February – August 2021507-328-4000rochesterce.org/registerEvery class is a wellness classIn-person & online options available!Every class is a wellness classIn-person & online options available!The Music of Laurel Canyon pg 8Tony Oliva and the Minnesota Twins pg 12Culinary Creations with Chef Jen pg 18Mudras: the Ancient Art of Hand Yoga pg 20Beginner Adult Sewing pg 35Writing for Online Blogs pg 38Effortless Excursions pg 43
I wanted to reach out to say we are thinking of you and want to stay connected. Taking care of our emotional well-being, prioritizing self-care, and staying engaged with people in your life are important things we can do right now. I found these ways to stay connected and wanted to share them with you for the days and weeks ahead: • Video chat versus texting - seeing your face will bring a big smile • Send a complimentary e-card - “Just saying ‘hi’” • Make a list of 10 people you’ve been meaning to call – and do it! • Call a neighbor or distant relative, just to see how they are doing • Write a hand-written letter to an old friend Take care of yourself, connect with each other, and know there is an ending in sight! Cheers to hoping 2021 will be a year of fun and time together! Chrisanne and the CE TeamGreetings to each of you!Community Education offers a wide range of classes specically designed for adults with developmental disabilities. For more information email Stephanie Conkright at stconkright@rochesterschools.org. Community members with developmental disabilities are welcome to participate in general class offerings. We will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations necessary to help make their Community Education experience enjoyable. Accommodation requests are needed two weeks prior to class start date.Dates and times are subject to change after time of publishing. Check our registration website for the most up-to-date information.www.rochesterce.org/register Connect with us!@RochesterMNCommunityEducationCommunity Education Adult EnrichmentNorthrop Education Center 201 8th St NW Rochester, MN 55901507-328-4000 www.rochesterce.org/registerNorthrop Education Center will be closed:January 18, February 15, May 31, July 5PROMO CODE APPLIESTime-sensitive Promo Codes are available in the catalog or sent via CE News e-newsletters. SENIOR PROMO CODEAny resident of District #535 who is 62 years of age or older must enter the Promo Code: SENIOR for 20% off designated classes. SUPPLY FEEIn addition to the course fee, the Supply Fee covers materials provided. The Supply Fee is collected at rst class meeting in cash or check form. ONLINE COURSEThe laptop symbol denotes the class will be held online. You’ll need internet access and a device with a camera and microphone that can download the appropriate app.Cover photo used with permission from Dan Moen from HOUR Media.
Sustainable Living ......................................... 13 Live Green/Leave Green .......................................... 13Electric Vehicles ........................................................ 13 Plan your Garden for Seed Saving ......................... 13 Introduction to Permaculture Design ..................... 13 Discussing the Realities of Buying Electric Vehicles ............................................................ 14 Sustainable Living in Rochester ........................... 14 Energy Efciency Trends in Residential Construction .............................................. 14 What You Need to Know About the Climate Crisis ................................................................ 14 Beginner Organic Gardening .................................. 15 Solar Energy for Your Home or Business ................ 15 Neighborhood Energy Challenge .......................... 15Expand Your Cooking .................................... 16 Easy Breezy Freezer Meals ...................................... 16 Dinner in 20 Minutes or Less ................................... 16Easy Breezy Freezer Meals ........................................... 16 Instant Pot Basics ...................................................... 16Indian Cooking for a Party ........................................... 17Authentic Indian Meal .................................................. 17Indian Curry Cooking for Two ...................................... 17India’s Rich History and Cuisine ................................... 17Indian Cooking Made Easy .......................................... 17 Culinary Creations with Chef Jen ....................... 18High Tea Anyone?......................................................... 18Simple Salads ............................................................ 18 Preserving the Harvest ............................................. 18Table of ContentsEnjoy Your Leisure Time ................................. 6Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People .................. 6Instant Guitar for Hopelessly Busy People ................. 6 How to Use Your Skill & Talent to Travel Free PLUS Important Tips on Travel Health & Safety During These Unparalleled Times ..................................................... 6 Driving Ireland .......................................................... 7 Safari Southern Africa............................................... 7Bridge for Beginners .................................................... 7Competitive Bidding in Bridge ................................ 7Building Blocks for Duplicate Bridge ...................... 7 The Music of Laurel Canyon ................................ 8 Three Dog Night ....................................................... 8Cruising - Is this the Vacation for You? ........................ 8 “100 Things to Do in the Twin Cities Area” ........... 8Encounter the Outdoors ................................. 9Wildowers and the Stories Behind Their Names .................................................................. 9The Rocky Mountain Experience ................................. 9Spring Wildower Identication .................................. 9Spring Bird Identication ............................................. 9Tree Identication ......................................................... 9So You Think You Want to Be a Beekeeper? .............. 10Introduction to Beekeeping......................................... 10Introduction to Fly Fishing ........................................... 10How to Make Your Lawn Look Like a Golf Course ..... 10Historical Hike of Quarry Hill Park ............................... 10Enhance Your Home ...................................... 11 I’m Thinking of Selling My House and Buying a New One...How Does that Work? .............................. 11 Selling Your Home - Updated Techniques ......... 11Selling a House in Rochester’s “HOT” Housing Market ............................................... 11 Downsizing: Simplify Your Life ................................. 11 Senior Housing - What are Your Options? ............. 11Explore Yesteryear ........................................ 12 “Women Who Dared” ......................................... 12 Golda Meir: “The Journey Home” ...................... 12 A Historic Ride on the Orphan Trains ................. 12 Tony Oliva & the 1960s MN Twins ...................... 12 = New Class = Online Class
Get Healthy ....................................................19 MortaliTea: Let’s Talk about It! ................................ 19 What is an End of Life Doula/Midwife? .................. 19Hypnosis: Weight Loss, Stop Smoking, Vaping and Chewing Tobacco ......................................................... 19Essential Oils for Winter Wellness ............................... 19 Overcome Your Carbohydrate Cravings ............. 20 Metabolism Boosters and Busters! ..................... 20 Just Breathe! Techniques to Calm, Center & Focus ................................................. 20 Mudras: The Ancient Art of Hand Yoga .............. 20 Avoid the Pitfalls and Weight Gain of Perimenopause/Menopause ....................................... 20Get Centered .................................................. 21Emotional Freedom Technique ................................... 21Reexology: Experience the Benets! ........................ 21T’ai Chi Chih .................................................................. 21 T’ai Chi Chih–Continuing ......................................... 21Yoga for Seniors: Change the Way You Feel! ............ 22Yoga I: Be Calm and Peaceful ...................................... 22Healthy Breathing ......................................................... 22Introduction to Yoga ..................................................... 22The Healing Practice of Meditation ............................ 22An Introduction to Reiki ............................................... 22Groove and Move .......................................... 23 Pilates Fitness ........................................................... 23Volleyball–Intermediate ............................................... 23 Cabaret Style Belly Dance ...................................... 23Zumba with Ron! .......................................................... 24Fencing ......................................................................... 24FatChanceBellyDance®Style ........................................ 24Aquatic Workouts ..................................................... 25Boxing 101 ................................................................. 25Rock Steady ............................................................... 25Tech Savvy ..................................................... 25 S.O.S. Simplify-Organize-Share Photos and Videos Worth Saving! ............................................................... 25Excel® - Make Your Tasks a Snap!................................ 25Learn a Language .......................................... 26 German for Beginners .............................................. 26American Sign Language ............................................. 26Spanish .......................................................................... 26Table of ContentsThe link for your Zoom class along with a password, will be sent to you in the Course Reminder email 2 days prior to the class start, as well as any handouts for the class. Zoom is free and makes attending the online classes relatively easy. Even if you don’t have a computer/laptop, you can attend with a smartphone. The link for your Google Meet class along with a password, will be sent to you in the Course Reminder email 2 days prior to the class start, as well as any handouts for the class. Google Meet is free and makes attending online classes easy. When it’s time for your class, click the link in your Course Reminder email and follow the onscreen prompts to join the meeting. Even if you don’t have a computer, you may attend with a tablet or smartphone if you are signed into a Google account.Your online class will use one of these two platforms.What are online classes?Adult enrichment classes that are online are live online classes in a live virtual meeting room where students and teachers meet together to communicate with voice, video, and whiteboard. Live online classes require students and instructors to be online at the same time. All attendees must be online and connected to the internet at that specic time period. = New Class = Online Class
Manage Your Money ..................................... 27 Help! Preparing for the Unexpected Before It Happens......................................................... 27What’s New in Funeral Planning? ................................ 27Are You Protected? ...................................................... 27 Filing for Social Security .......................................... 27 Girls Just Wanna Have Funds ................................. 27 A Snowbird’s Guide to Residency .......................... 28 Estate Planning ........................................................ 28 How to Title Your Property ..................................... 28 Passing Down the Farm, Small Business, or Family Cabin ............................................................ 28The Legalities When a Loved One Passes ................. 28 Savvy Social Security Planning ................................ 29 Securing and Preserving your Retirement Strategy ..................................................... 29 Learn the Basics of Investing ............................... 29 Income Taxes and Retirement ............................. 30 Social Security: Timing is Everything ...................... 30 Will Your Taxes Affect Your Retirement? ................. 30 Medicare 101 ....................................................... 30 Financial Aid 101 .................................................. 30 What Happens After the Paychecks Stop? ............ 31Social Security: Your Questions Answered ............. 31Health Care and Your Retirement ........................... 31Making Your Retirement Money Last ......................Outsmart the Scammers .......................................... 31Tax-Free Investing ......................................................... 31 Medicare Basics: The ABCDs ................................. 31 Wealth Building through Real Estate ..................... 32Getting Started in Real Estate Investing ..................... 32Funeral Service Options ............................................... 32 Earn Extra Money Mystery Shopping .................... 32 Explore 250 Legitimate Home Business Ideas ...... 32 Make Money with a Virtual Assistant/Word Processing Business .................................................... 33 Save Money with Extreme Couponing! .............. 33 Monetize Websites, Blogs, and Social Media with Afliate Marketing ......................... 33 Keeping the Cabin in the Famiy! ............................ 33 Trustee/Power of Attorney ...................................... 33 What is a Personal Representative to Do? ............ 33 Wills or Trusts ............................................................ 33Spark Your Creativity .................................... 34Blacksmith Beginning ............................................... 34Quilt Retreat in the Country ..................................... 34Blacksmithing: Crafting the Tools of the Trade .......... 34Introduction to the Forge ............................................ 34Railroad Spike Knife ..................................................... 35Asian Brush Painting ..................................................... 35Polar Fleece Mittens ................................................. 35Serge a Bow Tie Quilt Top ....................................... 35Beginner Adult Sewing Instruction ............................. 35 Nature Journaling ..................................................... 36Nature Journaling: Digging Deeper ...................... 36Create a Stained Glass Window .................................. 36Hacking Into Woodworking ......................................... 36Welding - Introduction ................................................. 37Ceramics Painting ......................................................... 37Introduction to Clay - Hand Building ...................... 37Beyond the Basics Pottery Class ............................. 37Write It! Say It! ..............................................37 Writing Short Stories in Science Fiction and Fantasy ....................................................... 37 An Intro to Self-Publishing ...................................... 37 Write that Story! ...................................................... 37 Meet the Publisher/Agent - Get Your Manuscript Critiqued ......................................38 Introduction to Screenwriting for Television or Movies ..................................................... 38 Beginner’s Guide to Getting Published ............. 38 Explore 50 Different Self Publishing Options ............................................... 38 Writing for Online Blogs, Magazines & Websites .............................................. 38 Beginner’s Guide to Starting a FREE Blog ......... 38 Public Speaking Demystied ............................... 39Stay Safe ........................................................39Women’s S.H.A.R.P. Self-Defense ................................ 39Driver Continuing Education ........................40Driver Improvement Associates .................................. 40MN Highway Safety Center ........................................ 41Trips–Effortless Excursions ......................... 42Location Addresses & Information .............. 46Registration ................................................... 47
Get HealthyEnjoy Your Leisure TimeHow to Use Your Skill & Talent to Travel Free PLUS Important Tips on Travel Health & Safety During These Unparalleled Times-Online We’re ready to get back to our travels! When it is safe to go on a trip, where can we go, how do we stay safe, and how do we make our travel free? If you are near retirement, changing careers, a student, or someone who likes the idea of making additional income to support your travel dream, this class is for you. World traveler Gina Henry shows you how she is prepared for the new “travel normal” including important tips on safety, trip insurance, what to do if you become sick, and other strategies. Discover over 200 ways to travel free. Earn free airline tickets, hotel nights, tours & more in the USA & worldwide! Discover volunteering, fun work-vacations, paid travel, teaching English and remote employment opportunities. Tuition includes Gina’s 100-page ebook “How to Travel Free & Safely” (retail value $39.95). Gina Henry is the founder of Go Global, Inc. and for over 26 years, has traveled to 98 countries and all 50 states, and travels year round. She takes FREE vacations six months a year, leads tours and organizes a volunteer teach English program in Thailand & Peru.$45–1 SessionLocation: Online8432.032 Tu Mar 9 6-9:30 PMCharles Wilson has been a guitar teacher for 15 years and has been a professional musician for 30+ years throughout the Midwest.Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People Some music teachers may not want you to know this, but you don’t need years of weekly lessons to learn piano. In just a few hours, you can learn enough secrets of the trade to give you years of musical enjoyment. How do we do it? While regular piano teachers teach note reading, piano professionals use chords. You can learn all the chords you’ll need to play any song in this one session. Any song. Any style. Any key. If you can nd middle C and know the meaning of Every Good Boy Does Fine, you already know enough to enroll in this workshop. Topics include: how chords work in a song, how to get more out of sheet music by reading less of it, how to form the three main types of chords, and how to handle different keys and time signatures, how to avoid “counting,” how to simplify over 12,000 complex chords. A link with information about note reading: ChordsAreKey.com/notes-piano. Class limited to 9 students, ages 13+. A $29 supply fee (paid with cash or check) will be collected in class by the instructor for the book and online videos. $30–1 Session Location: John Marshall–Rm 1-1127530.231 M Mar 8 6:30-9:30 PMInstant Guitar for Hopelessly Busy People Have you ever wanted to learn the guitar but simply nd it difcult to nd the time? In just a few hours, you can learn enough about playing the guitar to give you years of musical enjoyment, and you won’t have to take private lessons to do it. This crash course will teach you some basic chords and get you playing along with your favorite songs right away. Topics include: how chords work in a song, how to form the three main types of chords, and how to tune your guitar, basic strumming patterns, how to buy a good guitar (things to avoid), how to play along with simple tunes. Bring your acoustic guitar. Class limited to 9 students. For ages 13+. For more information go to justonceclasses.com. A $29 supply fee (paid with cash or check) will be collected in class by the instructor for the book and online videos.$30–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 1027531.231 Tu Mar 9 6:30-9 PMAdult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class6
