Your ArkansasYour ArkansasRegisteredRegisteredApprenticeshipApprenticeship PlaybookPlaybookDVANCEA D I V I S I O N O F T H E A R K A N S A S D E P A R T M E N T O F C O M M E R C EA D I V I S I O N O F T H E A R K A N S A S D E P A R T M E N T O F C O M M E R C EJune 2024June 2024
ArkansasOSD.comPreface: In 1937, the National Apprenticeship Act (also known as the Fitzgerald Act) establishedthe national apprenticeship system that has supported the training of America’s labor force formore than 85 years. This time-tested “earn and learn” workforce development strategy hasproven to be the gold-standard of work-based learning solutions offering employment and careerpathway progression into high-demand fields.In Arkansas, electricians and plumbers are required to complete a registered apprenticeshipprogram (RAP) as a path to receive licensure for those respective occupations. Therefore, thosetwo occupational categories comprise a significant percentage of the overall active apprenticesstatewide in traditional construction trades. Looking back to 2015, the U.S. Department of Laborprovided an unprecedented investment in registered apprenticeship expansion activity throughlaunching the American Apprenticeship Initiative (AAI). AAI grant awards incentivized statesacross the country (including Arkansas) to expand the registered apprenticeship model into non-traditional apprenticeship industry sectors and occupational areas that historically had not utilized the RAP model to scale as a workforce development strategy. In Arkansas, a growing number of employers in Manufacturing, Health Care, Educational Services, Energy, Transportation/Logistics, and across information technology occupations are adopting RAPs as a talent development solution.Introduction: The purpose of the Arkansas Registered Apprenticeship Playbook is to provide a concise informational resource to assist workforce development partners, employers, training providers, and other stakeholderswith foundational information on registered apprenticeship (RA) as a workforce developmentstrategy. The Arkansas Registered Apprenticeship Playbook is intended to be a “living document”that will incorporate revisions as required over time. The Arkansas Department of Commerce,Office of Skills Development (OSD) serves as the lead State agency entity providing technicalassistance and funding support to continue the expansion of registered apprenticeshipopportunities across industry sectors and occupational areas statewide.The “registering” agency authority for new registered apprenticeship programs (RAPs) inArkansas resides with the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship. In the NationalRegistered Apprenticeship System, Arkansas is classified as a federal Office of Apprenticeship(OA) state compared to a State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) state. Approximately half of thestates operate as OA and the remaining half are classified as SAA. OSD works closely with thedesignated USDOL State Director assigned to Arkansas in the development and registration ofnew programs. After registration, apprenticeship programs are subject to ongoing oversight andmonitoring from both OSD and USDOL as applicable.
ArkansasOSD.compercentage of apprenticeshipgraduates that remain with thecompany for at least 3 years Apprenticeship is an industry-driven, high-quality career pathway whereemployers can develop and prepare their future workforce, and individuals canobtain paid work experience, classroom instruction, and a portable, nationally-recognized credential. Apprenticeship programs are a proven solution foremployers, giving them the tools they need to recruit, train, and retain skilledworkers. Apprenticeship combines classroom and on-the-job training with asteady paycheck, making it an ideal solution for many Americans, includingthose with disabilities.Great Opportunities for Businesses toRecruit, Train, & Retain a Skilled Workforce89%percentage of apprenticeswho retain employment afterapprenticeship completion94%83%number of apprenticeshipoccupations approved bythe USDOLDID YOU KNOW?return on every $1 invested bycompanies with apprenticeshipprograms$1.50of employers would recommend apprenticeshipto other businesses.1400+1
A Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) is an “earnand learn” model of workforce development that hasbeen validated (approved) by either the U.S.Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship (OA) or aState Apprenticeship Agency (SAA).Registered apprenticeship is a proven model of jobpreparation that combines paid on-the-job training (OJT) with related technical instruction (RTI) to progres-sively increase workers’ skill levels and wages. Registered Apprenticeship is a business-driven model that provides an effective way for em-ployers to recruit, train, and retain highly skilled workers. It allows employers to develop and apply industry standards to training programs, thereby increasing productivity and the quality of the workforce. As an “earn and learn” strategy, Registered Apprenticeship offers jobseekers immediate employment opportunities that paysustainable wages and offer advancement along acareer path. Graduates of Registered Apprenticeship programs receive nationally recognized, portable credentials, and their training may be applied to furtherpost-secondary education. WHAT IS REGISTEREDAPPRENTICESHIP?Registered Apprenticeship isan employer-driven workforcestrategy that includesstructured training,mentorship, and hands-onlearning to grow and developemployee talent0101The length of training and the skills and competenciesrequired for mastery of an occupation are set by industry.Traditional Registered Apprenticeship programs (e.g.,Electricians. Plumbers, etc.) are time-based and require aspecific number of hours of OJT and related technicalinstruction. Increasingly, however; industries are usingcompetency-based programs that reflect master of key skills and allow workers to progress at their own pace. The Registered Apprenticeship system currently approves time- based, competency-based, and hybrid programs and is encouraging industries to transition to competency-based programs to enhance program effectiveness and potentially widen the pool of apprentices. In order to be recognized as a Registered Apprenticeship, a program must provide approximately 2,000 hours of on- the-job learning and 144 hours ofrelated instruction within a year that applies to anoccupation or a specific job. Participants in registeredapprenticeship programs receive on-the-job supervisionand mentorship, are paid increasingly higher wages asthey progress through their training, and earn industry-recognized credentials upon successful completion of theprogram.End Notes:This definition was adopted as the official definition of Registered Apprenticeship by the Arkansas Registered Apprenticeship Expansion StrategyPlanning Team in February 2024.Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL 13-16), Guidance on Registered Apprenticeship Provisions and Opportunities in the WorkforceInnovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), (United States Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, dated January 12, 2017).Jobs for the Future, Work-Based Learning Glossary ( Apprenticeship is an employer-driven workforce strategy that includes structuredtraining, mentorship, and hands-on learning to grow and develop employee talent. 1 233212
FIVE COMPONENTS OFREGISTEREDAPPRENTICESHIP0202Employers are the foundationEmployers are the foundationof every Registeredof every Registered ApprenticeshipApprenticeship Program.Program.Business InvolvementBusiness Involvement11Nat’lNat’l Occupation CredentialsOccupation Credentials55RAPs result in a nationally-recognizedRAPs result in a nationally-recognizedcredential - a 100% guarantee to employerscredential - a 100% guarantee to employersthat apprentices meet industry standards.that apprentices meet industry standards.Apprenticeships combine on-Apprenticeships combine on-the-job learning with technicalthe-job learning with technicaleducation at community colleges,education at community colleges,technical schools, apprenticeshiptechnical schools, apprenticeshiptraining schools, provided on-line or attraining schools, provided on-line or atthe job site.the job site.Related InstructionRelated Instruction33Apprentices receive on-the-Apprentices receive on-the-job training from anjob training from anexperienced mentor forexperienced mentor fortypically not less than onetypically not less than oneyear.year.Structured on- the-jobStructured on- the-jobTrainingTraining22Apprentices receiveApprentices receiveincreases in wagesincreases in wages as they gain higheras they gain higher level skills.level skills.Rewards for SkillRewards for SkillGainsGains44Business InvolvementEmployers are the foundation of every registered apprenticeship program. Businesses provide the environment for On-the-Job Training(OJT), pay apprentice wages, provide mentors and any other appropriate supports to ensure a successful RAP.On-the-Job TrainingApprentices receive OJT from experienced mentors applicable to a specific occupational role. OJT is developed through mapping out the skills and knowledge that align with the competencies needed to be successful in an identified registered apprenticeship occupation.Related Technical Instruction Apprentices receive classroom instructionas the counterpart to the on-the-jobtraining. During this portion of theRAP, the apprentices receive thetechnical, workforce, and academiccompetencies