpoint, Microsoft, et al.,will never be willing to offer customers access to their Source Code [or even real ownership of thedata]. It’s anathema to their business model. The exclusivity of their core IP and Source Code isessential to their business model, while the ownership of their customers’ data is essential to thesurvival of their recurring revenue stream. They will never offer what we can offer, deliver, deploy, andsupport [at a ridiculously low price starting at only $5M for a Purpose-Built Proprietary Data Stack].Our absolutely unique and sustainable Market Advantage is found in providing access to the Source Code[along with no future license fees, unlimited customers, unlimited usage, and full ownership of their data].Market CalcificationData archiving and storage is a mature sector where the leaders have already carved out their niche withmarginal competitive advantages. And rather than competing in a market buoyed by innovation, there islethargy - and growth is generally driven only by acquisition. The data archiving and storage industry is soentrenched in its repetitive business model that it will never consider providing its customers withownership of their IP, Data, or access to their Source Code. This gives us a considerable MarketAdvantage. I believe that it will be years [if ever] before we will have to compete directly with someonemimicking our unique business model.As for our competitive advantages, we check both the price and performance boxes with indisputableascendancy. Five million dollars for a Purpose-Built Proprietary Data Stack will be almost unbelievable tothe people who really know what a comparable data stack would cost to develop and launch. And the factthat we can universally deploy it immediately makes our pricing advantage impossible to match.PremCloud’s targeted acquirers for a Purpose-Built Proprietary Data Stack are data resource providerslooking to build or add on to their data resource offerings. The end user is NOT PremCloud’s customer[that’s for providers such as Zantaz Data Resources].Link to my blog: 19

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Zantaz Data Resources I Our Global ClientsAlder King LLPAMBANK (Malaysia) BerhadAmerican International IndustriesAmpersand Capital PartnersAPTIMArch Insurance Group Inc.Artemide Group SPA [Gruppo Artemide Italy]Ascension HealthAspen PharmacareAvenue Capital GroupAveris Hong KongAveris [Kuala Lumpur & Singapore]AWA Patent ABBank MuscatBarclaysBarings Investment Services LimitedBarratt Developments PLCBayernInvestBentallGreenOak (U.S.) Limited PartnershipBlank Rome LLPBonelliErede (aka. Studio Bonelli)Bonneville Power AdministrationBristol Water PlcBroadcomBruce Power L.P.Burnet, Duckworth & PalmerCaerphilly County Borough CouncilCanadian Dental AssociationCancer Specialists of Northern Florida (used tobe ICON)CENTENE CorporationCentraState Medical CenterCharles Schwab & Co, Inc.Choate, Hall & StewartCIT - West Chester TownshipCity National BankCity of San DiegoCobelfret (dba CLdN IT SA)COCCCodan (Canada) Inc.Compex Legal Services, Inc.Compliance IT Solutions LLCCredit Guarantee Insurance Corp of Africa Ltd.CyberCodersDeGolyer and MacNaughtonDelek USDeloitte (UK & Switzerland)Deloitte General ServicesDepartment of Social ProtectionDkv Mobility Services Business CenterDoehler GmbHEDF Energy PlcEnterprise Bank & TrustEpson Europe BVEssentia Health System (aka SMDC)European Central BankEuropean Fund Administration (EFA)EY Global Services LimitedGovCloud ResourcesFeilden Clegg Bradley StudiosFlorida Dept. of Law Enforcement (FDLE)Foley Hoag LLPGAM (UK) LtdGeller & organization LLCGeneral ElectricGeorgia Department of LawGloucestershire County CouncilGoblet Lavandier and Associes S.A.Goodwin Procter LLPGulf International Bank (UK) LimitedGunderson DettmerHaron Services F.K.A ETHENEAHilco GlobalHogan Lovells US LLPHollingsworth LLPHuntington National BankHunton Andrews Kurth LLP (a. Hunton Williams)IKO IndustriesInspira Health NetworkIslington CounciliStar FinancialITC Holdings Corp.J.M. Huber CorporationJMP Securities LLC, Research DivisionKaleida HealthKansas City Police DepartmentPage 20

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Kirkland & Ellis LLPLatham & WatkinsLeonhard Kurz Stiftung & Co KGLloyds Banking GroupLogwin AGLondon Borough of BromleyMarex GroupMannheimer SwartlingMaverick Services, LLCMBDA UK LimitedMcDermott InternationalMcDermott Will & Emery LLPMcKesson CorporationMeketa Investment Group, Inc.Metropolitan Water District of Southern CaliforniaMorgan Stanley Securities - Mitsubishi UFJ(MUMSS)Muckle LLPMUFG Bank [Bank of Tokyo]National Bank of Egypt (UK) LimitedNetwork RailNew Jersey Hospital AssociationNew Zealand Energy Efficiency and ConservationAuthorityNomura International PlcNorth of England P&I Association Ltd NEPIANorthwood UniversityOaktree Capital ManagementOrange County Dept of EducationOregon Department of TransportationPalm Beach CountyParadise CanyonPI Financial Corp AKA Pacific InternationalFinancial CorpPillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLPPNM ResourcesPolytypeProvost & Pritchard Engineering Group IncQuilter PLC (formerly Old Mutual Wealth)Redstone Federal Credit UnionRembrandt IP Management LLCRiemer & Braunstein LLPRolls Royce SolutionsRopes & Gray LLPRosling King LLPSan Diego Police DepartmentSandberg, Phoenix & Von Gontard P.CSandy Spring Bancorp, Inc.Shearman & Sterling LLPShell Int'l Trading Shipping CoSignal EnergySimpson Thacher & Bartlett LLPSirius XM Radio Inc.Software AGSouth Sound 911Southern Health & Social Care TrustSS&C Technologies Inc.Steptoe & Johnson LLP (US)Steptoe & Johnson, LLP (EMEA)Tacoma Pierce County Health DepartmentTDSTelhioTGS-NOPEC Geophysical organization L.P.ThyssenKruppTorbay CouncilTorys LLPTourism Ireland LimitedTroutman PepperTruworths International LimitedUGL LimitedUnBiasItUnisysUniversity City HousingUniversity of VirginiaViatris (a Mylan Inc.)VodacomW & R Corporate LLCWalsh, Pizzi, O'Reilly, FalangaWillcox and SavageWillett Advisors, LLCWorld Bank GroupZ Legal Data ResourcesZantaz Data ResourcesZoomPage 21

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UGA MarketPlace I Zantaz Data ResourcesWith each passing day, massive amounts of Big Data arrive in various forms with up to 90% of it beingUnstructured Data. Organizations are generating an overwhelming amount of Unstructured Data at anunprecedented rate [as the amount of data that is being generated in the world doubles every eightmonths], fueled by factors such as increased digitalization, IoT devices, social media, Artificial Intelligence,and customer interactions, as well as challenging distributed workforces and increased utilization of chatand collaboration platforms (MS Teams, Zoom, Slack, etc.). This rapid growth has exposed the damaginglimitations of every organization’s legacy data solutions that leave massive amounts of Unstructured Datain the lurch.Zantaz’s Ai Smart Data ProcessingUnfortunately, we were once stuck in the same predicament, but with our new Ai Smart DataProcessing, Zantaz Data Resources is now able to address the avalanche of Unstructured Data that isoverwhelming our customers. Our new AI-infused data tools have been developed to processUnstructured Data at speed and scale [turning Unstructured Data into Actionable Smart Data].Taking Zantaz Data Resources to Market for AcquisitionZantaz Data Resources is an independently owned and operated data technology company thatalready has a rich and remarkable legacy. Over the past 20 years, the foundation of Zantaz DataResources has been laid through UGA Capital Ventures’ license, develop, build, and acquire model tocreate incredible value as the world's premier data archiving and Unstructured Data processingprovider. On October 1st, we will officially bring Zantaz Data Resources to market at an acquisitionprice of $75M.Logix HostingLogix Hosting empowers Zantaz Data Resources to reach its goal of ensuring that each of itsinternational clients can experience first-hand the power of its new Ai Smart Data Processing. LogixHosting also deploys the Terabyte Tester as a SaaS consumable, proof-of-value tool to demonstrateZantaz's Ai Smart Data Processing's ability to deliver an immediate ROI for its clients.Together, Zantaz and the Logix Hosting team can establish goals for an Ai Smart Data Processingengagement and measure the program’s success in reaching those goals within one (1) week. Withthis rapid approach, Logix Hosting can dramatically lower the barrier of entry for all of Zantaz’s clients.● No software to deploy On-Premise● No complex infrastructure to provision● No training requiredPage 23