Get CenteredJeff Jones, a professional travel director, adventure guide, and scuba instructor, has traveled around the world for the past twenty-ve years. Driving Ireland: Wing it Around the “Emerald Isle”-Online Learn tips for winging it around the “Emerald Isle.” During our 90 minutes, a variety of topics will be discussed: road conditions, driving on the left, navigating map/GPS, general sites, where to eat, and how to nd a B&B for the night. A photo tour of Ireland will follow the presentation. $15–1 Session Location: Online8437.031 W Mar 24 6:30-8 PMSafari Southern Africa-Online Climb aboard and experience this magical part of the world. We’ll y bush planes into Botswana’s remote camps and lodges, watch the mist rise above Victoria Falls, self-drive through Namibia’s ancient landscapes and explore the natural and cultural highlights of South Africa’s Cape Town Region. The countries of Southern Africa are renowned for their wildlife and you won’t be disappointed. You will be amazed at how close some of these encounters actually get. Each region’s environment supports a different mix of wildlife. We’ll visit many of those regions during our two hour adventure.$15–1 Session Location: Online8436.031 Tu Mar 16 6:30-8:30 PMBridge for Beginners Learn to play bridge-the greatest partnership game in the world. Learn bidding with a few easy conventions, such as Stayman and Transfers and strategic play using pre-dealt hands. Class will be based on “Bridge Basics 1- An Introduction,” by Audrey Grant. You can buy a book in class or email jklong714@gmail.com to order one. Joanne Long is a retired teacher from Iowa who started playing “party bridge” in college. She now plays regularly at the Rochester Duplicate Bridge Club with a community of bridge players who have become great friends.$59–8 Sessions Location: Northrop–Rm 1098398.231 Tu Apr 13–Jun 1 10-11:30 AMCompetitive Bidding in BridgeTired of having your opponents steal the bid from you? This class is for those who have been introduced to bridge and grasp the basics of opening the bidding and responding to an opening bid. It covers additional tools available to you in a competitive auction. You will learn about preemptive bidding, overcalls, takeout doubles, and more! The course is based upon Audrey Grant’s book “Bridge Basics 2: Competitive Bidding.” Contact Layne Vinje at elvinje@charter.net for a low-priced copy of the book. Layne Vinje, whether playing, teaching or learning, bridge is Layne Vinje’s passion. He has been playing competitively since 2009 and is a Silver Life Master and Certied Club Director with the American Contract Bridge League.$49–7 Sessions Location: Northrop–Rm 1098397.231 Tu Mar 30–May 11 6:30-8 PMBuilding Blocks for Duplicate BridgeJoin this class to add to your repertoire of duplicate bridge skills. We will continue concepts from Audrey Grant’s rst two books, nish the third book, “Bridge Basics 3: Popular Conventions”, and mix in some defense and several additional conventions. Participants will be contacted prior to class about ordering books. Prerequisite-must have at least one class in the Audrey Grant curriculum, familiar with Standard American bidding-comfortable with 1 NT opening (15-17), Stayman, Jacoby transfers, weak twos and preemptive bids. Sue Greenberg is a retired elementary teacher that loves kids, organic gardening, duplicate bridge, reading, and gourmet cooking. She is currently the club manager for the Rochester Duplicate Bridge Club.$59–8 Sessions Location: Northrop–Rm 2018386.231 W Mar 24–19Skip: April 79-11 AMEnjoy Your Leisure TimeCE WEATHERLINEFor weather-related announcements, call 507-328-4010.See page 46 for more information.7= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
Get HealthyCruising - Is this the Vacation for You? What goes into planning a cruise? There are many details to consider: which cruise line, cost, time of year to go, where to visit, cabin choice, what’s included and what’s not, shore excursions, transportation, tipping, laundry, book direct or with a travel agent, the length of the cruise, book another while on one, and activities on-board. Peggy Patterson has been on more than a dozen cruises in the last 15 years and although not a travel agent, she enjoys sharing her cruise tips. She is always looking forward to her next sail away!$12–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 3087501.231 Th Mar 18 6:30-8 PM“100 Things to Do in the Twin Cities Area”-Online Start your day with Minnesota Public Radio former host Tom Weber. He will be speaking about his book, “100 Things to Do in the Twin Cities Before You Die.” His book is a guide to the most rewarding list of things to do in the Twin Cities. Even if you are familiar with the Twin Cities, several of his suggestions will be a delightful surprise! Copies of Tom’s book will be available after class for purchase and signing. Tom Weber hosted a call-in talk show on MPR news for years. He lives in St. Paul.$15–1 SessionLocation: Online7000.032 Sa May 15 10:30 AM-12 PMPaul Koeller is a retired IBMer and active Mayo volunteer who loves researching and presenting music and local history topics. He has given numerous history presentations in Rochester and presented about twenty different rock music classes for Rochester Community Education.The Music of Laurel Canyon-Online Are you a fan of music from the 1960’s and early 1970’s? Many of the artists who were popular then lived in the area of Los Angeles. Learn the stories and listen to the music of these artists. We’ll cover The Eagles; Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young; the Byrds; Buffalo Springeld; Jackson Browne; The Doors; Brian Wilson; Linda Ronstadt; Joni Mitchell; Carole King; Canned Heat; Frank Zappa; and more. $15–1 Session Location: Online7076.031 Tu Feb 9 6:30-8:30 PMThree Dog NightIn 1967, three vocalists: Danny Hutton, Cory Wells, and Chuck Negron joined forces to form a band they named Three Dog Night. From 1967 to 1976 they had an endless stream of hit songs. After breaking up in 1976, they got back together in 1981 and in various combinations have been touring ever since. Learn more about the band members and relive all those hit songs you grew up listening to.$15–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 3167070.231 Tu Mar 2 6:30-8:30 PMEnjoy Your Leisure TimeThe link for your Zoom class along with a password, will be sent to you in the Course Reminder email 2 days prior to the class start, as well as any handouts for the class.The link for your Google Meet class along with a password, will be sent to you in the Course Reminder email 2 days prior to the class start, as well as any handouts for the class. Adult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class8
Get CenteredSpring Wildower Identication Spring is an exciting time in Minnesota for wildowers as the numbers and variety are astounding. Come along as we explore Oxbow’s woodlands in search of these beauties. Trout lily, violets, bluebells, trillium, and wild ginger are a few of the varieties that will be seen. Prior to our trip outdoors, we will view a brief slide presentation showing the early and late spring bloomers that will not be encountered on our trip outdoors. Cosponsored with Zumbro Valley Audubon Society and Oxbow Park. Rain date is Sunday, May 2. $15–1 Session Location: Oxbow Park8634.231 Sa May 1 9 AM-12 PMSpring Bird Identication Spring is an exciting time of year to observe bird life. Our area serves as a home to those summer residents that will raise their young here in addition to providing a resting place for spring migrants as they travel to areas farther north. We should see a variety of warblers, sparrows, and thrushes as well as those reliable year round residents: cardinals, jays, and woodpeckers, just to name a few. Bring binoculars if you have them. Cosponsored with Zumbro Valley Audubon Society and Oxbow Park. Rain date is Sunday, May 16.$15–1 Session Location: Oxbow Park8635.231 Sa May 15 9 AM-12 PMTree Identication Have you just recently purchased a wooded parcel of land and are curious about what species of trees are located there? Or perhaps you are simply interested in trees. If so, here is just the opportunity for you. Join John as he hikes the trails of Oxbow Park and learn about the various species of trees that inhabit southeastern Minnesota. A brief slide presentation on the utilization of tree owers as one of the keys to identication will precede the trip outdoors. Cosponsored with Zumbro Valley Audubon Society and Oxbow Park. Rain date is Sunday, June 6. $15–1 Session Location: Oxbow Park8636.231 Sa Jun 5 9 AM-12 PMJohn McCormick has both a bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Biology with the master’s emphasizing natural history. He has over 40 years’ experience as a nature photographer.Wildowers and the Stories Behind Their Names Have you ever wondered about the origin of the names of some of your favorite wildowers? If so, come with me as we utilize slides to travel through woods and elds, searching for Mother Nature’s beauties. Cosponsored with Zumbro Valley Audubon Society.$15–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 3168633.231 Sa Mar 6 10 AM-12 PMThe Rocky Mountain Experience Are you traveling out west this summer? If so, then John will share two of the best Rocky Mountain destinations you could ever visit: Glacier National Park in Montana and Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. Even though both are located within the same mountain chain, they are vastly different in their scenic offerings, as well as their ora and fauna makeup. Don’t just take John’s word for it, come along and see for yourself as we visit these two national treasures. $12–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 3168632.231 Sa Mar 20 10 AM-12 PMEncounter the Outdoors9= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
Get HealthyHow to Make Your Lawn Look Like a Golf Course This lawn care class will be an opportunity for any homeowner to learn the best management practices for their home lawn maintenance. Jacob will cover all aspects of making your home lawn aesthetically, environmentally, and nancially ideal. Topics included will be mowing practices, irrigation use (scheduling), fertility practices, pest control, and aeration. The cost of the class will include an informational packet on lawn maintenance. There will be a question and answer segment afterwards for individuals with specic problems. Jacob Kocak is the Somerby Golf Course Superintendent. $15–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 1128200.231 W Mar 10 6:30-9 PMHistorical Hike of Quarry Hill Park The lands of Quarry Hill Park were once part of Rochester’s historic State Hospital grounds. Join other adults on a guided walking tour of the park to visit some of the interesting historic features that remain from a century of State Hospital use. For example, did you know that the hospital farmed over 1,000 acres and provided all the food required for all of their patients? From the cave to the cemetery to quarry operations, the history is rich and intriguing! We will cover about a mile and a half of up and down terrain. Participants should wear good walking shoes. Meet at the main nature center building. In response to COVID-19, participants will be required to wear a face covering, practice social distancing, and be asked screening questions upon arrival. Travis Meyer is a Quarry Hill Naturalist and teacher with a bachelor’s degree in Biology and a master’s in Environmental Outdoor Education.$15–1 SessionLocation: Quarry Hill Nature Center8307.231 Th May 13 6-7:30 PM8307.232 Th May 20 6-7:30 PMJohn Shonyo has been beekeeping since 2009. He is a honey bee advocate, giving presentations about how important the honey bee is to our food supply and what people can do to help keep a healthy bee population. Chris Schad is a biologist by training who turned his attention to prairie restoration and other ways to support local pollinators such as honey bees. He manages bees at his rural Rochester home.So You Think You Want to Be a Beekeeper?We start with an explanation of bee biology followed by what to expect during the rst year of keeping bees. We will then talk about the problems facing bees and beekeepers. This is followed with a discussion on the cost of keeping bees and where to get both bees and equipment. $15–1 Session Location: Quarry Hill Nature Center8314.131 Th Mar 4 6:30-8:30 PMIntroduction to BeekeepingWe will start with an overview and short history of beekeeping, followed by detailed and hands-on instruction on how to become a beekeeper. We will describe the hardware used and how to use it. The cost of keeping bees and an explanation of some of the terms (buzzwords and acronyms) will be provided. John and Chris will take you through a year of beekeeping and the options available during the year. Bring your lunch! $35–1 Session Location: Quarry Hill Nature Center8310.231 Sa Mar 6 8 AM-3 PMIntroduction to Fly Fishing Learn the basics of y casting and shing, and where and how to y sh in southeast Minnesota for trout and other species. This class will get you started with indoor casting instruction and practice, y shing knots, stream entomology, ies for this area, reading the water, and more. Following this class, you’ll be prepared for the shing season. Additional assistance provided by Hiawatha Trout Unlimited members. Ages 18 and up. Paul Krolak is a Rochester native and a member of the Hiawatha Trout Unlimited Board of Directors. He has y shed for trout, pansh, bass, and musky since his teenage years. $35–4 SessionsLocation: Willow Creek–Gym8339.231 W Apr 21–May 12 7-9 PMEncounter the OutdoorsCE WEATHERLINEFor weather-related announcements, call 507-328-4010.See page 46 for more information.Adult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class10
Get CenteredBeth and Greg Hostetter have been selling homes in the Rochester area for over 20 years. www.homeinrochester.comI’m Thinking of Selling My House and Buying a New One...How Does that Work?-Online Intimidated about moving to your next home in 2021? Beth and Greg will explain the options if you currently own a house, but are looking to buy a different house. Learn how to avoid a double move, discover nancing options, learn the risks and benets of contingent offers, and discover the techniques to do it all safely. $15–1 Session Location: Online8246.033 Th Jan 21 7-9 PM8246.034 Th Mar 25 7-9 PMSelling Your Home - Updated Techniques-Online Selling a home really changed in 2020, we’ll show you how to navigate these changes and come out on top. From prepping to staging to negotiating, you’ll learn the most effective techniques that get houses sold - safely. Discover how to make your home the most sought after home on the market! $15–1 Session Location: Online8247.033 Tu Feb 23 7-9 PMSelling a House in Rochester’s “HOT” Housing MarketNot enough houses for buyers! Are prices really going up that fast? Learn strategies you can use to maximize the equity in your home in this “hot” Rochester housing market. To paint or not paint, to remove the wallpaper or not remove the wallpaper, that is the question! Many other items will be discussed that will help sellers prepare their property for sale that will maximize their return on their residential investment. Jim Miner has been a licensed real estate agent and Realtor® since 1975.$15–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 3198255.231 M Apr 12 6:30-8:30 PMLaurie Mangen has worked in sales, marketing, and business development in Fortune 500 companies and start-ups in the U.S. and Singapore. She assisted in opening a Keller Williams Realty Market. www.lauriemangen.comDownsizing: Simplify Your Life-Online Whether you are moving now or just want to declutter your home, Laurie’s techniques will help you through the time consuming and emotional process of simplifying your home. $15–1 Session Location: Online8282.033 W Feb 10 1-3 PMSenior Housing - What are Your Options?-Online Are you thinking about downsizing from your home and confused about all the options available to you based on your lifestyle? Whether you are moving now or 2 years from now, this class will introduce you to the types of housing available in SE MN. You will learn the difference between co-ops, retirement communities, residential housing and the costs associated with each option.$15–1 Session Location: Online8283.032 W May 12 9:30-11:30 AMEnhance Your Home11= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