necessary for programsuccess. It can be provided by acommunity college, a technical school,an apprenticeship training school, athird-party provider, or by the businessitself. Education and business partnerscollaborate to develop or choose acurriculum based on the skills and know-ledge needed by apprentices. In most casesdepending on funding availability, there isfunding assistance available (i.e., state, federal,or private foundation) on a reimbursement basis,to assist with offsetting a percentage of the RTIfor expanding and starting new RAPs.Rewards for Skill GainsApprentices in a RAP receive a minimum of one wage increase within a year as a reward for increasing skills and knowledge in their occupation. An entry wage and ending wage should be set with progressive increases built in as established milestones are met. Definitive wage increases motivate and reward apprentices for their progression. National Occupational CredentialUpon successful completion of all components of a Registered Apprenticeship Program, each apprentice receives a USDOL nationallyrecognized credential that confirms knowledge and mastery of skills needed to be fully proficient for the specific occupation. Additionally, asuccessful RAP completer may also have industry-recognized credentials and/or post-secondary certificates/degrees as value-addedcomponents in the RAP. This is dependent on the requirements and needs of the participating employer partner(s).Componentsof RegisteredApprenticeshipArkansasOSD.com3
Time-Based ProgramsCompetency-BasedProgramsHybridApproachIn time-based programs,apprentices complete arequired number of hoursin on-the-job training andrelated instruction.In competency-basedprograms, apprenticesprogress at their own pace- they demonstratecompetency in skills andknowledge throughproficiency tests, but arenot required to complete aspecific number of hours.Many programs are builtusing a hybrid approach,using minimum andmaximum range of hoursand the successfuldemonstration ofidentification andmeasured competence.TYPES OF REGISTEREDAPPRENTICESHIPPROGRAMS0303One of the advantages of offering a Registered Apprenticeship to new or existing employees is the degreeof customization that is possible. Businesses have unique requirements, cultures specific to theorganization and/or industry, and special processes employees need to follow. Program designs like time-based, competency-based, and hybrid programs can create a customized apprenticeship program that bestmeets each company’s needs.Time Based Program: The Registered Apprenticeship Program measures skill acquisitionthrough the individual apprentice’s completion of at least 2,000 hours of on-the-job learning anda minimum of 144 hours of related technical instruction within a year, as described in a workprocess schedule.Competency-Based Program: The Registered Apprenticeship Program requires attainment ofmanual, mechanical or technical skills and knowledge, as specified by an occupation standard anddemonstrated by an appropriate written and hands-on proficiency measurement.ArkansasOSD.comHybrid Program: The Hybrid Apprenticeship Program measures an apprentice's skill acquisitionthrough a combination of on-the-job learning (OJL) hours and the demonstration of competencies.Employers define the required competencies and the range of OJL hours within which theybelieve apprentices should achieve them. Hybrid programs also require apprentices to complete144 hours of related classroom instruction (RTI) for each 2,000 hours of OJL.4
Roles and Responsibilities of Registered Apprenticeship Stakeholders:Employer: The employer is the essential partner for employing the apprentice upon enrollment into the RAP. The employer sets the vision for the workforce develop-ment training strategy leading to a successful RAP. A partnering RAP employer signs an Employer Acceptance Agreement (Appendix E) as part of the Standards of Apprenticeship for the USDOL-approved occupation. The employer is responsible for fulfilling the OJT guidelines as specified in the Standards of Apprenticeship Work Process Schedule (Appendix A). The employer is responsible for mentoring and monitoring the progress of the apprentice during the RAP. The employer is responsible for communicating and reporting participating apprentice information to the RAP sponsor. Sponsor: The Apprenticeship Sponsor takes on full responsibility for the administration and operation of the apprenticeship program. This entity may be a single business, a consortium of businesses, a community college, a community-based organization, a workforce intermediary, or a labor-management organization. The RAP sponsor serves as the lead administrative entity for implementing, monitoring, and reporting information (via the USDOL RAPIDS system) on