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UGA MarketPlace Provider I White-Label ResellersAs a UGA MarketPlace Provider, Ai Smart Data’s ambition is to empower UGA MarketPlace’s InternationalNetwork of White-Label Resellers and Teaming Partners with beneficial access to everything we arebringing to market.Ai Smart Data’s Teaming Partner ProgramAn authorized UGA Teaming Partner is eligible for the various commission programs Ai Smart Data offers torepresent its programs, products, solutions, or services. For example, the Ai Smart Data Teaming PartnerCommission for the sale of its Ai Smart Data Processing or White-Label Reseller Program License is aremarkable 30% of the License Fee.Ai Smart Data’s White-Label Reseller ProgramAi Smart Data offers Ai Smart Data Processing through a White-LabelPartnership, licensing White-Label Resellers to expand their productand service offerings rapidly. White labeling is a business model whereone company produces and delivers a product or service, and anothercompany rebrands it as its own. This allows White-Label Resellers tosave time and resources on research, development, andimplementation while offering their clients innovative solutions.Ai Smart Data’s White Label Reseller License means that a White-Label Reseller has the right to resell theAi Smart Data Processing under their own branding. This gives the White-Label Reseller full control andownership over their customers rather than the customers belonging to Zantaz Data Resources. Through aWhite Label partnership with Ai Smart Data, White-Label Resellers get to market faster, can extend theirbrand, and can immediately provide their customers with new Ai-Infused solutions.Ai Smart Data’s Ai Smart Data Processing products, solutions, and services are ready-made, fully tailoredofferings that make rebranding very simple. Ai Smart Data’s White Label Program enables White-LabelResellers to quickly expand their offerings, revenue, customer retention, customer acquisition, and equitywithout the investment in time and money to build or acquire new software, products, or services.● White Label BrandingThe White-Label Reseller can rebrand Ai Smart Data Processing as their own, using their owncompany name, branding, etc. It appears to the end customers as the Reseller's own offering.● White-Label Reseller License in PerpetuityThe White-Label Reseller License for the Ai Smart Data Processing is $1M. This license istransferable in full toward a PremCloud Resources’ Purpose-Built Proprietary Data Stack. TheWhite-Label Reseller has the ongoing right to resell Ai Smart Data Processing for as long as it isavailable. It is not a limited-time license. There is no need for renewals.● Customer OwnershipThe White-Label Reseller has maximum control, flexibility, and ownership of the customerrelationships when selling their branded Ai Smart Data Processing.● Increased CommissionsAdditionally, the Ai Smart Data’s Reseller Commission for the sale of its White-Labeled Ai SmartData Processing is now 50% of the License Fee [and 20% on Renewals]. This is a dramaticincrease from the 30% a Teaming Partner earns.Page 28

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Key Benefits of the Ai Smart Data Processing White-Label PartnershipAi Smart Data Processing is a feature-rich platform that includes advanced data analytics, visualization, andreporting capabilities. Through the White-Label Partnership, Resellers can rebrand the toolkit with theirown branding and sell it to their customers as a tailored solution.● Rapid Time-to-MarketMinimal risk of trying a new product. Faster speed to market with new products than developingyourself. White-Label Resellers can immediately add a new, cutting-edge Ai-infused data analyticssolution to their portfolio without the need for extensive in-house development.● Scalable Revenue Streams with Added RetentionRecurring revenue with the SaaS model. Expand into more markets/add new revenue streams.White-Label Resellers can rapidly increase their revenue, customer retention, customer acquisition,profit, and equity without the investment in time and money to build or acquire new products orservices. Increase your stickiness factor—the more you do for customers, the more customersbecome dependant on you.● Reduced CostsBy leveraging Ai Smart Data Processing and Logix Hosting’s' existing infrastructure and expertise,Resellers can avoid the overhead associated with building a data analytics tool from scratch. Byusing an already-established product and deployment resource, White-Label Resellers save onresearch, development, delivery, updates, and support.● Branded DifferentiationExpand your brand, build trust and your reputation. Solidifies you as an expert Ai service provider.White-Label Resellers can differentiate themselves in the market by offering a unique,white-labeled data analytics solution under their own brand. Diversify and cross-promote productand service offerings to become a full-service provider.● Ongoing Support and MaintenanceAi Smart Data and Logix Hosting handle all updates, bug fixes, and support for Ai Smart DataProcessing, allowing White-Label Resellers to focus on sales and customer success.Page 29

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UGA MarketPlace Provider I LLM Data FeederWelcome to LLM Data FeederLLM Data Feeder is a new AI start-up built on a legacy of success in developing first-to-market technologysolutions. Featuring our extraordinary AI data preparation process to satisfy the voracious demand forlarge data sets by internal LLMs, our technology is deployed into self-contained instances inside yourcorporate network boundary, meaning that it operates entirely inside your security perimeter, data center,or cloud ecosystem of choice, with no dependencies on third-party LLMs or external data transit. LLM DataFeeder rapidly and securely overcomes all of these data acquisition, curation, and management challengesby enabling high-quality, unbiased, and ethically sound LLMs with Actionable Smart Data.Internal LLMsInternal LLMs eliminate the need to send sensitive data to an external provider, reducing the risk of databreaches or misuse. You can ensure that all your data processing and storage happens within your ownsecure environment. With a secure Internal LLM, your data is never exposed to the outside world. LLMData Feeder enables you to validate inputs, monitor outputs for strange behavior, and restrict access tokeep bad data out and protect sensitive information. By implementing a combination of LLM Data Feeder’sadvanced techniques at scale, you significantly reduce the risk of data assimilation on your LLM models.Processing Data at Speed and ScaleDeveloping a comprehensive and high-quality training dataset for large language models [LLMs] can be asignificant challenge. Sourcing large volumes of textual data from diverse and reliable sources is usually atime-consuming and complex task]. Raw textual data often contains errors, inconsistencies, and irrelevantor low-quality content that needs to be identified and removed. Cleaning and preprocessing the data tomaintain high quality and consistency is a complex and labor-intensive task that only LLM Data Feeder cando effectively and rapidly at exabyte scale.Handling Sensitive or Restricted ContentCertain types of content, such as personal information, copyrighted material, or potentiallyharmful content, are carefully identified and excluded from the dataset by LLM Data Feeder.Handling sensitive or personal information within the dataset requires LLM Data Feeder’srobust data privacy and security measures to protect against misuse or breaches. Complyingwith relevant data protection regulations adds another layer of complexity. Navigating legal and ethicalconsiderations around using such data is an issue that LLM Data Feeder allows you to confidently address.Bias and Fairness ConsiderationsProactively addressing and mitigating biases in the data is also a complex and nuanced task. LLM DataFeeder ensures your datasets do not perpetuate or amplify harmful biases, such as those related togender, race, or socioeconomic status.Annotation and LabelingFor certain LLM applications, the data may need to be annotated or labeled with additional metadata, suchas topic, sentiment, or entity information. LLM Data Feeder provides effective and scalable annotationprocesses.Page 32

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Managing Data Securely at Speed and ScaleToday, massive amounts of Big Data are being generated and accumulating in various forms with up to90% of it being an escalating avalanche of Unstructured Data. Your organization is most likely generatingthis overwhelming amount of Unstructured Data at an unprecedented rate, fueled by factors such asincreased digitalization, IoT devices, social media, artificial intelligence, and customer interactions, as wellas challenging distributed workforces and increased utilization of chat and collaboration platforms [MSTeams, Zoom, Slack, etc.].Managing and utilizing Unstructured Data, such as text documents, images, and videos, is particularlychallenging [and beyond current data solutions' speed and accuracy capabilities]. Complicating matterseven more, this escalating Big Data is often metastasizing in scattered systems and departments, leadingto data fragmentation. This fragmentation can make rapidly identifying, accessing, searching, storing,exposing risk, analyzing, and effectively utilizing Big Data difficult while dramatically diminishing theanticipated ROI on your organization’s expensive investment in data generation and AI LLMs. But nowLLM Data Feeder has the solution …Actionable Smart DataLLM Data Feeder has answered this challenge by delivering a solution that can rapidly harness massiveamounts of Unstructured Data at exabyte scale, turning it all into Actionable Smart Data. Although mostorganizations have some solutions to address their escalating avalanche of Unstructured Data, none canperform at the speed or scale of LLM Data Feeder, which can now scan 8 million files per hour [that’s onebillion files per week].LLM Data Feeder is pivotal in transforming any Unstructured Data estate by delivering Actionable SmartData. By turning your escalating avalanche of Unstructured Data into Actionable Smart Data, your data canbe properly routed, stored, secured, and made accessible for deployment into private AI Large LanguageModels [LLMs] and machine learning [to extract valuable insights from properly identified and stored data].This transformation turns static data into dynamic, strategic assets. LLM Data Feeder also strategicallyremoves ROT while actively contributing to business intelligence, significantly boosting operationalefficiency and ensuring compliance.By accessing Unstructured Data and converting it into Actionable Smart Data, LLM Data Feederimmediately delivers ROI, allowing your organization to leverage its escalating avalanche ofUnstructured Data in real-time. With advanced search capabilities and scalable architecture, LLM DataFeeder ensures informed decision-making and efficient handling of expanding data volumes,especially for populating your internal LLMs.We now have a new company developed by AGR calledLLM Data Feeder. LLM Data Feeder’s has its own Proprietary Data Stack that features ourextraordinary AI data preparation process to satisfy the voracious demand for large data sets byinternal LLMs [with four key solution steps in the process: Data Connector, Data Preparer, Data Viewer,and Data Router]. LLM Data Feeder has no legacy accounts.Avoid the Risk of AI Exposure From Public and External LLMsLLM Data Feeder provides internal LLMs with massive amounts of fully vetted, safe, and secure data. LLMData Feeder turns an organization’s avalanche of Unstructured Data into Actionable Smart Data to feedtheir LLMs’ growing appetite for data. It not only vets the data populating LLMs, but it can also vet the dataproduced by AI. It is no longer “Who wrote this?” It’s now “What wrote this?”Page 34