Get HealthyJessica Michna is a recipient of the Presidential Service Center’s Distinguished Service Award. She has become widely known for her riveting portrayals of First Ladies, notable women of history and ctitious characters. Audiences laugh along with her humorous anecdotes and tear up as she relates how the horrors of war have impacted families. “Women Who Dared”-Online Cristabel and Emmeline Pankhurst, Susan B. Anthony, Emma Davisson, Elisabeth Cady Stanton; some names you may recognize, others you may not. In this program, Jessica Michna appears as …HERSELF! You will learn of these and other women (and men) who championed the cause of women’s suffrage in this country and overseas in the late 19th and early 20th century. You will learn of the protests, jailings, victories, and defeats culminating with the signature of President Woodrow Wilson that would forever give women the right to vote. Cosponsored with RCTC’s Learning Is Forever (LIFE) Program. $15–1 SessionLocation: Online8679.231 Tu Feb 23 1-2:15 PMGolda Meir: “The Journey Home”-Online How does a girl born in the Ukraine, raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, travel a path that will lead her to become Prime Minister of Israel? What was it like to emigrate to a country where you didn’t know the language, not once, but twice? This informative, entertaining program, developed by Jessica Michna, explores that rather circuitous route. What roadblocks and detours were thrown in Golda’s way and how did she overcome them? The journey is a fascinating one, lled with joy, sorrow, seriousness and humor. Let Golda, as portrayed by Ms. Michna, tell you in her own words. Cosponsored with RCTC’s Learning Is Forever (LIFE) Program. $15–1 SessionLocation: Online8677.231 M Apr 19 1-2:15 PMA Historic Ride on the Orphan Trains-Online Dorothy A. Lund Nelson will guide you through a part of American history when children were placed out into homes across the country. Over a period of 75 years, over 400,000 children traveled by train to nd new parents and families. Learn why the children traveled, what conditions they left behind, and who assisted them in nding a new family. Through a PowerPoint, videos, and many orphan train riders’ stories, you will nd you’ll want to learn more about these children. Dorothy Lund Nelson’s interactive class assists the participants in understanding the why, how, and results of moving over 400,000 children across our nation. She has been honored twice by the National Orphan Train Complex Board for continuing the story.$12–1 Session Location: Online8652.032 Th May 13 6:30-8 PM Tony Oliva and the 1960s Minnesota Twins-Online Tony Oliva was a star of the elite Minnesota Twins teams of the 1960s. That Tony ever made it to Minnesota is a unique story, as he grew up in a remote part of Cuba that wasn’t scouted and produced few major leaguers. Yet, Tony was discovered by a one-time Washington Senators prospect and traveled to Florida for a tryout in April 1961. He, Camilo Pascual, Zoilo Versalles and others were part of a storied run by the 1960s Twins, who competed in four dramatic pennant races at a time the country was divided by civil unrest and a war in a faraway land. It also was a thrilling time to come of age with the Beatles leading the British Invasion and the edgling space program offering a fascinating display of modern technology. Minnesota was also experiencing a rash of extreme weather in 1965, several local rock bands who drew national attention, and a series of bizarre UFO sightings. Cosponsored with RCTC Learning Is ForEver (LIFE) Program. Thom Henninger is a St. Paul native who has been a Chicago-based writer covering sports for nearly 30 years. He is the editor of Baseball Digest magazine and the author of “Tony Oliva: The Life and Times of a Minnesota Twins Legend.” $21–1 SessionLocation: Online8060.031 W Mar 24 1-3 PMExplore YesteryearAdult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class12
Get CenteredLive Green/Leave Green-Online Your respect for nature and the environment doesn’t have to die with you. Discover components of a green burial, natural cemeteries and why it matters. More and more choices are available as baby boomers blaze a trail in the new dying movement. MN families now have increased choices since legislation was passed in 2010. Discover alternatives to the commercial funeral, and how to care for loved ones with an open heart and minimal environmental impact. Cosponsored with Lowertown Neighborhood. Supported by Earthfest and Destination Medical Center. Deah Kinion is a certied End of Life Doula and identies as a death educator and speaks on a variety of end of life topics (Advanced Directives, home funeral doula support, green burials).No Fee–Registration Required–1 SessionLocation: Online8125.031 M Mar 15 6:30-7:30 PMElectric Vehicles – They Are Coming, But Are They For You? This course will introduce you to the world of electric vehicles (EVs) with the rst night being a one hour education session and the second night, an opportunity to drive a variety of electric vehicles. Some of the topics include: the history of EV’s, battery chemistry, charging, range, calculating individual cost savings, calculating emissions savings, available vehicles, and the future. Whether you are considering purchasing now or in the future, this course will help you decide what vehicle is best for you and what the benets are by going electric. Sponsored by Rochester Public Utilities (RPU). Dru Larson is an Energy and Environmental Advisor for Rochester Public Utilities. He holds a mechanical engineering degree and is certied by the Association of Energy Engineers as a Certied Energy Manager. He has been active in multiple statewide and local initiatives to educate and promote the fun, value, and environmental impact of electric vehicles.No Fee–Registration Required–2 SessionsLocation: Northrop–Rm 3198135.231 Tu-W May 4–5 6-7 PMPlan your Garden for Seed Saving-Online Your garden can produce an abundance of food and also a second valuable crop – seeds. With a little bit of advance planning, you can be sure the seeds you produce will be viable and produce the same crops the following year, making your garden more self-sustaining and economical. This class will identify the important factors you need to consider at the garden planning stage, teach you about the main methods of pollination and how to control them, which vegetables are good for beginning seed savers, and much more! Gardeners of all experience levels are welcome. Cosponsored with Lowertown Neighborhood. Supported by Earthfest and Destination Medical Center. Heidi Kass is the co-founder of the Rochester Seed Library, which opened in 2019, and she teaches gardening and seed saving classes to enhance local food resiliency.No Fee–Registration Required–1 SessionLocation: Online7351.031 Tu Mar 9 6-8 PMIntroduction to Permaculture Design and its Applications-Online Many people have heard the term permaculture before, but don’t understand what it is. Permaculture is a creative design process based on whole-systems thinking informed by ethics and design principles. In this class we will learn the origin of permaculture; its ethics, principals, and how we can apply these in our lives. There will be several examples given of successful outcomes and plenty of time for questions and discussion. Supported by Earthfest and Destination Medical Center. Cosponsored by Lowertown Neighborhood. Ivan Idso is passionate about everything sustainable. He renovated an 1890 home into a near net-zero energy home with many technologies incorporated.No Fee–Registration Required–1 SessionLocation: Online8126.032 Tu Feb 16 6:30-8:30 PMSustainable LivingCE WEATHERLINEFor weather-related announcements, call 507-328-4010.See page 46 for more information.13= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
Get HealthyMegan Gallagher is a Climate Reality Leader trained through the Climate Reality Project. She is currently Chairperson for Rochester EarthFest and is involved in several other environmental organizations in the community.Energy Efciency Trends in Residential Construction-Online This session will review case studies on high performance homes built recently in the Rochester area to illustrate innovative building practices, efcient building methods and systems, and ways to measure overall energy efciency. Key takeaways and lessons learned will also be discussed with an opportunity for open discussion on the residential energy code, zero energy homes, and where the market is headed. Supported by Earthfest and Destination Medical Center. Cosponsored with Lowertown Neighborhood.No Fee–Registration Required–1 SessionLocation: Online8131.031 Tu Feb 23 6:30-7:30 PMWhat You Need to Know About the Climate Crisis-Online The earth is facing a climate crisis, driven by fossil fuels. The good news is a clear majority of Americans and people around the world are ready to leave fossil fuels behind and create a sustainable future together. The tools and technology to do it are here today. The choice is yours. We can solve the crisis. We can power our lives and economies without destroying our planet but we have to act now. Come learn about the problem and solutions at hand. Supported by Earthfest and Destination Medical Center. Cosponsored by Lowertown Neighborhood.No Fee–Registration Required–1 SessionLocation: Online8121.032 W Mar 24 6:30-7:30 PMDiscussing the Realities of Buying Electric Vehicles-Online Learn practical information about purchasing electric vehicles from people who have gone through the process and what to expect from ownership. We’ll review what questions are important to consider and what options are available according to those answers. We’ll keep the information light and digestible, but allow for time to dig into additional questions and interests as they come up. Join us to nd out what the EV smiles are all about! Cosponsored with Lowertown Neighborhood. Supported by Earthfest and Destination Medical Center. Jon Yucuis has been an electric vehicle owner in Rochester since 2018. Now after driving electric through Minnesota’s 100+ degree summers and -30 degree winters and realizing the environmental, economic and performance benets, he’s convinced that now is the right time for everyone to make the switch to electric. In 2019, he founded Rochester Electric Vehicles, an organization dedicated to helping Rochester neighbors make the switch to electric.No Fee–Registration Required–1 SessionLocation: Online8122.031 Th Feb 25 6:30-8:30 PMSustainable Living in Rochester-Online Are you interested in living more sustainably but don’t quite know where to start? This course will provide a better understanding of the means and methods to a sustainable life starting with your home and diet and covering ideas for earth-friendly transportation, cleaning, and purchasing. Finally, this course will provide an overview of the tools that are available online and some that are specic to Rochester to help make these environmentally friendly decisions. Supported by Earthfest and Destination Medical Center. Cosponsored by Lowertown Neighborhood. Kevin Bright is the Energy and Sustainability Director for Rochester and DMC. He holds an MA in Energy and Environmental Analysis and is a Certied Energy Manager.No Fee–Registration Required–1 SessionLocation: Online8124.032 W Feb 10 6:30-8:30 PMSustainable Livingearthfestrochestermn.orgAdult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class14
Get CenteredBeginner Organic Gardening-Online This class is designed for the beginner and will give you the basics of plant biology in simple terms. We’ll also discuss how to prepare your growing places, and how to choose the best garden for you. Upon completion of this class, you’ll have a list of possible produce to grow tailored to your own particular space and to the amount of time you want to devote to your garden. Cosponsored with Lowertown Neighborhood. Sarah Hansen grew up in the country, learning life skills such as gardening, butchering, preserving, cooking, and living naturally.$29–2 Sessions Location: Online7267.032 Tu May 4–11 6-8 PMSolar Energy for Your Home or Business-Online Learn about solar electric and heating systems from the experts. Many installation photos will show you how they look and how they are installed. Many questions will be addressed, such as: How well does solar energy work in Minnesota? How much energy do systems produce? What are the costs involved and economics? What incentives are available? Is there maintenance? There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion. Cosponsored with Rochester Public Utilities. Micah Johnson is the operations manager for Solar Connection, which installs solar energy systems for commercial, residential, and farm applications.No Fee–Registration Required–1 SessionLocation: Online8273.032 Sa Feb 27 10 AM-12 PMStacy Boots Camp is the Recruitment and Outreach Coordinator at the Center for Energy and Environment. She holds an Energy Auditor certication from Dunwoody Institute.Neighborhood Energy Challenge - Making Good Energy Investments in Your Home - Online In this online workshop, you will learn what happens at a home energy audit and how it helps you plan for smart energy investments in your home. Also, take with you some ideas for DIY home energy improvements including simple, low and no-cost ways to start saving right away. At the end of the workshop you will have plenty of time for questions and the opportunity to sign-up for a discounted energy audit, if you are a customer of both MER and RPU. Cosponsored by the Center for Energy & Environment (CEE), Minnesota Energy Resources (MER) and Rochester Public Utilities (RPU). No Fee–Registration Required–1 SessionLocation: Online8015.033 Sa Jan 30 10-11 AM8015.034 Sa Mar 6 10-11 AMNeighborhood Energy Challenge - Making Good Energy Investments in Your HomeYou will learn what happens at a home energy audit and how it helps you plan for smart energy investments in your home. Also, take with you some ideas for DIY home energy improvements including simple, low and no-cost ways to start saving right away. At the end of the workshop you will have plenty of time for questions and the opportunity to sign-up for a discounted energy audit, if you are a customer of both MER and RPU. Cosponsored by the Center for Energy & Environment (CEE), Minnesota Energy Resources (MER) and Rochester Public Utilities (RPU).No Fee–Registration Required–1 SessionLocation: Northrop–Rm 306 & 3088016.232 Tu May 18 6:30-7:30 PMSustainable Living15= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
Get HealthyAletha Drenth is the founder of ‘Motivated Mom Mission’ which is designed to help educate, inspire, and support MOMS to make positive changes in their lives! She is dedicated to helping you save time in the kitchen and nd healthy options for your family to enjoy.Easy Breezy Freezer Meals-Online Do you have great intentions of planning meals to decrease dinner time stress? In this online workshop, you will learn tips to make meal prepping and eating healthy super simple. After the class, ten prepared meals will be delivered (within 15 miles of Rochester) to your home ready for your freezer. Each meal serves approximately 6 people and costs about $3.50 per serving, with a few additional items needed at cooking time. You can stop worrying about what you are feeding your family and enjoy having extra time for what matters most to you! **An email will be sent to all participants two weeks before class for meal selection. An additional $180-$220 fee (depending on the kit selected and meat prices) is required for groceries 10 days prior to this workshop. Contact Aletha Drenth to submit payment by email or phone: leedrenth@gmail.com or 507-381-4782. You will be required to pay for your supplies ahead of time and Aletha/Hy-Vee will deliver them to you. No refunds 10 days prior to class.$25–1 Session Location: Online7822.031 M Feb 1 6:30-8:30 PMDinner in 20 Minutes or Less-Online Plan ahead and create your weekly menu by assigning meals to specic days of the week. Invest time for meal prep on one day, so you can enjoy dinner on the table in 20 minutes or less every night this week! Simple tips and tricks will be shared with participants and even tips on using the instant pot, air fryer, microwave, and freezer meals to save you time in the kitchen. After the class, a Mon-Fri dinner collection ($20 value) and recipes will be sent to you so you can be prepared for ve meals.$25–1 SessionLocation: Online7817.034 Tu Feb 9 6-8 PM7817.035 Tu Mar 16 6-8 PM7817.036 Th Apr 22 6-8 PMEasy Breezy Freezer Meals Do you have great intentions of planning meals to decrease dinner time stress, yet nd yourself still wondering what to cook? In this workshop you will learn tips to make meal prepping and eating healthy super simple. Each participant will leave this workshop with 10 healthy freezer meals in around 2 hours. Each meal serves approximately 6 people and costs about $3.50 per serving, with a few additional items needed at cooking time. You can stop worrying about what you are feeding your family and enjoy having extra time for what matters most to you! **An email will be sent to all participants two weeks before class for meal selection. An additional $180-$220 fee (depending on the kit selected and meat prices) is required for groceries 10 days prior to this workshop. All groceries will be prepped, cut, bagged and prepared prior to class. Contact Aletha Drenth to submit payment by email or phone: leedrenth@gmail.com or 507-381-4782. No refunds 10 days prior to class.$25–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 1127822.232 Th Mar 25 6:30-8:30 PM7822.233 Tu Jun 1 6:30-8:30 PMInstant Pot Basics-Online Get ready for a fun, interactive demonstration from the comfort of your home! Aletha will be demonstrating how to use the instant pot for three different easy meals. Have your pressure cooker/instant pot in front of you. During the class, we will review the different functionality of the pots, tips and tricks, and time saving techniques to help you in the kitchen. After class, three meal packets and a shopping list will be mailed out to you to use in your upcoming meal planning. If you have any dietary restrictions, please be sure to note this to the instructor when registering for the class. No refunds 10 days prior to class.$25—1 SessionLocation: Online7814.035 Sa Feb 27 10 AM-12 PM7814.036 F Mar 19 6-8 PM7814.037 W Apr 28 6-8 PM7814.038 F May 7 6-8 PM7814.039 Th Jun 3 6-8 PMExpand Your CookingAdult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class16
