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A Decision Maker's Guide to Reducing Your Plastic Footprint 2025

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T A B L E O F C O N T E N T SFORWARD 04Ocean plastic pollution - a crisis thatimpacts everything and can be foundeverywhere. ABOUT US 05About Us: Global Pioneers of the CircularEconomy- Our Recycling Initiatives - Someof our multi-award winning productsmanufactured by usOPPORTUNITIES 09A Brief Intro to Environmental, Social, andGovernance Goals (ESG) Corporate SocialResponsibility and how we can assist you inachieving your sustainible business goalsand more.PLASTIC CREDITS &CERTIFICATION11Introduction. The work, benefits and cost.Methodology. FAQs. The process - it’s aseasy as 1, 2, 3.

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T A B L E O F C O N T E N T STHE PADDLE FORPLASTIC CAMPAIGN18Introduction - The EASY and LONG LASTINGway to fulfilling CSR goals - The FUN way tofulfilling CSR goals - ReviewsPARTNERS 24CONTACT 25PLASTIC NEUTRAL 17

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The fight against marine plastic pollution has reached a critical moment.Since 1950, 80% of plastic waste has lingered in landfills or the environment,threatening our oceans and delicate ecosystems. Global plastic consumption will hit 34 billion tons by 2050, and each year,some 10 million tonnes of plastic enters our oceans either as land runoff orabandoned, lost, or discarded fishing gear (ALDFG). At current rates, plasticis expected to outweigh all the fish in the sea by 2050.The issues caused by marine plastic range from ingestion and perpetual netbi-catch to the most insidious (and the toughest to remove): microplastic.This moves up the food chain, entering our bodies, including fetal and braintissue. We consume an average of 5 grams of microplastic per week [the sizeof a credit card- terrifying but true!]The lack of port-side infrastructure, international legislation and low globalrecycling rates make this situation more dire. T H E W O R L D ’ S P L A S T I CP O L L U T I O N C R I S I S ‘‘As stewards of our planet, wemust recognize theinterconnectedness of ouractions and their repercussionson marine ecosystems.’’-Robert Thompson, CEOOdyssey Innovation Ltd. As you will see, adoptingresponsible practices andconsidering our innovative andsuccessful solutions cansignificantly help restore ouroceans for both present andfuture generations. Join us as we lead the way inzero plastic waste leadership anddrive transformative change fora cleaner and healthier ocean.

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At Odyssey Innovation Ltd., we drive a transformative movement against plastic waste.Since our founding in 2014, our mission has been to eliminate plastic from our oceansthrough a circular business approach that fosters enduring systemic change. We measureour success by the environmental impact we create, underscoring our commitment toaddressing large-scale challenges while improving the lives of communities.In partnership with 42 harbour communities and 23 NGOs, we've successfully collectedand recycled over 500,000 kg of marine plastic and abandoned, lost, or discardedfishing gear (ALDFG). Without these efforts, this waste would have either polluted ouroceans or ended up in landfills.As global pioneers of the Circular Economy, with a presence in the UK and Malta (EU),we are renowned for developing award-winning services and products. Our work extends to consulting with international legislative bodies, supportingcorporations in achieving their green objectives and collaborating with universities andconsultancy firms to advance research in baseline studies, life-cycle assessments, andfishing gear redesign. Using specialist technologies and processes, our material is cleaned,shredded, granulated and converted into high-grade pellets or yarn, seamlesslyintegrating it into the circular economy with clear traceability.Our core values—innovative thinking, meticulous product design, community engagement,and education—are driven by a deep passion for marine conservation.A B O U T U S

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O U R R E C Y C L I N G I N I T I A T I V E SThe Net Regeneration Scheme (NRS) provides free,traceable, and sustainable recycling solutions for end-of-life fishing gear—offering an effective alternative tolandfilling, incineration, or abandonment at sea. Byremoving financial barriers, the scheme also empowersfishermen to collect lost fishing gear and marine plasticwaste while at sea, further advancing sustainability andsupporting clean-up efforts within the industry.Uniquely, the NRS is the first recycling program designedwith scientific rigor, grounded in evidence-based data andreinforced by comprehensive life cycle assessmentsthrough our pioneering work on the EU INDIGO project incollaboration with the University of Plymouth. Thisinnovative approach positions us as leaders in identifyingthe most effective recycling routes to minimizeenvironmental impact—our own included. As a result,participants in the NRS can achieve an impressive 92%reduction in their CO2 footprint.Globally, only 7% of plastic waste is recycled, 12% isincinerated, and the remaining 79% is either sent tolandfills, stockpiled in developing countries, or dumpedinto the marine environment. This is not due to the lack ofrecyclability but a lack of recycling infrastructure andconsumer demand. In 2016, Odyssey Innovation pioneeredthe UK’s first marine litter recycling scheme tocounteract this issue. The MRS collaborates with 23communities across the UK to recycle marine plastic,including plastic recovered via its Paddle For Plasticcampaign.