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LLM Data Feeder I LLM Data Feeder ToolsLLM Data Feeder features our Data Connector, Data Preparer, Data Viewer, and Data Router tools. LLMData Feeder turns all of your organization’s Unstructured Data [including its troublesome Dark Data] intoActionable Smart Data, and once your organization has Actionable Smart Data, our AI-infused Data Routerdistributes your data to the most appropriate, useful, and cost-effective destination [based on yourorganization's own Policy, Compliance, and Utilization Demands]… the ROT is disposed of, and the remaining data is Re-Tiered as Actionable Smart Data for its mosteffective and cost-efficient storage and utilization [especially for building internal LLMs] - allowing for saferand more effective AI as well as dramatic data storage cost savings, effective cost allocation, elimination ofrisk, full compliance, and recognition of the full ROI potential and utilization of your organization’s entire BigData estate.Private LLMs Offer Significant Advantages Over Public LLMsPrivate LLMs empower organizations to harness the transformative power of large language models whilemaintaining full control, security, and customization. This allows them to unlock value, enhance operations,and build competitive advantage - all without the risks inherent in relying on public AI services. PrivateLLMs are a compelling solution for enterprises seeking to responsibly leverage the AI revolution.Data Privacy and SecurityWith private LLMs, organizations can keep all of their sensitive data and intellectual property within theirown secure infrastructure. This eliminates the risk of data breaches, leaks, or misuse that can occur whenusing public LLMs hosted by external providers. Companies can ensure compliance with data privacyregulations and protect their most valuable information assets by maintaining full control over the trainingdata and model.UGA MarketPlace Provider I C1 SecureC1 Secure is known for its remarkable ServiceNow risk and security apps [with industry-leading continuousmonitoring capabilities], and now C1 Secure is breaking new barriers as they proudly introduce Ai DataNow,their groundbreaking ServiceNow Data as a Service tool that provides next-generation data governanceand promises to deliver significant data optimization and storage cost reduction for all participants in theServiceNow ecosystem.Ai DataNow, integrated with ServiceNow, utilizes its DataNow Connect and DataNow Optic tools fromPremCloud's Unified Data Platform to perform a comprehensive scan and cataloging of all storage framesacross the global data storage estate. This initial analysis is critical for understanding the current state ofthe storage infrastructure and identifying areas for improvement.C1 Secure's CISO Sentinel, built upon ServiceNow's integrated risk management and security operationsplatform, revolutionizes continuous monitoring for government cloud service providers and businesses.Page 36

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Cost Table: Estimated Before and After Reduction per Tiered and Overall Storage Cost SavingsData Detect will save GE an estimated $30M- an incredible 60% reduction in storage costs over 3 years.Cost savings on Storage and SearchEstablishing effective policies and frameworks in conjunction with Data Detect’s auto-classificationcapabilities enables your organization to defensibly delete large amounts of irrelevant data and retaincritical data in a searchable repository for compliance and business purposes. This allows yourorganization to reduce storage costs by consolidating storage with less data and preserving essential datain a compressed and encrypted archive for search.Ai Smart Data Router classification adds metadata attributes to your organization’s data. Search improvesbecause you can search data by topic, keywords, and content. You can delete useless documents bycontinuously classifying all data, run faster searches on targeted data volumes, and eliminate costly,time-consuming ad-hoc searches.Data Security and ConfidentialityAfter classifying all data by security and value, your organization can defensibly dispose of data thatrepresents an unnecessary risk to the firm. You can lower the risk of lawsuits and fines by identifyingsensitive or compromising data and moving it from insecure storage to a secure, archived storage repository.Additionally, you can ensure that only the proper personnel in your organization have access to sensitive orclassified data, easily ensuring that you are meeting the rigorous requirements of security controls such asInternational Traffic in Arms Regulations [ITAR].In the event of an investigation or audit, you can quickly retrieve data in response to discovery requests withconfidence they know all of their data has been identified and classified. In addition, you can prove theyhave the tools and systems to address sensitive data compliantly.Page 38

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Collectively, we have been building the Advantage Co for over 140 years. Today, Mike DeJoy, Al Walters,and Ron Bellus operate the Advantage Co’s most enduring independently owned and operated business,Lifetime Service & Solutions. Lifetime Service has always had a special place in the history of theAdvantage Co. While always relied on and intrinsically a part of the Advantage Experience, LifetimeService has always kept an optimal distance from the mayhem of the rest of the Advantage Co. Along withsenior managers Joe Switniewski and Jim Berent, they revel in their iconoclastic operation.Page 40

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Lifetime Service & Solutions I Repair SolutionsMike DeJoy . Audio Al Walters . Ron Bellus . Joe Switniewski . Jim BerentLifetime Service & Solutions is an ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO 9001:2015 certified organization. We developturnkey solutions to securely handle items with sensitive personal or enterprise data during the recovery,repair, refurbishment, and recycling processes. We help highly regulated industries such as insurance,finance, healthcare, and education mitigate looming cybersecurity risks when handling aging anddepreciated organization-owned devices.Data SecurityOur ISO 9001-certified process controls were the first step in safeguarding devices while under our roof.But the proliferation of data breach news prompted a corporate initiative to set the standard forcybersecurity mitigation in our industry. The ISO/IEC 27001 standard was a natural extension of our corecompetency in process accuracy. From benign streaming passwords on your Smart TV to sensitivepersonal identifiable information [PII] on your tablet or laptop, the need to protect your data is ubiquitous.Over the past 3 years, we have invested heavily in continuous monitoring equipment and software to avoidviruses, malware, network intrusion, and network vulnerabilities. Designing infrastructure based on themove of data to the Azure cloud, adding highly available firewall solutions from Sophos, and monitoringsolutions from Tenable, all have contributed to a successful ISO/IEC 27001 certification and a safeenvironment for our customers.Service OfferingsOf course, we have not left our roots in consumer electronics behind. Amongst the range of services weoffer to the aforementioned verticals and also to electronics manufacturers are:● Technical repair and refurbishment of consumer electronics, computing/printing devices, gamingand VR equipment, music equipment, and drones. In addition to mitigating claims costs for ThirdParty Administrators [TPAs], we extend product lifecycles for manufacturers [OEMs] byeconomically creating salable inventory from their defective and returned items.● Secure management of end-user data throughout the cycle of product involvement on a granularbasis. This is evident by an order accuracy rate that exceeds 99.99%, which is audited by ourcustomers on a weekly basis.● A category-based repair cell structure that separates triage, part install, testing, and quality control,giving customers a level of feedback not duplicated in our industry.● A flexible ERP system that provides RTI on a per-unit basis across many platforms.● The ability to create replacement solutions for uneconomical repairs. This first-of-its-kind depotsolution allows our customers to realize internal savings by eliminating an entire level ofadministration. An important by-product is the savings of customer turnaround time, which has ledto a measurable increase in NPS results.● The ability to control vertical markets on key product lines. Lifetime has developed exclusiverelationships with global OEMs, creating depot-level control for our customers, while warehousingand distributing the OEM part supply chain to decrease repair time by up to 90%.● Industry-leading repair turnaround times augmented by the ability to create a reclaimed partsinventory that minimizes repair times.Page 41

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SustainabilityIn 2022, our services prevented 2.4MM lbs. of e-waste from reaching a landfill. Responsible devicelifecycle management enables the Circular Economy by prioritizing repair or recycling of electronics toreturn them to the supply chain. We support the Circular Economy with a security-first mindset: helpingcustomers reduce environmental impacts and information security risks by responsibly handling devicescontaining PII, protecting or securely destroying data, reducing waste, and extending device lifecycles.Lifetime Service Center Background and CapabilitiesThe LTS Leadership Team has a history of being a leading-edge technical service provider to the consumerelectronics industry. The leadership of the company has a combined experience within the industry of overone hundred fifty years. Our Management Team has demonstrated the ability to build a technically astuteworkforce which is a blend of experience and youth that have a culture built around providinghigh-value-added customer service. LTS has a demonstrated history of success which is built around thedevelopment of proprietary intellectual capital, which in addition to continuing to run the organic business,is scalable across the whole of the North American marketplace. It is this collection of experience,technical, and logistics skills within the LTS organization that allows the company to differentiate itself. Wemake the difficult appear easy as well as reliable to our customers.The management of LTS has been approached by its largest customers who it enjoys long-termconstructive relationships with to determine how LTS can enhance its capabilities across the country inorder to accelerate those customers [who are market leaders] newly developing growth strategies. Thispresents an opportunity for LTS to build upon its positive legacy relationships with a defensible long-termstrategic capability. These same customers have approached Lifetime regarding expanding our model toadditional categories while also expressing a need for us to add locations.Page 42