Get CenteredAshwini Walimbe comes from Bombay in central India where migration brings in diverse cooking. She has been able to combine the exotic and alluring tastes of India with the practical demands of today’s lifestyle. Indian Cooking for a Party Ashwini will help you learn how to plan a fabulous Indian party. Recipes include: Samosa (crisp turnovers lled with potatoes, peas, nuts and herbs), Tamarind Date Chutney (sweet and sour lightly spiced sauce), Saffron and Basmati Rice with Nuts and Spices, Chicken or Lamb Masala Curry (curried variety with cashew nut sauce), Shahi Matar Paneer (homemade Indian cheese with green peas cooked in mild herbs and spice sauce), Chapatis (grilled whole-wheat at bread), and Indian Masala Chai (spiced Indian tea made with cream and cardamom, for a king or queen). This is a hands-on class!$39–1 SessionLocation: John Marshall–Rm 2-2077824.231 Sa Mar 6 9:30 AM-12:30 PMAuthentic Indian Meal: The World’s Leading Ethnic Food India brings you a complete range of delicacies, making Indian cuisine the world’s leading ethnic food. Join Ashwini to create your own authentic Indian meal, full of recipes that bring out the rich, aromatic avors and tastes of India. Recipes include Paneer Pakora (fritter stuffed with Indian cheese cubes), Chicken Vindaloo (chicken and potatoes cooked in tangy, hot, and spicy tomato sauce), Palak Paneer (spinach and homemade Indian cheese cubes cooked in spices and herbs), Dal Makhani (simmered stew of lentils in a creamy sauce), Rice Pulau (basmati rice cooked to perfection and seasoned with onion rings, raisins, and a special blend of Indian spices), Poori (deep fried ballooned wheat bread), and Malai Bur (cream fudges with nuts and spices). This is a hands-on class!$39–1 SessionLocation: John Marshall–Rm 2-2077821.131 Sa Mar 13 9:30 AM-12:30 PM7821.231 Sa Apr 24 9:30 AM-12:30 PMExpand Your CookingIndian Curry Cooking for Two: Learn the Secrets Come and learn the art and secrets of making a delicious authentic Indian meal. Recipes include appetizers: Vegetable Pakora (fritter stuffed with fresh spinach and assorted vegetables); main course: Curried Chicken (spiced chicken in coconut sauce), Bhindi Masala (baby okra sautéed with onions, tomatoes and spices), Tarka Dal (yellow lentil soup with herbs and spices), Cumin Rice (aromatic basmati rice lightly avored with cumin and herbs), Aloo Parantha (whole wheat at bread stuffed with mildly spiced mash potatoes); and dessert: Rasamalai (Indian cheese dumplings in chilled cream). This is a hands-on class!$39–1 SessionLocation: John Marshall–Rm 2-2077827.231 Sa Mar 20 9:30 AM-12:30 PMIndia’s Rich History and Cuisine The beauty and variety of India is truly reected in its rich history and cuisine. Recipes include Idli (steamed soft rice cakes), Sambar (yellow lentil dal soup with vegetables, herbs and spices), Exotic Coconut Chutney (fresh spiced coconut sauce), Rich and Creamy Butter Chicken (succulent morsels of boneless chicken cooked in a smooth, velvety yogurt sauce with cream and aromatic spices), Shahi Malai Kofta (homemade cheese stuffed in vegetable balls cooked in rich and creamy mildly spiced sauce), Rumali Roti (soft thin whole-wheat at bread), and Pista Kul (ice cream made with pistachio and almonds). This is a hands-on class! $39–1 SessionLocation: John Marshall–Rm 2-2077835.231 Sa Apr 10 9:30 AM-12:30 PMIndian Cooking Made Easy Ashwini will take the mystery out of Indian cooking. Recipes include: Aloo Gobi (cauliower and potatoes with fresh ginger, cumin seeds, and seasoning), Murgh Korma (tender pieces of chicken cooked with yogurt, herbs, and aromatic spices), Dal Makhani (black lentils and kidney beans cooked with cream, herbs, and spices), Jerra Rice (steamed basmati rice cooked with cumin seasoning), Puffed Poori (deep fried Indian wheat bread), and Masala Chai (Indian tea made with tea leaves and tea spice). This is a hands-on class!$39–1 SessionLocation: John Marshall–Rm 2-2077831.231 Sa May 1 9:30 AM-12:30 PM17= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
Get HealthyChef Jen Welper received her culinary arts degree at Johnson & Wales University, Providence, RI. She loves to teach as much as she loves to cook, and as the Executive Wellness Chef at the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program, her passion is to change the way people think about “healthful” cooking.Culinary Creations with Chef Jen-Online Jen is known for creating recipes that pack a punch by using fresh avors and new combinations of accessible ingredients. Classes to choose from:February 2: Homemade pasta, pesto, and marinara sauce – Made from scratch pasta and two favorite sauces to toss our favorite fresh pasta in it! February 9: Valentine cookie – Make something sweet for your sweetie! Valentine sugar cookies decorated with royal icing.Supplies will need to be picked up at Northrop the day prior to class between 12-4 PM.$65–1 SessionLocation: OnlineHomemade pasta, pesto, and marinara sauce8266.031 Tu Feb 2 5:30-8 PMValentine cookie and royal icing decorating8266.032 Tu Feb 9 5:30-8 PMCulinary Creations with Chef Jen Jen is known for creating recipes that pack a punch by using fresh avors and new combinations of accessible ingredients. Join her for hands-on baking and cooking lessons where she will teach several different recipes. Classes to choose from:March 9: Dinner rolls, sweet rolls and ciabatta rolls.April 1: Easter cookie decorating. Easter themed cookie cutouts with homemade buttercream and piping techniques.$65–1 SessionLocation: John Marshall–Rm 2-207Dinner rolls, sweet rolls and ciabatta rolls8265.231 Tu Mar 9 5:30-8 PMEaster cookie decorating8265.232 Th Apr 1 5:30-8 PMHigh Tea Anyone?Come and experience this complete three-course tea with sandwiches, scones, sweets, and a dessert nale. High Tea is a misnomer, it originates from eating at a high dining table rather than a low tea table. The English ceremony of afternoon tea dates back to the 1840s as a way to ward off inevitable hunger before dinner. It is less a working class meal and more of an event and has become an elegant affair served in many restaurants and hotels across the world. Diane Wrobleski is a nurse and has presented to many groups on the topic of High Tea.$25–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 1127843.231 Tu Mar 23 7-9 PMSimple Salads Are you looking for some new salad ideas for spring? Join Kathy, Hy-Vee South Dietitian, for this salad-inspiring session. In this class, we will prepare and sample four delicious salads together, including a Strawberry Salad, Fruity Walnut Salad, Grape Salad with Feta and Olives, and Apple Cashew Salad. This class is hands-on. Recipes will be included along with tips for salads and homemade dressings. Kathy Hamlin, is a Registered Dietitian who is passionate about food and nutrition and helping people live a healthier and happier life!$25–1 SessionLocation: Hy-Vee South7854.231 W May 19 5:30-6:30 PMPreserving the Harvest-Online This beginner’s class covers topics of cold storage, freezing, dehydrating, and canning. Upon completion of this class, students will: understand how to safely store food in a variety of ways; be able to choose a food preservation method tting the food type and intended use; know how to choose a dehydrator, blancher, canner, and other tools for food preservation; and have a list of food items they can begin preserving right away. Sarah Hansen grew up in the country, learning life skills such as gardening, butchering, preserving, cooking, and living naturally.$29–1 SessionLocation: Online7840.032 M Apr 12 5:30-9:30 PMExpand Your CookingAdult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class18
Get CenteredDeah Kinion is a certied End of Life Doula and identies as a death educator and speaks on a variety of end of life topics (Advanced Directives, home funeral doula support, green burials).MortaliTea: Let’s Talk about It!-Online We’re mortal, let’s talk about it, maybe with a nice cuppa tea, because living and dying matter. We’ll have conversations to help reduce fear, shame, and avoidance associated with death, and offer opportunities to increase preparedness and peace of mind. Embracing our mortality, we may increase its transformative power to cultivate love, forgiveness and compassion in our daily lives. $9–1 Session Location: Online8168.031 W Mar 3 6:30-7:30 PMWhat is an End of Life Doula/Midwife?-Online You will learn how End-of-life Doulas/Midwives are trained. These Doulas/Midwives become non-medical caregivers who provide holistic, personalized care to dying individuals and their families. Their services include community resources, education, emotional support, and household assistance. Deah Kinion, Certied End of Life Doula has earned a prociency badge from the National End-of-Life Doula Alliance (NEDA). The new Prociency Assessment establishes a strong foundation of knowledge, integrity, and skill in the eld.$12–1 Session Location: Online8160.031 M May 17 6:30-8 PMHypnosis: Weight Loss, Stop Smoking, Vaping and Chewing Tobacco Hypnosis can help you control your eating habits. It will help you stop the constant thinking of food, overeating, and snacking. You will learn to desire the right foods, push your plate away when full, and motivate yourself to exercise. If tobacco is controlling your life and you are ready to quit, hypnosis can help you stop smoking or chewing tobacco without withdrawal, cravings, or gaining weight. Hypnosis is very relaxing, and you will be fully aware and conscious at all times. Bring a pillow, blanket, or bean bag for your comfort. Fee includes session, reinforcement CD, and card to attend other sessions free.(Check-in at 6 PM followed immediately by Introduction for both Weight Loss and Stop Smoking clients; 6:30-8 PM--Weight Loss Hypnosis; 8-8:45 PM--Stop Smoking Hypnosis). Go to www.hypnosisclinic.net to access most commonly asked questions about hypnosis.Lifetime member program is suspended due to COVID-19. Dr. Mary Fischer has 30 years of experience teaching hypnosis classes and holds 6 certicates in hypnosis.Location: Northrop–Rm 102$59–1 SessionWeight Loss8144.231 Tu Apr 6 6-9 PMStop Smoking, Vaping, Chewing Tobacco8144.232 Tu Apr 6 6-9 PM$118–1 SessionCombined Tobacco and Weight Loss8144.233 Tu Apr 6 6-9 PMEssential Oils for Winter WellnessEssential oils are a great way to keep us healthy during this time of year. This class will feature several immune boosting ideas using essential oils. Each attendee will be making a wellness roller, chest and foot rub, and a foaming hand soap using Young Living Essential Oils®. A $20 supply fee will be collected. Jana Pecinovsky has become passionate about teaching others about wellness and toxic free living through pure essential oils. Danielle Webb is a full-time childcare provider during the day, but her real passion is in education and teaching others the wonderful benets of essential oils, and how oils can help us to live a clean, toxic free life.$12–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 1098175.131 Th Mar 18 6:30-8 PMGet Healthy19= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
Get HealthyJanice Novak MS has a master’s degree in Health and Physical Education. She is an internationally acclaimed bestselling author, speaker, and wellness consultant who teaches workshops and seminars. Overcome Your Carbohydrate Cravings-Online Ever had a day where you can’t stop eating? Do you crave starches, snack foods, and sweets and nd the more you eat, the more you want to eat? Is your snacking out of control? In this workshop, we will discuss a two week plan that will STOP your cravings (no kidding!), help you lose weight and help keep your insulin levels balanced. Overcoming carb cravings is not a matter of willpower but a matter of biology. Learn how you can stop the vicious cycle of food craving and weight gain. No hype – just the facts. $29–1 SessionLocation: Online8249.031 Th Jan 28 6-7:30 PMMetabolism Boosters and Busters!-Online In the past you probably could drop weight by cutting back on calories or exercising a bit more. But then suddenly the scale stops moving and you just can’t seem to lose weight. THE GOOD NEWS - You could lose up to 20 pounds in a year – without eating less. Just by revving up your metabolism, you can burn more calories every day, lose fat, boost energy, feel stronger and more t. In this class, you will learn 20 SIMPLE things you can do every day to boost your metabolism and burn as much as 30% more calories every day. $29–1 SessionLocation: Online8222.031 Th Feb 11 6-7:30 PMJust Breathe! Techniques to Calm, Center & Focus-Online Breathing in specic ways can have amazing and powerful healing benets. In this workshop, you will learn ancient breathing exercises that will improve energy levels, neutralize stress, increase focus and calm, decrease depression and anxiety, and actually help strengthen your back and abs from the inside out. The simplest and most powerful techniques for optimum health of mind and body are absolutely free and literally right under your nose. $29–1 SessionLocation: Online8193.031 Tu Mar 23 6-7:30 PMMudras: The Ancient Art of Hand Yoga-Online Mudras, or ‘yoga of the hands’ has been recognized for centuries as a simple yet effective healing tool. In ancient India, mudras were believed to be the key to spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing and that regular practice of the hand positions can rejuvenate body and mind. The hand positions are easy to do, take minutes to perform and can be done almost anywhere at any time. Mudras can also be used to help relieve numerous conditions such as anxiety, stress, digestive issues, weight loss, bloating, insomnia and so many more.$29–1 SessionLocation: Online8197.031 Tu Apr 27 6-7:30 PMAvoid the Pitfalls and Weight Gain of Perimenopause/Menopause-Online Perimenopause starts around the age of 35 for most women and can last 10-15 years. Common symptoms include fatigue, mood swings, weight gain, water retention, depression, sleep disturbances, joint aches, hot ashes, migraines, broids, exaggerated PMS and more. Once you understand exactly what is causing all the troublesome symptoms, they are much easier to correct. You will leave with multiple tools and techniques for restoring health and well-being.$29–1 SessionLocation: Online8191.031 M May 10 6-7:30 PMGet HealthyAdult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class20
Get CenteredGet CenteredKatherine Donahoe has been involved in the healthcare eld since 1980, has focused on holistic health since 1996, and has taught for Community Education more than 15 years. Emotional Freedom Technique: A Natural Healing Aid Experience this technique based on new discoveries regarding the connection between your body’s subtle energies, your emotions, and your health. It has been reported to be successful in thousands of cases covering a huge range of emotional, health, and performance issues. This is an easy to learn, natural healing aid you can use for almost anything, anytime. It is based on the work of founder Gary Craig. Bring water.$19–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 3068154.231 Tu Mar 23 6:30-8:30 PMReexology: Experience the Benets! Learn how all of your body is mapped on your feet and hands. Experience the benecial relaxing effect of reexology. $15–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 3068149.231 Th Apr 8 6:30-8 PMT’ai Chi Chih–Beginning Circulate and balance the energy or “Chi” in your body! T’ai Chi Chih is a series of 19 slow, gentle movements and one pose. It is not an exercise program, a martial art, or a religion, but rather a form of moving meditation with benets for body, mind, and spirit. It is easily learned, requires very little practice space, no special clothing, and can be done by anyone regardless of age or physical condition. While benets vary with the individual, many people report improved balance and exibility; improvement in chronic problems such as blood pressure, arthritis, and bromyalgia; and reduced stress with an overall sense of well-being and joy. Judy Trousdell has been an accredited T’ai Chi Chih instructor since 2009. She has enjoyed sharing this wonderful moving meditation with others since it has been of great help in her own life with stress, balance, exibility, and peace of mind.$59–8 Sessions Location: Northrop–Rm 1029128.133 Tu, F Apr 20–May 14 1:30-3 PMT’ai Chi Chih–Continuing-Online Rene the T’ai Chi Chih movements you learned in the beginning class and increase your understanding of the theory and purpose of T’ai Chi Chih practice. Each session will include detailed work on each movement: “how to move” rather than “what to move,” a more in-depth explanation of the history and theory behind T’ai Chi Chih practice, and a full practice session. Prerequisite: Beginning T’ai Chi Chih. Bonnie Sokolov began studying T’ai Chi and Qigong in 1998, and became a certied T’ai Chi Chih instructor in 2001 and in 2011 she completed training to be an instructor of Master Yang’s Evidence-Based T’ai Chi and Qigong.$59–8 Sessions Location: Online9132.031 M Feb 1–Apr 5Skip: Feb 15 & Mar 296:30-8 PMCE WEATHERLINEFor weather-related announcements, call 507-328-4010.See page 46 for more information.21= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