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O U R R E C Y C L I N G I N I T I A T I V E SIn 2021, Odyssey launched its Surfing Handplanesalongside an upcycling scheme for wetsuits, turning anon-recyclable product into a fully circular, eco-friendly design.Founded by Rob after meeting King Charles in 2016,this initiative uses kayaks made from marine-recycledplastic collected from Odyssey Innovation’s recyclingschemes to clean up plastic from hard-to-reachcoastlines and waterways. They have become iconicsymbols of the P4P Campaign and all the empoweredbeach clean groups who subscribe to the schemes.They are the world’s first kayaks made from materialsthat follow circular-economy principles. [More onpg.18]The Plastic Footprint Certification™ is spearheadingthe shift toward a Circular Economy. Due to lowrecycling rates, inefficient waste management, andhigh recycling costs, the oceans are overwhelmed withplastic waste. Our Plastic Credits directly fundrecycling initiatives and prevent plastic from enteringour oceans. The Plastic Footprint Certification™ offersa traceable solution to offset plastic consumption,helping to increase recycling rates, reduce CO2emissions, and support communities in their recyclingefforts. This approach also enables businesses andindividuals to achieve Plastic Neutrality whilecontributing to a sustainable future. [More on pg.11]

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L E A D I N G T H E W A Y W I T H O U RI N N O V A T I V E , A W A R D - W I N I N GC I R C U L A R D E S I G N P R O D U C T SOther products include (but are not limited to) extruded recycled marineplastic for planks/ furniture/3D printing, net boxes for harbour facilitiesand fishermen, whelk pots, grit bins for industry, marine plastic gradedgranulate for sale to industry, medals and water refil stations

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Every business, regardless of size or industry, generates plastic waste—whether through manufacturing, packaging, or daily operations.Unfortunately, millions of tons of this plastic end up in landfills, incinerated,or mismanaged, causing significant environmental harm.In the past, achieving sustainable business practices was often seen as adaunting challenge, hindered by limited infrastructure, fragmentedknowledge, competing priorities, being time-consuming and resource-intensive. However, the landscape has dramatically shifted.Today, leading companies actively invest in CSR initiatives and enhance theirESG profiles by engaging in community-driven activities like beach cleanups,committing to Net-Zero targets, adopting circular economy principles, andtaking meaningful steps to offset their waste. Why?Consumer Expectations: Modern consumers increasingly gravitatetowards brands prioritising sustainability. Regulatory Pressure: Emerging EPR schemes and legislation pushbusinesses to adopt more responsible waste management practices.Market Opportunities: Plastic waste is no longer just a problem—it'sbecoming a valuable commodity in the eco-industry, driving profitabilitythrough recycling and circular economy models.Brand Enhancement: Companies that take responsibility for their plasticwaste can leverage this in their marketing and employer branding,making a solid statement to consumers and potential employees.Corporate PlasticStewardshipUnlocking Opportunities: An Intro to CSR & ESG Goals

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‘As pioneers of the circular economy inEurope, we offer you our knowledge,support, achievements and ongoinginnovations in a way that delivers mutualbenefits.A Partnershipfor the GoalsCross-Sectoral Collaborations ’Together, we can turn the tideon the global plastic crisis andcreate a more sustainablefuture for everyone.’’We offer a range of solutions tailored toyour needs—from our quick, cost-effective online Plastic FootprintCertification™ Credit purchase to moreimmersive, value-added initiatives likeour international Paddle for PlasticCampaign, which engages your entireteam or local communities.

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Odyssey InnovationPlastic Credits

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Eliminating all plastic use is impossible, but this isthe best solution.Our Plastic Footprint Certification™ enables individualsand businesses to offset their remaining plasticfootprint. These credits fund the recovery andrecycling of marine plastic, which would otherwisewouldn’t be recycled. This prevents further plasticpollution while protecting the marine environmentand communities. 1 CREDIT RECOVERS 1 KG OF PLASTIC &COSTS £1.67/€

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At Odyssey Innovation, we understand that trust is the foundation of ourpartnership. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards ofintegrity and transparency, especially regarding the sales of our plasticcredits.Odyssey Innovation’s recycling operation is conducted at Exeter’sMaterials Reclamation Facility. The regional British Governmentmanages this site, which abides by the highest monitoring standards.Extensive paper trails document all materials entering and exiting thepremises while they are sorted, cleaned, processed, and stored in acutting-edge fashion.In 2020, our business was chosen to consult sustainability titans BVRIOon developing their accreditation platform and Green Chain technology.To date, the methodology we used to assist them is the same as how wesell our credits.Our credits guarantee that the funds generated from their sale directlysupport community efforts to collect, sort, and recycle plastic that wouldotherwise end up in the environment, safeguarding ecosystems fromplastic pollution.Trust &Accountability