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AP Professionals I AP Executive StaffingJerry Tenenbaum . Kelly CultraraSince its inception in 1993, AP Professionals has delivered staffing solutions to a wide array of Fortune 500corporations and privately held businesses in the Accounting, Finance, IT, Engineering, Healthcare,Operational Excellence, Sales, Marketing, Human Resources, Legal, and Administrative disciplines. APProfessionals is a national company with a regional focus.Our industry specialists, paired with our hands-on approach, enable AP to provide the best possiblestaffing solutions. We value our reputation for excellence and the relationships we have built betweenclients and candidates. Our goal is to build relationships that last a lifetime. We strive to meet this goal byproviding exceptional service to both our Clients and Candidates.“We are now halfway through our 24th year. Last year we hit 406 placements which was astonishing. Ithought it would be the record that stood forever. Wrong again. Halfway through 2022, we are at 189placements, and historically our second half has always been better than the first 6 months. And we have$765k in perm placement business which is about $200k more than we ever had in a full year.”- Jerry Tenenbaum, Managing Partner, AP Phoenix July 11, 2022iWorld Professionals I Tech StaffingGuylaine DiSalvoBy developing iWorld Professionals from our original Advantage Systems Professionals partnership,Guylaine DiSalvo has created a remarkable worldwide staffing resource. For the last two decades,Guylaine has successfully filled strategic roles for some of the largest and most successful companiesaround the world, and over that time, we’ve built strong relationships with talented professionals that nowcomprise iWorld’s Professionals deep and powerful candidate pool and bench of consulting talent.Guylaine and her team have placed countless candidates successfully in positions ranging from IT,Engineering, Manufacturing, Operations, and other disciplines. Today, the need for experienced talent inprofessional, technical, and executive positions has never been greater.iWorld Professionals has redefined the value proposition received through our unique recruiting andprofessional staffing and placement services. Guylaine’s iWorld Professionals team provides a customizedapproach for each and every client and candidate interaction that integrates their goals and the way theywork. Throughout the entire engagement process, clients receive a personalized experience that ensuresthat their goals are met with every step of the recruiting, selection, and hiring process. iWorldProfessionals’ clients rely on our pre-screened and qualified candidate database and our world-classrecruitment capabilities to quickly and accurately secure the right talent to fit each specific job requirement.Page 43

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Advantage Legal & Fiduciary I Attorney NetworkMission StatementIn memory of Frank, Advantage Legal & Fiduciary will eventually be developed as a consulting servicesorganization that will provide access to strategic legal representation with comprehensive oversight andfinancial review for our clients worldwide. We will provide our clients with the most advantageousrepresentation available for them through our worldwide network of legal and financial resources.In order to meet our mission goals, the cornerstone of everything we do will be based upon and completedwith an eye toward the best possible client services, with a forecast toward the most efficient and effectiveresolution possible, taking into consideration the expectations of the client to meet those needs along theway.Key to our oversight and protection we will provide is having a fully engaged and proactive legal resource.This includes making referrals and providing access to clients and partners for legal services that requireunique and specialized attention from practitioners who are elite in their field.From the very beginning, Frank Gaglione [pictured on previous page] and I envisioned Advantage Legal &Fiduciary as a local, regional, national, and international clearinghouse and broker of appropriatebest-of-class legal and financial services. Our goal was to attract potential clients - and then deliver themost advantageous legal and financial resources specific to their needs. Today, I hope to build AdvantageLegal & Fiduciary on Frank’s vision and legacy of excellence.As a consulting services organization, Advantage Legal & Fiduciary will provide access to strategic legalrepresentation with comprehensive oversight and financial review for our clients worldwide. We willprovide our clients with the most advantageous representation available for them through a worldwidenetwork of legal and financial resources.This unique approach will allow us to effectively provide access to appropriate legal representation for allkinds of law. Advantage Legal & Fiduciary’s primary service will be as a clearinghouse, broker, gatekeeper,and reviewer of legal and financial services for our clients.Additionally, Advantage Legal & Fiduciary will provide a much-needed [and often lacking] financial reviewand oversight for all of our client's legal considerations. In most cases, an accountant provides outsourcedservices to clients in support of claims and litigation - and this, more often than not, is inadequate. The factis that most legal issues are financial, and Advantage Legal & Fiduciary will provide access to the type offiduciary services our clients require for maximum financial results.Page 45

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Ragusa Executive Solutions I Strategic ServicesAlison Ragusa . Juliana Ragusa . Katherine RagusaRagusa Executive Solutions will provide specialized solutions for businesses in beauty, wellness, fashion,technology, and sustainability. We will offer an array of solutions to help our customers succeed - fromexecutive staffing solutions that ensure you have the absolute best leadership to brand developmentstrategies designed specifically for your unique product lineup and market goals.Through our network and teaming partnerships, we will also offer industry-leading Ai data managementand sustainability solutions - all designed to maximize your success. We will also provide access toexperts in Investment & Development, Legal, Tax, Audit & Recovery, Insurance & Benefits, Accounting,Financing, Governance & Compliance, Design & Marketing, Sourcing & Branding, eCommerce,Warehousing & Distribution, Security.We Have Facilitated Brand Positioning At:Bergdorf Goodman, Whole Foods Market, Erewhon Market, Wegmans, Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus,Revolve, Barneys New York, Fontainebleau Miami, Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts, Douglas Cosmetics(Germany, Netherlands, Italy, and Poland), Lane Crawford, Amazon, TMall, etc.UnCarbonIt I ESG ServicesDan Burgio . Juliana RagusaUnCarbonIt is a new international consulting resource from Dan and Juliana Burgio, providing criticalenergy assessment and support. Clean energy is where the opportunity is. Whether it’s solar, wind,geothermal, or hydrogen - the market is changing because these options outperform fossil fuels.“Many companies do not have ESG expertise internally. They are looking for external subject matterexperts that can help them design ESG programs and reporting mechanisms to demonstrate complianceadherence. I believe the way to get UnCarbonIt to market is through the ServiceNow App Store. ESG hasbeen a hot topic amongst many enterprise risk sellers at ServiceNow. We can leverage the CONMONcapabilities of ServiceNow and introduce an UnCarbonIt control framework for assessment and ongoingtesting.To bring this to fruition, Dan is working on aggregating the control objectives from each framework wehave discussed. I will then translate this into the platform, and we can start to add our suggested indicatortemplates to test and measure compliance. Once complete, we can package the framework into an Appand bring this through the ServiceNow certification process.” - JJ Contessa, CPOPage 47

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BPX Executive Staffing I Making a DifferenceKatherine RagusaClick here:… changing the color of executive suites and boardrooms in America and around the world.BPX Executive Staffing is the first pillar of the BPM mission. BPX Executive Staffing is built on the premisethat if we can secure the opportunity to fill an executive opening for an organization with the best Blackcandidate, we will begin to change the color of the executive suite while enhancing the aspiration ofeveryone of color within the organization.While most major organizations have developed some sort of diversity and inclusion program over theyears, many of these organizations are now straddled with nothing more than their placating rhetoric withno clear path forward to fulfill their promises. Fortunately, BPM offers organizations immediate resourcesto demonstrate real action as well as immediate and substantive results.With BPM, our representatives and teaming partners are knocking on open doors.BPM is in the right place, at the right time, with the right solutions. Every organization can benefit from theinstant staffing solutions BPM offers to effectuate immediate change in the color of their executive level.And nothing will give them more positive returns throughout their organization, community, or marketplacethan the timely inclusion of more Black executives.BPX Executive Staffing Partnership ProgramAs mentioned above, most large organizations are addressing their racial bias issues, and despite theirefforts, they still don't have anything that effectively creates immediate, productive, and visible impact likeour BPX Executive Staffing Program.With no up-front costs, our Contingency-Fee BPX Executive Staffing Service enables organizations toachieve their staffing goals with an intentional focus on providing exceptional Black candidates to the poolfrom which to select. BPX Executive Staffing works with organizations collaboratively to provide therecruitment and direct placement of qualified Black candidates at the executive level. BPX ExecutiveStaffing focuses explicitly on delivering immediate results to support the diversification of an organization'sexecutive suite.Note: BPX Executive Staffing ensures our clients and candidates that regardless of race, color,creed, orientation, or gender specificity, we will work to provide the most appropriate executivecandidates for the available position. BPX Executive Staffing is an all-inclusive organization.At BPM, our programs have met with remarkable recognition, cooperation, support, and participation. Inparticular, our BPX Executive Staffing has been successful beyond our initial expectations. With thelaudatory response and overwhelming collaboration of so many organizations, BPX Executive Staffing findsitself unable to meet the current and anticipated demand for our recruiting, placement, and staffingservices. Therefore, we are embarking on an aggressive building campaign to create an internationalassociation of staffing agencies, affiliates, and agents.Page 48