Get CenteredCatherine Park began yoga more than 30 years ago and loves teaching her passions of yoga and art. Yoga for Seniors: Change the Way You Feel! Suffer from aches and pains? Feel down? Blame it on getting older? Discover how you can change the way you feel physically and mentally by learning simple breathing techniques and stretches that will improve your overall well-being. Don’t let the lack of exibility keep you from participating. There will be chairs available for those who need them. Yoga builds strength, increases circulation, and oxygenation. Wear comfortable clothes. Wheelchair participants are welcome. Bring a blanket or towel. $59–12 Sessions Location: Northrop–Rm 1029140.231 M, W Apr 5–May 12 9:30-10:30 AMYoga I: Be Calm and Peaceful Exercise every part of your body with stretching and toning of muscles, joints, and the entire skeletal system. Yoga is a complete science of life, originating in India thousands of years ago. With special yoga breathing, your body releases a vast amount of energy and leaves you calm and peaceful, and able to manage daily stress easily. Bring a yoga mat and a blanket. $49–6 Sessions Location: Northrop–Rm 1029134.231 Th Apr 8–May 13 6-7:30 PMHealthy Breathing Do you breathe correctly? That means we breathe naturally, deeply, slowly, and smoothly through our nostrils. Typically we don’t pay attention to how we breathe. Our biggest problem is that we don’t get sufcient air in that we need to clean our lungs and bloodstream to have a healthy body and clarity of our mind and brain. We will practice paying attention to how we breathe, and learn healthy and sufcient ways to bring in fresh air to maximize energy and clean our body and brain to prevent memory loss. $29–4 Sessions Location: Northrop–Rm 1029153.231 Th Apr 8–29 7:45-8:45 PMJill Gruver, RYT is a certied yoga teacher with 500+ hours of training and has taught yoga since 2014.Introduction to Yoga: Increase Strength, Flexibility, Balance This class is suited to the beginner. The focus will be on strength, exibility, and balance. You will learn basic yoga, covering 30+ poses with an emphasis on safety, proper alignment, modications, and breath. The history and philosophy of yoga will be discussed. Bring a yoga mat and towel.$89–12 Sessions Location: Northrop–Rm 1029138.231 Tu, Th Apr 27–Jun 3 8:30-10 AMThe Healing Practice of Meditation Meditation offers tremendous benets to our everyday lives. Research suggests that it can help increase the ability to focus, reduce stress, improve emotional regulation, manage anxiety and depression, ease pain, boost immune function, improve memory, increase self-awareness, and give an overall sense of peace. Discover what meditation is all about, how to prepare for it, and learn about the many forms of this healing practice. Each class will include lecture and meditation practice. Students may remain seated or move to the oor. Wear comfortable clothing. Bring a bath towel or blanket. $49–5 Sessions Location: Northrop–Rm 1029131.231 Tu Apr 27–May 25 6:30-8 PMAn Introduction to Reiki Reiki is an alternative therapy that uses gentle touch to help the individual relax, enabling the body systems to move into a state of balance and harmony. It is gaining popularity as a standalone alternative therapy or in conjunction with other treatment modalities. We will discuss the origins of Reiki, energy principles in relation to Reiki, and the tenets of living a Reiki life. Participants will also have the opportunity to experience ve minutes of hands-on Reiki healing. Sister Seekers mission is to work together for the purpose of improving the world through teaching, healing, retreats, space clearing, and ceremony. Its founders; Diane Anderson, Donna Magtibay, and Marie Neher are all Reiki Master Teachers and Shamanic Practitioners.$15–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 2018169.231 W Apr 28 6:30-8 PMAdult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class22
Groove and MovePilates Fitness: Look Better, Feel Better, Be Better-Online You can look better, feel better, and be better. Classical Pilates and Pilates-based exercises will help you accomplish this. The class focus is Pilates-based exercises that will strengthen your core muscles, improve your posture, and enable you to have healthy movement patterns. The overall goal is for you to learn several exercises but also feel relaxed, have fun, and possibly begin a life’s journey that will make you look better, feel better, and be better! Students should dress in loose, nonrestrictive clothing and bring a yoga mat or blanket. Jennifer Schimek has been a personal trainer since 2007 and a group tness instructor since 2012 and is currently certied through AFAA (Athletics & Fitness Association of America). Jen is great at nding ways to make workouts fun while challenging her clients to breakthrough any barriers and plateaus.$60–12 Sessions Location: Online9110.031 M, W Jan 25–Mar 15Skip: Feb 15, Mar 1 & 35:30-6:30 PM9110.032 M, W Mar 22–May 5Skip: Mar 29 & 315:15-6:15 PMVolleyball–Intermediate Join us for an evening of volleyball. Supervision only, no instruction. Mark Armbruster has been supervising volleyball for more than 10 years.$36–12 SessionsLocation: Willow Creek–Gym9136.231 M Mar 1–May 24Skip: Mar 296:30-8:30 PMRhoda Lichy is a member of the Blue Lotus, Crystal Phoenix Belly Dance, and coordinator of the Rochester Middle Eastern Dance Ensemble. She is certied through ACE as a group tness instructor.Cabaret Style Belly Dance - Level 1-Online Come explore the beautiful and ancient art of Middle Eastern dance, more commonly referred to as “belly dance.” This dance form focuses on movements of the torso embellished by beautiful arms and light footwork. Basic moves will be taught and then incorporated into simple choreography which you can show off to family and friends! Ideal for women of all ages, shapes, and sizes. Wear comfortable workout clothes.$45–6 Sessions Location: Online9075.035 M Jan 25–Mar 1 6:30-7:45 PM9075.036 F Jan 29–Mar 5 10-11:15 AM9075.037 M Mar 15–Apr 26Skip: Mar 296:30-7:45 PMCabaret Style Belly Dance - Level 2-Online Continue on skills learned in Level 1 Cabaret Belly Dance. Level 2 will introduce new moves at a faster pace, layering, and veil work will be added. Requirement: at least 2 sessions of Level 1 or equivalent. Ideal for women of all ages, shapes, and sizes. Wear comfortable workout clothes.$45–6 Sessions Location: Online9077.031 F Jan 29–Mar 5 10-11:15 AM9077.032 F Mar 19–Apr 30Skip: Apr 210-11:15 AM23= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
Groove and MoveZumba with Ron! Zumba is a total workout, combining all the elements of tness - cardio, muscle conditioning, balance, exibility, boosted energy, and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class. Come ready to sweat and prepare to leave empowered and feeling strong. Bring water and comfortable shoes with minimal tread. Ron McCargar is a licensed Zumba® Fitness instructor and is certied AFAA group tness instructor with a passion for helping others improve their lives through tness. He carries CPR/AED certication.$30–6 Sessions Location: Sunset Terrace–Gym9072.231 M Mar 15–Apr 26Skip: Mar 296:30-7:30 PM9072.232 Th Apr 8–May 13 6:30-7:30 PMSteven Halter has been fencing for 38 years and teaching fencing in Rochester for more than 25 years.Adult Fencing - Beginning Your Lifetime Sport Want to learn a competitive lifetime sport? Fencing is for you! This is an opportunity for you to master the skills and techniques at your own pace, as well as prepare for competition in USFA tournaments. Commitment and dedication are the only requirements! We look forward to helping you develop your skills to succeed and excel in this exciting life sport. All fencing equipment is provided.$99–11 SessionsLocation: John Adams–Gym 29126.231 Th Mar 4–May 20Skip: Apr 17-9 PMOpen FencingContinue to master your skills and techniques in preparation for the USFA tournament competition or for your own enjoyment. This class is the follow-up to the Adult Beginner Fencing class. You are required to acquire your own fencing equipment or pay an additional $20 equipment fee on the rst day of class. Assistance with ordering equipment will be available at the rst class. $40–8 SessionsLocation: John Adams–Gym 29127.231 Th Mar 4–Apr 29Skip: Apr 17-9 PMSuzanne Szucs has been an ATS® dancer since 2012 and is the co-founder of Antares Tribal Performance Troupe. She is a practicing artist and teaches in the Art + Design program at RCTC.FatChanceBellyDance®Style - Level 1 FatChanceBellyDance®Style (formerly called ATS®) is an improvisational style of dance inspired by Middle Eastern and other Folkloric dance movements. Developed by FatChanceBellyDance in San Francisco, FCBD consists of a movement vocabulary that allows dancers to perform together without choreography. This beginning course will teach the basics of the dance, including dance posture and body consciousness, level one FCBD movements, formations and improvisation. Physical demands will be moderate and self-paced. The course is open to women and men, 16 years or older. Students and instructor will be required to wear face masks while in class together.$72–8 Sessions Location: Northrop9067.231 W Mar 17–May 12Skip: Mar 31 6-7 PM Rm 2109067.232 W Jun 2–Jul 21 6-7 PM Rm 102FatChanceBellyDance®Style - Level 2 FCBD Style Level 2 will expand upon the dance vocabulary learned in Level 1. The emphasis will be on learning intermediate moves, dancing in formation, including variations, and learning combinations of moves. Students should have taken at least two sessions of FCBD Style Level 1 or by permission of the instructor. Physical demands will be moderate and self-paced. Students and instructor will be required to wear face masks while in class together. Location: Northrop $39–8 Sessions 9068.231 W Mar 17–May 12Skip: Mar 317:05-7:35 PM Rm 210$72–8 Sessions 9068.232 W Jun 2–Jul 21 7:05-8:05 PM Rm 102Adult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class24
Tech SavvyAquatic Workouts Dance your way to a healthier you! This fun workout in the warm water pool is excellent for increasing agility and cardio capacity while being easy on the joints. Participants perform large muscle movements by reaching your arms and lifting your legs in the water, as well as circling your hips and shoulders, to the music. This class is designed for anyone who can follow instructions and manage being in the water. Megan Shelley & Katie Miller $75–8 SessionsLocation: 125 LIVE Fitness StudioAqua Zumba7217.231 M Mar 8–Apr 26 8-8:45 PMAqua Aerobics7217.232 Th Apr 8–May 27 8-8:45 PMBoxing 101Rochester’s own Raphael Butler is sharing the amazing wellness benets of boxing conditioning at 125 LIVE. Varied intensity boxing tness program with strike training with cardiovascular and strength conditioning. Due to COVID-19-19 preparedness protocols, all boxers must bring their own gloves. Gloves available for purchase at 125 LIVE as well. Raphael Butler$65–6 SessionsLocation: 125 LIVE Fitness Studio7225.231 Tu Mar 23–Apr 27 5:30-6:15 PMRock Steady We will be performing exercises largely adapted from boxing drills that are focused on conditioning for optimal agility, speed, muscular endurance, accuracy, hand-eye coordination, footwork and overall strength to defend against and overcome opponents. Due to COVID-19 preparedness protocols, all boxers must bring their own gloves. Gloves available for purchase at 125 LIVE as well. 125 LIVE Staff $65–6 SessionsLocation: 125 LIVE Fitness Studio7227.231 Th May 6–Jun 10 5:30-6:15 PMS.O.S. Simplify-Organize-Share Photos and Videos Worth Saving!-Online Overwhelmed with your photos, videos, or digital les? During this educational workshop, you will learn how to use a simple photo system and get hands-on help as you begin to organize, tag, or tell stories using 10-20 of your own digital photos. Get the scoop about cloud storage and learn how to save photos and les from your devices. Do you or your parents have boxes of kids’ artwork, slides, VHS tapes, cassettes, or photo albums? You’ll learn options for those, too. See how easy it is to share or nd your photos and stories in seconds. Have 10-20 photos ready on your phone/iPad/laptop or tablet. Amy Storch is a personal photo coach with a heart for helping individuals, organizations, and families as they simplify their photos, digital life, and stories. She uses an interactive approach to learning through her educational hands-on workshops and classes.$19–1 SessionLocation: Online7576.031 M Feb 22 6-8 PMExcel® - Make Your Tasks a Snap!Make your budgeting, tax planning, and other business tasks a snap. You will practice building, editing, and formatting spreadsheets. The database and charting feature will be introduced. Topics include ltering, consolidating spreadsheets, multiple sheets within a workbook, pivot tables, and absolute cell references. This class is intended for users with little or no Excel experience but students must have a working knowledge of Windows®. Bring your laptop. This is not an Apple based class. Jim Miner has been teaching Business Education for 57 years at the Junior High, Senior High, Community College, 4-year College and Community Education Class levels. $72–3 Sessions Location: Northrop–Rm 3167447.231 W Apr 21–May 5 9 AM-12 PMCE WEATHERLINEFor weather-related announcements, call 507-328-4010.See page 46 for more information.25= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
Learn a Language“German for Anfänger”–German for Beginners-Online The focus of this class is good pronunciation, basic travel vocabulary, and grammar. Both listening and reading comprehension will be tackled by the instructor who is a native of Germany and offers insights into Germany’s culture and history. Internet access preferred for supplemental online learning. Sandra Tischer was born and raised in Germany and moved to Rochester in 2012, where she has been working as a middle school math teacher. She has a German teaching degree for both math and history.$79–12 SessionsLocation: Online7300.032 M Feb 1–Apr 26Skip: Mar 296-7:30 PMAmerican Sign Language Want to learn basic American Sign Language skills for communicating with deaf and hard of hearing people? Expressive and receptive skills will be developed in vocabulary, nger spelling, and number concepts. Storytelling concepts, as well as translating music, will be added to this class. Focus will be on the use of ASL signs and concepts following English word order. No textbook required, handouts will be provided. Rebecca Wulff received her American Sign Language degree in 1998 and has experience working throughout the Rochester area. She’s passionate about signing and the communication it can support with the deaf members of our community.$69–6 SessionsLocation: Northrop–Rm 1097391.231 M Apr 12–May 17 6-8 PMAlice Hidalgo, who graduated from Luther College with a BA in Spanish, has taught Spanish for over 35 years with Rochester Community Education.Spanish I Emphasis will be on good pronunciation, learning basic vocabulary, grammar, and conversation. The following book is required: “DIMELO TU, Fifth Edition” (not with the workbook, and CDs are not necessary). The 2006 or 2007 edition is the green textbook. Note: the instructor has some textbooks available for purchase for $20. Call Alice with any questions at 507-282-2926.$95–12 SessionsLocation: Northrop–Rm 316 & Rm 3087383.231 W Mar 3–May 26Skip: Mar 311-3 PM7383.232 W Mar 3–May 26Skip: Mar 316-8 PMSpanish IV This class is offered to those students who have completed Spanish III or those who are familiar with the preterit tense. After reviewing, we will begin with Chapter 12 in the same textbook. If you are a new student, call Alice at 507-282-2926. The following book is required: “DIMELO TU, Fifth Edition” (NOT with the workbook, and CDs are not necessary.) The 2006 or 2007 edition is the green textbook. Note: the instructor has some textbooks available for purchase for $20.$99–12 SessionsLocation: Northrop–Rm 2017386.231 Tu Mar 2–May 25Skip: Mar 306-8 PMAdult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class26
Manage Your MoneyBrenda Schultz is an independent funeral pre-planning consultant, who helps educate clients on options and cost saving ideas ahead of time, no matter which funeral home you use. www.thefuneralady.comHelp! Preparing for the Unexpected Before It Happens-Online With rising costs in Elder Care, this is an important class to attend! Join Brenda Schultz, the Funeral Lady. Learn about how the state can take your home, ways to avoid it, and the legal options to spend down and preserve your assets. Get information on how to pre-plan your funeral and the legal options to purchasing a protected funeral plan. $10–1 Session Location: Online7214.031 W Feb 17 10-11 AMWhat’s New in Funeral Planning? In this class, Brenda will explain the basics in funeral planning, what the laws and requirements are, how to protect money for your funeral, how to know what you are buying, and how to read a funeral price list. Brenda offers FREE planning guides and she will help you complete the guide. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and educate yourself on this process to make this event easier on your loved ones.$9–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 3087212.231 W Apr 14 10-11 AMAre You Protected? What Can They Take Out of Your Wallet?Brenda will share the latest medical assistance and techniques to preserve your assets. No Fee–Registration Required–1 SessionLocation: Northrop7215.231 Th Apr 22 10-11:30 AM Rm 3087215.232 W May 5 6-7:30 PM Rm 201Cindy Sheppard is a local nancial advisor with Waddell & Reed, Inc., Member SIPC (10/20).Filing for Social Security: Choices for your Retirement Income-Online Social Security is the foundation of retirement security for many Americans. It is our country’s single largest federal program and currently helps to support 67 million individuals. Yet only 13% of clients say their nancial advisor has provided advice on how to handle this critical benet. 67% of future retirees incorrectly identied the age at which they are eligible for full Social Security Benets. $12–1 Session Location: Online7236.031 Tu Mar 23 6:30-8 PMGirls Just Wanna Have Funds: Start an Effective Investment Plan!-Online Investment Fundamentals provides inexperienced investors with basic information that can help them start an effective investment program. Workshop participants will hear about ve investing strategies to begin investing. If you’ve been afraid to ask questions or don’t know the questions to ask about investing, this is the workshop for you! Waddell & Reed is not afliated with Community Education. Neither Cindy Sheppard nor Waddell & Reed will receive any funds for this event. This event is for informational purposes only and is not meant as investment advice or a recommendation to engage in any investment or nancial strategy. Consult with a professional regarding your personal situation. $12–1 Session Location: Online7234.031 Tu Jan 26 6:30-8 PM27= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