a RAP. The RAP Standards of Apprenticeship for a given occupation are “approved” by USDOL under the sponsoring entity’s name.Training Provider: A RAP training provider for the RTI (i.e., class-room training) component is responsible for the provision related to training and instruction as specified in the Standards of Apprenticeship Work Process Schedule (Appendix A). The training provider can be the employer, community college, university, third-party entity, etc. This training provider role is responsible for fulfilling the RTI guidelines as specified in Standards of Apprenticeship Work Process Schedule (Appendix A). Apprentice: An individually enrolled apprentice signs an Apprenticeship Agreement (Appendix B) as part of the Standards of Apprenticeship for the USDOL-approved occupation. The Apprenticeship Agreement contains details regarding employment arrangements and the apprenticeship program. Both the apprentice and employer keep signed copies of the Apprenticeship Agreement.ROLES &RESPONSIBILITIES0404ArkansasOSD.com5
EmployersOffice of SkillsDevelopmentCommunityCollegesWorkforce/IndustryIntermediariesCommunityOrganizationsLocalEducation (K-12)USDOLOffice ofApprenticeshipEconomicDevelopmentWorkforce Innovation &OpportunityAct(WIOA)Every Partner Plays a Critical RoleWorkforce/Industry Intermediaries (industryassociation, non-profit entity, community-basedorganization, labor and joint labor managementorganization, etc.)Provide industry and/or workforce specificexpertise to facilitate the development andimplementation of a RAP.Can serve as a RAP sponsor.Additionally, USDOL has contracted with“national” intermediaries within targetedindustry sectors and/or RAP topical areas. OSDcan make connections to these nationalintermediaries as needed.ArkansasOSD.comPARTNERSHIPS ARECRUCIAL0505The fundamental goal of Registered Apprenticeship is connecting potential workers to career opportunitieswhile assisting local businesses in meeting their need for a skilled workforce. When this is accomplished, onany level, economic opportunity for individuals, communities, and the State of Arkansas are the result. Business Partners (individual company orconsortium of businesses)Identify the skills and knowledge thatapprentices must learn.Hire new workers, or select current employees,to be apprentices.Provide on-the-job training as outlined in theapproved Work Process Schedule.Identify an experienced professional to serve asmentor to the apprentice.Pay progressively higher wages as theapprentice meets requirements.Can provide RTI in-house or in partnership withan outside training provider.There are many entities that desire the same resultand when those organizations become partners inRegistered Apprenticeship, good things happen.Collaboration between a variety of groups andorganizations provide a stable system of support forboth employer and employee. The importance of partnerships, which are theeconomic backbone of a region, with local workforceboards, community colleges, and employers cannotbe underestimated. While there are obvious benefits,such as employee training and job placement, aworking relationship between these groups isessential when compiling labor market datathroughout a region. The data, coupled with directemployer engagement, are essential in determiningwhat the local economy needs to thrive and thedemands and struggles the area or a specific industrysector might encounter. This is the process thatmakes strategic partnerships an invaluable asset tolocal employers. The promotion and furtherintegration of these partnerships and apprenticeshipprograms will make the state’s workforce globallycompetitive for years to come. 6
ArkansasOSD.comPublic Workforce System (Workforce Innovationand Opportunity Act Partners)Develop sector and career pathway strategiesutilizing apprenticeship.Incorporate State Certified Pre-Apprenticeshipand Registered Apprenticeship into requiredplanning and workforce developmentimplementation.Provide supportive services (such as tools,uniforms, childcare assistance, transportationassistance, etc.) to enable an individual’sparticipation in a RAP.Contribute funding resources for OJT and RTI.State Apprenticeship System (Office of Skills Development)Provide technical assistance and guidance forstarting a new RAP.Answer questions about State Certified Pre-Apprenticeship and Registered Apprenticeship Connect employers with stakeholder/partnersto build and implement a successful RAP.Advise on sources of funding to supportapprenticeships.Provide handoffs to USDOL/OA to register newprograms.Educational Institutions (four-year university,community college, secondary career and technicaleducation)Provide and/or develop curriculum working withemployer partners for RTI.Deliver RTI to enrolled apprentices.Can provide college credit for coursessuccessfully completed as a component of theRAP.A resource for potential referred apprenticecandidates.7