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BPX Executive Staffing International Teaming Partnership ProgramBPX Executive Staffing is operated by Advantage Global Resources, which provides all of the backendsupport necessary to fulfill all temporary and permanent staffing engagements worldwide. With ourremarkable market positioning and unlimited backend resources, BPX Executive Staffing is authorizingvarious agencies, affiliates, and agents as BPX Partners.With our partnership program, BPX Executive Staffing provides eligible organizations, recruiters, staffingfirms, and trusted advisors [accounting, insurance, wealth management, financial advisors, and legal firms]with direct access to our BPX Executive Staffing Resources, which, most importantly, can provide them witha new revenue stream [that can easily be built on their current client or member relationships].BPX Partners, especially social-good organizations, have the remarkable opportunity to generaterevenue for their mission and create an opportunity for significant earnings by its members [whoparticipate as BPM Agents].BPX Partners have the opportunity to offer more value to their existing or potential sponsors by providingthem a highly valued staff recruiting and placement service [to the direct benefit of their members, clients,sponsors, and the organization itself.BPX Teaming PartnersAt BPM, our programs have met with remarkable recognition, cooperation, support, and participation. Inparticular, our BPX Executive Staffing has been successful beyond our initial expectations. With thelaudatory response and overwhelming collaboration of so many organizations, BPX Executive Staffing findsitself shorthanded and unable to meet the current and anticipated demand for our services. Therefore,BPM is embarking on an aggressive recruiting campaign for advisors, agents, and service providers aroundthe world.BPX Executive Staffing Agents are eligible for and rewarded by our beneficial BPX Executive StaffingContingency Fee Splitting Commissions. Our BPX Executive Staffing 25% Contingency Fee in Q1 2023 isallocated as follows:BPX Executive Staffing 20%BPX Partner - Account Referral 15%BPX Partner - Account Acquisition 20%BPX Partner - Candidate Referral 15%BPX Partner - Candidate Acquisition 20%BPX Partner - Requisition Fulfillment 10%Total 100%Fee Splitting Quarterly ReviewJob market dynamics have an impact on the reward for certain activities in the placement process. Overthe past few years, there has been an abundance of executive job openings but a paucity of candidates.However, with the recent downturn in the economy, the pendulum is beginning to shift. This means thatwe are expecting fewer executive job openings and more available candidates. Accordingly, theportioning of the BPX Executive Staffing Contingency Fee is now swinging more toward rewarding accountPage 49

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referral and acquisition.In Q3 2022, we anticipate that executive job openings and available candidates are about equallyobtainable. Therefore, the Q3 2022 allocation of the BPX Executive Staffing Contingency Fee starting July1, 2022, reflects this balance. This balance will be reviewed every quarter, and the appropriate allocationwill be announced at least two weeks prior to the start of each new quarter.Note: All allocations are determined and paid out based on the allocation at the time of requisitionfulfillment, regardless of any activity in any previous quarter. There is no retroactive orgrandfathered allocation of fees.BPX Executive Staffing’s contingency fee is 25% of the candidate’s starting annual salary. Ifthe candidate BPX Executive Staffing provides accepts employment with an account, or any of an accounts’affiliates, as a direct or indirect result of our referral, a placement fee is due BPX Executive Staffing.This fee is payable if the employee was hired within 12 months of the last day referred by BPX ExecutiveStaffing, regardless of the employment classification [permanent, temporary, referred through anotheragency, consulting, or per-diem arrangement]. The entire 25% placement service fee is due 45 days fromthe successful candidate’s hire date [although typically paid in 90 days].All commissions and fee-splitting are paid after the hired candidate remains in the employ of the chargedaccount for 100 days. This coincides with our BPX Executive Staffing Guarantee detailed in our AccountAgreement:BPX Executive Staffing GuaranteeIn the event the successful candidate leaves an account’s employ [for any reason other than downsizing orreorganization, job elimination, merger, or acquisition] within the first 100 days of employment, a proratedguarantee will be honored or a credit will be issued against the replacement fee. The refund or credit willbe equal to 1/100th of the fee multiplied by the number of days remaining on the guarantee.Here are the current requirements for each portion of our BPX Executive Staffing Contingency Fee.● BPX Executive StaffingBPX Executive Staffing will retain this portion of the paid fee for providing the various BPXExecutive Staffing and AGR resources to all authorized agents, accounts, and candidates at nocharge.● BPX Partner - Account ReferralAn Authorized BPX Executive Staffing Agent will receive this portion of the paid-in-full fee for thesuccessful referring of a new account that provides the requisition [job opening] that has beenfilled.○ Any targeted account must first receive approval from BPX Executive Staffing before theyare contacted for participation in our BPX Executive Staffing Program.○ If the referred account has already had contact with BPX Executive Staffing or any of theBPM programs, then BPX Executive Staffing will review and determine any and allfee-splitting amongst engaged participants.● BPX Partner - Account AcquisitionAn Authorized BPX Executive Staffing Agent will receive this portion of the paid-in-full fee for thePage 50

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successful onboarding of the referred account and acquiring the requisition [job opening] that hasbeen filled.● BPX Partner - Candidate ReferralAn Authorized BPX Executive Staffing Agent will receive this portion of the paid-in-full fee forsuccessfully referring a candidate that has filled the requisition [ job opening].○ If the referred candidate has already had contact with BPX Executive Staffing or any of theBPM programs, then BPX Executive Staffing will review and determine any and allfee-splitting amongst engaged participants.● BPX Partner - Candidate AcquisitionAn Authorized BPX Executive Staffing Agent will receive this portion of the paid-in-full fee for theonboarding of the referred candidate and successfully preparing them for presentation.● BPX Partner - Requisition FulfillmentAn Authorized BPX Executive Staffing Agent will receive this portion of the paid-in-full fee forsuccessfully fulfilling a requisition through direct involvement with the account and thepresentation of the candidate [including all negotiations].Note: BPX Partners are eligible for all of the BPX Partner fee splits. It is possible for a BPX Partnerto refer an account, onboard the account, acquire the requisition, refer an appropriate candidate,onboard, prepare, and present the candidate and ultimately receive 80% of the total fee. Eachauthorized BPX Partner is, potentially, their own BPX Executive Staffing Office.Black Progress Executive Staffing is off to a great start, so we hope everyone will be fully engaged inpromoting and benefitting from our market-changing offering. Currently, we have a myriad of openings forexecutive positions at leading organizations across the country.BPM is confident that BPX can energize an international network of Black executives to enable andenhance BPM’ core mission to change the color of executive suites worldwide.Recently, we decided to combine Black Progress Executive Membership and Black Progress ExecutiveNetworking with our core BPM mission. This allows us to provide an incredible array of benefits andearning opportunities for our BPM Members. BPM and BPX will provide Black professionals withremarkable access to a variety of opportunities and benefits:1. BPM Advisor Membership in an international association of elite Black executives.2. First access to executive-level job opportunities worldwide is provided by BPX ExecutiveStaffing.3. Job posting, candidate referral, and placement commissions are provided by BPXExecutive Staffing.4. Access to Black thought leaders.5. International network opportunities and personal networking training.6. Opportunity to share and refer all of their professional skills and services.7. Authorized Agent access to the BPM Resource Exchange.8. Speaking engagements.9. Business incubation opportunities through the BPM Business Incubation Program.10. Content Sponsorship Opportunities.Page 51

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BPX Staffing AccountsBPM is fortunate that nearly every organization we have contacted has provided us with their enthusiasticsupport. BPM is partnered with these leading organizations to change the color of the executive suite andboard… and more organizations are participating in the BPM Mission every day.Access IntelAlvarez & MarsalAxogenBMICitrin CoopermanDetroit LionsFreshlyGlassdoorInsmedIntermountain HealthcareManpower GroupMcGraw HillModernaNHLOshkosh CorporationPresence LearningPwCScopelyStarzTampa Bay BuccaneersTennecoWalmartWiley& MoreBPM NetworkingKey to our BPM strategy is to provide all of our members access to the best practices and tactical insightsto develop and maximize their networking skills and advance their access to executive-level opportunities."Research shows that 70% of all jobs are not published publicly on jobs sites and as much as 80% of jobsare filled through personal and professional connections. In a dramatically shifting labor market, theimportance of networks in having a successful career only stands to grow." – CNBCThrough BPM Networkingspeaking engagements, onlineresources, and various teamingpartnerships, BPM Networkingwill help Black professionalsestablish a sustainableecosystem for the ongoingadvancement of their careersand entrepreneurial ambitions.Networking can increase yoursocial well-being and help youdevelop lifelong friends. Youmight be focused on theprofessional aspect ofnetworking. However, manyfriendships have started in theworkplace or at professionalfunctions.Page 52