Manage Your MoneyClaire Langton-Yanowitz is an attorney at the Yanowitz Law Firm, PLLC. Her practice focuses on estate planning, probate, and trust administration. www.yanowitzlaw.com A Snowbird’s Guide to Residency-Online Claire explains the rules regarding income tax residency and estate tax residency. She will describe who needs to le income taxes in Minnesota and the factors the government considers when determining if an estate needs to le an estate tax return in Minnesota. Her presentation will also cover rules for non-residents who own real estate in Minnesota. $9–1 Session Location: Online7226.032 M Mar 8 6-7 PMEstate Planning: Reduce Income, Estate, and Gift Taxes-Online Claire will discuss techniques to reduce income, estate, and gift taxes. She will discuss how to pass property to a spouse and future generations to reduce estate taxes. Claire will explain who an individual should name as beneciaries of IRAs to reduce income tax. Also, she will outline when an individual has to le a gift tax return and how to maximize gifts to charity and family members.$12–1 Session Location: Online7225.032 M Apr 12 6-7:30 PMHow to Title Your Property: Strategies to Avoid Probate and Protect Yourself-Online Discussion will include strategies to transfer property at a loved one’s passing without going through probate. Claire will outline various alternatives including revocable living trusts, payable on death designations, and transfer on death deeds. We will discuss common mistakes people make in estate planning. This seminar will also examine techniques to pass down the family farm and cabin, safeguard property from divorce, lawsuits, bankruptcy, and how to provide for a disabled family member. $12–1 Session Location: Online7222.032 Tu Apr 13 6-7:30 PMPassing Down the Farm, Small Business, or Family Cabin-Online Claire will discuss estate planning techniques to pass the cabin, farm, or business to the next generation. She will contrast the advantages and disadvantages of inheriting jointly, setting up a limited liability company or distributing property through a trust. She will describe the benets of having a buy-sell agreement and techniques to ensure property stays in the family. $12–1 Session Location: Online7227.032 Th Apr 29 6-7:30 PMThe Legalities When a Loved One Passes-Online What happens when a loved one passes away? Claire will describe how probate, a court proceeding that distributes a loved one’s property at death, works. She will also outline how to pass property at death without getting a court involved. Her presentation will cover how to title property to reduce taxes and the difference between a will and a revocable trust.$12–1 Session Location: Online7223.032 M May 3 6-7:30 PMAdult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class28
Manage Your MoneyColin Aldis has worked for the past 22 years with Thrivent as a Financial Consultant. He is a Retirement Income Certied Professional and his primary duties include helping pre-retirees retire fearlessly! www.Thrivent.comSavvy Social Security Planning-Online Careful planning can help you get the most out of your Social Security benets. This workshop will help you determine the ideal time to apply and answer your big questions, such as: How is my benet calculated? When may I begin receiving benets? What if I apply early? How are benets taxed? What’s the best strategy for me? $9–1 Session Location: Online7130.032 Th Apr 1 5:30-6:30 PMSecuring and Preserving your Retirement Strategy-Online Will I have enough to retire? Will my retirement income last? Are my assets protected? Learn how to manage key risks all retirees face: outliving their income, ination, unpredictable events, market volatility, income taxes, and rising healthcare costs. Turn retirement concerns into condence.$9–1 Session Location: Online7230.033 Th Apr 29 5:30-6:30 PMLearn the Basics of Investing-Online You will learn terms and language easily understood in the following topics: saving and investing wisely; types of investments; stocks, bonds, cash; investing through mutual funds and EFTs; asset allocation; and balancing your risk and return. Eric Funk, CCPS, CIMA, FIC is responsible for maintaining ongoing nancial relationships with members, providing nancial guidance that connects faith and nances and helps members make wise money decisions, live generously, and change lives. www.Thrivent.com$12–1 Session Location: Online7229.032 Th Mar 4 5:30-6:30 PMThe link for your Zoom class along with a password, will be sent to you in the Course Reminder email 2 days prior to the class start, as well as any handouts for the class.The link for your Google Meet class along with a password, will be sent to you in the Course Reminder email 2 days prior to the class start, as well as any handouts for the class. Rochester Community Education offers classes to the public for the purpose of information, instruction, education, enlightenment, and example only. Classes are not to be construed as endorsement or investment recommendations from the individual instructor, their business, or Rochester Community Education.29= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
Manage Your MoneyJacob Thompson CLTC, currently a Thrivent Financial Professional, is a former high school teacher who has been with Thrivent for four years. He will share his experience in designing retirement plans. www.Thrivent.comIncome Taxes and Retirement-Online With the recent changes, taxes seem to be on everyone’s mind. This workshop helps attendees to see how the decisions they make in preparing for retirement can affect their income taxes. Attendees will learn about the nancial impacts they may face and how to make decisions that are right for them. This workshop has been updated with information relating to the 2017 tax changes.$10–1 Session Location: Online7165.132 W Jan 20 7-8 PMSocial Security: Timing is Everything-Online Making the most of Social Security is all about timing. When is the best time to apply for benets,the best time to stop working, the best time to take withdrawals from 401(k)s and IRAs? Learn how you can determine the timing that’s right for you! $10–1 Session Location: Online7145.033 M Feb 1 7-8 PMWill Your Taxes Affect Your Retirement?-Online It’s critical to have a solid understanding of the tax status of investments to make informed decisions and avoid paying more than the fair share. In this seminar, attendees learn how future tax changes may create the potential for higher taxes, ways to create tax-free retirement income, how Social Security is taxed and how to work efciently within current tax brackets. $10–1 Session Location: Online7165.033 W Feb 10 7-8 PMMedicare 101-Online The lessons in this workshop provide an overview of Medicare Program basics including Part A (Hospital Insurance), Part B (Medical Insurance), Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) policies, Medicare Advantage (MA) Plans, Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage), the Health Insurance Marketplace, Medicaid, other programs to help people with limited income and resources, and related resources. This training module was developed and approved by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the federal agency that administers Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Health Insurance Marketplace. $10–1 Session Location: Online7166.031 W Feb 17 7-8 PMFinancial Aid 101-Online Take the rst step on your college journey. College-bound students and their families will understand the basics of nancial aid options, eligibility, and how to apply. $10–1 Session Location: Online7167.031 M Feb 22 7-8 PMAdult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class30
Manage Your MoneyJennifer Charlson is an Edward Jones nancial advisor who believes it’s important to invest her time to understand what you’re working toward before you invest your money. www.edwardjones.comWhat Happens After the Paychecks Stop?-Online Examine how to budget for retirement expenses, potential sources of retirement income and potential risks such as LTC and health care costs. $9–1 Session Location: Online7202.031 Th Mar 25 6:30-7:30 PMSocial Security: Your Questions AnsweredSocial Security likely will be the foundation of your retirement income. Before you retire, it’s important to understand your options regarding Social Security and the impact your decisions have on your retirement. We’ll discuss how Social Security ts into your retirement income plan, when you should start taking benets, and tax considerations. $12–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 3167153.231 M Apr 5 6:30-8 PMHealth Care and Your RetirementDiscover the potential impact of rising health care costs on your retirement savings. Discussion will include an introduction of Medicare coverage and cost, long-term care cost, and available options for supplemental health care and long-term care insurance. $9–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 3167207.231 Th Apr 22 6:30-7:30 PMMaking Your Retirement Money Last Learn about some of the considerations/tradeoffs when developing a withdrawal strategy -- work longer, spend less and delay social security. Learn ways to plan for expected and unexpected expenses with insurance. $12–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 2017169.231 Th May 6 6:30-8 PMOutsmart the Scammers This presentation will help investors and seniors understand the identity risks they are exposed to and how to proactively protect themselves. $12–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 3087171.231 Th May 13 6:30-8 PMTax-Free Investing: It’s Not What You Make, It’s What You Keep! This will be an overview of tax-advantaged investments such as muni bonds (muni/UIT/mutual funds), IRAs (traditional/Roth/401k/403b), and/or life insurance. $12–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 3197168.231 M May 17 6:30-8 PMMedicare Basics: The ABCDs-Online Understand and make good choices if you are turning 65 or going on Medicare. Class will cover the various parts of Medicare - hospital, medical, and drug options. Topics include: original/traditional Medicare; Medicare supplements; Medicare advantage plans; prescription drug plans; preventive benets; Medicare savings programs; preventing fraud, waste, and abuse; and resources to help you make decisions. The instructor is a certied State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) Counselor with the Senior LinkAge Line®. Cosponsored with the SE MN Area Agency on Aging. Jerry Roberts has been a State Health Insurance Program Counselor since 2004. He’s lived in the Rochester area for more than 25 years.$12–1 Session Location: Online7204.031 W May 12 5:30-8 PM31= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
Manage Your MoneyWealth Building through Real Estate-Online Real estate is one of the number one ways to build wealth. Have you ever thought about a career in real estate? Are you someone who likes the idea of having unlimited income potential, exibility, and control over your own destiny? In this class, we walk you through what it takes to become a licensed Realtor and what the typical day in the life of a Realtor looks like. Laurie Mangen has worked in sales, marketing, and business development in Fortune 500 companies and start-ups in the U.S. and Singapore. She assisted in opening a Keller Williams Realty Market. www.lauriemangen.com$15–1 Session Location: Online7224.032 W Apr 21 9:30-11:30 AMGetting Started in Real Estate InvestingThere’s so much more to real estate investing than rental property and ipping houses; come learn more! Melissa will cover types of real estate investing, choosing your market, nancing your rst deal, and nding property worth your investment money. Class information will be presented with a heavy dose of stories from the trenches woven in! Melissa Gregg is a Minnesota licensed real estate agent with Keller Williams Premier Realty, a real estate investor who has sampled many niches and strategies, and a nancial coach. www.melissagregg.com$19–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 3167255.231 Th Apr 29 6:30-8:30 PMFuneral Service Options Paul will discuss the values of traditional funeral services, review current costs, disposition alternatives, governing rules, regulations, and setting up arrangements. This is an informative behind-the-scenes tour of a mortuary facility at a less stressful time in your life. This tour will include the crematorium, embalming room, and traditional funerals. If facilities are in full use, the class will be rescheduled for the following week. Call 507-289-3600 the day before class to conrm the meeting date. Paul Czaplewski is the owner and Funeral Director of Ranfranz and Vine Funeral Home. www.ranfranzandvinefh.com$15–1 Session Location: Ranfranz & Vine7205.231 Th Mar 4 6-8 PM7205.232 Tu Apr 27 6-8 PMLeeAnne Krusemark is a journalist, author, and owner of an award-winning public relations business for 20 years. Earn Extra Money Mystery Shopping-Online Have you seen ads telling you how to become a shopper, but only if you send them a lot of money? You do not have to pay to begin your new career in this exciting eld. You will learn how to sign up with many legitimate mystery shopping companies WITHOUT FEES, avoid the pitfalls and scams, create a required mystery shopping resume and prole, and take care of legalities and taxes regarding this income. $25–1 SessionLocation: Online7280.031 M Mar 29 6-7 PMExplore 250 Legitimate Home Business Ideas-Online Tired of working for someone else? Do you need to make more money? Turn your talents and hobbies into prots by starting a home business. Taught by a Chamber of Commerce Past President and award winning business owner, this is probably the most comprehensive business start up workshop you will ever nd. You will discover: more than 250 legitimate home business ideas, mandatory legal documentation, many ways to market your product/service and how to take tax deductions (this workshop included!) If you really want to succeed in a home business, this step-by-step session is a must! $39–1 SessionLocation: Online7281.031 M Mar 29 7-9 PMAdult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class32
Manage Your MoneyMake Money with a Virtual Assistant/Word Processing Business-Online If you can type, then you can make money at home using your computer. Having already learned all about home-based business success (participants must attend “Explore 250 Legitimate Home-Based Business Ideas”), you will then discover how and where to nd clients, 50 ways to advertise/market your services, effective home ofce equipment choices, and 100 ways to make money with a computer. There really is a need for your services, so learn to be your own boss, set your own hours, and make more money. $25–1 SessionLocation: Online7282.031 M Mar 29 9-10 PMSave Money with Extreme Couponing!-Online Learn how to save money every day with extreme couponing. Coupons are NOT just for groceries. The savings can add up to HUNDREDS or even THOUSANDS of dollars every year. This comprehensive workshop will teach you where to nd all different types of coupons, even for high ticket items, how to nd the best coupon apps and websites and how to match coupons with sales for maximum savings. This workshop is taught by someone who has used many couponing secrets to save thousands.$25–1 SessionLocation: Online7290.031 Th Apr 1 6-7 PM Monetize Websites, Blogs, and Social Media with Afliate Marketing-Online Earn a passive monthly income from selling other people’s products by placing a merchant-provided advertisement link on your site and get a commission for every sale, click or lead. Learn where to nd 1000+ free and low cost opportunities and how to avoid scams or links that won’t offer a benecial ROI (return on investment). Learn how to nd high, recurring, and second-tier commissions. You’ll also learn SEO secrets to increase your site’s ranking and visibility on search engines like Google.$25–1 SessionLocation: Online7291.031 Th Apr 1 7-8 PMAttorney William P. Volkmar’s law practice covers the areas of estate planning and administration, real estate, business, and taxes for clients throughout SE Minnesota. www.dunlaplaw.comKeeping the Cabin in the Family!-Online Keeping property in the family and avoiding problems requires a good plan and solid professional advice. Learn options and strategies for minimizing disputes and keeping a cabin or other family-owned property within the family. $15–1 Session Location: Online7216.031 Tu Feb 23 7-9 PMTrustee/Power of Attorney: Your Duties and Powers-Online Have you been or are you trying to decide who to appoint as a proxy decision maker? William will explain the duties and powers of trustees, persons given power of attorney, and conservators. He will discuss the differences among the various positions and update you on changes in the Guardianship Act. $15–1 Session Location: Online7211.032 Th Apr 22 9:30-11:30 AMWhat is a Personal Representative to Do?-Online Have you been appointed or are you trying to decide whom to appoint? William will explain the responsibilities of executors and take you through the steps of a typical probate proceeding. $15–1 Session Location: Online7210.031 Th Mar 4 9:30-11:30 AMWills or Trusts: How Assets Affect Estate Planning-Online Determine how to get your assets where you want them to go after you are no longer here. Bill will explain how your assets affect your estate planning and what to do about it.$15–1 Session Location: Online7200.033 Th Mar 4 1-3 PM7200.034 Th May 6 7-9 PM33= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
Spark Your CreativityBlacksmith BeginningCome to Historic Tunnel Mill for the annual beginning blacksmith classes. Basic blacksmith techniques will be taught: heating, drawing out materials, upsetting, bending, and twisting techniques in steel material. Students will start by making re tending tools and move on to spend time on special projects as desired. Contact Carol Adams at 507-289-4189 with questions. A $95 supply fee will be collected at class to cover all 3 weeks of projects. Dress for safety; please bring ear and eye protection and gloves. Dennis Timmerman took his introductory classes at Tunnel Mill and since then he has had the opportunity to develop skills at John C. Campbell Fork School in North Carolina, where he took additional classes in Blacksmithing. www.tunnelmillcrafts.com$25–3 Sessions Location: Tunnel Mill Crafts8391.231 M Apr 12–26 6:30-9:30 PM8391.232 Tu Apr 13–27 6:30-9:30 PMQuilt Retreat in the Country Come to Tunnel Mill for two lovely days in the country on a quilting retreat! Bring your sewing machine and quilting supplies. Spend two worry-free days cutting fabric, sewing or quilting in a large sewing room with individual tables, electricity and plenty of lighting. Iron and ironing boards provided. Enjoy leisurely meals on large deck. A $140 supply fee will be collected the rst afternoon of the retreat. Supply fee covers room and board. 5 meals furnished, other snacks and beverages provided. Fee includes dorm style housing (bedding included) upstairs in the mill. Cabins and gypsy wagons are available for an additional fee; call Carol at 507-289-4189 to reserve these accommodations. $25–1 Session Location: Tunnel Mill Crafts8444.231 F-Su May 21–23 Fri 4 PM-Sun 4 PMMark Grimes went on to set up his own blacksmith shop at his home in rural Pine Island, after taking classes at the North House Folk School in Northern Minnesota. Blacksmithing: Crafting the Tools of the TradeLearn to create your own blacksmithing tools while developing and expanding your skills at the forge. Course projects will include tongs and re tending tools. We will discuss forging, heat treatment, re types and more. Chisels and punches will be crafted as time allows. This class is appropriate for beginners and those interested in advancing their skills. Mark will provide all necessary equipment and supplies, plus snacks and beverages. You will need to wear/ bring: long pants, leather shoes (boots preferred), gloves, safety glasses, hearing protection, face mask, and your lunch. You may bring your own hammer/tools if you prefer. A $125 supply fee will be collected at the class. $19–1 Session Location: Homestead Arts Farm, Pine Island8394.231 Sa May 15 9 AM-5 PMIntroduction to the Forge This course will introduce students to the basic techniques of the blacksmith. If you are curious about forging and want to learn more, this course is for you. We will demonstrate skills then have you practice what you have learned. The course will discuss the history of blacksmithing, forging safety, re building and tending, and types of fuel. Hammering techniques will be discussed. Students will craft small items such as hooks and re pokers. Mark will provide all necessary equipment and supplies, plus snacks and beverages. You will need to wear/ bring: long pants, leather shoes (boots preferred), gloves, safety glasses, hearing protection, face mask, and your lunch. You may bring your own hammer/tools if you prefer. A $125 supply fee will be collected at the class. $19–1 Session Location: Homestead Arts Farm, Pine Island8393.231 Sa May 22 9 AM-5 PM8393.232 Sa Jun 19 9 AM-5 PMAdult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class34