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What Are Plastic Credits? Our plastic credits work similarly to carbon offsets but specifically targetplastic waste reduction. Individuals and businesses can actively contribute tocleaning the marine environment by earning and trading these credits. Theplastic credits are certificates representing the collection in kilograms ofplastic waste that would otherwise have polluted our natural environment.These credits are measurable, traceable, and verifiable. How Do They Work?Our initiative focuses on recycling plastic waste that would otherwise remainin the environment. We refer to this concept as ‘additionality,’ where onlywaste that would naturally end up in the environment without anyintervention is considered. As a result of our efforts, we generate a certifiedplastic credit for each additional kilogram of plastic we recycle.Who Benefits?Businesses and individuals can offset their plastic usage by purchasing plasticcredits—for every unit of plastic consumed, an equivalent amount is recycled.The funds generated from these credits support essential infrastructure andcontribute to cleaning up existing plastic waste. Even though you can’teliminate plastic (it’s everywhere!), you can offset its impact through plasticcredits.Plastic FootprintCertification™ FAQs

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How are Odyssey Innovation’s Plastic Credits generated?Our Plastic Credits are unique in that they exclusively target plastic that wouldotherwise remain unrecycled- every penny goes towards empoweringcommunities to recycle marine plastic waste by building and developingessential infrastructure.Our recycling initiatives (NRS, MRS & P4P) work closely with beach cleangroups, businesses, and fishing communities. We collaborate with over 20NGOs, charities, and over 40 fishing communities to combat marine plasticpollution; last year alone, we collected, processed, and recycled 500,000 kilosof marine plastic through our Net and Marine Regeneration Scheme.However, there’s still much more work to be done. Our groundbreaking Plastic Credit program provides a simple andtransparent way to get involved in the battle against plastic whilesafeguarding our precious marine ecosystems. By doing so, we can make ourworld a better place to live in now and in the future.How does purchasing these credits make the Industry greener?Virgin plastic is significantly cheaper than its recycled counterpart, whosematerial has undergone significant processing and reprocessing beforereaching the market; this often demotivates the industry to use it, particularlyin mass-produced items where profit margins are already slim.Increased recycling rates mean improved competitiveness for the circulareconomy and the recycled plastics market. This changes societal perceptionsand definitions about waste and enables Industry to become greener thanksto lower material costs.

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i n j u s t 3 s t e p sP U R C H A S I N G C R E D I T SVISIT Select the amount of credits you want tobuy. This will depend on how ambitiousyour green/blue goals are. PURCHASECongratulations! Your verified PlasticFootprint Credits Certificate is on its wayto you.

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PLASTIC NEUTRALIn a competitive marketplace, "good enough" is neverenough. For organizations striving for excellence andunparalleled brand loyalty, achieving Plastic Neutralitysets a definitive standard of commitment and leadership.Entities seeking to achieve Plastic Neutral status mustundergo a comprehensive plastic audit conductedinternally, through us, or by an independent third party.For audits completed in-house or by a third party, werequire a copy of the audit for verification prior to issuingthe corresponding credit certificates.To learn more, please contact Tina

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The Paddle forPlastic Campaign

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In a world where plastic waste threatensour oceans and beaches, this globalcampaign invites everyone, from soloadventurers to corporate teams, to join inthe fight against pollution, creating aunique blend of adventure andenvironmental stewardship.Participants have already taken part inthis initiative across various locations,including Greece, the United Kingdom,Malta, the Maldives, Africa, Germany, theUnited States, and Canada. This activitycombines the thrill of paddling out to seawith the opportunity to reach a beachthat’s often difficult, if not impossible, toaccess on foot, followed by a beach cleanupwhere waste is collected and transportedback to shore by boat or kayak.

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SPONSOR A KAYAKEach kayak contains an equivalent of 200 squarefeet of fishing nets. To date, we've recycled 500,000 kg of marine plastic—enough to cover 144 football pitches or the weightof 1.2 billion straws!Imagine the potential if you were onboard!

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fulfill corporate socialresponsibilityby tackling the marine plastic crisis as asponsor of The Paddle For PlasticCommunitySupport conservationeffortsBy donating kayaks, you empowerpassionate, hands-on groups who are onthe front line of conservation yet lackthe tools to reach inaccessible coastlineprotect the oceanby supporting our mission youautomatically sign up to the commitmentof taking action to safeguard wildlife andthe marine environment.Raise awareness inthe communitythe campaign engages the communitythrough educational, marketing and socialmedia effortsRepeat ExposureDonating and supporting a community groupmakes your money work for you. Unlike land-based clean-ups, your brand/businessbenefits from repeat exposure every time P4Pkayaks are seen out at sea!

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How long is an activity?This depends on several factors, such as seasonality, the number ofpeople attending, the group’s overall fitness levels, whether lunch isincluded, the expedition location, and the event's time etc. What happens to the plastic collected?All plastic is sorted and disposed of correctly according to localinfrastructure—what can be recycled is always recycled.Who organises the activity?Odyssey Innovation will help coordinate the activity with you/yourcompany and our closest licensed/ insured water sports centrepartner.How much does it cost to organise?Each expedition is unique and, therefore, requires bespoke pricing.For more info, please email

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‘‘The thrill of takinglasts a day. The thrill ofgiving lasts a lifetime.’’-Joan Marques ‘a fun way to give back alone or in a group’to the community whether

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Together, a betterworld is guaranteed. Contact us Credits Certification rob@odysseyinnovation.comOtherinfo@odysseyinnovation.comEmail