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Black Progress Matters I Business IncubatorThe third pillar of our BPM mission is our Business Incubator Program. The BPM Founding Partners havepledged BPM’s entire profits to this ambitious program. Already, BPM is engaged in the incubation andfinancing of several significant start-ups, including UnBiasIt, Katini Skin, Cocoa by CeCe, Walker SportsAudit, Black Progress Alliance, and BPM College Advisory Program.Most importantly, all of the profits from BPM’s share of these partnerships go entirely to fund even moreBPM incubated businesses. The potential of our BPM programs and start-ups is limitless. Each opportunitywill encourage additional investment, but we are confident that the profits of BPM will provide substantialstart-up funding, but the real success will come from the full engagement and business energy provided bythe minority ownership.BPM Business Incubator Mission StatementAt BPM, we create remarkable value for our portfolio of incubated businesses by providing strategicinvestment and operating guidance. We work collaboratively to ensure advantageous market positioning,sustainable growth, and a clear plan for funding and development while producing outstanding,risk-adjusted returns for all stakeholders.BPM advises our incubated businesses on a full range of liquidity transactions ranging from early-stagegrowth capitalization [which blends the best elements of venture capital and private equity] to a minoritysale to a majority recapitalization with a financial sponsor. Additionally, BPM has the resources to structurethe most advantageous exit, whether it be a full sale to a financial or strategic acquirer, a merger, or an IPO.With expertise and investments in data management, cloud architecture, professional services, socialbenefit, and beauty and wellness, BPM is uniquely positioned to create significant financial returns andmeaningful social impact for each of our incubated businesses, as well as the fulfillment of their founder’svision.At BPM, we recognize that most organizations possess an entrepreneurial zeal to create a business orsocial dynamic that transcends monetary value while unavoidably accepting the financial requirements ofturning their vision into reality.Often, a vision has value well before it generates revenue or profits. Accordingly, everyone at BPM worksto unlock the inherent and full value of our incubated businesses throughout the entire life cycle - frominitial development to purposeful funding to ongoing productivity to a potential exit strategy.Page 53

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UnBiasIt I BPM Incubated BusinessDean Haynesworth . Katherine RagusaClick here: was built to be the world's most advanced technology company. Dean's vision was to focusentirely on the technology that UnBiasIT would own - and we did. PremCloud delivered UnBiasIt theirCustom-Built Unified Data Stack for $4.5M and an equity position in the company. Ronan Curran and theentire PremCloud Resources development team worked purposely to deliver the most advanced datatechnologies in the market with a demanding attention to eliminating bias in communication and datastores.UnBiasIt utilizes proprietary data management, monitoring, and compliance solutions designed to fullyenable an organization to recognize and eliminate inherent bias and misconduct throughout theirenterprise - as well as transform their distended data into a resource that can easily and accurately bedrawn upon when needed for the critical information governance that is increasingly demanded of everyenterprise.Additionally, we engaged Robert Keus and his BRTHRS team from the Netherlands for the development ofthe UnBiasIt Writing App and the Zantaz team for the development of the UnBiasIt Alert. The UnBiasIt Alertis built on Zantaz's Supervisor technology which provides communications monitoring and compliance thatallows you to proactively review and interrogate any electronic message to ensure regulatory compliance,mitigate risk, and maintain internal standards of behavior.Put it all together, and we are confident that we have delivered on Dean's vision. And now, Dean is lookingfor a strategic partner who can successfully bring these remarkable technologies to market. Accordingly,we have begun to take UnBiasIt to market for acquisition.AcquisitionUnBiasIt has been specifically built and positioned to sell to a strategic buyer who appreciates the value ofour market position as well as the significant value of our proprietary IP.Page 54

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Walker Sports Audit I BPM Incubated BusinessDoug Whaley . Mary Beth Lydon . Katherine RagusaYou know who’s watching your money, but who is watching them?Embezzlement, theft, damage, and destruction come from all directions in a constant storm. It seems likeeveryone has their hand in the cookie jar. Through our third-party reviews and audits, Walker Sports Auditensures you are receiving performance from your trusted advisors that you can knowingly trust.In short, we watch the people watching your money and investments.Walker Sports Audit is an independent third-party audit and recovery service that autonomously evaluatesyour entire portfolio of endorsements, contracts, investments, compliance, insurance, and tax reporting fora fixed and/or contingency fee. No Walker Sports Audit service provider will ever be allowed to beengaged by our clients beyond our WSA engagement and will never solicit clients beyond our audit,review, recovery, and monitoring services. WSA simply offers our clients very necessary third-partyservices with a critical degree of separation that ensures no compromising agenda or misplaced loyalties.Although WSA will initially be addressing athletes and celebrities, we feel our independent review, audit,recovery, and continuous monitoring services will also prove valuable to clients who have considerableestates with little limited business acumen or experience. Estates acquired through inheritance or divorceare particularly at risk from unscrupulous or indifferent fiduciary oversight.There are four main components of our WSA services: Independent Forensic Review & Audit, Advacovery’sRecovery of Funds, Continuous Financial Monitoring, and WSA Advisor Rating.Walker Sports Audit has created its Retirement Preparatory Review in conjunction with the NFL to provide afull optic and comprehensive review of a player’s current financial position prior to or during retirement.This past November, Troy Vincent set us up with Tracy Perlman, SVP of Football Communications andMarketing, to launch our WSA Retirement Prepatory Review with 10 NFL Legends. Mary Beth Lydon hasbegun the RPR program with 5 of the 10, and we look forward to continuing to grow this relationship withthe NFL.Page 55

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Katini Skin I BPM Incubated BusinessKatini Yamaoka“Selfcare is an essential part of life. By caring for ourselves, we can go out into the world and mirror thatlove and tenderness with others - this is why I created Katini Skin. To provide a space for people todiscover nature's luxuries. So we can all enhance and nourish our lives while being gentle to the planet.” -Katini Yamaoka, Founder, Katini SkinKatini Skin was founded by Katini Yamaoka. Katini’s cultural heritage and upbringing are interwoventhrough Japan, Africa, and Australia. Raised plant-based from birth and educated at a neo-humanisticschool, Katini was gifted with an understanding of natural healing from a very young age. Going from thedense Australian rainforest to the cosmopolitan metropolis of New York as a working artist has given Katinian intrinsic understanding of wellness and design.Katini’s dedication to her artistry has allowed her to travel the world performing for organizations such asForbes 30 Under 30 to the United Nations Australia. Katini resides in New York and is dedicated torepresenting empowerment through her voice and platform.Katini Skin is committed to a responsible and sustainable path. Nature provides, so we have to protect andsupport the natural world with ethical best practices. We choose suppliers based on their sustainabilitycredentials, that are fair-trade certified, vegan, and cruelty-free. We seek wild-harvested ingredientswhenever possible. Katini Skin is deeply committed to positively impacting the natural world and believesevery step must be carefully placed, from sourcing, production, and packaging, to ensure we have asustainable strategy. Katini Skin is also a committed partner of BPM.Page 56

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Katini Skin launched this past February with Saks Fifth Avenue. Katini and the team hosted a verywell-attended launch party at NeueHouse in late February and, from there, built up an incredible lineup ofpress from Allure, Vogue, Marie Claire, Byrdie, Elle, and more. In the year's second half, Katini secured herfirst round of investment from Chris Stadler, which she closed in mid-September. During this time, we alsolaunched at Bergdorf Goodman. To close out the year, Katini began a relationship with Maison Mkt, a greatdigital marketing firm, and opened Neiman Marcus as a new account which will formally begin at the startof 2023. All in all, the brand could not be more well-positioned.“Each oil has been carefully crafted using some of the world's most powerful flora. From indigenous plantsin Australia to delicate flowers in Japan. Katini Skin is focused on sustainability and high design, ourelegant packaging will unfold the pure essence of nature's luxuries.” – Katini Yamaoka, Founder/CEOCocoa by CeCe I BPM Incubated BusinessCeCe OlisaCeCe Olisa is taking her body positive messaging and platform and bringing it to the world of beauty.“In my experience, confidence doesn’t build my daily routine; my everyday routine builds my confidence.Women often ask me, how do I love my body? I believe that love is a verb – it’s an action word. So thebest way to begin loving your body is to start taking care of it. I created the Doll Butter to celebrate theroutine of self-love and self-care – beneficial for both the skin and the soul.” - CeCe Olisa, FounderIn 2008, CeCe launched her blog about fashion, fitness, dating, and living in New York City from a curvygirl’s perspective. When speaking about her journey, CeCe states, “From the beginning, I’ve had acommunity of passionate and insightful women who have come along with me on my journey.” With herever-growing following, CeCe’s passion led her to work with industry leaders including NIKE, LOFT,Bloomingdales, Olay, Secret Deodorant, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Amazon, and so many more.Named one of the “Top 10 New York Fashion Bloggers” by WhoWhatWear and a “person who proves youcan be fit at any size” by, CeCe Olisa is co-Founder of theCURVYcon, a convention celebratingbody positivity and plus size fashion during New York Fashion Week.For her next chapter, CeCe switches lanes from fashion influencer to beauty entrepreneur, partnering withBPM to launch her brand Cocoa By CeCe. CeCe’s mantra to build confidence and empower women to feelbeautiful is instilled in the DNA of Cocoa By CeCe.CeCe celebrated a successful launch event in Brooklyn, NY, this past Mother’s Day and launched hersecond product, the Self-Love Sugar Scrub, this past November at Penske Media’s highly anticipated LA3Cfestival.Page 57