Spark Your CreativityRailroad Spike Knife Railroad spikes serve many purposes in the world of blacksmithing, but now you can take it to the next level by making your own railroad spike knife! In this one day class, you will learn shop safety, twisting the handle, forging the blade, shaping, quenching, beveling, and putting on an edge. By the end of this class, each student will have completed their own railroad spike knife to take home. Mark will provide all necessary equipment and supplies, plus snacks and beverages. You will need to wear/bring: long pants, leather shoes (boots preferred), safety glasses, hearing protection, and lunch. You may bring your own hammer/tools if you prefer. A $125 supply fee will be collected. Prerequisite: Beginning Blacksmithing class. $20–1 Session Location: Homestead Arts Farm, Pine Island7170.231 Sa Jun 5 9 AM-5 PMAsian Brush Painting - Beginning and Continuing When executed with masterful technique, a single ink brushstroke is capable of conveying vitality, delicacy, and contemplation—the essence of Chinese philosophy and spirit. It is this “life force” or chi (pronounced chee) that the artist aspires to capture and express through brush painting. Unlike European-trained artists, those trained in traditional Chinese brush painting techniques do not try to create a realistic rendering of the external appearance of a subject, but instead seek to capture its inner spirit. The essence of the subject is retained in the artist’s imagination, and it is this image that is painted in a moment of spontaneous inspiration. It is thought to prevent dementia, promote longevity and good health. A $25 supply fee will be collected the rst night for all required supplies (2 brushes, ink, 60 sheets of rice paper). Catherine Park began studying Asian art over 30 years ago. She rst began learning under the well-known artist Mr. Lok Tok. Catherine still continues to take classes and workshops from many Asian artists.$65–4 Sessions Location: Northrop–Rm 112Beginning 7027.231 W Apr 7–28 6-8 PM$49–3 SessionsContinuing 7027.232 W May 5–19 6-8 PMDarlene Kelley has been teaching classes for the last 40 years. She loves to sew and wants to pass along the skills and enjoyment of sewing and creating.Polar Fleece Mittens Keep your hands toasty warm with these lined polar eece mittens. Bring your sewing machine, 1/2 yard polar eece fabric, thread to match, pins, scissors, fabric marker, 1/2 yard of 3/8 inch elastic. $19–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 3167505.231 Tu Mar 9 5:30-7:30 PMSerge a Bow Tie Quilt Top Use your serger to piece a colorful quilt top! The 4-thread serger seam creates a strong and nished seam to keep fabric pieces from coming apart. Supplies and preparation needed to be completed prior to class is available in the online class description. Bring your own serger.$39–2 Sessions Location: Northrop–Rm 1027508.231 Tu Mar 16–23 5:30-7:30 PMBeginner Adult Sewing Instruction Start from the beginning and learn to use a sewing machine, thread the bobbin and machine, and learn about needles and fabric. We’ll use a pattern to make a pair of pajama pants. Let’s learn to cut out the pattern and fabric, sew and nish seams, insert elastic and put up a hem. Note from instructor: Purchase a basic pajama pants pattern in your size (Butterick or Simplicity) and the fabric and elastic according to the pattern. Bring these to class along with your sewing machine, thread, scissors and pins. $40–3 Sessions Location: Northrop7510.231 F Apr 9–23 5:30-7:30 PM Rm 1097510.232 M Apr 12–26 5:30-7:30 PM Rm 112 CE WEATHERLINEFor weather-related announcements, call 507-328-4010.See page 46 for more information.35= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
Spark Your CreativityDeb Mowry, former physician and educator, enjoys nature journaling to increase learning and memories of the outdoors. She recently attended the rst ever nature journaling conference in California. Nature Journaling-Online Do you enjoy nature? Do you like to journal? Would you like to learn how to journal nature? This course will introduce you to fun ways to get more out of your nature experience by journaling. You will improve your observation skills by learning simple drawing techniques, how to incorporate words, improve your ways to use color. We will also explore many different styles of journaling to help you create your one unique type. Drawing skills are not required. A $10 supply fee (mechanical pencil, eraser, tortillion, non-photo blue pencil, a variety of paper types: sketch, mixed media and toned) will be collected at Northrop. $15–1 Session Location: Online8299.031 Sa Feb 13 9-11 AMNature Journaling: Digging Deeper Have you tried nature journaling? Do you want to add color to your pages but don’t know how or don’t want to buy all types of medium to try? We will explore colored pencil, watercolor paste, pencils, and pens. We will try different types of paper. We will practice adding color to pages in our writing, background, and drawings. Beginners are welcome. If you have journals, bring them for inspiration. A $5 supply fee (for water brush, wiping sock, and a variety of practice papers) will be collected.$15–1 Session Location: Northrop–Rm 3168298.231 Sa Apr 24 9-11 AMCreate a Stained Glass Window Create your leaded stained glass window in this six week series using the easy-to-use Morton System of assembly. This class includes instruction in glass cutting, lead caming, soldering, and grouting. The students will choose among several pattern options and select glass colors and textures. Your completed project will be approximately 12x16 inches framed. A $260 fee will be collected for your project, which includes tool usage and all materials. Gary Harmon has been creating stained glass for more than 15 years. $25–6 Sessions Location: Glass by Gary7031.231 M Apr 19–May 24 6-8:30 PM7031.232 Tu Apr 20–May 25 6-8:30 PM7031.233 Th Apr 22–May 27 6-8:30 PMHacking Into Woodworking Join Keven for the “best darned woodworking class south of the Twin Cities.” We will cover topics on safety, project planning, purchasing materials, machining operations, safety, and the nishing process. You must furnish your own materials and are encouraged to bring them to class the rst night. No materials can be left from week to week, JM has very little storage space. Keven has many idea books available. Please pick a rst project that falls within your personal abilities. Pre-class questions (encouraged) can be directed to Keven at kemanewton@msn.com. Please bring appropriate Personal Protective Equipment to class the rst night. Keven Newton comes from a long line of woodworkers, and has taught in the Rochester Public Schools for more than 25 years, but has been a woodworker for 60 years.$125–10 SessionsLocation: John Marshall–Rm 4-1117574.132 W Mar 3–May 12Skip: Mar 316-9 PM$65–5 Sessions7574.238 ThMApr 8-20May 36-9 PM6-9 PMThe link for your Zoom class along with a password, will be sent to you in the Course Reminder email 2 days prior to the class start, as well as any handouts for the class.The link for your Google Meet class along with a password, will be sent to you in the Course Reminder email 2 days prior to the class start, as well as any handouts for the class. Adult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class36
Write It! Say It!Welding - Introduction Learn about the safe use of basic welding processes including GMAW, GTAW, SMAW, and Oxy-Fuel cutting and welding. Students will learn basic set up of equipment and progress to higher levels as their ability allows. The nature of this program allows for individualized training to meet each student’s interest. This course is designed for the beginner who would like to learn how to weld or someone who might need a refresher course. Students will need to wear denim pants, leather shoes, long sleeve denim/cotton shirt, safety glasses, and leather gloves. Helmets will be available for use or you may bring your own. A $100 supply fee, payable by check to RCTC, will be collected the rst night of class. Paul Titus is the welding instructor at RCTC and has over 20 years of welding experience.$199–6 Sessions Location: Heintz Center–H1110 Welding Lab8290.231 Tu Mar 23–Apr 27 5:30-7:30 PM8290.232 W Mar 24–Apr 28 5:30-7:30 PMCeramics PaintingPaint and personalize a ceramic pottery piece. Items will be red at a later date and participants will be notied when to pick up their items. Supplies included, must register at least one business day prior to class. Kids can attend this class, but parent must be present. Anna Glenski-Kjose$40–1 SessionLocation: 125 LIVE Lower Level Lobby7220.231 M Mar 15 5-6:30 PMIntroduction to Clay - Hand BuildingFocusing on basic hand building techniques; use the slab roller, clay extruder, and slump molds as well as various glazing techniques. No prior experience required. Anna Glenski-Kjose$175–6 SessionsLocation: 125 LIVE Lower Level Lobby7221.231 Tu, Th Apr 6–22 6-8 PMBeyond the Basics Pottery Class Focusing on honing techniques of throwing on the potter’s wheel. Prior experience required. Katie Cossette $150–2 SessionsLocation: 125 LIVE Lower Level Lobby7219.231 Sa Mar 20–27 9:30 AM-12:30 PM Anthony W. Eichenlaub has published two novels along with several short stories. He is a member of the Rochester Writers Group and an enthusiastic supporter of local authors. Writing Short Stories in Science Fiction and Fantasy-Online Short stories are booming in science ction and fantasy. Write short stories and understand how to get them published. In this class, we’ll talk about the process of writing, revising, and publishing. Come prepared to do some in-class writing as well as some writing and reading between classes to get the most of this experience. $29–4 Sessions Location: Online7390.031 Tu Feb 2–23 7:30-8:30 PMAn Intro to Self-Publishing-Online Writing a novel, memoir, or short story collection? Self-publishing might be the right option for you. This class will focus on the why and how of self-publishing, including the basics about editors, covers, and formatting for publication. We will discuss tools available that make self-publishing easier and strategies that will help you get to the next stage in your publishing adventure. $29–1 Session Location: Online7392.031 Sa Mar 6 9 AM-1 PM Write that Story!-Online Science Fiction author, Anthony W. Eichenlaub, will teach you what you need to know to turn that idea kicking around in your head into a real story. This class will cover everything from story structure to characterization to world-building, and will leave plenty of time for in-class discussion to answer specic questions. $45–5 Sessions Location: Online7394.031 Th Apr 22–May 20 7-8:30 PM37= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
Write It! Say It!LeeAnne Krusemark is a journalist, author, and owner of an award-winning public relations business for 20 years.Meet the Publisher/Agent - Get Your Manuscript Critiqued-Online Have you ever wanted to talk to a real agent or publisher? Are you tired of having your manuscripts critiqued by non-professionals or paying an editor too much money to change your writing to their voice? Email one page of your in-progress manuscript for an in-class critique of your poetry, article, short story, screenplay, novel, non-ction book, or children’s book. (Optional: You can then send your manuscript for a professional critique (for a critique fee of $50 for up to 25 double-spaced pages + $1/page thereafter, and a list of publishers/agents who are interested in your type of work.). $25–1 SessionLocation: Online7284.031 Tu Mar 30 5-6 PMIntroduction to Screenwriting for Television or Movies-Online In this comprehensive session, you will learn about special screenwriting terms and formats for television and the big screen. You will also learn how to plot a story, develop characters, and execute your work in the proper screenwriting format. You will discover the difference between a Treatment, a Spec Script and a Shooting Script and when to do each. You’ll also get an inside look into the business of selling your script to agents and producers.$25–1 SessionLocation: Online7285.031 Tu Mar 30 6-7 PMBeginner’s Guide to Getting Published-Online If your goal is to become a published freelance writer by selling a magazine article, short story, poem, or even a novel to a traditional publisher, this comprehensive workshop will guide you to, then past the editor’s desk. You will discover how to become a published writer overnight; submit manuscripts correctly; nd the right publisher for your work; write irresistible query letters; determine when and how to get an agent; and make money as a freelance writer. If you really want to succeed, this step-by-step workshop is a must!. $39–1 SessionLocation: Online7286.031 Tu Mar 30 7-9 PMExplore 50 Different Self Publishing Options-Online Self Publishing is all the rage, but is it the best option for YOU? (participants must attend “Beginner’s Guide to Getting Published”) You will discover the pros and cons of all the self publishing options, including print-on-demand and e-book publishing, as well as Amazon options. You will leave with a rated description of 50 self publishing companies. $25–1 SessionLocation: Online7287.031 Tu Mar 30 9-10 PMWriting for Online Blogs, Magazines & Websites-Online You don’t need a journalism degree or previously published articles to write for anyone’s online blog, magazine, or website. Some opportunities offer exposure, while many pay well -- $1 a word and more. In this fast-paced session, you will learn how to: nd ideas, sources, and more than 1,000 opportunities that pay, conduct interviews and create interesting content, protect your copyright, write query letters, and then use this credibility to sell other articles or even your self published novel. $25–1 SessionLocation: Online7288.031 W Mar 31 6-7 PMBeginner’s Guide to Starting a FREE Blog-Online Online blogging is a great way to get the word out about you, your service, your product, or information you want to share! You will learn step-by-step how to start a free blog with WordPress; choose a blog template; emphasize your blog content with a creative name; use your unique voice to share your expertise and connect your domain/website to your blog. You will also learn how to earn an income with your blog, including links to other websites and advertising on your blog, as well as increase your internet ranking. $39–1 SessionLocation: Online7289.031 W Mar 31 7-9 PMAdult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class38
Stay SafePublic Speaking Demystied: How to be an Effective Speaker Even if We’re Terried-Online Public speaking is one of the most fear inducing events in the lives of most individuals. Yet, the skill set can be absolutely crucial for personal and career advancement. Dr. Litin and Dr. Creagan are award-winning performers and will share this skill set with us. They will emphasize some practical, relevant tactics so that your next presentation will go better than in the past. Do not miss this opportunity to overcome the fear. Scott Litin, MD and Edward Creagan, MD, professors at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and former presidents of the Mayo Staff, have delivered or critiqued more than 2000 presentations throughout the world, and are the architects of effective speaking workshops for healthcare and related professionals. $19–1 SessionLocation: Online7249.031 Th Feb 25 6:30-8 PMWomen’s S.H.A.R.P. Self-Defense Sexual Harassment Assault and Rape Prevention (S.H.A.R.P.) is a course that teaches women the skills to survive an attack or an unwanted advance by someone. The S.H.A.R.P. Program has been specically designed to meet the needs of women when control methods and assault prevention methods are required. Principles and strategies for effectively reducing the likelihood of an assault through actual techniques of countering an attack are stressed in this program. This program utilizes efcient and effective methods of subject control that do not rely on size and strength, so it can be used by just about everyone who is interested in personal safety. Patricia Young is a Third Degree Black Belt and Certied Instructor of the American Taekwondo Association.$60–2 SessionsLocation: 4Kicks Family Taekwondo8164.231 Sa Apr 17–24 9 AM-1 PMThe link for your Zoom class along with a password, will be sent to you in the Course Reminder email 2 days prior to the class start, as well as any handouts for the class. Zoom is free and makes attending the online classes relatively easy. Even if you don’t have a computer/laptop, you can attend with a smartphone. The link for your Google Meet class along with a password, will be sent to you in the Course Reminder email 2 days prior to the class start, as well as any handouts for the class. Google Meet is free and makes attending online classes easy. When it’s time for your class, click the link in your Course Reminder email and follow the onscreen prompts to join the meeting. Even if you don’t have a computer, you may attend with a tablet or smartphone if you are signed into a Google account.Your online class will use one of these two platforms.What are online classes?Adult enrichment classes that are online are live online classes in a live virtual meeting room where students and teachers meet together to communicate with voice, video, and whiteboard. Live online classes require students and instructors to be online at the same time. All attendees must be online and connected to the internet at that specic time period.39= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