Contact OSDContact the Arkansas Department of Commerce, Office ofSkills Development (OSD)( to explore registered apprenticeship as aworkforce development strategy.Information Discovery/Workforce Development Need(What jobs need to be filled?) Consider the occupationalareas that need to be filled with either trained new hires or upskilling existing workers into the role. For employers, a written job description is helpful to assist with matching a USDOL-approved apprenticeship occupation title with the in-demand job to be filled.Identification of Partners/StakeholdersOSD provides technical assistance with identifying and convening partners to assist with RAP implementation. This includes the RAP sponsor, RTI training provider(s), employer partner(s) of record, and job candidate/talent pipeline referral options.Curriculum Design & DevelopmentThe U.S. Dept. of Labor (USDOL) has over 1,400 apprenticeable occupations with examples of competencies required via the Standards of Apprenticeship Appendix A- Work Process Schedule to begin customizing class-room training and on-the-job learning to meet respective employer workforce needs.USDOL/OA RAP Approval AuthorityThe USDOL Office of Apprenticeship (OA) has the approval authority in Arkansas for all RAPs. OSD works closely with the Steps forBusinessesto Register anApprenticeshipProgramSTEP ONE:Contact OSD for information onestablishing an apprenticeshipprogram at your business.STEP TWO:Collaborate withOSD regardingdevelopment of workprocess schedule for aspecific occupation.STEP THREE:Standards arereviewed/revised untilconsensus is reachedSTEP FOUR:USDOL sends updatedstandards to thecompany and sponsor foragreement and signature.STEP FIVE:Upon final approval, OSD meetswith company officials todiscuss financial incentives.ArkansasOSD.comGETTING STARTED0606USDOL/OA State Director and collaborative partners to facilitate finalizing the approval process.Approved OccupationThe entity serving as the RAP sponsor signs the finalStandards of Apprenticeship document along with theUSDOL/OA State Director. This action designates anapproved RAP.8
ArkansasOSD.comOSD offers funding assistance for traditional skilledtrades registered apprenticeship occupational areas (e.g.,electricians, plumbers, etc.) and expanded non-traditionalregistered apprenticeship occupational areas (e.g.,includes a variety of occupations in IT, heath care,manufacturing, transportation/logistics, etc.).Traditional Apprenticeship Funding:Non-Traditional Apprenticeship Funding: Evaluated on a case-by-case basis, with maximum RTI funding assistance of up to 75% of the total cost. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) -For apprentices that meet all WIOA eligibility criteria,prior to entering a Registered Apprenticeship Program. WIOA funds may be usedto provide supportive services, pay for training, andpotentially supplement wages through OJT contracts.Learn more about WIOA Apprenticeship Fundinginformation here! Federal Grants (or other funding sources) – Insome cases, there may be active federal grantsthat can be used to assist with supportingtraining costs associated with a RAP.State Apprenticeship Tax Credit – This isadministered through the Arkansas Departmentof Finance and Administration. A taxpayer whoemploys an apprentice is allowed an income taxcredit of $2000 per apprentice or 10% of thewages or whichever is less for the apprentice, upto a maximum of $10,000 within a given year.Tax Credit Resources Financial IncentivesConstruction Training (CT) - $800,000 annually.Typically used for funding curriculum code books forthe licensed trades.Traditional Apprenticeship (TA) - $1,611,456annually. Typically used for RTI instructorreimbursement up to a designated threshold.RAP ImplementationThe following activities are not necessarily linearor chronological and should occur incollaboration with identifiedpartners/stakeholders:Recruitment and onboarding of apprenticesoccurs with employer partner.RAP sponsor receives access to USDOL’sRAPIDS system for apprentice enrollmentand tracking purposes.RAP sponsor works with USDOL to uploadapproved Standards of ApprenticeshipDocument and related Appendices. Enrolled apprentices receive RTI from theidentified training provider and OJT from askilled mentor. RA sponsor tracks apprenticeprogress.RAP sponsor notifies USDOL/OA (via RAPIDS)when each apprentice completes the program.USDOL provides the RAP sponsor with theCertificate of Completion that is recognizednationally.IMPLEMENTATION07079