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M&L Devine Resources I BPM Incubated BusinessCalvin Blackmon“Recruiting has afforded me the opportunity to build lifelong relationships with some extraordinary people.From corporate recruiting to recruiting a player to play college athletics to placing some of the topexecutives in c-suite roles, the journey has been amazing.’ - Calvin Blackmon, Founding PartnerThe partnership with Calvin has been one of the year's highlights. Not only has Calvin been instrumental inopening new accounts, ie. McGraw Hill and PwC, but through our partnership with him, we are creating atemplate for future BPX Teaming Partners. Additionally, Calvin has been busy building out his network ofteaming partners for M&L.M&L Devine Resources is committed to finding the next great leader who will take your organizationand transform it into a powerhouse.Executive SearchWhen you're looking for a new leader, we have the experience and expertise to find that perfect fit. We'llwork with each candidate from the beginning until completion, so there's no need to worry about anythingelse but getting results.Professional SearchOur recruitment services help you pinpoint the best candidate for your business. Our team of experts willhelp you identify which professional is most likely to be successful long-term with your company based ontheir specific skill set.Functions We ServeCorporate Affairs . Financial Officers . Human Resources . Legal . Sales & Marketing .Logistics . Supply Chain . Transportation . Technology OfficersIncubated by BPMM&L Devine Resources has received its initial funding as a BPM Incubated Business.Page 58

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Lab to BeautyKatherine Ragusa . Alison RagusaWe will keep this moving along with quarterly product launches.Establishing Lab to Beauty at the top of the fashion, beauty, andwellness market has been our mission from the start, and,accordingly, all of our resources continue to be dedicated to thatgoal. Our focus has always been on the top accounts in the worldrather than sales, and we have, fortunately, been able to launchLab to Beauty with Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, Revolve,Douglas in Europe, The Fontainebleau, and Four Seasons.Although Lab to Beauty’s premium market positioning hasexceeded our expectations, we are currently in the process ofevolving our lineup by introducing a critical brand extension. Inorder to further enhance our extraordinary market position, werecognize the need to expand our product lineup beyond CBD[due to the inherent limitations of a CBD-only brand]. We areconfident that with the Q4 launch of our new and expandedmarket-leading collection, we'll be able to further solidify ournoteworthy position at the top of the premium market.Our Q4 collection includes our new AHA Recharge Serum [whichwe successfully tested with a recent pre-launch social mediacampaign in conjunction with Revolve]. We will becomplementing our new AHA Recharge Serum with our newBio-Retinol Booster this coming Holiday season. The naturalretinol market is emerging, and our new Bio-Retinol Booster willserve as a great addition to our current lineup of luxury CBD andCBG products.In addition to enhancing our exceptional market position, weare looking for a strategic partner who can provide us withworldwide distribution and DTC market penetration.Katherine Ragusa Advantage Co, Chief Executive OfficerPage 59

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Giancarlo’s I Buffalo News ReviewAnthony Giancarlo Ragusa . Gabriela Ragusa Giancarlo's Sicilian Steakhouse, a first-class brigade holds the fort.Buffalo News Review . Andrew Galarneau . August 2, 2022 . All photos by Minh ConnorsFor the last few months, I’ve been wondering if the era of squadron service in glitzy surroundings had gonethe way of the buggy whip. Watching the crack team at Giancarlo’s Sicilian Steakhouse perform their balletdes tables smoothly while delivering plates of well-crafted cuisine convinced me that I feared too soon.Anthony Ragusa and sister Gabriela have been running a restaurant in a Williamsville plaza since 2011. Atmy first visit in 2012, I enjoyed my steak as best I could, perched on a chair at one of three high-top tables.That restaurant was the glimmering of an idea, wedged between two other concepts, a sports bar and acoffee counter.It took me a decade to return. On my revisit, the Ragusas’ full-hearted plunge into fine dining was alreadywell underway and doing boffo crowds. Housemade pasta – even gluten-free versions – andhigh-performance entrees veer far off the Italian-American stereotypical menu. There’s still a bar for comfycocktails, but a raw seafood bar, too, and one of the best-situated patios in Williamsville.None of that would matter if the battalion behind them was weak, though. Plenty of places budget more fortheir decorator and television commercials than retention bonuses for line cooks. I can taste the lack ofcommitment in the food. Sometimes, the people stuck serving it to me look like they would rather beanywhere else.Not at Giancarlo’s, where our server was so effortlessly engaging I kept wondering if there were hiddencamera food television auditions afoot. The table setting didn’t include a tablecloth, but it did offer tablecards introducing you to your server, with full-color portraiture and a Tiger Beat-like getting-to-know-youbiography box. Giancarlo’s introduced them during the mask-wearing pandemic period since customerscouldn’t really see their server’s face.Page 61

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General Manager Fred Palmer with a bottle of Italian wine, and head chef Nicholas Cee with some of thepasta made daily at Giancarlo's Sicilian Steakhouse.Genevieve, a five-year employee with a University at Buffalo degree working on becoming a sommelier,ably guided our table through a menu chockablock with pleasant detours. Asking the right questions, quickwith apt suggestions, she helped us have our best meal.Fluffy housemade focaccia with butter and beguilingly sweet-tangy red pepper agrodolce are highlysnackable, but you might want to save ammo.Noodles rule at this steakhouse, given the work of chef Nicholas Cee, a nine-year employee, and hisflour-dusted pasta crew. Corn and crab ravioli [$22.90] was a breath of summer by the sea in a pastapackage tender as a love letter. Smoky-sour citrus chipotle sauce added a racy dimension.Servers wear buzzers and headsets to coordinate their deliveries. So a half-dozen oysters [$19.90] show upshortly after shucking. G’s antipasti [$22.90] presents as golden crumb-coated artichoke hearts still crispy,not wilted. The prosciutto-wrapped parcels of milky fresh mozzarella griddled to oozy and crisp-edged, onarugula with dabs of chopped tomato bruschetta, doesn’t hurt its case, either.Page 62

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Giancarlo's Sicilian Steakhouse includes an oyster bar with fresh seafood.Calamari [$19.90] arrived in whisper-thin coating, rings and tentacles each with their textural payoffs. Moreof that red pepper agrodolce was a welcome vacation from marinara.Salmon tartare includes lemon, capers, olives, tzatziki, pita, and pine nuts at Giancarlo's.Page 63

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Giancarlo’s Salmon tartare [$19.90] takes a voyage to the Greek isles. Yogurt sauces the fish, not olive oil,its lactic tenderizing power resulting in ultra-lush bites of raw salmon. Bites arranged on wedges of grilledpita bread, anointed with lemon, the briny pop of capers, pine nuts, and the yogurt-garlic-dill dip calledtzatziki, got people nodding. If you’re considering taking the dive, this is an effective gateway to eatinguncooked fish.Ali Babba brick oven pizza at Giancarlo's Sicilian Steakhouse includes crushed tomatoes, artichokes, freshmozzarella, arugula, cherry tomatoes, and shaved fennel.Our Ali Babba pizza [$22.90], decked with cherry tomatoes, artichokes, fresh mozzarella, shaved fennel,and arugula, did well as a vegetarian entrée, ideal salad-pizza hybrid. Its corniciones, too crispy to throwaway, found more of the red pepper sauce. Meatier versions include a Buffalo chicken [$22.90], steak withbanana peppers [$24.90], and pepperoni [$22.90], drizzled with hot chile honey.A plank of properly pan-seared sea bass [$44.90], creamy at the core, came perched on risotto that wasnotable for both what was present [bay shrimp and chopped artichoke] and what was missing [grainscooked to characterless mush]. Giancarlo’s got the rice right.Page 64

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The Godfather is a 32-ounce bone-in ribeye at Giancarlo's Sicilian Steakhouse.The steaks delivered, too, like the 17-ounce strip steak [$59.90] that arrived expertly charred without, rosywithin. But this is one steakhouse where your hunger could head in many directions.Lamb chops [$42.90] were another Greek pitch that landed squarely, sporting crispy fried garbanzo beans,spice-dusted frites, along with tzatziki that every lamb chop lover secretly craves.Desserts included Key lime pie [$14.90], cannoli [$9.90], and crème brulee [$14.90], but as is often the case,the zeppole [$13.90] stole my table’s hearts. What’s better than a warm clutch of doughnuts begging to bedunked?At this restaurant, there’s just one name on the sign. But remember: Restaurants are made of people. AtGiancarlo’s Sicilian Steakhouse, like a Super Tuscan, its excellence begins with a whole bunch ofnoteworthy grapes.Giancarlo’s Sicilian Steakhouse5110 Main St., Williamsville [, 716-650-5566]Hours: 5 to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 4 to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Closed Sunday.Prices: appetizers and salads, $14.90-$22.90; entrees, $22.90-$89.90.Parking: lotAtmosphere: urban bustleWheelchair accessible: yesGluten-free: housemade pasta and moreOutdoor dining: yes, lotsPage 65