Driver Improvement Associates: 55 Plus First TimersEstablish rst-time eligibility for a 10% premium reduction to drivers 55 years and older. Topics include today’s driving environment, new laws, compensating for the physical changes typically associated with aging, and selecting a safe vehicle. Small group discussions and experienced instructors contribute to enjoyable, meaningful sessions. $28–2 SessionsLocation: Northrop8134.231 M, Tu Apr 19–20 5:30-9:30 PM Rm 3198134.232 M, Tu May 10–11 5:30-9:30 PM Rm 3198134.233 W, Th May 19–20 5:30-9:30 PM Rm 3198134.234 M, Tu Jun 21–22 9 AM-1 PM Rm 316Driver Improvement Associates: 58+ Plus Refresher-Online This class is for drivers ages 58 and older that have previously completed a state certied eight-hour class and have been eligible for the 10% insurance premium reduction. Up-to-date safe driving recommendations with emphasis on the aging factors that typically affect older drivers (reduced vision, response time, etc.) will be covered. Class completion will extend the insurance reduction for three additional years.$24–1 SessionLocation: Online8133.163 Tu Jan 26 9 AM-1 PM8133.062 Th Feb 4 9 AM-1 PM8133.063 F Feb 12 1-5 PM8133.064 Tu Feb 16 5:30-9:30 PM8133.065 Th Feb 18 12-4 PM8133.066 M Feb 22 9 AM-1 PMDriver Improvement Associates: 58+ Plus Refresher This class is for drivers ages 58 and older that have previously completed a state certied eight-hour class and have been eligible for the 10% insurance premium reduction. Up-to-date safe driving recommendations with emphasis on the aging factors that typically affect older drivers (reduced vision, response time, etc.) will be covered. Class completion will extend the insurance reduction for three additional years.$24–1 SessionLocation: Northrop8133.231 W Mar 3 12-4 PM Rm Rm 3198133.232 Th Mar 4 5:30-9:30 PM Rm 3088133.233 W Mar 17 12-4 PM Rm 3198133.234 Tu Mar 23 9 AM-1 PM Rm 3198133.235 Tu Apr 13 9 AM-1 PM Rm 3198133.236 Th Apr 15 5:30-9:30 PM Rm 3198133.237 W Apr 21 12-4 PM Rm 3198133.238 Tu May 4 12-4 PM Rm 3198133.239 Th May 27 5:30-9:30 PM Rm 3168133.241 W Jun 2 9 AM-1 PM Rm 3168133.242 Tu Jun 8 5:30-9:30 PM Rm 3168133.243 Tu Jul 6 9 AM-1 PM Rm 3168133.244 Th Jul 29 9 AM-1 PM Rm 316Driver Continuing EducationAdult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class40
MN Highway Safety Center 55+ Driving Class - Initial Eight Hour-Online Explore changes in laws, the latest vehicle technology, and understand easy-to-use defensive driving tips. Trafc safety and accident prevention will be discussed. This is the initial eight-hour format. Course completion allows for a 10% reduction on automobile insurance premiums for those ages 55 and over.$28–2 SessionsLocation: Online8114.036 W, Th Feb 3–4 5:30-9:30 PM8114.037 W, Th Mar 17–18 8:30 AM-12:30 PM8114.038 Tu, W May 25–26 5:30-9:30 PM8114.039 W, Th Jul 7–8 5:30-9:30 PMMN Highway Safety Center 55+ Driving Class–Refresher-Online Explore changes in laws, the latest vehicle technology, and explore easy-to-use defensive driving tips. Trafc safety and accident prevention will be discussed. This is the four-hour refresher. Course completion allows for a 10% reduction on automobile insurance premiums for those ages 55 and over.$24–1 SessionLocation: Online8116.061 Th Feb 11 5:30-9:30 PM8116.062 Tu Feb 16 1-5 PM8116.063 F Mar 12 12-4 PM8116.064 W Apr 7 9 AM-1 PM8116.065 M Apr 19 5:30-9:30 PM8116.066 Th May 6 5:30-9:30 PM8116.067 M Jun 7 9 AM-1 PMMN Highway Safety Center 55+ Driving Class - Refresher Explore changes in laws, the latest vehicle technology, and explore easy-to-use defensive driving tips. Trafc safety and accident prevention will be discussed. This is the four-hour refresher. Course completion allows for a 10% reduction on automobile insurance premiums for those ages 55 and over. $24–1 SessionLocation: Northrop8116.233 M Mar 8 12-4 PM Rm 3198116.234 Tu Mar 16 12-4 PM Rm 3088116.235 Sa Apr 10 8:30 AM-12:30 PM Rm 3198116.236 M Apr 26 12-4 PM Rm 3088116.237 Sa May 1 8:30 AM-12:30 PM Rm 3168116.238 W May 19 9 AM-1 PM Rm 3198116.239 Th Jun 3 5:30-9:30 PM Rm 3198116.261 W Jul 7 9 AM-1 PM Rm 3168116.262 W Jul 14 9 AM-1 PM Rm 3168116.263 W Aug 4 9 AM-1 PM Rm 316Driver Continuing Education41= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
“The Piano Man” at the Ives Auditorium in Bloomington Enjoy this melodious salute of the 1950s, 60s, and 70s through the classic songs of Jerry Lee Lewis, Elton John, Billy Joel, and more! • Fee includes coach transportation, theatre ticket, and lunch (BBQ chicken, beer cheese mac, southern style green beans, coleslaw, buttermilk biscuits with honey, assorted desserts and coffee/hot tea) at the Masonic Heritage Center.• 10 AM Depart RCTC Sports Center Parking Lot• 5:30 PM Approximate return • No refunds after May 159058.231 W Jun 23 10 AM-5:30 PM $95Trips–Effortless ExcursionsDear Friends, Community Ed has always believed in responsible, safe travel for our participants. We will continue our dedication to traveling only when it is safe as a group and will take all precautions to protect you. I will work with the bus company and venues to ensure that we are following all necessary protocols. I have heard from so many of you and I thank you for your continued support - we are all looking forward to our Effortless Excursions together! I have missed you! I am SO looking forward to our time together! Virtual Hugs!–ChrisanneEFFORTLESS EXCURSIONSwith Rochester Community Education Get on the bus and let us take care of you!“Man in Black-The Music of Johnny Cash” at the Ives Auditorium in Bloomington Johnny Cash traditionally began his concerts with the simple introduction, “Hello, I’m Johnny Cash,” followed by his signature song “Folsom Prison Blues.” Get ready for Brian Pekol and his trio of chugging backing musicians to do the same! Johnny Cash’s sound embraced country music, rock and roll, rockabilly, blues, folk and gospel, so expect this concert to be jam-packed with hits! You’ll hear classic Cash songs including “Walk the Line,” “Ring of Fire,” and “Get Rhythm.” You will even witness a visit from a surprise guest who sings as Johnny’s wife, June Carter Cash. Don’t miss this one, y’all…• Fee includes coach transportation, theatre ticket, and lunch (traditional meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean almondine, cold salad, dinner rolls, assorted desserts and hot coffee/tea) at the Masonic Heritage Center.• 10 AM Depart RCTC Sports Center Parking Lot• 5:30 PM Approximate return • No refunds after June 209055.231 W Jul 21 10 AM-5:30 PM $95Adult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class42
“Breaking Up is Hard to Do” at the Ives Auditorium in Bloomington Book by Erik Jackson and Ben H. Winters Music by Neil Sedaka; Lyrics by Neil Sedaka, Howard Greeneld, and Philip Cody. Set in the Catskills in 1960, two friends search for good times and romance over one wild Labor Day weekend. This musical showcases 18 Neil Sedaka songs, including “Where the Boys Are,” “Calendar Girl,” and the chart-topping title song. • Fee includes coach transportation, theatre ticket, and lunch (creamy chicken, roasted red potatoes, glazed carrots, cold salad, rolls, dessert and coffee/hot tea) at the Masonic Heritage Center.• 10 AM Depart RCTC Sports Center Parking Lot• 5:30 PM Approximate return • No refunds after August 19060.231 W Sep 1 10 AM-5:30 PM $95“Come From Away” at the Orpheum TheatreOn 9/11, the world stopped. On 9/12, their stories moved us all. The true story of the small town that welcomed the world, Broadway’s “Come From Away” has won Best Musical all across North America! The show takes you into the heart of the remarkable true story of 7,000 stranded passengers and the small town in Newfoundland that welcomed them. Cultures clashed and nerves ran tight, but uneasiness turned into trust, music soared into the night, and gratitude grew into enduring friendships. Don’t miss this breathtaking new musical written by Tony® nominees Irene Sankoff and David Hein, and helmed by 2017 Tony-winning Best Director, Christopher Ashley. Newsweek cheers, “It takes you to a place you never want to leave!” • Fee includes coach transportation and main oor theatre ticket (MF3 Z-AA, and MF4 L-R, BB)• 10:30 AM Depart Northrop Parking Lot• 5:30 PM Approximate return• No refunds after June 19900.231 Su Sep 26 10:30 AM-5:30 PM $99Trips–Effortless Excursions“HAMILTON” at the Orpheum Theatre, Sunday, August 15 or August 29 Hamilton is the story of the unlikely Founding Father determined to make his mark on the new nation as hungry and ambitious as he is. From bastard orphan to Washington’s right-hand man, rebel to war hero, a loving husband caught in the country’s rst sex scandal, to the Treasury head who made an untrusting world believe in the American economy. George Washington, Eliza Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, and Hamilton’s lifelong friend/foil Aaron Burr all make their mark in this astonishing new musical exploration of a political mastermind. Featuring a score that blends hip-hop, jazz, blues, rap, R&B, and Broadway, HAMILTON is the story of America then, told by America now. Go back to the era of the Founding Fathers with Lin-Manuel Miranda’s inventive Tony-winning musical, winner of 11 Broadway.com Audience Choice Awards.• Fee includes coach transportation and theatre ticket• No ticket only sales• 10:30 AM Depart Northrop Parking Lot• 6 PM Approximate return arrival • No refunds after April 1. 9515.231 Su Aug 15 10:30 AM-6 PM $219Main Floor Center (rows Y-Z)9515.232 Su Aug 15 10:30 AM-6 PM $199Main Floor Sides (rows K-S)9529.231 Su Aug 29 10:30 AM-6 PM $219Main Floor Center (rows Y-Z)9529.132 Su Aug 29 10:30 AM-6 PM $199Main Floor Sides (rows K-S)43= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
In the 40 years as a program of Rochester Public Schools, Community Education has touched the lives of thousands of community residents, from birth through adulthood, meeting the learning needs of these residents through classes, events, extended experiences, and support services. We proudly serve our community in the following ways:• Early Childhood Family Services: PAIIR, Early Childhood Screening, Family Literacy• Rochester Public Schools Preschool• Child Care: Preschool Age Child Care (PACC) and School Age Child Care (SACC)• Enrichment Programming for Preschool, Youth, Adults, and Adults with Exceptional Abilities• Adult Literacy Programming including Adult Basic Education, Bridges to Success, Citizenship, Computer Literacy, English as a Second Language, GED, and Adult Diploma• Facility ReservationsAdult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class44
Get CenteredPlan and register today!5 Simple Ways to Register for Community Ed Classes ONLINEwww.rochesterce.org/register MAILNorthrop Education Center201 8th St NWRochester, MN 55901 CALL507-328-4000 FAX507-328-4015 DROP INNorthrop Education CenterMain OfceM-F 8 AM-4:30 PM**For the health and safety of our customers and staff, we ask that at this time, you use options 1-4 to register. DROP OFFDrop Box in the front of Northrop Education Center, 24 hours a day#1#2#3#4#545= Promo Code Applies = Senior Promo Code Applies = Additional Supply Fee
Get HealthyInstructor BiographiesLocation Addresses & InformationUCARE DISCOUNTSome UCare members are eligible for a $15 discount on all classes in this catalog. If a class is less than $15, the member may take the class free of charge. Members must be UCare members at the time of the registration, and throughout the duration of the class. Members need to include their UCare ID numbers when registering. Some UCare members may only receive three discounts per calendar year. Some restrictions may apply. Contact UCare with any coverage questions.INCLEMENT WEATHER FOR IN-PERSON CLASSESIf Rochester Public Schools are canceled for the day, all Community Education day and evening classes are canceled. If school begins late, Community Education classes will not meet for AM session. Classes that begin at noon or after will be held.If school dismisses early, all after-school Community Education classes are canceled. A decision about evening classes will be made by 3 PM and posted on the Weatherline.If school is not canceled, but the weather is hazardous, evening classes may be canceled by 3 PM. Call the weatherline for more information. For weather-related announcements, call CE Weatherline at: 507-328-4010.INCLEMENT WEATHER FOR ONLINE CLASSES Classes will run as scheduled.125 Fitness Studio25 Elton Hills Dr NWRochester, MN 559014Kicks Family TaeKwon Do4915 North US HWY 52 Rochester, MN 55901Glass by Gary804 29th St NW Rochester, MN 55901Heintz Center1926 Collegeview Rd SE Rochester, MN 55904Homestead Arts Farm51525 210th AvePine Island, MN 55963Hy-Vee South500 Crossroads Dr SWRochester, MN 55902Oxbow Park5731 County Rd 105 NWByron, MN 55920Quarry Hill Nature Center701 Silver Creek Rd NERochester, MN 55906Ranfranz & Vine Funeral Home5421 Royal Pl NWRochester, MN 55901RCTC Sports Center851 30th Ave SE (next to RCTC football eld)Rochester, MN 55904 Tunnel Mill Crafts4505 US Highway 63 NorthRochester, MN 55906 PROMO CODE APPLIESTime-sensitive Promo Codes are available in the catalog or sent via CE News e-newsletters. SENIOR PROMO CODEAny resident of District #535 who is 62 years of age or older must enter the Promo Code: SENIOR for 20% off designated classes. SUPPLY FEEIn addition to the course fee, the Supply Fee covers materials provided. The Supply Fee is collected at rst class meeting in cash or check form. ONLINE COURSEThe laptop symbol denotes the class will be held online. You’ll need internet access and a device with a camera and microphone that can download the appropriate app.We’re here to help you!Amy Eich—Executive DirectorChrisanne Pieper—Adult Enrichment CoordinatorAllison Gahlon—Graphic DesignerMelissa Garcia, Dawn Christenson, Mandy Ruggeri, Sally Caron, Jeremy Enzenauer—Front Ofce Support StaffDeb Frost—Budgeting Analyst507-328-4000Adult Enrichment | February-August 2021 | 507-328-4000 | www.rochesterce.org/register = Online Class46
Get CenteredRegistrationREGISTRATION INFORMATIONThe easiest way to register is online: www.rochesterce.org/register Prompt registration is encouraged as space is limited and classes may ll quickly. Prepaid registration is recommended at least one week prior to the starting date of each class. Class sizes are limited and will be lled on a rst-come, rst-serve basis. Classes are open to adults and students ages 16 and above and run weekly for the number of sessions indicated on the day of the week given, unless otherwise noted. CANCELLATION POLICY PRIOR TO START DATECLASSES: If you withdraw from a class 1 week or more before the start date, you will receive a refund minus a $5 processing fee. If you withdraw from a class less than 1 week before the start date, you will receive a pro-rated refund minus any costs incurred, including a $5 processing fee. No refunds 72 hours prior to class start date.TRIPS: If you withdraw from a trip prior to the “No Refunds” date listed in the description, you will receive a refund minus a $5 processing fee. If you need to withdraw from a trip after the “No Refunds” date:• If our ofce is NOT able to ll the open seat you will not receive a refund. • If our ofce IS ABLE to ll the open seat you will receive a refund minus a $20 processing fee.CLASS WITHDRAWAL POLICY AFTER START DATEYou may withdraw from classes of three sessions or more after attending the rst session. You must notify the Enrichment Ofce, 507-328-4000 of your intent to withdraw prior to the second class. Unless otherwise indicated, you will be issued a prorated refund minus a $5 processing fee and any costs incurred.EMAIL NOTEWe recommend that you add our domain (rochester.k12.mn.us) as a Safe or Trusted Sender to your email account to make sure you receive all conrmation emails and class specic information. Keep your email address current in our registration program.REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONSSTEP ONE – The information you provide on the Registration Form will be entered and payment processed. You will receive a conrmation email or phone call when STEP ONE is complete and you are registered.STEP TWO – Follow the link in your conrmation email to share any information we may need to know to keep you safe and to serve you to the best of our ability, (e.g., including health concerns or special needs). You may update this information in your account at any time.Call 507-328-4000 for assistance. Although Community Education is part of Rochester Public Schools, we do not have access to information you may have provided to other departments of the district. COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADULT REGISTRATION FORMNorthrop Education Center • 201 8th Street NW Rochester, MN 55901 • www.rochesterce.org/register • 507-328-4000 STEP TWO: Conrm your personal information (watch for email) STEP ONE: Registration InformationFirst Name Last Name Birth date Gender M / F Address City Zip Code Email (Check boxes for new address)Home Phone Cell Phone Class Code Class Title Dates Time FeeTOTAL:Check Number (Make checks payable to “Community Education”) Discover MasterCard VISA AmEx Card # - - - Exp. Date /Signature Card holder’s printed name Check box if applicable: UCare MN UCare ID #47
READY, SET, REGISTER! Use the Promo Code RINGIN2021 to get10% offa cart of $30 or morePromo Code expires January 20. Limit one discount per class. Valid only on classes marked with . rochesterce.org/registerROCHESTER PUBLIC SCHOOLSNorthrop Community Education201 8th Street Northwest Rochester, MN 55901NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAIDPermit No. 1000 Rochester, MNREGISTER TODAY! ONLINEwww.rochesterce.org/register MAILNorthrop Education Center201 8th St NWRochester, MN 55901 CALL507-328-4000 FAX507-328-4015 DROP INNorthrop Education CenterMain OfceM-F 8 AM-4:30 PM DROP OFFDrop Box in the front of Northrop Education Center, 24 hours a dayDue to current conditions, please choose an alternative method of registrationOver 100 online enrichment opportunities for you!