What are the benefits of registered apprenticeship?Time-tested proven “earn and learn” model of workforce developmentRecruit and develop a skilled and diverse workforceStructured succession management strategyPositive return on investmentState and/or Federal funding assistance. The ability to increase and align skills with specific business needs.Guaranteed reward for skills gains through wage increases for productive workers.Increase employee loyalty and reduction of turnoverWhat are the requirements to enter a RAP as an apprentice?Meet minimum requirements/pre-requisites (varies by program)Apply for a program via RAP sponsor or employer partnerComplete any necessary screenings and/or interviews.Review the Standards of Apprenticeship and sign the Apprentice AgreementSign any necessary documents with the RAP Sponsor Fulfill all responsibilities as per the Apprenticeship Standards How long is a RAP? The length of the Registered Apprenticeship Program is dependent upon the occupation, employer needs, and type of program. A RAP can be a minimum of one year or multiple years depending on the occupation. Generally, a RAP must have aminimum of 144 RTI hours and 2000 OJT hours within a year.What is the difference between apprenticeship and internship? An internship is typically education-driven and is intended to be short-term in durationoffering workplace exposure and experience opportunities for the student. A registered apprenticeship is employer-driven and is full-time employment uponenrollment in the RAP. A registered apprenticeship consists of both classroom trainingand on-the-job mentoring to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to beproductive within a given occupational role. An apprentice receives at least one payincrease (within a year) if progression is satisfactory as outlined in the Standards ofApprenticeship document.Can an apprentice earn college credit?College credits can be included in a RAP. This is dependent upon the employer’s needs and structure of the program as outlined in the Work Process Schedule. ManyRAPs give the apprentice the opportunity to earn college credits while completingrequirements for the program.Is there funding assistance available to start a RAP?There is funding assistance available either through the State, Federal, or other fundingsources. Contact OSD for information. Who can be a RAP sponsor?A RAP sponsor can be any organization/entity that has a vested interest in the success of the program. The RAP sponsor signs off on the approved Standards ofApprenticeship and manages the administrative functions of the RAP.FAQ’s About Registered ApprenticeshipWhat occupations are apprenticeable? There are thousands of apprenticeable occupations available in most industries. USDOL’s websitehas an Apprenticeship Occupations Finder at the following link: ( apprenticeship-occupations). Keyword occupational searches allow for generating example apprenticeship work process schedules.ArkansasOSD.com10
Terms and DefinitionsApprenticeship Agreement - The written agreement between the apprentice and the RAP sponsor setting forththe responsibilities and obligations of all parties to the Apprenticeship Agreement with respect to theApprentice’s employment and training under the approved Standards of Apprenticeship.Apprenticeship Certificate of Completion – Certificate issued by the USDOL to those registered apprenticescertified and documented as successfully completing the apprentice training requirements outlined in theseStandards of Apprenticeship.Apprenticeship Intermediary – Registered apprenticeship industry intermediaries offer expertise to helpemployers and participating RAP partners successfully launch, promote, and expand RA programs in new andemerging non-traditional apprenticeship industries and occupations. These partners are uniquely positioned toconvene and engage employers within a specific industry or sub-sector to increase awareness of the RAP modeland assist in the creation of RAPs.Arkansas Certified Pre-Apprenticeship Program (ARPAP) – OSD has initiated the ARPAP framework toensure qualifying programs meet a state-recognized standard to provide work-readiness/preparation trainingthat aligns with a RAP. As a baseline, ARPAP training activities will follow USDOL guidance as specified in theTEN No. 13-12 (and revised in TEN 23-23) which defines quality pre-apprenticeship programs, as well as meetcertification criteria outlined by the State. The foundational threshold for qualifying ARPAP programs is signedcommitments (via Employer Partner Agreement) from a participating employer partner, RAP sponsor, andtraining provider.Competency-Based Program – The Registered Apprenticeship Program requires the attainment of manual,mechanical or technical skills and knowledge, as specified by an occupation standard and demonstrated by anappropriate written and hands-on proficiency measurement.Mentor – A person who