2021 Local Market Small Business Analysis Overview Research conducted by:
Attracting TalentWhen There AreNot EnoughPeople Retaining QualifiedTalent After They'reHired DevelopingManagers for theFuture MultipleGenerations in theWorkplaceIncreasingProductivity andConnection Post-COVIDConstrainingSupply ChainAccess, Costs andLead Times OverwhelmingWorkloadAffecting WorkLife Balance AdoptingTechnology andAutomation FacilitatingMultipleGenerations in theWorkplace2021 Local Small BusinessChallengesInterviews and small focus groups conducted in August 2021revealed the following current challenges for small businesses in thelocal South Bend Elkhart region.Many small businesses didn't make it through 2020-2021, and 2022 looks to be just as challenging.Lockdowns, COVID-19 restrictions, rapidly changing technology, supply chain challenges, and shortageof employees are putting pressures on small businesses to quickly adapt and pivot to new solutions thatare not so evident from the past examples. Those businesses that look to the future, innovate and buildnew teams in new ways will be those businesses that survive and thrive in the future. Business owners (50%), strategic partners (44%) and local chambers (6%) participated in our studysharing the greatest challenges that they experience among our local small business owners. Theirinput reveals eight primary challenges that were repeated in our qualitiative dialogs. Some owners reported the pandemic has provided more time to focus on leadership development,employee collaboration, and creation of new marketing and sales strategies. Conversely, most reportedthe stated challenges for which they have not yet clearly developed successful strategies. While most small business owners reported having tapped into experts such as attorneys, CPA’s,bankers, insurance providers, they do not necessarily use business or strategy coaches for advice.Either they did earlier in their career, don't perceive them as being available in this market, or see themas being most needed for developing younger generations. Thus, navigating these times in this regionseems to be done with existing partners/relationships, or alone in need of growing a team.ActionCOACH ONE | South Bend Elkhart Region
Our research shares that primary resource constraints have createdunique challenges for small businesses. While growing is never easy,today there are greater challenges to do more with less time, peopleand money which don't stretch as far as they did prior to thepandemic. As threats continue to hover, the winners will be those whocreate growth scenarios and act fast in spite of adversity. ActionCOACH ONE | South Bend Elkhart RegionResourcesChallenges SolutionsTimeHow can small businessowners be moreproductive with lifebalance? PeopleHow do small businesseswin in the talent war with demand for higher wagesand working less hours?MoneyHow do small businessescost-effectively growwhen business costs areincreasing?Employeeshortages meanmore work forbusiness owners.Gen Y and Z are thebulk of theworkforce. Theyhave different needsthat have becomemore critical tounderstand to gainand retain talent. Increased supplychain costs, higherwages, andunpredictable leadtimes seeminglymake meetingcustomer needsimpossible. Expand E-commerce More online-offlinehybrid businessprocess tostreamline effortCreatively organizework schedulesFlexible employeepoliciesCreate career pathsto prove loyalty tobuilding your teamExpand online salesand marketingFocus on retainingcustomersExpand into newmarketsSeek alternativecapital sources 2022 Solutions for the Future
1-to-1 CoachingGroup CoachingExecutive CoachingWorkshopsWebinarsThe concept of business coaching, as it is widely known today, was pioneered in 1993 bythe founder of ActionCOACH Brad Sugars. ActionCOACH has goals to have “a coach inevery business” and to spread “abundance through business re-education” globally. Thesesimple and yet powerful goals comprise the Vision and Mission that inspire our communityof business leaders to help spread the wealth wherever we go. We change lives for thebetter. We help businesses succeed, but most of all we help everyone that our organizationtouches reach their full potential and achieve their dreams.ContactMike Ronchetti or Grant Hellwarth1251 North Eddy Street Suite 200, South Bend, IN 46617 | 574.742.4240www.actioncoach.com | mikeronchetti@actioncoach.com | granthellwarth@actioncoach.comActionCOACH ONE | South Bend Elkhart RegionGrow your business faster.REAL PEOPLE.REALRESULTS.®