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Walker Center I A Williamsville LandmarkThe Walker Center opened as the gateway to Williamsville, NY, in 1994, and for nearly 30 years, it has beenthe preeminent business, office, and fine dining center in WNY. Anchored by the nationally acclaimedGiancarlo’s Sicilian Steakhouse & Pizzeria, the Walker Center has transitioned into a vibrant tech centerwith several market-leading data solution tenants like PremCloud Resources and c1 Resources [servinginternational enterprise clients such as Lloyd’s Bank of London, Network Rail of the UK, Bloomberg, Latham& Watkins, GE, Zoom, etc.].Since its inception, the Walker Center has also been the worldwide headquarters of the Advantage Co.And this coming August, the Walker Center will welcome the Buffalo Bills new Virtual Stadium Center. Raccuia, executive vice president and chief operating officer of theBuffalo Bills, told News 4.“The Walker Center in Williamsville will play host to the facility and the Billscall the location “central to Western New York. Every fan that has a seat inthe new stadium will come through the Sale Center. They’ll experience it from a virtual reality standpoint, a360 viewing standpoint. They’ll be able to sit in their seats. They’ll be able to design where they want tosit, where they want to park and tailgate,”Page 66

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Advantage Co I Reading ListOver the years, I have researched, read, written about, andembodied these fundamentals. I believe in my Root Philosophy.I believe in the merchant harvest. The books on this list all haveone thing in common - their clarity. For me, the search for clarityis where knowledge begins:The Essential Drucker by Peter Drucker - He defines thepurpose of business and management better than anyonebefore him or since.The One Minute Manager – build loyal employees [we’re allmanagers]. The One Minute Salesperson – build a salesstrategy and loyal customers.The Art of War – build a competitive strategy and win. Bydefining a winning strategy, Sun Tzu’s classic on waging waremerges as one of the greatest strategic essays of all time.The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli - What Sun Tzu is to war,Niccolo is to politics - hardcore and undeniable.Built to Last – build a Core Ideology and a business that lasts.One Page Management – how to manage well.Finance & Accounting for Non-Financial Managers – handlingyour finances.The Mansions of Philosophy – Will Durant wrote this in1929 as a story of human life and destiny, or, as the subtitlepromises, an attempt at a consistent philosophy of life. It hasbeen a chisel on my life. This is nourishment for the mind.An Incomplete Education – the basics for a well-roundededucation.Siddhartha – Hermann Hesse's great little story for the soul.Lapsing Into a Comma by Bill Walsh - Although you may havethe Tweeter lingo down pat, it may help if you learn how toactually write skillfully.Tracy Allen Advantage Co Human Resources DirectorPage 67

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Advantage Co I The Root Keeps Growing the very beginning in 1978, it has been my goal to provide the vision, resources, andconfidence necessary for the development of the Advantage Co as a business experiencefor those willing to take the full measure of the challenge. This approach has energized ourRoot Philosophy for over 40 years, and it has been our good fortune to build a number ofworld-class businesses.Note: The Advantage Co is not an operating entity; it is simply an informal name that hasevolved over 40 years to reference the eclectic mix of independently owned and operatedbusinesses and partnerships that I am involved with in some manner. Likewise, there is noTony Walker. It is also a legacy name that has evolved over the years as my nom de plume,starting with my authorship of The Third Factor [The Advantage Co Handbook].Here is a list of the independently owned and operated businesses we have started orhelped to start over the years. [175 and counting]. The businesses in italics are partnerships.The businesses in bold are currently operational. Each one has been visited by success andfailure. Some businesses never really got off the ground, while others have been thriving fordecades. One of these nights, I’ll start filling in the stories. The really good news is that over50 of the businesses we have helped to launch are thriving enterprises.All told, we estimate there have been over 8,000 participants in the building of theseopportunities. If you have a backstory for any of them, why not share it with me? I’ll take thegood with the bad [they all have their share]. It is never meant to be easy, but it is alwaysmeant to be rewarding.A man who says he never had a chance is a man who never took one. Be big, be a builder.Page 68

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Advantage Co Businesses1. Advantage Brands Group2. Advantage Catalog3. Advantage Computer Co.4. Advantage Global Resources5. Advantage Home Theater6. Advantage Outlet7. Advantage Properties8. Advantage TI9. Advantage Trade Group10. Advacovery11. Aussie T Co12. Bogavia13. Brinkley Builders14. Chuggs15. Computer Head Start16. Giancarlo’s Sicilian Steakhouse17. Giancarlo’s Cafe & Patisserie18. Gift Giving Registry19. Grivani20. Grivani Wine Cellar21. Grivani Wine [Distributing]22. House of Cotton23. Forrestel Clothing Co24. iFul25. iSport26. iWorldFundraising.org27. iWorld Shopping Center28. King Finley29. Lab to Beauty30. Leave It To Alison**31. Lifetime Service32. Love Pink & Green33. Luxuri Link34. Merwin & Payne35. Modern Luxuri36. MyWarehouse.org37. Nantucket Clothing38. Naples Properties39. Osaka Speakers40. PALM Investments41. Piece Apparel42. Pioneer Home Theater43. Prato Way Management44. Pure + Fresh45. Scotch Boots of Holland46. Smart Car Store47. Smart House Cafe**48. Smart Squad Design49. Smart Squad Install*50. SmartLinks51. Sneaker Advantage52. SONY Home Theater53. Stereo Advantage54. Stereo Advantage [Olean]55. JVC Home Theater56. Taplin Marketing57. Tiny Walker58. Touche’59. TW Outlet [Niagara Falls]**60. TW&Co61. Walker Center62. Walker Kids Trust63. Walker Global Parts64. Walker Global Solutions65. Wehrle Properties66. White Box ServicesPage 69

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Advantage Co Partnerships1. ABX Professionals2. Advantage Business Exchange3. Advantage Investment & Development4. Advantage Legal & Fiduciary5. Advantage Marketing & Incentives6. Advantage Systems Professionals7. Advantage Woodshop*8. American Wireless9. AP Charlotte10. AP Cincinnati11. AP Cleveland12. AP Denver13. APHQ14. AP Metro**15. AP Phoenix16. AP Rochester [sold to Matt Taylor]*17. AP Solutions18. AP Syracuse19. AP Tampa20. AP Washington DC21. APX Executive Staffing22. At Your Service23. Aussie Outfitters24. Autonomic Resources [sold to CSC]*25. Beacon Global Resources26. Bellus Development27. BizHop [support only]28. Black Progress Matters29. BPX Executive Staffing30. BPM Business Incubator31. BP College Advisors32. Butler Chemical33. Cascade Point**34. c1 Advantage35. c1 Secure36. Carolina Clothing Co37. Capax Alpha38. Capax Global [sold to Hitachi]*39. Capax India40. Capax Resource Management*41. CARES Act ADVISORY42. Chiampou Travis Besaw & Kershner*43. Christeus44. Cleary & Sullivan45. Cleary Travel46. Cocoa by CeCe47. Consilium148. Cross Pointe**49. Delta Road Properties50. Duke Fund**51. FedCLOUD Resources52. Free Trade Consultants53. Gauntlet Design54. Greenview Landscaping*55. GRW For Hair56. Hudson Walker57. Images & Graphics58. Inspired Global Resources*59. Irwin Lazarus60. iWorld Professionals61. JALMAR Graphics62. JNorman & Co63. KATINI Skin64. King Finley65. Kizer Data Solutions66. LeCleanse Officiel67. LD World Resources68. Lifetime EndPoint Resources69. LLM Data Feeder70. Logix Hosting71. M&L Devine Resources72. Manzella Productions [support only]73. My Personal Advisor74. Mode*75. One Global Culture76. Outback Paging [AdTel Worldwide]77. Pacific Data Resources78. Panther Data SolutionsPage 70

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79. Phroket80. Pizza Shoppe81. PremCloud Resources82. Ragusa Executive Solutions83. Real Properties Services84. Sceven85. SmartGov Data Technologies86. SmartLink [Bailey & Kensington]87. SmartLink [Main Place Mall]88. Sozae89. Stereo Advantage [Phoenix]90. Stereo Shops [3 Rochester stores]**91. Strategic Finance92. Taplin Design93. Tony Walker Golf Club [4 locations]94. Total Health & Fitness95. Trend Depot96. TW Charter Stores [92 Aussie Outfitters]97. UnBiasIt98. UnCarbonIt99. UGA Capital Ventures100. Walker Sports Audit101. Watch Commander Data Resources102. Watch Commander Staffing103. Wellingtin Resources104. White & Co105. White Welsted McGrath106. Wynnovation Labs107. Zantaz EAS [Capax Discovery LLC]108. ZiDOL Resources109. Zantaz Data Resources110. Zovy CloudComing Soon [or Never]1. Ana Blu Mediterranean Kitchen2. Arcivium for Azure3. Aussie T Co [Retro]4. 2 Girls 1 Deal5. 2×4 Office Anywhere6. Balance Bra7. Beach to Beauty8. Bedtime Monster Spray9. Christian Coop10. Church of the Good11. Clean Your Closets For Kids12. College Rep Program13. CopDrop14. DataDisposal.ai15. Data Detect + Connect16. The Fantasy League17. FedDrop18. FedSecure Data Centers19. FedCloud Vault20. Forrestel Clothing Co [Retro]21. Giancarlo’s Boutique Hotel22. GoToCloud Express23. Greenskeeper Coop24. Grivani Golf25. International Transfer Pricing26. iWorld Accounting27. Life Source Insurance28. OffShore Secure29. Scrubs30. Walker University* No longer involved in this partnership.** Ended successfulPage 71

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