has attained a level of skill, abilities and competencies recognized by an employer withinan industry as having mastered the skills and competencies required for the RAP occupation and supervises theapprentice’s on-the-job training.On-the-Job Learning/Training (OJL/OJT) – Supervised occupational training that is provided under a RegisteredApprenticeship Program to the employee through the employer. OJT includes skills and competencies learnedon-the-job in which the apprentice must become proficient before a completion certificate is awarded.Pre-Apprenticeship – Generally, pre-apprenticeship is a program or set of strategies designed to prepareindividuals for entry into Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAP) or other job opportunities. Pre-apprenticeships may last from a few weeks to a few months and may or may not include wages or stipend. Pre-apprenticeship programs can have varied program elements; however, at the core, are intended to placeindividuals on a pathway to employability through a RAP. USDOL does not have oversight/approval authority forpre-apprenticeship programs. Typically, pre-apprenticeship consists of classroom training.RAP Sponsor – The organization or entity that manages the administrative functions of the RegisteredApprenticeship Program and documents and tracks apprentice activity/progression via USDOL’s RAPIDS.Registered Apprentice – An individual enrolled in a USDOL-approved Registered Apprenticeship Program. Theregistered apprentice is employed by the RAP participating employer of record and signs an ApprenticeshipAgreement applicable to the Standards of Apprenticeship for the specified occupation. The registered apprenticeparticipates in the related technical instruction and on-the-job mentoring as outlined in the Work ProcessSchedule (Appendix A) of the approved Standards of Apprenticeship document.Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Data System (RAPIDS) – The USDOL system of record forentering and tracking registered apprentices. RAPIDS provides for the automated collection, retention, updating,retrieval, and summarization of information related to apprentices and apprenticeship programs.Registered Youth Apprentice - Individuals participating in a registered apprenticeship program who arebetween the ages of 16 to 24 and are eligible under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) fortraining and employment
Resources and ReferencesArkansas Department of Commerce, Office of Skills Development – Apprenticeship resources and information( Certified Pre-Apprenticeship Program (ARPAP) Handbook - Arkansas Certified Pre-ApprenticeshipHandbookLABOR STANDARDS FOR THE REGISTRATION OF APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAMS (29 CFR Part 29) Department of Labor, ApprenticeshipUSA Homepage S. Department of Labor, Apprenticeship Occupation Finder U. S. Department of Labor, Standard of Apprenticeship templates:Apprenticeship Standards Builder InformationApprenticeship Standards Library USDOL Apprenticeship Data and Statistics (Dashboards) Apprenticeship Professionals Learning Network U. S. Department of Labor, ApprenticeshipUSA, Registered Apprenticeship Academy Standards of Apprenticeship – The Standards ofApprenticeship document for a USDOL-approvedoccupation represents the guiding competenciesand skills needed to progress and complete theRAP. This document outlines the terms andconditions of employment, training, andsupervision for apprentices. Standards include anoutline of the work processes in which anapprentice will receive work experience andtraining on the job, the related instruction intechnical subjects related to the occupation, and aprogressive wage schedule, among otherinformation.Time-Based Program – The RegisteredApprenticeship Program measures skill acquisitionthrough the individual apprentice’s completion ofat least 2,000 hours of on-the-job learning and aminimum of 144 hours of related technicalinstruction within a year, as described in a workprocess schedule.Transfer – A shift of Apprenticeship Agreementfrom one program to another or from one employerwithin a program to another employer within thatsame program, where there is agreement betweenthe apprentice and the affected apprenticeshipcommittee or program sponsor.Work Process Schedule – The Work ProcessSchedule (Appendix A) is a component of theapproved Standards of Apprenticeship andoutlines the related technical instruction and on-the-job competencies for the
OSD.OA@ARKANSAS.GOVFollow us on social media:@ArkansasOSDWe hope you found this resource helpful for decidingwhether your company could benefit from apprenticeship. Please feel free to contact our office if you have questions orneed additional information about apprenticeship.501-683-1152We are here to help!